Newmarket Era, 30 Jul 1920, p. 3

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i..- Pllr. l on IoI M. . . ' liminin liio norm on i may Plonla. $11.9 il-nlii unnunl Ienlo I In: ulnlililyccs o liie Motionoiiiaii " iali is \c ll. ll, will on ileld- Bimilonll iili Park uonilny,-Au5ill,l nanny. I V I d on "Ici'f llk . rliuillllm niniig llil} weal sidd, oi hell . roll;an llia Irili k. "W mm 'I'runk Is '2, .l..3d.,i...i. riionlno uirnulrii-Iiio Iim oulvm, ""4 "in. iii-windmill iiiili weili on warll'ilh nil Ilnglo sum. in lilo J' "5' .i- lielinn. 'l'lllll Iii on ex- oi worii iirnl will inile ii. \VI'Bks in. innlnio. li iilll ioin'i link In llili grind run iT/i lroin Yoll tl ii iii siiiinii. _ ,..-.__.. ulilr llinlllmi Iiiroin oi lilo llleiiioillili . . i iI-i very niiluvomiiie ir illillllI-Il' Inu-nri lllil nooinl inii 9 i lawning, Iiiii-Iiig Io rnlire lloin "M" i. ii. uni Sunday School rouin iiieli Iliii "llll: prenendll U ml all me mull}. nine, new ) cm V. A. llnxlillg llillllln iln: llll: Town Hall iloxl 'l'lll-n) \vlll bu ioiir iinn who wore III] In ilin in. Ul\ l , 'l l mill iire liInIi-Anru .ininiiwi iml- -i. dun lie on, lui fil hold. (or [lililll m bolls I-i iiiii. In. I and lo Iw 'I'Iiiii il-Ill .il WNW 1b., a! onin JU l nrrlil d. I. ll. I-Jvi-ii. il. . , Wl ni Ilmh ll wax NW d on Mom r willilg inii i_Iiie 'I owll iiini Sni Ullulllllk Ill. scum oI i in i ll) i.i r oi ll: slivlilnllil, lrile lull ri-riii I; iiliil wierll illnyed nnd ii on iwniii iiiili- good llllll irini iriinniiii In | l. ' . , nomanllrullun. , till. i on. i. i... Ann. 'llll ond glil- liie lriioio m... .. null oiiiing. llriiig ion: llilli' 'lx id iilniiln on iiio l Gilli/Adi. ii on unlmiiii onid wnioi- will llI iiroviiII-il iiien oi clinrgn, . ll|~ 41w] iiii-ri- ll no rllau'Kll wiiniovor In I In. iIiin lxlllril lii- liiii urulii wiir iliiiii oi Dl'nmn null liie nl: imliir hl alils ni ilio lllKlllmld l-lpenl iliviii oi 'l'lerllll llll DE dieing iiie iyiiis aii ii ailiiii i ll lIliieuilig in lliii iii- aiiiiiig anal-lira 1 iiin llvo ton cunnl ioidiy, I .. ~ '[lll' iilori llll'lullc n liiiiieiiiiil innieii liklwlin sirloin-lilo urid Nowninilioi, VilllLll wlil III iiil oriiliiiiiy gulne l'llld nil mill-in loalhall limlclL liiilweon iiie 'h oldllll lk or KlllK iiili null Koiiiuby. Tlll no is iiIri-iiily promised ore lliliz, W. I. ll . 'Ii. , Klllg, llomlnlun iiiirai in. or. llllll. Slr Mun ii. liilwoiiii. lion. Sillne) A, Hillier. "on. iir. ii. 2 mind and lion. no. oiiniin io-iliiilu A galaxy oi ornlors iiui iiiii ('IimrallIl/ilrlllflll oil \\'l| Mir in in Iiiinriiinn on piiiiiin due:- llllll. JIM WdlohWnrkl Pumm 'llle rondillim oi Iiio einim Lll'rllnl yi zl llic i-iniemvor dimmido oiIIli-i liIlnciii ii. ia rlr ii i- Ilrilllrrd. film will oi I'l rind llarscnl'clly iiinkos Ii zllillnil |irirlilllllilrr [0 hell on lilullm iir 'lrl' ,. ZFIlrdlmg in ion ii llllfllln oi Iii. l'lIl' ilmleruriieia. Tliilr I. .iniiilng wrong wlllt Ilin illoinn lull! r.eiiiii~. 'l'lll') are as iiond us it mi oi milieu-iii onnnoily in: UN: in ii llli 'l'mlil inr llllllly yam-s lo lino 'l'lii i irl- .i Ligiii (iornmilieo illi iioi iii. .IIliioiion oi Illlllnlltnalll ill lidDil ilnin lor mniii- lllullllls nnil alirr iliiinii ill-limo II VI oolno lo iiie moireiino Illi ll ll ls ioi- more irone- irnii ii, pong. lllii miri- required {or d n.i .I iiie proieniioii Iii ll lly Him in nll'llil and llIl-Ir ro roii Iii. Ililii .illirllll ll ili- Counr ll. in i)l.llr in nine i. ngnlnai con- lln lirlia ii . Io linva n M iii onerule b)" r Ily g nliiie in m- "l" [iii\\lr ulnmid go oil. Al .wiii n will iii iv (Inunnil nmi. owning i-iiiililleio were iii I! [m llu pill'i'lld i' iii IWG ,iiuiiips ii i ion ii armadillo Io Ilil onnr- m ii i li'llii'll) llllllosl rnna In Iln Mill, Ii glblillil pownl- In no; rrilulrvll iind own/ill roiinniir. in \w- ii iii Iiiii l mlm'll dioiileil in WWII? hill! or linin-nlnrila inr iiir \\'lii*'n< :Ii'l'ull l i I M Board 01 Tilda. ' 4 .A Iu~ly milling ni HIP Board at \blk Millfll ill ||li (Illnl Dams in iiiuiiir lining. ii having linen (l iiili mil work )I ilaiing .lloiri 1 M In llllulil illl Mnnllny Inum< [V KVKHI' I liiillilllur lirlliln Had llN ll .i . r..iiiii lin- ,wldiii ni llw ill in I will Iloyiinil wliili Iln H HI iin ii. l.l>ll|llll~llll| iioil iiwlll I ii ii i. In ~Ill liliiil l\\il or UII'L D ii. i. _ do or Illl siiiii-l :ilI ll .. iniliiii | iii rm war. no I _ ~i~I iniiinnii me will on I ~ II ii i iii-Ili-I iiini llll Conl . .ii iiiii iii liiilili iiii mid l i -\II|i-il 'IIl ,Ii iiiiii pilii ..i...;., .. i.i will in. ii. nm no i . inii- oi lllls iii. lliil lllv .niilini oi Hm I ll llll pixllilr. PM lllx- l .in i. din nli M niwwrs win-n IV i .Hi. iiiiiiol iiio oiingoiiior mini-n :lrl l 0' Iiie Town i In in. illiliirr iinirowoil iiir wan ille' issnii ior in . iinii, oi llio conoii ion ni i "V Ilin war iii. on roniiesiing wing-ion in liiiiiil liin road as IIIrv llllrl iroui .iioie lo uule ilin llm i un Muck lo liin w\viilr Slrl'u io lluron Sireel, l"ll Illllli e :IS iiiliioinierl in wall ' I na scan as nl in: i r 'r ii'. , and none . nrili o. (mine Condu or aiunhn l ilerilny. .ili uni... Wool 8w , I ii iii Wooiirniiomw mm panel. I . mw nl krwalr , nnd Iidiililii- a . I . Dr , N's-l ore-doe air umuu'. . , .. Lndlu' Oxlordl nod minim. aim . zyzl lam ior gill": _ unillmnind um um vol- 3215 , Mdn'l Boll nnd mm Foil rim. you-i eiiolon oi $2.00. 98.00 m 13o. Man s soil uid Work alum . DIHFORD noon': 0. on / ov'ui- Vaung u Fall- moor-lion [2.1. v ' Iliiizinil oi Newmni-llol Iiili lllli'uNlIrln Illiy \vlll lm oiiniiyed nn siiinlii . ling ilili. iIni-Illoi inirii. ouinm Ill nan wi~elr'a lllhlu'. V lnko nuln unlnynd. . 1 limit wlze k lir. Wilsliiy roeoii-oo a \\'lre irnin iile Wonploi X-Iln) l-Jiieirie nomiinny in New/York iiiol Illil) cqllili iini lilulllll liill inoeliinoo niiiil Onlnllcl" no ll or urn, iour innnlllll Ilcllllld in mm 'l'lllx iiinriagn iri' pmililulloil Ia owing in (he Millour n'wcek nllar. ._._._. odd-yellow Flanla. I, - 'l Lodged Dl Mullopiilllun llliilrioi Na. 2, Ineluiling liliiiiiiiniiii IIIIl. du- ruin. Nownini-liel. Linidiiirii Lina sirl- Illii,\ivlll -Iioiii ii Molllllcr l lilnll: nl J u point on \Vodnondny liner noun. Iiii'g. mil Illi Ilellnkulin unii . naked in l l' wnlnli ini- iiiriiiii- iinriieilinrl. ' i - -,- Wii More duel Blnurad . . lni flI llilI: Slmlls Illukrr b l ElllllL Illll iiie i-niir aionx. W. II ll ann dowilnn. - .r . 'l llc rlnkii \Vl llL In llall on 'l'llI- - r iiigiii nnd [ill lll'cd ii lino goinn wllli : locals. in Illlk i. .i mil! down - . in lll-l iooi-i- ltnl on \\"Illv:silny. (lrill' on in: lm. 'l'iirli ni oi_dii- rni lell. I-' Inier niv iinnrkei nrll. nnd Orlllln lili. . 0"le BUFFERE BERIOIIS lilieliAP U illliwzl, July 21 -I oioiigliig In In concession 2. Ellsl \Vlllllly! open P rl oi . iiie Iol flleilil / oiill HllOL klllil inr Iol IE. rlm lnll oi IIiiIe 1'lleliillo elilid, \v o In iiie only iloiigiiior oi .\lr_ and Irll. lallwrrncii (mode. in Holland nvenui, l'omnln. \\'llll lll Illll'cllls, inoiorod down (rain 'l'ornnio In Mlmld lilo WU iid ni nonrnrn ilonnin on lIiRO SNIKQK. 'l \Y, e reliirniliii in 'l'nmlllrl 'lnll Iiiiil lionnnd al iii. Lirew' uloee, 'I'iii- ling iiiid n nil-en ni brood in Iili inniiiil. ninl ilin liiiii wlln'lg IniI Inn and n Iinit ) Ilrh lllll, !~nalolll'll I ll. * 'l'lli- ling. \\'llll ll w lin an In no iigir-Ieiiiiioied. relalinigii lr_ IlIiIiig ilio ellilli's Inrniiond IAIIil Iiilling .i plied nI llPsll ma | ego Ii: ilii- ulrclll Iurmoll bl- n man' .lliiinili null loi- iiiidvr irnin lior hood. The skull oi ll child 1!: liliii liar- sun woe Ii iiigiii [0 me uolinwii IIriiillll l wliiro Ii liiiniiio nilniillid iirr and ixlnlill "in wound. iii iinil Mrh. Condo in slin lrlH In lnmi. ilr linnilie iiIaii-i iliiiI ii lvlll Ili-' lI\'i-, do). or iiinllie o wwk llniore in l llii can lie inol m solely in Iinr home. The doll iiisi misanii iior eye and nose. ii In noi knllwn , \\lii>lll( r or noiiiiie elilili villl lll' or. mi lm Iii . was you; SNOWDAIIL l ('i')l.lllily wna my munii lllnsupr .minind nn Fi'lilfl} rronlng \Vlli ll lilo aiorm [illl n iinisii Ia Ilio llawn Sill'll ll Ill Icing. iliie vlllagc neeiile mm on \vllll Ill( norlal niinr ilin rain, um i- - low were. lileoniil. .\ir Form. aneni llll? In Alli-om \vllll minds. no CHINE oi an llln la' apenlllllK sillnillt - \s llli Mir inn lll l'. ' r llll llllm Un n oi Aurora nliu llolllilgu l oi N(\\l|lhrk( l siirni niiiiii In Snnwlmll. , . l 13 holding (or r-mnl l- lies. Tlll!) lire VL ) snarl-n iiilr year. All nirnw iliiierlninnd ii miqu-r oi oiils on lull-snai- oiininnon. A SYMBOL 0F _ PROSPERITY Ii In good hullnln h wm Im- mnndl. wnoiliar an in min or worn ll I14 sign 9 auneor . nub more V iiilvrrniiionl. gna " I. lbla- (or may. Mbmt e'i bula (WV m. h, and lam not inni- Ih'q V' mould-bacillu- I. irgouoiiiiy no ... In yuan or. ni'lrlncgi mun will: vililcii lii a [liner aliple ii no nun; . wnhmlulqd ii propr nail: in m H MIMI/rm Xl'yuhjan inud Hutqu Io n muleriul Blind War. do not ml in liar. Tom mchElu du. 'nle ,momeni he touched the lion you i i lhu the lamina: and llin lMlnm : l on loans lion will iotllel nil.your liomeivror- idea and your uiiainun urea, Ind M (runaboan lo (hi) realm all non enluymenL " Aoldn iron and or I ll.) at uni nail mnulm. ll. lion never Men our,pleu uro lo l uni-um; Whu inn noon a wonderlnlly delicate Iml dimenan lie much and who elm linndla Ilia Irm aubiecin In noon in truly lnlop prumuvo'mmnul llcdlded Tom uiennilree dues n Iol oi llxlil nud. nil-y work. nnd la n linmorini Io addii on in run when)! wklzik, up'ou llin limo. He will give a n Counl 1h will mlkc on thulal; lllh llluullur [mm u l ill I I 'cllaruici u HI u'a momma " WlIll ll'lu Ohnuuuqul 00., m / ADDITIONAL EXAM. nllPon'ra 'l'll lolinwlog Pr0_ l(lll nl lIii- .Iunlor ll. , raiiunllnu or NH" ninxn Hxnlnlul lllon : l a. ll. Ho. 23 limo. \vIIlIu Ilaiilii-Iii I Violnr ciili . iiiirlililnn Egon. ' liiiirgueiiio lizlirli Iiioiinrii lonno l-II'Ir- scoll. lion. iiii-. wilinr linillng, minor. . V banal-luv: sennoi. l IilIeo order, line. I linrgn . snoarr roln Pel -rldw l llllllc Srliuo) Illim Ille him i ioililiriug Inn-e poised lilo Srnlor Iligii Soiliini i-iiiinmon nnii iiin Lon-oi- Soiinoiiznironno in Niiriiioi : Llulll Ill. .ltilllllilwl - cxucl good irnrli ion M ii 'nllnllc solinnl. .ri'iin rlli'r wno . lllias ii. lirlillPllP Nickie. lilnii selioo I Enirnneo Elinm'n, 'rlio ioliniviiig noninll llllll'll in W Hill oi ininiill wiio iioro rinaileil lly 'lll Iiigii sinner lInIi-anoe Iixilininors ind grniiioii oiiiiiinoi . .\In.~l 0! iliooi- worn nil-iii [0 2m lilo el miiiniloii on neonuni oi Illnoil. liiii wirr nndlwil llnan iiinir ii-inoi noon no i lmrll liy llln limo , 4" Qunaniriila. .llni- Tliloi (tilde, minim-J ' lilolml Aibnil \VIIIinri Lawson i lauigon \ |rllol Myh i :\l lllllr sinners .\I:IrInn (irnxhlr . rlewmnrllni Von-i liryilurmrlil iiiniini- linilnnnx xililn Sim-noon [(In nII . do I\) Flir mller . solidmberd Iiii,~< Mnlinlre lrine ilrnivn Aurora l-:rin 'l liolilpl-nn lliiiidi- Taylor lli'lul Allen 3 a . _ THE [.IEIGHEN aavr. WILL BE nunLv nlEA l'ElI . so any. air Allan ny ianwnrin. s .iiIi-ii Ailliwniiii. apl llllllli 'I-uesiinl iiiglii I ll n mtcllng nl iiii-, Eilvniillii-r ni 'l'ilroiiio nud will ('0 l||_\' ridiiiga, all rd lilo [lil nl GQVtrllml'lll oi allow. "1 .iiliiarnii IIioI lion. Arlliur lioigiinii. "in new llriminr. iiiio a "113 !llvlll-llliuwnnl," lllllilwlllt ll run or Iile iiiii sciinoi," \\'llil Illougiii "KIN mi- er iiiiniliiod in Kowrn ninl iiie lilaltlrl|)'_ in be gill'i'rili'll. (Ii,- ruin llml no as iii-:liiili' iii llL Drll \rIIIi lion. . innzii- icing and iiis nnIiI-lra. Ii iwn nnriliii lolili il In H (inimi- llll'lll. iii I'onllilul d, um- lllllal ilnl. Ii; nrlniliilos In In oiliei ni- gin-om iiiiii Ulll nilnoiiili. Iriie pillsnni uni-urn. nirni linii oairlnii on wlllloul llrlnclples. 'l lllill! lirloiiy iiii' riin- parliia. eli- Ailnn liiid ilini Il llli' lemma roin Illnl ll in run lilo Nlulllrl' iiiom ii-ouiil iii- a i-Iioriis oi nrnieris. The'lelle null! lmnnl ll Ii Iiii- lluslllcss men l'fvlllblnl'll, iIr- iiaa In hull" or g Iilg ilie Parml li .i riianrn ii Hip) won. iiiii iimuglli iliei- \V /ulfl iiiII lo Iiiliini- llmillsrln : or iiin ronnirr II iiior i-iir~ rIi-Il nii [ll]\'l l|l, iii Ills npiillim. ilii-i- wl rP lioiiiiii In mil. 1' liniinili mill nolllloii (ill llin grnuiiil iiiai iiiI-ri- iinro Sllll s lo ( V lilinaiinn. Fli \iIi-ii lll ll illni illnirii-eariil ll'll Iiy IInn. 'lrliiiir li..iiiIn-ii, imiiid in down In Iiiiirr inil ioiiiiiiiininiis iii-loll \\lll ll Ii \\'l'nl In iliil ,inlls. wail . Coiling nnd. Jill} i'l MB I A noon the oil lnnkir Transpl l. liiiIII in in "HINT ni in Fund. d I) Cam- ..nm or New .ly-l'ai y, Wils lllulli'llnl nl III" l- rd. ni Iiin Collingwood siiIil- llllllllll lR .nuiiinn . This is me riliii ionizer ini II iii iii 5 rompany inr inn Siqllllilrll on rlnmnan or sululdhly onminlnir oil It: oiiim lining lirgir inn iii \inaoii, wliiiii wlll In mid roi- anon oi nrn In Iliirrios Alrer. 01 " "I. brllllulu 9' lhl elm rnliocu lli endnr and good] lnlelIlF in. inun- ilo'rnueii ln llllly r nuon. min In hullnul or incl-iii. iThll'B II no V lalllly In JAIIII VIII!" "Up!!- in. iii ldlil SI " "ll )c It .oonaiinnlion roll I: dome . [ llhrl mini in gel in 're - : imIl-a riilioi-o ii iron. llln ilreel M h, n n did nol due their my ms r Ilie i-iiiinso this year- Mle- u wlrns iiiidrrmu ' . modtu Wan, i . 6 :inoeinliy our ml lie downiu. . 00" In via Iooll ,o oblionunn 1-0 mm and \\'Ill ll. ri'liklortl l In iiio nimn oi lilo ilmuiiiiih 'rrnnsnniinilnrr lie ll'l'.vlll iiinl oily. .nd unl- ell iii-i II Ilwln good I hlliin'ln morooi ouch eonumlnoilom Typhbm bacilli. rel lnla .neug. from tmygomntipvl flrblinid pol (lent: oi eonmlwcunlzypd lyvhom iarriara. 1n. narcu, boin mild and liquid. from and; iadlrldu a in llabi. ie onlllaiii mliilonn oilllo lynhoid Iniclill. oooaoonnnlli onyiblng moi gel n uofilamlonied ilierowlin, onriion. July (and mniarioln br nlan Iii ll< able in dprcad Ilw diaeaao. . In connwllon wllll illn linier and my oi lownll lino oliien alone an no. unlly Inken by iiie onioorillea In den Ilini nege enniaininnuonldoen noi nccur 0r16 n lhut the water ll Diurl. ed illionid cnnmmlnnllnn iaie vllxpe. or ii oeeaiilonnlly duel, evvll wiien meal can ll taken In prev ll, Prep iinenl bn'eieriolooioni anoiyaea oro inane ni such wnicr nuniilicn lino lineao reudlly now me presence oi nowngn ilaoierin, niioiiln canlnmlun- lion occur. The mini mnyvlnok nrirlii and elnnr nnn and have mnny nennge bdoiarin, including lh o ly- nlinid bacllll, Pr(1nnt,ll[ ii. ii ilieao me ionnd lilo water In ourllied, na. iinlly by eblorinniion. In oonnoeiinn wllh lne prlnlo wow nnpply e'n hie inrm ind in nrnnll rural oomrnuniilea where de- pendence in larger placed on well: run minor in liouru z ni waler iuied (or noiinenold aurpnnen, ii In EMBE- iirl iiioi oooounio meninirea be ioiren lo ormeni conilmlnnlun oi lhmo uonrm of MIDI) , ngnIn-and again oninmirn or ir- nlioid lover have occurred on inm- oliere um well or spring irnin nbieli llio nonroboid wnirr in obinlneil lira become oooiaroinaled. In iiooli case! lilo irouble deal not ulullly rennin cnndned in th iarin, an llIB oonum. Iiinied \mter, "lien ulmd lor weaning dairy nieoailn, iniili will? and earn, nod lnr cooling in: iniIIr In liniiln in coolnmionln inn milk. Then when [he lynliold bacilli eel Into iiio milll imrn Lhe oonioininoied onilo. cone, iniiirera- ialindii, ole, inoy. muiilply rapidly Ind Ina nonunion oi luL ll inilii are liable in develo .iynnold. Ill-lay ouibrozlui oi who a lever In lowoa Ind elm-ll nnvo been (need In Iii. coninminniod well voter on ion min "om widen inilii lion been aeni (or iron In aileli [Mind and older. new ilie nowaaliy ior loo ririoieoi mp ileing uiren io prevent eoniain- Imunn oi loo oourera oi wlterillllwly on in. min. snonld contumlnnllon use ! Ii iooaiu dlnxgr noi only lor uie inriaer and lilo bonilolioili bill ior illii onilro eoiomuoliy lieu mice lilo iliodneln. moeelallr' tho milk. irom inn iuon. Every one would be ten to ure< until-race drain-go or mirage gel llnx inio ilia well ornnrlng. bee-non Ind) drainage or nee-rage my con- lniil me would bnollil um iiovo barn given all by iroliold eonrai oenin or Humidor Prof. D. ll. Jena. 0. A. collage aueioii . We M ior deluge uiopnlal. Tnia uyaiein connian ardlnarlly or ii two chamber oonoreie, waiernrooi innlr equllwed wllll no lnlell over- ow and vent pipe, and an automallc lilpllun ioi- emrlylog iba ianir oi the Ilould'odware irorn lime in lime, nnd u micro oi iiie, coiled ilie "nbaarp- (Ian bed." comlallnl oi reveroi paral- lel roira or :i or i loo land iiie Iald Illlh open ioinin. Hlvlu i imi..nnd allolio w. Ind branching on iroiu a oiliin lino oi oowor oino widen oon- nftl ll lo we tank. Fur [he anllllar) sued Iiume such tank should he aliqu :i leer square end :I ieel lire . lino 160 mi io zoo [eel or land iiie would be reo'iiired ior die absarnllon bed. The vluliled sswel Ille "I lltsl ior ina min and the miller u! [hem will denend noon llle dlsuulm oi |lalB amormlen bod lrom iile mill. The sewage Enlem one chamber in a l-lm-h Inlel, plDB. Where ll It: der composed in a large exlenl by a cer- ulu kind oi nwerla, mouse in n aomiiiqnlil nonniiinn (i nassia over him die oiiier enamoer ilirouzii a I-Incli over ow nine. liar: ii minim call] in deplh oi obnni is iouiico is mailed, wnen iiie slonou 'numllllll- Cally comes lulu upemllan and Mar charge: il in ii couple oi niiniiua In (I: lee mall 1 14-wel- glpe, [{Dlu lilllclz ll vassas mm the row: I)! ((l }. 'lllludgll llie open loiuu In lime ii Escapes ill- io lilo [on ley er oi roll when: our diner kIud ni Dacluln cgmplelea ilie Wink oi deoiruciloo began by Ill: and: In Ihe kink. The hilt-(Erin in me luuk lhiivc and work lies! III llle milk and away from [he 51H, wlllle Ultra: in Ille doll requlre oleniy oi nIr. hence ilio ianlia iiinai be rem llglilly dosed cxcepl (or K Elllll l Enl Mr agape OI du ulnpusllloll gases, and (he lnnd Ille laid near lllnl sullucu. 'liie lnlel mllleul lliialllug oi |lle iaoil by.ilie .lniiun inipra me lilioleilril lic- liull iii the and by (amusing and ren- 'lllallml, Illa le lit-mg [Orcud mil OI llle roll all discharge of siphon and oiieririirng camllig luck Iiiio ii nine lino liesll. Ii iliia aisiein be properly inamlled ii wlll llisnoae oi qew ce in n my sdliolaelar) mimic-r and Williolll en- dauscrlns ilie waler supply. clini- [llele plan: In blue-pill . ioi-io (or in. slnlllnx ll may he seemed [or Illa lriiing mini iiie Denarlmeul al Plly. siia, Onlarlv Airlouilnrnl College aueloi...\0rli. ll. ii. uiallnni. o, ., college. Guelph. . pililiing ni lilo ilm full : :inii oiiior ilm'ullk'llhi n uasllxll ll iiy Ulr iii-w Frantllho iii-l nim- pnl'lh sll) rninrdrii. and vi o no lhl' iiy.eioeiinils may lw nipreird aiioii_ II In Um liileniinii nl llll'. iloroiiimini In Iioid lira elui-lloni as e. U a: no. mo. Alialll SI). woohi. ii I,- now ullmsl. will or iieoeesiiy .lliriar Illi'r illoimn ni ilie wills on. inrr iiio ni lllolls mi nrlulllr lie held. in. di-Iiy iii required (or inn nonporo- lloo oi llsls' unnoin innl ni deputy ra. lllrllan oI MN. utdlliln OI polling slallnnn, nnd iliie siving or Inn '1!- quliiile dus 9! Dallas ls ledulred (IL or: Indul- , . v ' , Llnu :80wa 6?? Sid 009qu Letter. Allcmllllllg lo. Doom "-1 milling olovolni- oi liin Canadllm lien ni iiiooiiie iinninnny iiiiiiuing, King nil sunoiio oiloels. l liliiy morning. Miro llnrn ii, Iluluilll, oged (6, wall enuoiii Iieiwoeo llli: ilooi- nod iiie o'llia oi lilo elevnlor alien. and orul ilied in dcalll, , rlplnle. iii-o bays and a girl. were born io .iir. nod oiro. \ ormlm norm, or Nulllclull. King Iowualllp. In ilie Iiurniiilo wing or iiio 'Junimll llaslllliil. Ins! wecll, niii miioeiniinioly Mrs, llubb anll min 0! llll: boyd dlvll. he illlri ll'lng inn onil dougiiior are no noried in no progressing Invombly. iiri-niilig iiie lw ninio gialll wln- zlnw Iii inmns oi ii lll y alone, wrap- iioll in ii liiardloi. Illlovelemke lnin Ilie dlore oi Iiuroeri -r. M arlls. lewclcr. 675 Loniiiowoo i\\' ennui Lls Slin- Ill lllorllllig mm B . lll EMIan niini- wiin Jewelry i-aiiieii oi 900, In n ll oii-eiroiiliineui, liarry sinii- Iei; called at an Pllovhll sueei Iole sundoy iiiglii, our woo roiieiod oi hIs roll oi silo lilalellll. HI; roporied, iIlo million in die police and us B'KUS 'II a min tll'lll women me under nrr i, cll skd \Vllll Ilil: I ' i [More Ilinn Loon iininigrnnis were plneoo on (error in Ilio oroilnee oi 0n- iiu-io in die ioni- moniiir ending Juno .io iieli or ip drool-inlaid oi cnlnnlm- llon nil Iinniigrailon. , i II n. w, L. linolionzie King .wiil niloali oi ilie nieolb In no lleld by To- ronin Linen-do oi llanl s 1 nlill on Augusl ll. DL-nplli: no nilinini dollon on Iiie nori oi, iiio l iuhllylerlzin iieiierni An. noinllii iinil IIio )Ielllm st Geneml (lon- ierenno, nrgonln eiluroii uiiinn znrougli- Uul Cllnnda lb ranldly hulng consum- nlnlclh An knrllilila al lllc liAlGSl il. in "II: 'I orrlnlo lieillodili minim-nee nlune alionl iiinl iiiori nro iorli-eighi unlun churches, The inaloiiiy are In nniiliorn cumin and die eaklnrll pm ni Ilio rirni-Inoo. Nearly oil 4N ornnignmniloiis oi Mellmdlsl null nrosiirierlnni. lie Dr. 5, q. L-ilnnn. enoml Superlnlenilenli-ol iiie ileili- Gill/ll Church, In morning 1mm [lie will. wiinro Iio Iioa iioon allendi'ng conlr an-d a! union Churches. lie. s, w, ilran, llnaneo inllllnlnl' oi iiie iieilioiiisi Cliurnii..reiloria om $2,000.90!) lnrurnnno uni-lug been placed on cinndlnn churches slnce ilinir coinnolgn oi nroieoiioii oorrn moi-iced. I Rev. II. J. n. sunninii, secrelaryr Irmsumr oi INLSupemnnu lloll n:- [l nh ll x bEt appolnlnd sperl larl' ni irin liniiiooisi Nailunnl l: eouili-e C(limllllk SIIPI UIIHE llm'. Jesilz H. .irniip, li .ii-iio llali neon roonilnil Io llln iliiiir wiiii ilin. ?lIkslonary 5n. NFL". M's. Iii-ni- \vallierlioiiae, oi oili lllllgl nPIIr Aurora, Willi llmllglil Io SI. erli l'i Ilnsrllla] Tllllhday lom- Ins sllilt rllil! iiom sl'rlaus lnllll lES (Cl lll r Ilrlf'll. IlslilliEll \lr'lu ll :Jlo was airnok lilo on anioinoiiile near iior llOllN . Slll- was walkl g - . rnl'ld carryan Iinr Inlnni i siruel: and accompanied by line Iiii - hallll, 3! rll~llEll Io (he Cll) by IF driver or Iiii or. The oraei iiniiire it her iniiirinn could noi lll :llrlvcll nl ll) ilin llrl llmlnlir ('XRIIIlni'lllUn. DUI Iinr Ninlllllrlil is sliilill in lie very sniiom. nl Parl- a: (P ll ll) .iuiigi- Maison in in d . in II. iiii l m (or lialll lg her-n Illa (-lglll tril'a nlll oinoo i-iiiiing iior iioliiii norm, All iilll'lllt allilll lilzlllP Il_\' lhl lrusirws nLGml P villains! Cllurtll, Tanking. inr a groin oi 8.000 a year ior Ili e l-iara-iilliiniii Inieim charge! was L'I d ll" Illl H vcllll"? Commllcr 0t ilnmo liissons oi iiir )lnlllndlsl Cllurrll; llll'll m5! ni inn \Vrsioy iiiiiiliinir on Wednesday, The monlly \V lll hi rPIllle 00 "IE )Ilsslunnry Sn- rlt l. wIIll [rill-real when ll|P [\I sl'm [Hill Church nronl ly l5 sold. ( .. W TMEI'IE ARE OYIIEHE llilgglnx~"Th( 5 oolliiog llnDP_\' innrrlm. In lll n. in - Iliiggiiiag-liame Iiii : leli- mull-Ii- PS . lllll llltrl'h :ul i~l Mn" lll ll \lllh llllmilonn." rwnnub- H Sale Register Wednul ly. Annu lmuSElInM ( Hl' : ll/ Innulng Iii "ID Eola Ill Ihr lali \\'II). D, and Mn 1 ! f I" Ill llr snlll hy hurlkin 4m ll ln llrillrll .iI l'rlll. inil Landing. rrim- Illi lllb Er mill. mornisrnm. P. Xi Flililll. Illll l. ., Live Stock Markets Ilin'llesl MIL-cs nnul in Toronln Illk wee- : rriirn Choli'e Finns nd i "altars Iiiinii-l r l Cindi-i- _ Million . \'Darlln:: Lomii, Siirliili anu, hi 3 Mamie. are mule .9 i r..uo 15.00 no.01 0.00 LL00 17.5 9 50 IE [N] no 2|.15 Newmarkqt Markets .5x miller, rinr Iii. .. . . . .l . . Eggs. nei- dor. (lair Di r luisiiri Torontii Markets; Iliiiii-r, per il mug in in . r / Miolosara , w. 1.. LUNDY' The [a prlpuatimumuray dlbs flSloie. " / NEW/MARKET ' / Fanny 8|po and Elnmr inlno, 36 Inches \vIde ' .i..........l..........iloia l=rleesl.2z Fancy Dalian lapel-ulna for Tub 8ullli and 81(an ln shades, a! Rosa, Rand, Ru" and Funny 8111113, 38 _ Fancy Ginghmn, small ohcnlie In Red, Plnli, . l . . . . . .mm. 450., Inches wldoynog. $125, Solo Prion 69b. mud. Ton, said Price 380. yd. . Fancy PIIIIld ainulinmo In iiIl shades, miiilii iio ion Diane: .. ...._..... ......aalo Prch 4341. RECENT SALE/S MADE nv THE WILLOUG HBY lFA RM AGENCY J Joules Young oi llie niii line L'Iiiug.w., ins unlil nla loo acre form to II. w. Madman oi Ilramnioii. lilo neaoliiul ini-m belonging Io .I'nine'i. SlilL'lzlr 0! (lie (:ll) 0' Tumult): ,I A ciuro llns ll(('n nold Io nnulel lisz K: Ild ol Lenininglnii llilA piimliaaod "I0 lilo oil-n {arm at liluioo belonging to Prod Inmon. ~ r \VIIireoI r; Eloise; a] firm 'l i-i.. lie: sold Ills Ill) al'h . iarrn, being pail-l or Ian 3 and will Ill. 'i, Erln 'l'p.. In clinrlnn Crlm ls oi 'I'lioi-nhiii-i- has nurtllau ll me i 11)., Delonxlng io linuniin oi 'l oronio, ii. 20M III 200 um- Iiirlll Loi :I. can, a, lo . . Marion-vi s ne, l2. 'I'uriiiiuil nl lIr-iioiii. om pronorli' In Fla: lolin .l . rr ni lilini-ilo. Onl. In Izrninnaii 'l p,, lining llilhl il Illiioranil. ori oi Aclon lila sold her 200 am term at Milan in .ioiin liolierisnn oi H~qurlns Tp. A \l', winner oi I- IiI-l ligiiiiem iil iinndinleil iile lionrgo " h Jami, llI-Irl'g Loi ll. lm. i. Nelaun 'roiiri-iiiii. II. w. \Icciiuiuy link 50m III: we new Mini. lll lx I.oi .10, Can. A, trio Tr... lo w. .l. ane; oi lllrhmnnil Iliii. 'l'lllll ) sini l iW'd ann. Iil Iiaa Hill! MS (arm In Na-aiimi io Ti." in J. J. Cooper oi WILLOUGHBY FARM AGENCY d. A. M8605. l'leal Tordnle, nupnzusilriii'ivzd: .l. P. DEHHE, I . A. youiio, , iinriinuliii linineauri. a. o. reunion, noiion. .i. ll. vimuli "ii HEAD OFFICE, GEORGE0\VN. ONT. LIFE s weal/Ian , ll) \Viil'llllli J. Iluliillsull. luili :lIli'llg [u-ilay Ill llli: loilill of life 'l llc \\ ll'p is 1 null nnd wenrp and weave, > Ilid by llIlnlls UlYlIlL . llul llie well is WllI E l grieve. I- ur eve y Iilolileill Iii livery llLl\' Aiulliio polio I llli\c Illlllglll (lie slilllllc flies. Ilil'uilgll llllil llii'ullgli. I IIS I scheme with [he dN lllS I dream, one mode up or the Iliiiios I (l0. to do will. liie worn l ll llil, ilio ilirnnda iii-o oil-oiiiiy 501. Ill ilii- (llll_\' lll's IIS llie slilllllo ilicn, Ii. Ilie fnln li: I'm wearing yel. Smile. liiiil lrlil'x killd words iiild {curs AIiII vl'el'l lliiillglllle \ml-Il is llli l'l). ~ .'\l||l (ivory Pl l\ \\' iii llio iii-e wound on Illc lllllillllls I wind, i Iinii mori- word iiiiii ill; I lronid iiiiii rill-gel. llllll ilin lllilliglils ' llini ii-ei-o din-k mid viliii, min-lo or Iain i W '0. _ llllil I ai-o lllelll llilil sci: |llolll llgillil. illl I sil iiiiil \\ with all ill'llillg llOllI l. Imd tours l'iill l'lul ill iii rel lny mgS slrolc Illn illl' llul lh illil {smiles nilil Io Iiio_lnii illlll Il \l'nrlil ill illlcllin I l. ~ insi us I \ iin- moi, illlll l llrlly Ililil l IIIl|_\' hil'liol. liliiil-g [lull sruu i-ucl . l Imlk ill llle Illlll'E llllll sell ulll in its iiiliii-e iiiilii, and II Ill-w llupf l llllluls Iii iiiii. leiiglli ill Illc th' i l vie , _ I know Hill my givoll wall; 0 I yel iiini- welu'e' l'll lull Illl llIB llNl] cull illloss illill lmlielll cure, I' " iiiiael alilmss. sel'l v ililil liwo, ll 9 llul nlllll)". niliisliiilo. (aim and hello r 7, \l'lin i'ililn "ll Data, pi-l' lie. I. _' Inlleii- nirili. . ..... 'mi inlliy liar, per loin We Illli. v r loll up. ,, . RIVES F ONTAR 2":- Tnnn "Tn 5 Mn)" I limit I! liiiiI lliun luv iiiilllrlllull prove. r irow sllull {all fulfill my llllrvulelle liililil, mill lha'alll llla lids iii 1; " - . ii- 0 e '0! g.

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