Newmarket Era, 9 Apr 1920, p. 8

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. o.nox_l:ai,wnib!': e. '1 surged will. W... fur n mhlnnslleoihdlyiininul nu ua-hklo [cl up wllhonl ml runoa I and dull-rout manlclura 1 sun ulmllred nndnrn llulcdlly doolors I inq In my home lone, hullho llhonrn allsrn umo bull. In me I In no ndvcrllsemul ,lhr i Wen-ludroovmnu .o, mow, nit-uni, And look one nor: and goi raid; lilcu 1 kmk incl-i rlKM alo hp lornllouulx monllla and (he llnnu. , nullsm uaa All won and I tom never {minim v ' Allynnn who would um'lo v'rrllo mo in reguda 'l- ruli-n-llvea' l wnuld . ha glad lo loll chem villi. 'leb... * uranium. JOHN E. Gmnmuwll, . l 00! wa: and lawn. Ma. r. M1,!) lor lemma! Allie 25o. Ill nil dulm or ml poalpsnl by . rnnuum, Limlwl. Olhwl, col. HOUBII "III Ell-l 'nlx rooms, 1% are. l lnlni. Slnhle, lruli. 0o Unrllnln El. i lloe u 000. , rum noun. 5 rooms null hilonon, in um or land. mu. Wnlcr in honor. Welylhenlil-y unll pill pen on Durham 8!. price small. r i ll Irioll llour DIMGQB. . Tho-shove houreu an mnled mm el ula owner a per orni. un sellln's Prion "moo.- A goon ln- nrloll, you. nix room, oil can- leulmorl on uolwooa Aye , Toronw. l bleak lrom onlth Ave. Ind a fuw ' doora am Pipe Ave, A mail ouy. ,BHACr,l! .lrl00.-. . o , in, F. BWl lln. Newmnrke 1 0m [nonauL'rmn E nlnlzna TMI'I. A.,JAMIB 0., L10 E. M. Proctor, 34 ll. 50., Man-gar. ' 39 Toronto BL, Toronto, non. . nrlaler. I'avelnenls. W l. franks, sewerage all-term, Junior-Ion, School. Public ,ilniin. Housings, l'oolurlea, ,Amllrauon ulzluuon. Our Feel; Usually paid out} or lill: money we me our cllenu TOR_0I(TO '=IROIT _ A , OHI'OAGO aellM nllllnn (Jamaal-lilac 1 rpm; oars on nllzlll. Train. in Parlor uora on prlnolpnl buy Tull-ls. r , , Full information from any . urunn Trunk lrlollel Agonl. or u. l8. Morning. Distrch Passangbl Main, Toronto ' ~ - J. ll lY. BROUGIITOH, ,1 an .1!) Wm Aseul . mm ol oplionlion lor Ellen 4 ml: ln' ll siren lllol min- In llama, morrloll yvornnn or llll -Gll.y al amnto. ln lho County oi Yar , wul apply in me Parllllment oi worn on or lire nexl session lllerl'nl Mum Bill 0! plyorco lrom lle r hub Illnd, i'rallil nurlou. ol ihe nlly ol omnln ln lhe cuuuly at ank mien all Tailor, dn llls around ol Iriul ..lery and donor on. DATED at 'I onio lllis lsi dav (ll , Fahr' Irv. 20. ' m7 AN, sonhlnllvlLLE a 10., 50 Vlnlurln sireol. 'i llranln. Hullcilors [or lllu Alinllcrlnl noun or npnlloollou lor Dir-arcs. Julian la norm) 0! Wlnullleg, in lire Province ol lilanl labs, nul rorlnerll- ol arilllu, in lilo nouniy oi Filllcntn ln lilo Provian a! Oulnrlo, I'mirln ller, on me amund o ukllery Ind deserllou. o/lltxn oi lire any or Tomnlol lu . \UII prince of Ontario lilc 16in Filly cl femur]. ll. D., l920. lRlcllEBN. DRDWN ll CRAW - . (mu), qulollars (or the Appllunl, lo Mel-la: wool. Earl, 'l'aloalo. ' ls llmhy rill-en lnul Janu- Lyon leolu oobllln. or inn plly or irproou, 'In in. county at Your. ln lna Pmlnw'nt unuuo. miner. will . u when . (or 21 Eli? , llnlil. cal-7 hln , or lho nud,G|y ul 1on1 In. or ullery Ind amnion lowly IA lno rullnn renl u] an: urn nosl so in name at v ling .i. rigour: In llls' mun Vb! ', um ml, d" ill s I l 1 given lhlll no wionllruo mnliu. rorlnorly nose Wln- Mlmd'Wlli. ol li nlrlmnl l . o. in lile (manly or your. in ion plorlnee ol unllrlu, will apply in lire Farllamenl or can. I alllla nexl resslon lilerenl. m a bill oi nlvnroe {lam har'nuslland Juries smlln, llulleyen lo he in me ally limit". nil" ,W. MqKIn ,cy. llll iraoullzuoiil'. Irian i'loglilo, ' rumoullloiellih rer. nliy. _, v , u triloyouuls 'yeopls prounq ooh ' Ehllmred nL/(Ylo illllne og-ur, linear and pr esonleerull llnrli ulill n kllrnen shower. mum-w i . r I . chamberg. I, i . very urllllyllillll ulleruuon 'wae - . Ill 1. lyilerl'lilo anilolll hi 5. Nn. '13,.)(lnl , woo olurea wlilm'unrly' ior lllo pnplla, lllelr illuan innndn at me nuollun, and men loaull M. A. sninnnr, ' The ruler; nounwur npenl playan games and ronirnll which were pluyeii wliil .4: [gram llnul ol ,unllluninum, ;n ' ' nlNawuun. Humor and family nu, . 'lu Kumlelr. ' A nulnllur ol lrlnluls, gulllereli al inn home or Mr. und rim. ,lnniiu llul< pcr till Friday evening llL'li. to spend .1 suolnl evening wllll lllenl ililforl: ll lby moi-en ll. lilelr now home near Nuwnlllrkvzl. .'i"l|u evening was upenl lll nlnullemoiiln LII l nrlouu kinda llIIEi' which iunoh wnn sol-yell. All reporl (LKfmli lime, . l -. 1 our hiugnnlnllll-lluro hull been no rnsnoil willl work lilai .nn had Mr. l'rod Galliii lllroll lor n low llllvs, Mr. and Mhl. .i, M. Drove vlliliell ul, lllrIlleu. uonll'll, mmourlilc, on Wednesday. ' . oulln u numlmr were hrmlnnt or me lllsslonury nloellnr lleld al llrl Bari Drewery ll on Wednesday owning. llr, nno Mus, s. llaker ol llallor lllll nuenl slunlluy ni Mr. S. Miller. llM u r Stoufivrile. ll won with deep runrel lllni inn ellimns ul Slounvllla leurniill ol lnu donlll an hlun day nlglli, ul n illgilly re npeolell clllzcn, or lhu village. Mrl Sumllcl ll, lloover wilu innuell away ul lllc llmnn ol nln.llaunuler, Mm, (new) A. ccr, Allllln, N._ Y whom in. and Mn. lloovcr ilnve hurll 'rlnllln'l; nlllrsl Iaal Nnvcmilar. Mr. ilriovcl' innl horn in inning llenllli (llrl ml lm) your), lblll lile illllllt dlnlc 4 3150. (II illK llwlll wall hell-l lmuble. llu wua in his mull year, and come In Slollllvlllr allnul MVCIII) yours (IK'I Iron! llln {arm [I] I lnknrluig, DIII IIM ill rusldellrc ilem he won lllo iii-en usineln n! lhs rilizens llnll llr Hell'ml lur uue year u lllc \ lilngc cunncll. ills Illiill WINK llll Izlll'l Ailmlll llonl cr. , ' llmlllli s his \vllivlw, lie lg surrl-nl ny lwll llnlighlrn, Mr . ch A Mercer and Mrs, (Rev Frcll ilillllcr null. ronldlne _ln New York Slzle. 'l . llrolllcrs, Nnall a! Slllulh'llll , Mean an llle old ilnlilcslcall, rnnl l-. n: n: mllo. nnd one slsicr Mrs. A. ll, ngllawanllcr, sloullvllle nlsu ~ The lunoral wns held in lilo mrls llnll Ullurllil and burial lllnllil n! Qlllll vlilll ocnlrlerl' k Amara. 'l llurs'li , Malling ol lasl wells line cllizlns OI Aurom Enlnrlalncd the members at lilr loonl hockey lean wlnuers oi lne Melrbnolllun League in inc llerllanios' liull. Mr, Living- slou, ol lire mimplllon liullwuy, pro. sullen illi: lmnily. J. A. M. Arm- sllohs, M, P., ' gnvo menuln lu ille winning learn; and on llellull ol lne lawn prnscnluli Earl) mcmllr- will) A slguei ring. The evening's enler- ialniuenl look lhe [Oi-m 01,3 smaller, wllil songs and spouial numbers by local nnd imporlcd ulenl. cus lonls recclpls lor the Town 0! Aurora lor llle year ending Mal-oil ll, IDZO, BxCCFdEd IIIDSE OI I l'llvlnu: year. ule \Jillc ol llle Knolls passed lacing mausnu, ona llle annual or duly eollerled 352.211. . The members nl l'lls lng Sun Lodge A. l'. and n. M. '3 ": lm "El-llome" Thursday DIEM al which Illa llers inlnmenl luck Illa term VI 3 progms alye euchrs. lzlnllly-llre rneuiners nod illrlr lrlends ailelulell and mu prizes nI'll'JE were won by Mrs. W. .l. llucha nan aurl llirs Morley Andrews. iiisllnp swinger ul llo Ynlou spoke In lilI ('Illldrei! n! 'I'rlnily mmrcll Sun (lii School last S lllmlll nilerlll mn all nll lilr' lIII} nIlilL Esllmiis. On my 3 llll: \owll nI Allrnrn Will \'0|A nn a ll) n\V [a ilnnus lill \ll ||0l' Cnnslrlltlion Company by a ' K ""33" lllf lnl unvwlllt'll slaluls the wins at llln liilil'L> Burt-all hl 2.000 gallons DI \valer Wr day me at chm-go. supplying eleelrlr pnwrr null IIKllI Ill llil humm rill: lIS vllargld alllcr salaries lu town, and gran K illanl exanpilun lronl ull mes exrenl srilrml (1le The Mummy will llmlllllill solely lnalrllrs. . MP SI. hauls, lilo. April a ouu pollrn- mall \vlls iliiiad and Illl ll il 3 n ciovk "ll! nllemnou wlmn "my answered a [ ll tall lrom Illa Ensl-ln Taylar 'rrlnu company unnaurmunorn ma mums smllll n. . molllilgu so lum lhralrr. when: he hid laxon on. mse nnzr rabid!!! I: hunk a! mare lnsn salmon. Ailey {any 0! [non- nnmbrlr Ind mien lo: rpolleuolilo annlh will: men norms uni he V ll mun-lily wilnnaeo _lhe omiluln nil ul ms lho llm, ulnar: he hull h aelillr. nl lhorolneen as l Erna . llil~ ' llsil Allluirnlll 'xlo i'ho' li' ' ril kv 1,439! ills lie" omnidhpndlillul, . end, 1 nulloll or nlurl on Thu. no no; loci; or ii nul' as j . Waro'nln enln mn . l only be llug'y colorblind. 1AM lll la lh ensures, ll may he lhey'ye no kllh or llln To allow, illem what In rlnhi. d H mm In no i ylly lhcm they would ml udl tulle . _ it hudl seems poulqu the: limo II a woman n ulla oonnlry who will wnr llnne la roller yvllhouz gluing L din E. Plnllh-m a v: l-blo Com un a lrlnl ago: oligg , rogunulny ngpu pro us you coniur- nlellon int this And ulrl medicine llu rslusyerl more In erlng Imam; wom l lilnn my aim mudiclhn ln'lha noun, Formula miles women m naked I write 0 Ir dll E. Pinllhalll Medicine Col, Lynn, us. The mull ol lorry your npel-l are l- at ynur urvlce _' School Reports. Armluqo Behold linden. l'nr lll uoh. [Yr Iii. henna, ,Welnlllln, ll, walnuleln, E. (hulk,- l.. Oll'ans,.D. lilulllniu, c. l allaze, uillo) , a. Wood, ll,\Vd1k,cr. , . . Sr. ll . Gina, B, lllll.l. lll'oy. 'Jr.-lll. .l. l.unney, l2. UlirnYlvG. lleukeiml. ilronall, G.Nm\1on. V , lip ll. hianllunl, L. Mllnllclni. l', kllelllnn und M. Walker (equal), l.. owonii,~c. Walker, V. lllaunaril, v. Lunncy -Sr. 1.4:, link, a. Coax, A. mm, 0. lllncmmi. ~lr. I. [l. Munllanl, M. llluulnan, M. llnrlllorpe, .i. Weinnlein. l'rr T. mull, w. neared, w. Illne- lnau, l). narlllqrpe s. llarlllorpo, ll. E. ll. sllllwcli. learner. Eumr Report 1or ll. a. Mo. ll. Em Bviilllmhnry. Amour. i lllLllilflnl'c '22. human In urnrr ul lnlirll. allor llrrrgn nr. irlan Ar our. *lil,71llill line . llln, Jmie lllI (ellllllll. l'lornlu-r \lllmr, nur- Linn Clair, lino, Snlilil. Jr. in. \iilurico, Evans, l'rany llaln, \ cu Arnold, .lianler Iznlr, ,llnrolll Snlilll. nny llnlil, llrrlleri llrllllll ll, ll.-ril'|rl'lll|l l nllll, lunar, Com s son. i'lnm llolllnlg. -l,4lulr Conil stlu, Gllillyn ilnlo, GREAT BanAIN'B wnllllillFil lluw STEERED av wmzLEa'a April LJl'lll- [Al-L r orls consnlelaole lilogreys in roreal (eik oi applying wireless l'alllrul lo \L-xkcis and ionic- noes. \Vnrrlllns with m 5 nl only a Inw nun m N anlrd an e ly- pml ii lnssillllily as ll rusull oi ll - spun The llally Mlll lo-ll say "in using llerizlnl \\"n\rS llln will:- Inss (lard-l OI our iiFiI have Eurr ward in cnnlroillng lorllono mil now u llisinnee a! some nlues Dur- lag lilc exucrillleuls a olslroler was nlanocuvreli by \llrrlrss Mill nul a single man unload, H) laur illng 'ill wllrel. a vessul is easily slccrtd h) lulllahlorlolrc. .,lllp<i spamllilgills also are lumcd lly lilo-loss." Lifl .off Corns!" D t Ilull 0 hi! and FIEELOHB msls only r inn coals. London, Fri-L1 \\'il|l 'lrur lingo : -you ran llll on any I. Hi corn, roll corn, or com ln-lll-een lilo loer. lull me hard skin lrnln human a! lecl. , llul' llolllo ol rreunne' trials llllle. at an) rlrlllz rial-c nlnul) n law upnn lire Mm or ruins. la- slauliy ll nlulls hurling. lilL n sllurlly you .llll inal Imllh-lsqml corn or ml llls l-lglll nu, mol unl nil, willlolll one bl! or will or xoueens. nlly! Nn nnnlllnp l ._- nlwlllllxzr l-iol-u Mun) wlnal; l_peoyl21u e using simple slyoerlnr. hunxulnm bull, 210., u mind In lunar-Mn Tnls l n mrdr m lownr powel so cuniolelnly ll unions In loul, oc cumin-led nolw " mm,lllmen|ln uni] prevog l ,nnvlndl - V n rellu v on: , I v on rlolnncn or-sodrlnlomanh. o : culllls euosnpllllu , no one our. . A ehronlo uomuh Lmllhllrn but nmdllmd walla:qu . Puller! Drama I do, wiln ll munielll. on. plly -llu lllnl ll lg so. ' ., "anure'l4 denied mm mm: 'l'llioy'd surely, herr poor Dalslnn'e cry ilnlell illey nro imam:- l was inem ily wllilwonaerlna mind. My rlly try lu lime. , 'rnllllnll lllni big slroug llnlks llkn llleln ' Arc only menwuiqidu. I l \vnndur ll 11': lnlilur s lauli 1 0m? lllillilur keep loin illika lllll Junl nil llllrc on you all? llurn, ls unl: llllup sure my innk. . W A' UNITED POLWV Al lllr.ilmu ol llle i rnvlucini pro: llillillun Unnvenliun, on lne reanll o! u commune helw'eeu a innelal com- lnlllee ol lire Execullvn ol lire Un- larlo llraneil ol llle nominlnn Alllunoo and line ullleers or me new arennlzll- lion known so me "llelereullum Conl- lnlileu. ll was agreed lhni a lolni cnnlcreuue ho hohl hnlwoeh tile Board or conlrol and nllier mismch or lne lleleranouln Cammlllua and lhu Exc- nllllvu unmmllici: ol llle Allianeo, lnai lile wllolu mailer should no conun- ered and an agreement sought lllsl lne conclusion, nlr lili: Conlerenoe-slloula lle sullulllled la the Cnnvenllon, lilon in nanslnn, nllll lilo duelnlon oi lhu llnnvenllon shuuhi ilc llnul and ne- orplrn by all an lilo " nllen Prohibi- lion Pull-1y," , The oollynlenee w held am a (ll't'l ln L IE1]. 'I'ill: lleulniall \Vnk nm li \l llllmlt riilmzn ll) lllvl Con- Yr-llll n, Mlli lilils may I Kalil in i)" {A "unileilnullr. > The mill], annar sense or Illl: Ill-Milo. n1 Olll I! \l' | I'Eislllcil in III? l'llilioil : Ill il ns lf'gai :llillmrilles urn lli\ |l l m uplulnn nu ln whelllel- llle llrh\'l ll DI seollun mil, I'Mrl s ol . 2n, ml llllllly lilo Cnnnlln Tom. prm Act; V .lnd lnnmnuuh no clause 3,,Sccll0n ml or lllu aanlr, Al'l would n al seem lo elh-elllely l'ulllrul Jim. pmnnrlng and lumping ln rll lnloxielllng ilqnm- lor orll-rnme lal, lnudleinnl, maunluc (mill); or culllnlnrcial-purposes, ollle lllan mr lilo _nlnnulrolilm le' use' liuueol -l , lei-erase; Ami lli'l il as Illa AL i llnes "0| [lr uni tli ' 1mm DI'L'WMicS or, dlsiliil , es lilin J province l!) per- sons \\l ilin lhul Ilrllvlncc, ll lne lmnll- ili llon inuh place in anoiller firm in": f I Tllereloru, ln- ll rl.snlr od, lilal iii lllese dissolnilos m mmm ml, (Ills eouyenllon would cllllinlvcr lne Elle . live in rerlillzsl llw opiallo Lenin lalure lo adapt a rosoluiiop in ur- inouy \\'i|il women 152 ol said AC! 36 And nul nlhrvrwisl', and lilzll Ill inn his or :lli arrlngunllnis lor mn rerled urilon ilu [Ml wllil lhe also... [IVE Calllmlllc . rollmlznli VEllns V [H PEHWEMTIARV lunelrllle. Mal-en lam The only .nllnlnal case {or'lrlal ul ills Spran nsslzes uuuri whirn opened lhls aller- nuuu, more Mr. iuslloe Logic. Was lll'l- llidlcllllenl OI nllumplcd murder upsinsl .lolrn u'equuell. llle yaw-ls {Linn label-er. Wllu on "In iliiu MEL, ossauuod Miss Margarei llcuee at me larrn 0!,W. A. million in lhe Town- slllp ol Luella, wlwm Dolh wero eln-, played. Tile urann .lury. nller a Shall diliihemliDLi llml-Wlll in I [HIE hill and line prisonur on living arralngv .nl, pleaded gullly'lo lilo ullarge. llls hurllslnp Immedialely svnleuncd him in lourleen years I held iabur in nu. lllnpsloa l : lmounrll, romnleialp hrulu lluwll when he heard . Ills lain Inle prisonrr ullaeken hls rlolllu in a para. lnlllcleo a dozen suls on her ilully willi a luile and hull her haul \vllll r hummer, leaving hrr lur lll illl,v O'Connell llmuglll l0 and all il) rlllllm; iii: I'li Ml will) a mzvr, llui. lhl uul aueueou in lho nllemlu in suicide. lle ls-ru years old, . . uor'lsr'rzorlvs 53M Elle. "ll": llL-xl lime Mu nunlln lulu) mun El llooi l wanl lullu- Idling mI why you wens nol "l dun'l would]. bring an muse lmln lulller lilss Mary." llmleslea il ouldn l do HEY 800d " \vlly nol l'mm your [Miler llrclslall nl lllr. uolllurenao nllll uon. l rmiiln tlI mllanu emnrs nniler lne run in Mill: menu rm [will your on. '-/,'. . - Springs pva'erland 4 ef-., fect sqch a piling; in rigllnlz qomforl: thall_bad'mads now seem to ride iike'gougl ronds. Overland 4 h the slcadihess ' of larger'carli o ba'se. with'the .J. E. Ne Head O iceand Factories: lyillysov'ulandllmlled, orlmlu, Carladu Wonder llQNew'Sp .s ,HE wolidufuivTripl'ex, and low fuel and,tltlpens e of 100-inch llnlil wileelljaae. - I long .ywheel- light 'weight, shit thna law: I Equipmmt,..inciuding Elec- tric starting and Iiylting and flung-speed transmission, is class, in keeping with the; general character of the car. t, Main St, Newllml'kel. nun-hen mono, hlonlusi. ii rnipcg Ind Regina HONEST STATEMENTS FROM GRATEFUL I llEWMAliKET PEOPLE 'l'l fully in; well known resiiimlls (II NPlYlTil l recllllllncnds Young s lJi slil HS lili: bpsl lllE lli. l-iliil Vlll- Ill4' I.I\'1 l' KldncyS. Slo mch (Ind lluwl'ls. 'I'lll')v have proved if. by lillll-is l'l ilillll lll lI ill Iil( lliilrl [lead llle following and he convinced. 'l'ilcy al' gl and can ulqlurwncrl. llnnrlrrds oi lllvl'aligailull. sioo lleuurll I0 unyoue lilol mm more llu-ln nol genuine, .rlllln z MAM 'l'llnml . IN Ill: The allilm llilnlllgl Llllpellrn on wory package or genuine Digesln. \ nlllln's Illneahl prrpurrll only lmnl llrrlrs llooln nlnl, Barns: ll conlnllu no uupr, Drllu ur Silmui dnl. II annals solure us Nulllro siluillli ho lissislml unill llle rui'e ls eircelrd. Mrs. \V. .l. '1' public for lilL- cllrc M hionlzlcll slalenll'lll For years l walla cllrllnio l, N w'nlzlrilel, ll u-elHalow lnrrrlnnli's nil, recon lni-nns linings Diposlu as inn imsi, medicine cl'er pul nu le iu lhe moire: {he Jolillll'ing gilluror lrnnl n och irouhle trouble mill and all llllmcnls cz{lsed through salnn. I LIUL'll ELl .lll-i ll'lcd llvr il'yllllnlz iilai I lilouglll '0 u d help me Wilhuul relief. llnlil I \l' cnlllnlElldEd In ll'y Young s Digrala. Ii. gave me relic! at mitt. Demr inking Digurlzl I could :cal cal. llllylilillg \vllllDui Ming bloalEll up Willi 3:54 llrlulachrw (ll 23' spells. ale. and ruj ' rlcr. Young's Digrala ellch lll: complaint Silil E. Willi ii. ll 0 llil) same ml~ ally illlr . lm ha. I always lull-1| Dig L1 in llii house, or a Inmin medicine. l would lull he nillunll some" V o alt'a, For yea a ilr. lloberl iiiil. corner a! Prosprci, and . i _ l have Suffered 1l'onl Ell) llncll ll'ullilll ntc. Last fall nIlL ll cllccia a! the u,-l i I was 50 held lllal ill ryiilillg I ate seemed in Eoul~ nll my slnl WlnnrkEL , lollilillaliallv in a dreadful l-ondlilan. l and I would lllbal up Wiiil Has, causing lill: licilllllt 5 and ill clillil Ill) Al limos, I limllglll (litre [all] me I was llitynlld rllqillgl ilul lllall w nu mono (or roll . Ill lacl, the , lo nnp's lllgula illolllll llEipCd me am! i was back ln'wmll again llll , PM If e (or monills, l e joy my meals now. I have no trouble alle l lecl alum man now, compared u-iln (ill: nrcck l as helm (Liking lung's lure a. ll ls n splendid prepllraiiuu and null worn. (lying. no l illler willll your lmullle .s or imw long standing ii. has neon." Mrs. \V. 'I'. \Voiui 'I'inlollly St; . me great pleasure [n n" mnlL nd Ynlll s Digcsln lo lIlP . pn [have hern u Brcnl sullerer in my mac wilil ueule lluilposlpnlfl rumoi nxpl ilnoni il in Iile noose , [ will nevL'K' l cgrcl same." ilow gl-aiclni l am lur who: Young Dig ll ullreli me some lime ago. I :liw a has done Inr me, all hand. I mluhl nol he lor a greui doni. nly- advice in all l- in i i 80L!) ONLV BY J. Jr PATTERSON, THE RELIABLE DFLUU STONE. Oil FilDil THE YOUNG MEDICINE ()0 EL ? "Kn/WW ,9" '5 SIHW ,, DAILY ERVICE l1 1 Idli lnim'stltlan) . willilim Illllillloii Innnm - Slsklmall "lilo-lib nullsrcamili 9.15 an. cAl'eAllv 'IDIDNTOH vnilgouvzn woman um "All [quip-luv lullouoa Vol", llulunuln null ALLSIEEL lounlu nurllu on aim. Ion. w I n 0.1., . nl annual-n lisllon- alllha my. I. I u. llnlil-nu lhonu a. ll. 1: u l lul- and lull Inhunpllnn Ira-n n. ul cinrdlun Illllonl anadi .. ., ,l .l , hour. or Apollauon lol- plum. Nullce is hereby (Iran Inn 415 . Maul new, 01 an: Olly ol 'ro- ano, in ii.u_t:eunly of llgrll lo lho (0 11ch n! D "In M ed 0mm. illu learner, slihousll' lllc nail lb {II nine lill ltlll was "I! renal) well ll en in her nllnd. , ' Dnmllao Inlilur Is I lllmrjlind Bl nllklng Hanan, was Hm r'iu-ulnx lelolntler III \Vllila. Mom-Er llndn lllm mll ovary llira. ., V A. willapply lo ille P llamsnl l-Glnl- -la. i an nsxl suslon "Summer I lull ol all-molrum her. llnoh'nna wu- unm wulaee nudsln; or Ih _llll'llily I Toronto, moral-. ml'lho mum rll Ilium. i - Dunn, Tomnlv. lo llle ivmnoo' or 0mm, usis'nnl Laugh-ls r, . D (an. . ' . AWREY ulnar. mun . , tum. _ domino! [or in; [mile-Ill. TORONTO Anni, A. Buwilm Ago Hairy. Italian. "erlv lull! nay-mull. lunar ~(mm-oi 1:4 Diva-in: , norms [JIMMY man lllnl ml. oon Ala-um real-mo! llze Timur shill a York. In inn-connly ol your. ml Prvvlnoe nI Onil v. mom. will a l: u 01 nullsle nt'cull u no nu umon lhvml. for a )9 47! "am mm on wile. Halon. Boris-a. mll d on Wu! lain almi. In th- In on, or you armour Ihu sun or now Yorir. on (In W n Tonsil in From 0 thin lllho'dly I, III". no. ' - . Ab r rum asom Arno-now ground Hill-Illa" and no- I" 'iOIlO I O PRICE 3106 Oil SIY ilO'i'il ' Kvun er neslluusn isl- mum Home: is hereby given lnul no noel. ol. lho (lily olq'arunlo, La in: ly ol York, in in: Pink 0! , I will apply lo lno pullnsul .3914: ll lhs nesl mom llrsrgol or lllll nl nluma ions nonin- . l lilo a or, union. lo.lns Gauliy or m:- , .Lahonn on in; ground or roul- lslv u o aeserllon. DATED Ll Tolunlo I|I 0|! Cull! bl Yon. min in. day ul mruury. A. b: 1910. 1mm D0\Vl.l:, by her sellclwri, nole-In s. DODHIZY, PHELAN . . , LAWSOl . 76 Adelnldn slml Weill 'Tawalu , N Tm! , Normals llrlelly nlyen lual zmll lllrel loll-M, ul ine any n Torair. In on Doualy ol llorlr. lull Promer o! onlulo, neiurped soldier. will so- llly lo uu Prrlllulsul oi Csnuaa rl llll uorl union illerial, lor a lull ll Dlyorcd (urn his lylle, uury Mllldl nallam, at llla cliy ol 'l oroalo. in lm qunly 0! York, In lllr llmlnes ti (mum. on me mound al mullrry an annular. mu an 'nl Ills: nl 'Nmnio. II lllu canaly- ol yo: null i'mlinu cl Onlam. inls mil day at Jammy, A it, mo, .l. il. 0. VAULAGE, sourllor or Anrllesal. . aa nlalunoml sueol. \v TM In our, "WOO (,Anpllu on [or Dill... I. hereby alien Iilll lur m cm; u ll or in. ally or w malo..lo lne counly .l Yuli, Ind mum ol Dolsrlu, Saldlu. will " " 'l"%s5 if 9 "... Fall -' v I X M! m 1 .0 mm on wlla. Jpn cm- a (lily at all. in . ennui . orll. on llla around '1' aruoo i . 9M #33:: lilll II :1 of "M0, {lisolm . , " willy r' M v X siel . i am glad in say i can eai nnyihlnl non- I my meals m'llloul any irauhle me yours ago. l have never had a rrlnrn o has done ror me 1 am noslllre ii. lnalier hon ollronie inelr ease m

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