, ,1 u 11 e Pram enndugird 'dlylng 1111111 11.11 'Sundn u. . 1 - Irina-11., 111. h '11 V 11111 11 3.1111111 {Idem 111111110 1.11 many, 11111 111.11 at 11 p nur-.11revine1n1 Pre'slium 1111.1, riddles lIu'v Iu _ rcrdrcirc to thaeomln'g ruler-1111111 We m1} 111 who 111311 Ieruyted. _ immerunon (0 come There, will b u 1 1.1.... 11111111.... and -.1.lrz.i1mrn11 uerveil 1.1.1111 ynur trinnrrn lo carries- 911111. 111 (-111.11. 1111111111111. - 1 r . -. rue than-er on \v-dneedny mum- 11111, hlinr- whirl. 111.111 the 'Irere .1111 1111111115 trlxl. ' V I . sniriuiid .11 hrqtra .111 (inn hlnndny 11111111. ' , ' .._ 11.11.1111. nay 11111 11201111111111 In i110 11.11.1111 eehnnls lrl11liiy1 111 1.11 11111 111111 My . , . 1 111111 rnlmnlltg or!ch ror fNorIi. Vnrk 111 11.11 l-mrinehu meeuon. lnal N11. 111.11r, 11.11 111.1 the eheaue 11.111 W 11 In with. lll'lljcl . 'rll'e'rc 111111.111. mm in 111 111; 111-1111, .._..____.._ - Inmqu the uuriud at Huwmlrltu. 1111.11 111.11. rlvcll, one, 1.1 51.11.1111 'J a dnurhlma I 1. 1 shore III island Grove, unused Mr. away an Shun-tiny, n rer a tenant.) lll~_ l. Gluuph. in the odd iroilown' Iie ii ,u n' / v _ f-DANEORD TU? SW31 ndu . and \\11& 11011011 at Newmnrket cemetery on Monday. ileoedned, 11111. wa! 111 hei- 21111. your. meat 11 w-ry 1111111111 111.1na1itinn 111111 11 menu .11 everyhodr who had 11111 11111111111111 or her ennueinrnuen. Sliu here her' 1111111111.; with great naiienne nnd Irinmthl In Ihe (11.1111111n'11 Iuiih. iirv1 anul-IIIK 1.1 'oucenrvnie hnd ehme or 11' iuneml 11er1-1ee ./ v. M. c. A. dunner. , '1 11 unnum- urine Town indies. un~ arr the manure hi or 111111 vnr aylh, provided 11 rplendid numlel' 101- 40 1111111111111 110': in 11.11 hidihnum Gym 1111 1111.111 evening, In_rnnllooll11n 11-1t11 1111. 111. c, A, work In New. '1'I.p thenhn 01,1111; men in , d I.. the mnmnent wtrrd'plje- lo 111. indies by Mr. p .\v. 1 rann and 111.1, 11. 11. hinmnnii. In 1.11 nudr 111 the boys 11.1111. nyn-s mesrnied an pulllne or. Ihe \vark Muel. he nwuols'l enver llils stim'mrr, 1n whi11h_ the lmyn were 1111.111 11.1.71111-11 11nd 11.111 1111 hearty covn'mrhllpn. ' I j Mr. MrLun-n arm-onto 1111' 2111-1 1n utltli as': n.. 11..- irenuma 01 1110 1, 1.1.11. 11. war-11. emphasizan some or 111e nnints 11111111111 nut 11y 11111.1. mien: Evrry ieii 111.11 ll. Wins ,1 1111111 11.11.1111 mettlan 11.1.1111 heye. A atom. at Prlco erekltiu which no ordinary store can wrthr-r, 1.1 Duncan's- Erumrlh- League, _ 41-1111 1111-11-1 xtrntmuri was In ehme 1.11112 1.11 nrunrlrnrni and 11 mm rillnyr'vrl l1\' All The lnpln was An, Mngnalnr-s. Miss wine of "inkli- re uiren in- 1111. e Srnll,'niltl_ 111-. . 11 11111111- 111111111 tlr-H-rvl s qua-111 n1rn1111n 1111- his a11. 1111.1 1111 -- mnwnrlallnn 1111.11.11. the Mr." li'nm dm \Vnr'l s war - A nl vnn sniraiinn hy.111111 inurIne hath-11.11. and 11 1.111. 11y Mrs. 1111111 111111111 were 1111.11. annrreintenz thl 11 e1. an aronunt nr 1hr linll 111v. 11.1- 1.. we 11111 1.1 111-111 nn runs. .121- err ne. 11, IF rxned that Br: 1111111111 .1. 1111- 1111111111111 will delirnr 1n rid/Ir r1111 11111 11.1 well \vo h 111-.rinr. hx-er11111i ywe1reme. 11111 1.1111 MM. nuiion, 0n Thurs/hr mamlniz. - Iny 13111. 11.1 amt mun-1111 vlsllml the home at .1Ir .111. nuiien and relied in her re~ w :11 111111 and 11111111 11111: and mom . 'l'lm nllllollnl nl 11! her s11d111n 111th name as a areal shqu n11 my 11, 1.111- ianuh- 11111 In 1111 who 11.111 1ne; 1.! her ernnainirnrm 11.1 11.1 Flilidhy yirn'llius silo wan sinrh 1 with pneumnmn 111111 1111111111. hr.- lllnr : 11111 11111 erg-n1 alarming- llnlll \VI-tlrv-tiru waning," 1111- 1111111111; 11nd 1111111111111 hr 111..- 111;- . ivarher \yedrnrh. and lllf ll will! "10 rill" 0! I ll" 11.111 111.1111- m... . milmlgt and 11111. .11....11111. 1111111111 her 1111111 in her .1111", 'I it , '1111l,\' HOW mnilm llll M 1m] illiillll r lln lulllll ltlt li l|1.\l F)"l l unmn lll i. ('li Slll [4 1111 laum r \\'Ill| 11.1111 111 .n.i11e..1.. nl 11e1- penile 11111111 'mrl ullv-lllsll rllrljmrlllon will l>r- r 11 1.11 1.1 11.11 11.11.11 rim-11, wlirrr 11w hrnthrr; rs in mnurn Inhu- n. 1.. r- ailu-I- \vedinar 11n-1- 1r1l 111 rinnur-nt sermlvll 111. 111 run 1.1 a any... nrrn-miinn '11!- 1111! 111111 :1 enncoiniian in 1mm 1141 .111111 1.: 11.1.1 a <rn'1mli'1n Inn-11.1, 1.1,..1 1.111 we 1n1-1ni 111.1 1.1- ) 111111 111111I1Itiy, 11111151 mnuurnd- "W 1 v1- 1...-11- Inok lrirwarll in 12 11 .1 11.1111 1 1" 111111-11 heyand 11111 emi- 11111-1. \Vill llia morn Shun v.2.- 111111 1.1.11-.\,111no.11 111.- hm- 11.1.1111 rand 11n1111 and 11.11 nthie." llrr remains wrrr- laMn ln'Sl, 111.111 .1 a. rmnrry, 1111111117 6111 11,11 rnrrlal nr 11 111111111111 11.. was 1r_. 1. .1111. 11.14 In 11:1 ' Irilal resl. 111w her 11 iinnl. Arid 1-11 nemeiudl I111! sliina'urnn hpr " m we. Straiqu 1.11. manna-1 - 01 111mg .11 111111111 Sim, ) 0111- 11mm Ire'e.- 1 ' l _ l 1 or dlallncllvn "a ilk-GI eves: nee ounmyr' ntyleg und doloralor nrlnx wear. . Tlle dire Illil'l a uycd elrlpmunt [ordered last full, 511111 are there-lore . EXOEEDINELV iiurry In, look them ovur. uud gel. I win: in o'AuAnAu ' AT ACPRIOE .TO 81" See u iew or them In our window and remember 11.111 an mix-11 r , purchase wiii'ne money saved. . coLLms / I .1 I he picked url. . . GOOD VALUE 1. need choice-.1111 may will noon MEAT ri'rrii'm T van. 1 7H: 1:1.on THAT 3117111111121 1111111111.. 'l oxenvaloru {Ire Work In! on Hurtful Slrczl llili week coming. up .\fLillI 5!. ll ) (Iur L annlll Mien] xmlnlurs lnr Ilium-r u ( nll 11' lrdsl in)": dandelion Kl'l'i'ns. It 1111 oantm 1111- 13111111111 onudren. arrni inlorexl is helne III-cured 11) me 1.1m rally-51 1min run by the 11111- Manurariumm- nriaunn or 11 1111... 111-1. out-ring one hundred grim I -I11t~ best one, hundred nunrrs reerireu an 11.1- suhh-ui 0! Why You lluuld ILV Gannllj rlnAM'mIfg Shin-s1" Tm [Ii-[z 1)! 12.01) each will he rem-n 11111.11 ten 1.251 mer rueeirru 1min each 171 the nine Provinces n! 21115431 in ariditid n Inn prim-5 r11 21.21011 each 11111 he i1en 11. these 11.11. urrn wr'lllmr In 1m - in 1111. 1111) senoni 1-1.11d.1n are going Io (got 11 91121! oi Siouxuvh. c111... 1651 is open to ah chiidmi, sixteen ratirs :11 age and yeunger. De nut wnIr more ihan 500711111115 Use only one side 0! 1111; paper. 1:111 your ling 11nd address pieiniy 111 1111 Ion 11111-11111 rheei. Papers mllal hear par- enls' deriiilcaiian 11.111 -1~r.111-i is 111 nerer 1151: 'and has written the panrr Mlhnul assistant-e. Papers captain. ing the 111.11 argumenis 1.1. vwrry You Should Buy Made In Canada 511m" 11-iii he 311-111 the pri lus. The ndverJ Inemanls helnr run In this and other newspapers hr the Slion hinn'nrae- lurnm'-ARo1 lllnn or Canada 11111 giro Iniormaiien an whieh 1111s.. 11n~ nem ear. he 11111111. hut mm 1111 slime menunmiurnre ant 111-: 1,111 are 1111 ouginnl 11.....ghts 41111 urgnments at 11.111111 handle 11.. 11.141111111111111 111 1.1111 '1111 up the Indnsmes 111 Canada 1.1- l1111'lmr ranadranmmh 111111111. (:11... 1111 ohms .tune :11, 11221). 1111 =halll1l II1 I a ssn , "Edllnl , Sclmnl s rinnie _ 1007 humid!!! nllllili F 'l t-mmor an run our 11111111 111 the Seeded -w1u.1 : ented and 1111111111211 Railroad meets trier: how Iwumte en.- \Vuiehrs m 1 "1100. Julie Mr example 11111- 1111110 w 1111.1 11'. uiar' 11.1: 111th ,warenmnn 11.1. 1. _ 11 11 .1 sernnd. when yen near 1111 tine w:1_m.- . 3 A Remark-hie le I To 51-1 more. nut 11! Duuran s. Identi cation Wanted. lliI Clliol III Police llDl B 1'0- ydur dollars 1.1 -1 \1_-d a meesugemi \Vedml da'y. / llllilIB lllul, 11 man was killed 1|! 1; unheiimrd 1... Menuny and the. ' was taken 11. hiitnn. A1... 1111 niiy he was 110.5 Ken-11.nrhei ' Allow/35 years aid. 0 an airmen, heavy weigi 5 [L 111 111. inheini11. lnformulion-l-d cuimd 11,- Con. Duncan. Ludy Orangaman. I ' 111.1111: i'euulur met-ting heid by the L. 11. 111 .111 Lndgt- 1111111111 Lear, N11, 1711 1.. the Orange 111111 on Wednesday evening, 11.11 va-_ 11.111111 seerrinrr. 111e1- i.. nee. paid 111-.- om 1111 11311 1eeumpan. 111d 1.,- tho it w 111., .ter 'l'nyior, 111111111111 \1'. 11.. Sister Mecienny er Aui'um. AIu-r 11 1101111 menIine, rer- \lImr-llls were nerved und111e 1-1s11u 1 1111 on the late our. . I Hnsnnln. 'l1nl\\'elll|D .y oiling the olllt ers 11nd eempnninne of on. out Charmer, Na, 79. rm-01.1.1, paid 11 rrnrurnai 1- 1110 11131-111 Cliiiplcl , 1111! an, Newmnrhei, In 1111- numbepnr about 50, coming 111-11- hy molars. The rui iiors put on lll work 1.1 1111- e. nin he Royal Arch "OKN F l l man 111-1. 311.11 hemre clasllli-l the ELFII Bl hr IannnI-ur Urinnl Chapter pre. 11.11..- H 1 prineinni at murmur 111-111. .-1 Signal rung; 11.11am engraved. us .1 memento 1.1 the occasion. ,'I-1.e Visitors 111111 1.1-o11g111 along a lli'tzlllnnd 1111.21 and serrrai other musiei. 11m 111 enii .. the Fourth Degree, whinll '11, vi lam-lily Enjnyed by Illl pl'twt lll An (rid Mildred man 111.: 1.11miqu 1 1nd [gr-158 when a 1.151- 11111'" slapped 1.1.11 said, "You'm {unliill 111 111. 11.111, Itneie Irh; It 11111 makt- Ilre nlosdnw as ' hirer as you 11m." nunjt 1111 'lmul 11111. 511.," span-led Uncle El "Dal grass I grow 111.1 111' he as green 1:. 1-111. is. W A snouesarui men must Study 111: inniie er ether-1.' ' - Well ld l knaw Illa! H-VVM 111* 11 mm trues-r111, hut it 1. :17 deitemrui gnarl" ARCHIVES. oi= ONTARI Handicap - , lloyx V 11-111- In 11.1111 nn Sunday 1111. ' INF-POEM :_B'yl Anrm' necr red Doyl - 11111-111111 11.11 111111 ninee nn l'huradny 1:, unch wee ut 1h}: irnir,(1rnun_de. oqmmuncmg 1.1, 7. let. In llm o.ent_ a! any meal 11111.11; currcelln i, uwilll; Io wenhh. t-r c11111lil1iolnt. lll 1111-11. 11111 I. Hlundlnk llroml Jump men 1001115 ll, 1 llunnim; brand 0 y11. dusk. Illuryning broad .lu irh :irIi i , l Buy ) (le poluto mac. rimming 1101', Islep 61 lump. -, lilarb llnIP-mllu waih, harming higi.,1 u..1111 . 111mm Merl l 5 ' 1111 week 1 . ,IIay-1_4v11'eeir1arrow rnee (pea) - .iIunuing lriglI Jump. 111111 2211 yd. dasli. - Pony relay (mire) 511. wank. _ 111011 1110 ydxrlnnh. ' Standing lII'oad'l'umrIr i111- wilt) yil', ash: (1111111111111 lll OllIl jump. 'I'hruwing 11.1 hneeraii, lllinning 11.11., my. 11 Jump. 150 Jul. 11.111111 1111111 Jump. n I mile run. . A llunn ing hop, 1.11,). 11 Jump. _ Hulom rn111111etiii111. will he divided 1.111. the railbwinr; classes: libysv-( l Under 12 years. (11) Under 111 yl;nrs. (1:) Under 17 yenra. eru n yearn and over. ' 2 12.111esta1115 to compete only in their 1111.. oln ss. 3 1111 vents open on the rim ' 211111015. Subsequent racists! will 11111 1111udienn events. 14111111111. prizes 11.111 he given 1.0 the 11151 a in each event each , we 'ililtl cpillpetiliurrx 11-111 xcurc 111 Io'ilows : I..- ' 11ur11nu1itur iinishing event. n_1111~<.nm 1111-11111 will he 5'1va in each clue.- to the competitnr >111: 'ng the greatest 1111mher 0! 1111111111 during the snries.' 9~C0mpelilord must take pnri in 511% or lire met-1:111 he eiigi. bleiiur a Final Awlu'rL % BLOOMIN TON Mr. and lira, liarlman Jones at Ta- rnnio .speni Monday with rainuves. Miss A. hrahnn or hinrklIum spent Monday at Mr. E. A. slorry's. 2111-, Headway has Improved the hr.- [It-amnce or the animal yard by Dinni lng-a raw or cvcrxrcan Item. 1111111 Annie stanleion Is suendlllk a lime with her slsler at Elam who i5 punrll MlisJe sle Marion of 11.11.1111 seem a week 111111 31m 11. R 'rmnmer. 111-11. (1. E, Poekln 11nd wire til Kei~ wick were guesls at 1111-. \v. A. Peri-1 ier's. 1111. 11111111 Allin and a lady mrnd VRIJIJBLE The wer n gray-llnlrul ,man 1an a .1 =torious sirnmu-r. - n11 111.1. mlglil ynu 1.1- !" 1111-11 11111 man. ' h' n'uilt is 'l'mlllrll ." rvpllvil l11, 11mm 1:111 11.111 11m Imrs 111-1111111111 yen and Inn-er 1an 111.1 1.- furl-1" said 1111- 111111, 711166-51. 1111111111 . Highest Prices-Paid / 1 pun eii Bernie You vnnnu-u-n I Bill Arid what did ynu do 1 > 111111111111 at Music nail, .\'nl11nlml, 111. Sat - - n. 21... Mamie-raw 11" present 11.11 the 111-6111 111' the 111.1111 i113 read and entirrh'eu, con 1.11 in un111111111ee 111 the whole un 111111.1n11 ueeuunie, 1111-. Wllklc- in the chain. when the-11111111111111 1111111 1 -1-11 nrerI-nird 11.1.1 druered pnlil - . 71- 'ds gravel 9,. r1111. 10 randy. 5111mm,- (Iain. 1.111, 011 gm 1 glnlll 11..r. . mm 01121111! 'Vllkl lie nudi tor-.9, A E. llllilingellorlll 1 1 1] Henry 111an ha I'ilcli [111M llll : sumfaf $1 ) (111 Wh audllln cUliIlls umhe tiraauren I11 |)/l MI in! 'l'llosp llh non he paid 8150.40 helm; nmoulll. due mm (of 1111-11 111.1111 1... 11.111. mail as per plan now on Iilc Iii [1111 812101 1111-1111 nit-red .\\'al| vLcL g rut IIIe/lrrasurer 11ny11111.31.. es 111141.111 M11111. ' 111a llu;pl|nl,. rn maintenance bf Mn lll llrnwll 311150. Dol lllal J11: licnll bl: [mill $45 i work 1m "7111] 1 \\ -\\'l|l( ill)! ll '01::- lm] ll. .l. ll i'l, inst-3501's. 1113 n 11 51311 each run arsenan on an. t'qIIIII. 1 , 1 Lrgku Wilk' -ll| 1L A. \anaon lie lli'llll 5(1), llclng flnill 1 09! of ill arr-11111111 1111- hrldgee re animals for 111111. 11.1 11.11 lnwllslilp .1 nlesl. in the ank 1:1.u1u_1- (101111 11111111, 11111111111111111. 1.- 1he reeent grading on llie varieun 31111.1 1 .11; throughout the muni - :11in 1.1111 11.21 they Iuriher ask that diirerent meihnde be 11111111 111 111.1 Iniure, :11. the mail}; are nnw Iuiiy wax-1e ihun a1 1he beginnin c 11 o 11:11 11111111. 1111 ruiure more he dune on lllizde several roads 111.111... Luggc- that :1 grant or 3 15 he 1,11en [0 1111111- Bank and s. 1\'cliil1altl. cum. unpasiie lots 211 and 211, no... 71 . ' \Vaile thai .1. A. human ha e. aged Io dun-1- .o 1111- tenders to. 1111- 1.1uiding or concrete hidges 111. ea... 5, oprmaite [11L a. con, 2 1.111.111 . lol 1 30 \1111- 111111 the treasur er' der une myot 1111 i1 1,1..111-1-111 Iui- elm llee' Inn (91111! fur 3111111] New re , llle - 1111 1dr dam 1.11111 11. 11.111 1111- 11 " cheque ill fm Ii moral Cour ges lie 1e sum or 155, 111 11an-1- Cdurinrv 'IY1 owl-rivers, el _ - in eununute 112111111 ln~ 1.111- recent-1i Ihcir sever-dis readings and passed. (in Inniien 11.11 meet at Tempt-I' 11. Saturday. .\l 111.11.: 1.1 the 1. m. 1.111 niljolirnt 111-1-e lIaII. KetI mutt-11.111 or A essrneni 111111. a: 4 w~ HDVAL nzril'ribu BiliaAnd you asked Iiie lather 'or his daughier s hand .1: marriage 1 .1111 l 11:1 nlgm. Bill \vriai did 11 my 1 Jul lie 11:15 very unimz Jilla- i Imnlrd 111m us I qu11 a Ling. 11111 lluwsol .1111, \v harked .II: 111 1.1, presence 4 W ..Jol1n 1L \iincenr,.1r.e man .1111; 11111-1111 1111- 11111111 CIIaiiliuquK 11111111111. Is 11.1.11 ram 1,, 11111 iii-111.1 Viuerni 111111111 111.11 them 1. .1 gm. nerd 11.1...n1m 11.1 511nm} lltlul lmolmrs 11! his chu "1111111 imaged knu dxe and enilure in 111111-111, 111,11 11.1.1111 [Willi In 501W!) 911111111 won, and with .1 Aden-Lin 1111-1 111 cslsbllsll- 1111 :1 11 11 1.1m- .11111111111- name-111111 11. 11.1. ninn, The movement, huh-- 1 er. quickly sr-md 111.- 111y111V1 111e . ., llt PIl llfill lllmlb ll K rathmnn [mm 111 1111.; nr 1111 world 111 listen lo the En llssl outer: and 111111. - un siuurrh 11.111 111111-11 1... 1:1") r111 iiIo, . Live. Stock Markets 1111-111 .1114 .11 Town . 1.... wash 1 , ' I In liliolre Slut MLI . 11111111; 111 ; 1 yr 1. \I D LSMETH S 'HARDWAR More Mileage Run, an 1111:, - 11. um nrr uunwi, 1. 1 M 1:11er 11100 . I-- m luy, 1111 11,11. .1 , NEWMAizKi-z r \NEW SPRING GLOVES, 1.11111) riosi ERYV . 1 , . 1 Queen Quality 111va ln_nll tha qwoat 81 16!, and ' shades, Doublo Tipped: running In pr co 1mm . 1.11....7501 pair to $2.00. Vlonlr Brand Silk, on, hoary throw, than M. , Nigger, Gray, Black, TEMPE, Emerald, Pgrpltl, Navy, White and 00an Blue. . -, ew N eohvrm tor the snrind Frock, _ 00MB", collar and Quite, Fanby Vpateu. Heather, cashmere Hon. 1dr" Euriy Spring wear .wlth xlordehoululhltados. . "coed sehooi Hora tor Ihe Kiddies In Black 1nd Tun; Flno Ribbed I, . . . . . . y. . . . . . 1380. pair / Funny Learn to Grain in Five-Minutes." Mord: DEQORATION wrm " ei ii =NI1MBL 1 t YH E WON DERFVUL WATER-FROG r, HEEL-PROOF, . , I HAMMER-PROOF I VHRNISH i _ EMONSTRATED BY A . . v j " ' . FACTORY 13111313111 ' ' ViIHO WILL EHOW VOU HOW TO ' Grain, B / thin, Varnish and Enamel --w.-1-1. GHI-NAMEL 1 norm raise "rule mrEngsrinio EXHIEIYIOH " J 1 ' - ' E. 5: -NEWMAR.KET Phone 39. j 6n Tuesday & Wesdny, May 25 6: 26. a . 5 Your Tires 1 BY HAVING fHEM RETREADED VOR'SEOTION BUILT "I ----- 1' . 1 ALL REPAIRS T0 CABINGB AND TUB E8 _ _D'E- S'_ , I f Vulca'nizing and Tire Service... 1 Mafk8216; Building. Ngwmarket, ' 3'51 1111111-1 I talk N 9 mm. 50:310. .131. 1 11111, per 111mm .7 .111 t ' "311.1111 1 ( g . 31?! - M J , [Irr [hr 1111- 11:11. Mr W! - -1