Newmarket Era, 18 Jun 1920, p. 4

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llt $271 PANAMA "HATS " ' ngulur 30.00, In Mom In Tol- mounts 8 upon, = $3.5 _UNDERWEAR 24m Hutuml cater. Regular $1.00 j' H 69 cls. . ._ Pest Oliice '6 . North York Marble 6: Granite Works. . JOHN ' 0. MOSS. Prop. pltnne 255 6, ll. 12. hat: 2., tlumn SI. - -\vtnat'ka|. Ont. . Near ll. SIatlon. The largeal designs 0! MONUMEHTS, TABLETS t AND HEADBWNEBI u ertment Idatttnnltet given without any obllgallon. Spuclal eonslderatlnn to dwindan el lallen heroes. Nu eantmet lee 13ml! No order loo antatl As we little can at the one. We ttlte ell-ts when: all. llu lusmlnlloutol lodnrn Electrlo Appllannos at all? work: enables us to otter you nratnpt rervten and ttnest workman- ahtp nl nunnnhlc Drl epl All monument-I ttnttmlnu dun a by our 01119". Ilulldlnz stone eut ta order. muses! Importer. and Its-lam ol nltthlz and Granite In North Yatlt. FOR SALE ' E. Rutledge s Mychine Shop ll NUMBER or nuu'ellwn 'mn allwa OEQEl-llur ellwn. nhur. w. I. music: Ali,e ttr 3545.00. shits; in , Greyg,. Browns? and Blues; ilt plain or Better Modf. V in. TWeeds and, and heat . l dhy. t. llIl TlllS m, - I nonutan $2.00 at. .. Comntents I of Exchanges nlvem com Wanted. llvlll't Without lull- lttpl Illln the Ian Win'l't 0! "in country III [III1 Still ! of us Ill IIIL' til-alter 0K , we heIIt- , our, own lawn tntpmred and amended in such . v lllltt, while [sultrde the alwlctlllc at Illc llll|l I:|Kt', WINS, wlII at the hut: tttne ltlnkc It pnsslltllz lnr enuph-s \vltu thht themselves unsullud lu nne .tnnther Ill MIC !!! rnltlnst: train it tile of II: rzl. Appmua 01 the aunt. ttshntrn 'l'ehtnrlplt : llretttier Ill ." IHII Ills runner gm'lll lllllnllt have dune \Ilt Hulvt'. rretlil in wtittg 55000 to t, lzunadtnn :tlltlnllr u clients to II Ilttttut- and let- ttnltn at the my Itle gnnte- ll (AMI shim. lltltt,nur mrtnct- lttends .t uneh utter all ilnd IIIII ready to not LIuL ||It1 Ila seeds out at their Ithisht on live an. oppnrtunlty. \lilull Fl't c I uas 1 The DESI ll'.tt.Ill' ltd Il'Xl hanks, IIII} HIM mlr Illlrldtll' thlptnent. can only mm: the student u clIAncll, u-hhzh lllnl he no- nnplett at releeted as In: pleases. 'I l: Is no {INSIC I all) SIM I II tvnrtlliette or lltnlenta, The aims t In lltglt settqu nr tlollette wll| - nut do a tilt inure tor the student than I / ls re dy to de ler hhnaell, The t-ntnnhnt ntlstnlte ,at yuung people Is In assume that sehenl or college the \\'III hcnettt thatn \VIUIouI llteLn cur rlttutnlan. on he eentrarr all ltlcl nitrr'ls annartuntty. Too many ite'n-Produem. Ullawn Iteenrd: 'l'rle uvowatt oh- lret oi the old National Pulley, as ttte ttrutenllre tnrlll Introduced In Itrlli Ira milled; was to ttlmutnte ttta gl dwlll et ulllasl and towns. Tltta as la auye Danantans ltatn IchnE "Ilewel i tit weed and dtnwets 01 water," n term at cunlctllnl/ tor nur areal natumt lnduslttes, A certain Illewltrnt ettles untl lawns and el utlntu Industry Is healthy, In Canada the. gran-III has hum ovcnlllmlllntnd, with the result that our Industrlal structure ls ten hrary. ltc nsrlclna ltasls ls nnt IJI Ollll ettuulsll la sustain the 'tlhrit: that has been lltllll lull/n ll. 'l'ttate are too many hen. [Il S 'l ttetr ate. lrlo ylmll) tpmptr dILll'rIllg In told and stocks, .and adding nutlttntl m the real wealth n1 the Milan. It Is all very troll tn harp Hack tn the hand." but lll ohle will llnI go Ihltlk to the land. nor stay on the land, unless nth- pollc) Is su_bhalled Is to encourage agriculture and nUIEr hatlr. tndustrlea. Fumllr uruty ohuatn with Feline-l pawn-a . Orlltla ltnrkat : Nn tum neutlenl patronage" was eat at the moat vo- lleereus ol I mmler Drun n htatlonn - bumps. in. ' really It: Mm. planes. or men and matters In tut Slim; l6 NI minister IILI mumle nowlndse. much more tall e than uny at his enllugnet can oatith The awalntmtnt at Mr Paahzr w the when at head I pvt-Mar my thamlera he charged. If It IS Ml In 61- mole nl ttttoat at Mr. DP? trim: a It In oath. tun-earn I littering 86m 1 I 'a good) Supply,,NOW,v,ias 'prities you all, lities' tire advahc yit All our Suits rand ".3130th Above, the. _.Tax haye' been: ,SIashea. _ s'TRA'w HATS Int sullen at" Toyo Pnntuna, - _ttetntlntt_z.tsli1 95' WOIQK SlilRTS In atank ann While. wllh 2 Packets: 1 : ,' V I'or .to_ Clean and It luh nnt uppenr In Ittt cn cIIQKEII In rctmlllttlltn 1' MI) puhlte sewlee. tn hrunnye nt It 1] ttunlltte Ion; lur tl nlll \\ Illt Is nt unspen- NIIIlIll eathnn luI pert knawlwlrn and t itrrlvtt litearly, pne would he l~ Inhlsn l'I\' pl'uvlllcll Inr s .t ntttllntg I Is .\Ir. hran ttundhnt and :M' It! Is . OUR IIIIAIIA LETTER Inn at . l' Jnhnston. Ier til. the n nt under his rite-inns alludes DOW" nEvEnAl. NEW a ltha Flnlnce Mlnlslcl' IlulIII Thu-ow; "Allan Ittm Conlullnn by FropoIlnn rmtl- ' cnIIy Haw E' . .Innl. [L ttVIng thrown . tntn n stnte ul witrtlslnn. Iinn IltI pL-l'plt' Ily 'lty II III at .t lllllltllutltl t . with-It in mu , n- at tile, htrlng Ills ttl'h'ttlllw tl the trade 7200.000 retell lllI-l t'llnltls tltlotlgllnttl the neutlnien Ily tnurlnn ..I Ittetn anterntttent lax rol- Intt IN, Itlttng addrd In the ulready an-nt IIIII-lrns at the ttnusewl the inrtl t Illl Inns. ralllpllllltK what h to nay en the nears- she nuys., Sll' tin, tntntster nl llnnnee. nlthl dawn what was . - It a new hudeel. and Ehockul nnn Flltnlsnnd an already almost iltlttnrrl IInnsn Ily mnsenllng a land list at runners in the new (aims In which rontnslan will he even mine t-nntanntlrtl , llmntu-tres \vlln Imagined they had .neroetttlt In chutan to a knowledge hy \thlrh they toutd outwit attempted dovr lllirln Ill have In start and learn attain. Jumhlsd oetntnadlttta. In Int~ Ihl- eltanges announced by tht- tnitnstnr Invnighl are an Indteallatt that ilt his orlslnal hutlltel he Flnll'll) )lllltllltll n ntultttude oi enmntedlttes lagr-llter. ml without seeming any nstlnttlt of real nr ,valne. Itxed a "luxury" pm, and aet a .PErteltlnSC lnr litultbu. Ta-tlay he halt deeldad In Incmsn the duty on elnlhlng, and hunts and shat-s (rum to (a 15 her arm. hnl ta It only on the exeess m ltr Mtl nhnye the nttee lured, tln nlhI r :trllttlcs the texts on thr lulal east at the nttlolr. So Ihtl here unnln [5 another ttenltlslnlt. In last. It wntthl appear that the Gnttrnmrnl has 5tl ltsnll- dellllmdly to rest dlrt t'l laxntlon Intn camplete tllsruM untl t unll-mnl. rwn Intern at Once. Not since annledmtlnn has Illcre heen Iwn h udgela In the tun aerated. Uld nazllunentet-lana sat wllh dttntay on than laces, u the Inlnln krt pm- 4' and to rend the long Ilst ol chmm and tnedmuuont. . Prohme lite nae-l grotesque tenure at the wllalq mm; In the nut lhlI men-heart; an tnnpmr lg n on onl- lullng all Illa bull or the old result: "on until (ha nnw methane. or wet; altty utI aunghpr metm meaneauon and emu-titre ox II. In: WIN *9 Home. 211:: um I am he Is all open for an. In, unx lttwl ml , anunlltne III! now-Inlet not gutter; tutu , SALE. PRICE I to Ulnar I. ~ Its semen In pm.l w LAE HED av cmnnlsm DHAVTDH' . 1 Up theulbnla .' tit, Sprlltg I Ltnes, H e' Extrh Reduettpn s in; airlines." lentil 'pily't ge't: Ml cur $12.00 Bruins, In Black ' . ytllh Leather or NnuIIn quua, EMU. , Y / Intl \yIlI harem Ilu, 'unlull'wllll the Innue llIllmiIllulI an the part n1 Slr II ry |"we hope else pnytnenle will he lcluntk'd." may! thI netuna a. PIN 7 l the orlglltal lux me- I v r . v mltu I)ll) IIlK_ a aull ' nl gilt shall pay In I|ll tat coal at the sull. tltntlr Ihr tntnlttnnlten he \llll par I5 . L t ltlll an Iheatnllnnt tn mess e1 sis which the Itlln. nut lltm it may h_ an Ptl, \VIII IIII' IV Itnll It? Illdlle In (he at cit-II sert anla lnet- those who ~ HILI Inln lI- treasury tit \\')tlll tt y nuglll In Inttt hr n nistn ttnl IIDICINII the It s gnntl- ye In their HIDXK'Y. Inrlttetttully;Ilntztt-t trtmt rtl ll l when [Ills Intern ng spet clo was point: LIll In the llotnnmna HnI Snnalt". In whit-II lIlt- A rnnnvnt mmsllrn span- a tnlnister nl Inlmr (the -|It:t| the law alien-Int; IJe< nI Itrltlslt-ttont rt llll'nls TIIE MIBINI: of aIIEEP Iu Intmtlln-Ing lIIt: estlntales let- his tltilul'llnull lo the lluunn ot Gumlnans tlte lleu. l . I'ttlllllc, DalllIlllott lllnlr elzr rt .nrnttu [lolltlut] to the that that Auslmlla the an: no lewer than 30.000 on sheep, tn the United States to, 00,0 0. In Great Bntallt Mammoth]. and tn onnada only 3,500,000. .ts alluwn in 1th: Anrlcullttral Gazelle uI Cnnndn tar hay Mlorls the htlng tntlte In all the pml itlc ~ In remedy this slate at lhlngs. That Is to s- , rneeutattle- mrnl Is tiring gtven tn the mlslng el sltlvnp In a \ drlely lit wart try pure- bred rams belltg .ltsttlhutcd ar sold on cai) tt hy tht- Itnldlng ul cums petluens. whleh genemus ptlzra .tre gll'ul (or the nest ewes and tor the but (lacks, hy ohlatnlng the Illgltust prlre lnr \\ uDI Illl nusll Iltt Depart- ments and lltrouglt the :nnadtan ca- npetntlye \vnnl lirawers Asaneltllnus, h) argstllzrd :lll en sales, and. as In ontatln In ytnrllculal , Ily plulng (locks nn n share Ins-Is. Ailltntlcd Insislaltnn Itns nlsttJIEen pas-alt tor the pmleetlen at sheep Item 054. RHEUMATISM ' lll,h III" the we. rth-nahwmumyn iv nit-nun pu- um . In at [Mal-It . new a luau wtut Templeton '0 R599: ma a you Regular saline and 375.00 / so that: thgye'is nbthing l for youy'tdpay tax on. -. ._ ; . ,. L . pit-4 " PolzT SHIRTS ' In White, and *gve "are ' I; Now is the time to buy I all our' High Grade Shoes .and: Oxfords in Black, Chowlate and Mahogany,. in straight or wide lasts. Reg. $I5.00 To Clear SILK HOSE In PInIn and Farley Palurnat V tIIIIMl and Funny collar. ' 6 'IIII our ,I lnvy lm: and Brown 8n! Itrn Guaranteed nelnra. Regular $2.0m Regular $1.25. Epoclal at To clnqr to he Dloarcd out at. V Wnah Tles In tuhtte and Funny. tttnu'lar 75a. advent; Ants rooLtNu main. sszzs nv uoann BACK Fort 'n nnuv In Pnlaao. Itt him, this n the tint commute. IIUS In IIIP nplnlo so gene tlly tuleed tawny thnl 5 art: due to lull. tnatte tty rev ul at the mutt! prt tllllv. n1 l titrlvhattdlse tnt-n wlla nuk this 'rhr widespread llllpl't ssluu L'rt'ttlL tl ht nt-u dtspatehns lrmn "It: nigger tltnt pticen are comlltf down p")! .Ied us to inquire nl lltl-_c gen. Itl-tnrn, when) he know to he In cln r luttt ll }\'i|Il the :Illtlttllun, It Int-m \ s that grennn tor this-,nelirl. ' - thet- [mlltlr'tl nut Ih , raetnt ten \\ltlt'II they rnhlhll nny drop in nt-n It nninIt-tl nut the U! Is in all lines and the hi t ttl'ltlg Ilte luher tl'nn LIL'II t-s tn tnpt rellet. . n :lIllJlllltn the low me at produc- Hull In. lllanulttclllm IILK' llsi' uf latter strung intlnenns lur . Illgll laws. IIIKII in- It rl rates. and the pmhnhle resump- IIIIII 01 trade with ttussia are also net-latea tote VILtl ten-e. In maln- l.tlnlll3 a Mall prlre stale. srnlnllre at n hlg llrtt gnptls concern, we at nttnnst t-xaclly llle tame nature "The present llutry," snld llle rente- as the ulll we had a tent- ago III Man-h, when nulllla llatlllcls, llllls, rotten prints and pereales luaL u drt tp. A few bis dedIC li were overloaded Ill there llllcs. and lntuetl sailing until llnllnlllll. 'I'Ilost \nltci aIIUI lrll' greater tvduetleu relieved a costly penance. "TIIL tyne buyer NI] latte lull ad- vantage at any bargalns hetng aller- Etl Haw, lttr lundMllt I rottdltlons are unchanged. Conseqllcnlly, as the t-IIt-et on hualnt-st. ol tltts unu'sual- I) bunkwartl snlixlg Nun s a the re- at-llan \VIII \ (n' llkL hit) us It) sllll ltigllcl- prlces levels we" t stoopoa Ill FDDDB how I" o nwn rm: Ulmwd. June I he udrnltnuse nl .lleyutur, lellul, wltulcs lt rearm and pmdnee merchants lleru. was damaged to the extent a! anaut tamed by lite. rally Sunday ntata- hug. and lim'lrtlults yalutd at nearly steamed tleslruydd.l The hullutnlt was qur nlm lg Illgll, Meme .3! one time In a sullen and retllollellx d tutu calarg'etl lly the WV . The reuse el lllh [Ire ls llllknuwu, hut lllnuglll to he ltent rteeule trh lng In TIES In Black, Tun or any. Regular $1.25. More Mile - Iltllllr Tiling BV HAVING THEM RETREADED DR 8EOTION BUILT IN it? " MGBIIIIIIIEyg 1" Ynlcattlzltlg and The Service MARKET BUILDING. HEWMARKET. ' inset} Cream Sodas SoId halt nvuywltcm In leach packages. Fnttory a! LONDON. Canada. Bundles at ltentttat, Olliwl. Hamilton. Klnrlton, \Vlnniptz. Calgily, Pun_Anh\lr, 5t. Juhtt,N.B. "It: (ix-canal]!!! room. The prowl-t sluns dealt-eyed Included moo uses of eggs; one Ihnntantt uses 01 hut-g let-t one etrtoatl n! syrup: two car Ieadu ol'huns, and one rarlutd i ltthl. The tanner. funny t 5 sleep In the hulldlnx when rho the. din-led. hl mmggd lo MEIDD WHA- lursd. The bunnies and enntenia Are slid (o ba lalrly watt earned nit, lnsunnqe. cast- lm ., .1 _, nor" Sp . I SUIIS ; I 1 g . , ~ . VI 80: our [Increment of lunllIh Worn liming: l Prlou um um I... 1N atly tit-an tar th. ulna qnttIty a! ood- wllh ut- udluonnl unk" M hitting your DInUII ' out). In "ta-nun and my Iton you ant-ll". WILLIS.

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