I. . ,. or if M... or me la, itslhay_iild'durltig titer-unis ti. a l Wor nm Furniture yvllt ' and thorslteklpr 2M The I 'la . l . , . l tour, :2. , _ r mo... "" I loll u li' ii on at them 1 ? WWW vmwm 'Yl . - houlg or to," ,I . , t I Wong | . t {o .lntur. sleqwnl otnrer dulhonly to huvo - - I wall a ion. 98". ll ,BIIUPF. r . . .i, I _ V ., , W "5' 'T"., ifiiif rain will :31. ' 'lhu'nmkilrhlf this a nd .in m'lwgs rm! 1 Fm wool. winner aunt. his. A .1. our lot, Me It pen umtiuHhC PH : 1nd ' iii}? to": nnvlgullon oi no'no ioiu swln ngf. [Wu f;"{,f,, sag: 3.; momma helium thlnslonr . ~ . ' lot ur'uliowyoii wyi-t'yoii W- " man . . /_.. ..lh"l'ii-" -. ,n .r - WK". nuanced 'ilinlimlteu'esfimoo el (iii) Milli orm.. [trainer [lumber or limnehrllwllilnz plum m rs \ol;cillimsilldiliyl:;lliirxlhc?ng iii-s. ' Double I 0 "WW ,9 mm M .3 0" howmmei. ' liie' ntnvullgly item" * t n cases Museum limited avoiding; iifgvbf wm } Iioss lav-r. nt'ilr random. ' ' mil warm a. mu Mbhgngzum 35:32,}??? I 'fff- ' ' , - '-' v * ' in at he .arlldalils pro u , ml-IE eel-o tr ' a l . an n- : " 9' WWW IlIImI RWRRRrRRRRRS llcirinie'ihelr'. Vine. Somu 0' "l" PMMWBY Who aim-M lac/alter ,, . .W- 0- "1 "' " - u... no nude nu. oe. Inn oi . uen. it... Miriam. sold they conid not Monty i crclso' such dladrouqm . . . , '0' oouoegl'or. u. 3 mega on, mien - M u w _ 'n m omoe .Svccllillli- A Roi f-Ijie, NWMML ' ~ ~4~ _ Torm- easy. Enuu-Pnr nlsipdndtqzihe ,7 I J V ' I Allnbnvonlonbmaood iii ill-y 'oower. W'Irlor crooua irahle, acm- ,.,:i: win. lislls .aiiudn, eld. ll. ,wala, alunh Nuwumrhut, tr: - .__._.__. V r ord ailment tor titllii. Speed :idler. Wm liigu. HE model. All ' new tired l lcil lino. llcv. w. 'wmcoti. Ou cuavtl . ~__.__,.____l. ion Wednesday. night on want aide nt own, Gel-ind llioaeli with three iron erosion on II. Valued or cup. ditto. .Iiowini ltleii at. so. Inca. Ilh Will ln Ko ll con- Ixi iiwievninnno Kean. rulniar tins. Wll 'scii reasonable. Apply to Mr. , Norman irriyeti: ' twin 7 I nrlue aim and Lot to sale on . trout. Nawmartei, Avply to his. m, O'Ilallcl lll til the Power House, is I WJMM-aqtnurl girls lil' lull-n client- .hildron s' llcailwnru. Apply I , MoGuuloy Block. NEWMGL. ' 2w : lo 4.55s tor'llatnliinu. l s, c. wiiiio lwlorm Iii-ed trern it hoary . inylnr dildo, o .00 per la. ltmily Will. lladelns, ilex otn, Bllnut m . Family-Kat. t lion-o tor I-toJ-hydli St. rionsli rooms. oeinenl Ionndation and Town walel'. oood loou~ uon. pair in specialty history. (I. s. w. soon. Nowlnurltol. tie My hwllloontvi unun can earn II weekly liy, slimyan new nouicstlo Produotu to .uclglihors. send ten ran... for oainplcn ilini ruiall tor twenty-live dents. ion, llmnitord. , Wmud lllrl or mldtl -ouod \Vamnil, to take oliaruo oi Laundry and up stair woiii. a mouth. commenco on or hetero the, int at lune. Apply 'r. n. Stod- ' dart. ludwtlitol iiomc. awln In of... lleudwm is it i i , gm attainment , i warn-En . paiium tor ahoui too sheen. - linnmt ARNOLD. n. It. No. 2, w .szd . aermlcy, oiii . , 6mm or minim; sits. hints. rrnti and iamlly wiin lo thunk their iriouds and neishhoi-s, in. 1 nlnnin Ila Kettleoy Methodist choir. tor kindness during the Illness u NI 0! Mr. Pm . notice To onrnirona' IN THE M 'I"| I2Ii ohmic Eula" oi Erill coll-inn, lulu til the town n: Newlnurhoi, in tho tlnuuly ut York-Private Ill lislh'hntuniou, 1:: l-l.-li killed In :icilan. AUKUSI till. til . _ 4 . Tlle . litllirnil' GIVFN pur. silalit io buolloli or. at the rrusloes Act, it. rt. 0., 19M, chapter 12!, ilirit all creditors and other uni-hilt clohns or demands against the listate oi the unoro nauied Ernusl tloilslns :trll ro uuirod an or hrioru the iw-nty-olpliiii dry or ly, 1920 to solid liy post, prepaid, up to dollr to (l. w. wtddi- ticld, linwisier, items or I arniila liulidliuzy Nowiunrhot, Olilnriq, their . izlirtslllilllmlnes nnd surnnin ad diussrs'. .iinl descriptions, \vi tuli n rllou hi in writing .31 their old ins, a incitement or their accounts, and the nature 9! all: s'edulily. It any, liclil liy them. And like nailcu tlinl Immediately otter suol. dale, the Adinlnlslidlol' with Will Annoaed, slr . 'I'Iloni x liodcu at Mount Alllnrl, Unlnlin. will l'tl o~ coed tu illsiiindte tlln usscls at said damned among the pollen entitled uremia, having regard opiy in tho claims 0! which lll! Solicitor shall then haw lind ilnllcu. And turtlier the hold Administrator will not no llalile [or liio said a. s or any Ilsil thereof, 41 any DEISUII nr [IIII EGHS of whose .elilni noiirr shall not hora linen reached oi the time at such distribution. listed :xl Newmsrrel this tlisi day et shin, n, tam. (I, w. \vtnlllllllild), :iwlo 70 mn piiliuo. limelan tli-t Aroldicelo and Kurt.- nce'rs lulle condemned our looll no ind novel liltn tai- Cement Wort. Ind nenrril l'lilll Tilda, incl using a . mu tuiuru tor le'mnrkel, i have . been nude Sole Agent lay the Wnlses lroln 35 to H0 . , toward the broiler and llloJ OrmdllaQ on on An recitation tor the pnrpoyc or promoting llie'iourtst o ud irelulii immoral: this route. 'llad Ii not hocnltor the num- nnper and political IIdI-s, who ridiculed llio Idea oi wntrr In lilo Numuarxn cloud lllia own lelll li aru lilon Ii.th illi IiIi tho a notation. r OH/AHOEEtO. u. . A PoLlrluALfrooL. sasheiuhuwan Illinloier days not. ornmont ight-u settlen Hedda liculun, sun ., liluy title Tho (luntidlnn Notional lluilwtiy Is he. hit; uuoil liyltho Federal Govern. Inont its 'n polltlcnlmuchliw, and tho lilterouts ul liund dn sol... Ilt ulld funnich also a minor un nli, 1s-cllameii by tho lion Cleo. Langley. Snskntuhuwon Minister of Municipul Mining. _ -Ml'. LunKley made this charge upon his return {will Ottawa. Micro he want to Miami the rtl~ cont meeting I)! tho hallway Com inlttuu of tho limits!) at pomnolis ill simpan of the implication of Jim Uunndhn Pacino y. for n churlor for this proposed lino to I'I'ch Lake. \vlitoll nleJDMIOn was refused, - I \ilr. Luntlley stated that, sl. though he thud been consistently n silpporler of railway nationali nation, it was not plousunt to nnd tliiit "while we have Kat rld at Hull obilelaus wmllinullnn. Mal). lionch rind Mmln. we have got in its .ptiico ii. s'ystoiii tlltit In oven linol'o ll'nuglll. wltll nvil than the old method or monntglnlgtlio Can. uditln Northern y... lltl Hint la n i-oilwny conducted {or political purposes; wlitiru lllu UXIKIBHOIBS of tllxl Government are mono a controlling tnctcr und this nilqu oi the settlers for lriliiBDDl llltlon tuollltien are but n secondary consideration. , "One mun came intolhu Com. inirlsion ,wllilti tllo Commission was voting rind insisted iiponlmv. till: his vote moot-dad, although ilu lidlnilled lliul. he did not know unytninn' or what in... honor voted upon, niitl when the chairman, ii \ y fair minded mini, refused in :ilan the vote In he l'txmrtled, 26 rnrmnerr or the Commission, in. Uludillg (Iii) two Min learn, V Owd liliat lrlir. chairman be or-rulcd Fortunately there we . 27 utllora present who had the decency. to Jipliolil Ilia uliairni ii's ruling", f aiulw SWEEPING REFORMS lfil/ ONTARIO SDHDOLB. Used by Lihsrsl Member toi- Lincoln. ,, s'il epillg rutorni in (intur' 's i-iliicntio dl 5) tom worn urged hy 'i lios. lilo shalt, Lil. rat incur. 'lll l' for Lincoln, in a speech in tho Logisluture Tuesday "Mill. Iiriully, the, huguestious mndu hy lllr. lln r all are as tollows ;_ Aliulition or all public wrilicn examinations. - ,t' l-jstalilishnieni. of Township or County llourds oi 'l _l'us|. - ' lloductiou to it minimum oi lliu pressuro' of wiupulsory home. worlt tor puhliu scliools,- x liloi-u truetl n in he gruntnd local educational nuthoritlos In determining the details oi the curriculum. - . llemrnistiun at that present in. ppcotnrsl system, that county in. spwlors he made county public school principals. upon whose shoulders shall rest the responsl. hility 0. an intimate and occur-nth .linowledge of tho progress of knoll school. iihoiiri. high school lllapunlorll System. i l .sent systuni or High School ins colors this work in do nlro upon nil en. Iiirgud manning still! in tho Foo. \Iilli s pl Education. - l'l lll system of educational government liy departmental Nil-1- ulntioil l0 lic lnrgely incdllleil. A much larger contribution from the Provincial Governinnllt rust or 'ciliiuution. with special rol'erenen to'teucli. 3' salaries, t ~ lltil more liltentiou lie direct oil to Allis pl'oleslional training or taaehers, will. the vlow to 019. voting Ilia professional Wm! n! Wmlmra end in. improvement In immunity of tho looming atone in or. abolished and , rend Dr writ (Inc said tlitl Gomv iili Ionol met him on tho ra' one tiny, hlltwi'od lllm Ullo M lol ln. Mkod'lllm if this lelwl'lK G was his nil-nut. nlld u Items. 10 llinLIL on... trot won all "me was to,lt. ' .' 'tlhn Com niluslunc who rur- pui-tud to swear tho maker of "who etudomto was either 3. .l. liuwhlnn, Grown 'l'linlier Agent M \Vehllwuod, or B man under him tut/mud Ami] .Mr. J etl cu llldr dell/sold It a o simultan 5,4010 of 'niltnlrn, II Lruu, and directed [lint hr: Arnillibu culled ultra ! tho Commission, . . - . Illls mothin 01' milking af dlh vlt was' nut Mn nud to the lit- Illri ns. \mesnreadhoroulth lull. tilled that the supposed sworn re. turns that he was utilized to make warn Oil ulli. in him lit his camp, where he signed them, re. turning them to the Goinmld'. nloner. - lle lndinno were Jolich on north to. in tho vlolnlty DiKIliRl'- nay. iii-id {or the [mill two yours had neon tithing out tho loos tor hilt: nuniolt Rlvdr Company In this Iierlh.. 'iilio sworn returns Hilly were to make were its to the nixirihur a! lays out ouch sea. son in the various camps. 't hiiy lllid also to'mnlm an af davit all to the mi l'cotnoss or this shhnty hooks. which are 'IIIIO camp rec. oral. or loss out. 'ilhuso shty hunk Million-Its were usually made in_tlltl some: manner as ll| DUI. .urs. ' \Wn. Spreadhol ll lesll etl that. il d looked alter llln In. LlianJi/lillel s oil herth l0 inst winit r. llo titlitl he had never heurd oi nnywcgulatlunn gluing cllli l't-lilivc ilollul's ti deny. llioulih In. had been o cullcr to. several snnsnnh. lie lillil IIBBll formerly Miller on llei lll ID for tho Simillsli llivor Lumbar 00., milking 8500 per your. '1 ]le wintch one he [as l ctl lit) got a lmliuti of 8150. and tin, following year his ealnry Iliul linen mixed to 81.200. Iii anowur to a question ny Juuiiee Ltltclilord, Williams suit] that he had been acting in It I lqu impu- city as u eullor for the Govern iiinnt and n counter {or the com. Wm)" v , I lit! considch Illth hill main duty was to the eumpuny, and he unelil most of lli limo counting ~{Dr Ilium. . Mr, llartlillg lll'llillli'tul n'll'ollt 13 tlf tluvils Sigll ti mill aoknOW< liltlged by Snrenllllul oygll liclill'o Hawkins. For Illa limhcr but ill 19(849 the witlle..s said he dill l liisnnih In any at the Itiildml 5, ltol ltl lose of the year before Hillll l'. \Vitncits ill also that u_ u ciilicr he liad'nev heard that there shou:d ho u clerk and Val ioremun nI orpry. camp to swear to the ipluili- He said he only sworn to nindnvits once, and that was some years ago at Little Current. Urnully, ho said, llii sent lhu ntlidavits out it] him and lie sigllml Llieyii and sent them ill.- Ilo Entries [dildo tor rlmhsr Talia". Sudlniry, :ilny "restiiyiiit; notorr, lllri 'l'illlliEt- llimit prolic here to day, lumen Drsmoulnns, u'u In n lohlier rm the Shanislt ltl Arlmmher (lo limits, said that ilvudmtln were [ling out loss IIUI'II'IE three periods running from six lxrtiiii-tean days each. although there were no entries for these dates [It (hit shanty hooks produced. \vnnase signed the hook us correct. NNils is n i ost extraordinary state 0! mail an for so these entries are concerned, remark- ril'lir. Justice lliddoll. - .Askod wliuro his time ook was. nit luss said children dustroyed w - YOHOE STREET NORTH hr and .\i in china on notion. _ llr. s.- s. lindltl wag united to piry on ilia int. liul Iorlunnloly F2 on on account u'rllloibu y line. 3; . turn liladlil attoudou the run nl of her uncle Mr. Johnson of (JInl-uniolll, on lurday Inst. J. MillN miitorell ndny lnsl, via our school. Allow ole-nine lhB yard and mariu tnliis'd tidy, the iuuolier niid nuplla want. an wi- Ivynh whim-tourism Wm i lnint y wni A Day at ' I / lI-wns held Iiy supporters oi the illnc'ndment that they \ Jbra nht de. manning a pl lvllqm, [huh it right 'i-iiomuo won, LiBhpl ruemtier Ier Lot llllll 'e, clauhud with the Chairman oi the coluinlile. Deputy Speaker soivlu. horror-nor endeavored to road 'en clicked report at tli Lonlslnlln coin- uililc c attire Omnge Order . was Introduced into a dehalo earlier In the nopelnu. It who ruled out or order. At 1.30 o clock this piercing hlr. Turgeon withdrew his ilrst nmeud- merit an receptcd ihu nugglun or Mr. Flu! Inn. Thwart-Imamth no then proposed read rovldcd. how everl that in any eleatoral district inuhlcli to tho knowledge or hip ne~ turning 0mm there are a consider- able uninher oi olcolorn who are mmlllar will the French tingling tho pranlamoilep shall In. issued i both languages." . Thu smeudmeat wsa datoatell 63 to as, a lnalorlty ol I5. 1 hair a dozen contentious ulnuaen oi the hill still remain to or opened, iiielmoat conirororsial b elng that which provldoo tor the appointment oi enumerstore to register the rural voters. . / hll . Iting'. vreuih, lion. tilr. King msdi: a tidal pro- lest instant the Government amend ments to the lndusiidainleputes lo i'osllgatlon ,iet when tho bill was calliltl tor illlrd reaming. lie millimt< Ed the arguments voiced by him when the hill>wea in commiiioz. and de- illsz that It 'ulrnoit , seemed lilto eloonre In(nmwntlg the liousu tron. odeuring vital Information by having me itinleier or Loner in thu sumle. Ito ohleetod ta tllu hlll helm; rushed llirousll without proper considerit-r lionywllcn other lean Important hills had noon dloinsiod at mat lengih. The nailernmeut had mt brought down any orlxlnul or constructive legislation iuln session. at n time when slIrII measure. wero urgently nozilcd lly lllc country. , 'rli lillL warlhon gin-n third re ad. inn. and returned to II 'Senlllu. Aurora lly n will nindc Fell. i . litl'l. Ileniy liouneit of uni-or... who died in Toronto on Jan. 30, he. queatlled his housekeeper, .lh-s, .\liil'y,kl .c, 23,000 uhsolute . an annuity or $250, and the u. or In; household goods, so long/us slim remains uilmiii'rje il. Tho ro. In.iliilhr or the estate, which is made up ui soon in household gouds nud 6,085 in norignues. in leit in the irsinior en, Len. uni-ii nennoii, who is sole ex. . ._.,.n.:.'__ I (.New .ienmor sci-rice is he. a... i tiuglll'illcll between stout. .- l and West Africa, 5.1th At. rim and Sweutloll. Furnitulet nileltaking mun Eli, 03h, Hewmuliol. ALL onbglle REIOEIVB . ~ DAREFUL inviou Piopeiiigslorsale. torn. nrd noel. lion... on storm 5' > We a! Milli. 7 moms. Tlilis properly In In Ill host of condition and he solo very ri anniiahlu. on Nllqlu at. td house, rod hricii, good oemrni r -llar, Harden anLl trult. 'rcwn w er nil lights. Must he sold as awnci is leaving Tomi. rrsmo Media on nut-Eu at. 'I roams. CEl'll cellar. aler lml Lill auxin. Gringo sod ltaw "nus. an Ill-gnu lit. 5 might mains. Modem eon- renlenees. harder. and lrull . sue ot let some. . l pauuheui Nail-n on onnrlo in. s mono... in... gnu-dim and pteniy of (full. > . Apply [0 \VM. IIODGINS iiox 6t5. N nmartal, S: J. Roadhouso aliin 'r. .ilry. llemarl 'lhoyer. and in... w. P. suction and delight . also sills llargorot \veddnl. riyli u ll h. rl. yduoksnn'bn Sunday. in MT. Perkin! oi 'i iironln, n tormer citizen and ,hniinena man of N wnmrliei, to spending a tow weeks with IlIrl dnunhter uni. Boswell. \lr. mill Mrs. s {whom have donuts their nunlinnr uollsxa at Jank- non'n paint [or' lna reason. sir, Winona lids ht en {chan poorly lately. l~'rlonda ,irou. (lineage. on their wry to England. whom they had not sccn ior tie years, spent Eunday wlu. copl. and this. litlt-s, Timoilly street. lir. and Mrs. Wm. linrnot o. r... rnnto vim time on Sunday imunl oi the Illnosn or his liruther \lr. onriion ,Ilurnei, Mm. nurn nine-d In Town a row days. , . H. r. and lips. I. A rarnoil In oomosnled Stacey, riceounlllnt at the Bank ot ltcnirr . to Lindsay on Shlilrdtly and spent llolhoi- s our with their parents. . pi. ital-gs.- 'Cunnlnghnm. Now- runrtet, mnnunbea the engagement at Ilenollly dullghlcr. lilnnoli n. a. to Mr. no... it, Mulroney oi keswleli, the montage to take place the hotter part or stay. . . . _ Iiiadrcrlenilt omitted to ssy Inst wee-l. that Mm. Dnvlil l.loycl_hau returned trom- Sault Ste Marie. but, where she spent the winter. she has some idea or selling her cottage at Orchard "each and returning to the Son to mate her home triers . rai-aal.urnt naane hlr. win: Forth ai Newmsrhei, tonnerly oi Grn nliursi, and n hn zlher er sit-a. H. w. palliation, has been appointed ohiat conslohlc or Georgeiawn, Ont., at a salary at W] per montll. ror a numner at years Mr. Forth was In the n. N.w. :it. P.. and Is a mom con ict. ~31 . Scott-Finley uud htr, c. s. w: Scott went to rickerii ig lust week to attend tho tuner... oi the late oer. van Cornell. which was held Thum- day, May ath. Mr. Cornell was a lirotlior-ln-law at nine. rinlny. Mr. tth Mrs. pesl Stnrr and Mr. and Mrs. Chili-[gs Door. wersnleo present {mm this i-lelnltr, / Mrs. .i lalny will remain far a short visit with her slslor.~.\ln. Cornell, who to in itallualo Iienllll. " Thnvoradie. iiapo ln wliiieuuioli, May, 8th. 19W, Vulcan lit Tammi), on .iprll'lzlh. 920, In REV. and Mrs. (email at Qupensvlll n-ipn. l Stain At llalliax, N, s.. on. Friday. May 7th. i920. to Gordon 5, Stairs, c. 2., and Ill . stairs (Iornlerir or oueensillle), a son. ilolmau. ln Neti'iusr lrrl, May i2lh, 1920, to Mr. and tho. linrrra. lint mun tnoo Elhu \- Hill) a dough- ior Imih doing well. . . 't'lia Altair. V. niywud-naaeeu At ilio Methodist parsonage, Mouni Albert, on Wed- nudity. May 5th, mo. lay luv. n. my Gray. Nellie Deoeer to no? Hayward, both or blnunt_ IiLh. FogguPu-l Al the Marlin, Newmar. ltet. hlny tlzth. Inn, by Rev. it. E. Thomas, Mr. Arthur .lor. Peru to Miss Annln pork, all oi Newmsrket. The Tomb. Vork Al Koiwlrli, Itay oih, I920, suulre York. In his stat year. lnlurred in ouoensnno Cemetery. May iii. tiili. Malal i. moo hi Nell kel. .liey itth. 1WD. Emma titans Logan. In her 11th l'rsr. l unml at 2 o'clock on Eridsy {mm lIil: residence 0! Mr. Lil-kill. Park Avenue, in Oak Judges Cemetery. Gullanr oln Newllltllhl, Thundu) . my loin, tszn. Mal-y Burke Cul- len. beloved wile oi Ju Cullen. Puncralhisss at St. John Church at to a. m,'- on Saturday. lnmnnml in st. John's Crineluy. his lulu residence. Wellington St Aurora. out. Calls (Isle of ZBDIIYII. holovrd husband at Annie Colo, hli sully-tint. you. at ih v house at one amino}. Atro . ds IihA ltmr'lumtr " mu "iliyri omyiil:su3iilili} heii Hazlmoi xilluomwloo , ' ' " L r ln'oi'l Will a street. A l cultivated. Brink mk'aim. orclgin'rd. 2 I'I'IHBI w kulu \,' 170 acmdn'auohh 'awllllmhury. at llnlli lhc nonnwar and the recent lo llr2 and this. .Ias. llopg, ii sod. . balance bush and pasture. fenced. Plant ,of Walter. . our. HM and vii ago hardwood bush. station and vlllbao. ties 31. Pay andtnumial. 1st, 1985 at For and Interest. April 1st, 1940, at see "8. 100 item cultivated, Frhme house. 2 bank horns. Wall A 1 location. I Olocoto cchool, , 'No. 1 dairy form. 200 here: In EadLGwllllmbur . linll oultlvotctl. (land Bulldlngg No. . V: mile to G. Tl. R. , . , . / Town:th 0% Bands, B- IMG yearn maturi- Fmvlnoe or Ontario 6% coupon./eold Bonds, due April Gwalior Winnlgeg Witter District 0% Gold Dondp, due or and interest. If you want to buy a Form, o Homo In Town or Bonds; It you want to on" Is Form, to Home In Tot-In or Bandit, call and l). HAMILTON 6s $0N, ,Ha I . joyment of it. , Gli-ll uni . Don t put off the purchase of nNew I Edison for money reasops. Though we are no gim insialmp nt house, vie are ready to m you half way. We are gladto arrange payments to suit your convenience. The art of the New Edison is much 1 tooimportant to you, to Mr. Edison, and to ourselves. to allow money mothers to interfere with your en Come in and tell us what is O\n your mind about tetms . . - J. 'it. it. Bhouonrom, Newlllurket. Seaso-nabIe-/ Goods , . Reasonable Prices W9 lurk mantlon H few lines Isnllll voile llIDlLsi sy $3.00, tor l;dles slit. mom, all ruloi-s, W. 35.50, Wilt "n l ridsy. m] lih, l0?0..at Lailtrs' HM. lists and silk. requisi- rim. to.- .. u u ' gunner, tan and black, mill-1r louder W 116.8% lhlm Ind vrh . loi- Int-9 [mm a to ll. I ! n Punet-l sundar. in, our, amt... Lsdleii Kid Oxfords, chocolqu and black. also pukill lmtllrv. iilth JIM ..53i-. I .. we. use in the notiools. Thut tp view at the, hull mini i county council. are noieloetodior \edlicauon l Nitrogen. the up. roppiy HM Ind mm Willa): polrrtm_ at oouirtpguhlio .nlidai toned Ind Mild) dunno. . Prlno m buttoned iii the hoods - y . ' - , optho B9B. ot l'rueunn. dulisr styles 0! heels. mutu- tuo for lien-a shoes. molar-31.50. tor .. l . . , .. t Humml{elihodlll'chureh _ Mr. John in Mri n nus ' . - IA": ID, OMVIL {molt .06.. now Studebaker? , I - w" - "in" _ Glad to sea urrqlusiiuo Des. vtntt Aurora In our midat din a under, calling all old in els. --~- .....__ , llo'r humanist r and irisinliy, . ' - ' ' hull-gum one in M . Gunshot! - l. l 'l iz lune ' " - y . .. .M'Iitllij and W" Tonomo'