Newmarket Era, 14 May 1920, p. 7

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I 'auau-to mutant: I.qu ornith- Union mew! .uolludntml Pltoh ' ntttct ioitl-II'I': uthrrutty- lmlthenl cohtxr oI l'ltyxtlvlanA mill. V or ttrldtt tlyo Inn , 214:]! Chlttthm Eur, It ttottttnt London; EYIKII 1w 1 a Tented, lelupE/u ! Tclubllona I llu. . Hunt's I ha; ?. 0. Mo'KIIwnnw WATOH AKIN, IND JE nnrh Avonu. I ,t tljoihtlttg Poul lllce . nan'r Italian, v , PAIN'I'IIIM AND PAqu lyNaEtt, mu m Ave" QnU IIIIuS'II [to n Queen BIL, Nowmurkylt . ottow: ttroutt orttQM-l- Fan: on hood 1 . IBOX' 01 [LL Phuuu 280. uAl'lADA LIFE Ac IMHO! /. II. puntuhhu Dlalrlnl Retire Inuuvn lot- on. of Vnrk _ 24mm or vllulltlg mm llotttlord B o llfln halt _ PI no 30!! W n.6 rourmty I ' 'Ndwmnrkel [vi / . Pl no . Voto'o nnt] o- lfu you]; in ull.lindu o! 1. hluttlbal lnatrumttpts I t and Imp-Ara. _ Plano Tuttlau f . . 1,. II III Ior Columblg, to one I fit-nnhnphunaa and Mouth V eomnIm stock! , norm MD!) a. w. wtltttl It, amt-It. who tor. pot, v , Newutukcl 01mm, to unk or 'I amnttr noudtnn. null llnmlltontl tie-I Eelnlu Oman. .1 . . lawm kdt SVIYY '" ' who???"il o, uthto Phnnu a I out V V Prhltln Iuhdu to London Mal Kala! 5 Furnace VWOI'k-j Plutttbing ; I.Etivetftjughtttg V Our specialties Bu Hu bethtoonu - Out ljnl. Uln'IEIm pt/V 1118 LEAD! GI mbli hos lills naxr YO attttfttlu nought: Ott'r ' Special, .tltis 7weekt Style '7. Bernard." y Neat tic I HALL 31103., - Suctttrou to E. lurhrlna. , :Pholourl'PhM Newmarket, . . . Etudl 0u.a Dort- Wm. cl [he luv Punt Dulce. autumn n GONNA IT. NIWHIIKKT. out FLdWE uner'al Flowerg u. omn- tm 't hnn u. mllv Nd I I W, i .r . . "loin-st OXVADETYLINI. WELDING AlmuBL a broken parts 0' M3- lunry Mn ho outttnototity 1?,- I red at reasonable mines by title Process. 't't-y tt. . ' N. 'tt, Room. a ,t >' _Nuw1nnt tnt. Plto allots enco [it v ' Roofer IIo gk'a! tint!th P Ewing s" summon , t Friday. It-nnt II llli) urtit'l tIuitI'tvotthII-lttht. r - , , 1".Tltl'ny ore uultuttt alum; l Ittu uuwur on MMI) SI w the hut nuw. I I Indo ho to tu'l that I tho. VIIIth t . n th 'notnI .m-luts nhrtlt o "my ttrrlud ot tnottty-mndu on, the Inn hood ,I no In I'to am. a batting: t tt , A , Itut dentttwtotttrod ,o'u Wudn' tluy,ltl. tltu'ltomu III I r slalcrylih t lmr or Tlmpthy .,nIItl church strnuto, 'szrMullltlu Fluttll reltc o tltuvlaw chryq Ftdtlll, In her 32nd ygun Tilt) tlcq ,IturIdJIIttt ltael! lling {or V. , ' us tltn or the Ittto Jnmcq and Jallujtlyuns 'u'lld Whahorn III (he (III can! of nal. Gwlllimltur'i'. Sim mat-L rtcd Geottgn r tdull. o bltckoynlth at Qunumylll and resided thurn for n' hurt-her or yours. and out: ton, Jonte t. nrcdeceanad'ilal some ypnre ago. Elm hon r usIttIItI In h'tttvmnrlret with her stutter, III-n, "on Iutsttnmt Vgrtto {orv tlto pant lilumn ye that George Evuu :lm'l I ~ ' ltraf IA III In liter Ont! liralltttr; Mr; amt stator, lur s Nu'wnlttrkot. the Ian luxtI :t'noutepeuted Paul s Attgllcuu -'I'he I unml look nine tnrttoy, qlnl'ur,'lll_m. Vernon, to thruorkut y tho lltov. '1') G. M'tt rector or 5h 1" ul'h l allttt'clt, .ttluu nt the )l Inn and tho grove. , < t ' ~ I I": nothodnt church. frhu hotly o the ~citurcit on. elm colnnlelcly lltlnd. nl. hotlt tenth-u. Abouf 30'1"? the chute hottt .mornluu ' vrnlnt t and the tutqu was It: It It tgn order. ,Sn n dim In the lll'qmlugny'blln Mar] Taylor- and It Prayer, hetuulul trtn hy Mk . Ilutn IIr/Itllr, ltllrt ult Moss lull Mlas' Clam IUehurdtori. t IInnhsnmt on re Inn, anududtou - laljnwttl try \.I . Ilruuht uhttdt-eu, who om nplI-Il Muls, on I I the has . It It 5 out- m the host thnt toms mutilng cure. rd nod dot-tug uto mum turn tile humour so , doitnt; t hny ln tlm congrcghllanJolnlllg n the t ltqllls. ,' , , , lrltn'tlottt' tlt r'rtrallrlus wnro ltbllt Intnttnd and towns. It'hn lndtw III-air : IIILIII [II-also. k 'I'IItI hnuuol t-o .Kutlhnnt mootan , to Into 1tlact- tot ntght In. tho notont om. whtn mnotts Irotn tho 1 M f " the ,ohutth ' lo ht} present to httoltnywd \ng gnu-umtIohlm: son ety % on Ih's hut mound poohoeouclot it I . I lle mom that on M utltre or, the gbr , . Mot utoughtoo'tclttInnnnt, sun {Boyd and \Yllltlnxnu. ' l towan hills nursed A P, tJrsr-r . oniqu mono I I- rutl lIequs hunk oi Tnmt HUI Tel. (10. w. lL John-r A. ll li . H. w liuttlcr , l't-uoy hook I'. \v. I L'lllootl .I, ll. htIIIonI . J. I Jnllnsnll r... London (Audrantu, Co. , tru ltuyttnsnn . w, to. BuawIIHII ., a. 'ht report 0! the Princlnol snows 5N \Iu tun Nllllol: Aunt, with two - 3K4! ullcndnltca at 521. NOII-rlral- dent toes n2. ESSCB or [ouch-t Klng aoorqo Munch No. on . noIt N. A. EQUIP" Sr, IV IHH Ali's: Morton, Sr. It on Allan Scott, .It- In, .,JG Mlts htotlttmon sr. It and Miss summon, II. II and , ' SIHI EI ..V.I.KB.* Alum lulr Israel. on. hotlmy, In W. ..a,5 tummy or. III It It. "It month or to t thl he toIISn' n]: the .- lttt on I "wag ll faith It! ' the reaidellc I7! lIrlI - 50 r I ustn K streot, I turn 11', t-utuntuulty .represnntu. / bl l ' 10,! lqnld Ionn I autumn one on lttu.)u onotvout nd run nwtws tluu nnd {gilt IIy tn not IoIIIc. llljlultd s belug hulpod mom's Itoldon- DIMVM return 1 leel ln A potluon M idol linemen. quot I gtttrt r It to mutate who ll It all out or run down 1, tho Iton nun and ct-oututlly it tutu u .[I .,l ,ta ultras) .llII Iron-tug, Ittts ' , l'n tn , I Mlatt ttuyeu, Jr. {trim t llc oddtttunel otttt- ' d the upntsl rt IIqu or llm 1(qu eoruo Salton! nemmmodutes nouns and at I: now necenttd over no new nupll tlnte auto-r vneottan, III tn, uhtqtute u e . ll'y. Mlhtt stouuton onnrors to he who cemlott- ante and sets alnttg nluely nyIII her 358 punlls there. I , . r { x The engagement at Miss ttnhlntt m. Misti stoutton, Itlts Iltwttt and Allan wlddllteld at tlte unllorrn notary nl 5700. was rounrrntd. ~ " le secretary watt Inslrtwkvl to bill the. High ' dhuol Hoard IoI- bv lor nnt tttnst tcn'dutlnn timer -t'l,.tt d3): tto'httth , ott Into the ("stormy Orqrtt mnrct'wuu .trtrcs rtd wilt-n te hows Itpr'etu uro uhd Town tlttt ML olutrlen \vttuon_ltnd root wllh on and 't'ltchILrestllillng In Ids I In. ltou- u u retl nu Pttthy ntto. ooo ot Inst wt. Mr. Wilson \V-1_K rdImJlan lllu rover nlilc ctntcm and no Ite dart hot-n In noonheotth tut lltontgllt Ito go hulwll wtth u ulizy well. in wttu It on. lnvalltlpaml when thoIr utunrttt r. . M121. luutuy, cornehorne 1mm duw u tamt. lllc nlnlllpr tent net to-see whnt Itnu ltecolnc ol Itr. IvtI- Itrs. llldley round hot; rod to t-trneutet tools Itmltltt the top at tun utstern. Sllc turmttcd wltztl Iutd htn nrued, and ustnu a hole. dlsuovntr'rl her [alllerh body at the ltnlloln or rt [00! ot Wdtut - mlohtmro renown Um hotly, And outed Dr. aunttnwho dcclhretl ttre exllncl. . nebcaseo was a tvc-lIAtnowi , [Iromin ll lftrlner- of In Township Ol \vnttehurth. wilt-r4: tot |rltlk\ \ ttve part In Sunday -huot \Vul' . Prpsidcttl or the 'l'mt-nshln-ds nun rot- tetnml Yeah. I Illtknlllt r (I! [he Snr ltlU' of ' J great \h ln I nth _ . to ll'ul [mm Iamdng nnd ItntI-u on urn-It kel, tIntl s H toot n t ttnIt-mt "t the ntthtlt; tthmluu ttlit IIIlng lllt: nlqrtll well-helm; (II In lit: J: In his 79th I -' I h I by Ins wi ow, three daughter ht. Itrldtnnn, li ushntcltew Vl. nt home; also n htutht _ Itqim'a art It TRIP 1 'I Iter't the lust Info: to eontlrttu Is )our luggage. Muoh at tho dlt- uorntott at u long or short Irlp can he svolrltd It you bhtje one or out- trot .nn hugs et tumotd .wttn tho neeetstry tottet anlbles. lI you pm ter them uulltted we have some s_tden uld unnttcd Imus ond sltltr 595va would hire to show you, St v Fred. Nottin ham. wntultet 'QII N' 5 UNIVERSITY W. . o... , f1" I or tit-tunnel: minim: t I , r Vlm'g ool. ' 'llull It stoutth {In no that nothmtm N4 It! _ hm' totdiynl'nyjnlgainlngr mtl tt' vlend nut totry It. too. Ithel imm - \ tIIftl'IwL and Mrs. - ltIn-oI-tttdvoccun atlon 'I Mpxlo V vatiet tut-um at tron on yet. I )15Y.-1. V'vutt h on rt,lo-dty;tty utmit'l ornnent trout the [Im- I. A 47 Washington, May lb clut I1It I I N u! otles' 3p?! 'plhvi r. foIorohottthuttrty jrpeot(It? to It III ho'vr It raduohtly'o out; t-pnt tIuI' orlqily' utth' I It: do thI b bdrm occuntotned Fy tood' gonn u'ntu grtemlodder. Henge t I, murh m thnt' outta lnvmher tnatonn It in!!! and: . Itcdtnul-tno treoty on thy Ittno, ctnttlntl '3 ,whlclt dew Df ll r .g'nlter'ntlwo- tv tttleral .d Idol-u . J renltlenl : In ow Muld, wns hhtlntt In la Cruz, did his alTl'M was ytontuu'tnt-Ily p entcu. t t .__o_,.__ I / E" A ttu- tum nature: lmKudy was ' narrowly'avdrlgtt het- ottqu Lao Sitt tmdny ottcrnoon ttttzn Io'rl ty prompt radon in [tulan the brnkm uh tun IIqu and Iwrrttnu the cor prevented IIIIy lttundy, R IOCLII stutter, [r01 lIclng can down the chl' wlth I Ito at when lltu upner wtnulmm bridge and Ilam tudutoty eoltnpued In (root at Itlht. ' " I ' I ntn htundy hodutanpcd on "In tar rlde o! Hm hridgn, tvluutt wot a narrow v/ootlt-II structure. to utlaw two hut IIII eotntuu trout tItd annotlte Illrc'nI-,Iss ovu- wtlvn llu has our tch to see the Ilooitnt; or III. III-lure suddenly rtntr Into tlte III 1ch of water It the hack ot the dam, whlhh pmvlLkd phwerv Ior Houston at Brpcklcbank'u tn-Iot tutu, vrho collapse or thtt' dont, drn'ggtng wtthut th e hrldtgu, It )Iellct'prl to have resulted Imtn ttntntge done to tho Mttllmculs hy Ice durlntt Ulc cr. 7nn dnm hold hnrh n two-tulle strotoh ot water wtlh n head or trom H to Ia not. 'rhu damage lit ettlmsttu ot ltetwut-n 31,1410 and 52.000. - The under. rush ot watt-r lot Inote hygtho collapse 0! ttte darn mused cotIsIdr-rnhlu eoumornntton In Lower Ivtnnharu, .alrd jut- n Inlet Iltnu thmnttneu tevnrnl at tho noutou titltlt ltood nuudtllonn. hut thts uontrer as W .- t o tldllar tor a oto hug w killer" ~ rerouted lunch or wood vI llll the rollotvtnu ("at uni; "Take the ~ltlook wlIItl'l Is No, I In It? n-ttht tnnd;nloce the Ion on No. 2 anti press them together. empvn the ttltlurlulnlc and meet-d no Indore." , There lllu5| llr onmc life in [he toy. or he wltt nnt use ttodtr an): air- ettntstuttrt uIIlll the tJn).;tppn|nlr:d tor the rcslll'l . on or ID ll 'Id. II he start: oul inelilt: as n (allure M3 wlll end as our on - ho tut, thorougth honed on to tutor why. one no and out n Ialt- ammo and l t-dkmmhlr: I nttnllnlgthnL and Lin nnt rantlt mtt Ilium o .n Irrtnnse ot a,l IrI~'9 - down right slttnltllly, tor runny ittrmllbtl guatlrlarrnatltlnx 110:5, moot wads, nttmxktllls. tlulldrds, or uuurds, \\ Fl\) only tints out ot'tlt'nlr phone, mIIIttl hots "th ll Inlazsquark ~ I ~ unrrnl or Slr II. It: .lnttt: toot. pint nthrdny mom tug. l r'nmlndul [lemons {mm on over- out-tut attended In It ll'i'e numbers. A clt ot ltuarlng IIomI m uth pmcutl~ hd tho hrorse I nntlu- worn :tll purl: ot cuntdn. The chief moor ere lIon. nodohtht- ltEmlng otrd . Gmndlll, sadism-law at "11 tlorensetl. s Ills time Devonslllm was, an , The 21th t'glmelll. In whlrh somtt the tale Lleulrnanl Itoutty l.r-mleux. modsou or Sir I. A. Jetl lm tut-I onytlte hallle old in mono, had also tenroscntntIt-ts. The tony wtr sent to Montrlht tot nurtnt n Cale des tiger cemetery Dmnlt hurt a mi and Fteezone who your imam! you on.) tm all my bud Wu: tolt com, or not: hetwean the loot. utd Institan tun ulluleo Iront nation or to. . . Avila! hold; all "rations" ootI- htua ll. Antt dnls time; In" I tow Wham tumor vi. In- abort?! H mm motl- ttu rum, 0", root out III. thump mu." some-at t" ' 'Iolgllltrvwcl 'IrtIteIl. 'l n gt .ttrrnntt, the at more ' potttenlurty- ,wh hencn Id' QI untmnm n In when cuNLv ' wm'l l ' when , Ihm reatllly Isr- l, token Ingttulltrtenr u lmn- , tent'nnrttrlty'cl ck ,utgtottour wlll nuttth Iann all road tantra blonttnu. 'n In altenchommlwllon In'mt- ot eholrtu the utrnhonltnt Intnedtnlent In III zullel hetng ttIn reel caum'l bx nrcvt-mlnz entnne ol Iran trough tnnt orton. Sudden chnogeu uI'dIet ot qny lttrtd moy chum the truuhle, and in!" IsIant ocerettnn oI nnIIvt. may )tat'evlhe some ehntt. . . while smut: at l e nhove-named eaum unually orecc u an ottoek, It It not uncommon to notlee u non- mnrkedvme tot ,wltlclt no welt- mnrtte'o chute can tut tuned. Ilth coma Int dnuhttotu due nomo un- ou-ptcttu Itnd not well underttqod temnnnry derhnxemenl n! the alga- tIvn glands and "Intent-r cont ot the rumgtt. Any coudltlon' lhll calm-o taruldttyjot the rummt may cause blaallnl, even though oh clllntu m load at l donxetnuo nntune hat totton vlnce Torptdlty ol the throw qwum In denttltntlntt dttutnu. In {out In moat dttuott-t at the ox, turd tuna Irotn the Inttndottlon ol emeutlvely bald Innturtol, on lmnted'lodder, Into tho organ. Symptomt. ~The nsttnnt , tottutn nytontotnu ot porn and uneahln hh by tylnr down and thin; treoueuuy ItIeltIo. nt ttte belly. etc. nurotna tton ls tuiaocntled and toad retuted. Tll'era It zenerat deprtntlon, protru- tton or the ntuttle. vroIc-ttlon nod congutton 01 the eyen tncrenned Itoo 01 mm. and ututtty tn oontott dur~ lug etntmtlon. The back It orehcd and there It It more or lens wc1l~ toothed twelllnt ol the hhdnmen, etpcclslty marked on the tan otde 112A tween uhe nhtnt of tho htn and the loot tlh. It thlt bu nrrsted wlth the Inter It wlll yleld. but nt oneo re- ttaln Its tornter candltlon when pren- tum In renewed. It tapped wlth the ltngort oretnott, tympante or drum- lllto hutlnd wlll tut )Ittard, hence the nnrnu "lyntpnnltls nhteottoo n! the motto Cluhe lornrd pressure up- oo tho dtnph ratot (the muzcuhr Dattlllon between the nbdorneo and Inn: uvlly). hence lessens the space at tho Iuny cot-It; and crunch and. eutty In Implrallon In propurllnn to the desren ot bloalan. heath may occur quickly trout rupture of the runttn, rupture ot the dIauhragut. Treatment must he dlrc-cltzd to to move or neutrallle the gases, and present tho lorntetton at more. It wtll dEpend north the severlty at the attack and the dertec nl dlsttnslon at me rutnen, whether It wIII ho wlse to altenlpl tho Inttntttlote removal ol the gaxL-s by an 0 tion. or nun-In- Inter drugh to nnuttntlzo Inc-tn. when hlootlug It not excrsslve, with llttte or no danger ol donttt oteurrtng quickly, lite adrulntstrntton at any drug that wttt neutnltte llIk .HasEs may and should he ettecttve. For tnln purpose ott ot turneutlne. commumy called "tpll ot turm- tlo - It; probath the bat simple remedy. This is gin-n In 2 to I 01. dnse! (It tablespoon hold nttout ii In.) scent-rung to the tire ot the tut. tleut nod stan at dliltnsinn. 'l'hIs should he mixed rum a plat at law linseed oil. When thts cannot no procured. melted tumor or turd or new Lullk answers the-yurnosu well. It necessary HIE u may Ito rc p ted In one to tho ltutlrd. .carltonato at :unmrml' t to \u drama, or blmurobn dlh ut sods, (baks lug noun) 1 to wt ox In n ptht ot water. also ectt hell, her not :0 ourer and promptly as ttttnenttno. It It also good pttcttce to out o hay rope or place at world altoul 2 incht: In dtametgrdnto the ratlentts mouth and IiSIEn It thsto. Tutu mellttstrs the warm at gas through the zuIIet. In cases where blotttnx to extreme tho gates should Le removed h) utccbanlcal or mutant means. In some Cases the narrator or a tunnor tube dawnrlll sutlet lt) tho ruturu wlll zlvrt lulluedldl IHIQL when thts lllln an autumn must he made thtou 'I the Hun sud routs ol the. rutntn ot the most plnunnent no In "out or Inn polnt ol the ten hm. The our shortth he Clipped ou the seat ot uprmllou. and It, IvItII tte hzmds at tho thmlm nod Instru- uteuts, dtslulreteo with It 6 per cent. solutlon ut Catholic atld or ouu at the cunt ur outtsontlts. The hronot Instrument Ior thln epmttnn .u a truest and tl ulll.v"l|ll when ttns is not on bond an ordinary packet-knife can he used and the Mu! the wound kelll upon to utlon (move at the trust-a. ,. Alter bloallng hos alsoupenred t to good nrtttlre to Itdtutulstor n hunt the or about I "L 61" oh snlts or ls t ntntt tow turned 0| . and lead link ly (or II In d JI u. eet-l. v.3. o. A, Comte. Guelh . \vtnnlpog, Ilut- lho csnndlan Who-t nouns Issntd n=ttr regulations. elleuihtc .t nthtntrht. M a .dvsoo.. In: the ttrtrr to Inlltn 'ut :Il gmdu or uilem when: Shoan I bushel. mtg British Comma, 0mm and Qua! wnent (o' bushel. 'Anothar (mutton. elm It; It "ac-unto um. masks. the man ttholeule pure: or bmjlld thth to the ax- Oukrb Blue Serge/ and VlMtna Bull! resolved at bhlpme nt ol,Bluo'3ults that ehould ave boon haro'laal-Full. Hence tho Invlnt'] an Bluon have-atlva from 16 lo 25% nlncty then. We are showing these 8ultn at a greatly reduced prlno over llto present Itth vhlue. I ' I All made [It smart. modulo, handtttllorad. It wlll pay $37530, $3.50, n01. lmelmy and and pit you to see these oi the prlcm: $47.50, $82.80, $87.50 All Guaruttteed Blue. I - > E DBNQHNI Men s Out tter NEWMARKET Halve Your Cleaning Dorie By Expelij Clollting,_ltuusultold drupet iea, linen and delicate fabrics can he cleaned and made to look as tresh ond bright o when that boughl, CLEANING 'AND DYEI ls Properly Done at Parker s It makes no difference where you live; parcels can he sent in by mail or express. he sumo core and ' ntlenlion is given Ilte work us though you lived in town, . we mu he pleased to athlse you on any uutstl \ dl'nK Cleanlng or Dyeing. 'IHTB US, Parker s Dye Works, Limited CLEANERQ and DVERB l 791'Vongo at. 1 - - Toronto THEillll. nth; & SUNS 00.; LlltllTElI MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN I ROUGH AND bWEEHED LUMBER. BUILDING MATERIAL ,Such an Flooring. Siding. Moulding and lmldtt Triut in Pine. Cypress. Ath md colt. mu stun ltottrlot all well kiln dried and nicely machined. Sub Dnol'a and Window Human. Boon III Pitta, Flr. Alh or Oak. aald at tuba . that wlll lntuut you. Hlttdly ulvo u: n tt-lnl'. Tits Wm. (lane in Sons 60., Umllul haw-guns. I . [1 its 310 out- Acunmanl at :ngtl-h Worm-I ttultlng. at. V Prion that mum an away lulu tooth. nont- quhltttt . ct nood- with tho addltlonnt Adultan orrttuln. your otethhtn mm'to mm "to lny ltyl. you it . "Ft'SVTWjILLL'I

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