Wm on he roeenl on u IuI .09.:th nnuvnn o( Ihe l. n Annln Lehman, honom.,, 'I Junie 'nolionl' plnnn men. Nunb. I , p .; IIrIIrInry , I SIII Ilgnen V in'no i _ plinth MIMI . -aniIonI. Illnn, , IinnorI. Iinnigni con, nnrlon, IIIIIr. . I I lnlrailuclory nuhnoi- Flinn mun [Mliel IInnth, hone , Muller Winrton )BOOUI. man I PERSONAL. I / ,, Mr I'llIls. Ilmvkmd or (hilt wII CIIIL IIIII on em Irlmils In inwn lnoi week. - Mrs. Eugen-I Ilawen Ian on Snmr IIny Inul Ier III Puni, IIInn In vieit her uleler, Mri, .lnn PnIIIny. MM. 0. Ir. IInIgII-oi sourin, Minn, WMBJII Iown on n VIII lo IIIII lrlenIhI rer n Iew nynn, I . ' Mr. nnrl hire, Jnhnliln nre Nlicnl Iiie wnen m In Muekoku. -, Mien nvn 'l'blrnk h! honnnn lb mu in; at Inc home In her nnni, Iire. II. Al mlllmm. nir. Imll IIrI. II. M. ilrer lI-lIvII, Inn. v'Ieek Inynn'IiuIIJIIelr IIallIlIIle yviih Irlends nenr melamine. I . llev. II. llo) grey and Mrs,\(lrIIy norm snIIIley ln omnl , MliIs Leiin ginnn oi rnnlu xnent n IrI v onye wllll IIIIII I u. ArIMII OIIK lnnI week . I I. Mrs. Frnnk pennmn nna neuzhier n leyinn 'rIIanlnr In vieii her son I (llmrImc Alli. Mr. IuIII In. W. II. linsnmnna oI anlllnv kni and Mr. Ii, Lung or To. rohio err virliing IriemIII In Inwn nno vIeiniiy over the weekenrl. I M nmi Mrs. Ilnxwell,whiker or IInmIIo n nrnIzIIIe wcnk ml I'll inc b'ome nf _ w 'l hrI no pbnn'y Snnlnl hniIi ni Mr. prnnk n ernrlnnil'rIliy inn U~Kum i- KuIn Cl III war II neenimhrneeexe, 'l lIII prnenenn nmnunIrII In nearly alo. v nein hy ihe hnnn Inninning enrnei r noln'n hy Ilir, leaner, Mr. nee. l-rien, qu Nellallnnn hy nIIee I:nn 'iIhirnlI ~wer In eh npn rnninien, Sharon. 2 Mr, nenInmin ann nIye Ihe neviniie _ IIurying ("Mind lo I disgrace. , It lino never'heI-n In an nenlnnlen n nomiiilon as him; as he an rnIneIniIer. Very uot'ehsml llurn mlylng I . mm m Mr: will Ever on IVeIin "lily eIu-Innnn, nnrhn, pnnr. I' EirnIeIIinry, unneh, honors ninmenm h . BEALID Tzunlao Will he received up in one Inehrun lug nunuet Iain, um, xor Ihe renl- Inn III Ihe Snllon urein'mnvnlor. Ior Ine season mum. season eoIn- munelng seoiemner .91, me. enn up to end lneluaing Augunl lei, I92i. Mdress covgmunlcnllons lo I nluinnlr'r. EITURTRIDGE, Sw. 'I'mals, smien (IralnIBlevnlur co, 3va sullen mm. on. W E oELEnnnnn 1" oLvoEsnALz BTALLIOHS - :'I.nni Mnn'I-n one name Puller Mn. wl|| eionn Inr rervleo al ihelr home eiuhle. 'l o Inean n moi 15.00, A man III ennrge Tuesdays, Tlluudays nnn Saturdays. J. n. cowmsoN. QuEIIIIvaIID. r .1 II a Phone am: 3w2'l BTMVED heme upon inn Irmnhe. or me un- dersigned, ioi 2!, Can. 7 Husl Gwlll lmhury nnnul June Isl, one red Yenrl. ing Heller. Owner rm. have neme hy nmng expenses. I I nuns. IIVII, Phone 3113, Mount Alberl lien. M N, MEIIER LOB? u - ' strnyI-Il Irnm int 22 III IlIO I ol the 'llh Ilnn, Hmll Iinlilimhury. Inc inIlIer Inn 0! .lnn , n me And Ir llillo Helm, nhnui n y r and e hail uni. Reward nI no [or inIannnIion lending In mover); Iiiirriry nnnn, Queens. ' ville. 2w: 5 1 Yo Immune II 8 II a I have [or Immeoinle sale :1 No snerlhoru Hulls, Iii-lend in eeii. A numwa or Young Yorkshire Sow. H! "11 , l'l lies! lln dllig. .I, n. cumin, IIM'EIhlme. Moria: Polillz nniien ls llr-rdi) glrcn um I w oui In; I. IoIInii-ie lnr I y drills eenImnIm In my N Non PX In my- eel! ISAHUHI. .inllh l .lr., Ilniimrn Grand arden Party on the iirnnilIni Emmi-ls II' ihn no lo. anlla cnmn, JAGKEON'q Palm, I llII'iv olvin Mona-y. Ionouy A unoon _-im Inning, ' 7 August 2nd,_ 1920. V EI'DAII' Hod. Manning IInlImy, Mlnlslur AIM ullu , I 3w23 oz II I'IIIII pond {or the clIIlIlrux. ' liaimrillxn Parlum ' I llghl. The areeieni ilu..p.l.n l . II II >- n Slum-r e Herr-nee _' Ienxunue / never n greater Ir cnl elven to n onnntnooun udlonw tunn unret wIlI llurd. IHn will lnltu you me oeum Ingper In llm eenie Innn the wine ot the humane-him on men, nml Him. in Inn ninnooI (III: I _,._._____ IurIner rennin IIL-xl. sunney. ihul limaelwlin wnxll II eenl will have in noeoriy. I wilh lhelr uranium, [mum eniointI inn sham , . , Moi-rail, noy Ieiniei; Ihe Ineneu IleniI. fancy nuneo a. nun Mrs. 'inr M lists. norm- um Mlurhl I'LIIII rlruplo Ior rprnnlng n7 Inrlnlnlll wilh Inn liehurn. anI-I- IIIoiII. were lll! nuostn oi .\ll. IIIIIeII. en Slinda ceiling on r1 2ull\e~ nI none on Ilnl . lll lNllH lllu} IIrnIiII. .III ls IIIeI'n going I rally no (Whirl nu noun a I Ihc wer V : glkn dn. . V / ~ ' l ' oununq-I CRAWFORD aunt-yr. IInv e you ever IIn'tuneII Io tho I'o coron'oI clInIIno Crnwionl coral. noon 1 a? a N l.er YD IieIoI given In quklng In 1hn nnntein the: he drawn. Goml. orbltrnea y InIIuI In ur phonoimphi II not, huy. Home JIIIIII, uiid'you lell Ienllm . Lyam (olnl have In king to Ihn iInienIIou' _ InI no at tlIn ImthoIen uonmnro. and hirdlek" [or III: urldernlandn .IIIeIr coululululy. Tllore- mm Vnole' nibehed m bird mimic iI'i'IIiI . nom'u I iillee Stalin iimTIIT I Newinerhet III spending II week with her own. Mr. Edward Gnudwln. lure. wunnn OI Ji'nranin and lime. AZ Howard onent a Iew duya wllh Mrs. s. S. Malllll last wet-II. , 'hlr. Il. Mt Kul al OrIlIIn whenI n IIIo week-enn nl Mr.'l.'Mlllur H. Mr, EII, llnudwln mid II molar loall III Irlenun IroIn NrIwmnrhI-i lquIt sun Il y III .lnakwn x l'nlnl nIIII vlelnlly CnnKrlIlul-IIIIIIIII In our Hnlmnce IInnii, Mlsii ilIIIInnn GnuIlL . Inl pause Inn her Exam. v/llliJIiJnIJurn. \vh- | llan nlllan in Ihn order ul ihe In and Ihe hum of ihe hiinlor non he lII ard nn nlmnnI every Inrm. w...- a... Orch'am Bea The Iiumlltnn Ellie-II and their leIlluu silent o (IHYI ml Snnke lelnuu inelnveek and Mild II IIeIIIIIIIIul nIcqu. bllllxlllg IIuIIII: n hiring nI Iishn lIev. Dr, J. A, llankin III 'I orenla. u (I! We Ileneh, [K'lu u IIIe prenehe :II Inc Union churuh All we have lo say In Mr, anII MM. AIIIIoIl. ntJVlnlIlneg, son and uuugnler, are pending n w on wlth her nisier, Mrs, . w. McCull I An lndlun now 'In IaenIed n enr Kennedy Polnl again nun IIIu naivex re nelllng. llmlr iInuIIlworiI lo IIIeI 'l'llu Iniiowing l lll l3 eeneoIe In people along me share. Inle Iiarl at In IIegnIin tiencr-rI-nexl .lIonIi cvrnlng : Mm. J lriiiur Willi- 'n II Hululsl, Mn. (1m) I55 Mnr. ,oIIrenu solo sl nlanler .i. Mr, IiernerI \viulore. - uI 'i'oruhln: Mr. I. I:nIiIannes. won- non't Iorgcl Io Ilreornlc your ulII'Ir players Mrs, uinneuen Lee o1 'I'nr onloh spending a maple or week; wIIiI Miss xurinn l.. Iiirs linrotny liehurn inn. gone Io In Join a house nam- Iree wm ks. oi I'oronIo [5 Mr. Daug< \.\Ir. HIM Enume- IIAIt'I nIAN liere we are nnfhl IIII nien \\ II:IIlItr Mr: and \lrn. .i. Iglon Mr. nun Mm. ullllil) . we wi'rr KIIIIJ In Iiing (III'l' un . nIlI _ Mr. uarnel PEKK nun InnII hinnil r. Rina nonon. Itnse were enli- crlon aulu an we WIIIIenI'e Mles l MoureIII-aei aim home new nun li. Leek urn Ihr gnesis I MIIdII Il linen on Sunday. Lislon | I new wedding IICII~. Who may II he? \wre Sum Ilir. I Iralll niIIheIn and {Innin- IIr, \ilI-n "Nh llll l nonu- I_ men I. .\1r. nnn Mrs. tl, l InI ..i home I \vuIIIlIIr whn Inn yIIlln z noniiuuau wml anahIl lln linnnl hive enhi Inn )0]. iI soundv iiIII- mi in hm . arIer Slin- IilIllinm': IiIrrshlng Innrhlne m. inrr [Irmclioil nn . IIIon IIIIII Ive us n Inimyiing iIIrmIIII. llllll: Blnl. lilinzn . - Ewme Machines II you're n ,r II'uply cuII|rIIclcd sewing u'll hnnw \leIII II menu: I eonniautiy brrnLIIIs.,or I lo mu (or some vary 5 gel: IIIaClllnf you such nIeI-uunging ex- ecr runs an In rennire nmIi. ymn iaan In an |IIE envieni newline. r ' JIIIIIIY women (no n smgcr who aren't. slNIIKIII rnuugh, In anemic y. rennines, llui tile sinner run nnsoieIIie and aennot nally I? oui or order. ~ rshnuhl rennin mgr. new erllr nenlos. Mn, (3" nrrilra lime 'ileu by Io Sui-e n In uni Ihn M inI Io'IeI-nlz .IlIvInIIe nil-lent. ".14. LEPPAm, out. humor: elm-ob 9 I I \V i ' aonlul Enullll'lngu IIlllIo j tint I ouneu when an ' I Gulln ullmlll n . Inn Inn. .llIIIIIIIIlI I I Illink W ulmnBL IIulllan at one npnhcnti mi ihe IIIisInI'que 1' I . In Inumimr o Irieiula , Wm, when; yienic' nnIhe lilo Etplli dl' , '. I'D-"kn n Pain .wbinli cunvlnlneq the 01/ ollu {row {at a new-.3 yrnnn iragplendldtl 9 whiplrbb loinn nilaenl sports '1 I ' * ehn an) .N e vulturheh nIn'eo, na 0 x n o ilsII ILIe place to .e"muny n Vm llUUDuB nee In line mini I Imus Iln'II' h Plolllns, nhnu m nm no on new Innn'o! leilon [or "Duck! on me hi (I? III I In III I once IIhI III-Inn not, lIui )mllove Inn, 39m!) ullell noodle on u I olkn weI-u-nronnnl III. III plonle 'Ilml l Ihni-Iily uxfiuclud In ham or them Iiulii y on tlle gruniiil because they III-n einplinllc ugulnnl uucIIIJoyn. llemy w nl In gel. IIulIlngIiu. Cl] or lIIImI IIIII IIIIIir Illlle _lilr'lll w uh 'lllo) claim In IBl/ nljliln. ' I * . Ntlmrllloless liiava IInIIIJlit; ll) nu, :IgIIlnIIl IIIII Ironnox I)l Bier- iI Irne on right uny limo I was on I Ilin ground I any." enjoy your- -nlI,th III-II wuy onenlhl Ilene .Ir noun: wIll continue Io hold his nienioe Ihe some on nynr. lI'n u Hlludv ue uuling fur the Ilcnpln, JinckinheII-Ieu nine in- n/Iir. I'lviiig In, he viiinue IIuiIe horny. Quill) III law people. about this netIIenmnt nnn IIenI IminIe wenI up north wink!) In Hm lilllo Mun molly, Illld Lmllglllvuy they kryn'l lIul v'oyuimx mice till um rcplzliling III and [Moe iIKnln l'lw l' plli'l in "n Immner crop and a nanny Ilinplo III herrlee loo, 1 only when I could get up In Ilin,IIniniI nnd nuccccd iii selling 11 Iilinlul gennI-usliy Ior my 80ml II, (IL though I In IeIl'InighlI I 1 non/ IIIl'ce onpli Ilions or nimin IIIIe ulII , huI Ille - limdo II": n Ioulli- 'I-nme Iieiienny \vlllcll Inn. n m oor- iNll Instr). . lIelIol 'I'hnm is Jim \Vnrnoll IIIIII Indy Nollie pinning nwny in their "0w CIII vml'Ill, which Null nuceonneil In neuuning just l'e. eenII . lily, I Ion you, lihcy um nnvins. a Mllel ldid lllllGVVv'llh ll I r. ii. linen-Ilene home evnr Sum Ilnny Inihe urounil ths viein. iiy spun on to iJIIyIpuIn Innl Sunn nu,- morning In henr nee. A' SllIlR Ill' all III. "In Free Method at ounrln ly Men Inn; Drylovln 5 II l aIIlIIus II|Il revlvnl Hctlln ment 0! I: llIelhodlsm or 1.131qu In ynnI-n age, when it vln men. ioIIeII niter Wesley's excellent work. I We , huehlnherr' will nunn hI- Iinnn Inii I gum our unIIunI plane .3 hall .1 fairly good eenson. 'l hnrn nrn ,Inel chnn llen' Ihn Miner ho; llapp) M and olII- III-s IIIIL I IiiIIn I III-or nIiy-IlIinI; IIIInnI Ihn wlns, wlmlller they nllllllj d in or nuI. Th 0!] Hm m o. HI'I HH ' 'I Tlh } re III-Hing mo, Wanner pnIeiIo. will be emu-(led. Snnnr suenlillgly hes nr . most out or rennh. lI- mighl enmr umior the heneiing in" ni 26 In "70. per pound. nut :IIIe. Mlg r Ill :uion he oi. hand. Immune Diesel-res. I Very sun In lIenII 01 Mr. Nei. sun CImIIIIIIIIII s neeinnnI on Well nmnnI-y Jilly 2m. While at Ihe pinion nown ni Ihe PainL he he. rnnIn enlnligloil in n mass on union. line hravn Ill mIL hin cnr nhnnn \I'IIIIIJIII giving any wnrn. lng aI all, when Noise one the lain-n \ ll nu at once. lie is mid up Imw nIIIi IIeeII nu IIeIInz IIuIII- n InI,nI pull" II'I'IIII lIls leg, 'wiiicli \"IN run over with IiIe our. The . more nre n couple of hnnoe sliillnd one nI DluL-L- In Ilm Iiilkln. Hope he will Innn'pe nnI .IIInin. Nut Sunday IhI- I-'Ire McIIlI i I~ u lhehi Ihen- IiIsII-iui (Iunr. In , Ilneiihi: nl unit, when nil thI nliiiiril - III IiIe Dislricl will he nrrenni la n. ist in preaching IIIn Hilsllr l. Nn Iiqu II i| will u. \Wil'lll uhiie ailenrling Ihe eeI-vi. I on any III: <Inni. , mg in [Cynic I III the mum 0 Mr. Junior o r. Zip! Zip ! 'l'lIeI'II gucs illh I I, III II IInrdy wheelen I Ell'. rIIIIIl inI, nliillll hurriedly .15 I ' ' ' ' cvulIl. Ann he Inn hn n epnI _ lliy lilsi Sldl u SulIV a l1 [ille l1"). sh you - Hill. " 5 had all :Illack llclll. on MoudlIy. Nu Iinuhi il will Ilm'L lnp inln an op. . , m I M nun Mrs. Hui-hie Iirillenrieu nIuI ramiir were in (own on Sun. IIny, ; I, I I . ml Men \\'In 'l lmllpson haII II Iiiu-I nIu ' oronIu mer m4 _new alum Br, Jnol iIlInIII-iio, onunronuy in II log I: 8mm ll'lllll). I-jguess ho, hhcuuse Joni In a unomuidhmrled Io linw. I I _, _ lln ng I on Elm so. uIII Duly Ilnl-I wrth gnrquIIIouI Lo s seo- I II. 'IIIIn nny nron ln v y ll I. .500 . . \ynil. l inqu wllll'm avimy lin. Innhn gel: on roll Imam: hwu) n will a limb [9; - ' FLY 51 " erlo | Mail; . , , e Owl Wan uqy Inn aclIe .I ymly, nuii I ncual.l .nsauruydly I: Ell mun wldow ot plunqnl. ,Ilerjso olle u. 'olIL enay I'nlker. ,Md Inn doubl tu I _ one or! sneelhle temperamth hire on Irishman, wuuld abl;up'n krcnlezllpllaLibn-of Ihe hem-L - Sharla, n typical Amo cniuinny. BI! Ilwl 'III ;uvnr wckud with out-II 'l IInu In n lul one (But my mual Ilnv e NILIIO matter If [herrnrin hue to he mortgaged. Aliil low they do duz'7la nnII so'uh- Ililn (IIih I! lute) I I _ _ Nonmnn Y I, V Gum' Swamp cwne n oui. in n new one. In II IIIan of glory. such monled men usDonalIl IIInIIel, Murdoch chun mnIi, ,,Wm. Ail-III, Dunonlii Urum- turd Chas. U, l\'ail. niio's. Comer nnn loln vIl ollinm are wlualy bidilig-n- wec. u egreuten JIlL llNll (I Hum I'lillllg in a Mir. "l l reIigiun Ihnt eon give . U W rinnI Innqu winin we live, "I'Iu reilglorrenn I uIiII uuml'u '6 when we die, "I'lio Ilucxienurry Brigade um um 'Iinly' well. 'l'u lhose who IIIIII'IIIIglily XIHW llIl: 'cuunlry knenI' luck we (no IQI. Our unntmanler picken two nnlln In Ii any. lie gel nway heck In the Party nunIhIg campiur hoypnd all other . l'lic Prlngle car made Ivyn l llls up and lied ndmihaion in prienle nI-enui- , The Lady Owen cur was gone six days. liueklnhnrry II in good enough we ihu K g ' , . In. AI-lhu Smilli IIIIIJ family oI'_ 0I'0IIIo are spending n Iew holidays Ill '1 le Smylll s- 1 mm}! coInIpli IIIL-nl 121le on her nlco, - II in-oughi Ilp_{umily III [Irelly iIIIie Inih . I ' . CIIIISI l'ringIo look Illa ll'lierly Ishnw Irlemi llutIIerIoIn Ihe IiI-nlconln lning some or my re- null-A concerning him. Iguenn II 'IIiIin t reel Ino had us on our neII meeting he had his usual eerIiini hnnn.ehnke. tI ploaRs and I'ullIL r amazes me to gen lIow clm cr nnn easy/Miss nulherrord lizlntlles thut great car. I thinir xlli: gior In in he ekiII, Some 0! our his! year friends ,GI , Incalnd Ill Jnckaon n PainI again III e yen line). In my on. iighi they IeIurned In linhIwin (or hulier, eggs, ole, II was A InyIui Incetlng IoI- me 'l'here's u hnhy unlcliws'myrilaalloll. I [meal some ple nlill. lled n may or nuunhllie over my lonely iiIe. The four Charlies Chas. Prln gin (Inns. 'l ulnlillxon, (Inns. 0. lion nnri Chas, Fairbarll eon Iueunus hy Ihnir nhnenee IIoIn ihe Lennon picnic Tim) M II . nun had oIIIeI h In II-y. I ehouhi Imagine II-um whnt I' hear, iiIIIl Lennnx Ilene noI nInnII I]! nigh in puhiie eslImalion no in, run In hyegnne any... I near 01 some who rerueen Io nliake hKIIIIls Wllll .iIiIn. hnI wn. I'l lIiCI . .mi lllllim ilIInIeI- suys the, ('nuldii'l r *(P chem-II IIII- Hm II. II, 1 . nl III picnic. shall I l('|| you why I Nery ugly renal-in wui'c e IeuiaIr-Ii I n rel nce Io his iiclion'n in me lele France .ermnn \Var. Doubts weI Ihrnwn on his [lining as a Now aiiqu here .munei Tomlin. IInn glands n n llcllernli'gnl in Ihe puhiie eye. lie Is unden lediy ll genuinehm'o and carries a hund Minn? mrIIuI an, a II- Ilinnninl Io IlIis lIeI-nic conduct on name duly. Think: in our IrienIIs charlie; Dnan. Qw-emivilln. and J. l). Gl'a. IIIIIII, sin-Iron, Inr kind rename I wonder I! any hm . remember mo. Our uI eighi, ouI oI mind. A voicn Irom the Ionlh NI lie n-hy 1, Hum no oxlrnvngnnl ? "1' once nul SO I" chm. 'l' llll ..en in IilIing uu ror Ilir upr nillg nfvllircslling sen. Inn aI nn eaI'Iy dale. . ' 'I'Im'nlucll new Ih .ek. sIII \c iI up cnlrl next '04:. 1 -<.- o uw ' A Mile gllllwas [Illl rol in \wlclr Ing lhu men in her huh orcheni. pillllllg balms IJI lxr I'ounll [lire llllll III}; [0 IneIIIII ground lils/m ls Imn ornwlliig uh, .Inrl iron a III-III Ininy .Inesiiune, Sen . weeks Inler. when unI Iriln her'umiher, she noticed nIeII niih mourning llanil roumi lIls luII. rim . r" ehe rain. t'hlinl'x In liven Ihrm Iron. III-.Iwnng I ) in: IIlIII-I arm 1" WHEN USING . VI SON'S > DS chr - .Mlilnoiw yum and nlehmono ll'hgve bha lo ii- uinoie I Hamil-a m'slnblp y neiv no me. Inn". a. ao nn nah anion .. . a wlnu an .oino'i- m, an "of win! nu. olnnlo .vlllllng , elr _jlo uvtlnu hm amni- iiilluh', v Town Ii noenl nu here, . - ,Inla ', i m m-Iflvmgi gkh lgw In, Hi: M Lqu LIIthu mini .1. A. former . " I a . 'l . - Wmorjlubbun Mmmnndor". a. P 9. Rowlna Rene . IIDr l RM. lip onion Daublo . . 1g. Ple rim Rana .. Inr xwimmino men ,Mr-ewlmmlnil mee "5 sz inn Run 16~WI$5 um 114 -Tllllng . I - Mr . True IIIml MIle Golden and MIIIK Marlon nI Ilnnnlieh ant/VII an n2 n'h InuI Cowiunen n. Am. a, van den uI llm elinlloe nun nil-I. I. Lumiy or i.eliIhrlneo. nlnerIa, went lnIll Thundny V III Mrs, J. H. new. I, I I . ;. er. pmner o1 KanIIIk'Ls vl lllng her nuunhier, .IIIII. l- I'IInk xevnaagn .nrn. none illil IInIi ehiniren h . relumen lrnm moron where ihey nInI riwieene yleiline hei- IIIIer. Mr. ( NHL case a! Tornnlnvvluliuu IIiu Iinnghier, Mrn heIIII lori week and Wu Inighi h ) III u were Innr KIIIIIerallVJnsJII II p [y innl work. The Newmarkel Brnneh oi the Wo- Inen e lInuiInie eonIiIIing oi nelwzen munly nnn IIIiriy InenIherr Ihlten our uranen on Wednesday III iiIu kascmnnl I III Ihe ilIeIIIoIIIIi ("lurch unn ororhieil I met cxcnllenl ; IIregnInI nueio by Mire k no In ml, roloe hy .lIinueu l ulo .unIir ana llarl: nnyi'ru'hy .lirn, arr IInII Inn. 'l'n were Ihornunhly enoneI-I by air prim onl. III... gnnnin ,nnt ni an no I. nun llb Ior n lug 1. 2il me man 2, ma non . sq-so yum rim 4750 me rim 5, RIDE 0.40 me man 1J Iw 'ynro uneo u. u ynro um: .. 9.4:: we men . IDMOO yarn Run .. {L Ju yarn Rm: . 12. ~1OD yura am 13.40 y d men. i F-Iiab we nm 15, yum nnen . 1t Eluot neon . .. i1. Exoo| new, . room men 19, .ahnuit nee. Zol' 8Mi nnca 2i. a Lenoeo linen . 22H pinto rim . Baa norlnn content 24.4mm Baxlng nentnrr MUUN PLEASANT 'I hI- memiIeIo oI the "WIIllng Work- Em" elnel III the Mt. I'lt usnnl Sun- dny School mm In ihe lIOIIIUJII their Ical'lmr, Iirn. .I. .Iohneien lent VII- duyvelenliis' Inn nreIenIIu her wllh nn eieeirie Iran. The renewing ad- charm Ian rend by nine iinlile Sums once which line .Ioun nan-men mine Ihe nresenienlniieni "a" m niayein nuee .. hour Mrs, Jolmelnii \l'e, 'iiie "Willing Worker III. . ' 1 " """V" I. u, during IlIe nnsi Iew years, I I . you as our lane'th IoiiiIIuI, luye end In : nudgwe one I all ih I may a Pmm' II leaching or were mil lllhe ieII anIVlcn-IPl-I'Illdnnt . IInIII-essl/Jn Ior goal] In IiIe henrie dull. nee...ee,,.-rrmurer IIIIIIdK'L-tu! nil, II II Mlli llieee con- chum, E m. rIeIIons IlIiI| n hrg III you In nece nI 9 ' IlIIs iitie gilt, o IoIen III nur ieve Ier I you, Ihe cnlccm In which you lire held by eneh member eI lne clans and your mm ' ' ' unprywmmw mm V . . olsrk (and come In your new home we wish you nnel oierI eI tunIer oouree . lhu nIIIer Inembm'r' of the homily ever mm, , , g . , H enemas and even. hanniheee. We hope you n ii'nnvn mnny ll llII 1nd A mm mm" "a everIIIIinnghleii wouln nun lo 'IIiu- 3mm - I m" I eomIort. II Ii In ) izur uleasur or Judalh Land r IniquIlune uremth In 'Icacll nnolher onnnnn, I-InIer Announcer. . Olin-III .. Inn Ilnhl lo .ll. El Pal . , . 'r nlnes olner IIIIm the "wullng work J A m Ire", we hope Ihey will piavc as (anh- Ini Io llmlr Imher u we have [fled Io he. I! Ihe convene rheniei rule non you am dlslresscd nr Irouhies, oeiiy or oihenvine we no a eonlhie nlinl IrIenn not you In hnve A . "l we are Mimic-Hm; on / The golden age will comr: enen Erin inn dlslrers lo-Ilny one he nne will lndt awn) (Signwiy The In renl' . rn, Johnston lllnnknd her nines InIl elalrd ihoi ihe elm had been urine as henerlclal to her us she hm been In IIIe rhea. A \El en- on-nhie evening Iens,.III-nt in minus waya. MM Lizze IinInliinn and Mth [ 1'an Slll 'i IIrEII llIL III mth . I an I and Miss Mary Mallone) In mIII lI eiiioycd n llnllan. ' leII In lee III-em, A luneh w nninilir sen-In by line iInlh Llanw 1 and MISS Marlon 'I'urrence (Mr )llrll Iin- parly soughi iiIeIr iIeIure. , .\Ir. llll ll'lnl t'I'IIIrIiI Ill Pan Arlliur will 3 WNW. at Nm hmlll (If Mr, and Ilr., Ii. I) nines. In I. I Lzlliner I. I. are Joiinsmn. Mrs \\'. U. Mel cr Ionin Inning curb of nor Ineiher, Ilr . .\l. snlrs. .sl'., uho h .- heen \ I-ry ill Ier Ihr (lilac whens. I, Dlll ) hu liIIdr I llICIul NIII (IIIII IWIIY on Saliima} nl llll If Dal [ ll 30".; A trrll IIIII>~I> \Kl) lug III i4 C(IIIZIII 2711'. ll hmliv l0, and mu lIIIl a rurIaIn eon Iain II nice. ' II' IiritIr In [OFI'I U ' III rIIlIIIIl humr- nn hanh hum-e, . To Save Hard Work Iialiing may. AND TO GE? THE [ll 8? nE U MOUN I lay}: (mm In. t For parilnularn apply CHUAII Bil/IE )llsa iilnel. one? Irienn horn 1n runin \"I l \lslllng her hmlhri' I-rn GNAn QHM M inni qulI , Iehnnl IIougIII, or Tutonlo l I lllm; her IIII ngIIior, Ii . .lalnl s sin- c ir._ Mini III llII- hem-h .IrnIIIIIi in rva inni; in "W in; Lennox plt nlv. I Mlnx Jun, r min at l orl Ilopt SIS \lnlllng \ll} r'runI Ileihrrni lael noel A II III e! [ININC' IrnIn lllls me muuil ilirir my nnrih In LIOUN ALBERT and 8 Phone 609 . . .alrll 14 year- Ind oPPicnna 0F Aunooln'rmil The Mount Albert Creamery .men . ayl 12 year. nno unnu- . which my. 12 1M" and under oyn Is yon" um under (III-l: 13 year- and um ! aeilneer. III winner: 0]". 0 yun Ind I .Day- (I you: Ind girl. I rem Ind nor. a year. and . 10 yuan and Boy) 10 ynn rm GII II 12 yearn Illld may. 12 mn Inn mini unorr under undrr under one undlr under under Boy: M yam and new am. (you no: nnner nay. w year. no unoer my. Io yearn Ind under .alrl. 14 you. Inc under Gaunlu, mlm .. .. in Boy In year. And unm . .aeen Boy: under 15 yew releel my entry. J. II, Irwin E. none '.I' a. pereneen .....cul mun lock, a. neuron, ll. a. King nIr, III. lukey, II. .i. any .n. carom, III. IIqu n. A. non, a. Mom Become a Cream Shipper, LTS SHIP TO . ALBERT 'CREAMERY Io \ (30., PHONE 1509. YOUFFVILLE, Gill. Plimlo I an mm)- mm; ami bmuglil IInInn U ll'y I - \Ir. IIIIhIrI uneniz er mnnine-Inh llh'lil .lnlim'. - iih min. :I Irin m llil: w. I. I / nae , I EIIS' CIIIINl-IIIS 'I'he Janey sehhni III-I ud mm I Mr. mnl TII , in {rent on 3 .) JI [III l7 PrlZI S were IIlmf in IIII her no em IIIIl'd'lnIII; Ilie IIMIiI-rl hirer-Inner of mm. Inr Hie )mr. .\I)'I||I: P0 .ILIII LII-Ila Pfll- iueI um IhI- lull ' A; M Dean I: I x-Ing nnr :ehnol W I llll l-n Meme-I lIIr MI .I sl log on, - u sllIhI IrnIrInInnh . JIllll :5 (Pill In wmrh M ' D? mail? 'I illllallll rrlll) . 'l'll? all neon \\-I- nniuyrel ln- nli IINSI IIL , Furry Io reran lllnl JoIIII unnum- wlm nan heen laid up (or Inn IiIue [mlil (III- elk-eh M J drake. lienol VI llIllI lI lllrprm'l ll I CumI xnmhh lnr halves! and cram nn laml In BInPul. . I th: Ill. hue SUTTQN DAIRY 6:. c / . Sutton I W#8216;t. , SuIIan miunnl niniu uInI no or ml, of Inn \wulen In thin air- r rl an. wading In the new: because or In: mining er rum help. . Phone 42. '7 II I: I eHURNiNG N Is a Pleasure I ' WE no [1 FOR 0 REAMERY. ' Limited. 1 'Write or Phone for I '7; y