Newmarket Era, 14 May 1920, p. 3

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Mln l illol , . matron 9y . mi/n ot Douro . corrtoudn. ,, in tlte potion cott'ri. , wins u tits nurm of Mail? 00 Whites, Mitch was to am nlllzm 'of 't is W - vrlo ot ooln'p up. _ . , tit oitneotlnr; oi, lllc Dircoltn-tt, oi the Nuit rtnttrltsttcenisldry. .ltt' in in ... was dooidrtd to cit-rec It,oo'io thc core at tutti this n untoodo 'ifm, no iotrhcrly. the shots oi ti huts not Endowed the tinin to do it nail/annex ll Y your [gin-5mm ht nrlsiloto . ,1 p - nun, urnttcr does not plus the spout hi tht kt 'nu oll_ottn with a "Anita" toys, 'l'littt'wouvt lie throw- ry money. , i . r ,. . it. Morton timktinn oxtcoi ht. wright) nrotttttus tho hiet. on .itntht . ' . . Wt are liixylllg' luvnty hilly Whitutor ihi~ \Wt k. rl tin-tho siu irts \Vo dT m-h il ttiternoon. i idothodltt church . . , lmtltn', MIIYth. x to t. linvulilttlg nicotine lit the tooth. . , - l ultllo,tvn s mou.t ' it. o p. ni. 3undny nohht tt. 7 p. IIIr Pulill0\wol}4lll1]. so tttd_t)l our nttotrlnoi Sernion trinity. is Josuu liltrist God In tht iiul) (ihostl nov. W. i.. ii. itswrenotay'pnolprt ltlii. litluJ 'NI 0 u Thn 7 \Vllb i ttlott school anti-n. . 'l'lic .\llty tneoliutr oi the l!nnrd.|rtbl itl dit at the allied oi lite oouretiry list i tlty eioninu. l lr. ~ Chile, (cholrtuont, tttvphi. .i. \V nook, and Mil/54m. w. (L'Witldi- hold, h. n. duohoon. h d..nlllono. \v. i. l Alch'noll nnd .l. P. Ilhtyoyt] ' A ohuuituhiooiioh wnt NImlll d truth the , s, lli: I'rluvlnal, Mr. lio vld- . it, odd (than Mr. KllllJ, sotonso inas- lt-r. wore hoard hirioru" lite llnoni regmtlihu lllc nitrite. lllulldrr, r Alier n icllls'llly dlolunnion Il wts drchnd to mill nhhtttonltnl thorenteo . m lltt nitlilrles hi nil tho s tuii. _ titltl Is lttertthy mssthI] llml Ulla! out he no ohourns in tho s isit tho rottunr . or tool the oiii-it-nci- or the Isl llitlll \ dll he urtu . . chnuuunlrat'ou whores-rim ir nnt the ilitrhlsrhont ttnttrti tit (ml, hitting t'u-tlpll Man lu lowing the low . ll'tnatld so that pupils tmtn ouutldtt counties rlit tll pay the proportion oi lliulcnsi oi ttlll lion in tho settoo t lo.whch ihti ottettd. Tht lludrd approved oi tho t-oootn. tnohtlotloh' null appointed the t:lttllr _ [Erin and itlr. llarssy to humans muclr no in Toronto when the ma a will he truncated to the ltmmloriund lite .\Ilitlll r oi Edtlballnn. / d rnuplo oi snidlt unciiuills his-t . . $- H i'i'll Initllt rk TM BKthLed la the llrpitlr iiiidJ iilhncc tlommlttrno. to noon til next it cttngto! the hound. w. to ileum-tint; nix old Pollllqn. till tns fur tilt [tutu-Mic In , UNI 6! ber ill : {mun} sol-Tit n : We 0th Lnot . ' 1 my a Han-m. Hni whip "Hitachi-ind, Minter . ANFQRi .Up Stairs, over i oi dtstlttoti'vo "Glitch Quolltyy' 'tvitey orr. plirl at n loiinn FELTMATS roomlons nm dii our Ipaco int" 4;wa Selling- out. "allth and {Pt-loo $2.00 tor si no . alov'" a'nii Undertam" / .I and knob 01ml v uet. Prices. R OCHE 6c Young's Fair, [ ves ltlylcn and calm [or spring Weill'. dslttyod lll]lliir-||l, nrtlerolt lnltt roll and urn the t -luio ' I . ' axninqu ,lllulgry linldholt Allt'm ot orijrlid rein Kttull on tho; iiill soon d ooni VALUE, ' Lie illch tl up. V flVlApE'lN OAliADA MEAT FITTING AT A PHIoE 1 0 SUIT YOU. s oo a 10). at them in our window unit rcrnot Etnwnrt lmpmvod Fhononluptts. lIllnr that rln ohl . pttrotuiso vt1|l be motto; naval]. Gob-OLD" "THE GLOVE!) 11M? BATIEFV. Vlill- mid oily add-Fallow". s? .. upondin .n soupts o'i tit h 7 er My; il.,llloi:nn_n '/ on Alsto Terry collith Iutrli ttttrt'nsn onnrnlgli l recently. hills dry Mommy and so htieyi'tnn Mend hack to lhti dtr'ncn n2 Sohotr'tb 's on\} rldny nigh}. t _' : Mr. aoniori Moosnn spenl Sundry intTomntoxm 1' ' - t, . Wondyr wltal huh unopened to dock. tVs duit l sec hltn months his nouol trip down the hint. ' . w . ni-ntua lWHEA ! nerpmzn up . "rump-s or annnnronnwlm Wlnnlmyi, May ' 'il trout runny uolnlo on tho prhit'lizntln- dicrite liliit tlltlk pntoitootty tlns he come uihr-ntt. width in some port. it lluil l M ruirlhlclml. ln Not-Hit: 'tl l'HIll only nt t-llhit a tidy repol llng on the 'n'witn tttrri- llnl oi the x in, utters tile ground is still too well but wheat needed iiils option is up at collestoh. Mumtilln .md minus nllicr noluts oi the tttttirtul. wtinut reading in southern rtlh lit Is on per cont. ontn. pletod. and. given ithc weather, will he ithhth. lit'l ore sundo- nondi ilons oro :nld by many [antlers never to have heart hotter. The distribu- tion oi send min tor sctiter's sir- lls rettutrcntrntsdias ncco completed and the Koventittenl is culilng in its hold men. llnniildiui igurcs pincc tho trduo on dliltrlhuled: oi] oi "safest: or about. twice lhtit at last year. and the inmost oi any year since tito'gav . cronu l. mum/3d this method or re- licl. ' ' Dey mlcllen WhitchurcitCouncii. postponed meeting oi wtult-hurcn 'l uwilttltlil (louucll'irun neld M \lnu- tlnri itatl, Wirtlll'ElidUYt May bllt,_wllil all ntsmhm prom-til tom! the item in the ullhlr. Tho litnotes oi inst moot. inn ch mud and continued. .t ctunmuttirsilou. um i p irotn the chmlldl-s oi the thin Joilli Vl-lll. strand, glvlng nollct: . oi claim to 'uil rltitlls and privileges Kl't inlcd hy tatule or uy-Lew In that holtoil, ltt respect to' lltnhor o! ltln ldnhwoys opposite Luis 1 11 iii .md to, can. a. . as .Nvlwn nod G. it. Powell and olltt s nailed on tho (tollncll ond oi- i- d to,t usit-nto tlts Township. the \httdori lldii nutldtnn use or cost and thr- die at the sham tor elotl nod costs oil usir Hit, it sitter was. lnslrnotsd to poy tho lotion-ins neoouut riot / ill nouns, rl'llillll oi stt tilt: , Vlr i netl lit (Trim .3 L50 .u-t ltultniati, h :ililitg 'ruad: 'nt: tilxk hlrrow . t 4 . . . . Tat-10 .itlilot. not-ts, doimr clinics ior liongllut'l) intuit. in do}. at 52.30 wry was in l uleltbn'ro ior'ths inim- srs- mount to Premler Llnu'y, hhs hgcu glvlnx some plnln tatlt to n rn it- ing at the Consumers' League in Ta- mnln. The organization \v_as lormcd in an oliori to rhinos the lllgll cost or reduce the illKlt MRI or [Mn 3 and iiirs. lirodle. an n roprt-ticntsll t ol"lltd produ rs, was chlled me tult-l I ' . llor words are w'arllt rctnornhering: You have not to do one olrlltrt'o things," all: deolorcd. Pay the nre< sent price. Ku prodded for yourselves." \. ' .iitat. iirorlie in riuht, Onimbllrlg at the high this M potatoes will not lit-lug tltc piled-auxin, n uni. You can iaire his second port of her odt-te e it you like, und.da willlout, but the wine citizen will-rather Ltdopl. tlte liter otteruslisc otiti produce iorttiltn- ticli. in-l clhi-bgra many people are the iottunslc oosoessors oi hack yntdt lilg enoutrh iot- vegetable garden. lcvct-y hint or their ground hllqnld he ullllzcd this season. For the othiru. who have no land oi their own. llt r are vnount told nvuhbis which mail all no placed it tier cultivation, The nlltltlllun no larlna, vegetables, sspool- otly potatdrs l concerned, is regarded to scrldtts. it lx.ololtned intuition to tltc scarcity oi help many oi the throw nlli not hother witlt prawns pntoto - extent enough tor their own us and thc nrottshilittrs are that the [titers \n'll I): Name and Mnemlt a next winter, unless the hack yard'nntl raront lot liahlt is entiti-stod on a rgrl soale in- the people oi tltc cities. qumlilcr. MM Eml 8100K Radian-1n nuon vutitnoti 'al 21032 ownod by .i. it, tltnttoson a sun. Qurcnnvllle, will travel during the sensor. visit- inn llle toliowins places: . Brown llama-island Queensrllle. Lord Morrin '0. 451 owner by .i. it. Coulis/in ii Soil, Queonhivlle, itlll lrat-ol during lllc season visit. trig tho {allowing planes 1 unit. hit. Al . . nnllantrne, Friday night tho lt'lng George Hotel, Nowmarket, turd OHHIOP A Pure nrt'd Port-liar. tin. tl|lon. prunul) t1! Win A. ilc-n & Sun, Kont nk. wlll travel in . trlh Guilllntbuvy throo tlrtyr tint-:np tltt son. ohistt-in._.t lielonratod noroheron' t Mhi. l'ge Braille, bl the Ullllld' Parm Wombn' oi niortoiwho by tnol 'N'EWMARKETJ JNEW SPRING GLOVES, ' t _ - AND HQSIERY Queen Quality Gloves In till the Newest. 8i. led, and '1 Blinded. Double Tipped. ran in] In pr no troml .. Bo. pairing. lilottls arsnd stilt Hose, heavy thread, shades oi limor, Gray, Black, TauporEinnt-nld, Purplti, Envy. White and 00pm Blue. '-, New "palm-oar jor tho 8 ring 7 collars, tioilnennthouiioL Heather cashmere Hone. for Early staring Weal- i with oxford Blhm, all Ihadon. ,'aood nt'iltool Hone tor the Klddien In Black and Tan,Flno Ribbed pall- Frock, innoy pithy Venison. TheBeet Incubator Made M .GUARANTEED so To' hatch more Chicks, \an'tl Bette:- Chicks ,than any, other _ Incubator. :tery hooray no :5" liquor-tussd to union mot-i lull" ohiah. . 7' _ ,Made'in- seven sizes. ' ' 60 EGGS to 600 EGGS CAPACITYJ See the Brooders. also. \..17 'hl cittttti on ran all A? \W t'lip the iniiowinti'tmin lite l1- mohcon ltotlett 'rlis [fatty irtends . nor in thmdl kel own non. owner) will ilN! [Gleam that ho is to unit ,ltls ark tit NUlerth College. hi. it, bat-l hung Hurt" ltottutthtty totally, 22 dai s.. Httttih Cortney, shovelllnu snow and hunting emit tor odor in 19 .. Jntiit lt. root, hulaneo oi grati- Arr list no it I'ltuilugrdplis, as lllt: l'unl is an outotnnluh- Everybody tlliltks thtnt n little wonder. mice is auvlowl purcl so . ran allortl tn _ lienr ttt eut at it, .\i. "turtles, Nowntdrlt Stallion, [imprl'ly oi \th t llenry or . on. Krstticr, will sert- dt the seoson lhmugli North Guillint- burr and Georgina. nonnls aolwny .\n lthpnttod Clydes- Oil 'l'llt (lay eviznlim hm cn Wall- itiied autos runtnted 1mm Toronto and the or tipants spent lite owning with their hrethren oi pyramid Lt'itllic, i'hn \ 1:! Kpprt'rlmll ll on Halli hllleC HARDWARE? 'Newmarket '-. 5Sll/l l S Main St... itt. ho dot-sloped its one or lho mhnt ltmlltlnt'tlll Testament Senators oi the pronm day. tlv hollotln says: tlhrnsts in mi. sturi oi Atherto ol M llmge on the south side. tntl oi Um present'torrn will 'k to Ilte elty one oi the iodide inti -tlutidlom oi the nmvlnoo in the norm 0] new A. ll. iiilttcr, iortncrty oi. l inoults oi httlotio college with. hot ior "to lost sh years eu- rsytd in rural and mission -wark in othrr ports oi the pmsinge. Pit-it sor ititlcr, utter the let-inkin- |lIin oi the present lormrln June. will tote s. plane at Dr. D. h. Thomas, rrrcnth- resigned hunt the position at in |Ni'l0r lt xluttttznl language and lllt , the mall: postuort which lies. Miller toll in hit with the ln- Utillc. oi lotion is spuclhl course oi rind, in honour his ihhurlrti by t development} or the nor, \\'llrn Dr. Thomas Icndcmd ,tds ttsirrrilto rssonliy with/ the lnlen< man euot tho nonrd oi nt irrtto oi us not in touch udth ltsv. tltlltr, oi olorioy, hitherto. and ar- tonxtrncnt~ were uroordlnniy malts lo lutr .\lt-. itilier return to his tanner no to ion nttinh ho is unusually tillililll IL A will sho rtly return with lil timiii- to the soulh side. Took shoot-l Honor lttllrr, oi Toronto ,tiisrsislty, t. uttuhlo [ii-nl class I nor work, in l'il sorthy nod llottrsw, snd ootnpletsd liV \HI lor the ointment duclur at l'tllt it.) without, however. minus in to, in | - coltuccllou u it ,itihtti t-hiitgh tor horde years lrrlnr to loin itr ntittor ivhlallllslied o rrnu. t n :n it n-ltoiat- oi distinction in no ~tum ill . punt osprt-toll it tits ittih ti. ititinttdn oi (studio's it tit-ti in testatttenl ianpuogs shilli- tllht Mr. Milli? lt lhl" t oilcxti (Mr (I it t rt-tdtiiio course ht_ Lotpsig. the nor [tultlilltg on end to such pious. so this was iltL- only plus whore tun. \( ty opportunity altered for tho 1": st hurt. in. Milidr had in mint Junoml sb' r. Mler speclnltzod III ttirsl worL h'roltning nt Bentley; M1 uni, Drill! ih|er ilalmned :AI Marla! in eonorctton \leIl lndton rniuion work. that tnd svors in melt wnr k are highly si tble'en at its Pnnotoot Tonto, oi Alll rollcso. and other tducttionh . In nddlllon to his work ml the cation shin ltr. miter villi routintu lltr- lroturo workhln littum taunt-rye st tho university 0! Albrrla, whit-h lln: itml rsrrhi nu ' li ,ttr.'rhotui5. ' took at Sitcramvnl. Pr-shytsrlnn nhuroh. Good nittondanr-e st iiu|l\' services not Sulltldy. Adorn. nllmlll' pir- Mothers mitt wan duty nhsmcd. I t A spsoiol sol-t; st-rt lce will he: hhld in the nhuroh you Thursday miznlng tiathi, under the icouerstdp oi l s, ltrltttlton oi Toronto. Mrultbhillr ion is wIdl-ly known in: his seleolion oi songs to tho new lie'lnuoi . A union nholr ootnposcd oi cueontvtlle. .iuront. hit. pleasunt sud ttlte homo ohoir will ital! the singing. it pure [rent is in sloro ior those who attend. ptitrtntlo tznlsrtninutsnt. Tito poputnrlty at tho ootsrtoinment provide hy ttiss Chllicoil'd class was {ully hltcried on Monday cvcnlng when ntntost ths mllre'reserved settl- ins eupaolty oi the Town itotl was sold wltltiu an hour sitar the mummy oi Hie plan. , I The enlerlalnm at ism otose in the Town lion in igitt and tho pro. rsrn nompildqtl Palk sad othor donors, .. darneth o Farce, and other items by Junior ond Senior puplk, ttngethor- stilh tho nssistsnee at Toronto artists. itroeeodn in std oi { lcwmhrkct Red on l not 'm it to Ilia-Second with Alia znted Indr dlunled lullmld Cl dkal' how 560ml! our Wotelwn are nt uooo Tut. ior ezunple our uhoa loll. itv saonutar lttuc Nip-ht w initiators. its so rtllhrul. - You sno l no wrpnx try n muthll n neoond whsn you sonar lllir nos .WllhlLA _. ~ ,- V I ohriott n grid Aver. 'Srilt'lt'dld n .etlitg in chat-go or Miss l- ldllt Giddy). Bagel-i rctul o snlchdld pn pr-r which was enhtyr-d by oil. Next Tuesday ttvcnlng lirjnnhl, Iiilinilluu will address (he Bulk-CW do Mr. Ilhmllwn is on shin speaker" it is to he hoped the Endeavors will turn mil in largo nnnthr a. hunting will he in rltariro or Miss Ilene Tilt/:tt.- ~ Coin. ' bdill' s llctino \ll . M untimtrttot tritium uospitnt. Tl nnidli rx st the iinopitst were ulson n genuine treal inst Saturday night. lint. hon. sneppanl ci To- ronto brouglll up it company oi sr- liqu thot Drovltictti n halted sud ot- cellent program. This tnetuded Jules nrazll, his lnurnershle lakes and the lumpy iuouity he his oi onsast'ng 'even'llody tn tomlltsr snngd: s pipes and his dnux \~hn was s tine dunner; n cartoonist oi rrttiolt intent; Mlss lioutsonmy wild sang a counts Ill Hines; hnolitcr [ELLV vocalist and n soldier soloist, also it soldier who sot-e Hip shimm. . donor A ihil nantsd {nipple who_wns he shot. the 220th not. iron real-tilting, sang in llishland Cnslume and also told s V't ruler tsininnstnrr. M the conclusion hi the mernm llll: Women-ti lllslllultyo! Nowntoiiot prot ldnd iec oresm. calm, rlc \\'lt|t:lt iron lull, as much zilln) it or any olhtr pat-l orths orrninn Wt- are rr iuoslog on hlrltallalfi the soldiers to orprros Ittrir sincere tho to lhooo who motion: the pro- irrom and also to tho [Milt-s {or the r . cottons rrtrsshnronls. The suitili will : let'sz the motto s at tho trenple oi h' wtnarl-et rittriotr ttnlr s hrro. . t I oniTneroni- to in. r or the sol- dl i'h toil tor the hospital nt in ion nnd Hm rt llltilyiiim' expect to tint-ti to n low do) . What tho Mlllhtry .nu. lliortttss expect to do wltlt the it Dim] hl'm l slir In which Nobody l nl DENY l0 Elvl all) law institution to the, puhtlo, it w n lousy linto atone ilosoltel tor - l'w nouns Tits snidlcro left on tho mounds tnln nod in the! Wm Vorry Io test-o Nq " rwhwe llte) had been [rented on well. Sam: iii-tho psopt" hull! "We witt hr lost without our s oidlrr hnys. { t Titers its run to tilt at tho llo - I. pllll and it in told that m lo so to , . Lttmioit re horny] r I J. it. So . 5:. it. Pool rteeount e. . Kltld. build and iodslnh lol mm s re llounherty falnll) .. sltoseiliap siluw and hrcakimr roads .. 11.50 O'Iirlcn~.\Iowi.iL-r, li\c-ry trip with nlirst-n ior nougl t rty Iamlly two , 2.50 droning ruhert plpn dml plot-lug name . 0.00 The aliens or Messrs. ineil snd (Allin-n were soooptrd nnd Dcput) More (Imwlul-d appointed ommir. slnhsr to procure the citeeution oi the necessary eonseynnec. ncsnlutions were passed providing lor the ttuprovcment oi csrlaln'ronds at rost 'ns xlalt-d ttorcundcr viz Cuhnt lllnr hater, Commissioner: Sideline holwren hols no on 2i. Carl. 5. st 4 east or dictum (irnt L-l hart oi mad opposite Lots 21 and 23, gen. 6. Councillor lionloy, nnmnlissluntr. Sillt'ilni: hrtwecu lots Land is, (loo. 4, at a cost ol 850110 ownllnc Swill, West or iln Con. Line, at n sort 0! 50.00 liounrlltor lhnrllri. Comiiiissluncr. opposite Lot 2. Can. a, at n oost of 3150.00 Opposite Lot t5. iron. 6, at a host a! 875.00 Opposite Lot t. Cart. $15.00 apposite l,ot it, can. 5: st s east at 325.00 lispstr Ull'yrtl Will st Lo|~ lift it. 6. Der-til) limo ilrawlord. Colttiltl. ouer 'l a I vmli' tontt opposite hats at and 35. Can. i, and tinnitus o i r-ml ttphlisllo Lots in and 30. i v littsnetl. Coniultsslduei . clrattlnir dilrltrs tttnl inputting mH iinoonttr hot 9, on, in, id a inst oi 3.5.00 lto- .r lirputy lime. Commissloili s Th r rnlne bridge opposite Lo! 30. Con. a. and rebuild or rcpslr some as donned srtrlssblo. , ' lznuncli asllmtr d to most no can" it! "(Milan hltll ntlur buslnaill I! 53' ? pines oh Fnitlnln) , nit-y sari. nt w o-clorl it.ltl. t . t at it cost or . > V . "9 III , mun" lug, 'llnonl t M t-Igti iron. date, the property or \v. J. oldltom, Liil i. Coll. 9, East cmllimhun, iiill ilslt limrldgc, Leaslrttalr hdlnrd and other points. Mai to Monday noon. when EELLE E Tr i l ls said in lie ll case 0! suicide occurred here on nundny. A low weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. Chan, Baldwin came here in [lib itin lltal. (the lnkesido all' wuuld item-ill his health, ilc having for solar. time been siti'lerlng from nervlous trouble. He left [he itousa on Sunday morning Lo take a walk along the shorts but wns gone so long that his wits went. la look after him. Al, lh water s edge slle found his coat and a little [hither an she sow his body floating in (he walar. Life was extinct. Deceased was (H yenrn of also and 1101 being able to work it is thought that he throw him.- scti into the water in a lit at do: snondt-nc m~ Live, Stock Markets iitsltrst prion llnld In Tot-mild IMI eck : , Extra choloo Stern and honors Clinic: nutclier slez Helm-3 Citalu [with choice Springcrs miners .. Vii-hr)an Laiidts nltulrr (:strr-s Mt dltlln t hrs . szlna Lambs .8 unit 13.15 mo [6100 . 165.00 titan two .00 16.00 20.25 arkets Newmarkfl M mulch [lt- ' "I. .68 Eggs, Iii! dad. .. - AGI Quit, nor hurltoi . utt Toronko' Markrets/ lltlltor, per in. ,. ' Ens perdor. mt 'pn- hnrhrl :zil . dtn- st untltn - VV'Jl rdn not-nos mm how's it an: in like 31!" vm gill Millage. . no . ltorno limo ' WWW Pittme 39. won... 353 ec#64258;gmi al WILLOUGHBY FARM AGENCY Jami: H. Spence his EOld M: 00 acre farm on Ute 6th lllie. . sagawon Twp. to 1. ti. Brawniow at Toronto. John ltnrdle oi Clmhheittltte has sold his tho ncrs mm being the i). Si or Lot is, in the and coin, Mummers to John Dllllnssluy ol wnelns. Out. Charles Dot-volt oi anmewnm lil! purchased the m) :cm iurm, being parts at Lots 27, 2t! Ind 29. Gent. 2: L squostng Twp, imrn Thos. initials oi Acton. . Wm. Allan at donor has Mendy sold ills loo sore Innu, being the Eu: rhnll oi Lot 31', Con, la, Esnucslng. to C. A. Donuts o! Blshnp'd Crossing. Qua) . , .ihhn r. lionsrtscn ot Esqooslnn Twp, has sold his loo acre hum. Dali'le hot i? . r, honouring Two. to s. it. Webster 01 nury. Quince.- .lnhn [mileage tti torselown Inn mently sold his loo sore (Arm, hglng the w. '5 Mint . Can. 6, chlntruncausy N11,, to John Kelly oi Sudhur). Ont. r. it. Asuott of Tor-min iii! the H. II. oi Lot 3. (ton. pI Ella 1w .. belonging to F. illnnlo, I I. t lt-rl oi Gtol luvin :1! sold his (arm. mini: the lath itsliot Lot 26. t:..n. it. muttering Tooth. to .lnnl . tlultlml oi \\'rs_tart. not. ally purchased the too we isrm. bcln 'rlit mitt (Winn-l) mined by ittrtinm Graham. luring hot n. con. to. Its- tittoslnr Twp. has not-n rulti lo.ll'dri') LDKALI ai multir. - \uotor wittson oi lhmtrsinn Ty) his null! his ion sorr- Itlllll Ill Edmth wnrn'us oi i owdsseii, opt. . iitorne Militar Lil 'IAHHK In! [I ll the too At h' rat-nuln )i-tiucelila Tut... belonging to Thoun \\'llirn. itatid Smith has sold lils oi \litrltltotu. (int . this core rm in tinnitout 'rtip., lu lmhi limwn. hearse that ol Clustle 20 ll) Nth-hut the too iti'n mm its instituting 'mp lit-longing to A, L. M 'ubii oi iiilluli, illlaltt Wrddrrtturo ttss sold ht. loo tit-rs tannin Neldttil 'l wpu to ion. Dolby. ~ _ ~ . ~ melts-111 item has pnrrhastd tho so ltlfh: rsrui on the rod ilnti. Tmiittpnr. notonntnrr to Joint non-s Tltust. Ural llu nutritqu lm E9 nations. um. um solo nodeioo luv run it Lot 9, Can. I, (it Podiu- Ii. Emming otlpnh llle. titlin'rluv i n! W 't in'iulvthi 0! ". 1913- l; moist-m minim-into Itouir 3- 14m .

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