.' Doesn'thmt .bIt'ail-itl FreewIw. y dsbtily Ifew cents. maul largelynlllcn cd In the union or in: Association, over to men it lg t It in ellnq or the menu Ilenen BoiIL'la'AuiIn uvnly o'erunuui or nionulo" collage/lull Srduy lilllzl mun wr nrebcn ,, ..> . . V n 'i'noJrealuenIhni Blank). \Viiiluly,,look ine eiuilr and In niu unenlng ' romaan quick ?! run:- at Int: Iblcllcu/ul ine ran prouueni, Mr. Slnrlun, Will: your {luau-II You on iIIII ' 'ou unyimm pom, non oorn, or com neiweun lna. wen. mm Ulu nura akin uoiiuueu Irom bollom or ten. A tiny bottle or "Freeman" com uliIe-nl any own store: unnly n Iew IIIDDS unon lllo cam llr'mllluu. In- aIaniiy ii oionr nurtinn. ilren inorin yuu ilII llnu nolilmome com or oal- hm rluni all, real mid all, wiInouI on MI. 0' Mln or rurenuou. nllyl No numnng | MILE nv 'rEIInim Ii ny Inu uml xtdmmu u]! \u Monday, in 26m Inuy'nl .luiy, 1nzo. tor the nu {ma ui Ilinsq twu du clllllig Iltlunna nitnnteu an -lne nmIII .Iilie oi pun-n sireei In in: Town el Newnlurkei. wllere ine luie i n. 'I'Ilolllll \Vl'IInItr IIVEII, l'llc one llau - n lll'lck mm the ulnur rallslltlunl .Iuni Iiolll urn In u inn uyiie oi renair, The ! Ii :1 Kiwi] gnrtlrn \Vllll [I'IIII tram lIllrrf ml wIlll I-ilL II house. r I e-nrencnleI ure urtlered in in: sold in Mrs. WeIllIII In Ilealll our] must no xnld now In order in wlild un tile . mun I wlll nuy down it) per uuni. oi lllclr lillrellmm money on no rentanun M tender aiui wlll my me lIaIuni xe lliereui in In Ilnyu llierealter witliout lniemi. _ Iril'u IlIKIlmII or .tlly (under norm. eennnrily uoeepled. ror [iarllmlllmi or role apply to w, I), \\ lHl.l .- Vendor'u Solicitor. Ncwniai-uoi. uni, noted all. or July. lino. North York Marble .6: Granite Works. mil" 0. MOSS, Prop. Phone 255 II, n. i'2. lon 2, union 8|. Newmarkel, uni. Near a. H n. Slnllon. The largest nssorlrnunl dulgln ei . MONUMENTB, TABLETs AND HEADBTONEB In Norlli York. I "Erlloimoy A aurvlou" Our Menu. Entlmllos Elven wuiieui any unusauon. Speolul consideration to denendanu ' eI Inlleu nerues. No eonimet too large ' No order Ioe small Its we Lake em or me one. We lake cam or them all. The Installation of Modern Elootrlu Appllnnces oi our work: enables It: to oiier you mmnI semen and llnesl wernrnun. unln ai reasonable prices. All f uuumcnlll Enquvlnu door by our .nlinrz . nuiidiue Smile out to order. Largest Imnorterr unu norm-n nI Marble and manila ln Nnrui York HALL IS: BURROWS Dealers . in, Real Estate Pi'opeilie? for Sale Home: In Ill mm or In. Town (or ulc- Brick And lrnmu. Frlcel l lnhl Ind turni- eury. Alia lrm- In ailment PIN! or Inn county. null and look our our IIII. wa yIIlI n- and to mow you what In nun. Dmca annullle Klun Guru IIolal, Mlln 6L, ulwmlrkel. ~ Hall IS: Burrows, Box 317. Mewmuku. FOR SALE W. E. Rutledge s . Machine Shop A NUMBER or But: we HIP enwa I .mmur Ilwl. out". w E I murmur. Mustard, OIL, July ll). lin Merl- Ierd (Juneau and won that pmn p In tne auteur band oelnneutiou II Alllalon um anemooup time olher [ninth compeling.. l'llls isI inr Imn you In umooelon that In; Mama and Des! ' WIW nuo neeo called to Winninuni and also lllu removal by i ientn or Mr. II. 9:, ernnl. wno Illtd but!" n my ucllvc worker on me iIenuiiu eyer ulncc ii. innzp: iinn. I y I I I . 0n inollon. uie awn-my wan Imilrumw lo and u Icue/r or wli nlnnee, lo Mrs A. ll). wrlulii. I I . . i I . 'rne rcnnurerrrcporlod n llahncu on iuuni "inn mi year at .00. The e :oIIon ni'ulllcero woo proceeoeu wlinnno rennin-d KI! lallo Hun. Pro-Idem, . ' moi: I'm-Mull, . c. H. WINTERS .Iv, ii. lMl l' Prolldlm Bucrcuuy , TI'II. IlAl F' \v. II, THOMSON I Trannurcr. I . .loriN V KES , PRIZE COMMITTEE i \VII'I. mini/V I f a, JONES . / w i. nonnn'i'sdu 2i. iiAsiii/ron / .l. I.. L MonEm' column-IRE I.. G, JACKSON, Chairman .I, w. Iluuul.l.0lIGIl MORGAN S.\ll II 1 . I). Danni. w. o. llUN'I" ll. IIIll.I.lIIAN I H. WINTERS A. i;. Iian .IlI-J (I. II. unhmuli Juneau 0F WATE!" EVENTS . w, J. llOlmn SON .1. w. pioeiil.l.oliuu cLEnus or 'nIE COURSE I .If'i'. H WOOII I ;\. s. "mil/ION List ,of/ Events monuilia w, II. THOMSON w. II. lllIN ii .o iiunninn lln u, iioyn to war and under 8 II) -Ilumllni{ lluues. Lter Ia yum and under . . 0.0L M I, lloyn I2 mun run under . a. lltl . oirln I2 Inn; and under ll. 0,10 Ilullnlng Ilneen, 110in H 3' re aml IllIIIur . Io. 9.15 iluunlnn mica. (le'ln Ii yum-u ililtl IIniIIII' it; 930 ugle (leiuc, nuyu 12 yearn anIi mule.- . I2. 0i-I04lltule Canon. [3. 9,: vllol llt: Iiunue, Mined, II. years and undur M. l0.0D-lluuhle mile, Mixed, I2 y-euru nlld under . 15. i0 lo Slmrie ennoe. new II yearn and under 16. I0 0#' nrle Culloe. tilrhI ll yam and under ii. iii 0 unie sum, iloyn i2 ye: ano unlim- la. in o Qlliglc Skill. iiiriu II yum niul umlcr . iii. to {Ov le 5km, 1105's it years run under .. 2o. ll.00~Swllilml 6. liuys it) years mid under , 2|. Swimming, riul to yearn ana under . 22. llJD dmuhli' slim. Mlxed, H yearn and under , 2.1. Il.3o vmmilin, Ii Is 12 yearn and under . 2i. II.Io .fswnnininn, iluyo i2 yum; nnd undel- ' lino Swimming. lloyi-I ii yearn- one under . 20. I2,00 Swlmmllll. tiIrln I-l yam and und a. 7. run. .0 ya. . in you. . 75 run, 20. l2.zlo~'rulr lllme. till-In and mu . er. )IIS, AFTERNOON No. Time lllolililel) .Iuo ylis. nl. ..Itlo win. 32. 2,!5 SIHKIV: 4 line, lloys it. y 2.30 Double unllou. Mixed. If. y mquInglo sIIIII , Glrla tIi (IIIII mun..- . aim miller , lil islngli: IIIII, nalileu. onen In nrunnni ileum , 3,0545IIIHIQ Comm, . II, (well to OI L'IIIIIII IJL IIIQI as. LDDASkaIe ennoe, Latin-s, enun In tirrnuqi lie :lo. mn ynmniun. Moll, open in Oren-um neaeli , ia. ind Milne sum. Glrls IR and under III IlllIIU lt: Carine, till is 11m] llntIirr Slngle r line, now 13 uluior ifjrub llilce. Ilium lo mun, .Il III-.Ien . .570th um. Girls . I . a H. 0.00v-12 ulllmrwlnl friul' munI ulll ll lIl Hb IIIII'II III- l8, 0.107'I llllng. open Ie oiIenarIi All lloyn mi girls wno I Mmcl lo I nl II": II. II. Unwind |:|\\II ill 3 55 It. Ill. Aquiillr, snoriu onnonito all )y 5 mm. A BllIlIt h II? III mm] \\ IIII Hb All Il uuls Illlhl hum) III weeks nrior to the .iuy oi in In V Na ennio nut .Iinll no I tl to line III I sm-oim in ' Skl l 1IIII (Lumen llni II III HUM IIIII Iu IIB under 16 fuel. CONCERT AND DANCE IN THE EVENING AT WHEN THE PRIZES WILL BE PREBEIITED 'i'iie nt-w l rl! uenl. assumed Illr- tlillics or III! oliiun no .i \ ult' nl inning; \\'2~ pl: :11 lb Illa lirimg Ill hlt ,III [In IIIE s ' sllll lb-zulla hsl 30 . llt lerrilce was IILIIIII in in nun nn an nxni pliellllnlcs In tho , IIlI II flurllrin huh I lira- Iii IIIIII .\I lnnuy'x t'rlrni r Ill. n5 It? \wn al I: I]! rrMII from 'I'Ol olllo III IIII! III-16h. OI) motion GI 31". I:I'II\\'(I'JII. 'IJIIIIMI Ity Mr. \ Illtttl Instructed Io wiilt um nnm 0! mm Givilllniliill. exprcI lug .n. nnuinlmuni IIIIll [he road all nol Imt l'l OHM] :ntl'lmllllSEtI :llld rctxucstiii (lull in fllllll e llle all no planet] nu tne snore (lull lllc In. .neri In June: one calling Ile utiention oi Ilte Council to lllt- munn ennuiiton oi llle marl, . klng Iol- iul. Innuiale remi . . Mr. Bolton .nlimi attention In Iliv new or .I eeniml rum-miton nreumi on Ilie lirenn. with bowling and lIt\\n Ii-llnls grams nun a danelng povlllon, w keep me young nealIla 1mm going to Belle zit-m ilnd Jackson's Pnlnt. Mr- Bolton-Ind Mr- aim I re unnointeu u comlniltee to enlnlu options on two or three slillztblc propcrllr. and nun report probable uosi at-tiiu next Ineeilng. / Adjourned to meet al llll: Isl) at 9 o'clock I0 complete Ilrran Illitil twu inn tinil lwn m go or llie President HEM salurday nigiit Pills tor the lleigotlu and Iionren. comments of Exchanges. un illt w llle gl'unlilg nlelnllIlI nn. ulwlplpl! Sunpenilenl. rue lo the [mums cu cosl: lllin ')'E.1r=. (I! L ll! of III III7 IEL II new: opera nub >II LI ill Lam!)- I'Il|s \VIII be rrgl cllud by llmst: who know ctlunli'y Ilf Ill Cnnzlelu. A rural Wt ully Itnd amid! ally (1.!in IS loll: III I Dullllu inatllu IIIIn (him .1 lone dimming unlerri IiIirrrr. are lew editors af'ruraI and Smaller rIully [law-IS \VI I) ale um um tlu pald. sell-cue [icing pniiitu sur \I m|s. They 5M"! more [Ll [Inn Ult) ire-boom lllulr eninmunilles, and lien Elsy Money. , Ariiw'IDr Cliriliilcle: I'llc nullniIr: mNIlIII . no In now In Ilmw sumo u so. siun \\ III in: paid at |lle rate or EEO ll'urliluil the session IIois no: IYui Ilierg uul In. people w n ililtuntl llln lildumllll) anal). Dame Iram Klnus. Ill-illin l'lln : 'l lle III-st Aim-lion" Inuior lalin In noinu lo arlilia um ini- 'rreni \\'alrI'Wa)'I was r lini ernl. Er, inn Iver llnrls. owned Ily Mr. .Ialinaiun. 0! Independence, Kansas The noxl s In real In IcllKlll, and has rolillorlahll: ermlll nnei every conven- leima. 'l'lle narty not up on mallard I ulnl Inn, anII spent so Irill tinyn on lllese I . going Imth I nian Ila)- .inri ilin IIaniewurII. Every (0c Packet of 1 men hunt? I'UI III'II lee n L0! or Ohlldnn. .nuilmn Climnli e: 'rnn'uitowa Journal. a paper wirinli nu onaily and ably supported in: Unlon novenunont WILSON'S LY ADS silan' Eran u deu64258;hls inn p u nomumy Indetunsbla, and also on Mill imm nil ' semi} . mmnralnerum II In llelnx dam witlmni punnr. qancllon. unq dangerous heoause II rial: an trample larval: lit-oi money In mm !!- min alani- nuateur bum, to psnlellrn arid Indlllqeme, wnlun reacting upon a. dlsIuthtI mind. on: . tIii-ounnoui, ran-sun lo and Ior the i E Mil" i I tk SOCKS ma. non. r In me sllkl P-iwrnr Blank Ind Brown onhmetho , 5 pairs for 95c. In Wm Special for 950. lahogariy, mono or or straight last. , our- windows for in recede/ I'lqu $3.00 Work null. $3.00 In Arrow nruml, In nutnu In aiuo, ulncli nno lleilo Shirts" ln Khukl una l1le and White, Cont 8mm Two Pockntn FINE SHIRTS. 101 $195 In Tweeds yvithout, i styles, ' $1.95 Reg. $40.00 steds, with belts and 00S- vand Wor= .g n newest In KARK This ,Week we jare oife/ring, Specin Inducements to, Reduce our Stock. It will pay you to watch buy your Summer needs at the prices .below. ' BOOTS neg, sisoo ' V In Black, Brown arid I aigains and l PANTS Flea. 53,50 w'un nun Loan: and pull CAPS Her. $3.00 In Bllk, Tweed um: chameir OVERALLS new $3.50 In Black uno :Ilun Ind wnlio swpe Ilenullanl Unnd . ' I, OXFORDS neg. 540.00 man um no call [llpl .re n K The New anuIlIo. Lumlun .ium-ii In \Ir n pl ml the oil- lIIlilixII 10" Ill hVIuII (Iln \ IIH'I IISIh Ilul Illi' uuilli}. 'I'lle ullllil nenin iluiinvo that more Ila; men any unitiun x11, ni niinn lnuuuni noni b) 'I or leader. , Jimmy on r. .I IlOIIIlIlh en lo nil lnt'l is "In! Iu liicilulli it\UI1Il lI Imu l1 lllrre N lint: lllllIA - I lilan nill am it is lit 11>, 'rIIcI \\'l|| lime to IW . rennin u: lllitre I In iile I- >IIIIJ~P I\\ tl ill the new Illlnlsle urn rot-viii";a iiu- w nl Inunlll. .inll nn wlini un. pr-Iirilll inlni ni HIP new dII~ mi men. will Find out Bolero Itcilnn. liiIuInni l- prow- qusiuuing lie :lihlslblllly on with iiyuro lht- lrMn liq-.utmi lcl know that tile Illlllllelpallllrs m, neinn eunimnted nitli ~ llllalanllal iiicr 1:65 In newer null iluliting ral uliatswarlil nus IlPI'lI mi r Ilil: Irivll Iluriniale, IIierliieno cues .y nlid iliu :nnll llsen in c Ilinswuod are nelng aoked In my n Inim um mnnlllly lllll for new r Manual and millinnru'iul llzlllr lug would In: 75o. n.- eoinn unuciire Irem .\in . le) the newer mars nave linen an. I'ai'ired Ironi 3m to sls Der OISE- nonar and tile XIII nuln enarer Inr IInIneilli', or: ice [5 1.00 per monin. whllII lllr slri iigllls uuve her In. wt train 212 It. 315. Riesiier. Inn is lliI me nor . . , ng lrom a lIiiniinunrnI50o.tn .I nnIltne m1; m power would he more man Ilnublr-u. llrw lnunirinaiitios arc Ill: nnerui tlu~ ndrauus :IIlII I tell dual or inrunvuiienev has new elumi In Iln\\' Inrning Iniir alihnllnn I0 olnrr Inl llliflll nnwrr. nuiore laklng a atun in Inn Ilnir II. in: nl Inu marl-r suMHER ASTHMA- IIAV raven ~sleeplees nights, cansiani sneezing, streaming eyei, wheezy brealhing RAZ-MAH ~.iyringr.relier. m up In up. lulu, miiy u niiowed. Sold by relllblo drugghu (or u don-r. , Ark our "runs or lend curl In {no simple In Temyklou'l, m King at. w., Toronto. Anon, on Toronto nun-innu- drug: II-I. I U solo in anmnhl l1! w..r. ruler- An non In} In Sultan wl| by r. H. runny-Ir. TORONTO in surnl large sum or money IIicetdnaI rqlllrilltnt anli are e o: the Hydro Commission, It I ,iI no well lol- )iealoni to look Iurth-r llllo other firupuiitllina that have n , sullmlued. . ....,noa.._ I 40mm TABLETS NOT ASPIRIN AT ALL Only Tablets with "Bayer Class" are Genuine Aspirin II you don't 5:2 ine Loam t : on the tablets, you are not getting [union only an acid im uunu. Ihe llayer c i . your only way at knowing um you are getting genuine As Iin, pyezcvibed by nnyiinunr for on niurIuen yum and [I'D\ELI uh- by millions Ior cadnrhe. Nemalgla, Colder, Enrumniism, Luninago. Nan 5, Mill ior ruin gen" ly. sin-in in Cunndn, Hundy tm Imus oi i2 lableLE also hrch sized packlgez can be bid at thug slam. As 'rin is the nude nnuk (regialert In Canada), or Buyer Mlnuiarlure uI llouonoelicacldorler oi nlicylimld. oil'liiiu it is well known the: A. mean! Bayer n nuluciure, to as i the public gaunt irniiaiiom Inn Ti Eta oI 1hr" L emnnny, 1.24.. H I be stamped KIM! gnenelal lntilo work. the Bayer Cm W3... CALIFORNIA clrv . SHAKE" uv Ennmqum: Lu. Allgrlus. ILll.. Jlil) In; our stdtl, .aiiluunxus lim- toutay tlu the oily and no \ubUlIJ) lnio mi- . no on nl. \\ lliltl Ull BII lll Lu .\I illt IL II Illtil't Iliin IIIII K! mi :5 In [his ally. in iunnuul. .tn llliusuall) Mun morning prov (llizens IIlI- l'rlilar'n' 'l~ II as saiti in I st. and none was more sur- Brlreu Innn [limo him made me n Ill uuli non the lllsl lmnor rune at mm in me imrniun. iI lcll lnul ll as'ilot-a the Sudden slapping or n slreei car, open-alert by :In Inexperleilccd mutalman. only Ihll ole lremor produced tne unpleasant .nnsallan multiplied many times. itchIerueut. In many uses. luster- lul. lallowzd/lllo iirsl smkcl and nail Illi been calmta wliEn I - 21 Ill Ilit' nilemuon came Illc scum , 10F hiwfd lwn mmqu later by III: lhIrLI. rnu Inrn by u routh ul m. :rno two In "is I enmnn wen slllmcr [Inn llinl or tile morning, nun tnr ulln [Ian D! IIlg oillxeus became mole ill lo uen -n ilmn ere nix-urn llul no iiimlerlal uanugo Ii all wine time moi-wards nnrom . U was a use or business In Iliul , Pumln places won some: or nu: wile. some [rennin runnlng (or tile open Ilr, some lulnllua', mine Hopping CHIVES OF ONTARIO In my. . I OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Electric Electric Electric Electric _ Refrigerators, lce=Cream Freezers, Hammocks, Irons Washers Filiis Screen Doors Screen 'I iniltiils Rubber Hose. Perfection Oil Stoves and Ov ens. PAHIs GREEN, AnsleA'r: or LEAD, aim DEATH. ._AT_ SMTII S III-own NEWMARKE'I' Phone 39. r. GHANTLER, NEWHARIIET, more-minim or THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA, "th Pollnlyr comm" LIQUID AND CAKE THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES Monumental I Engrava ' lion, irum 5 in llle M lei-a "m:th III a worlunansnii: ncr. cluz: cul and deep. w Au :45 hr ClllliIrN pmaan uiieutieo ch. 0mm" m Im, u: I 0. W. LUISEVI Mom AI!- Phraa NC.