Newmarket Era, 21 May 1920, p. 9

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>lle H.lld - . Ion- Olin Inigo \vliuiehuin. om itsliiiii' riinuona'o gououerv. mmursni an rm (ulnar . W R. COWIESON hominid SL. you". in ihndird uiiolo oi iood In Vall- tow... ..Evsrv any. mm icllis are learning rhoui WI nutritious goodneu end about the oiaiuv our. used in in. turn-bum". sitino our ore-d II o. hum. until. an the hub . '/ l (I [ll/ONE 5o HIV/V5 n ' Properties for Sale on second 8L i . 'Ilillil no... on a. ll moms. ililrd. nerd iioois- in inning-idem, llal| end union. ininaee, electric lights. This ' ii i llrnl pins. house und in ilrsi Mimi ii i-ioxdo. ' Sumo ii-uii r .l sinil Ilriill. prionrlstrl and "min in tlull. on pro-pool nvs. - lluiis or in rooms. lioil. lrrdwond i iishls. iurnaoc. hot . i. stone eelinr. vedeh. em hm. :luslo. hot lion-is. Price imio iur inunodloie sale. immedi- ill possession. sl.i5n down, on Prospect Are. s. .i maillml llllnsu and slnhic thereon, some iruil hues and ialilall iruil. Lot liorlu. moo. anon cosh. . on n on and Hamilton also 5 rooineo house in iirst nioss rcpoir. A non d llc home ior smell inniir. I ili'u dieoo lor'quluk *siilc. on miin ELM" econ. ' ironic huilding use or store and lellluL'. l l\' MOI on Hrsl oor cond nor. cement trio llgllls. in good slele price $230. sued i. ann licurs on Ellen st. t. rooms, clii'lrln light. water. ouimi cl-lldr, $2000, .smio down moo nny. o-noom ed House on inn... siroutl. Good Iol inxlia, This Is nn/ up- lo-iists hours equipped williwalcr. decide lililli. Ilirnuec. ' slnhlc. twr LN; houses oil in' good condillou. tiooo up... on oorlisni st.. consent Blecli Hound. A room; and hail. wdler In house ( x-iill'ill chll'ii', ism-line. lied house. This is I good huy ni 81500. .Aci qulu) ion Acre! oi clinics Land in mil. riwillimhury, uirvo lnlic: IoSdiinn, % Imllorlo cliursli Ind Mhndi Guild smite! rand. an! iloior house oi 3 rooms, aocd ham or slow: well mm. Drive on. L-n lihlirv. i; s OI'WNY PYs ml/n' und nth...- wlrlelliri nui- -. lArlII, ilosscs or. in Isil. Bail um see our "at, o; [hurts and ions properly. I "ALL d. aunRowa, Nowmuhol edit Si't. . m I Town of Newmarket Glut-s hoiiesTto nonunion ' ier ihs yui- mm, It in. or... roursoii improperly , you may Almenl '0 up to and including WWI... "in 29m, 1020. i-. .i, ANDElLSONi Town Clerk. Brighten Up the Home Ii ln will. now Wall Paper . choose min my mum Wick. aflan l !!! tour-oliv- pollen. ms h an my prionqqoi o or. ~ iii-looms. to on our I M viii-ha you no mg m In! 'Wnu. luuull runn- mncii. a. m Him.- and no, ill nnl iii-den Av... rim-M I Item with" lm-xii: l v 4 i l -oti iirch.' - . . Damrcdcinua hat. on chine-oi ninth. ' . i ' .mors IWII lodges. line 362, will most in the 110. 0.}. mil. WM- Mdan evening at 3 o'clock 'Mcln- hem nro reduouied to in midst. (here is iriiporinnt Business lo,di cuss mm mkovnnliiia oi glance oi hislil oi nrmluul, Y mona- l'nduv . . ' . "Nlu. mini-Is vinisunn _iiildeovor met wiii. ihe iinrniut u, lo. M nnrom iin Mullildy owning. MI . climde nionting icgellier. -. iin .\ii.y * ilriends c, P). will holdJl Picnic at liond Lake, iohvlng aniuquci on. me liircu o'clock cnr, which in two o'clock lilo ndord ti. nil l- rilzr'llls lire invileu w ioin miller will). , V . , . . uniting ln Mourns-rim. . , The .York county Medical Ans ocla. iiou in going io'ohiingc their place oi Immune" lhis yihr, Formerly lilo mcelhigs have her... held in Temple. Olivine lilvllslion olihpvlcoiil iris. Lcyniiy 1hr. moeilng,to-day (HI ho In 'llle mmrd oi dc iinonio, M the conclusion or i . husiness it is pro- posed in rislt ihe Newmllrlmt Il lllary iiehpl l .._nrl posoihly lllelndlliilrlill lion... in the owning the virllori ,wlii llil arhilmid Ill-"Bunch at ihe Kim! indulge ilol ' Y phoenix : rid Edi-I'll old mile N. anlt lnl'a llcnlual inill. and log Criliiml ui'lilri ' . Flonlvi The young people oi liic iiradiord nisiriot inlcnd holdan o,i.ruguc Plu- ulc or hand Mike on 'I'llurddrly. done 3. Tea served or one (old time). ' hnvc hoen iii-mullet! ror oiielr'ioon' nnd urchins nnd noverai s peakors will give short lnlkti duran liie supper hour. Ludies nre nshod lo.nuppiy iiie iluq uh. A colieoiion will-ho tnhcn at ihclohle to deirnv exp :de . - s v. _ i , All ihn younu people ot illll iiiclh- ndisl church in me dish-lat archery i'nl ed. ' christlnn mli. ' Sundry Moi- 2 . . III. is expected ilinl one oi the visil. ' 'iniiiiniuisleie who comes irom them... ciirn do in lire interest oi Iic For. word . uvigriienlpvw l spesk all one oi the Services hut we cnnnoi lcll iii which .ull Friday nlizilglan llin in net It lnio liio pop please come in hntii horvlct s and icon wiu'iiever is given. Goal! rnusic. seals irde, worm \ iodine. _ . * liev. ii, 1-). Focklcr oi Keswi 'a lino srrin'on losi Sundry ll WM greatly nulo) d hy illl pmseni. Nearly .5 and AccldEnL A hnd motor accident was narrow- ly nyuned ei ironies crossing on Sat- urdny. molt Cook oi Newmnrlrci. Ills\wi!e, two children nnd Mrs. J. 'rochey oi home. were on ihelr way to liracehridge in a Chevrolet oar. Arriving at tho ironies inro, Mr. Cook was proceeding straight alld when he dodidecl that he should go over the luldgehln endeavode to make... quick iurn. in doing so the cur went all the mnd'nlld was hulls up all the tens. ilad the cones given way may would )my lakcnia his drop lo the irock hsiow will. serious results. no it. was . tires occupants were iii-hurt rnd ii... car liilio domagrd nrrie idiailililet. Find Youuli' Dunn-Jun." TlloliKli the full Imus I)! I'll! Ualilr p Inl noi he salhered even ior y~ l S ihere was no doubt as lo is alue and success last Monday oven- iig when shoul (only men and have sat down nliogoiher .it suoh s supiror us onl) lhc. lsdies oi Newmailiel'can iur- ulsh. The whole spinl oi the gamer. ing was one or compliilonsitlp'and ii was in ihis spiiii lust lhc nonierons intcryiews were conduelsd and were [he measure a! (lll lr success. ' siler ruli iunllce had new done in ihe supper a hearty vole oi lhnnhs lo ihe miles wds moi-ed t. nir Pi w. Pharaoh ond supported hy . ii. I}. Marshall. liir. .l. r'. iiarvey in u lol- iun I will. or prior sddic 3 iron. the chair, in which he emphasised ihe V'nlllt: or sucll iguiherings and ilie im- porlonco oi the Campaign in young ltlcll, ller whlnll lie. mlll d on M52 nlox. .irneloren ior on sddiess on the . oiirc which should 59(9l1l s young man in choosing to miss work." 51mm! Emphaslsr was plated on Illa rainc oi an education and or ilroroush lNlninK Mr nil'y occupniion .nd Mar iisiiis were gluon lo ,iilnsirele. _ . Feminine ihe sddmts his boys we"! elven ihe oproriunily oi ms cushion ilieir nmhlgmd with rose. who had hcen inrllod ror lhsi purpose: lie I won nl "Mic [mu-blizws Hu men were given s closer and s-rnore Erin pllhlllb loncii wiihnlisihoys M411; . visitor-onscreen on bon wen. znthd-in' mm. vw.'\ nil iii-rinse iililic'worsiiiji Flu ire .no niiairloiisrnu- , / . 2. up pip-sundry} ool. . 'I'IRIM Belliniilmss \ n , Trun' . eli 'Iiilereii. iiov wii L liawrnnd psslor. IAW nanlllga' , '.' dove i rncnlhers oiihn iiillli'wnm on'tiic grecn'on Wednesday/and pul hi ii loi oi ham worh rolling and unit. iilg BllUl qu o iilllo nine Walgol up. iir. i. h. nrndir. our lug oil the .v..luahlo prim. .'l'llc\gr . ler eondilion lip... in our iorm r ye nrid will he nulnhdly op ll ml' lire Srilronfu Mons. r em. iiiny. when a 1)mihlu l'rournoincnt will he held. iinpdroincpd will he elven in win- ..nrnvnnd n iorqe horn sign lied iiinlr inlnnulu in halo. pain The .i-eiu. will more nv lTEA .i~|.iii . liionday who. o. draw will he made and ihe ironies will sLari ni inn prhinpl, . lniondlng entrants slinoli pond in amp. or e and provi o howls. . . . ahsrnsiul luring. ' 'lil liio mice-wrackth nl nnnoon's. Got your hroom iron has. ' .' illili OTTAWA in. oh irvole in the Crililiimntl Monng 'mcrning ihe union Government had o malonly -or live only, the iolnls heing is in on. Tim; ycdre ego 70 ytud ii common molcrily. . when ihe rislill who snnoiiiiced iho liberals cllcnl ul Jubilanlly. end in iinlonisls tried in 'opplnud Sir UEOI KIII Fowler holding up his hand in show i. limorlly oi rlvc. nine ilnionisls ur'iniaollid littllistthed will. ihe ihongiit "lat ll \[nndny nilend- once is vlwnrs siin and that it was somewhat oi a shop vole. r "Eleanor. l i-iienlioo I" loud "Want at eoniidenee i" were some oi ihc iiiings shouted across lhe- iloor by ihe iiihcinis the} could he heard nliore ihe din wiuoii Ieiiownd the on- limrnccllleni oi ihe vole. thn riuh-i hiid hm. resioreii ihe eernndl. II E proceeded lo Lnlir, up rsllinnles 0! live noyul Canadian Mounled Police. A Time ior nciieetion. . May I snggnsi Io my hon. "Lid who is loading lhc (levernnieni lhoi it will require illilE~to reilcet on llio siluallon nud ilial we might now all loci-n." sold lion. w. 5. Welding, will. {I iinlc nf viclilry lll Ms Volta, "Ii sngghsiion was nsscntcd to, and ihe cominillc e rcporicd progress. This nnlr was upon a resolution in- lroduced hy lion: w. s. ricldiog. see- onded II) the riihcral Leader. lion. \V, inlinckemlc Kins, dcmandinirllidl ihe ilnusc he hilly inicri-nr c7indern- lng negelioiions honing lo do will. the appoiiiiinenl at a nliinsier idempo- lcniini-y- lo,\Vashinsion u proposed or the noieripnent in a cchlon nn- nonncod a weoh ago. ' I'liu amend- ment was moved lo a rosoiiiiion that ihe liousc should go inio nornmillle oiSumllv. . ' " . were no detection. 1'] , sindiiest malarin ihe no mrni hqd had previously \\ d 2i. uhlcl. who recorded on a vote illmul a monli. ago, There were no defer lions ii-nn. cllher side when liie role was taken on Mhllddy. The six Farmers prescnl i- nindlwlili lhc Llh. orals. . , sir riohorl harden lock part In ihe iii-halo earlier in tho, eveninn .niaiing his iirsi address oi the hre nt Ses sion. out he had leii ihe charnhcr lice {am-Ulevvole wus tshon. lie was paired with' E. 'h. Devlin oi wright. lion, w. n. Oremrhiile Agrarian Lend er, also inii ihe chanihei- heiore the division heiisrans. bul. like his iol- lqurl S. he "lied UD , llllsl [lie GOV- erninenr, being paired mil. 6, w. A]- lan. Silth Winnipeg. . ~ dimly iiie'own View. - in opening me dehnie, lion. \v. s Fielding said ihal irorn his own exv porienoe it seemed to him liiat mm: was giave daum wheiher ihe siep tnlren was wise. When there. was such great l1ng or economy as the present ii seemed in Mill ilrai ihe step wn s one which promised lune. hut which was iiiicd will. passmlllliizs oi iiiluro .rouhle. 'rhis irrav, hr ex- plalnt'd, 35 Ills We, and lle would .ioi ask I lldmelll lo coincide with ii iii llils point. The poini on which the ilouse could lake'sunng srounds wss 'Hldl ihe .unilrr. horns oi such i;wa in. portinee should no r received more eonsideraiion than it Iisd.' Form rnnui should have been consullsd. Then: his heen isiii sueui Govern- ment or order in council iyoin holi. sides ni is llouse." said the veteran Litter-L * There is s tendency in nissniir the power or ihe esolnol and in With his power or me imita- ni, ' Thu Ii... undrmy whldi we should guard against ' The aov:m._ incur .s, n_n|1 s noniniiiioroi Poms danish hilllolignrs; will: :9 been - smoldulioiheminthovcsrnw ' oxen. . OIIMed inter-gm lho-wunlry. o.qao,ms voted tr! e tori ' nr It'll um keep oiiloo .|t/,Wh&illnm, i'Hop iii- '. lisdouid that 1|,wurlk, ih- nl ieniion lo iwoini-o ri-omcniiiive icr in Unlicd Sister molten. when milled, uidhn wider iimn ihoro oi ini- w r8217;i rade Colnmlulnnr which hod wdrlf d there. .ii was said. too; thnt ui o'upendliuren oi lire Comm... ilnn were luman H.900 and 05 000 i. nrnnih.- glio'ws v " ihhr proposal win one \lech e. s much largcr tinin previously Iiliiqiuilleil. Eisiiiy ihoui rand dollars i s asked ier ir i.liie edllinulcs. in pmvlde'l ir the nurse. iinll he preillclcd,iiiis oinnuni would he consider-silly increased in me not viiiinutiuiure' 'lhe appointment was -01 linpnrlnnec in its rclalion to as... a n connection will. ,iho 'unlled L'ilmi iinil'lllu .iloilier Conniry. it me nonrrr to lining a conniiliillonal ciivngc uinri'anv nl lire vniious inal- lerr mentiy hero 2 [lie ilcuue. Pulllmunl should know. , h. a when ni-such KI'MI. [Hillan on which wan not pressing. ille Government should uring ihe whole onesllon lloior Pfirll menl snd pen. rnil iiie poop or representatives to craise ihe ludglnenl which ihe'suii- ich demands. ilcplying 1.0 up. hichilrur, lion. Mr. iinwcil pulnkd out liinl lho largest [ml-l oi Canada's external ironic-wan will. the United Slates. Tllu ohieot oi n rrnrosenlailve such omit we proposed lo appoint was to soiogu-ird and protect liio lnle s oi ihe people oi ihe t'mmlry concerned. / r v A'Oullnhlo nova 'i'hc ilrgideni oi ihc Council ncxl inoh ilp (ila'cr lalsm liint ihe ques- tion had not neon heiore the country inr discussion; he recalled ihoi ihe catiiiiokw last year to m' Idc IorJhr nil . hinl come up tits! 'on April i. " A'vsullahla day. inleriecied nir. r'lohlinlr. somewhat hlileriy. /. We hove not passed any ordorein lencll in connoclion will. We moi- t'nr' nrm. eded liir. iiowell. "The rlnrcrnmi-nl s legishiiivo authority io lul aclion was In ihe ihnalos voied i i , session . The Government's snneilon now will he cenininedin lho passing or ii... eslliiiaicrliillis redolent .rlio, riot Yimthll lmd ii. iii sonciion iii I nrllfliilrnl in go i|l ad'nnd reach a conclusion In cunrinellon will. the r mailer. ii wee Iinpnsalhio lasi sc sion in his Gnl dl'nmnm in mine don-r. correspondence _in eonneciian will. the .net . as negotiaiions were liolh coniidr iial and inecnmleie Mr yielding Md horn in o similar nos lion in 19 . no snill, wl|en ihe lillmrnl siniesronn hod hinpieiad tho neck procin agrconi 'l: will. the voided slaios hoicrc hn'ngim; it heiore ihe house. . I frl nnwa Own Ilium. "\\'-2 can't. ninays remain in a de- pendont poslilon, expecting our al- ioirs lo he lookfiii oiier lly clhcr said Mr. lioweii, adding itial no inicnllnn lo dllzmze ine slain: oi niicgianee to England, "we are going today to do. lings. \Ve where we can manage our own al- third \V llllin llic 'iimlis all HIE ENIISII Emp ' . anoinir. Gunner; rasl. said he was iurlhei- ai see one. hearing .\ir. Howell's sddrrss lhnn. he!nre.'lie oriented Ii iiro memhcrs In the linhse r .lly undersiohd Jusl what was ihe .- inse involved, Anyiliing which niiranoed Canada on the road or on. llonhond apili aled lo him. hul ll was desiraoic to know where the oounlry was going, in vioiv oi lhe inct lhni ihcre \vns to he an Imperial Center fuse hcid. ho susgrsled lhal ihe quits hon shouin hove lei-en mat wnsyler- ml ihoie o cinre urios settled. rdiiiisr ior Daniel-slice, sir noherl harden iolloii-eii. Ike said ihnl ihe qneslicn would he d15~ cussed al ihe imperial nouicrencr, ivhellier ihni was held liils year or mud. . lic pmrniscd that ii he were Prime Minister when that conihrence was held he would invlle Opposili-in representatives in no la llmiconiar- core will. Government mg esentaiives. ii.noi'.id he ii hold man who would liildcrlake in say ihe lira/15a lines upon which oonsisni changes in ihe {alum would in. worked out. it would he s, iiinid msn. llnwercr, \vllo would believe that the pmlilom was insoiiihic. The rich tshrn was nlrruly thni ihis counh or 9,000.1)"0 people wliieii \ins linnlercd hy ihe iiniie .tnlos. with which Chum: Wu mare Inllrilnlely sssocinied liisn ally nillu counlry ouLsidii the Empire. should have s rumueniullve oi \Vssh- lnglon. , "Does my honorehle iiicnii linow. ssid Sir Robert. turning io 3dr. i. pointc. "that itis aovemmenl wmull -. n' in 1911 concluded s lrrniy vilm the united slaiosjunder wlill ll "1ND Cunnilinns Wl'l e annnlnle to deal with three men appointed or inc linlied sisies Government to dis-l cuss rmiim under- ihc coniroi iii an international Joint commission a \thl were ihoso men hut.Arrmemors I in ihe rune , he said. Him. I. - Fielding w u. {irons-winner lines or iivo _in in immunme reciprooily yaw. wnsi;diiimnos wuj thistle. lhereiore. In mm: s psi-null!!! moment-liver Comm people would be no mints " no nil- ! we noi-innit! uis- 19hr will labeled meni. the cor enliiidcnlinl.' respondence (could not lic hrousill down wliiloul dominant to llmmubllo Iniercoi, or it who all Him. lir. llino' holiemd iliot c m madam cnunlry wnuld he o'urp rlscd Io'hn w Hirle . queriion was our on which lilo uixlnlc were mulled 10 no in- Iormulgn, r'fiio whole queallonvvin: ll...t oi ihe nomineeon irnriiomcnt or ihe nulncmr y oi ihe Unhinui, "ii our rerelsn policy is io he hound up iuvirecrcin. why, lhen. we Ire/drlvlng rlnhi inlo that very Cl d llll'. hllu llnp ii deolnredi, . lm In Sunday. ii irip. I , . PINK Romain. ' _ . 'i lio Willing Worhcrn will have s , l lu Endinlvnn May 23m li i llw.,l lne Orchard . llwllng llousfe. llnn l {Org 'i'hc lliile nlmnger, M Mr. Jan. llnnii'ii ll 11 liars hr. Gordon. dimermieh oi, Tumnlo. ninlllur am] illslur VIVlan wen Mllan on 'irIc-niis in Pine- q rchnrd on Sunday. rrpnrl llint Mr Wu||er Wesley lid/ilflmplioved so much no lo. he, lime l0}.th null. for all 2Il|o ride on ihni came ih siali MIKE iziinh lino has gone away. on - . If. u" we: 8m .LiiiEiil industrial aspirin-ii urn-u rorrreisr use in we in h Canadian Marionsi Railroads to no to whimuniry on r . Mimi's u. . Lei. un nulls you Mmhmhii in a ' GOVEHED BUMV, OARHIAGE 0!? AUTO Fromm. Hal-vino. oh- : i 9 Way 10 th Wes; DAILY SERVICE LVO. TORONTO (Unlo n Shun 9.1.5 Pini. ' CALGARY - EDMONIOH VANCOUVER VICTORIA IVANDARD Inl u. ruin :i iuilauznr illno ucn our. illnluoliis HEW nu. arm WURISI sizzviiio cons. nuoiuonii d.rri cansd Iul'ti'hu . . . richsls And iuii lnlor slion 1mm n x-nlllnlyi' Ascot. A. Buwhnr, Adam. . ' Meiry. stntlon. tiny/innrku Fur-n... department. veronio. WINNIPEO RANDOH ' REGINA SASKATOOH ; s IOT.I.O or ninsu Ilijf r Pleasure gngusinoss Chas. no Mlon hlor IE, Aw I VD, Prop. lilniil cam: on Emma 11: mepny Attended tn. chrono thence 0. IL Rgl u can-dish li-llonsl oi \yinnlpcz. in tho Provich oi Moni- 'ulll lumllh'l ll siril. qr In" sore .' I," 1 assorimen I nonuulgm, imam , 'AKD "Emu ,5 in North Yorlr ' ' ~nriioicnoy a noi-vice" 0i..- Manor drtlmalen we'd wllhout my onllnunn. soccls consideraiion 'ln dDPendanLl oi inliei ierm. ' - ND conlmnl loo large. No order loo smsil As we inks core or me our. We lake cm oi lllem nil. * . Tho install-lion oi , Modern Eloau lo Applldno. at our works ehnbi fs lid to offer you pmmpl' service so iinesl worlinnin ship at reasonahlo prlaess ' nil monumoninl lnprrivion donavby our - orpcri. . . nuiidipg siond out 'to 'order. / Lugosi Importers and Dealers oi ilorhle ind oranils In North v Vorlr Fairbiirn, . annrni merchant, ' BALDWIN - . 1. Bl". Vlhll'o Film A: nulls! under a under: anselniir. when. 2min auiic n :nco iloiloo oi Iipniicsuon m divorce. . norms is herehy given that usi- ]ion Alexander eoylsn, oI ihe Town ship oi Yorir, in ihs Couniy,oi York. ind province oi Onilrlo, Laborer. will apply on the Parlisrnsnl oi causes. or ihe next session lherenl, ior a Bill oi Dlvarq mm his wire. iicicus iioylen. residing st 59 West ml. Sireei; In lhs city oi New York, in ihe Siels or New York. on ihe ground or sduiiory ind deseruon. norm or Toranin. in tho ovlnc: ei chi-iii. ihis lath day oi hrusry. d, n., mo. NELSON ALEXANDER DOYLEN. ny his Sollcllords TB. GODFREY. FHELAN. d. LAWSON 7a ldelald: Si N Toronl Malice oi Applicnlion inr Divorce. xnllrc ls hereby given ihai non Winnlmd amiih, iormrrly nose Wid- niircd \Vlii oi Poirhank P. a. in lhs county or Yorlr. in the Province oi rinlario. will apply lo the Parlininenl ul Canada. ni ihe next sesslon ihmoi. (or a hill or lllr oree irom her husband laiiiu Smiili. heilsvcd in he in me Oily loha. hut iorm erly oi (mills. in ihe dounly oi simcoe in inc province or nninrlo, loo -mai.rr. on the ground oi sduli er-y and deseriinn. _ DATED al ihe Clly' oi Taidn|u. in the l rovlnce oi Onlarin ihe 25th day n.. I920. . hum-1N 5. cnnw. Pom). soliciiors ior Il|2 Applicsnl. lo Adelaide Slrcsi. iIasl. Toronto. Howie u the British people; and ' Corilpareo with Big Cars ln all but Price and Operating Coat. You rsnoo. so. inurylnve miles in ll io lion-e. ihs'uirisrdi'niry urbane-Inns mileage earner in n hiahrpyiud u! or in n \rrydnapomr Bukyaudoielllimuun- A umiuin l Brian; A eu- n madame pilot. "ex mull-Ilium :2! design one can!!! lion ihe; n imy cl It. orally emporium mil nuy envy. prime modem, plus Erik Sculls: torn. . rornoinniion oi camp: on .irengih. Hue luau. n innit srirnrtirs pliaewhlth tioreii Int. (limbo ' Inna well let! cl [round- - an unseen... no upkeep elpemg. s Lmlr emu. arises. Ihorw hides... Eli. iLi pellormlnoo MI)" at you .honid buy. _ hi... roomy body more on inner. it... shall) every is. llLlltt All. insoonen l hum - mam! ll > E'li lfn oi Insulin! .r a rule you wvuldn r nit )ou'vn wen .r Germany-d. ids... whll eh i. lied line. ii... any? . ihrliloi odds in 7i: "lien oi .li. oh. wild-lumen: Ihn iriilel out a! The iolionindipriie. sie i.o.h. liroekilile: / Su'ndtard Touring Cu. $1.450 Speclnlffnurhm Car. .560 nnadrier. 31.459 . THE CANADIAN BRISCOE MOTOR C0.. Limited ilsid omce. mhomd ' Purlcry. Elixkvllln J. .L. JOHNSON, Dealer, . ' ' Newmarket, Ont, ARCHIVES or ONTARit f vnhnns A

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