V t then yout d ' a you Itntut d'tlly uphill (he bhn'rdppltn [roam the goodi appll64258;. I 0 Wu! . ttdtahpllr > > '_ "more la n Vdat dllforellou.t w ll]. fp lllmil'y ball for the special h'torlt-to ho Tm bu". material titade [or that. parllpulat- work. 1 to the,f-tht! I I town. In... the donated rultlth for o haldo or mltk work Monte Petnt wtttvptv'a hoot ' IDUHABLE noon vn nhtatt' Io splendld lo.- Flopl e srld' Ltnotett mn nndntt pte eeh when hard sowl la WNW} Elnllh given that. 801lIVelyel Eliot): .50. l ttto'ttotene Inlett \plettellng (0"qu dye. l,' 1 GM. color card-en (THE huts H t! lnlgrmttuon I . lRDWARE1* 'I THE PAINT STORE. . taught: in PROGRESSlVE FAR MERSI A, Branch gltis' Bank has bceIt estab- llllted in your locality (grander you every blanking sort/ice. I v / We gg est that'yuu call on ourIManagqr, m n 'et acquainted. It is our aim to allele; in reduive lal'mertl ln every way. A252 . . EMPEMALJANK . . ll. Roynnlda, Manager. Newmarket Branch, 0. Mumyl Mam". Aurora Branch. Illnett vntzn. " * SOUTH END LU' Dry " labs! 'FOR' SALE ' 3 ill Lulttg'iand Sohttt'l Bo I) .w. PEARSON] . Gar. church and B Amy an. WE CAN BUFPLV VbUR NEEDS. Bloalso m ~ . > I 1 sweet Clover, Red andv Alsike Sweet Cloyent' White and Yellow I, Timothy Seed, V Also ' Mallch . tend. Turnip W '1 EYES; t-llortttrr stz'tttltot: \. ,NKWHARKET " 'dhde liar? b otwetln \l Mme- nl-lde, I.th preamp" Iot- seth Bl-drtl, and Andrew lll south I lllrml. It; It. 0. w enllvonedn nulet tee hlon lll t nmmllllttl of supply 0 Itt ' tread "re u .e'alllttaltts In the hegtntp. 'eeeumd whrin MI. III' Itrltto, hrotehteII nII'nInst ll't. speed wtth whleh the home In Nth esttmaten were nettle paeerd Ity me, eernrntttee. Ite oxpt-etstd ohhnltonn In Mtnt he Intttenrttnn, t ftetne let-med trough. meet the .m etntrer mm the vale: Int, _IteIn IIyI llem l" theme I Mr. them. who who III the rt Ir. 1 "I wont to he traded mm the Ir spert to wttteh Iny pesttlon IIItI- m ' I\Ir.' ttt'nntlrtIlII nhot haeh. am [50an lo [(ch [lye "on. home Ill- Iqrmttllnn, The movement whtp, thememher who to now In the chute. has told rtw. that II I dtdn't detlst Item expreestdlr myeell, the Lunar Kmurt wouldn't K 'l . the \Vorkmen' oor nprmrnttoh nmrndmetttr phas'ed "Ill leeslan. I- went to enter on um< photle protest tdmlnnl lhhl ktnd ol thlne. t hove heeo threatened he- Iore new. t llly llll'W ll vum. zutlnue Museums! Slumedn I'dIttt lnak exeetttton to th Item at 33000 tor lenIIn pumltased nt llurwoeh Fat-(IL Ihe'lwt'wt d, Them eel-II rlt H not he lad hyvlho Chlllnol er lmr potttton Wylllp to e ~lettl at the. economy It eldest ( aeedpt en Incl-eased Inde ntty , wh ti'llJ 'penernlly known thot he llu heen do In; eroded pretty mueh elneej the open.' 4mg ot the roasted In It tIeyer IInlIl nloynr Ileenrtde wotlltl Iteeommond ,eodrlhlehey. and ,It there Is anythan I dhhor It In hypo ertty., twonId ltke In nee It entered- IIaIII token htteh' ltome to ree what U. P. o. eenatttuents ItIIIIIk or sttett tltlmlu. , r I I I A $33,000 :IltlaryJItllldlng tt| tn 0, ,l. I'. w. -rtttetzed ne helng too expenstye Mn llln rt. ,"Ttta penvtnre III Ill-lug etunp lu lltc r em human;- d '.\lI-. .Ieell'rtde. a t Commsn , ' of Exchanges. - need more vot- Bunny warthtp. sIntth t- alto, meant-News : The men or walnut \wnu oermlts Sunday to he Item-d or ernwded out tese's ttte besl part at the week. Sunday brings II: we neeuttnr ptttn to the splrtt reet. werthtp. reeretttop, tet- surtt. renewal or ll lcndllhlma and medttetton. I Item wete these ,vatttee moth needed then le-doy. and It to In- ded n plty II they are was-ted or un-. reottzed hecaute ohmtsuse or mummy. I nhpoose lhb proltlllclal teeretnry to hwut e'lllttl II on the Idols name out nhout there putehneee, thrr'e w Ittd IIe n nlne Itttte peerlan eotne nul, to oh. nen . 1 how no ohteatlnn to Its eomtng," domed nlr. leon. . l'llt) do mment could 1321 all th. land they wanted. alongside the term, tot- nnttttoe ',ttr. hlnncnu nnmlsledt Thu-e hen lJLEll n ttlce ltttlt- gmlt It Int- nnInen ; JL II. Illm rt Innde n suggestlon thnt the httr wneh Famt' he tllscotl llnuetl. end a term eslt ttl some _ tr-sn remote ontnt. IIIIII 0TllLWA Ilium I tlx to (Anntltt's hetttlng I! d wlll llt- el'cclEII-Itl r-Iglll lllElt Hq llll III teltts tn III-on. dud Plhmcn l e weemmendnttnns et the anevlal In l llt'c on or metttettnl. Isuadnhted as eIIhInttted tn Perttnuten Inner. Illepreee-ntntt . IIl Cullfttkt') returned sultllvm or cIInndtln polls'hnll nr- eltttertn nrlette ll gm ornmnl ot- hetntn hat-e enmpteted thetr tnI llga- Hons nntl atlbllllllnd thelr prnpoett the war htentnttnts. mm the pmposltt nre thI- l ht l ig-tteh. H. T, lluKlI - IIII lllllllal') 'sltes,nhtlntprn ssorl cmy Nehhn, prote war at n ehtteetnIe at hletlllt t, wetslt on ttte prnpnned enmprti- ttnII III whteh tee-Igor w II he tovttttt, ltlld lrnIII whteh the prtre Ile gr. MI] -DI. enn, d not. The Intel rest at the =wort It asllmmctl rnudhly at st/ooo- "000. ' zottttue htnltentt etroutly urged ttte estnhtlstImeIt, III I an expertmrntnt { lm In Ndw lnmrl llon. Mdnnlng nnherty promltetl to eenrtder the gut;- IIr-ollon duItI trtr through N r) lat-(It mhlcltytt'! twins , the Ntettot uemmttttod. lll'lrlley Dewar! ls nOl slllslled \lr'llll tho etute-Inent nI ltnn, Item Mllls that the ,cqvernment ls eonternolattnn re- entII-n'nte teeth the Internnttenal stew Cntltnrtny, Iotmlrty ttte Conadtnn can [telI lill i 101' UK: ) lh (trlor to told, when the llnt rate III terntten In etteel. lte Intends In meter, on trade at tho nutter nn ttte tloor'nl Ith llnuse nntl has Kll'cn nu- en ol'a resdtuttnn calttnn upon the Itoverntnet. (If instttute preeeedtngr Iti the nmnttntt whteh, It Is centonded should have heen held, .ttneowttng'to the report at the Royal Ontntte Ntenet unmmtsslott, 'wttlctt re ported ngntnst the stoma ttnt rote. the Intntne tax l at 1911 ttnr rnnde retrnnettt-e In told, The lezmlvop- rnslllol'l canlnntlvll "tut lllal ll|E nr Inxnttnn, m-er ten IIInes the peer-tons rote. nhoutd he Inrtdr: retmoettte to 19 . ' 'atnernt Expert-er. we llnIt at D\ ('l'y tut-n' Inerensut t-hllmules rm:ng In the pulley n! the prn vltl ,coveI-mnonl." saltl It. It. nonnrt. "I wt! tu km an whose mooted Etnht sited. Th.- eeInnIlttee hn selected etnht stt lctl' |llutnlemorla sued at. at. Jultnn. Crest tteIm, Pa t. ettrndnete end :1 llltt so anteu ory Ridse, hat-e heen neeepted_es nuts I Irom the netman Gnt emlltt-rtl. It she Int'lloutnn World has Dem accepled as It gm lrtml Comm de l mucquehllle. .urlyer ot Bottrlu and tour other rlten. tt ltItl tth, went. at the mssmuds oI Itnry. at canrenlrtte ttnd st llospttnl \\ tlotl hrtheen unlx end trouesnet have lll-( n arqulmd l_ Ill? e nt I. total cost nl HjUO. _ halt to Ohmmlulon, Certaht ttentelnns nee tntt to the Icamtnt pm or eotntntttee, whleh en,- eutnrs responsthtttty ot Farr)ng out [the work wt tutor eIIIht nterderthls I exnI-tty tattle sh | hr. reeled, er It ltt-lltt-r onh III he in n renlrnl post- 'tton III II more, IInpustI ddsl n than lllF (llter seven. also whether Itte cam- /l li| II Inr destgns. whtrh Is to he open ntsn to nonndtonn not rrttdrnt In ttnnndn III present. It Is n'fnlllnwtl - etl that lltls eotnpntttton new [that \he oerrlrd out by n smelt ttoeoI-u- t-ettt- nttnstnn whteh shell Inntnde a mlntster at the rmwn Invested \-\llll the, yhtost pttsstltte powers. The rnmInlttee reenntnIr-ndn ItInt lll'lg.l'll'n. Hughes [new overs-Io nt Olll l' In lnsllhllu pmpmttens for eon- hll tlclltln. espnnlntlr . tor the madx whteh uttt hero to he hutlt III tour at "to ett'ett III are (t the Idgttwayt II ls ntno reconnneded ttIst Hoodoo he prortded In the sunvlemcnluty rstl. . utnlrs u r Mellon to dove-t- the call III ponds t tnd al the' eomheutlen tor Within! _, .CASTERM _ > "up rbcmnIIlc-nthllott Utehe exm-ndlhlr-ts ere authertzed l" The erttlrtem was neenstoned by en Item oI 530.000 let the hltmleo helm-melon: 7 "I would pile n good dent to hove the nnetph ahattelt- nenrer the o. A: r to he run In nenneetlon who the college. sold llun.'M1ltl.lLtg noherty. It was lothtd tInpossthle lo run the nhnttelr at n pmltt under, the system tormerlt- mnrtottd." For the sake nt lwa or, three meeer cents a gallon," snld Item 1 . CI llrlggu, "llle llftnllllqn Cll) Ila!- IIttnl ts lt-ctlinl; Its pnttents raw. Itn- tested mttt whtle In the any has- te-urtrt-Il milk, clean tenunn lu he tn Ihn eertlhed elder, ts available." Tlto him. Mr. Ilohert; annollncl d lll:l| Inter tn the nensten he out-posed nsktnp the ltnun tor n Kral ll at Ito.- Itoo mr Itto ete etton'er n \ rlllarl t l? In rIIlIm lloIl wim llltl 0.'A. c. Ills N: Is In more HIP not. e Imtu Tntnntt. In end use the llllllKllllK fo5 Its It'llcvs 'ur |llr' Gor- (nlntrnl "I! tell turn .I llblw mtnl l ll ltlln its IIHlR Its )(Itl n\\1l tItIII nnd the route wtttt t \ l|| We must keep II no III tom.- own ll. V 5'lll llnlv. T, ( lirlx i ls 52.000 It It (hk yr r IllJl st ttl )lnn. f. notes, v- Intt ym xmrm was volml r - males and $1.15.! w mnl, . war lttlftl oI eh tttm wltt N spent , He also tltnt tart l mr the farmer- 'wumtttent lll'Dr l H mm tor htwerntnent ItutonInhl tn IIlt III-hut. mnntxrntptton-ot-sn. Thus an me tottt ettt In. rl'lr thls puntrtse str-~ Lotto I - - ' Inst. 1 frlme. ltm art-need. IIrnh-ew Mercury: llleettnslnp the lthll cost at Ilvtng vdth The Mercucy recently. Mr. John l csl, who hos heed a resttlent ol uurnttown tor more than lvrly'yeam, recalled Ntal. In the great deorceslon ol lath. money was vul') very sentee. "I_n Inch"; told Mr. Forrest. I! you hed a lot my to hell you hat] a hard ttme getttng ato In.tmde tar her." ltew tlnter hn ve ettenred l 'roedtty about the only part oI It now thnt one could Eel Ier tto vtmlld he will ehthtree enlt the one-normed. Ittegnten Stnndnrd 1 A Parliamen- tary . return em the east at the Si'ltalc for mm on $365,299. or alone a day, hut we do not know how .tlt15 ,mg' melted at, or ,whellter, lt Includes all the expens e whteh lthnulul he Included. It can entely he sald V|lle' Itouse ot Common. cents eontld- e-rohtr more. and to Ihls must he a'd: ded the tedlreet cos-ts, sneh as Irnnk- tng, Intlwey pns'sL s and so on. Add to thletthr expenses or the other tloyentmrnts at It ltndsl end then try In azure out what It eoste every day the Conedn la he. oter-geye rned. l The Enlrlt at \ttr :rtmot. I I Tweed News: A oromlnent lrth- III-s! man we: heard to iay that It a' shoe dealer relented two poles at shoes lt'Ltllt stnek end rtL'tcud them on two generatetntrtee and marked one hall- :h and the rllllr. peer am, \lmuglt hoth cost the some, many at ht s customers wnntd select the em pntr. The would do thts tor ttyn IeeenIn heeause they wanted to tell tlIeII- ttt'ends ltow nlut lt they [lotII'l IIIr thetI- sh ,nnd he mus? llth) ,tdtr".l) thew so ltttte nhout shoe Intttes tttnl they would thtnk they were III-Inns lltt> he- patr'rd sheee', when In realtty llluy wcre ex aetty hm: Itet In rare I lll'ltltlf rtl Expostwr: The sII-tl-e It a poor weapon tor the adyn crmettl o1 Iahor. .trty lnnl s that de- ctense eMurtten, Inter the rest. ol lln'nz, IIIIIdt-r tndnstrltt end commer- etst pmspenty met uphu the worker II eavIc-st et all. The remedy In a vtjtlet sltpltcatton ol the hllnelvle all Tl nrhtlhattoh ght or mauled labur la Impose llS wttt upon all other tr cannot or admttted, tl In< duster Is to snwtve. . \Vlthl Get-- malty as It natton sougm lo do. end utted, cannnl he necetnplrshed hy labor. In ttt teduttrlnt dlsDules all perttrs tltrrted ny [he rue, rm- play: end the pnhlte, must a te to settle the dlarrult- ml by Inn-e. ul- Iusttce, dlaotguhlznllnn et Industry Mltl lltc ll' tmcnt n1 llle couzl< try. hot by llldlt'lal mediur when. will In- ll]. co In all roncerned. 'nu ltlohl tdu, . ltats (III to the . AI .III hour when throttthent III. tend the penne- our running elltr :tutl zxL llPtlly tty:ntt ntt klnvls 01 lltwr: or less hlznm- thus to rulIh-t- llto ltln'll eosl ht Ilvtntt, tlto Killltl ltousettltts III the llalltvtty ctty II I- rttrn a rtltr dtsptay (ll Cum llrll N nie by th' Idltlr thathw tttnst l-tlhr my to tyhteh ta nttnI-It Itldh hurts ts tun ll|( -nttsl.tnt emelse III renunuu In tho haltlr. smut-thud II cell It hymn->5 sen All) sac-plath [nervous tend I. rill. Hulk sttthlettly nhd \ulhll : mltttttl'. daemon eII rtruntr [or I. hrtrt [tquad hcenuse III natelt, and nrttst-lnl rn thunlnm, To be Itlottnrnle In on [ru'lvllctslnm to he tyttztnp lu ttrnh our elothttur tent a.l||llr lender. homet- we have It tttttr km! lrt pronto-e sntItth tlttnp to help out the rum to n hel- tar ohm than mum In bu) "needles weather. v-tllt (Infrt luenl nttnrltntt. I. 'Nle' ntr neoplr virltrt -'thtntt the gvfl'lllnenl I_I pretthwh nhau .sIIl tntentehthds,~ uttt lozenge ' hertt'x no use ml '1 an Intptesttton- Ihtd , lnp the htnotlt. It; mommy"! I ' 'I - I Tbu ts lllt l I-Inht t en, one lltttl Wlll te- ntpllsh ( lt nukes porllnte Our ,1? 'Admrdlngllo%cvorln tIoI-I I Ilt'o jr hytertan Itepdqa rte V reteetn'yohnr men applylne to enter I llo' mtntttry. h mtntmuth mm It lotto and meme. ~Thtrty-two ttu- dentn ete teklltt; ttta e Ieelal tummy noutw et 'KtioxBolleH'aI - HG ttndeptn or the Itoyal Unllcso I'M vented Surgeonspllle moleI-tty or wlmtlt served ovemns. were graduat- ed rtt tInhII-rel Gullvooltllon hell that r- dny. \Tne 'chneeeltne str Wm, Meredith. eenterred the degrees, The Jury nt tttn Anllteo dwanlcl nun. Susan )lnllde tov apntnet the Toronto Itn'tlwny. Plhlnlllllnlnmm r' otto. allt tglng Mrm ctl hy the gutzullvc D! 'lltt . ()lllarlu Alll ncu ,0? the plehteette to 'Klap llttl'lmnnrhillon oI tntoxlenttrg Ulnar.- Cont enllons wlll he. held In every eteeloml dls- trlet, to look ntter ,the \'0|l:|'t4 Itste, to matters awry Necmr, to eetthltntt n sneekera hnrrnu, to arrange most meettnge m7 eentres, to ht range .npmkeratot- (neturlo'n and owe ntr Ineettnne. to htlvo motor car taut-It tor odrertletng purposes. and to arrange a budget at stomoon tet- campaign expenses. Ttte Sandy IIIIl to stop sllurlclmulllng wnIt eporot-ed. Atthur E. O Lmry ween nwnrded 31,500 dntnagea one earls opntnet Jameo Slmpshn hy a turf hclnrc ll . Justice hltddleten In the [tween In II almond clalm tor etnnder end llltel. The amount was dwtded H.250 lot- the wrltten Ithet and not) tor the npokou wards. . , Two epeotot onto Ielt tttls Etty' Ttturedny nthttt ot Ilttsl. week. earn-leg dcchales Irom optnI-lo he'the-lttth enntml mtettnz or the general eeuoett ot the woman's Mlltslonary Enclen' ot the l-rentntertsn Church In Cztnatla. whteh opened tn aetan teat Tueedny end t'onllpue tor laltr new. one rnnttrr In the home the eon- \ cnllon It ltte proposed Iedetnttnn a} women . nth emu-y heel-an henlnmtn Drank a| Saturday's he. Itee Court accepted all responethlttty lot- the 81,800 worth 0! under eon- cealed In here 0! potatoes whtrlt en Ilee ollltx-m found In e garage at the rennet 705 Sltaw Slrt-el, tnd patd n due at 3200 and costs [or haytntl the Itrlunr ln'an Illegal pttce, The whtnkepwna eentteented. I 25.000 ttohretvs' In pande' last Sunday, wItII eteht nandn and hourly 50h decorated motor Ixun, ptnelatrned thetr lamlly nnd mtltude to Great Hr aln lot- aecepttng the mandatory ler hateettne, an made known on the henna (lldl they enrrlrd. llernu lltrt llydm-Elecll ltl Power Centntt< en catmol raoply the amount at pnuer wanted the hetdwte'e MK steel ptnnl et Atthb d e Bay hx re wttt elem down. A. .\l tnssett of Bah!- ntn'e Conadtane re Cot-:tarallotl has cAhlc l0 llll alt-eclan In England a statement or the and the zoo employer-s ot the cumnany here heen elven teurteen d notte to on ant-1' pestttans. Mr. ltuseett ntated that only have llal wey \vnuld he or In tront the hydro commis- step and the eotnpnny neuld not deer. ete unless essuIrIt at an adtllllnltal 2.5uo-heme.pntr June I, an utter 2,500 hurt: newer h) rteIII. her I, and 3:50!) lttrhte-pmwr (IBIJYIHV nary I out 1 \\'u (In): one the com paey melted nII'tII-e ( lm str A 1! _ lterlz. .\Ir. ussttll mu, that III: e ultl not give the rompnnr the hntt'el' went. ed at the [Insan HIM. The eompnny llttd expected a employ 2,500 men In n hll ll ttrne, - . hroattng nut trom II enure unknow , the totally dettroy, tnnr Imam en Mondly al_lltu rear ot the hen III-enue. null reused property demure rslllmlM by the [IN department nt $3,100. Sen (rll can were dtelrtnvl d mum Inluahle mttertnt wltlrlt u ttnred "th 1H d'tmlktdI W VALULHLE marole ro OE DEVILOPID t rI-Ielntten tn rteel tndllh ttI tt w dldt tl IIItl-lntt the Mr It almul M Neale tt Krcnl e\\ lnlnlnt; lndtthln' ntthtn a hundred nnd twenty mll s ol 'l'ol ttlllti. Al \Vllherlnn tn ttntthurten ennnty there II II but tlrnttsll nt sulphide metyhdetdte ere tnInt wht I Is nhtntnrn mnIIlIrtetIuIIt. en lntdludhld alley or 5nd, arm In m n pruhd. tIIII IIIIII-e than ntrttet. I-III-nIIIIttI lttltthltvtt Ilr \ttlt ltlltlnt. The \\'l!lt~rlttn't- Im- tIoIII- |~ redh- Ion (Idem: n rnttn-nt- runs ttIru ll \m l lllt )lt ld rtl [\Ier tllnl ttlrltllltl l~ peeled II. Int-mute II\'r [IIIIIntlri |1l the In et trll iltll tlIII the Ninth llttltl llll Ilsntl Ilttltl I~\' m In Rtttlllt ,IIII . Althltdtttllnt \\.lrz tlpl wl ll 1" "Int . tl. III the thr ppn ll) \\ u|ltl('llttl Intue. It lltIhIt-Itr, tnIIIlI. I ll: end Itnrttt-nr ttret utltt ttlllt'lt tt In. llllwd. SA): [-K-t- (tnL 'le II' V) thee n IN. w an. ltelur Iteet llll'te Illllrs llle ltlltlttlnl III lum n. ItIetIter, ltrtllt\trr .en lnt s'lor ct'rr) Ittnd at nlntot: wurh Hi 1" I! IIIleer the el y (ll sleet Him III tttrtt IltrnI-Itthrd thtnsr In. nlrpllllts Ind tweet. hetntmwia- derrl (-t'm'llthl'l It: whleh l red nod ronttnrt are death-d. , The ght at Inoter realm my be redueed tl tnueh I do lm ml. by Int-11mm - . __.., I . ( I .'!"_ toekptlee .t tIII-eehtnpr'nn'eht trt lt Beltway st. will! Phltlttlhs' [mm on d a ne g ot tht Nuwml "It! not new. aeo. Bl knlzl No on, ttanrr nowde .Ir.. in lmon a It'w. 1.. tone: ' . The omeere'ot lhell lre Brl'yltlg or : .Inn. Itttlo,.\v. ll. Bowdzrfsm .Itl. Iledre Inthnm Sharp n'nd n. hurdle, - I ' d hl-aheemtn namrd' Jet, Pot-n . rttent tell all olrelght Ileln Itotween '. New-market nnd tlotlnnd Lutde and was xllled, Cornel- lflhylttr held u Innncet here. I . Io-h hxhhd.hl7 From tzrtt ryteTiny Irwin's. llev. \V. Full? t tl TUano wnn'ln (thn yesterday. I M155 Campbell of Llsldwel spent the week wtth tltls hattecto. . Mr. Marshall Lumly of Albany, N. . Y...Ir home tor n eenptr oI weekt. Mr. \Vlll norm oI Younallown, N. Y.. L! unending a law tlnyu ll ll!- old home. . MIKE Kellh nnd'llr. C. 131 were deleznles to Mount htnert cnrttttth Eedetvor Convehllon, - - MI. end the. send. Bridal-ltd alarmed lhall- golden weddlns whet l belol u laal. ntr. 1. w. cotdwelt tett tol- Chlonnn on many to anneal e tltuntten. ' ML: Frank Bnmhnl tl o! Nlmrn Path. N. Y., Is tpendtng a week to town. - dlr, P. l]. Tylter. the hutnorottt tel Irr or the 0. IL. I e lpendlnd It counts or weeks In Woodstock and wtndlor. Thu name at the ItIeehtntet' It Itttntn wot ahnnged to ltuhlta Llhrary on the Itret tent. rollowtne are the name. III the ot- Itet-I-n tol- the N. It. 0 Wm. Mateo . M. IL: 1: III Itunher, I thzr. .L - Lowe, ntrt ester; 0. them. o. M. meet and P. h Tytle. ~TIIe Tome At North owttttothury. tiny 9th, the. Ann Knotted. aged at yenrs, I - ,. . Vouttn ottIl. ltnlt Ill "tour or .. tthottltltz ttt Attttonlt ,lIIInIn. May r. rtttItntnIr out lllLl- tlenl) mm o Itne nr Iulomobllu portal on the wail. ride et'Yonnn steer-h, Eenhtt' no rows. trotted tldugltlrr at Blorleithdmwtt or thld plane, was run a\ r by ed nttlomobllo eonttnr Item the ItuIlll, end ltad her lvtt III-oxen to two planes. The car all trnvzttlne :tl low tpml, but no. lnu'lh the Ioet IltI'tl lltt) mt stdn or the I-ondwny [z lttl-n np tor repalm nan Ihpt the wed ttde at [Its ttrret m1 IIIIII- neeupted b y stnndt n cent, ttIe-Itrtw-r thI unable In turn out Ito M to meld strtttnr the Iglrt. . .Intnen Brown, to years til :50 lot.- at Jame; Brown. In. nl,centre street. had lll3(0'15 rushed En tee-reh- that they had [a he aInhItttteIt, when he tell mm the rent-ts ot the wheel or the mltl-mllrr heme used hy HIP aond llrtdth Uolnnllaslou In maltlllg Improve. nIe'rIIt to hedge street horn, ltn hey had he". t llnlltlllK ml the spokes or III? he'll, pnd wet thl|rd all when the IIIneIIIIe I went Into nInIItn. r W90. I annual-one AND ORAMTI a} " 0, yrs, l'll rertatnty do lhat ttl rlttltl some lllll ' E ltl lllL' gll l. ,"Dtteer thtnr; out you always nuke Inn thtnk at the ntomle moor). estd htr complnlon. Irrnlttnntty. ark Ilttle etotn at good totentton rented out here; n Ilttle troy Itrttler en an- other tech Ilorn. and en en. you're Itke erntnhly hendetene." she Iddud. unltlndly. "New, I prelot- prentte. lt wens hntler." TlI I etrl tented _It het- remnantott e IIttIe retentlatly nnd wetked nwly, hut the couldn t get the queer com when out et her mtnd. ,0: course. there could he no dnuhl am the ot- nnys dtd entry out her molt-Ilene: It- had net nccllru d whet- hetorr. how - mr. that the Illd so letsurely. ltmeed Intlty: ltml wmalttttes allowed such n teat; lttlurtdl , to clapie thst, when what the ennstdernd tIIe,ttmn tor no- tInII had orrtred, .the herd tor It held pasted. ' She mtlltl nnt hIIt adndt that the I-nnthtrtsen \ttts, on the WM . ltttt. The Inn: tIIIrt-erntng spares or lrtsure. ly t llulla lllflklllll nntt dum lderlmt ltndauhlI-tny \W'ltkt'll t the neutral lt'Xth I)! [Mr Mar \Vllll would hap- pen shotttd the he reputed to the shalt) tltnrhn or ( Altlllttlnut amt urgenl ll'snlly 1 ultl elm hr Mlllv la a mmnrttt In emwd together the Item III reroluttnn IIIIIIIIIIIII ItItIt netten Into It I ) lllt- "III! a! "N lturd. endurlar grehttet It termed ItoulIt- Int: nt Itny rnltu It nne hell-I , whttt there mu tune. to trnrn the lmlrll_t'll rntklntr tmtttedtltn kntl Intertth trthtn nrnwtt rtnsely upon the lll'PlN (II nun- I II . 'I"\'\'Illt Noll! Tron lllt Iltrul'd In, enntplete the test them \hhlell htr ; ., . Math! ltrld lmlllln lL . , Itnhnnrp, Ltty \lln| mum ' I turn, daughter at the Inte'nonntd; new. tll )l'tltllnlhntl loom-ht mind I awn)- III the trnnptlnt llmr (rota. the- meete ot.ttumt Intd thool Nulvl . nhII Itt two week: lure tn ltprhoht Ill IIIIn town to he unutttop - - ell lldtttt.'wmeh If! It lnIt.Io n. n k . III- I ulonv. ut_ ' . we I!