mum : Will meel ll . Mondayvnuxl Ilenit-mbnn mo . lug utsuwu School .Picnlo on July t "14 it: Kow ittnon rorlt. Toronlu u hlhpu ittulatn tote * i i " "nlbm sntou j z , 'nl hintitoalti pnion l in tho seltoutituonrlxnt F l rug neon w-tti o til-rut ou the urn. oettltt amounting, to 029.50.. v r __t____ opon Air auto ~ l ar unvernt nventnes Jul week n .t htily viultor unit twoznwl lo ~Toyvn - tioht torili onittnt Mnrltot Squnm anti ; nniutltllnod gogtl lwd crowds. 'Toionlo moihodtn' cant rohon. 'i'i inilnwinn ennnoe tnatie in tho/ oi Apnnlnlmumx .htthtluhuu that week , LuillolivlllC \Vttl. it sinot'alr I Suulln \Vu-t luttn s. Stevenson Iltlllitnil IttultllllK#ll. itmutt I .Eoololy nl Frlotttll ' who titttntttn Yo Meeting oi the strcicty'ot Yi lNltht Wlll'll lluld ln Nl'h'llt l tentntntenntnu on Friday at itl xl VIPER ,tnu continuing nonlinea- , [Jim (W two vlulllng tninlulcm lriitl . Stilch tire cxnnoledt , Ytlunxtll Uonkx e n! (lu- iionih my train Juno .10 [it July 1th. v itnnitt-nttone tthtntttl he Maul to .\ihr i-tnntntrtnn, iotti College st. Tumu- to. tltlii wet-k. ' Tootintcoi htunla. . hir, J. n-it- Nowton itilnounorti thot hr \vlll oomtuoi o sheolnt six- Wotlt. Sit-tuner ileum In l llllln- iiinythg anti ttlo l tinitottes tram Juno 28llt in A EllEl 'itit, nt tit nteitnioiui iilii stint o. Since he wilt have only tour titty Wunkl) to dovnie to hit ttiotintttnti iliu touolttng onu :tlitii all nt'munl 01 Hit: ll'triln i'lIIiiIlltir ntreatty unrolliti-ior the ollhm. Iliuso theiran to iter ihrunuolvua oi itte wot-it ottoultl t'rtrwtird their tippllna- ilnmi a: .otth on ymillhle Sue lltlt V pontoon to he nrtiiltle. tnthnattnrt to tnven Illnl tn tee tor rilttliilcrllm tooii ntoiter in going to ho rtlutti irotu no. to ice. the rate oi [wslnee on nttvsnonnrt tutti ntriottttntn itrtnteti and published it cannot tutti inntttu oi intent-nit at less than one month, 15 innreooeu itotn or: tto twa eonth per nountt, or motion "HT )I. to he pnttl hy the nulilltillrbr s. . t ' , thwananent nttti hpettotllonit which the in ho ho unliteti torn tltttonnoot main than to imitarror the inthiion'. than it whiuit in or greater irenucnuy limit onto it week, ottoli no snnieut to poil liqe ot the rain at one cent n nontnt, or trantton ihorent. tor the you llEKlnhl January 1021, and one and it half mulls n month or inaction tltttroi. tor the rullowlng you puttlltgu ls to lie oitix ur'ks tint i-onirnotuncattir dlrcbl, ' , % Annual Moutlnu of Walnut". ll!) It ll litrgt l NI-Wutirkt t. I linttclltw of , lob held on] 'Llh) , t t l rl-ntlti' .\lcl "I it! Slup 63. All latll n I Mcc LInig 2| $.30 (.\litittlltrd / anti Aurut'i 'i'hh .innttut iiittriei Meeting held In l'umilln tott hwrto was a grant sno- ct-nt, it'tt lltrtze Yarks winninan rr enllltlnlnsm lot' their {allowing otitenr. were )l lll .Yrtrhz s. rt. F. noaitu, New president )1 Gannm trr, .lnrrua tat -Pl':<_ . rn. it, A slum Now- Aul' ra 1 "ul'lll Yark 8. 9. Worker-t .tltnuttl Mtlbltncu D! to Narllt lnul Azdut lallun wot tin Church, h'ntrtnttr. morning ntttl otter- Vtttitttn. nt-nhletttt wort dl l. . he lot-thin ni omens rtcsul|ctl ts tottth ; tut, Queunovllle Fill tit-r, litil'lnlB) >nptnttit-ttthtth. 4t vutluus dit l- li : w. 'tlthtsmi, M 1 mil, 44 hi. linen, Stit'ivl ory Niinlt i'oth hi. tt. Atttttttw .\li'llulliilil, uillm I llilrvnlilluv. .i. s. tlrri. -t.n.tnt...nt ill llttl-I tn. Aurora Clllldren my ttt Chrlillln oh run. lttt ~thhtttt. lullt' i:lth, ttt- tot- t.n.l Mittl i rl ra it re ' ' hwttnt-hot tzltr_tintt lyhill sh, at until. 'l'ltis yl tll' it : spet ltll [Um wort phon . hnt iitt mutt nn.irr tho it- hr. .\i. lltlwlatltl. nt i. r .t tin rll .. notes. unnt-tritn, trtr l Itil in tho rt'nnlilg. . - tnurnlng sl ilh, hnt ~. litii. gavt o lit oi |tttrll- r - rtnltirt-n at the exon- iritt all ugh-ital tiny: it all lH lItF tl rlutn wltlch was ttrtitttlt-aily ut- ionvrn. tlmuu, Ti whoir hunt ta! ta dotiglttlnl . agitlltsl the man ltIIn-t It'llr l htan pll cll M00!) I)xrtulnll Ill gin-Ml maplc leovea. WM tn inrtnhnlts. A tow oannttt-t .tn lhiirt ANS. lilddrn awn) Mnt in: tlowrn aill -d their hiusto to thatql Pen. ' ' liavct neon . To he cotrticl, liml|rl nnd oomtortnhiu or oil nonnlblo when in}: wear ti ' \n l'tnllnntyno nothilur unit. it t. not mer n "Hugh" num lt II o I "Bnlhliik" null nun wlloumi' on Ilto huncllrnr in the winter it. wenrer i. oenroionr thnt tho utytn to correct. unitnntyne Balhinz Enlll which you can lea nt our more. urn nit-wont and they ore rungs tor men. women nnu onltoron: o ILLIE BURKE" ' - r l , t . t Mount: and street. uroaron tor ttot wottitor toot matron by Exnmt. to- day. Tho vary intuit out: at olnu out prion. ttlxon 34 to . mutual nunmmzu r w. nro alarms out nit our ttntrttrttneti - titan timynrtt not ttth Intuit at V: prion. von c-n trim thont youmti. $8.00 tor sttw; $5.09 for $2.60; $1.00 on starts in attuit otto now colon, Tom on prlcu ttttiow the motto coat. onmo ono mitt n too; to than. ' ' attiu TH! mail 0081 - oi ttvhto ti unt- mnwrll ntpt. thing your hulk ll~llnd out. our prlbut_ We him on delivery. osrry the noudu horns yourt oli. It \fllll noy yn t MEM' FELT HA Ar 1t; unnn t , l IIon ntiuo lo~day "ken/SLBGAM 5:1.00 worm in May's vnluo. DANFORD. ROCHE 5i CO. 5 Up Stairs. ovetf' Young s Fair, om spebtni. SELLING or L o 9 I t: a 9 Ladies Silk Hosnet y .. thth tow toot r anti slinrtt-r stiria iltr volu- your ll lt0~ll'l'_\' {ralilt-iil l> A \irry llltllflr' lll ulll nor ulft-llltxs mom ! an L-M elliinl ultllol ltlllll) to supply ||it> denlh'tl lu lS ' Lack HOSE Th0 tlhrniiioti I my hi .tnrr, ninei silt: sttlstt'os to most exnrting. llDH Jitthn la lmiri titnn ItiL'r Imurlng drop-sllkll Elucklngn, WHEMDNMHUI ltlulhgmda silt. ' The Tittle for White suit Hose is Now it. E. mums HIE FLitDlz 9in EILK Newman." , . t Muultgs-uulillon. . I 4\| tour o' out; \VEIJthcnitl'o) after noon it quite wrtiiitng at Slill lnnlzml in tho trim: uitmrh. hen HHS .\nntht to .\torrow out htn tut '{iml the htittt- at Mr. wait l\arm.ltt llllthr. lltev. "any l oitioiitiiiu. 'l'he hrttte worn a gown or nine gonzurtte hntl htort ltlllr tut. 'i'itu hritie was nt-trrt li) Ml .\tnraut-et t tthy (if Tot-onto, Ito wort. dark ltlllc gonrgot- tt~. ll'llltllk ll with toiittn, itir, Bert Hugllt s, llnlllll l' hi the groom was lli'al n n. tutor a iltttnly lunclteun it it htttth. of mc gmunrs brother. tutor. rout-Io h-it iur Ntugttnu ltllr. tun tiniitlo. - IFor sni tvoo til ' \\ :ir|irl'. in gttttti t-on- tiliinh. a MTKtIVlI Uu it .\lm'ils ilhnlr, hrotttt whet t ualtlolts, J. it. v. itrunghton. too Grunt sontni. 1hr . ludlgl Choir ittitttti itettt- lug on tequrnntti social on to L ttntnit hon-n nut tal ldj). For lltt: cult- tuniettro or rteopl- from tho rottnit tor main onti L dLr \\ll|/ ht: nor to train to to i2 .t. ttt. Allt t'ltottit rt it-ositn tlt: truth i in in tt'rtoot. lti: 'rt ltlh- urn ithiit-ti h. villa); a ,orttl Vorlt Counly Clllmnlanlhlpt .\l tt llh Kim; (i! (In: Allllt'llr litllli i)! Illi Yuri. ilollltl) . (LEI l'rlthy running iht- 01ml) . t ' tlt ls Nt llllitl nth-rut. t, int) lolh. 'lll hr oi gl i'al litter n - . hunt to toron. \Vll ll n l (art er lllltttllitimhltlll linunlt' "d "IE cm llllttn llt In lit- \i-l'y t losv. 'r tho hrttrrntn nttt not . . lu nounnln mitth Whirl -s or thr- HIE t srttoul 'rtup anti ittr war .\tt-tnurtzt tlointn . _ ,t . Th! largo nttrn annrr. which lllglll m the Second with tho nutrttttntrtt the intuit ottitt- Wat .\ie. rlrnllllbolly 'estert 'nntt Min-bin motint by nearly 500, wls mun: mm klllmml clocks that's ttow,nuounle olluitim Mlh titt- rmtill nrcelieut onr wuteltu ore at $20.00. Take t-entierrti hy notilry'n Toronto toir example our mun wntutt. . ttrttttr'ttrtt. The mains or the coin. .. "rotor lllllle' Ntuht Wntuhtnntt. Ito tntttrootu'tittt it. tho lulu: oi ll : 50 hIHHlHII , \'ln:l rt itegi ms; t t ieht Contv Yul. rott't go wrong by is until In two iorioiler, vthn so bly tuhmn. vsgunntt when you wear. his ne it (tr (l9. 90"va t ants. \Vuteti, * it In lhu e, on or slmlltr au- " " ' wilt! - ih., ttin ' son & Co. v L64258;l...; a 211. : A E? I , - ' tltu building at sewn , lth'tl tllt r p 'titttlt. . 'ttot' Mr A L ll tttritottnn of trnn , liquor {or the guilt uf 6,600 he'np ueplzd arldlhnl rt: 9 dlipoanl plus". he duterreii (or m Gnrd re ,. - i i w. Engineer E. It .htnir hrerenleti atom L'Olgllnnllon Wlllt the turn anti gull r or lhtt on wtth. it ., .itixl IL on itinin titi; too titton llui oit tit. The. lumntcd cnnt oi thii oolne to with which the lul\ yl"{ ahtire iii .5 [ti lj , tinnnn t hi (it), iimtte rootians anti iinnkitttt-shtut ttnn tax \vlll'wktl, t:900. 't'httt with 0'90 rel-l oi fl l will rquul'SIM ~ [ml or on it IS year tieitonttn-o :th h't-t- cent. wtll'eqnat tit. her it pattxfl' tor l5 ,o . 't'lte lite tlmr ui tittiwnttt uttt he 25 art. ittr Keith pretuntoti a lty XLW to city -ttho curbing gtntt . gilllei oi ttotlt aht 'ot .\ltttn strcel irotn the l-tunhyie tin pltttrch in Huron SI. untl both sides lot ituron street to a , it amt. . weiil in totnmiitee oi ihu wltolo with Mr. root-ton in the choir to .Uottsl ot- the. lty-lilw tinnro lJ) elonu- The li_ law re- eelwu the statutory llumhm at r lltlti3 unit was tinaiiy haunt without notetulmrnt: .tin tlct'ttllilltt hunt the intnrtt h-atih [onttoyttieill lintl hut-n N'- - ti itt Hire Mayor to get the / town't stilicllnr on linllllili' oi the town to pay thou .teountts .\iuroitnuto ho htt V l nti gnome to cortttitt tent llllllltg nnothutinn nntl tho accounts llud linen (LK. tty Um itanrti oi tiottith anti st itli t to the i'nnnoil Ial pltylllclll. it ml! the ottitnnn ni tneinht-t-s oi the tzenneit titat the lawn .thoultl not. pay accounts in vast whet-e iltn t ens were int ly ttttir to {my llleitt. l'lte solicitor gtt'vt- ti a his nhitttuntttat all no flailiils hoot l 4 lioat-tt oi ttunlth to SNOWBALL Miss Vutti nonson aptnt thew outtntttiitlit-a tinrrow, Mth nit-try tiltelteli wny'llle guest ot'ito Nullle nnVSuntlay; . non-t tom-i too big ctartttn pnrty this Prldu vtznlng, .tttho ttln. The luulrtt are preparing 1015 at nite' lllln s. A Hand program find Aha tho Aurtto hand, I , .\ir. ontt Mp. mitotic spentisuntiny wlllt Hie Miller s potent. , The Snowball boys are unending ttnitn-tthte evenings iilaytttg. omaii 't'hty may ilavu n train in in uluret MW , l"ll" ll th , KIN iiro iltltnee his heart nootl to nll~ tttut-nt thowetti httnu tnuclt lalnctst cron candlllum an: moat Kai/crab] tho whole it protnlszl to he an_rx- {talent-war. ~ ' . l itrlll a in this auction at the counlry hove, hetn busy at tintnio lanak lloatl cantilllanat Wlll lie wanna tor tt tttnt. Alter the.rtctnt attownio it would L": hat-ti tor .\ir. Denuly "rem Dalton or 1 [er Druri'io convinci- the experienced nototitt tttnt there to no netti tor lmnrovemenl. However the untlmttt says :Drdumy wall the hirih oi what we hm nor- uihiy saw oi the rock anti tarva. r Us wconottlay at test W clx' the ltadles' Auxiliary ot the Christian church ttrtti their monthly meellitg it the home oi that it, 1'. Smith in Now. niarret. The very favorable weather cyldlllons coupled in the genomxlly 0 some nmllirtcnl' owners matte ii hosttittt- tor mate |itctn lltlrl) members and . tnernltrrs in he prent-nt. tin llle whole it was a most auCceBHul ttiuellng qsc t)! the most largely at- ,. 'LIUiN :Tlt ladies Slate,~ .NEWM AltKEr NEW. DR'Ess GOODS , Lndluv Huttv allk Hose, Venus and Mercury Brand Ngger, Allco, Blue, French Blue, Whlt Elnolt email and Navy. , ... e , . . . .t, . . i .' .neg . $2.60 for $2.00 or. Flnti Llnl HoaHemher, mercury . .. . .8135 : _ Fanny liollett ln.llghl. and dark uhadeu, 88 Inch. wldp . .. ' . . . .Reg. $1.25 value for 750 . yd. Fano Ralln 36 Incline wide In otrlpoa and plaid: - sulmlllo for :jpon coatumen . . . . .S yd. . . Ln'dlea' Undomoorn F'tll'l range 0! Votu, Drawer-o, camblnatlgnl and Dlraclorlo Bloomers in sky, Plnk, Whlle and Black. . , ratio a ,totieotohle. ll's ll lnuuva lint-no .\itt itoith pt ltll'il tth internn tooth-t on tho iinttnteo tor Hie cot-rent }'l'(|l'.- tits report cott taineti tt resume at the receipts anti xpeililillldeti o'utl nitogothrt was u r '\' eltcnttraginx one train '[lle v wplillll. or uronomy itt tnttnioihni Kill'i-t nlttrttl - tended in the liltalory oi tine work. iii the time at writing we regret my rrtnott hint or are unable to tout the outnils oi the happy event or June 16. when one of our most. hlslily esiurtnetl nno inort respected young lo) or o tingle the in preference lo a eonnuhltttyulte wlllcll slls to,tasy on the thouhlors oi law. the rotor good wishes at all so out to the 'ouiig couple in the linpplest haunt oi lhtlr ladies surrendered the trecdnm Md_ RECENT SALES MADE BY The vttLLOUGrle FARM AGENCY tji-ouk ttlnnle hns nold his to!) orre trim. baln u in:- wesl halt oi Lot 3, Con, o, Erin(l p.. to F. ii. Arscoli at Toronto. I . mo and may 5001! tortnnt no ottvayn with inem. ' Oulle a another or the Wetttter mmlly noti connections attonitett lhe iusrtol ot the inte susan Wooster wlto tiled in Notttntrkei, June itttt. lld Vt hurled on Monday Denna!- rtl w, the second wile or the Isle Tliuc \Vtthttr who,\' ten years ngn. % wtti snetul siooo' I Sli-,'ll0ward (2' Chairman oi (lie flail lllltl Ill'tdlgc (lumitlluric, [it'e-lelllf'tl n stunt-what lent-thy r itOl'l in u-t -it hit ('0 tni on rttcihi titty heon (low, Ulla your on the toatit tutti britl' llil what iht UOHIltlilluc still lloitt"l to it tlplisli heiort ttttto niuiht-r ext not. The report Eiilllullull nutttintr ur x hillltliltg new null- nt- Ultlitliti. tttmttt, l lN ORCHARD, ' ~[i('l miellnzn tielnit Condtlt l-l ngcli G. E. Claus. at Vul- . llll the ctuireh or (: nst. ittniinnr hith intmtstni; lnmresL 'l'hrrn ulll ho SH ees rnoh illth Ulla not: nxt cn timinyal 8 o'clock. > Sunday in MM no nT U -ottltt ttnhroxttnnio stool). 'llir- t. m. tntt mo uattt lit'm. tztntnt-tl weiil into tnntttoe or W van 'trr.'l,ardla 3 to attend - It .\i John .llt'Culll'Cy ht Hi I "twinn- . m ML d" u , MN, m", The s intiltuio lnlL ml ho!t-. mm. Wm. , "m m in mg on lt vo n turtti an the church L [W OWN I 5 id 1 ln\\it on inlay. .innt- 2itih, it good rtt union nrttitrntn \tlll or- nrotittru, the (Kltlttcil utljllul'llcil Lll ti [t.lll. Much L. o. t., ebni Mobility: .t :iii l rnl ling 0! l4, 0. It. NI). air. will DL- iteltt 'rttttrttioy ovenlng, .inno 2ith. Emmet-a oi lulooitant-o. .\ii illHrtllL'rs oi , ht: pr lll. in Awini shone. t llitln shed was nt wr In such it hati .\ll th ni trowel httore. Autoinli \Vlto 'liVl! an) de. t It: :tmltl nroItmL intnr o nitl it- it away hunt' it, A hit *r unto [lurk in no; u motor ntui u:. it. L kt . v i. eat slut-t ln it-ttnt oi the uni littiti or. \vttittestiay t tlitl ll lDLtk |\\ (I ll tin hour '0 Bel out of in hate, it count nnl lie that? It) lltt- Ilkt' it! hurt M itu- lllltlillnt; nut-nos ntin't ohuroh cutout Party. u it), Jim tutti. t, the tiate st-t . .lohn't. it. tzhnrrh unnual iinnton l . it i, t-rroi that is ntu-ny. lonhrti tuititrti to or an clllA is. an n gonti time I) itlwll) :tasuwl Ito attrnti, hltl ihis )Nl the i ntthttiro tit-t- ltorn no slime un- llll l it. make it llit u \tnoaotttritta r - my unit olti, h ponds. In: errant anti rriieshntonl hottttts. pro- hr tho )uttllg tttiios oi Hie Hrttwlni; tor ton \aluable n, program by .turoro Dun l (urge! to me nnpt-t- on tho grottntis, :en d tram ti'rln . .\tnho n rials oi HIL' tlltlr. June 29th. .tntt nrtongr- to lot: it in. The in ti t lllll tzonttnitit-eo l il that sum oi nttnu-y roquttt-tl tot- '. lu'ltlgl s ntttl sidewalks this t liLiTlle 'uL <3ltu[ipH"S rr-potiro - nnh olcl" Ll t-rrt ttitir tut-Hun hath in it itottt and ntrhowan. i <,c,$_. Sale Register Elluldly, in... iii .\i int 3, Con. a. \\')t|(t ll. tuna. t tltltlitg shah ti new tttntter. prunuriy ol R'ltcllfl. Sal? at i. P. w. Sllt Mes, MEL 0. Wallore, e1. hill hold- sale at one' manllb' etudtt. P . onuttottsrr. Eaturady. Juril 19 Autlittn sate -'Iiulhilll0lil tritrrta. ohn, oi the rwltlt rlmt tluizara 5L, lltt- pmpyrl) .\i .i li\\lit, Site at a pm. Tort-nit" . P, ' AtlrlltinPrr. Tnuudny. .iuno za snlr oi Fuml- lure. em, llEIunEl to llle Enlnlr nt it... into \i .'II \V n tit-r ioit n: tltnrt . 'Ju ti 7.30; in. i t N , sitnpthtro-liliioolittiu. A to ) June t'ddlng (90): pl! \t'nttnt-ttlay niiorno it tho home at in out \i lent \ltdttittrlthcraur In. \\"li n litulr out}; onnrlttor. l. lN h-ttn, wan mantra to wttttur Elimlt tlni. it'll-I DI Mr. and Mrs. Thin. :llrujisltll c oi \Vittirltnrrh, Ilcv, \vtn. Jullttklon it! n lhl, l'llil.v tile 0! It! hH'l9. neriortnm tho o Vernony, Mr llslt'd l HM" D. Frontier n1 NEW tttnritnt, Ml aim wuhiiiieitt buy- E If ml I y her into Mm A5 BIVEA,WI . org Ky)an i while tltit llluqlllulle rout MIME 1' toiin nno tamed a boiinuil oi whte min. Her nail ' B Wilbvyllhp itatniutn 0315. V i hit can porch-u - tot no . u. h. ciittttuiult Pitt ' tilt list fittitl'lst En wlld pour ontn . H. 6. M B !. .- , in your laltum mm. - n ttAiItu'oN than. V . in mm itlu gun 'lth unit hot, . rho were I orois on inr. thn' ll or lllmlllll. Do. all relmthny tutu rrrhit lit Cedar liti ' t ' ' omit-consul hurl on, tittrtis, .' - Bull George llardy af n M: recently nurcliast'tt the ion here-{amt in Erin 1 p.. llclitig tho eattt unit at hot 2. Can. 9. (rent The tincture. John Endle) at liotntty has ltctntty purchased "12 Brownrldxe llama; titan" belng the west halt a! Lot 4, nnti the east hall at t 5. Conu'lt owned by Ellery menrldze ol Esquesina 1t). . tirauttr and unsunow own one acres at splendid tarm lands, Jam;- l. Ityon oi iiohurrttnn no; nnrclmro'tht too our two. helng the earl htii anti the north tot itaii ni Let 7. thin in. iront ttoitrrt .\itintrry. titty Showtime ht, Still l iti, so rtcr iarm In Nelson 112.; to it. thluaslono oi Tnmilla. ' . .- ' on Mr ontl .\trt. it. It, nllt hley have purchased n tine home on Hit liatntiton high . . ncztr anle. trotn \v. \Vt-alt'. John (iuihrlo oi nl n llES puruhnsrti thr too our (no in Ttnlolnr 'I p., lit-langlng lo Win. Dowlu : Than, iirusnn, ir., oi Nut-ml, ha~ nurrttmrti/iht. Suittt'r iortn. tattoo ho trrt an the torn line. L-qllng 'rh. lllratn 'l'nrh lu: hold his hull-r and lot til Iltllnb) to Jmln tinrile of Toronto. WlLLOUGHBY FARM AGENCY nianEaliriTATlvza : J. A. RASGOL , J. F. DZI HIE, w. A. vouria, vim oronto, iuwntutut Aglneoort, E. a. Fonn'rEit, notion. J. .i. VIRTUE. ' Nunplan. HEAD OFFICE. GEOVllGEK OWN. ONT, DAILY SERVICE Ln. TORONTO ("titan Stalin) - 9.16 an. cuntth / EDMONTON INA VANODUVER t :AE:KATODDI VIOYOIIA D I ll alulllul VIIIII tout!!!an inlnuu "o llo Ilw All. VIII. vault" llElPlll util lun Inn mu m m iintt 'V riot-t. uttu tuii lulu-Ill mo n . . Intensi- Aunt In" A ,1 ' uotry mllont awmlrltt: WINNIPEB IRINDDII cunt-o. titt'm ti. it. lg: "I Dill-i I Illllu L mark: . L 'i e Stock Markets th. e! mmkg'y gunrt plicu mm. in Tot:qu "LII tiff-3:1 Lilli {firm-minim hlqbn lull I "Elk" Toronto hoi ttt ii'nt utur ', For t rigor, pat tint. ' or ltlhllbl . v - .ao itirdiiltu (initi- amount: .t.. I 3". 9 AWN"