Newmarket Era, 4 Jun 1920, p. 5

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hurls; unlvmi w u' 9 "The senior resilienl: nhy sie union Ilaspilal, i- nll River, .., Ma. r r PW" Phone 3i. oiiies liourll , I W 3042 ; 630-8 1 - Dr. 3 _ , . nie In Medic) , . dnlgily; olrn Helium oiilre noiu "um 0, physlolnnsnnd murmur. oi '3; hell Quiiese o! Eurswn nl 1' M II Eye HorliilnlJna ,unlver- . rAr. None nriri l'l'hioiri, Slum, Lennon. hnslnnd, . ,. I a, Toma, Ill-Ina summed ' 'relerlrene iio. Eda: . . MONO 0 , .IWATOMIIIAaISR MID JE'IIlzLLui Purknvunua , Adlelri nlg Poul. Oliloo w /Ilzm nREE L mill in AND PA rnnunngiln, lives, nd heurlo iroirll nun S Nowinnrkel. r 'cliolc: 3Y0 arson BK OF VJALL PAPER on hone. , vilone zilii. ll. 0.}301 Alli. I oIIilrnA' LIFE A'aaunnno: 60. ii. ra'mLi-illlu.t r . ieici iirr'oreeohiu ills Ilka[or no. of Vorli. #Imnk oi 'i'ornnlo Build. ".I'Icifrk. lieieiurd 8L, opens . . .Mark illlono :lou. _ 'r KW... A. munch. New nrliel. m 1 Piano, Nolan and a "In?" I Jilillor in nil kinds oi Muslhnl lnilirumimla V and nailed , i ' Plano Tug-Ian 1.. l liar Columth ralono , A os rind hoards. aiplobo Bimini l'l MIMI nu, miller. usiioiier. no}; N lfknl (Milne, Iii Blink 0! loronlil Building, nz'xl lInmillon D MI Enlnbe OIIIIZIL l I. 4 In liowrrlullel every any l exam : Thurnd-y- - [lice liilnne 30!; House to}. I lllelk IuIIlIIi Io horn on mini liniaie. Furnace Work ' W Plumbing ' cum .I. in. him. rue urnmlia dem mil 3.031% It SQII h o eirlliii a m .Our Special , this week: Style Bernard , Neat Artistic HALL BROS, l Succusou In E. Zurllrll'ili. PILWBWI IEIO - _ Newmarket; s a Daoriwm M I OHM. Flinn. 838. mulls quantum ' animus? murmur cur FLOWERS Fillierill Flowers v BULBSL k : 'cmr'l ill-alum mum v yvnozrvuu linuuudr i , ._.. l _ .Alrnnll all hrnlrsu purl. oi in. II!!! l ' s, 0! new. ,g. rnler airlinni in v v 'llinlollly sirlieln Willi-ll \VUL' weslled cry one he ecu-homily lb- 'IrhveliinirI null vlu oi new blue m- edaneo ,u i hour is which 1 MIN! IMMI rlee rh'olnp 54ml hi Tomnio. _w in has here were lry oi lilo w. .l. I 1 Auxiliary ror lo yenrs. eendque illn' um i; only MINI by UN! lialan ' ' V V r' in III! anernoeu lilies 'ivhurnnrun whirl-seen ihe uhhnih SuIInUIr which was lnleruliinrr ill illilIhl III/c. r - 3w yI pnlyer'mnclliig on 'rhnrnrlly' rlism 1 V. y * A, . hineyioranrlnnn. , Jill-.reirrrnee lo our ndveriisinn unions ll will 'lm_imul:eil lhn; nir. \VilI/Imli Is now "liming/ihe rulnllul-e une ilnrl erlnnlnebusiness. relolreril- uen'rllleiori, lry hir. ll.ri :Iiil- iuril. new bloilk nl iuriliillre hen rlrieri, and in cenrlee ilen .wlih ireen ilro unrierlnirinrr .iehnrilnenl. ihe ser- vines oi Mr. CHIN. lillnhnin ui nllrorn hove llui'u n-il-iiri-d. so Ilmi rnirn'ns nlny he ossllrerl lhnillho Millvilncnnuii will he rill/en re nil iu narai orde're. _ m . liluoh 801W conditiom 'Nm hrldsen on . \vellinlrinn :lnd am.le Ihu lined Inei nlrlnmer nrnl imly ienlnnralil y iixod here now been rev nuircdvilnil oui in proper one dilion ier hlrelih service \A new elliverl l-nl slso hern pinned on Lorno live, whieh milian u now IIlol oliIglilnrc Ihrullir'l i nwnqrorn lire Solllll. which winery ,nnoh upprci latedu A number or line hnlliiiog inln em new in -lle mer- rel in run kilcllon oi lilo Town, Libel-aria 'ov riurlhfv orir. Lei lhere he e snarl lully ni ihe oiiicers ' enu n ernmliieemen' ni lilo vnrieuu nylllng'lilvlslon ai the hmdv lnr nl lire meeiins in Newmal- ee: ..n sniumey eiiemhon. 'rlle Ulliierl Farmers are inslrinlr-n Iiig eiiorl Io llyfeul'rllun. Mnelrenzle King enrl ll Is lime ihe liiilernls were alive lo ihe nllunuon. Pnlllles are sellan In leresIlng ni olinwn end a general rieollo n msy he nerrer- lhnn some hoople slippusor .5 nully iniursu when umhlnsry roll. "Sianley hinnlrhoirsu, name 27. oi 2I5 hsrliell avenue, Taronio, who suiiuined serious inllnrles'ilulrsdny siler-rloen oi L30 or are Nor-Ihern Eleeirie plant. 31 SImC B s 'cnl, 'ro- rnnio, riled in ihe ureee iioselinl oi eislll o olook urn-renewing reerulno. A sheii loaded wlill eieslrieul Appara ius iell on inn. Mailkhnuse, mm was employed by Ihe Grinncli shrink; lor c Wu working on aIEySIeiiI in Ihe h .meul when the aMIdenI hul- neneu, hiun lliausc 'wes a wc-I inewn amalunrJlnll Mayer and Ienr essen cousin ier gr. Tg ncls' hnri li alll. ' '-.\}r. hiunlrhouso. is n manner or Hm Tlimi. Palrcy or Nim'mnrkci. null was Wabknown here. - Firm PN lmv. Ilem was a sylmliIId mnrkel IASI Saturday morning. Green vegelshies are new occupying a more llrnininmlt plan Pblaiurs drullpl d :IJlllIe En pr hnl evcryllling ulna lies'ulluui if no ii. on will he seen irnr n ins following mourning prions: Eggs. [IL-r LIle. . niler, her i, . messed chickens. her In. l nIulncs, her ling . linniom aern Sud IIDnny I lril'lhi i Onions LEIAIIN: hellish . IUllllmlh Asparaguh . . , hire chielrens. ner lb. riiri liens, per )h. . les Duals, pct-1b. . Pigeons. rH'l hair . rinhhils,.per pnlr . Iiih n Young Pigs . hides. per hi. can Skins. her in, . liersellinre .. Sheepskins . 'mllow our. 4301:. hropdllrlnFounluni . A very preliy wedding look pines 8| it? home 0 the bride's pzrenls. Mr. and Mrs. silos ronnluln er shnreh. OllIfirio, \vllgn illrlr only dauinIL'r, IIi-lchL a. lieuaiiie Ihe irrido or "when, son or..lrir. errn hire. 'r. snronslrire ei \Vhilrllureh, The ctreiiinny we: cuiiiIuclliI hy ihe her, w, L. Alkln- inn 0! sirahsoe, their ieruler peslor. The urine who was ueeiisnrlod wss givrli away by her- ielher end were n r-IIAI'IHIHK sewn oi wlilli: rllir irinl ulrd wIIIl geos'ruo and send poll-ls null lull Il i veil Irlnlnleri wiih orange bInasolns. [lei- hnuflUEl was 0! WM ! ' TWEH'fV DIE IlLOLOUDEUnB f - sovmr ironl Ills sudden ovsrilow oi lilo smnil mrer Idld, rum-Ian lIlmusll . illis Inlln. which I: eiirihuied lo a , eiourilllllsi ili Ihe woods nealhy on _ SaIur ay nizhi. - lied awny bridges. ieuees, lines and 4 oilrer ohslaeles. . dcrslorm 'wllan IIltre earns a rush oi ' 'lw iiimeI-i m Ll n 75w. uni irll leu y'wuk iirsrqmi i Waldthme inn-Aymara ,ia Dr. nae. zero-luyrusupuun in union ' finial-couple barrio-ml balmy. kna- ir, 1 urn-all Ind Itionx ind hulpr iii rennin immunised pr. Piazoa Phonic Pro-irian In huiirl one open Miler Br. mill-rm. aw mnrhunai, r Mm uriierin; ma. Min. walla, dlny, near. red sir-ma down by vie-kw um oi rm sex Mal ms runlrsn. bireir ulrelur Ind pal. encore an h . vow ill quickly rising: in Ins-I : by lilo lluorlu hwinllou oi Dr, more Chilled, loo. in 1112wa me: aide; in: Pirm l Phar- iia Mellon ihe llrin bpoorncu den. Ih m with . ills cbwhwlur'np. in Le My 7m nurseries nn umbeL a====== _... arlailsln. V i '1 )": 127m lieilaliun-ere ninneirnr n his nienio and re-unian ei'uond Lei-e on Jilly 21ml. 1 ' n nicellnil oi lhn Nerill Yul-k [.Ili~ eraldsnoeiniion will no held in Winn's 'rherure. Newrnarkel, on Saturday rriiernnon. Sim lid. uolaier- Milieu, r The null Buialion Ansurzuiiell, York Mum, \leIl hold a lilenlc al-H'md Lake on Friday, July 33rd, All wha haw: evr-r u'lirvvrl In Illlg York flollhiy mill a bolus million In her itli dale and come with their wives .ull villldrnn and Minds to line i -unloh. chrnee oi time, The Summer I'Imu mile on lire Mel. neliway sues inlo eiieel on Fri- uiy 01 nt-xl war (June iIlh) wl n Ii is exneoieo line here will he Elli eers eneh way every iLly heiwreu Newrnarxei end, Il|IlI7L "rile rune 'rrrhlss are eel prrhllshen yel. / Pionubi- Mueller mull; llnv. Georgi: 'iisrlioy, a planner .lieillruilei lilillihil wlla lwo yearn ago eelcilrniorl ihe sirlielh unnlvel rdry ni IiLi uldlnerion. dierl y ' vrdny oi lire residence oi his daughter, hire. 0, IL \Vorllilllmo m Snaalna roerl, Mr. ila rlicyfwnv'ln his ellihiy-eighlil yenr. Imrl Imll been suwmmmuicd (or still"! lhne. Ills'wlil: isrsliil livins. sud lllree weeks nee lilo eenllle eelehrairrl ilrelr aiemrmn warming. The l e mien-ell ai val- , e rehee will lie nulli e'e new Ir .li Had-I :21" iowor.,i, j Q-Mm g. [Andjqdboen'mielibi h Wan-,1) rmlvedmbsnslll. l mien' valym, Milieu mahiilnilhod W471. di- E Pinkham'l Yegnuble (loin v I uneived 2h? hm retulh horn loner nor] be hvuo and soon: inviorlr like u u... men have m. 11 neon your'Ve our all. reel to my irienau-nnd i these i m help all alimw'vzmiirillir ho" o r ii Sine London URI-r V s "Elan women write such ieiiers lo IhOrLydI. E. Pinkhnii Manchu Co. runl uli inrir mind: how u! ml hei lsill L aluminum-nu. m. ubilCoi'n nubrvnshinul and hill) him m theIrlIvu. Fined from ihe r iiinees ursymni in m ihe good news ulnil to other so erin woolen ihsi Guy m mly be relieve ii ihere ere my oompirmiun- you on - no! undenmnd write to L dla E. Pink. hmMmi inoGw Lynn, m. . , M Tiiouizrulns-llomuzali ' mom FDREGT rinse . L. John V, in, May ao.-'l'he Ilil ~ villeue ul o . Qucnlln. in lleeiiso -lre eenllly,.rl. ii. on lne line or ihe inn. arilen NnIlen ilnilwnyr. about/Orly rnlirs irern SI. heonnrrl's. was nlnrosl enurer winerl eui irridny as ihe maul! oi [ohm hem. which here been raging in ihe Grown lnnris in ii risolrehe rillrlnl; ihe mi in deys, uu enlin wall a lllrivlns vllhuo out 2,000 populaliaii, end was a emiro lordhulluinbcr and pulp no. emuwlii. - I (I m: hrs, which resulied In :l mane. iery Insn variously osilnlsisa, ironr 5750.000 la. $1,000,000. sieriad in Ihe mm rum 0! J. E, lulu-hand. osiehing .irnrn human elneelvs anrl'IiiiIiny ihe winilli imnl ille forest niaze. ileiore ii iiliil shenldis eourse all dwellings, lllreo iiillls, iwn lloieln. ihe cennnian Nallonei Iliiilwilys steilell, ihe pre- vin'elal llnnli Ind many business planes were willed eul. Abnul moo people, or hair lilo honuleuon. Wire rendered lrernriesl, and bored harm or lheir eersonel properly. txocnl wilhi ihey hell on lhelr heels. ' W iieliisn. h. 5. May BlL Londilli deer-y inner, is miles lronl Trum wail inlrilnliy destroy JllY lire imrlayl l iiiir chumiles. a schoolhouse and hell, arni mm o riozen oweillngs have heen our r Lift off Corns! lnelsien on Tuesday. Mrs. llerliey i; a lsler oi Ihe lnte John Cow i on ni h wmerirel. W6 DUN'I IWIUME ez-mria nmzn iler, Pnilrrr Minuiian. ihe ilell kniiwn prisior oi sl, vin eelli lie I-slrl Tillman Calhoun churoll. 'roronie. axv presses his exndrlcnq: D! Tcmlieranrz neioml in Illresq woth V T1Il2rl: Is hnl one opinion nrrulnusl all ei rliill \vlloln l em in cuelnoi, eon ins ihe 1irehihillen lemlaliun or Ihe nelninien and Provincial parllem his, hnlnely ihnI ii has lleen u ilk-55in: oi Inc liiznesl order in our counyry. i: where i go 1 our eenrliilons which on a xmmnncmnmn in Ihe days oi ihe ll room, gone lsl.ns liner, never ln-reillrn evher In Illr. ION" ei WIIIFM and lie ssseeinles er in Iho mom insidious inn n or the rr \yIIIl a ii in il, There is i mnrse, e gnurl rlenl nf Illlell ill-luring going on. hul ii is ilrlnulmlly enn- irherl in ihe liar-mom Bmdllaics, who helwern rlmllsllis ui ~hulr rc5|urci< and warm nl, hel, ere ahiimil) liir rushing. Wynne-r... Lentil, Linerilnslllre, Eng" May :Il). ilnh' rlenihs have n sullnd here The water spread o rapidly Illni. must: in ihe. Inw- ing ilnri-ol'llle iewn weie Immch aiely ensullod In a rush which car: Moal 0'\ peep]! were in their homes mini; shelter ironr ihn ilruhl \vslol lilies reel deep ihmngir Ihe inn-m. , W . .r lre mashed hendlis escaped wiih 515,000 in jewelry siirr iloidlng up six clerks In a New York siore, Gilli, iiny iii As a resull oi llsling ill'iwn Ills nloier Iruclr Illlo a mlllisry irlllerel jimuhlnn on Ggsluniuy iul en Ihe rilehholnl road, knackliix l several hnndulnen. Aiirsorililier, ill: .lrlv. appeared _heiuru hirslsirale \Viih lllnyera i You can Ilri all any Iiar , soil mm, or corn neiween'rlhe lIlj and the hem skin eailuses llmm anlcm oi tool. A tiny hol|12_ul llmemn ' caslv llllie iii any drug siore; nnply e ielv drops upon the corn or callus. in- slamly rIL sirens hurIlnL ihon shorlly you me Ihul hoihenrorne oom or sal- lus rIKMrDII, root and all, wiilroui one IJI of pain at soreness. llllrrlllug i 1'me I No HARNEBB rm HEAVY womi can ill y r [urn oui who ihe siroesesl. morl ourairle, mm learn iorisliie Ind ill the same usre ihe nsniesl snll llandmmdsl lumen em pmdunid., We've always mg 5000 reason to he proud ilrreioiors bui Illue parileuler sris oi hsmees ur- isinly IUD simmer for ihe money all sunshine illeke 'iilis morning and was ned #51 and given a iiciure in which Ihll nlusisiruir. arllpllssized ihe i' illst funeral: inllsl hue Ihu righl-oi-way. I roses AM nsmsnus. Mlsl nuhy IlDII. oeuslu oi ihe ilride. phyed in: wedding much and during in: also: Ills oi [liarmeisler Mire .lern nuan- son ui Tom nlo song All Joy Us l 'i'lllne" Mier n hum: smqr Ulla mpr unuplq loll ior Toronto I!!! showers oi oonlelll And ills good wiahtil al:l!ielr Fiend: The bride's oi roe-unwise nrlus by W. Th, M._ EH I rm. ' Malawi ""5" mild - lull in " i W' . - 1 lwglmtmthm "dine Willi In! Ia mull Ind .115 W0 In: s-mom'l silihu'ns nnlihrl fur-on . iii rim; ull W "'N'm'a Di _ in M's else-ms digging all vet Pill with paladin uI _ . r 'I'IIB.',IIW9W1?_0' 50! ! . SW r 71min "mini; whim In AmlelmJM I I we I not] [W z ls: bulIsloth ngluier? ' -Are our mm re or _ - Are'Yollr Teeth Iqunuwmwl :wu ,- i e r . , _lu ,1'm. Frgil. Nottingham. , mwmulm- i ceding? " Ind thud-n Iv Hillile r h c ' ulhil immedisiely. Emil lard Pm;' a'nrl 'souih.ei in olljlirklakwnliow, iiinrle o, leesenell ed ille _4ro,odo.ior ihe reread sir-rel Ghll'reh' Io'msk e. l lnnIlrrllionnl hulldlns. oioseri. lar dll iurnrn vammuillly eenlre werlr. waa'hbm irl Tordnlo Isdo. nrlri we. ihe Lynn hieeirenrie, sillllilon he was eduosied. {iIIIIII . iio ls sun-I Lindsey ihe ,rh-w Ill r gem numb" hill-(i senamie llelel ihe \Veohly rlihllshern Iln, Tynoiiraphlrial I) rm shops, "Mala. ' ld mini-n, iendrvrl lo itnsl mid a minimum or ll ,Dr: di w III: nlinlrnuln nierio lor trans ir Is lo he added. oi III I-anr'il liralnn. rnen [u kr'cil Ihlllr pulh urrcd le ihe cause oi ir gorilla. ll ihe r meler oi hie rm. zirrl [liIhIIluuiL mlnl IN! i liii lI III linnrisg. lIw Tummy \Vrnil-rlr. sill arlI, Mil) nl Cnslluar Instant. hell, An eidesi oi nnlr ehllnnvn, )Iiu oi [he mars. oi L'airm EN Ilk nlB lo Ihe value oi so rlreli Il IIAm are dbslm) sleeping your-old bully. lira. Mr . nevi-hm can hul ihe .ilollre 15 si rlrllher; lm in! In liming l lluheni lire Ali Inswn, 03L. May '27 mil of her home 11h lick chimes \l nuped In lmed, ILIIuLIiig (II her which me new wouiil pellall lr lire cure any" lilacayl ate. of 1% cl) id )imzhl. lnIl ulcrnaon 1011 :l ifw (zEl 1mm llle dinning and pol-Idler! "Gin bums. Ilium lulu lltr husband am: In Imlll Illa {Ielil and round her hody {nem Inlncl and me i a ea In c M " me uiT f more New, in) me. "one "no". who WI! alone In Ihe hon home of H moms, teILIr, furnace immune. mini ior in: inhm. hm nlr elolll. ha. 2. 601". in r'whgn sils Iried lo use oil pen. rlio. i-l . , eerily-lil- exnendliuredi r eiiln g oi Ducm . _ modem ii. will: be onersieezwlli uoors prseiloniiy never oi sol-lei nnn . i One oi the allyisiesrl 5 [Hilton sun hrllllnili liwyeri ilailcd away il'ial week In ille iil rliiln oi ii. 0, s, LindsayI lie on March Ii, gnin dson/of wullnrrl lie was aelivs in aIllieiio cIl cIc! and was well lrnown on a nlernher er ihe larmirlll nnn erleirei teams or lipile r nennria'Collese snrl ihe Univrniiy or rdmulo. ei whlch In- ..lir. Llnd- sny was ihe lonelier- nnd limi e riiinr- er Tlm' varsity, a iii-weekly eollegieie ,rl by n willan InII lwn irons, , dl r Cheries Beihune Lindsay n. s .0. aniliJarIlcii llelhuhe The ma) sei'anll Linnllr lI meoilng er ihe iiinarllan press .lusoeiailon will he heiri hrre rm June a and i, unrier l by whinh ilre dailies. we: lien ilnd Irade anrl elnrs rnnnarrrr , 'I Iic inanhKi-mnnt n; ihe King Edward hue eoniiaiiy niiered ihe han- rleei hnll inr iile ses lami or ihe Gena- llian ' Wilvkly Newsmpcrn' lien. or n eornniimrhiery smelling io ni Carlene, Aiming ihe speakers will be ller Ssh. ,ner el the hey- asl Amara, New York. and E. K. WhIling, ur nwaiennn, MI - n ihesirr. nlshi is being er. rnnued ior lhelpnhlIllllers end lheir wives and on sniurday rill! nenndisn Sleamsillp Lines. Limiien, wlll oldend ihe eeuriery or n [in io Niagara Falls The IrIn may he ex rers. N. Y., ier n Vlhil i0 Ihe nuyoroii Small ll reailer hierllonisi minisiers Chllvdm end Nawiallndland are ie he silsdo a year. \ lrIIII parsonage and horsekl:sp EXII I, rill-ll ll ihe rieeirion ni Ihe General conierenoe soeeini chmmliiee, \vIllcn mei iari week and heard lire liews er ll. Clrewn, general nuper. lnlendenl, en ihe selery issue AI Ill. Anglican Synuil (if anonln siihend or a man in a seir-supporiing perish was vlrlci-d el .200 rer Ihe nrsi leer- In onir , In re udl aMCd'Dy 3100 a )car lrniii $1.500 is reacilad. dlliun. on allnllanee ei slsil is in he norlsllnn and r-lillier a 1 house. or an allowance inr renI .lllrselIl-e talks" in llle eulrlli lnsiesri or ihe preaehins e soseel wrre urrrinren by Mr. "E llrb'kd mo DIOYE) crllyllloud) religion and l li-uln weld] and eolllirsl maria Blahop Sweeney rlaiee lIiaI preacher irlrnselr inusi rleierrnine gas. would railiin .lie liren in he e mur- Ill.l declared. minim iII IIIB ToronIo l | Has- l{Ili n plIal YOX' Sick Chm- ieln zinilrlai meri im; OI Hil I Iil A llilnn hem rill ie EDI) fidrgaies In 10 Minus] nlrrvllns WON ('liIrrlJIM'd 3| luni hi'uli hy Hm llfni u! lrJIena a! -ral ii elial. w Assuma- liar 25 ~ lruir jliic'knlfr lllllrring Mill .lrnerlran rurr-onry. ihe, * h iarrrlrls coniuinrlorl more and eouri ensls nQI JI 'l're ury inr nio- 'IE.~LM)II uni . 2i rem oi use. lire younger son or .\r||lur Dung, rich ln~lilnl zlesin while rlrlnrrng res ior lire lilliro liaison, ll. 0.. my Elihu , m. lleln Lm ennku", n Douxlroher, died in ihe linsi lllul here irohl hurns re mivm 'wnbn hre dosiro) a her home and r buml \ ID QUDDD In blank [161537 wIlIdh lrrr hushanrl hrld seerelen under Hie ul'inI year old hey. Ills ud ihe ..An old building nu |II-: hegk lull [am In King lull; line in some in): alous an sell Llupie- rnl nun- lrl aiL illineen lluilllhg hr ehe lilhe' re- ' Ila how on ma folllo linlrlnvgu avenue, Bell- CunndInn Pl . Wood [erie uni nild rh'ali be ri la (um will: full pgriicularg '8 d m .Gre nr'iyl seic'ornn ' R-Ilwny Elli!de ' .Tornnui fill you . ' n, i'Jdln 8mm " e: par H nee our Aeonrlmoni or English 'luorniell aniline. oi prices llrni urn Iesa ihan one; nisnes inr ihs enmequnlllli oi aoods wiih ihe nnniilonni advantage 'oi hnvlng your ololhlnu rnrrris measure one on} arm you desire. age. Willis," N EWIJAmIE? I no yew u. new, an? lilieich in \V: All Ilur house hi it morn i our iin'Il nr-I. eoiler, rm. hail: iluml lli III'I . e: r. iiuLllIrw' em. | and Ieiohhon. cislern. bdi'nace in liaule. i rox stalls, ornlenl din EOxI L' Irlephone also bizvk [will sell, IEVEL Bank here 50x30. 4 horses end 1 miles. Rural mail and loll-phone. u-rnrllrrd. Priee $3.000. drrhsnl l'su ploughing dour. 2 wells and r windmlll. zislem. lien: noxaa.\lie "ax pen 50x25. lien lions llural mall hurl lelepilom . sill-relied. 126 AORES IN MARKHAII TP. lls errre workmle. Rural null And [eleplihner nliiro, School I rolls. . PH 8.650. ns Imnudr '-'wiLLoua ' nun Alli'8217;inde of l lisiiiieicels . You are invited to come in and aplendr'dl lilac/r oerual'cal Iriotrumenla HEISE S MUSIC SHOP,- ' I Main Street, Newmarket. slallll: :lIZKEO. ire-up 5 harsh- snri Ii) rllllr I liril mlsllurri. no acre: rloriahlr. llzlhnile oaslurc. I WEI] and a bruins (fuck, a cililrr. o 5 horses sell. esiile. HBY FARM mural ll. 7'. m Wu I. 7PM" a l. sigma. W 0min. aloha-row. om. l ' l Hgmlqimrtem for Musical Instrument Accessmies l . and Repairs school IIlII- r. 1DD AGREE ll'rI TORONTO TP., MILES FROM BRAM TON, mmnsm m. M, m new I. l 11y: mle mom OITY l. HITS ll rep 1.! ihe pale a rr (in, Sr... .lll worleeie. 4, Inch}; orchard. i0 err:- mi nioughm. ii hirer ,,. m, "magi. i| land a. unwed or manner l acres 14912, lo acre: Swuel clm ri. ll error ml clor my . by wilt-s. ' resin znil. level. i 2115. New cunt-m hiorl helm: oi 7 more. cl liar. llanlr Ilam noxlo, Iio-up 6 horses anrl l5 mills, Driving house EOKiE. has Deb, hm Ilnuil; ixxls. Surat)! Ik Illil Passesaiim Amused I- rii-e 2.000. '5 .il rdj good ,1 :4 inle mom llllARliiil m, 18 HILEB FROM OITV [IMI'I B 2 arres err-hull. 70 Acre: Ianlr oucl'our @FmS @F a e 160 AGREE llu vomi rm, on THE aroma nil/ID. ' 2y2 muss imam DOWHSVIEW, 6 MILES mom elrv LIIJITs CIiy Inulli <0 . IcH'l. Maul new) here No. 2, 60x30. none [I \ Illg Ilnilv . he; IVE/l, Ii n price small/l. Church 1 mile. Tirms unused, 100 homer; IN VEGPA m, on ma GOVERNMENT noun. 2 MILES'FROM Mlnhunsr i'rarrlo house oi 5 rooms, School I55 nllies. MJIIWK) riepoi id Ni. arlils arniigeni. 1M AG EB lili mama Tia}, ON THE GRAVEL hallo, 1% MILE FROM AGINGOURT, 0 MILEs FROM TORONTO all urn-s walkable. heienre hosnliiul hush. harriwnon snri son, 26 euro.- oi meadow. Frame nous oi lil warns, lleier inside. cellar. up 6 harski and i2 eeiile. heal r rrllnnIr-r null, Bliurcli iii n riirs. Pu csokin s rrarligrri. .I Hue 020mm uluen lam rail. level. 'l na hrnlr Dimi. no. l boxm. Drlhluu hours. lien hausa. bias Slam mall is mill). Ollumlldii Hallway dL-pol : urllas. posse; .AGEchT , l lleil nriok ulnrreh iii miles. I lmrrns' New llural mall and mu, Sandy and Church POSSESSIOD l aura _clsy Iuim rain. .WalEr in sisnlid. Torrns rail pleurhed , ao ' larielr lieu nr m. e

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