new: huduh e n uii wu uuuhio' mimic nlgl I we znliing m iiiiuihni 1 'u frluhlcnnd end my miemlphyuiunuu who, Iluwovoi , did; . 'iuuguiuuhioioliolu moi - 'll la-u vii-mi who: ii. In lulu 'nuaoiim I'illii no and noqn [ all e oiuu mile 1 wntlnucd.wlili ., mint-ilva end in I'Bhori iluie . (becouupeilou Wm hanhilied. I felt no mou iuiuizoi hudulio or hie Mme-Illa wnsallonii' tliui fullm'v 'dylph, Nwlanvdl. more, rind Ind-gag Am uun nizriucnkni, _ we.- box. cram, irlul rinMI' Ann duller: or 1mm imitqu '; MIMMMMOAf,' ' i _i mum mm slits lrlali Moulo, x m iv. 'aum lune. Sllul . iiuli, ' Lln nonimu are Price 23,000, (rune Home, is mum end klinllim, iii are or hind, l'rull. Wutor in house. Well. ienei-y uuu pie pan uh 'aorhuu 5L Prion H.200. .. 1 mini lloum, slx rueiuu. ull can- lenceq. No 1me 0n 'Lct IL The on housing are rented and Hot iiiu a er 6 per ml. on nulhng Who. 'P cu ".0008 A and in- vuatmuut. i , -, - , mm nun ., alx mum. .11 09!!- vuuleuoee un lumiwooii Ave.. Toronto, I hlouk [mm nunioiili Ave, and n law on min noggin. A (and huy. Price ",600. . y. l ' AFPlY tn QUEEN'S 1 UNVEILS ! imagem' rim, . ,, r , max on my ECHOOL.0F COMMERCE BANKING MEDICINE BDUCA HON Mini-4. minim. Civil. WW I Bimiqu BNGINEBIING MI . , I I In: nu ma Dianna in Ar Auc- um. Ans-u 1 hu buiuhiuiuu PHI GABI'od lmpama yanouan ou BTALLIOM in! FNIAG hlmselr l0 I19 I ./ thomon-I Eupak unwir : mm (aegis) (slam . ihe pronei iy ol Iiv. HULIiE a 'pliriiraizn 5|.ch auuuulli. and mum Will niuiie iiie ez'ushu oi 1920 it his V min ulahie Dll lmur niack'n. LM M, Call. , Kln , {khan/i7 , .k F. GHANTLEB, NEWHAPlHEi . REBHQ/Lnllllll 0' THE MUTUAL-LIFE 0F PAI ADAi I'll: nuiiuyqieluan' coma-n1" V ' R W BRA l ll 57 m .rli: noun: "1in noun betwcen e 'i L trotlon'iro. _C1 HONTNEA'L nu'rn'onr ,A 9 H I a A a 0 un celled ihlnn iini- Sonic. 31 win; em on night rennin Ind l CIrs on principal in, Trul i i 4 . 'xiiii i rennnunu trom' Grud'Tr unk 'nlekei I Earning. Dian-lei one. rel-onto, 1 it} alio anon. mung, I ! out M i... ulna Mani-i c (but? 4;: him Shei'iii piilleii. in, ilii- mum unii e um chunks is Man i me new owner Mr. King or I W . ,i r Schomberg ,- ili. s, llueiineu or lhlli olnee |<vmll'(l liiehmoiui iiiii {olr ml . llllliilly ilnll iii his tour yej ohl iiniii won i for single i-oiiiuier. his: in- iurmer'e lurueui nuuuweepuiulieu hehitlleliliiorge in ma mundu. l parlles'iaru .eiiil [H mm |t|'lll|{!l0llr o i - .vre 'iu-e Iplliwicll lo renorl'llmt :iir. iiuule \Vlliti:rs iii aho ualn. l ormle unileugliei- mnioreu in New- uuiiliel nnu ,iurm on Plld yr ,wiilleni .yerausun huh I eomiueueeg huliiiiiig operallonu on his nuw'slie, 'rhue. Unllmusllcr in now huyihhlon 'l eiieiiiieui 11ml neoieu markets us well an shiiuiuherz. ' .We have u huulheru elinuee. Mn l'l-llrlrl' having men, over him. sniirllnir's nuslueeu. We wish 'lllill guild luek. 1 There was greui couruiion umuhgii llie lilomeehem regarding, lhe new luxury io hm. K iluully ii in settling down [0 who V [Ni sliivntion Ariuy gnvc ihe loim 'llll am (he heoiiie renponiledwcry llliurrillyl ' I e'ueeii or severe uohiii m reporieu'iueiuuiiio_oue ei- iiiu carer oi nneuinunin. uouiorn-om hem iiu ilioheh mil uulie llki: lhe [in e iii-hue, Mr. Fry's lltllo iglrl liuii iiyii'evt-m aliuck or pneu- H organ FHEAulIERB (rowan rmr' ii-_ ._ _ H is liurii to euiimule .IIOW 'muvll Wu awn lo ilie nloneei- uleriryiuun at all ueuomiuuiluue, intro in lhe ehriy ilei-e lulu llrril unu uni-e lhe rouull lllills u! lhe rellgleue lire oi unnnai. 'rlie iueii uuii women who lnIm ilie his) 105 eapliie lerl many ililr'iigu iiiei we e henr lo ihein, but nonnJor whieh lliuy irriei-eu more sincerely iii u the religious sen-lees in which my liml heeii eeeusiomuii. wiie nu ell-ray- iiiuu euuie io.iiie uelllenieni. W h mm 103' he was yv d niiu eulerielund, ihe lll'ixlllwris lining numiuoiieu lo iini-e s('l'\'ll'i9 ill llm cosy cabin. Allllmil iii oi, ihese rulihlel he iuhiu er hie no. lim e missed [u lhe grv l herein]. mei or n sleeping in secluded eeuuiii- ueieiles. iheh ems-es oneu u haired ami nugleeied: nul'illcy ii ll lllr limnulnenl i)! brnhi-ri shall in - our men lirewoili, M ii is wrli- hu iu lhe llvinm'lhmbhlng rhllglam Ill(l iueini lire or ihe splendld Cane illin honiile. A pioneer lrlalhndlll. M 'l . M. Je is. the nld ii Mullh u i,~i hiihlelor In Canada, [5 qi'pri ii u in iiniii-me. lie is as i are no. hui ii hilglii and aim iulei- eliuill taking an luleiligenl mien-st n 'llill uuesiiuu. ul HM" any. uuu semis quire llkcly ie live,ihe iuii i-lvliluri', i \\'l n uhi in- nreech 2 in eihhi, L-ill lug sclluollm . iavcl'ns. unii much in iliu open air; ll unlli-reu um; llul iiili- sinner all ma panlll nt hem. ii iuil a sincere in lhe hiin as he would liufe heeu in e enilieaiul. \thi iuiuiy am he gel ? Amblllous iiiuug. premium or iu-iiuv. iiniii In sliloilahh' wli-es, offal met/are iheiii lil lril's with lllLI I'L Wllrdvi n1 an|| I (am: (if liillllally. lnr l lllr-M rum. pure hie-iii wllh ihe [II)' or ene or he iiiiu \vlin eehihlisheii ihe chuieh u. Cl'lldd . i A pioneer this". or Mr, .leirerin gni 1m 11 iiililhigi (Luur imimnuu *1 r )l z! 8G0 was his. 1. i, he seldom gelling ii III |. "1' him EM eierui sl uh Hull: grim ll) lm\lng,mu milguf hi iihu cum. i iii-5 change is won in I!!! he reeeiveei [mm - , llm in! he nuiy gel 5! iii money he moi-lieu en uiueh iioii ill'ul hi hill in inure ii on [ur . liis l|rs| reimleiiii 54M ei IIhliu- ilion \vnx lilEt : hi h llll- lll l d 1min Leeds, ltugiinii. li-r i~ieih he Kalli! euiuiihir in 'il pin, said lug heluig lhe hnll ill i-onliihuiluii rmni n uuuri iiielhoillii liinllii-r. ~1'lie ullor was paid in: hiding ihe l wllh rive sill-chilly hu 1 . iiilier neee ones were .i iiniii, 1w millionaqu luw i ' ilie people wailld uoi he in i vni'NIHS wiili norm \\ 1- liumir iiie bohlkn ihl uoei, ainl eiuioniian. enil righlly ill, iiui (ll) .i h-r ll) iiniii-ii iiie olil llme iii-earlier. niui in, us gulnl nxalns keeping uii our nouns in pm on inclr graves. iiui iii a uni seine oriheiu in lllelr palli \Allllr min unhuuwu men In ileum-hr III 11 hull |o {lull Wllh hind! uric-oi, [mum will in the we! ho,ilieL v _ The all! irielsiiiiensY in r Milanese: .nulim ie nills uni t9 lie comma a winequ mm 1? ll Ill r5 _ i Name ' whole guru .ni lhu eherm cp I'llvlnsrl'l : has wax-Mia. .TIIA'NIII' lqusll- all: hump ' ii The) Kill Way chmllwh priiplr iiuil avvllnnpl lo. ll' ' aui whul lliry wire nelug ln iiol nri ii ll,llll onil |n 'rlie nonnln'owri i. elly mine in iilmi 'li flail! iinil whii i WM , and ('W nlllnlly My . . Kiny _ on nimoy ilinii ena nnll ilclllnrl Y lrllc mhhm u iiiie 4 (it uh hliiiiu \vllll iin'lrunhnni mAI-l- nm Paylnn nl'lt'1CIIu4 ' - l'hniim' ,'I'lw eyhi nn- 0! mm l\\ 0 ox rhuuhl m hiivlue M [Jul 1| WW n w lll lllz 1) r rl V . ii i. iiime sil|lu urlrie tuni ihei lhm i-nzi iie ii-i-re miniiiir Ni ui n iiuin when inhor wn- )ien p mui who" l'lr' ml ori-ullluq eiqeii 13 holy n liorllen or wimi il in lo-il . .i will] hulll ul lhe nreirni iiin e ivlieu llir mil oi Pval lllhn in hhhnrmaliy hlgh. iiniihl hr- lllllo mail or nulnlll P- lil liniry snii Ills enhlnel iiuie (lnnl wi~ Iy In mulls/ll)an enuliou 'nn iim iinil oi the "Mm nnimuiiiiun. A worse lllrv> In enniliuei ilyili-e iimilniu iiiin ihe )trr'iont ml. oi he imahlnerl. Him [or Bll' My. nruylmi. .ihuuulel Gazelle; rem luxuill-s null iiirh-iuleiil heir-semen ls iiniii. cil ll right. in)! surely ihe wan lor- Inf'i MP luxu'rlee Inc. I v We should link inn Oom'lahlus. hinmiiihiu iii-iierier lwri- seems in lli' .4 emulu uiuhuui ol imllpi'illly |0- wuni uullemieu rlnll iiielr milieu, even iii Illtv li lllli or well-meaning eiiizeni. \Ve ii~euhlly heinl n elllzeu my, _\Vr|l, i'niieii inileil lo gill n olmvic- THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE ASPIRIN Only Tablets with Bayer Crws" are Aspirin No oiher: I' ll yau ileum m lhe "my" 010"" on ilie Hm, relure them they m nui Aspirin .i nu. hum on gnulne "Buyer Tahieu oi Alpirin plainly etuuiped imii thunlety "Ellyn army Alipiriu mum by on sienna lay much. em rind raved u e h mi' s la! Xuduhe. Mth~ he, ' my, Rheumiliiu, Lemon o, Colds, Mama, and Pain him yr llnudy ihi 30m 0' 12 m is nhu Inger W65. lbde iu ( mdn r c . V Lipid: [9 IE imie m k ( uima hi cuundsr, of Buyer mourn iiui or Mimoudiwdd'um oi Balleyhlleudd. While it (a n l known I n Aspirin mun: nun Dammit, to new ih. ublii: ignim iiniruiiuiii,_lhe hue}. of hum Company, Ltd), wi|l he amped with llieir W51 mile nine), 3 Ham Crms. 9 rue hump .he I. ilun iliei ihu ' Irlie lurerehce he wuuld leuiu was lhui aliiei laugh. ("5 iie iuoniiiii- iuiei-eu in seeuniig' n'eonvlcllon. HKlil onwmligi We ae- plore iiilu altitude upon the [inrl or ' some who nuglil iu liuowiieiier, An owner or llil: luw line no my ion oi ll. hui ll ll iiire nnl ior Illlz erriuienl 1!!le \vlin iiniierlahe lhese.i1uiles all he euliellailhn or lhe puiiile. our womeii roll; wnulii nol lJBl h unie mg ihei- are ni [ma-31ml on th: slreelri 0hr husluesu plat: nd homes oulll he more iinhie Iovbl: niumlere 7W3 owe u good qeul lo eur relih iu nu.- lllle, wllii hour-guy try In 110 llmlr duly. II in up in me maeliilmlrs in iiiilinhl lhui i iiniiiis nirnhisi magi: iviin would hrenk ihe line or llie hiuu. union upvcrnmunl noiuu, Tu mhlo Globe I lrim Unlulilsl mum. hers oi iiie llouiie oi-criumeni may have nul lhemselves upon rel earn an opposml In llie co i-eiumeui iliulgei~ami (inspnlclles lram ul- lavm sinlu lhui all|er \\\'lll ioiirlw. noiii llnlleri: rim weiiieyneiu. imnsrrvnilveenu hire a Lliwrnl. iiolh .iueim iliai llle) propose :0 support iiie niuoudmeui or lieu. w. H. [-10.11]: hue rheiie min are lgnlrimni. i ,iioidino on in ion. Aelan llree irrees ~1'he_Unlqn (hw Uninl nl ii sule playing safe Sn li lr .i:. ii-inhiinu oiileo (fir ihe prose-hi 15 ran rm ll. on, (I, (I, Hallalllym: llri lllu'il hisl week iiial lhc Gui-inu-l hii-ni would u oi iilmill il<elr lo n v mi eieiiihn iiuiii iluniuh er Hut ii .nln limr in 1923.. Annlhnr source '0! 'I ll. I liahui- Pasi : lie-nu; lnxuiiziii :ni. ihmvu upon all iiiihllh .Irlr lllu, running nui iiiilr-liuiir llt innirili iihirlil| me. Ill' tu d |n sli- llnm lime. IriiL Mona... . Fi'ldli) aill rrlunn (I Urn-l Ira Comp iionien riiiiiislieu;eiili-r- lillnmull riir llu ioii-uspeniui- liy dDHIKl some ionoy arriitirlllrs over me lmVKL 0u||c_:i iiuruhei- or machines are sePn nioiuia Angus him uiii-ii.AUaivi-ie h'x- nmlucr. .Jl'llr' l r l: machinery oi lllhlr slum n Falls hihiii capable n1 Illmlng nul 5|) inns Spanish niver Pulp rum died I h . qitfe h i icreaslng th mllage 25 o' are [rimming niM'Slil -Hl . a llu) , '3? ~. v purchased a second-hand In ind - . w it mun wurl munay - . Asfai A .. ll 'l iii-ion shapeaio huh unearth Whisk/cued byi oadgehochs "orlleer he'. ply ii 'Go'od'ye ar RBJih'gf toj pur, c furvyou a litilxtra'cos I l > l" [but tire: repairman. I Brighten Up the Home L : Wall Paper. nlipou main my htlght un Mali, uiieilno - Ipllndlt uni ur niueoim hula-iii om in qel my pil a lw as welcome to - uur m whilth you In rem in My or ML l Illa uli mu um oul hmgine IL A DEn'r ammo ' Pnlnur and Plan! III - Armin Mm. "B Imll V li nloeii- rim or him" It. , SHOE POUSHES THE GREAT HOME ' SHlNE Paulina algebra 3&3?an gills: sun warhmugv'eokroumrhun. V l FARMERS whd are making mint progress are tl10$c_hb hava rehlizul the pro t that can be made by uee of Bank capital in enlarging theirvhcrds or irlhrcaiing their field pmduclionl ' The Bunk of Tolorlio makes a business of, cxtcnding in Canadian farmers the power-to nance larger crops; and larger holdings of live ock. Our Managers \ vill meet you half way on any, sound proposal that he: to do with devcldpmmt v and production. ' _ , Capiial 5.000.000. Reserves 36.791983. F. A. [i . LISTER; r mlanor. ' THEBANKGYTORQMTO, Inczrpcut-d leer ,3 !!! ln Canada by J lilllad Canhdlai: Warkirirlaud Omaha Capital ~01" i The iron. Car Buy "oi-the Year EVERYWHERE men are hailing ville Gray-Dart la. the big valuc al ll: year. The newest advances in Automotive engineering and o fashioned VALUE are combined in ilih car. ' Go over this car. feature by feature. and compare it with otlilzr light in, Note the husky axle, ill: heavy crankshaft. the long springs. the]!!! mom" 1. lrooiny lunncaui deep seats. French-pleated upholstery. hand-tailored Rnyrtl : tap. the side curtain: opeliiii with the doors: the gracelul. clean contour 0 l Gray-Dart is aidtd by a new hood, with numy long. narrow louvre: and is :9 n' . plated by the wonderful Guy-Dart nish which we hhvp beeiiwyeariperlectmir. Our dealers tell us limit the uhortu of Cray-Darla in ilicii: aliooms II Woman serious. See the ery- rt at oncei mow-Don s mMmhil sin.h.mlL-m. in, in turn. ,7}. z. aim:: h mo- inn-dud. . v ' " WV-Donr\Mmd. Linir'im - C1:n\Lu.Ouu-I K.\N. anER moN, Newmlrkei. E. w. w nnmu, Bulwn .Wul- ' w. o. ,uw. .lcpl-yr-