[l rl ulfry PI" , 1' low to 'Icn Orulln in pitch, , I ID". V oped-I lm-V gnawed Brim rile {allowinqpupllu'of inn, .l _ l , lialunaullupd worn lrlueoouurul in, leattEB, oonua ouznv. this the raccnt lnlll. lr llltl Ind arouni to: M3 ,8 ! . TM mam. nro nilnoroo lilo l ill or that loo . WI ma- ' locum lnn trill nut- puny l.nd nur ht r rmlr purity or telcp send them. , DEALER SHOULD SUPPLY LIST OF FOR 'rlils 'sroci: . - . t I i l' unwell-inner. 'r. irun [Ila Printing lbunlnoui 4 u- 15 ,yurr ol and. "7 TWELVE RECORDE ti. n. V. BnOUGIITDl-ll Irnly or Eiul OFFIDE. NEWMARKE'T. rnruenullvi at or cannon, / L IOTI' all. law. world v am All Win-a It ' 1'le MUTUAL Lin: [OE-DREAM {Ann noun y rill volleyuloldm' comm!" tong. Ill! ctlulu gm, Tommi throughout DIM IM' lllgil amt (mun In our your, mm 'm: DREIII Aim wrrliu, rnnllsllcd lor aarden Paula's taking back I" not,,ulvd, Ionian Ammo rlmn nLoo l lulroninlu amen ID opin- ion to willotl all too: - Iummnnad 'Vbr convictlon or ooqulml id in. dlnlm] room tnnlo whm vun Ippotttl Juan-o who pm lllzon "ll illnu- oi ma goodness will on null-h ew] 5. Suggegtio ns' Here are twclve Ellison Re-Creations" that: should be in War Blame. We havc them in crock = and will be pleased To play them (or ybu if yoh will come to our atom - hone an)! we will There an: a' representativc dozen and contain n good variety at Llle bestin music. ro M BOY WANTED I) who nu llunl n yur at lllgli amoral prnlmrnd. . if w. R. oowmsori," t i all , I , uli ' oludmg owlrnmlilr' tonic- torn ilnu fiinm ln'enlooru o unluy qlty until! i lei-rucalnlo J nlllr l ltui' ilrllllaly pinno ,iun Kathleen K I lzlelnn nlrlry Plano Minn 1 j. ,(htlllurnil ty xg l/rcm' ,\l nkman. iw- Junior 'I Mr. 'rlloll. Wlllla ' -lnollnm), leil iluliel SI so sylvla I. or the Toronto canon lnllllu at lhu works oi the 0H :pdnlnlty Cr). Iietwecll- ll and null lllnl 'l'llclluny morning. wllrllo 380 cm , r llillllllllg i Two n! the hilt In lean lllnn two mlmltell. lIIK Ill the official rernlll : No. i "one nlnylm; In I llllliuto Honolulu. wlrmn law-ln . (it illnnil' iiarriwllrc, Newmal tmt, l ollr l-llrn in la. Moritz. No. \voilnoedny lo the dale oi"lll llll; excllrnion and picnic to draw lionel 'rorulito. ' lnnr-kot chrisllm lS-and'dy tn Loire inn trip llrinlr lllu unndren. u Kond opportunity 'IUr unyono lliln in no to the city nl n reduced rllrc. ch dunking/hm; nil the include on a line nirr, dinllen may he iiveryiloliy welcome lll its at an lll Toronto, to unfit/EA direct to Row iienull change or tmnslcr, and charge to painengcm . lr nw: lire Imrk at 130 p. In mics, , Adults on , chlldrcn 501;. l r u. s mllll .iissus or the Summ- School. with primer: And Beginners lthlllil l iron. il is nenrsmy rdr mm mnum lo gut lnrlr tickets 't u el ellillK at the school. nolnrnlller, iln n xl. \Vcdncallay and mum along with your llnskot. . MN oranotmnond-L. a. n. A. nl church. The mcnumls n1 lire gringo A n cliillmi Allll l.. a. ii. A, uilenttctl lilrlnu ,Sert-irl- u| lilo Methodist Church, sundry nrenilrg. Jllllt: will. wlloru till: nnslor, nor. ii. Wor. llro. Cum, w. L. 'Luwrcuiio, is. It., who Is nenllly druid olinnloln at'the older. niinr reading lne lessons from lilu bonny R, 0. mole preached on exact- lrlll rernlon iolringrn llir texts Gilllb lions 5m Chap. and 1st rem, "Stand last lhemmre In the liberty wilem- with Christ an: mode-ill ime," nlld tat izol-llltlllnns Nth anon. and lulll, verse :waloll ye. sland met in illu mill, quit you like med, no strong." The Rev, genllumo inon procredcd lo explain in u luck! nlnnnor. tllc Orlulu >und cause or the {mllmtton or lllu Grange Orrirr, and gave (rum llldv tor-tout tact: lull iuslmoniinll on no 'cxislencc and work, chowan that it in nlill needed in Canada lo-doy as It was 0! old in iron lrl England, and is on- coluplistling no .rnisslon now as then. He moved llrrl all true rrnlcetonls who accept what rmlostsnlinrn stands ion sllonld llecnlne members or (no Order lllut s assiduously deleuds ellll Mid religious Llilrl al rights lo all and soeoial nuyllelger in none, in Lawn-nee was eunrlnllllatrd ny ulnl rt lilo eunle llnlu tnntlensivc and namnulevolenl presentation oi on. oil Iiilarf nresenled and, much lnlsundeiu gland luhleei. - . was chair or it): churth at run slmnrlil. nndrr tile Ridership or their erncleni omniol, Mn . Mason, sang well, and {maimed I mutant: anthem. and during the Mlerury Messrs, J. u'. zllelrny um a. 2. Mannle rcnderoil X . kinda tn- jok ln llnrnur Mainlin- tloon, llclll byv tho 'rorg'llto' unlvurolly rnoully or Munlo, undor'llld dir8216;clorr nllin oi prorcrnord. r. w llornson ln l \lltui until wllile lira Ilulvn erhllruion' r ltulll liqiail Donald Pullman. Mlull Emlyn nuvutr. Mis Emlyn Pul hllml Edith 'Sllltlll, Allah ' (Inn. unawae nun nuuucau- (ill in nlrilllg llle' Junlllr t tunq ex . A wary unilnlilolory "Fl; tout has The nloyoen \vcrll mll or inn 2 minutes add no uunonilo. .llose ilnrll troll \vnlur ph - Polio _ a No. It "08!: plnylns in 2 minuteli so For till." Iillkttul. fide irting: lllll'dwaall, wltll Iron wheels. will no ry ,IEDDV lilo, Only l2 loll in $2.00 n rider the MENU 0! your uni lam ) o ill day. it \vIIt nuu lIL' ior oillur nul-llnnol plclllo gmulltl alllrllilld rentcdl line ground 1m- nurla. free not and cold water supplied, Mani. o llll. lrlltlilllg and boating on gum! nencll, nlc. Ynu wlll nllsr. ll splendid time ir,yonr [all in come. 'rwu oneulol MrltmnaIIt-ul can lunlu New lrrt olullon atvm u'ctonk n. In. 'I'llrecvrlvvuio Toronto slreel oil-e meet us willloul only no additional 'ltElIll'IIhlg. . Special rolurn (are In 'Kuw "cauli llmny oi lllll lair, mum. intelligent h d . l , tunneling oi womnnnunnlltllid will )2 your liome-ol MnrA itnr hr " to you r lloll XML Plow," cnmlnily ed " 5!! { l , . new - , , mu. pinball, . r "f llo Town Girls (tiller, 5 mnlull, to inku placn ml thll rroundu next Mimi! y nlgllt honouring-ii liylrinll nu . t 'rllo common-.3 " I , in! ilHK nijlllo~ guitriirlt 1020 world-lain the nonnl rl ilonnl loll Friday I'm llnrvci in the lat lng. 'Mr. J. , .V ulnry, lllultcl . refill u letler lrnnl th cilanlnllnlnl illian agent the till. inkl ruddy 'rlle follnvm . .v , lPrehldnnt .I. A. Body Vino Pros J, F. inn-yet S .>T_rc- m.~ . ill Mortimer lei: l2 nul- ecllon lit nlililem mulled t5 hill. .1. .iinl-vny, irdj. young, A. Scunott. 'l llrlrl. iillmrd , I _ V and; Dr. 'Nm 5 "0 rlnilnis In l minutc' no - Nu- l , second v . Eholl'guardnlor hi lo he rcspnnulhlc No. 5 "one lilllylng [7.1 mummy {or tile rule a! lnn llukctnr * ' gugudq, ' ilenllnlr nluol'lrned illl Monday, July No, 7 iiose playingll 2 lnlnlltnn lo 12. at 3.00 [L 5n, wllcn tile novancu nleizolnln, 3 agent will on pmront. AII lnlmnlu ' temporally reoriented lo be present. . ourARlo Moronwil uLann AM wanKERu ARE LEFT IDLE; aln 5mm and HSSFQMBIIJLE tl olll lrlllmlulol t anly .lluy :Ird.) I I nr slot.ooo,ooo. , . she found n publi'o meeting schedullcd. film [0159)? 2, 3k m, l- '- . . ti ill on ward-o! their yii c lc' .EY -| J _ , .llllJl. to n clious nnlyen hllorlagl. Juntatronntrglldellro. , marreg, 1, ! t f nndmammm [1:1thqu I we , only Gllher n olllorlo. rncloriru are closed, mm mm. hucguan u; 5,. 0" 95 "3 0 c a Workcm ore idle, . Now llovolnplnunli ' ,, on: hold up, snarl-urn nr colnnlnlll. - 'l llrro hi absolutely no norm {or lln only became more carious, Yet ( a nrlvnle cclllnalllen llnvu iu. 5 equipment rronl wlllcll llley tell ll lllcy arc able and willing in tum ill on -|lu\~lr, which will greatly, It not eolnnlnlely. , ollorl llolle o allqu main) liono rcltovu the wagon! nlmrtogu. 35.000 llarse-ndlver mm the lnnnlll turers and workmen oi llllrl nrovlnrl ll not, it is tax him to any wile is in llol tumor or: (uses lo use wasle mler which cost uluoln plant.l . A ill! the lllgll-nand erl. xliclnluriai different attitude am] interior service wlth which the inlnrosls in cnnlml ol the chill! privalu power supplles in the have so often treated lrle pulliiu: it has rlrtn r n. rim Post's lnler sii are wllll those who have [ml in the prmincc wllulller llley arr, mannrnclurnls. men ellnnls, lrnllo lininninls, inrln m or or- province lllelr money and time dinnry Invasion how or abroad. L 1o hump, so llldtmEb m u. s. V . nlinlAL thEOtt amnion, ral. July't n a collision llnlwdell thmc cars on llle Lucra- lvnnlln .1 Wyoming Vulltzy nullmo . "I'Ill' South i ltlston Station. at 1.30 last night, is people were killed nun an su nualy lululen. v The accident occurred near soulil pilislon, when lightning struck a tl lcmph nole along the lino or ill: - lraek and tho pole tell our o n'tlle tracks in mint lit {cu hound {or Scranton. A mamrnt lnlel- 8 limited car crashed into llle rear of the car that struck me polo, arld a mind car lclosronad lilo second, All three rah! em piled in a horn. MODEM ? llnlnlilon, July 5 red Maynard. lllo seventeen Par-old son of P111911 Mmiiardl its .anillrd nvrnlle noun, \\':l omwnod lo the boy early lllir ma milk. lie, with-\Vrbum Mathle don Hmldahn nolluy, had nlunn to an upturned dinghy (or (our name, and semi exhaurled to a watery grav wll n n menu rally was mum to yards 0! tllnl. When no SRW lilo 3501] mm llo llernnlo excited, 09d it 13 hollcvm that no in go oi .lle dinghy in an attempt to min. ,lo the rowboat that was naming to his mom. lie slink out 0! night and his body his hat recov red mil-ER , ASTHMA- - FEVER i gleeplcn nignll, conrlrui s'neczirlg, streaming dyer, wheezy. breathing : , noernlmly u . duel - unity timing or know that My Redeemer luvetn." 'rllu Oman soclouu turned out in ' goodly numbrn and I 11:56 congrega- uon illiad lilo oburoll, ind mo an at- tentta rls nurlng to In ulelruotlyo and imnmslvo 7 amino wny Itol u ' . A ~ Up um extra unwielle DVD! by by ur . 1m. Tang I > . . y ., llVIP' r EMMA" brink: relic! Put up union: Aw uh nlly clrln lo ll huehnll hr Io r ilr..n.,w,, 4 Dumllilfln ndvnllu c would thn 'Nowmm-kui nllllnl' lo pn-dngu ror 'lld IEDmIIlK Advel L J. - r Nu: . . mill lo movement [or a lung limo things will sir Allnln fleck is reoponnlllle' tor this uondltlun reapnnsihlc lar keeping this he is controller; to sny why lhl-l power to soy wily he re lllo nrotince llulnlng and with a, coa' inlrllnu in .lehL lltllldi [an nxpcnsivo ~ no not mlnllnunrslnnn no. Tile Post ling no sympathy, and never no; lino. 2 nl London ill-;' the , - . , gunman , I on liapcoihmlttcd lt~ no" (D not more than aiioa , 0.70" ! ,thl) yrnr mo. nil Moorland I invliiu'yciul 1921 on lmpm gmclita end equipment; aim the purellm '9: add]. llvnnt rlahl oi-wtyw ~ , .slnllwlclr and/Uh- hl'hiihll g , nnilwlly. camp in is l nl .My under nuc bariuhaw , hmtloir by billion will comrillirlnn ' x on hell I u'l lll mltnlc dimes inlorr " L d. Thu, l lK ir'wny {or thc T . rol'lul I 'anl lnl-lnee llne aii been .1 u qulrugidlri tho an cent, 1 ' .A uviuon orpo t, I. , . "lil, ,lllulrj om'elnl, Htatemr l 13 I 'j Bldg " Serge; Suits, dorm-fitting style, rld boil oleeves Regular [$45 00 ,with slash -,pock ' value for llln ., S f {Slit/tidal Prices, 'glll'e'n routing Boots, 1 Reg. $2.25 for $1.75 lie P. living at lil'oll- lluc islurl ln appoint/ii ' Cpnilnlmlbn. 'rllrl- mytllu inotl r or lllll provincial drbt nlll uexleni to which lll th liro ,nloloelo lli'avL' nl. rrndy Involch lilo nruyineo . To do- It la'nnlllled' aut inn pmvlncc its ad. vullocd nppmximntcly 355,7501090 tn tlln llytlro-lllcct c Colnlninllo n. onll Inllmnne cllml nilll lilo oenlml Onx ' ull . l rv a rum vorrzy , y_ Iallo synlom. [in oddilion durum. mm mm , . _ . IMVl.. 0. A._liin Ll; LL Jackson and \ rjc llau _gmmnlonu ilnnllr, bring- . . . I i ' No, a ill-lac lllnylnlr ill 2 inlnutuli to W Ill Emil I ' ' '3 5 ibltkat' m 0 WWW 3. - was close to plechon' :11 nil long mm M? ' tll ts and ions ossi newnlio, , '. Groundn arnl cuamllng Raina . 000.000. 9 52 per cord. or unioriou tvet'ks Peggy had been occuple With her young impression u c a g 'No. l lillllu mayan ll. 2 WWW. , ammo, ll, ii lumlinll. i, 5. none, rrrrcnt do i. in addition, lne oov- lllsilr- abounds. . lion. ul hud madc a revolution ill the orderly rcgime of her daily life. her kecn, intelli rl-llnlunl pulntn.out. lilo province will, in llic Mar lulure )ii'h in imply our 531009000 in cost. to complete the ollinpolt Nonlgon run other powrr works now in nrorclnl oi lulruuuun. in olilrr wnyo thc vrovlllce'is nireudy n, V'ullillllttt d lo iiydro uxncndltums lol ul- ' lag at ly $40,000,000, whlgh, ii I: pointed ulll, may run slill nigller u the u nlllnnnwo conts' allonld ,nxoeed lln . nl-oll. l estimate. Vlii g lllcmlal lllc uuyemlllnnl has osllmaled IliD Hydro nrncnlillllras mt tlo. 000,000 , il orlilcrly gcnt mind had been vitally iii- tcrcrtcd in tllcoutcomc or the ucstloils of the (lily. 0f Intc, howovcr, she ho ht}qu hovering over t1 rol't littlc form. After three months 0! unllrill endeavor lllle had won two smiles 4 {rain that lnfunt tucc and one low, ecstatic cool up urdcnt .gutfl llsmt. Such otcudy devotion doserverils rich reward. tune. She Paul Gd that. But Doggy had rcllumcd her reading ultha 0m8]l hm] ncwspdpcrsl itpr interest in public mottorstcu w'iin'viest had been d oi-lnnnt only, temporarily, Sud- Weill VOBKY dcnly she was urouded by urgeilhlocul appeal. Ed ll 50" ) "11 It never behtell his wife. had i lcvcr dr beer. cd-olhcr partisans w to one side or the other, [mildllllrc and provincial item, there ms the allusion oi lilo inunducsr at the indict-Ecii cmc. In line connec tlun. ills Government nlntemun nolnlu llut um, "Eu inr, no lniorlnulllrl nlll ilonii pllt norm \lle coynrlllnrnt which ii at .lli iuiilclcnl to permit it in lurln any reasonable onlni r it: lo the cur- r tltBA Z n l lne enlllnolen nul anion: lan lnunirlnalltluq or ill: pivhuhllil) lllel llle protected 'r-allvrayn will now earnings snlnolonl to mull llloln sell- nunprlrlin , The ow inont null-i that under the circumstances, and in new oi the nnrlnur runliln to tile lil utlllu no i..- rl than in the munici- palillrn. which would lollow it me radial scnrrnn. nlter adoption. were to {oil to he nulmunnonlng, the members are talc-Ills l)! the oplmun that the~ nunld llu lining lI ss mm their duty 1 ) the 'pb lplc I! lht) sanctioned the sull,nc in its present plane. ._., o n Ema 4 YHEiiT L'Jr VJAY OPEN ED. Urillia, July 7. clung Loch, near the Trent t yirzy ennui, was open. cd yesterlia llftcrnuan. eomnlol. ing or Trent, Valley wnlel-way and gi g dirt-c1. water commu- nication lrelwrell lioncy Harbor. on Lilo Georgian Bay. and Trun lhn nn Luke Ontario, a distance a! 436 milusi There was no formal ceremony but on Sunday afternoon the civic outllul' ies will go by motor uoat rrnrn Oritiia to smili- lldplds, on thin Sc vcrn liner, wlluro the town's electric power nldnt is io- cat/ed. likely to be closely fought. vote After a while the coming election alippcd ililo the cllullcr of women acquaintances over the wil . . (lien [vi t dro pad in; they were up! to discuss the lnyritu o the rian cun- didnles. After Pegg s isolation ondinbsnnpe tion, it came to llcr kc the beating of storm waves upon a quiet hcnch. Therefore ahe decided to\huvc a good talk with Gilbert that very lllgilli " she asked, 1 ting ll acrcllely hap face to her husband, th1 me all election business, 'will you 7" deliciously lazy period just after Glad you asked, dear. count on the righl'sitlc, you to the polling station; she can vote too, you know. Both of you mu tvotc for Clem- nlcr. Bob Glcillmer is a good scout.". Robert (Hemmer is your choice for trustee in this want then. Gibbic I" Thcdingcrs seldom idle reached for hcr work hug, and Peggy plied hcr llcddie. Now please begin and tell mel everything about this man you \v.nt to will. 'l rlllot' ow i must stir myself nlld'fimi out the inch; concerning his rival, Tim lllllvcri" Gilbert stared at her from the hearth rug. c, He had foi'goltanhut his \\ ife,allld mother was- 0 complicated being with strong. individqu illentality. . lm ulli #8216; !" cried Gilbert with mice uickly inflamed s a sneaking l'ziscai. hlvhy, I wouldn t tru sight. I this point, an unusual after-dinner ill . "Na lnuttervahou dear. Tell me all How's that ?" irawiied the I made SCUI'ClIin nominees - I httd cut of religiu ln candidate 1 could esteem. W political aspirations. about this it was that dinner. Your vote will Just tukc Mary with the girl wife turned the full urc wcdk tools ! purpose. l il never all clean, upright candidate: 'ilcril- :1 call friends w part ' while in himscll ' O s 'l Couchi. Washago. on i in lift llrgulncllt, liltlstei , or lose your temper, you lll.c'o\'cr that you huvc hce illisulillcr yuurrclh your huslllc dul tthe opponent just now, you can about your mail," The bnl y frillqu was rev ed and tho thread securedr v 0, Bob Glcnlmcr is her hus nlici stoutly. quite a mull, asscl'tedl ._ He has weathered , some rough Salim I understand, and wills. reach part. i'ln confident he ll make good his prnlllircs, , There are a number of lhlllgshis h an at ,llgllt-Id'll, i want put~through. Ciemillor is'n Protestant [t he Is a sensible boy 1 I 3300"" l ,, out for n chimiili to earn afcw ClcmmcrClemnlen "g um mwn rm, threading her needle slowly Why, isn't that the name a! the electric on who used to repair our telephones 2" That same." acknowledged Gilbert. \Vlly, Gilbert Manning !" blazed Peggyp ruusod' from her usual calm, that man uscd'vem, . to drink like a whole. it was common report - that at such times he brill lll alovz lids tit her as testimoni of his uft ectiolli" MDBDW \ mnuuzuu aln vici ohv London, only 6 The British war Ollltc m-dny gave out a message, llle source or which was Withheld. saying lirnl lno cavalry oi theml \vnnaol, lhe antl-Bolshcvlkl commander in soulllern ilussll, ilnd encircled n Bol- stmvlld cavalry corp: consisting or rlghteen inmcuts, on which lilo Wranoel forces concentrated fire from urrnmd lrninr Ind airplanes. rile message deolnrea only l50 oi the not- llleylili moped. 1,009 prisoners being mun nail the batile eld lell covered wltn dend. in .doillon, in guns were captured. liow lnuuy buys uud 4 \visllilig instead of working. ts down and wishes llli day for mused Peggy his wish. And that simply means 5 wire and lln-ewl lo oi wllnl lie wnnls ill sis of the \varilllh wig .mg. l i'llc inre eane adds ml 2 second "0, you nlllslil't believe all you hear. Peoria! "x llnlollul-lli naydlry cows, with it: Bob has reformed, i can Maura you. In cam-l KEEP BINQING staff, also was caplured by \Vmael'a poignu there s ll lot men shy besides Iheirl mY: _ ,pru are," ' r w: / ct she was sure that Gilllcr looked 't' 'cd.CUII,| 9WD" Um"! With at her good memory, The picture of tho thinJEMHCSt $0 51113 I N3 0' mic ducted to who used to come into lhoj e \vlthoul corn hitchen (it home begging for clothes for heraalfPL and her children'hm dened her heart nguinstdhi s Glcnmlcr. - ~theli Pe Lindsay, .lllly 5.7mm : .ullllell, llle Harm-old son of ,ur, and Mrs. w. .l. Mullen. was damned at Stur- rrnn Paint \Vlidn lieglrirlpen and foil human: inlo lilu lnlru. , ,Wnollincion, .luly 5. cml lilllain than anything I llg ill the BYO tnBi Sing that robins do; . Wholl ll dolly wul'kLwIicll the made in Men s: Parallels Jimmywuillisr 90., NEWMARKET. I , . Latcl , lily appointment, a woman Acquaint- Shc us most anxious to remove mddc ligaiilat Clemmor r cbnruc / Down in the town that day Peggy encounter omcn quickie win her ' She had never been But now, for the first willing or unwilling, l1 grave responsibility upon their wcll '7" whiter] the man nervous! I found," proceeded Peggy will great coo "8514, "that both men were notorinus drinkers. Their i'el'ollm was coeval with thelluwn of their It s u'question whether it will endure through a term ill office. Gilbert," deep sca-hllic cycs ii on him, i OWN up WHEN b1- FAULT womuria 'Arln wlaHlllla girls spcild stl'cllgtli r skates will not he Lilly "carer the desire of 'thuil \vhcii ho hogan. le will bo ou the look- pcililic's by mow- ll neighbor, or delivering sumo prllcro for the grocer omullll tllc_ earlier. he hus tl quul'tcr to drop into his bun hail ght comes, ho is just so far toward r . Wc cull sing our Cures away all Mr man we mg is Kim inst oy have done have How: Manning s mind any unfavorable is might have or. He had His wife said so. He unk anything except an occasional smiled Gilbert us he finish- ight, did you vote the vinyl brightly crowned head: but i did not cost any lliliil. [g investigations ohout both planned to make a sweeping n minCH us politics ,and vote for y. owcl- of those otllihosc mcn my were nominated for ii at a vole oxccthor a, my dcorl my ! I m sure none of the thoughtful women ill Et'el vote simply to help a The mall, helicve inc, mu5t he worth .r .9 0an up when you rcnlizo that you ill-c heat Do not full hack upon Own up w lcn n at fault in n landing lictweell your friend and To stuliil on your dignity when ills as to apologize, only makes ll bad And remember always that ll. e. the Slim , cl illilpcd natures The boy who a pair of rol- if atizlng industry need not wish," says the old pro- tlmt the boy he is willing to work will find u speedier way all he can get by more The birds are tho wing, the birds are also I know i thoir made it ha diversion. She asked, e that moi-rel of does u t target those who we tilun- WWW , glee, up 7) nursery and m lymliiood, ulnl Telenned illuir ilill on n nnplun of o fril'il'uilr ld waif" Juby was all right and men bring down mama-ml, then, on u top twi .pK rIIE side: to Die United States. loin oeu- em parsnip lo-dny in DMIlng him a oqmuled morn a. n silt oi the my 'rne bmrnlolinn WI! menu a me and Embassy. box or candy an her table. It is easy lo ignore- 0' politics and hnresier and philosophies whilelOll indulging in bonbonrj V.illl lot sung tuuch song This day before election was at hand, Peggy'm l "it" '5 could' deoldad to keep her own council! and not hurry Oh! "mt We 00"!!! about led h'er va 6. She invoott ted by 801115 i . i vegmcgse and laxmod itddjlionnl 81:01. so much. lslug in the i know they r louse; Tut mm In NAM! - . due-dun :- n. in. i- roned sou-or ourmrmnndl-hnu-W .m. I , . n . ill :upnued lry u: will am A belon- lo- W w remucoc and :l' .n' , . - t -. r , I . shad. _. th-blrnaujyoll war! war. . tiers " Jedi with b'ar hurballd. "NI! downr raids to women s hon- '39. l . in", mm upper: uu allovq trials of every sort. 3 a whole hour, Peggy ' a time uquaate from , e or vote In that word There in V rite millimeter; __ r - 4 , about Glolnmer.u:ut retriaan from Iurtber children to sinlfm Wllru roll l-On m. r'fl m 10" Rb _ "39 . o ,_ V . l 'J' E3 or ONTAR if all the way through lut songs under our hurdon l extract the saline 0! narrow 'l hnn and thin a would not' tho voice of pr , prairie (ind lly singing; that w i hit ~Attempt it. h ' g tlldy sing one song , alcop investor [or iii that we alight slug ovoning and mum Kl poison teach your dorm V