c 'Drp lt'sm m 15 ac Boot Terrapin: Mod I P. lot-III. let 16,-2nd Ml mqun. ...t A 11 Nl annoy?) llo, Xingrgl . r. - 7 e" WA 3 mm WM saw me rancherty or. Dhlvx, W ll Knurlllatt' [or a , ,. Anuly Alhorthterxc . Queen 61... twlnurket, . r - . . .d.._.__....__.___._..,.. 1 who Olll it ~ uto Gay ,Idttte ltouso. own your elm nut Ilbp movtngr lSt etlvo . Au unl. Idt. hetwecn Prospect I ll/{nun nd. Eagl u- stre-t. Flntlet- klndly trovewllh Mrs. F nrent st eer ner homo and prospuc and he sult- tllyly router-dear ; . alloyed 0n I'th McGulgon'a prem lace on 1th eon. H rthlll)wllllrrlllury, not A; OIIU'mJltIu wlyl or. town ltno. two wlttle.sown.. ..0wner con Intro name hy ptyltg eno ene'oa. l. MwultsanL llctt, 12., n , . >tw_ cow Anny strayed trout lot a. can, 2 Ktng, otd Survey, Aug. oth. Ilhtclr nehorned Mtllt cow. Sullnllle reward tol- Intormutton toudlng.to rtwovcry II .3lllclA It. Into, 2 ltcwtnorket. . w r m. Loco mock Irttdlllcr aluh IIag cull talr'ung pcrsotlst otteeu, hetween hot. ,1an handtng and Toronto on Aug. 7th. I.tuerol'roword. , llcturn to u. w. Welt Iloltsnd Londlng, or oonlnlunl- attuwlln E. u. hundy. let tzmornon Avcnuu, 1'nmnlo, ur phone Kencwaod 69. . -lt Quantum}.- gtvcn that I wtll not he rc apunstutc Iur ouy dohto contracted hy my ' to or totally. We httvlng mutually agree to Judletel Scnumllon. . All'l EIMI'S N hewmarlter. Aug. 01h. 720. :ww _ mt. Intuit. MoqIthaunnv, chlropruewr, Ia openlu g-on ottleo lot-non (mm Met. Slnllan. Auguttluth. 1920 Emmy lr lornlags only. I . g new tour com lot 27 In the nth con. lhu latlcr Dal'l at July. lch cow dehorne . whtc um nloek, largo' rl , ll Icr utormatlon leadlng to recover, v rllAhlt wtnlyllurltdh NW}? .11. I}. no. a, hewrnarlre [tub-rt "tutor _ it")th QWERTY IN "EU/J 4-. a... masts-r rho undersignmlas reeetved ln- atrutttoua trim the executors at ttlo estate at th 'late 'rhomas Wehster. fl t neorgc "McLNttwlltgrkel. on Saltlr day. ttle zall clay oI August 1020. at the hour or II o'clock. tore-noon. the tollowlng Ireehold property. namely: l. 'rhst nrlck clad 1 roalned house and lot In connocllon tjlerawllIl/allunl- ed on the north stde' or Queen street, Newmarlret. where lllc Isle hlrs, Weh- ster llyed. , 2. ~Thal trome house hlludlt lust east at the urorcnald hrlolt hous 'rtro hrlek house Is In good r.notr and tltcrs p.3lrmll hulldlng do that lot eullahlu tor a garage. The trarnc house to old hut makes a very corororlsnle resldencs. There are 'good troll trees and hushes on the lots, ulung wlth good gardens. - ' ~ _ ' Terms or 8:11 to nor cent. eosh down at me or sale lllrltltlsdlnnce In :to days. - - The property with he sold suhteet In a resetye-ut . ,- ' . For porllculsm or role apply to w. o. WlDllll lElJ). . Newmnrkel, Newlnarkel.'solloltor Ior Guant: lllaetnurn, the oxeeutor or to Fred Srnllh. .tuotloneer. New- ulargot. Ont. ' BALE lav TENDER or IlouEEHoLD,FRUPERTV-IN ltEw- Hftnku'r AND HuLLImD Lnltnlllo renders wtll ne rccelved up to men. ' day th 23rd day or August, 1920. tor the purchase or ttle'mllowlnk house- , hold pmphrly: ) v Hrstly-Jnhst. oust land sht acres I)! tend slluated ln thsvrlusge at llul- land Landlng, where the lntc Mm. Mary-alto Glnvtlr tlved.\uelug a port or lot No. too. In the tirst aoocesslon shot at Yonge s . There Is a good ro'ugn oust house nontslolog 9 rooms on tho oremltea In good renalr. Also a rrsme stools and hen hour and the land Is nll workshle. g secondly A trsrne house and lot sttuatcd on the west slde at Second st. Newmsrke. almost apnoslts the Illgh School gr unds. 'rhe hulldlng to old hot ash he mode a deslrshlo rosldence, There Is also tt good stools and drlvc llrrustl on MIMI. . possesslonol etther property can he gtven or ones. , . . - Irurchoser wIlI pay down to per cent. st thus a! aoecptoneo or tender and bllanca wlthln an days without In- terett. . _ y tender not nueer. .s The hhntul. or an sot-Ity counted. ty do m ld at, how ' tors' llhltl . statement (It wtll no heat "I stcrlnh. thus r ducln a! unnl. elccmnlly heutln ro decor-ed, to otter tar sale at the KIDK lte K p uEIrm Flt-rift) Fan LIFE'B FumnE llon l! tl neonlt . lulu)le to IedVe school work to corn m law wlll permll have not even housed the hoys and the so to war-X or ought should d mohahthty ls school tor hIol he changed later. 4 in. WI. taster h t nu ll?! in o u r. all 0' 1 'to'l'te'dt 0 I O ,00 Pc - null-toll: mf 'l Mundane thtto rceent yam when nuolllerlparty all con loyalty-lg the county. Ta-Vay, In In the out; the Mxm m or the Llher jll rused u on Idr'treedonl sud ulwmrpsnd oldc ny'sldorwlth lhtonght moalures tar slnclloratlng ho enndlllorltt o Illa ot the null tud r r . - or couchth w om are) . ,et'lut Smut: . ,II tth [slut but: a l . lo ll a, ho, ltnd'tlllt only moo w plunged to lelvdtfdr-llatnh hetero hc;go~ tumult! .Moo, malty huth or II: wildcat new; Item _wlll newly/god to kncwydls the land ll holder t tagsoy on puhtla mms' ' Alter all nlan' Plulan goxett o our'wttl'llo In there our. art nylno mennn necuralttos. A very large urn. portlonAor the money Vrpuntlm hy the orcrnge tamtly now aye to In the . our rnrclothcrs had no trouhlo anout roger orletr. In the - our duys a tow nnunds or ougnr lostrd many rnonlhr. And r-lolner land 9 o. dueed u hamlet race. 'canatlo has the; lurgest Intl ar eonsumotton per t In the world. Why no! Inuko dnu pound or ouglr go rotor on [our used to. .1 llls would mean the some normal expendllure tor thla uotnmodlty os when It won orouad skt cents per pound and would also II t Is run was gonernlly udoctod hrlng nrtocn down very dulckly. I r Mayor Dlturclt'nouulrol Dlrwllon. London Adverttaer : The nr trry Dov- ermncntln shove the Commlsslan and ttndlala. and mono wllo undertake to get up a power ohovc thc Government must no checked. The whole trounle artnes Irorn tllurllydm Comlnlulon os- numlng powers It does not malice. The eoolmlsslon oppolntcd wllt.lllrnly Iron'ottt nll theta dtmuultleo and the hydro wlth all Ito power, at ull klndn he mode It part or the resnonalnln gov- ernment ot the country. In a great Itadtal scheme. wlth 'rorooto as the centre. Urey see all sorts or unaslhlll tles. . omnlo would become a great und wealthy clty and. nelng uonulous end powgrtul. It would damlneto.lhe l mvlrluc. 'l hu lurt: or he llgnta and the udvontsges at ltvlng wllhln Ito horders would ltlll rurther amp the oaneesslona and old; Iluen. the country vlllngelt and limlll an , ll would enable lloglowrl [a get Ill and holly In the trough. Iced looked over the edges could go to the rest or [he provlnea. thh eucn o great etty under the msguotlo tuttuence at the Toronto papers thelr' eolnmerelal tuture would no daiured. The Toronto press wuuld bleed the l mvlncc whlte to fallen Toronto and [hereby Inlure then 3 I qx nu recenlly'llllen lm _ no; u on all meuutoctured goods. A manufacturer tetltng In. other monu- taolurer Ia roaulren to collect one per tent. . A rnnnutantureractllotr to,o consumer mumicollect twovhcr ecltt. Thus. every Ion executed to a llrlnt Ing ottlee now corrlea, wltll It It Gar el-nment tort or two per cent. t For (Ills month or June the luxury l'ux Drought Illld the Governments tradit- crury the neat llttle sum or Ilve Itlll llo'n dollars end It Is annealed that he: tore the cadet llto yror llml nuln wtll he llalllllcll/mt- u tllnult: month. 'At that rate or golng L'Imddh wlll not need the Luxury Tax muny ycurn to pay all lter'wnr III I. v 4 , he nomlhlon uvvmnlenl. hon tn- nololod lhc Itetu'rnlng milecro tor llle Inldog ot the vote on tho-Gonodo trem- peronoe Aulp wllluh ltnn heon'aosl. panel! ltllthe lath or Aprll next year. The Irvored one In North York It Itlr. Ilontord Itoshn. merel out or Nown gar- lt'et. who at ttlc prcao t llmo'ls 12ml: dent 01. the Not-lll York conoorvntlve Awoelauon. Dy untng the now Pm~ V the ammo nt elclmo It wlll sove 0500.000 thch lhe revlstan or the old llyt would cost. hot the 'rumpuronce rurecc regard the pottponement on n movn ln ltlo llqtmr tnterenln to ccntluuethu evlts or an nholnlnohle trstlle undiluted durlng no longer lnlertol It nltown Wlllcll all the ( lovrlrnmtl leans. \V are IlVan In It W tlllcrlul use. The t'nnqtlusl 0/ [he all. "In liulml lnu 1an the wlrelenl telephone are rnorveln that our toreththern scoreer dreurntd onuat. hunt week when cnthnslord. WAS ll/an a wlreleotl deman- n It) Denmark (he exnurlnlcnlnl n a! El. Jahn Newfoundland Mullet] up [he Kounlllt hull heard. wlth- nut tnternrptloo. the worm: uttered hy lh operator In DEIImllrk wlln ltald Illfll Molnltlor would slug. stgnul ltlll kept to touch and heard dIatlnetly tour songn sung In Ilanlsh, as well'os the own nrosnerlty. 3._...ua._..__n nonversstIon that (allowed netween Bellinan 11ml Cllclmclord. Cholm g told and St. Llohn'a 'are 2.073 mlle Our Toronto Mttel" apart. And now comes the storttlllg - ht hemru long our homes on wlth ttlu "whlte coal" trom ltlognrn Pulls. whleh to drlvlng our nloehlnery and ltgtttlng our homes. lnyenlor -atnteu ~ that :lhul current can he sent herons hukc outarlo to tro ronlo under the water at llllll the presentwoltngo and ellrntnato nll tne motorcycle luuhard north or llam- danger . at csent experlence hy tlton, dullerodj compoullld fracture or u I s the cost In that one leg and a runner InIury to on orm. . oy t come soon. II he ls new In the Western llosollat. by )! lsolve the domeslle I'lle neeldeut happened to lllu mm a um um w|lll no a great re- race. ' The mnenlocs wore hltttn a _ presented uatlon. . lost ullp and lleppeh stated thott st ' "M hetore the smash he was hllndcd wlth dust lraro the cycle ahead. ueongu l ackllam, n toouyesr-old hay. tltlng at Itl St. ulsrens mm. was Instantly noted at noon ott Sat day when he was run over ny the trout wheels ots earl wagon, Ya ug pack hour and a chant. were play-mg wlth n hlltall repress wagon on tho sldewslk, and as they approached the lane to the hurterln yurdr at the (longer anal conrpsnyn wagon contalnlng'lwa tens or coal lurnt-tl Into the tone. , Lurod. passlhly, lrorn a downtown mot-log pteture show. wllll'llle ores uecl or u motor rldo sod conoy. ulght- year-old PlllllD Goldberg. at 112 Me asul St was assaulted and then mur< dared I most nrutnl rasluen on Sul- urdsy atterooon. ltn Ilturtlurer ts sllll at. large Anoer hoo tell the elty West on the Wednesday. When the moloroyclu and sltlecrtr Ill whloh Ite was a passenger duIIng one at the races at the Ezhlhltlon grounds on Saturday otternonn crush: :1 Into the lnsltulcnca \VtIIIIsm Slutth received severe llllttd lIUMrletl lmln whluh he dletl \vhlle on tho way In the western Ilaspltut. 'I'tle drlvrr at the l E smug ' . ., the rdeurhlg al on adequate educa- lol to the Iuture or our young Itnoy boys cad glrls are nud go to orley Just to soon as the so great Is the de- ut they s re now ot- lrage's when they exsmloutla'a tor utlnhee lo Iltgh School. When girls inland} at the parllng or way. trylng lo tlecldt: whether to to Ilteh Solltlal, they to rcnlenul'er. or thelr parents Impress upon them, that It lllcy o not go to lttgll School as soon as lllelr nullllc sclluolvcuurse ls compch- ed, the chances are sllght lhot they wlll erer go to school or to college lalerJ Onue a young perron eont: memo to work. unless that work he some eduesttr e employment. tlls sll ngslnst soy turlher Earns deetstons they hot the deelslen to to lttgh School to M ore trual and should ho rnade otest oogolderstlon,~ It the boys and gtrls who are herltstlug over tnra dues-non wtll ask mm nod women over twenty-Ilye years or age. who are graduates at the lIlgh sehoal. It they are sorry they lank ttds course. they wlll Int-nrlanly he told lost the duct. slon to go on to lllgn School was one tor wldcn they have always been glad. 0n the other hand. ask men and women over twenty two who old not go to men sehool how they [eel ohout It now. Nearly every one ct these wltl say the regret nsvlng lett school no- toro lltelr lltgh sandal days. supply hour the vlaw ct dollars and heats the lush Satlocl grcduete has eventually much the advantage. not money tr only one at. the aloe derlred tron. sceurln an eduea on. where are the wldeued Intellectual hortnous. wntah make one I, lnore at hauls ln thts arAII. world. et tor more out at Idle; and do. than hr the world because at the broader edueottun. Aeton Pr oo Press. .. L0!!r ~OII Ealurdsy mot-oln'g last he- tween mu'Pasl more or ttetrorolltsn Sutton and Fall- Orbunds, a Gold curt Llnk, engrortu' "83 metal reward. Address I). 0. Box III; Nawtnarket. ' Iered Iatrly g (or the Harvest Escurslan on "Hugh . Rte-Creation N 25th 0! April, 1916. Mule Rsppoltl, oi the Metropolitan Open Cumparly toodnutltuuxe M Cd'meglc Hall ln New York besides new invention luel'y perfected by Theron A. Edilun. She may in direct comp-rhea with this new instrument - reproduc- tion of her volca. and the Audience campaled of twenty- ve hundred musle critics were unable to ' 1: this great pttrna living voice from; v ibEHRe-Cm art the ll: Edmon. Nels! day the 'qu'chrlt'Tt-lbuneuld: I30 or not to go most slw wlth grt For rorlher oar' .ulurs apply to st. w. Bit-ltrr, shoron, out. or to , . ' 'w. c. \vtnnlr-llzm. Sollcllur, . glowmaykot. out. woo. v- . sompasture Editor! Snare: ' tlltSmllme 'Mrm' , ' ' M... tco Acu- teasers yer V y good sell, 100 auras under nutllval m n M Ionit lll: w t. o ngeree a. s orchard. 35 acres army andolovcr. lQ-mnmed. nrldlr -house rrga 'blnk learnyotho tattle .oulhgllltungc. two good r son. Dr. s. w.'0t_lon or lhla lown." Lvy tttcludlng the cast or malnlenu'lcu r... ' l . ..-"n ll$ I I ll . hm game Pint ' l I ' .lIr chm. . 'l'rlt vlnc wlk gill-Q stunner. 'tlr Tomi-Ito room the wealt- rutl wlth mlottver ln 'l gvfn. , nnlt'ettly returned home an utter uncnvtllng ho day 'at r, Lakeslnleog. }_ ~41 ,s. A. Dlloh or Learntoglu , out, to aecndtng the week wlth her . tr Mantldy . lttllornsy . . 7 SIN. ltenry or chleogo. daughter or Mr. A. stontter. ta hero on n vlrtt, .teconlpanlud by her lltttu daughter. . ~lllss llctn nlode . daughter or Mr. duhun Moder ot roronto. to nnendlng c law days wlttrnltso Itth .penraon. .\lr. 0. A. lllnns and Itltttlly arp oudupylng Illclr Imllti e In Orchard lllrltch for tile remnlllder 01 to season. 7m. and Mrs. Morrlck or Owen Sound spent lu ttl Prltuy In Town the guosta not Mr. ond Mm. 1. If, llarvey. ll. bhvltlllutl. prlnelpol hf lttgtl sehoot. leaves to.- Owen Snuml to-dny .tn . Vlnll Illa Darentn. ~ . I , .\tr. untlJlrs. u. h. lludtton and son Wetter ot wasnluglon. D. 0.. were vlaltlng her nltller-lneldw, Mrs. A. N. Wldnrnon. thls week. I L Mrsrltred Spragueluutl Mtna dart- rullo Spraguc spent a tow doya .wlth Ale and Mrs. IIcrhert L. 'K rayer, at the nrond IUver, near preaton. \Iro. 'r any and lIttlc daughter at I.etlthrltlge. Alto. aeeomponled uy Mm. ll. l ullcndun o1 Itoventllue, vtnlt- l at Mrs. II. noyd'n last week. ~Dr, b. w. Dales tu ln Ctllengo tok- Ing s oshmdunlo course at the uhlcugo Eye. Ear. Nose, and Throal lllnwllnl. Mm. Dallas and lamlly are In Dray-loll uhlll hls return. loulrvllle Trlhunu : Mr. and Mm. to llowder spent Sundry. Monday and uoKtllly wlllt' relallvas ul New- onrkul. Aurom ond Vandarl. r Iluv, E. 0. Hull and Mr. P. \v. Kelley attended the Executlve Board .IIeelIltg of the mutation church at Klt- ton IItll. 'roron , on Monday. ~ lr. Saml, l . Caldwell or ltoches- trr, Y., [told a vlolt lost wcck to Ills tlrotllur antl gluler. Walker Culdwell and Mm. nrclsfor . S. l". 0." look! all young and-E ever. 'l'ltc .lllasca ceorgtc and Elleen ltuwht ore spentllng s row days wlth .ltro. w. . nolnn nt Island Grave. Lowell to expected back to-lnerrow otter snentlan/zt rortnlght wlth hlo trlend, ,tlruoe mm. to Illustrate. 4am. .I ohrtucrone ar hultn'lo, ite- eornpnpled .Iry her llughes, also Mr. end Mrs. Aurerl Crane and lllelr son lIlI-lcoln. or New Yorlt ctly. motored tram Cryrllal hench and spent the week-cod wllh her brother. .\tr. Isaac Armlldge. and other rolottven and Intends. -Lalrl Sunday was a very stren- uous day tor Elder D. Presser or New- market. echstdnrlng that he Is In the year at Ills axe. , lle preached at Ptrle Orchard In the mornlng. then at Snake Island In the attemoon and at Island vac In the el-enlng. It eon- not he sold that-tho old Hltter ls shut-lt- Ing hls dul) . Wc are Very pleated to announce tlult Ur. whklhsou. who had been con- Itnud to Ills house thorium two months 1st weeks or Wall e was In bed) has sutllelently ree yered to state that he wllt resume It s other work on the 30th or thls lnunlll. . As he wltl requlre l0 commence nn short hours 't: would odvlse hls patrons to bulk lllr-Ir dates. .\Ir. w. r. I. we tell on Saturday tor hls home nt [05 Angeles. 0st,; .11- tor spendlug a month vaeotlan \vlllt hls slster. Mrs Andretv Ego. whom no took wlth hlm on a trip down the st. Lawrence. lt l5 at years alone Mr, Lowe tett NewmaNng tor Almanle. out. where he resl ed tor to years, nlter whtch tlnls he. wlth llls wlIe .lod loudly. went to hrs at Las Angeles. where he has n part Interest In a large ellmlno. . - S = l 1m: PnEaEnT 0051' 'AMD tlELLlIIa Pitta: 0F Hoot: (Experltnetrlal herons Note.) When a man ulster that there Is no money to hogs nu oases hls eonteotlon largely on more or less saurats mcards or teedtng eosts, and teedlng costs only. It the market hog enunot even pay tor hls teed. what then at Interest on In. vestrneatplshour. rts lessor. market- InSJXI teuxu, utu. at I | e teed cost to produce one hun tIre pounds 0! pork may he eslculsted or:the nreedlug stock resnooslnle tor the market hugs. Acolylng tllls method, one hundred pounds or park would redulro out 600 pounds at meal. Annette term surreyllgures todlests even at hlgner meal cost, 6 pound .. Volulug most and grala at node oer ton whtan ls uonrervstlt-o enough. the hero teedtug charges per hundred pounds or pork would amount to $21.00 on the s to t nests . Ellen ltds does not cover Ill lsrm costs. rtgurea avallahts,trom herds on the hrnerltnonltl tInrm stystem eon-para very closely wlth these antenna to term rurvsy rennrk l. e. that apprent- motely Ill per control Ute cost or pork pmduullnn It tor teens Md the re- mslnlngr 21 per cent. to savor Ill-m costs vlbluslvc or ahtpclng unargas. To produce Ioo.nouudn-ot Dork uudor venxc can-mus unldlllanzv redund- learn the to one pounds 1 gratu or the Mttllu with wrlpg water. 30 mllpl [rum Totjloy 5th to Allan, sill: ll. chmhls mdtWII-QNIDG. IWIII Ill-I wtth.otooh, crop. Iml mplumlnll to'r rl puyment pu . nuance on terms; or loan aloha I 000. 5 M. Air rdn Valley I: 0. Call uni let dearemmte- squlvuenl.- At 110.0 _ner too tor ntrsl lltls'wvllltl row-Blunt a read out pervm,'gl pork or Hate! whttln'tt strc wwch only to our u or mount out. one hum! cent. or the toad plus the man charge would daughter, Mrs. / ti. Israel up, Into. 'Bdcla ' I. Mtl guano Iotanttto v u and ltan retqu I; Am) an mall lcedlntclllgonlll' , ths'rtght cnndlllons, restored, thtrd Barley h one ql'tha heat or canadlon' hag cells too . nreclalcd. ' ltlev rnlclltg young'plgl. who lmsto and them almost antlrely 0n rgraln rattan. , wllqjtlu llllll: 01- no ml": or men feed ' rtvallobltl, wlll_ llmo'll \ecrlalnly he larced to place thlgll votutttou on manure and carve enue ll he I. I0 got an eyen hrcok no I ' .___.... THE BILVIR Ltttl'tttz llhetr upl dust llllnk or III! the mane you can Have onJhasB lhlnga you cant sltord to jam. ' "Snukulcllewttn' pullee 1101an Its eowhoys sclzud $15,000 worth at llqunr. . , THE LEADING FUENITllRE , Ahtn urtntzp rntrmo blouse VMllldrd u Oltl Stand. , MAIN ST .. NEWMARKE _ Under-tuttan untI Emhulrnlng ' u SpuolIlty. CHAS. WATSON, Prupt . NllA M. .CHAS, DU 1. Gunny Al Keswtelt, ull Fndd , Aug. 61h. 1920. to All. and Mrs. A nmclt Currey. llsnover, a daughter. tstlll horn.) Norton At lndlnu Sash. an Ausuttl 3rd, 4920, to Mr. and M114. Charles Narlnn (formerly til Olcnvllle) lwllls hoy and' Klrl. Al Pleasuhtvllle.,Aug. 1th, I020. to Mr, sud-Mrs. Frank shelt- dsn, a son. raster At ltolland 1020, to Mr. and tar. o daughter. taltchsII In Klng. Aug. Inn. 1020, to Mr. and Mm. Lame Mllchell, a lion. / Tho tutor. l(lnn~JorrIl'y 0n Aug. tth. 1920. at r Ute home at Mrs. E. 1.. utrchnrd, Iturom, by My. II. n. Wallwocd, I ll. M. A. Jarrett Aurora 40 Mr. core-lung at Brock Totvnshlp. oo- (lulu County. ' unowles-IInth<At Keat iluk Beach, onL, hy the Rev. Mr. Loverlng, (ht: lnarrtage was solemnlsed o! Hulda Purl, youngest dluglller 0! M . E. Ilealh. oI Aurora. (ML. and Mr. John Atncrt Knowles. second son or ltlr. and Mrs. George Knowlcsjot N market. the only attendant bell Mrs. A. vInt-ent. 01 Aurora. The omb. EEhM MD Aug. lIth, 1020 at the relddenedor her dougnte . T0- ranlo. Ahtgall lIunter. In her 78m yonr wldow or the Isle rge he ardt. o1 SlcuIIrllle. out. guneral by motor \Vednesda telrnont ol 5)nuttvllle cemetery. Mann med ul Keswlek. August slh. 1920, \Vllllaln It. Mann. In hls 78lh yeer. .9 Interment In Guernsttlle on Sunday, August 81h. Kalllnoton At. havenshoc on Augmt tlh, [920. hllrshelh Kelllngton. .In heretsth year. . Funeral serylce at Queensvllle Meth- odtsl Church on many, August 51h. Interment In Queensrllle Cemetery. qonnuII At Holland IAntllng on Aug. - 6m, 1920. .I. o: l'. Connell. aged 6 months. - Interment In Queeuvllle Gen Sunday. August Ellt. _ crow-Suddenly In Mount Albert on Frlday. August 6th. Mary Ann, Ite- Iared w1te or Danlel Grove. lrl her lm year. Funeral Sunday to Slouttvllle Cemtlen . remnant 0o Aug. lolh. 1920. at hls restdeuce. Nahletoo. Ont, Glltlrles, bpluvud husband or Han-let Graham. .In hls 85m ycsr. ' Proown At the head lloerltal, I Landln g. Aug. alh, MP3. Thomas PUS- Cemetery telery on realdeuee or her daughter. Mrs. 9. Med. \Voodtttte. not. on htondsy. Aug 91h. trio. Merle. wldow at the nth Ilsrrtsoo Ptaular or yenge 51., ewmsrkel. In her stth year. . Interment at \voadrllls on \Vadnl'ztt- day. Votes...lu Newrnsrnel. 720, Mlss Itazol Volta .Iohu Vekes In her 21s Amman At It Ilh, 1920. De August HID. s. dtnghter or 1 year. ollsnrt tsudlng, Aug. orge .ltldnsou S. 6: J. Roadhouse Eomltuletllltltrlttlllg not. no, Mr, M Au. o lu mt" - um m TINSMITHING, , ' prnBINqond \. -. Pumas! amount (0*! .ts c * hc shove Ilgurg ml! lug. Tum m emu: toedcru who our 1ch t'ltttoe on ranch Illegal} ll. 9 _ than Warn It a a ' Tnnnu-rn '. d" Sahel ulter- ulcd, chat or unds'g . a ,. . MW _, Iu.. . the World's coavznuon-vdll bu In stor- droh ot Col Ill Prlco rlght. vh/ q' i Irlolt' "TP(Ql_-lt Avonua. A 9094 Ink. lmll 0 sold a II nanvenl " heap Ir (Alton now. Gum no tor iota In yolk and adjolnlnu comm . W d'oihw Bonds and nobonluroc bought . ~ IIAIIIILTON or SON / Vtotor'y loud and cold. . MOLD-UP y, Carl \Vnndcrer ot uhlcngo. la lo-dsy holng held oy my, cnleago pollen. the eontusned sldyor or hlt wlto, Mrn. nutll Wondertr too In unldentltled man. Wanderer wot tormerly a lteutenant In tho Art holler won the commtsalou, the maltngulthrd stryteu Grass and the trench Wtr Cross co the natlletlrlds uI Franc . . 'Mu weeks ago. whllc rtturnlug wlth hls wtle {mllt u thestro, \Vlahlltrtr sud hts who were "hold-up" In the rtsltnulu at lhulr mtlrsgn hear by h peer. ly dressed man. Mrs. Wunderorand the ualdenlttted man were tltll . Warr- durer (old the pollen the dead man had tollowed lht-m Into the testlbule too had shot .\Ire. Wanderer. The ex-saldler sold he then drew hls ouu rescuer and shot the "ansusstn" dead. \Vundcrer wu halted by Ills arlghhels or a hero. 'rnc-ool lee. however. w re ousuleteua and lnvostlgaled. -\\'uldrltr's arrest and eantessloo Iollowcd. he sold he was ttrod or maroon lllr: u . wanted to he "ltec" to he had arranged wlth the dead ltdmp to tote me hold- =' up. .Aller snoollog tlta wtte \Varldorer sstd he was arrsld the tramp uauld "squea so he shot and mud hlm. Two revolym ytere round In; the tall- bole. " A hero yustordn \Vttlltlumrtl were nnrrltd about u your ago on the'ldeutruaot's plum rrom mnec. Mrs. Wanderer expected to glre blrllt_lo a hany whom a [M months and Wanderer sold the thought or hecolulog a rather "(Irma nhn n. lit ( ale ()3 ACRES Il'tl lr'lAmlHAl' TP., 1 /4 WEEK FROM l'rlA llllAlrl, 10 MILE-:8 FROM TORONTO V All workable. l sures art-hard. they loam sell. I well and a nhlt Inlltng spllng. Fmoo house at a meme, urlldr. t'l-rlt rtl. lIdttk ham com; ntha.2,00120.No.3.30h23;lle~up 5 horses and 1:1 tlttle, [In on house. hag non. hen house. sheen house. small I latte, church ( 4 nulls. Itstt- way denoutt mtlru. llural mull. Ito: lun arrungerl. Intr slulh 'rerlns arranged. . 50 EB ll'l SCARBORD TIL 2 MILES FROM AGINDOURT, . 5 MILES FROM TORONTO to dcres workanle. hat-ante lluslt not restore. on sorts nrcllurtl. ulty loam soll. level. [mud \valrr. rrdlue house or 1 moms. cellar. nl. Barn 59130. wlth lean-ta aoxlo. cow slonle tnxta. (leeull 5 herds and It cnlllc. IJtIvIng house. hog- put. nen house. School at Itlllu. tznurtn l tulle. llurdl mall and telephone. ||Illtldy.tlt I/4l 2 ll|l|\'\. Itcs~t.--Itn .lr- rauged. l rlce H.000. Turms srrsnged. 150 AGRE8 IN EI OEIGOhE TR, 0" THE Cll'lAVEL GAD, G l'rIILES FRolyI WESTON, 8 MILES FROM TORONTO 125 acres worhwle. halanee pasture. 1 acre orchard. t .l.ty loam sell, Ievel. \Tnere ere three walls on tho vmvelly and the West Urandlt ol the number Illrer also ruus through the term. Ilr'lrk house ot to moms, hart and sort water to house. cellar. t lsletn. nuance and bathroom. to hou Dim tt-Ixao. barn No. 2. Inns. tltun 5 horses and 15 rattle. Wultr In stonleaj Drlrtng house. hog ncu. hrnhnusu. sllo. Wlndmlll :thoet it . mlle. cnuwh v. tulle. hursl lnsll aud lelephune. t mllus tram Weed nrtdge. Postesslon arranged. Ptlce 321.000. 'rcrlus unused. 100 AORES l TOROH O 11%., ON NEW country ROAD, 3 MlLEE FROM OOOKEVILLE, 11 MILES FROM OITV LIklITS as acres workable. hstunuo been and pasture ' t torus orrhnro. Clay loam son. tut-rt} Goad water. A wells and s sorlng. Ilrtck house or 12 malhl, eellar..els to. hook narn torts. nan. No. 2. soaao, tIe-uu 5 horses end It cattle, also not slalls. steel stauehlons to haul. Isrlylng house some. not pro. hrn house. sheep house. the. School t tulle. church 2 lltllrh. ltortt mall and telephone. 3-th tells 'rotn rudlal ylop. Pu . .ston arthrynt. Prlce 311.000. 'rerms arranged. WILLOUGHBY FARM AGENCY REFHEIHIYMWEBI J. F. nthnn, w. Afvouha. NOWMIKM ADIAGOHIL E. o. Iomrut, Bolton. fillng .1 vttmtl. u PAaooi' "lll e Vial Toronto. :HEAD OFFlClS. GEORGETOWN. ONT. wont. BUIDAV louool. luv. Assoetattou. yts Metropouuo 1omr. 6 amount tom Thus wlll no soul preplld do rtctltt or Illa east or prtnung, wntrn ts 1I.M_ October tutu Is world's Stud Der 100. It to suggested that lull school my ms It the Sunday when and no need tor the ocea- smnl ny us umlay sonnets on oo- tcner tota. thus to .90 authors 0 cande you hwrys lu.oatuto autumn. . W In to About MW? '. 0 ran at; . .533. etc b- 1' o. A- ulnnllvo no u- stv: snuggle: been prov-Mu I. It. Awmtnsoum ot Inu- not or- my which wtlt cum billlch : of melamine hallo burl Iul to sun- ). honl' M In! It t. _ .. m BQ Ill, V hm! 'N "1 ' a]. tin WE" tn vultu- ' n