Newmarket Era, 9 Apr 1920, p. 4

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, . TINSMITHING, .. ~ FURNACES! Ij PLUMBING and 0E1" our: tritium " itsiitol'i, ' amus' mnnwnnn 'ltt gwmutitz'r. North York Marble. ' 6: Granite Works. . JOHN 0. moss, 'Proh. i-hono 253 . ugh. i2. Box tit, Hut-alt Si. - Newmurkcl, Onl. Near G. I'.,ll. Slnll n. 'I'IID tumour assortment luntl heat design All ' MMUHENTB, TABLE B > AND HEADBTONEB . in North York. , . . "Efilclmny a settled" Ollr liotto , Millmahw oivon wltllout ony ohiiootlon. Special consideration to donenuooto oi rotten iloroer. Na oootloot too large i N0 onlor too email All we lohoom at tile one, , i We tollo euro oi-tttem all. no iootottottoo or ' Holler-rt Electric Applianoes .,ot our work! entitles us to alter you, prompt servton ond ilneot worltrndn. hlllv AI icunitultlu prices. All Nominatith Eunrlvlilg done by 0 : V oiplltt Building stone cut to order. luKWI Importers 11nd Deultma til Murillo oncl Granite ln North vorh. Brighten Up the Home ooiin wllll now - Wall Paperl ottoulo ironl my brluhl now atook, altering ll toinnlild may oi nitrootivo plllurm. ,como Ill got my plinth you ml woioomo to too our otooil ' whether you lira nerdy to tidy or itoL I tlloo ult paper with- 0er ltnnnlilu ll. " tram GREEN Miniat- and Panel- annel- Arden Avo.. Nswmnrkot. 2 atom Well. at Milnln at. liow aunli aoerE all luk HEOK y a painless home remedy oi roots And hell). we halls cured anllre of -TI|C|I'B than to year: standing in o iew tween \llnul Our treatment to dust-an- leed to he llumiesl. Ind will hulld up u rundown system. With: (or iron inrohlnotton to Fr isrl Box .131 Toronto. ontl one. at Apollo-lion ior Blv rcll NOTICE to herehy triven tilot Edlllt tiarah uttt.~oi the City or 'l amnio. in the county or your, In tho Provides oi Onlll'lo. will trillin to tile Parllumrnl or Census, nt lilo next session lnereni, ior o uttt or Divorce irotn tler nus bum. \vullnrn nliretl Ileil. now resili- int; and domiciled in lilo said city at Toronto. to Illc Counl) ol York. on tho ground 01 adultery nod deverllan. DATED at 'l Oranla_lllI Hm dot at Joonory, A. ll. lovn, HUITII SARAH Illlt.t.,' by ller snilti'liars. ilOlllNR lVl'E. GODFREY. l'liBllAN it .AwsoN, '10 Adoltido st. w... l'oronln. No'rictl is hereby KI! at Wil Iu mo. on' looreooo or go, . cenlullllilug been ll lvl do . . on . Ihoa rinohn nth vow V . unttowulynurt tol 'rltortr is in thing mom'ihonj humor in tho ro- norted oonyorllotlon diotwotn tho ovv~ nei- ond the hrlillloyen "Us workmen 'ildven'i o ohmic ,ll mv oodlmtora 'irmku:nll tire m'vnll nod hill. , t ' ior oontraottno Nri use" replied the willed on: too highs" Rtth you It l 'ttsnimw ltieroury: Wu my: very dollhiiot on to tho wl ntlunl or tlltol- istlitte tittoiliioolloos ior lnunlclliol uounoilloro. Municipal Unh'urilincnlts Involyen llit: tot-ending oi the money oi"tlle toxltnyuto ond thorn in o oreot tittttl ll! runm ior argument lilo JIIC n'tlvllohiliiy oi reducing the property qtlniiiinntlotnt ilt this lnotiet- any lower tttotl they are nt nrtotent whloh ore reriotttly very reooontthio. hl 'tlteoo now or hitrh'wnlres it in ilnl lll almil- nine to tell: u rnotl who dontreil to mend tho monoy oi o ltlultioinoitty to Invest Milo or ratio in hronerty in it no on ovitlence aim-oil ioltll. ,' 'rno Kind iii-mod. ln-lllio 'ritnelt: nonunion-Mono lnhvies oro n renliiy' ot tool. The interline, llowover. to. ll now one nod lllc cml'lpnlllcp only nt-Ilto entnlnoe oi wllot 'oholrid nroyu o with: and rtoh lleld. Many ore wizliillliig cugurly ontl llama. a little anxiously. In see whot llm stroll ,ai ihoto new eoniponteo is to he. Wlll they ildyo thti coumge lo break/away iron the oteo-vtioh oomedten and wild west silowomvtin witietl.ihe country this hten'iloodeu ill the null and give int 'somethind new ond donniner coon. than. or will they iollow.the ilunoiut v xnlnplo out by runny '0! our whom and doplot our ltlr-Iolnt on o denollte ot ld Ice-liouiltl;cnunlry WIll L' tile in- lluliilunl a lll'e ls'ottu Ions illith axulnnl hlizrlmlo. wolves ond lndiunti"! it rotor-hill Pollllan. thinners Suit t conodn lieu mhiwoy, itetwoeh two oi lilo world's [great man trots nd to oeoomted learn it third or lm Ilnillqlllal'y linuildnry IIIIE. \Vlnl theoo odvontones illcnn io, thio noltntt-y ooll ht. eul ily oppreeioteti by oil who hove to do witil tho tlrutlllclng, mrulll- iooturinlr, ond tronsnortlnz oi our ex- horin. 'rliu runners" otoduels ollti other tterlohnhte eoutlnodtltes'oon he l tuiehly imnanorlcd to their lnorlteht, while the sot-log in lime. lower iretnhts. tintlvtilller motion; cnnnuulcrl with tho honulintr oi ntoltulooturod grinds, Elven our manufauiurnis a llIK odvontoon owr tilt-lt- onlonettton. Chilan is {avarztllly' ottuotod Keogm and it our toriii n tonitlulo: tors would only remove the Ilanillcdit under which our nrddneem work this uounlry would go nlirutl by leaps itilil lmunils. na Am Fonoz to a: v rnnidzn AT ONCE Limitsu to H.000 men, littowo. April 4 t annothlo .llr Voice is to he formed Iinllililllnll'lll't dull the liei'anllltt l will lie ill no room \ olllilict-rs lronL the Mn s or rv-om- til s iiilLI olirll -II 0! IF. Evin] Mr I n I esIdcnl [ll Callutlu. 'l liesn \viI] ll lln .tt cent which will he ill up tiiotl :ill IIiI! Year round, :tilll til . . all-l iiiriimn L lllI l I in [he lll, \\' Inrl e \illl :pL-lltl AI. It: I trill: illnnlll oul Lil I2 2t to oetivu trotnins. rcuclrilil; n l \ clliiiig t llscs tIlliIll); their u o olt. v the torso urnli will he limited in Hill liOgIIIuIIIK l0 lllioul 3.000. n oltloivo oi oll milks. unit the llalnhls oontres will not nuntllel- loon- thou two ior, the whole Dnlnlillun. Iic l rnhcmmlvill Ashes to avoid an 0):? nooslve o'erman ent oroantloitun. frile orgdnlzuliun a! llle lorcc Wlll I": [listed In the Illluds of Canadians \VIIOIlIzTE hud experienoo at home and 'on the wor fronts in ilylng. nod who are It)- terlertrd in ilutlding up a no'll odton air mllllltl wltien eon he reattin extended and Innbllizvtl to all emergency. The one lltllii to st ortout au ior iulltnr oilioens and (Hi !or senior olrteors. __ . _ eh toll-es on extelnllorslleoos snooker Ia lots itnontlyahout nulllliix. commenting on those weekly p:- [let s IIICII oodlogire ior wlslng tile sulisrrinlion raid [ruin 81.50 In $2, The liowntanlltto stotnsmoll lstlys - Whoever imam or ttrouueero onot. OgIlan ior osklug so it it ol-ret ior on- ntes they usrd to sell ot t2; 10o. u hound ior holler they sold ot ion; was ior when ior which they were onoo glad to not o dollar-fund limo tor u lot ohtelten ttllt sold ior ace. or 2 nlcroilml ISliIIIs '15 {or A still tilll sold at us, and so on r no onolotry usooaso Brother Publisher: tilln .roroon tttovttnlloi the any or Toronto. to the Court!) ot York in tho provided or Ontario. Blrti iron wmor, will apply tot e-Pu man or could. l thou relation tumor ior tooth or nits-w imln tttr wile. Ada Ameru lilywlu_oi,m sold my oi Toronto. to Die Earthly or lion. 3- ul W or adultery and dual- n. o > - ohm unwound: ilrttl'doy'for ' to w : ammo-y. , At the rate willie-potter has been od- vonrllln rtnce toga hznu oil wrestles will he. oomnrnod to odyouoo their piles to n or ".5 a vnar hlinra lnony > all uoe soap lnd.vloler wry? rot ittnto a. or r 49b . ,I 'w-ldv Wuhan-hilt: - all (to Toto In. .DU '6 Alum] *lor the port in mentoring iorh "diet is. lei in an: , {7 . . 1t qu'uul lliotll .rmive an: no stair-lion lit the lb nl. .rrob-hly it hon moon or t nlity loun'd in Marin tiratllo d cclllrg, where dwevinr veto. 'totlloo ori tioohroodln. tin rout norm- llldoll Ilr to only, 'lrt oi tho house. ir vorumhlu aro stored to the cellar thoy should no uaroiuily plotted om ltlld all [myrih ndvdccuyEfl onto to. moved, in -{ddtlltlon to lh iotlghly cleaning. tho wulis ohould ho white- wdohud. end It the tenor to on on dump. it to well to new it nlotnl or edrlheit reooptsclo coulnlnlnl unilair. on time cohotontly oreoeln. Not o thy ltiiotlla noon without tlto coiloli bnlnl r ropnriy nlrm l, ln inu very toot nunl. trier dun, -tiln windows Bllould b. united overy mum. and closed dur. ing tho duy. Tuo'rcamll ior into ll, lltut lilo buiLnur uir In the duyumo 'rhtu vmrm, mainly-laden air enters the motor utmolohore or tile cotlor, and the moisture condennrs and to: on oil lurioeen mailing the cellar limit) and warm. By olieninn IE Window to: night ond elouiny "tum In tho any time the cell : in kpnt dry. ouro ond elenn. It in well, too, heiore leaving the dollar tit-[lets lhll Ihu screens are pinned properly In tho windawk o neruenn DI u. Ilro nailing lo um. wont llleti. or.inooctn entering. Wu cannot emoholire too emphatically the need ior plotter prolcclion nnoiost tiles. lioto diseases are eauood hy Illeit thou wo-ot-e wont to believe, and while doing tho sprint cleaolntr It to well to one thot each roolll to ereennd properly to maven! the do. ronoo oLiIiett. - Ii we attend to the little lhl l heioro .ro otol-t the oetusl eloatlille, noun or sorting and eloohlntr draworr. linuln; awsy tot-l, winter nurtuinl. our: hlankelr, etch and lnyinn In a ouhialy oi etunnloy materials. this will out a lot or time. It has been ettrlloltlory to envy the home with now inrrtituro. We think It would no eauy to motto tile house Ioolr well it we lust llod sumo non ehultu. drtoloro. tuition, et . not, rut o mutter or lost. It doelt not mike the ltoltneelmolnl; hull no interoottogoo it via hove eoolo old iutoituru (which no hove longad to dtncord ior years) to Lriinal arm Into something new. Whoi rould ho thorn ioeeinotlnt thon the pointing oi choirs, tables and other iurnituro to t :er to him it itorlnoniro with the wells. the dinner) , the woodwork. and do door. It In not only hint to itoor tooli- nlueh hotter It It to Dxlnlud or val- Islled, hot it eovttl tlnln und enerlry in oleooilllr. The rouzh surioeo col- lecLu greatly moisture. dual. aunt's hr in it and soon rrilrly discolored and unhealthy chndillons exlni. I'll doors no third to tech etrulo 'rntl rollowiott methods or treating them my hoot value: 1 . Spread over tho door mill at old sheeting; to this add two man at palm. Tlila will some it very sur- Itlittetory border tor the itoor and [IN eentru nauy be wrong] with it rug. 212d, Apply a tau! af liated all. Then ll cracks wllll rack and Cry HEB Filler." and apply an {Kilt slain rind Lwn (mus or oor nlshl It In dll cllll IO Elly Whlcli mum: in [he Imqu should receive IIIQ must oareiot consideration. The bedruam la Impnrlnnl hmuusa II It? In (I): bed room the person should reeeivo thot oerroot steer hieh will lrlsllic ohi- stool ulld lneotot quL-I'Igtll. The kitchen, IN), is Impnrlztnl, bl} cause here lllu moon sooodo n tort-at deol oi her thoo. it will he iuuud, "WM salihldclar' In llavc linnieuin placed an the b Chen IlnDr. This In eanIly Imp! than. and la 50 . Warm. elastic Mid Vt'L Is Well, There sllnuld its nothing in the (Ellen which can- ual IIE wnohnd, llc lurilllure. wallaV elcl, Slloultl lr(- \VrLinIlztlJle, Whlle etennlnl; this :nrlug lt to osoootolly important lllal \l c Sliaultl SEE [lint nil lite utensils n-hieh are being used - constuutly should no in a convenient otueu, and it itosslhle,-:Ioscd out board: Hll ulil bu placed in lho [Hell- on. The iotionlng rcnlpea nod to- iornlotioll nloy ho round at voiuo to doing the ullng clmnlrl Woohiog Windows. ANays dust nrot nnd clean this woodwork oeioro the stool, 'itto gtaso only ho Wazth WIIlI warm water and 508]}. unlulunlnr or kerosene. or wullenluz not our mD r IH Wishing wring (ho cloth olmolt dry. rlnha on tho window. odd dry with n roll etotll sod oolish- villll or sort PlllEr or ciaLli. pointed Wtwdtvnrli. \Valh to world ooally voter with a sort cloth.- doing to little or to little und dry-loll so you go Mung, For llglii minted wood, on whitonlng ooste. Vanished Wattdworllt Al very snih my very lhuiauxhly Ind th to y u with uln- manila Dr Helmet . .To 35 kemaune lull dnmn64258; llm clolll and ant-r rub- htos on tho trottqu Vt'nntlworii rutl onto with o dry cloth. it not. you will line l y. me rtow will relull. nuotlrss motor D|n the them cloth in a nurture nude trout a cult olellod Darling. Noto. Irltta'e dullerE study he was! to oevetoi thou heioro llloy ronutro la be dipped HILL . rhoro or. many heiotnt runesr tlooo ior timing. and llhor u'lnl devich onomrloy ln wukly panels lnd monitor, trolll tune to limit it II a road Dlln to cm. Llluo out, aqu third In a llMlIed anYllnpl or My Iot- iuturo l... _utaa n. it. sum-- lallti. nglm'n titula- tar-lull. Armtnor mtiiatuiurv l ciiple who any link] or rewdusi- hliily do little r ulontsdlxes or otltrro., Who vrr retit- campers: tton In,any t-tt work I: (mm In with menswear, "all, I iliullld he luv-moo ml , hut mole whit . Equinox tighten. y to dellqu or to rim to help bkggdun'i want to take . l 1) 1m u uc lglphul V be chm? to uly. . r "hallway; badly-lighted. ll much warmer than in tile eollnr. . tieotl in thy hrs lies 1 my?! V molt hmno es or' (A; to thin out when the [NE 'llott heeomlvohroiu ly tootnlo 4'... . , r ' li lite orohrrd in ohl ona llllli n noeleoted withih In evidenced hy-ioyll tint]. hlmmnnliro many reattirorn tho moth trunk u vldoumtts heading linelr or" f lop to dummy in toree on't new yrowlll iroro wnteh new imit.oroduolne wood esn Ill: oriented. . llondiu tllo ) ottnK irtoo 'enroiuti ' lirt'nol more it ll ynetleu to ho , holly is or i.artl- unnoolly. Wote .ihn roiolleo nod ollvltyt, keen ono branch in the lead to u'vold wenk erolohel. .tl out where hroneheo are too oiore tornthnl. tool: the tree tlendod tow. I) : ynrluly nrodoeen ll llmK mugy [mu rlumlr n IIIe nll nKli EWWIHK brunettes tho roost roll to kaml the least. hint. to itonlomhor. , to ontttlltl tl k a mliln hroootl and i In ytronn growing toteroto do itth all hottl to [lie saiilq length. Peta out the tooth hruneh to retain Illc lend, ulliurwlsi: two hmnohco oi ottool ill- Itilullti will result wittoh wtii pro- ortlooitto. ' , \vtlettrvot- given the option or u oharo ottnte to its parent. or one Kmvllili; dttooot nt right angles, ohoooe In luIICF Il \VIII moire a all-antler crutch Ill luluri: years. 4 Always cul haeh to it hurt. clllllng no close no oosothtc without Inluriolr Illa hull Belly Ily nuyintr AIInnllnn to the partition oi the hon one can do much to decide the (arm tho ir ee oll alt tote. . 'lully enolt variety you ore dealing with and ouoot o system roost rolled to ill neeuo. Do not ottempt to un- ply very Illil d and root rules to your uholo orohoru. It is not 3 question or now much tlruntnll not con do. out how little one L'Clll Ila/mid slIll retain the desired nltontl, vitrnttr lid ornductlveness oi the tree. control Hyperlrn'entol ram, when unocnttia MID FEEDING or (minim For Ilir: Em. ttloothno loothous Illno unduly, .o uootluorallte endures oi tote. tor .tlllltt tint-ills itte nurioiziu hover Is ntl- twulilctlly Illc Illval nllimclon, Iiul oven Willi elttlnolotiyuly slnaii :Lillll. ill" now. using t. Wt: hroodot lilL ltll nlitige a! liluite stoves I}: liltll tiltil can mood lllTKe [l0 ii at a L'Ulll: tiltrlllivtzly small cast. . " 'I'Iit hI: stove lJmLilIcno can he IlsL'II In any ordIlmry colony house, lllua nvulllliig the neeeoeity or n sonclot tlroolter house. They taro mode in ditioruot sites soil will .leeolnmod'ote EIIIICI Idrsu Dr stililll Links. Five hundred ehioho can honttenued in a colony house with utmost to little luvour no so In it ornolt breeder and lllc utlilillnll'dl cost Is cuntpttrativciy low I ll it. colour. are rcinoylztl iron. lIlL lilllulttilor. cure EIlOllIl hi3 (illicit lo xlh'ttltl ClllIIITlE Ilicrn. The broader YIIUUlil IIC :tr livl ilcd that lliuy will he onto in net l tellltlerotore oi loo lion e navel-u are heoted to he or no degrees Iielom iltt: o chs are out in lllvl the lien! ntnomtod try 11 til-int; it ull to the de- sioed it literalul'e. 'l'llu ideo is to give the ks as low a tttlloordtul-e IIS l5 rottststont \\ I|ll tlitllr comiort, . vile totooerotol ,hoold he gradually iuLIliI Ctl bill ill. ('1 so quickly it: In (June olty d ootniort to the ctllei \\'I|It llte liraallllx- stoves lite cillclls ( Jll , Incl IIiL own tvmtiemluren. Wall! ll llllle more heat ill will sol Ii Illllc uluser In llil) \Elm'c. it they set too world they can sprout Ulll. It Illllc mural ll IR illh ISaliIe when llle ohlet-s are rst out into Ille house to more arins nrottnii the stove ltl whieh the enrolls ore cone Ilnctl until they become used to their new quarters lmd gel ncnuslamed la the source of heal. llleil Ille [once may he retool-all For tilts noroooo o ship or many mollua llall lvldlll~ to ttrrreotton. or ii to easily tlnndlott nod it breaks tho droughts. lthleh are ilohle to be along the itoor ond \tlllclr ore one or the dangr m tilst slluliltl he gunmad agalnll. in this method of brliULII L Fudlitu \Vllilll the cittnit is lluteit- all it comes into lilo world with o oni- iirhnt simply or unul-lsltnteiii in tho iornt-ni egg yolk to lltsl it ior several tl nt Ilill a Ill-Ich mlllllms 8| iIll SIEl I. I: not [call It! Warm") alltl rest, \Vhrn [lie clllcls slmw positive that: oi hunger, uhtrit will he to limit two or throt- . ya, the them it it-oll scalw terod l n little toolso sand or oillet grit. For this host troll, hold tlolled otter slut hrootl eruntits in the prDlilIr Hort oi ohooi tour or Diem mom to one or EEK Is user]: reed Illlle ood oiten ntterosttnn tilll lecd with Ernlcll Krallls and dry nlaltt. sup. ply tender green reed lueh us lettuce Ilr somelitintr slnulsr. AIILT "I! inst week honours oi dry innit should ht kenl lizla Jllem And liY Iha llnta they are about tell doyo old. tho nss iced tnly he dlooootlouod. piano slit. waler} and- o dlih oi wur ndill where tilt-wail h-vo [mu amid to them, Null-Ina provide. animal load to hotter (9m than does nui- milk. v In to rvu ' o.l, w dk o'rototlt u eonllsnt . selecting either ll hrunuil Emily'an oi . TORONTO 5 contort, info a hull , n. "all,h R tool: r ott these-litmus It'v . CARYOU'BUYjv'f'C 'c Do'r to ' bl glw or 112$on "Cox lg", bore ant'l '5 t e wltil'iti water, oriieto and q hJEoy [2' oil plan: t are cxtr 5 PM. - i Husky rearlnxle, Cltttdlorll-lauilt. gilt e r otnnduld. . The Gray-Dart is or plculnz to tile nrriot and to the driver us it is to the mechanic. illotoltt land nrld a new to p. tailored in our own shops. hallowed-x yawn-around. 5 ~ this ndecunaliu open ill t by, > 03, soaring moist hundred . Ilwmi. winner cowl gives more room in tin: driving oom' Vrtlllent. Tito new hood, with In many touch oi.Etltope'arl ylmhrlness. iAND YET! THE PRICE IS 365, K vootnwth. dollar-lone . l -t h. in iuavy d nuld at was: wo {335$ng our production thi- your. learn... 5o. tho any-Don dials: now. star, h crlahhula u husk e nlony pounds note; on a at Ian at light can minnow. The silt and three ranged. dulgn prevents valve<wurpl_g gl pcaibcl'l steel Klv tougl-mesaoo mowing . v r TheMmYZ-pnmgtrroadikrirllitlumnpilz: The cnrliurclgr is o toner improved this your. Weatinghouiln startling and hell:- lug. Connecticuti; montnewlylolpmyod). The villa]: disdain parallels tile mot in, quality: Heavy frat-rte or channel steel. h I d I??? springa, cantilever ; r Near. on u t here under our inspection. The in; bralreu now have 'I'Itermoid Iii-ting. A new steering Far. 50% larger and stronger llmn'lhe i . The smooth I lncs oi the body are reatlul ulter ob much of the extreme'ipfresent-day cara. Tilt.- Cray-Dori: hotlh, o of 60 yurs' coach-building. will win your [listing on ioval. Add the omnrtntor oi French-p eated upholstery. veloprnent d wnvenlencet Aoiy, u on u lever. e down. A die animate . narrow Iauvtes line a l mu WAR hurt But their: is Illtely to be PRICES necr. ,Dolrs.ponen or'm n 'hrrl' G l . Dork limilzlulrnndtf-I "" m ' y l odord equipment W" in sun: 5 Lab. Cluth . THE cam/incur sPhctrtl. For the in... who wilho. merino, l. Iilllc u... in Ill: our. wc hovo huilr tho Gray-Dun sped... Moroaohod til blown iaynlilemp. I Isleglyu mwindow. .ctmyeulluion Molomonr. Tilting Electing wheel. Real lealllrr o IIDLIIUy. M. I c lourhu which ill Ibis rarohove lltaordllluy. also all. on tho .londllli: Rookie tort wheels. ony iiutmmait! hoard. jolt Alli) THE Aczl The Gny Don Ashlth m. bznulilul tilt. oar oI Iod- Culilomh top in match. Traublelaam And nye uhliahl. Elrc "-4: cigar lighter. u ' dawl', Ovuuzc. timid-trad tires. T In is Illa til qui all (or t 'Sotaper green body with handsome uionmirror. Plat: In: win- s m. wlto dot: rim with Ia pile liemmdolll opcilliitz (ml. tzsselolm undoid. Clruv-Dortr Morons - Lumen . oomno . chotiaum Do not forg to file your . incume Tax Return I t, on or before the 30th 9f April, 1920. Dominion 'of Canada Dell rtlllellt of Finance ALL persons residing in Canada. em- ployed in Canada, or carrying on business In Canada, are liable to a tax on income. as follows: ~ 1. Every unmarried person.. or \vlliow, or widower. without dependants rte de ned by 9 Act, who during the calendar your 1919 recelved or earned $1,000 or more 2. All other individunlo who during the ~ - calendar year 1919 received or onmed 52.000 oi mute. 3. Every corpomtlon nud Jolnt Mack cotnpnn) \ritoss pronto exceeded 82,0 during the scal ' .. to no noon to lling FOIHES returns on or before the Both 01 Apr". 1930. ALL INDIVIBUALS other than ( rmer: ttnd ranchers must use Fm T l. . FARMERS AND} RANGHERS must use Form 1' 1A. GORPURATlONSMd olnr grtoik companies must use arm . ., . W Penalty Ina NIH u Hall I turn, 50 hlhulnullvil-LMIS-l Ink. In wing! h l NUNMWIW mun d lm mmmmum Mam-umnmm. hmn muhmi alum .. . noon, at you t. ud- av at. Uu'huul lbw - hnum-wt- In ) .mdtdlvltllnlll-ll-l nuns-mm... mmeuui yianOIgn hn-u molt-hut.- "v Read mrslull Form belore iilngiiln. l Pregny [mt-go on loitero anti docu- ments lorvinrded by mall in lultpeclon oI Taxation. I Mikeytiurnrurn penalth I . It. VIA-BREADNER, year euded in 1919. General Instructions. Obtain Fotmu from the Inspector-o or Antietam lnepwlort; a! Tuxttllon or lrom Portulastgre. all lnotrucllonn on proluptly and avoid Aura. lnsrxqmn or 'jrnxnrloll. YORK (TOROM O, ONT.) Commlgaion urol "I mtlonf

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