l ' a mum. all. . MM! '9 t . untold enmtdrt. wr ha mt. touttnnmymot 3 yum. v . T. 0. Watson Q erratum Must-n The Let-i lltg ulll . No pllpar sent a ulp North , ark,- Pdper ~us v'loll'as lh Older? unless, pald ln'tldyutbel .SEASONABLEVQOODSV . -' ' tot trolls Mitt} /, all ll THE "PAINT STORE." Ronald Fly array - e olltllll at nth ot Load ptt 5 (Iroolt ordb'llt) MIIWN ltltnnlnett, E m t not re Elma qdeoltnu tltovon ttttrlgunttlrt smut tluort Kntmtl wtttduwr tn, prdu Burlttllt Fommlllt Torture outrun otoveltne mayle rtuut Ttret, Tuber, mm, rnteltrr nmrrs, alltt t ' mlolltm / RELl/tt lBl Phone '28 1.x .E 00003. nlndut- Twlnq altl dor Whltn) Lrnther Mtttr Henry molttno ml- slokltr Orlndqro , tltly, ram, Pulloyo nutter, ntt Ilzon Thruhor'u althplttto ultra Power Butane cho Leutho r Bubblll ttletel- anvun end rtttlnrt -t=lns, nll otte- otta, around Wrenche- Eluclno d lrnnr, Toduturu, rlllu, thttutrr, Vlcuurn Oluunorl, t 0nd and Twn Pluto stove: Dulhl, on that t Froltndor Flnln Prompt, Sice. = =,= Newmarket. , F I . ' The' .Wotnah Leap Year , Perogattve. . m " er oLttttgx , dart ! ltl Sll llvrherl Wal tt llt'mdtllzn'lu London house wax hull-way Illl auKll wlll l very Illa IIIBI OIIEVB ltlgllstmll llw duukhtgr.,ttattlrttl out her tlld school lranlL. llblolhy M tltltmrlbml by llcr ivll ll? ltunl tll until pronoun] lt-tt - - tank lltlnl, Dummy. , ltlnrlml, " l'wdlll l0 lhtvc it was \Vllll YOIE You It Jllll Mason. don't you] ll'ItBl" . lit, ltltuldlltx hy lllc dom dlle tall, Ult tt -)t|ll1vt"n mil , who Molt! H3 hered tut Uttlutt'lt lte we lluteutng to out tt ltht own torture, ,- "Ilut 911: ll -r_, lteard llusotl hetero. He other .lnlnee lttuson. The t Iluuyt'tnl neryt ultrunued her nllmlldnrh. t "ml, t kllaw,', tell ttttltl. "lle'el ttll unrtu U! u but pot tn n llurdl hlvlory. or nolttethtnu. hut l rtlwoytt cull httn rt tor t tlttnk'lt nnnoyhylllm, Anyhow. turn by wny,ttt hung a wotnun-tlttter, || serum and nttttuuttlt he ll n gllcsl, l wutll t gtve mm u had tlvn tulqu- tteeuuttr ol lllb uusrttvaltt alnnln . l'llls In Lean Your. ttty d JI , and Ill hot you n tur coal to lt hot 0! choro- lntou thrtt you don't go [0 lm t n-nlghl nhtt nth tttltt to nttrrry yh t, lloroll llugllc ' "Beryl. you-m enzyl she uald. '0! f e, l cauldn'l do such rt tlllng. l'ltlll gotng tr. lt men lIItu protetrtror Mutton or unyotlter turn, Iur tt t T0 SAVE ,t s Suving is a' moat hbncliciulllubit one to acquire. , atitl an alley Place u ccrtuln amount of your income in this Dunk ut regular intervals. Deposits have a _ marvelous way of growing/and in t1 short time mu will have n Savings'Account of [gut RthJHKFHC l PE Newtnurkul Branch, Aurora Branch ._ 0v SOUTH END LUM llllRBtztllE, P .w. PEARSON. Car. Shut-ah and D Aruy 8m. THE ttltt. GA @UlLDlNG l A R. Reyppldegna ger'. VA. 0 MI'll MW0fV Blah .YARb. 157 mt NE tr. stills 00.,ttltlltn . nuL:n ttt I-MllERlll Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Etc. _.ALtm' s, Sash, Flooring and Moulding; urtting,,Suwillg, Dressing, Etc. llta Wm. llalli '35 Stills (20., {Limited Factory & Yards Huron St, Newmal'ket. PEllRlll'a GHEENHOUEEB ,Gorlthnl 8L, Newmtlrket. CUT FLOW/ RS BULBS! he one: Mu thu use, nsllvmd , W , W a. Perrln, Phone 135. 'tmw To cunt: GUIYHE ott mloK NECK Ill u [ruthless home remedy at roots sntt Itw We have ruled goltreu dt mare llltUI to 't'am stnndlttg to a low wet-x5 lltlter ur lrcalmetlt ls guann- tecd to he llnltllless, nud will huttd up n rlmvtlmul system. \Vrlte tor tree tnlortnattrtn to Prof. ltnrlo, Box 337. 'l omlllo, opt. OXVIGETYLElIK WELDI Almall. all broken [Darla ul Ha.- )lllna y can I m 'eutlulaolurily Ns ontr It renewable unworthy thlr Process. Try lt. _ N. H. ROGERS. Ndwmukdt. 9 he nebulae. trte, V IE! at Bunk of aroma, undpr . r. Bmllpcord muuhmtm shop: - mther lIIte llllllt W' mutter nttd ttttylttg huehunu 1'- "Why not 1" the other Ituldlslcd. - ll.'3 nu ultnple on rhapptng ynur tltrgm. 11 he, at rag and you needn't he ntreld that he ll ncoent you. Ild's three to he netrly torty wllllou In ltan at a women they say, nnd; tlumlhy llushed ttltghtly. "I'm not conceded enough to llllnk lllal he'd swept the," tlllc returned. 4 uuultlll l do I " ; 'nuhetlau I" he heryt. "(ll rourse you- ronltll It's on y u tar . Dorothy; and the wager ttplur n (or coat tt you ush,ldtn to he your litm- tlntrtt. You (two It to your x, my dear. the than-u hrrtt wnnderlttg tttl throumt Itle tgnorltllr ut ,wolnt end, though no my sttlt eentlnue to do hn, he would rrrlttlnly ltn lottrd out 01 Ml! mum/t: (or ttve tnlhutrt, nnyllow, ll he hurt to refuel 'll pruptteel nt murrlogu." Sllll. tlnrnthy n, at school, turd heert lllr, nlllrr s nccnnlpllnr tn nll thelr gtrlttth. Itttltteltearled yr damn (NM lutetrouttlo l.,' ehe to d, "that 1 When we've met he tt olwdys heen Jolly decent to me. It seems ether N . noht he sllly t" neryl lltltlrt tlplutl. "'l ltt: lnan'tr rt prtg. will you mount the unger l 'l Ilut'r. thtt nollll." All rlgllt." she- sold "I'll take you \Vlll yttd'tte my on - Iler dnputtunlty tlltt Ml comp ttntll nearly an hour luter, ,\yh tr grotessor Meson, I. he wtlltzed vlllll her do- enrously, round htmsell slttlug stdr lltzl' ln ll I'mlrllwtilltI t rncl", lo'wlllch she hurl ttt-tternusty trtl lllrtl. The uttqu sat-lo ultallt [luau-ll th'lwrt n lllt m {nr perhaps (an mlntucg, (llt'n, DDI , wlalllmg, lll l Elle lltltl not llicktetl up Ult; page wltlett heryl, l thrtl t tt thrown dltwn, yet dc nltnt-tt to set- the mtttl ad enture rtgltt through now that she, Md started on ll, tltmctl, :tntl wltlt ayes ltglttetl try somethtng (tint-rm . exrllumenl. took- ett stendlty enough at James ltnson. tter heehs were ttustrett and she wns euttsrluus lllal she wns trrntttllhg sllglllly. hut, derptte all that, hltt: wns resolytd Iu play her part, Prat - htnsttu." the stnrtru. l lttt g n to do somt-tltlng llml I or ltullct d, unltl tornltrht . tltot,t c ultl puss-nth tttrvt rourngo to do. Yen d l huvon-t lllt l vt y ntteu. hut t l' llhud you. ltlul'l l lttlotywltrthttr ynu lured lll". .hut l hope Illztl Iml hour. You ltttnwwltttt. ur Illls ls l" The llnt35 ml llllsl ht-nw deepened, ttud ryellds the together slowly. \Vll) , II E taro l" "I threw: hut I didn't lnmn thut tt-s [rt-up hurt The ltrst heap erlt- Mllltll wt \Vnml ll err. l'k't- srrtoush, tt' lw ys tleen supposed to he our prlyllego ttt Leon er to tell a man that W? loyr lIIJ'n and ash htltt to merry u. l trel dretdtul spent-mg ll 3 tttts, hut tltrt sure that you're too good . lnd klnd even ,to lltltlk wrongly ut me It I tun-e sald or done anytttlng llltll Isn t rlght. l want you tvoh ! wlll you or my hushnnd l" That the protrssur wns tt not short-ed. tutors wlt ohytotts enough ' on tn : stlrnrt- "ml was dlsttttrtty ptuntul. ,ts tor nnrothy. sht- almost hnted ttrrsrll tttrn ntt regretted \l ttttlrrly nor too to rter ulth Hm ttdtmlllcr et llrr ltusl, llut at test : tlDtlp tater, ltpr. , "I! ll Itrts heen dittrrutt tor Wm M nut that nut stlon, ttlss home." he salrl. I! | n rlthps, _dltttt~ult tor mr tr nnsu .' ' . rt 5"". r at rrttrt sllrrm tn ttorotltyn hnl it stlrrrd [mt 5mm. m glad, nt cnursu. lhaI you spoke." the nmtt-ssnr wont on, "thnntrh. tttantlkr. I would haw prett-r- rt-tt HIM l httd nut tt ettutttr questrtttt to you, Sltll. I've hrrll u-Ltll or n lnwrrortt-lt. l'ln :tl'mltl. und ttttro 1 only Us In stun I trot-ht your pr'l mm," V . 'l lsqu lI~F tn u-rltlng tttttt Dummy ms tttrhrtst, nr Anyman ot th1' Wks merely nlllnlINt. shr strrtrd, . hr, rnswrrett, I lnow l-Xltrll) him you trt-l, my dear. nut. ht-Ilt-vl- Inl', evr-n-llun lr ts utt mm. and ttt rttnns. lnr eonyrnttotrs solrr, you wtll ureter not to mrntton Irotn wllllm lltr proposal t-nntu r Let us rtnnnnnre our rngurmenl now rm, no tl- tdtr w liven-A, tor day or two yet. tmlv_t they or allowed to hut-r my my to thtt Y" hh rnttt, run some- thln- nulstrrhtt tn hlrtmu- nmn her lugrt to her lot-t as he grotto ht slr Hrtllrrt wurd .wal put;an then \vllh one at lwo,ol h mgrry-Ml/M tut-ketl, or. y surprtsrrl Moments luau answered l hell that sltt: y t tr. lllllltlll., twulltd It ,m your olhdr pure! hymn D: in rst lo-tledr ot',my Sena-smut Io Ml llnrollty Mattte, she tun done grant ll nor to-ntghluotvromt, .to no my wlt , and they; tn tt . rrlrge wtll ultr u nla'cd helm long _ , \Itow Dorothy rulolttest wplo dnc'sa durll 'lhc ntlnulettjlhut-t lowed one cuuld never tlerwnrds hhvu.lold you. All that rlhd I ltltlonr ruthed towel-d hbrflln u ,tlood, and tr, anti qleh memory that the canted ttwey warm: dazed two a! llttryl Wurrlx r u t Omllle next tLIgller trtnh wan tunnel: rolled rm her ed It'r o her great euntulton nnd t :ldp' , et lhdl wnu ultnnrt In the htttrrtt u onlrnnnu. } l'_tl| galng/qovvn y paronls llnuttt, In surrey to ttd I want you to ttnrnllly. t I've wlrod. telltttg them [a expect he Iillrtl of the ltctlrllcr , llrtsyely then the uteri n the truth, htutyed hy lh .thetlt-l lhal Ito war omylutr t lllntt- thus {m- mere- ty In order to mourn her tor h r t'evtty. "Il~4t wot nll u 10k, hen. "I can t aat faAJOH James. I ltnnw tttnt youdon'l Wanl to marry the, really nrttt, .dltur rue He told cool tlngm d 'hrr 'uhnuld- rr. / L lttuutd 1 do." he returned, l otttl l I - no lnlcnllon ,0: all vtlut'r you to h out ttt our herroln ll wnlt h tle you go and puetln,travelthtg- car We can eutctt 9n early traln trorn Cllarlns leL g All trtttlvtdunllty It. edtllb been WWII trout tter tltctt. rnuet hello men to, harp; HR: to protest. ycl uupmtelt tluled hln, yttt huttng her. hull more. bllc tell hr eeth wtth the programme much he held outttned. ltltt lullter hl e mud to he yener. utle antl Itlnrtty, Ids tllolllcr to tte a hwt lL-futwttl gent yell . wnnlan, tso greatly tn lnv e wtth her tron all to turn on hlglll, the chosen tntttelol that sort, Notllnee, hut tnyny tltuey durtltg the lrylns tlitytt thul tollowed. uorolh dtd hrl- enurngeour lit-slth Kdl the xtmtge ettgugetnent hrotron, and lint ttreltdtul part at lt wart llth Melted It hs ttnd lens tor succeee tn thls mer as the days wenthy. " t' , tlrltte, however, hteught Blrcntgllt to her, and when the week wtdeh one l d ylrttlttlstul to spend lrl the enuntry wur r .trly ever, taught, who. resultlltm, her prottthted unsound. , t. When the row hlut, he was tttnhdtng tuthlrtg to htr mother to throw mom- lng-ruom. and ttllu could not out over- ttettr n rettturh or ltVD whteh.palrrd ttrtwertt Ann. "1 am very ttltttl. vory'ulad,. .\tr,. \lnhllrt won all) ng. hyd to worry drrtdtully now and lllt whun I thought that you were; glvtng your whole ttnle and dlldnlloh to that musty old work at ) numt llub ovllllns's dlttemtt no t ll l-d heen asked my. vtlto lot you, t could l n no Ont) more awual Ilr lot tth- then your llnrallt I am extrnorttlnttrtly lue Mlle-rod. lluwllt) heart! no more then, (or, step ttl step, ltt- hurled lm'dy, ulttllv lrnowlrtg he 't-lt [0 be out at sislttt she turned ttrttl run away to her nvm mom. and lll( s'pr lll an illqusp lhe llttl trnrttrl lluur. llut, sllll urgt-tt by plldt , Elll lull't-ll \vllll \Illl (rank ii to tt nrot spr mat tltgltt utter um- - gt tr atm) lt-t tht- rnrtrnlng .Itttt, st slhrlutl, nd nur en- gttgenlent hnnuld hBl'llrokcn ottltetore t .t\'o, pl dun'l leak llkc that I In l l r, t do that Im- tlllulr IIAVI: heen. Lls , t- I tell you hnw It started Ahtt slu- told ltltn. lluriltg tllt:.mcllal llu nodded unlit! ut- lttlre, ttul hls tucr w grave, and Inurlt a! ' IIIIBSS lll lllS eyes. well. he slltt at l undt hlland, ll was wrong at you. or routs he use/although prrltnpt you tlltlu'l realize It, you were ulayllls utth "tr deepest etrtottorr In human utttrrt- You rr yours younger lllalt t alll. Dnmtlly, and l Suppl] l's only rtttturrtt thnt you should t he thle la thtnlt at me as t have route la thltlt at )oI. A, true helmet uttdt raland. l out see that '2?!- ttttng ls tnadt tds) tor you. and, al- though l tlon'l tlllltk tttttt we should announce any h akage In our GuKaEl tttertt yet to my people, I prumlsr that who you are gone l wtll ell-e them the no And I lelllSl , Int). lll l You slttttl nr-lrr he hotttrrtd hy the (Ar try "le ln lllt fltllln'. But, my dear, when )Im arr gone. I lltltll lllzl same- tlttng,yery llt'mlllhll. uhtth has been horn only my lately ht my heart. ttttt tllP. .lntt now, t sunpo, e, \Vlblll K (clung her- .. Ktlnllllg ham: (llrthl kl llcl llt'al l then; hot hurt I tlmul ynukltuw you tell l l tout want to En, It s alt-d ,1: n rtlly tot hut l rndrd [Jr Oh, don't srntl the ewe .ltnl I" - \ nu Mll prottssor dltl nul. n KILLED EV FALL rllRolJEll ran noon Aginl ullll, Aug. lt Bruce llroh n. 50 M Wlllhm rmlrll ot llrou-n'n ,camers, was tn- sttvntl~ ett Illls rtutrtltttg utter. he tlrovllttl lllmugll tt Ir-lllrllonr Ill lllP Iltltlt ol hut lulltur's ttnrn to lllt:- startle brm lll. The tray hrd been sent to llllt ll up the puggy tm-psrrtury to the Iamll) K lllu lo church, hul In gel lll ttuggy out hr- tttrd tlrst to move a u lt- gon. As he um herlrtttg ttp wlnl he W'ngrm he httetrtt rlght tnto llto open- Ir n.dnor. A law mlnuleu later he was dsdot end by lrltt tlttller lylng dend t... the content tlottr In the stoma. Ills thrill hurl hrru Irnettu-ett In the tnll. c'As- ro n M to: Mm , TORONTO ttly lllllll'r-vlnllll In! the I me I'd ' ' new war lllut uongt-dtu. ' , uheltntl noh- , noun Aim mm manth alliu'zb ltt :Npuun lloultlnv ratrhanlrrt- ,and'hlr hrlcte, rttary Plcklortl, getllng tttelr, llrst glttnpxe or bondnn trotn lh elr trutn drawing Inlo Waterloo depot lrttttt South- urnpttlu. mug and zttury redrdretl e mlrcrs hetug on hand to greet lllem.) to Bel through the crowd. rnyut manual-[several thnuuond ed- noug hrd to ltlt .ttary lo s tut It CREDIT 70 mm rawtt Eu u eredlt to your town, help to huttd lts telr renown: Sloop tu nolhtnn that. waulu lillltcr ytlu or ll! good name In whete-er you tlnd to do, Itavtt your rlty proud at you. er|:: wtlll conduet e golden tton That your lawn breeds gentlemen Y And no mutter whet-ta y u go somelhlng nt Ila :lltlrlt allow. You may walk Your way content It ll'u best you represent: Serve It every way yuu oil In yuur lrlals nld) lllcmun tlunrd ltu Ilunnr me your nwtl; . Keep ltu nutty taultd unknown: no a klnd and rental hunt, Love your town not do not boost, When you lravel east or we'le For your rtly llt't: your bt Pray: tty every out you do That no eltlzens are true. _ ttel men learn to ltnt- your name I \Vlllt thettown trotn whence you came cults gmw natural by stone or the wealth o la de they own All the turtle they r c to tvtn Cntnt's Imnl than with dwelt thtmln ttutnnn ttenrtr matte all renown l he n erttttt to your mun. I and... no war vrtll ahr To mung nomz 'l'llrre In a ltd vt to la my all scllodlt \harklng l'alllllully ' lay, but who gel llntls llltlc mlcll \vcuk la SEMI Vt lttttort. home to tumor and mother. Nu tlmllet ow the illltllus may (truss, do run r wlttt there rn - he an n-.ntt. the hey rllrnhtt up itth ttts room at lust :LIL'll It "HIP, on Jtt l stlt ll it (lay, 1,1011: thlll lllc {tulle t tl lmlnt , , .tntl Illoxe lollr- re looked hr as rcttult ly as the time l'hllll S around tor lltt'lr ttelller ll they tell tor lill) l tFnlt "ll", 1 llmuslll l6 lllal Solll tttlntr ls wrong The lad must he s c or "IV ltlt'tlli have nul muglll "It: l'Jl- ter ah Illlty should Iltt done, Catt you llllnk a! anylhtllz llM'r lllt tn dds '1 .ttttl yet, how oltun the young (alts l rgt'l lu Sl rltl lht , teller lmme. Tllr tntht-r or mother worldlng turd perhaps to net-p the boy or girl tn sellout, lurlls .twny trout the wludow tn the post otttee mm a slglt when he or tslll learns lltal the tlrar our ttts ne- glrt-lrd to wrtto ltetne. .lrrd when the drys ltlnBlllt n lnln w. Its and stttt the letter does not rome, ltnw hrnyy the lot lhl: parent hernmes, I'ltll what shall you write t All the lllth, ttttngs ynu and lather and mother would toll: alloul It you were at llnnlc, le went to ltmw uhrtul the work you are dolng trom toy to d how on are gelllng along/with Ill? Slut llle lllllr lr lals lll l (arm: and how you meet them: the hopes and the lays evor ythlttg tllal tat-er place In your Itle ts tull ol lttldrt-sl to "lose back home. smlply to llt Ioltl lllrtt you HAVE ant-1r! lt: lt'lnemlll r homo ttntl ll: ussnvlallnns is \\'D[lll a Erral deal to Illt'm. I 71an Illlnk 0! |II(' old Vslllll lloulm \V'llll tltt ttrr hllntls. whrred lt uhe hrrn so ltnppy, one hoy mote, And do you not Illlnk lust those few words truth the depths rtt lltitl llll s ltrlrl {mlm l t t l'l wlht" In W "Earl ol llll c who will llll m '5 I! III young tatlltl have" H40 lht h in "I! A or Illr ttnttltrr us she rend he null! tun-c tlrr-n sure lllttl lllztl r re. Jolt rd that ltrr sun Dt trt'd enough altrtlll home tn y Illa! Ills lnrtnory nth-n urnrd ha to the Sppl ltt- term. The young that. ttr wntntttt vtho put.- hls or her ttmrt Into the letters he sonttr lIMIIt' \\i|l not he my out to lot nttythlng ronlr llPl n lllttt tlntl ttrr styrlrl lIIIIIIans 01 rlrlter tin): tt ts the om uho turrets In urltr heme mltl trts tho u-ttrttl crtlwtl uul the lrlentls lltt-n', ultvt walks tltr my (I' rt tnet-r. Set-tr duy there M be ll lh lltt h. o s and he \vlll y {rum .1 lull lll trl. \hlslt l )l tl n \ er In zmlv n tn wrttr lt mum and mother! w Hau (:ltleatm Aux. [5.7wuh Iluntlwvu or person. tootrtng on three humus tturlrtt mt pepper Into tht- eyes at Ml , Mnrlt- , tLtlxl, d'lslllor tor the w. 5. (month roller, Compnn' Ant] es raped with ".300 In cash an cllerkl. Mtis lttturt trtl the otttre or the roller chum-u at noon to null u depusl .lt tt ttowutol tm olntr. As .ne app rh (d nremom Klwel, three men lkrd up hehlnd her, one mm ruched o'er the gtrt's tthouldtlr 7end mm M popper over her eysr. hose Ind mouth. Anolllt r mln gunned ,lh: envelope ~t-otttltldnty the rash null rhreltn autl ,lht- lrlo mmelhetr aunt in Ado. bung mullg. In on. - able to re . wtv'ltltw -LI"EI.|I| KILLED Atln Tl lD tlldunsn Onlllrt, OuL, Aug. th_~.t uertous aeeldunl ecnurrt-tl on the power Im- rnlttelun llnus hetvvaen Orllllu and the Swllt ltaulds yedlcrday mornlng, lly whleh Silas MeAttltnvnd lost ltln Illa and two other men wen.- srrlouuly tn. lured. The men were connected wlltt a gang engaged ln reconcllttg 't'hry were wort-tug on the telephone line, wldch to {our tent helow the power Hans, and Ill llama why llle cur. rent brake across and pruned all one or III: win-s. wlllcll tell an llaAmmnnd. "c was not trtstttntly ttltteu. out dtett hetnre he could tttr hrnugltt Into the hospttnl here. Al the same tlme c. Ilnldlclt was very severely hunted and her Hi the ttoepltol here. aeoruc tlrtggr rtlle recrlved tr shook, hut was home taller having lds wnuudt dreaded, Though not (tulle 2t, McArnmoud had served oversea-t. he was untnnrrted, and Is hllrvlt'ctl by Ills rtttalllet' and a slster, WBDVOH pduvz Till _. rtttttrtrtlel unon PROEALEM Traclrln; nnd lunar-savlug detlere tor the term wtll term a very lmporls not and tltnely part at the dlsptuy nl thanulnrtures at the Cunt'ttllall Nallonal l:xhlltltton lllls year. unusual etlurts hora hrrn nut torltt tn tnlku the Mr") ttlatlllntvry eltI thlts "ION! exlun'ilve and reprrsrnttt than ever nemrc and there tr e - reason to helleve that tho progresstvr tnrm 7.1!! than here the dunes thtt he most needy te sell-e llls perptettng labor problems. Won- dertul udtanres llm t: hrtn rnrde tnorhtntrttlty along tlds line and not the least important are thr- stores or memory und dtvlcc-s deslgned to ttehten the wort: ot the women no the tnrttt and to that her lot less hurdrtt- eothe. Tng larm~tvilr vtr'lt lte drltght. ed Vt.th ttr progress tmde ln llttes ot rtlttealor et n cllllftr tntorrst to her, tytllle the city untnan wtll also LIL-i- rol-er numerous sttrtpte rontrlyrnrrs to route ltotls'rwurk llglller and more on. lnyrttle. . 4,.<_._ IIN ELEOTnlD ' ' taut-:53 l EMTOn the line ertginnlly put Hi) 20 years ago. IL 0 so 50 - "All. q , . ..:;rttl.2;.l:"l:m :rltm lh: ll 210$:le announces the alumni: immlrgyrlly V tunptedtttl erlelret at the ratr Ground}. h u Ittttthury., Aug. Elh, by Rev. Ant, Smllh, ut lhc Eagle llolltlt Newmarkeler. Wm. hoyhtan lo lulu Ne llte Dmnelly,thnlh o! ltumra. t I Aug, 17th, by llrv. Garey, Mr. .105. ltusrell Trnvlan. lo Mlsl Elva Jennett Sllllm ttt, both 0! HM! GMlllmblll'y. med Vnar Suhorrtlzerg, Aug. 16th, Nathnntet haunts, ln his 30th year. In Ens! quunlhun ,v Aug. tath, thttarn srlgley. to Ms 22nd year, In Newmarlrcl, AWL lsth, Budget wlte nl Davtd Purely, aged ll: years, 25 WW From Eu Pyle, Alla. soth, mats Warucn Slukch W'a-A Invlown tut Mn n. )lri, .vttr. tn ylnttthg tn uutcngo, Mrs, E, II. llogdhnuu l! I guest AK Mdyor ltoherteon-n. . htr, \Vrn, llondlreuss ts ytsttlng MA JEISB Doall el lluntevttle. - ' lure. Kelley nnd two ehltdren et To- ronlu are -vtelltng vvtth thnotltm sures. Mr J, ll. Halllngdhead'ls atteudlng the rotary Cnnt'bnllgn el Cluelwt. ' Mrs. t-;, Jackson let \Vedneadaf la tlstt her daughter al Perth, The .tltsser mum at Guelnh, vmu were the guest or Mrs, l.. 0. Jackson at lm hate, lelt tor thrlr home lett- tr ay. * - dos, wtlllartw; sun-ln-law of at. 0w. Sl'tsle ltd lltrcr companlnns. wheel. up hoot the otty ertd tulan sunduy here. Mk ,\I. \V. Caldwell. ,Wl v and lw chlldren are ere trorn ctrteelto, - Nuwlnu ttul's prltnt unless; Miss noun turd lltes pepplatt, were most llr-nrttly reeelvtd al Aumra on Tue-- day yenlttg al the nonrandom; atoll Mr, c s. w. Scull, Ambrose cone gave u my en- loyatttn mrlyl t rtttl-ty tyrntng. . . )Nor Lloyd gut-e a party on satur- day eyentug ln httttttr at Mtss wtleon at Toronto, . ' utss at 'e Bogart at Nananer, uleee at Mr. ttydtu Scull, vlttlted here thls we Ir. " Mrs. :ttalloy, alter apt weeks lttru, .lelt lnr hello tte lul- weeh rctotnpsnlrd hy hlr rn ther Mu. Estllt-l' ltrnnts. t - . On Tuesday the Earlell at llenda tn Nt'wnlat-kt l complelrd |ht- l tuluhpsn ol the Congrttttattonel church p [duty on Botsturd SI, - r Wt. " Hcllo Hollfnw" \\' [hr l1 tun]: lo hrt ik up lhlh < roll, ghan the Lals't. Short- tt tlt ll look. . \Vtrt. one .1 sun. (10.. have closed the rnnlrdrl tor. the tnterlnr woods lltttshtttg ut the Ladtci College at \\'ltllb) the ruler hrhtg :nuo, ttttltt-r shelylnu ls ttt-lutr pm In Snrlh ytt ' tteglstry mtlre ttt r. rest a! ma. \Vlnt'tr' t'l l v n w Chlml'll of I? . lld Illil l In lt'atl'Oiie. llsrtetthrgs tt bullet- the. poltttrtes the. [wt ht , rhtekens 50c. pr. . Tltl' Talttb lt rtttrut t, Aug. 26m, " ll ,, Illlt'. llhylllt at Mr, H, IL wells. agrd to Mrs. w hwly TtlntLLEnB lt'r me. ' onllt'lulArl HAVIOHAL Ilng three .rt Jr A ost- rt-trltrentlor [llatll tllts jusl hetn Installed tn the Tannery Co-op- t-retlt-e Slom whteh ts unluuo. ottectlle und luteresllng. lt ls an lrelcss system. operated wltll uu elertrlc the; tor, with a cln tllztllun ot rltemteally charged tlnlcr wtllelt supplles the eoottng prulterlles. The lngetllouu new system I: pmctleully autotunlle. when .-t lettlncnlun ot - abattl :2 degrees ls reached the meter ts Ltulo- tnallrall) cut olt. The ext-tense at handllng let- ttecrssory tor a large r trlgt-ralrtr ls rlttntnalcd and the . \\ system Is a great rollrt truth eonsttnt and healy work, The system wry ru- slallud by Mr. Fred (It-ensue, one at lth ueenttttore Colllp:n)"i ell-rlllrldu s :ntt retluuls t-retltt upon Ills sklll and wrrl lnn Pun Pro Lift off Corns! Doesn't hull t bit and Freerona (05L! only I law cents. uols, lllshep and Darker wtll aKdLn llf\\t~ charge at the tlytng it the Callu tllan .V H net Hxlllltlllm'l thls year. Pivu tu lm. at the tuttst and shred- lest lynr wtll he In use each eventns rtntl u try at tlmng and mm slttlt rttn greater then lost year In glisun dr lllIr-Aartlllnulc tuotur Duals uttl also prttlldt- lhttrlt etrltemrnt w lr tovrrs ot lltrllls \\lll Itnd an dtltllllotnl treat an Saturtla August 23, and Monday, .tttguet 30, tthtn Htt' rrutl tltrt lmh tlnzs at ll. uunlltw-Il uttt held u lwa- tltl aututtttdltle lnILl There Ml] he rt rt-gulrr pmgrullt L ot reels and to lvnll tdtlltlettal htttrust sperm nuues ot H.000 antl than hate been nrovtd- t tl tor the tllnl'H estuhllshln'g a new tlorltt's u Dulllltllull rrronl torn halt lllll_t lrth , 't'llt- enlllr-l already to cluth : llnugdtht, the world s ulrt trttt-t rhuutpltln, tltto Kttll llurr Lamo- Mn. tht~ Drillrll stnslltn . and "Inns rtlurtl wtltttttuu, , Toronto, the hoot wlllt ll wltt l - lhkt' lull tn lllu t- or: tt tht- walrh tl|l_ rs.lltl-ltetl n tlarld'tt ttrtl tn u lIIllt tn 5 .1 second; and . ho Illllt lt Itrr twtl tnrty~ lite hum {or lltt elm trophy. She showed on ttlllrtnt tulle .tt rt tnlles ,ll| hour and tumult-Lu nude 10 tnttt-u (lll hour u 'l'urttnlo llny and her tttrnrrs t-rprt-t to allnltt 72 ttlllt-t lat-lure the sensnlt ls dyer. won-H OATARRII outqu a (HIRED ulth LttttAtt APPLI TIDNS, rt! they I Jnlml resell the he: of the dtsrm. .. mh ls .l local ttlsease. greatly lu- "qu tI by ranslllulloutl ruutllllonsr Illtl ltt order to e-urvr It you must uh on Internal rrrnrdy. lllnll s cmnh ltrttlttne tr lsktn Internally In luls thru the bluod an the mueuus rurtucu wtth your hunt-st You an un ell null null dot-n, eon earn. at can hetween the Met, utd the hunt mu outlunu horn bnllatn or (not. s n tlny bottle at Museum rout: Llllle ut uly drug elem gully. m4 dmpl upon lhl porn or mum. to. sunny tt'noos harm. mlfl stutqu you'lln um holhemm nurn ll; .oalv In: art, real and Ill. wtluottt up tttttor odln ar- [Milli-7. 'l mu I No hut-thud l .. nt llleu tetn, ltell'o arterrh nettl UIID \Var Dull rlhnd h) DnA I)! Illa llan pluhhlul tn ltttt country for yw. tt ht command at turns at the at tom known, cotntttrttttt wlth tort-tr at, the trout Mood Durlll'r The normal eomttthttuon ot Illa lngrudltnte In Hull's nut-rut Medleltw tt what women- ltlt hrwnntlzrlul relulls tn lurid rondlllour. . Eund for lawnme . nu . . , r. :1. amount 41:0" Toledo. out! All Drum : n _ llul't randty l lllder eon-um, Itlt Burnt-u 'Ibu- ' . , .