Newmarket Era, 20 Aug 1920, p. 3

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' Slay: ior " 5 W . l l ' e ,lilil luau,an many irleodo oil/MI mains Mum. by ht elnuuur I i i l'armun' Elm , oroeoi onyx-mulldenll u irorrl ,remlyr. M lrheu 0 line Tull nonimiuloli lle ll ar appoiulod. -'i io- nu .plrmuly laid (hill increwlll Ilene iarli rogue lion and millemenllyrlbnrn will he no ' rollel Ironi'illp omllao oi'lhil pron: hu- M29" aud'lheiiio. inie air who have IndItook i. Nowihnvaao l pahkuqunluyemll Moi - a on any morn'ln. tllhetllt. ku mm, armed: on noon Inin l in: recomde 0 Coin . " n. AVQJL, bk 0m Illld hu ml , Mill ) lh' uinz Hui {uni-k .llll. my in f0! Ella emri o demand ior in iron. Wu bwul., r you ore laouhlad will: any ailment peeulhr 1/) woman dont you lry, LIdIo E. Pinklllm'l gobble Common 1' in mud- immguouva roots and lie-rho arid _lll harmful dru ndyllxi women are lake in ' 1 din E Pinkth Medial nan - The name oi lorry limo. laalyour roman, V l a good ulna _l.o oral}. Ai N: E w s U l T" I: you 'wiii nudvll lhia r'all. " we hm a 'Rai'l'ge of. 3 I f Woilllens: clip": non. riarloar will "undauoio'oiy h'. hlnhrr lhiu v aomlng nan-on. [l r c. F, WILLIS, Nownuriiirt. ' i HLLhBu8216;RowS. " Ders in. Real ate ' , neuron, in all pm.- oi lhe Town iar caan Brlall and mm prim rlohi and mm. any, iilao ior-ml in dimronl pull or no oounlyr call and looii our our Ill. _Wo will no glad lo ahow you will! we hm. omen oppoilw llino naoroo llolal, ml ,su, Newmlrkel. 1 Hill! 6: BlirroWs, Ball '11. North Yorkarble e k Granite Works. .iOilN 0, Moss, Pmpl Phone 255 (ll ll. 12, . no: ((2, lilimn Sl. - Nelvinuhel. Dnl. Hear 6. 1 . n. Stalled. 'i ili: largeal dtnlm .oi MONUMEH E, TABLETS i AND "DEANNE! lu norlil York. E'lwlbaov a toroidal.- cur Mono. Eallluulro given willloul any ohllriollon. apeolal considemllon lo dependunu oi lalleo herded. --. - v No aaoliuel loo In no. _No yrdcr loo mull . . a i A: we he one 0' in lm, We iolra euro oi them all Tha Lniulllllnn oi odorn Binnie Appliance. :4 our mm anablul ul lo offer you piamnl Iarlduo rind min-l warm-iv an) tampon]: priovll ffft h-v til minimal Inorarlui iono by our 1; 'olipm. N M 4, Bulldan slam dill in nrd . laraenl Impomro and nerlera o; 4 nssnllmenl Ind lJQI 'WH lioqiyroleoiiau la lllugmdn onrieor. . hole in lira hail lie eounlry hy lho lllluamo long i. lilii almoai. lull-angled, V ' - helou limo preaa A young n_lau lu Gnde clrwnii lllled llln'nl er day ior dnvlue l _ hhlh ralo ol apeed. new people are probnbly owarn lime in core n inolorlil la lueollnii ll iuuerul no la la l m dou-a didn'iili nhl li possblll,'|1ul I M he lo lo alod. and-nland mullonlera unlli lhe New paoaea il illero war no low lhere ahauid l iooal lae common ruruooi paid whell n iurlerai la pale- iuir in old adage our "and guanl ea lronl lhe man he bnrzu nol ills urow, lo ilie dead ' , ' ln nhlld nrlynr. cenlrul unnaliou, (Iarlolon Klein): Any one who handed a illleeu yciir- old girl a loude revolver nnd lold l r onwave ll ill a erowli would if! re- (guided n5 vlcioualy and enminuliy reckleoa oi huulan lilo Ycl ilnrenLi wlll oerrnll a boy or girl lo drive a urolor oar uuonlo nulllio llhdlway and llilnk nollllng ui lhe iual lime lhey ore risking-lived rlehl alul loll, and Inel- dehlully vlolnung u law dealirued lo al- uaera or lilo nuhlla hlleeir, l lo Lawlauuar ogliarva-lora. ilenirew Mercury livery-year iLJK lilo aalne aloryl The exeuralomalla who 50 wool in help in ille llorveoi ileidn leave n l lrali oi violellee and rowdyilnu Ilehlrui llleul at nearly all lhe planer ul which llleir lralno alor. only lhe other day an uxuunilon lruiu irom Oueheo come in a hull ol a small lawn in lhol province in give Uni poa- oehser-s a ulianeo lo uecure n iman oi Ireill willer. A alore In lhe town was lonled, grinds lo lilo yolile oi over 32.000 [icing Iollon and/{Ilia merahnui ilnda hilureii ioeinlr l-llln. Suvl lillv- insnvonln lilinulil noi he ilerml led lo ooulinuo, oola lilol would bring new even logoviel humid and whieh are equalled 'ouly hy lhe aoi- lllera oi lIie nololiovlhl army on may pui-oue illelr headlong and murderous This lowleaaneaa year ailer year rollowa lu lhe wnku oi lilo e euralon trailer and Il la aeriaiuiy lime iloiucllllng wad done In eheek ii. The anyemrneni hhauld iniereai ilaeii ill model-villi; [lie] illir iome oi Unnaiia. Lel In 00ml! P y Dnllolla i drllluro' Bull: The railways - k- in; ior an Increooe In ireioill dies rilllohollnil lo r cr $125,000,000 elaim lilul illey are forced in no line lleeouao oi lhe demands oi lahor, \Vhera lo lllls going to. .nd i we 'iluyo rough- Iy, 36,000 miles or railroud In Canada oi whiah oun4inlllls-dwnnd oy lhe Cl I. ii, a privoldiy owned , lid one roll by lho iioyernnlenl. The one company nnya 10 per oenl. and [inn n reaerve pi 00,000,000 lohelhor lvilll l'nisl (minis willchlcan ho 'ulilized io._llde ll over any alrindeooy. 0n lhe olhar hand lilo canadlan Nullonol oyalern weul oehiull lo al year lo nle lune oi woman and la Illrely Io ooulinuo lhal oral-era ior yenra lo collie unless a mlmale llapoeno.- A gall. nrai illore'aao ln Irplglll. mien Io equiva lenl lo llnndlng Urn-C. P. ilfiram 25 damned lo 315,000,000 a yeor, Would ll uol he holler undzr iheee eireurn. alone-ea ii lhe imlelil mles were hepl nl lhrlr pr ml level one llle aneunl c. N. ll. d lullilie paid Gully! lho laxea oi lhe eoonlry. in which onse lilo 0,11, ll, allarcllolllrro would eoulripule iheir norilou ? , - W._. rail MDTHER lie who oon n lnlle oi ai hey. ilirl and merged, and he had'alopn d ior ll Illllc wlllll: in one ul ill. eliyi iree playgrounds lo naleh game oi Ml! belweeil'how oi Ills own and e rival neighhorhnod. 'rallera imil grime were pull-fully In Dl lllclill'e on e v hide; out llle llllle lollow alll-aeleil l ollcollou oi a group ~ol viallola and one or lhenl. reaching over lhe ehllil's ahoulder oa ile all an lhe ground, have him a luscious golden he . The lmy's oyrll sparkled llul lhe eyes were llle dilly lholllla as he looked hook in see irorn whence Iile gill had nine and lhen lumen Ills iaee nwa loo any or in muoh aalanisiled lo apcok. ilpl irorn lhnl llmc on his alleullau were divided nelwoen lhe game and Ill: new lreasure, lie nailed lhe pear, he looked Ill II. and ol iasl. as Ii lo assure hhuaeli illol II was as delicious as ll. appeal-ed, lle llilod II lo Ilia lips and eaullously hll oul a uny- niece near- lho slain. 'l llen, wilil a long algh ol nailaiaellan and assurance. he looked lhe prize saier inside his illous "Why don'l you eat ll. Tonyl d:- monded a welchlul aaqualnlanee. "TM ill All maeelil din'li snyin' li ior ulolller i" The lone. wilil lls lnlnlllm; oi 'l'c. aerilnlenl and loyally, made lurlner speeph unnecessary. Whaler iaolredaud la aaeuled lo marginal; everylhlnB he had lumen humonlly r loillerl luson. No bad onlher den!- or, men roll, and rum lire lay oi aiori lies. '1 A l . -- ' i u , PRAO HOAL wl'vu . .- .4 ! v! slnllll aeollmenl ellen poageis allele oi ulnar eolnmon renaa illilelllo - Jul mluro which may ll llulea aerre lo bring llleir nooneol huohaude duvnl lrom lheir lurhla oi lallcy raliltl rudelyl : Jean Paul re rtnnlnl alooenllu as reading one oi ill nelulllul lanoloo la Illa wile, who lililelled wlul l Ell down, npp enllv ahaorlaail ll llla wards. M lie uni-he d i ilil Walled ior her apprraoinlion * He ll ilaeli, aha sud, qulelrlyr , r . I Don't Juli M Q ll! alumnus: Mr idol-row do, i renal .ruood lhal floh pile." * ' her/Pullng'la i" la liqu vuoli n leneral ii a p OurgToronto. ' ile rev iallve 'elila woolen illel hero lllll lhuradoy donor lllii Il-Isplgn oi tier Guardian madman-wan and 'er Alicoirlin , and piano Were laid in creole an organlrallan lo preoore lhe cordon baht , oi ,Toroulo ior prl llun lo lilo inlirmllnnal loiul eounuhloion in nulooer. ~Tooenio,li lilo laai nlrhll lilo large lriunioloallllea ln nolurlo lo Lille up lilio ducaliou, n rooolullon.wao haired reouenllon lhe olyy eounell la onhollii lhroe or Ill/u oi ilo ruernhenl liroui an lilo exoeuiive ' Muiiilmli; Iirunlo I In lhe Cauuly l'uilnn 'Bvurl no suiurday. penned a llmlllan ooililemimllnn upon lllevcon~ lluai oi niexuudor hioKeo. who ii name up ior eeuli. oior anylll ulll ou la irlrl. and ordered lhil young man in receive Ioniauheo in addiiiou to do daya InlalL r . l 'Ordero nagl ngnling 57,500,000 ior lilo lllxllli: mouuiaoiurera have been hor lghl nook lo Illln'connlry by 1' II. Yupr. .oooreloi-y ol lhe .canodllul Woolen: liollulliolurera'. Adnuoklllun, who hoe idol relurued lo dnln aller lsclicul nlorllha' ohueuoo In Englandl The orders we placed lhreuph on liuldlvh Iiruluolul iyudleale. who are roprerenlinli ,iluniunla and lilo Kaolin will he ollliiped direcl lo llial eouulry. 'l'lle aide-nearer a wide angle oi goods, ineludlllg-klmhi ololii -lor uniiorma, ,irieao; curl elolll, llaniury, aweolora. underwear: lenieya and woolen aoeha. i liloen young ladies roeeilred llle veil and one alalor .loolr her iirlal 'vowa In sl. .loeeph a Convent onani rm Sun- day innmln ' The snmll sou oi ,o we|l~lmown oincl er, la nlore iarniliar wilh lilo appliances oi modern cll lll- zillion lilaa-wllll lilo onloll lh lilo oi nniure. llnd\wliun vlhillng in lhe ceun. lry uulleellallngly ulcked up a holllel lo more eioheiy Inspeai ila iuecilaniorrl. When Illa iaihar hurried oul lo diu- eovor lilo cause or lhe eommollnn which imnledialely limlio lhe neaeo oi lilo anmuler day. lhe lilila lud wan roolelly rue-lino u ihuinh while ieara aireameli down hill lure "\Vlly, what in lhe Iroullle, no 7" ho waa asked. "ll wan lhol lulo. he managed lo ox pialu helwoeu subs. "I lhink Ills erlll' ls doieellve, i-Iouehed hIru , iind he w l inauialod Ill. all I iln rlu: i. 4)n lhe sill day oi Anglia! 1920, u [Holland lly-liiw wda uiirlslilurell DY lhe Municipal Cuunnll oi lhe iioluaru- llan oi lilo Town oi Ndwillarke . hl' harrowing ou-llle inalahllenl oiao lhe sum oi Tweuly lilollalud dollalla (wooed) io r lhe purpose or luhlillllng eerlain lnrproveluellii mil 'illpilnncis in llle \vaier Worira syrloln olld lllani, ldclunling llle purehuoo oi one Cenll l- fuglll porno. lano gallons per lllhmlo direel eouneelod In eieolrie molar, one Cenllliegol rump. loan gallons per lniuule direcl eouoeeled lo oeeollne angina. one air eomprersor and Flying in [will]! liuuse, including unglncerlllg nnll eonlllleeueloa, which praooaod p low may he near or lhe oiiieo oi lhe cler 2. he onlounl oi the door or llahlliiy lo IIB crL-alcillis irw enly llluii- aaud dollars moms.) i The onrounl in he oorron-ed in lo I oayahle In lweuly yl rs irarn dull} oi llle lsEuli Of ilenenlurc 4. The amount to be raised 10 ul iha lion one inieresi will he as (017 lows : A For lhe ial i ar . l or lhe duo - . lior lhe am y or . Piir lhe illl your l Pul- lhe 5|li year For lile our year . For lilo 'llll year . ror llle aih year . ror lhe 9ih year . l ar lhe loul year Iiol- lhe iilh year For lho Illh year liln islh year ror lhe Hlll year . For lira lnlir year . Pul- ihe loll. year For lhe l-Iih yoal- l iror lilo [Elli year . For lilo lilil year . liroloo For me will year .. insono Talia naiice iilai,ihe {areKolnE la a synopan oi a proposed Ely-lav! oi lhe Corporolion ol lhe Town oi Newnlur. m lo he :ubmillcd lo lhe vole; ai lilo eieolora all lhe aolil day oi Augusl, .l. p.. lnzo. Million In; hours oi nine n'alooil lu lilo lorenoon and live o-aloek In lhe oilerooon oi tile ioiioivine plaooa : ~ polling sundlrlalonl Na. one. SL George's. paling llllch ie liaii. Poillng Subdivision Nor No. 5L Andrew-a Polling place l aritell nailing Silli lill/lilnh No. Throa. Palrialr'a, Polling nlucci re ilall. Ami ihal lhe Illilh day oi Augusl A. D. lino. ill lwelye a'nluck noon al the council Cllamllcr In lhe saldinuui ripallly ha. been llxrd ior lhe hppninl meld, oi'oeraoos to illerld or the poll- ills planes, audal lhe iinri summing on oi lhe voles lay/lhe (,rrh. Arid lilol ll 15 assent oi llla ole Ioro ia ohlalned to he sold propoa. iiy-law ll wl lie liken :nlo consideri lloll hy lh eipol Gnuncll oi lilo nld liol' lion II a marlin; liloreai in he iii a alter lhe emirauao oi one mhlil ironl ille dole oi lhe iiral pull- llon or line nollec. and Ihal inail ilrli oulilleallao was inada on me lnlh day oi dun-l Al 1)., Iain. ~Talla uollao muhrr lhal a leoooi who deurel lo void upon um proposed anon dzllver la lhe alerlr nal ialer inan lie [lth lily Silut : a a no or e we nail-WWII under T eluoumd- Bid euro Mai.- iii-i Ire-la a mum whose ieue 'oxludnJol iila ulna in; wnioh 52200.00 214mm 20mm: 2020.00 . 1950.00 / 1500.00 mono mom 1120.00 .lanohn indium moo , 20.00 1360.00 1300170 I2lo.oo ' HEDJJW mud " turn on nightfall All, raidsowulor o "ur ' u- may : on prjnolpu Du dgr'thll pooh Mill's Ii-uni ed have limo lhe limb the emblem 'nz lha dahl or uanllllv ll ho ho around. or in mi] lilo many, ln he rolled by lno mound lamp: lar ll I manly-Wu! he h 'leu ({ aeulol l oi lh am e la'dy_ and 'oiili u were : uni In my; hm Jillian poi- , cal and iluiloh box. a any ioun rm k n no pan in onion ' r chnlcunsomm older hay eheariuilyi; "Than whal yer nllllli' ,uay lhcre'r mylhln' ler divide: N elloora liila Blllyl" "No nireo," iron: Billy mum. on: you're going ler almoao. W'iah,Il ll. sommv,,h|nlcn landwlch err-innan one 1" ' , ':i'll.lnire no oaudwieh: l luri love amine-i anuowloiieh ,wiolluhy. Tho raaowiah disappeared. lull. lhe I .nollypon cake mmnined unlhayurhod Why don-l yo eal yer who 1" d an. den Sammy. wonderiugiy. , s yer aeaond cou sc," he aold: "yer wunia ln'hu aiyliah w en yer eal. ihs in do polio" , l lwii ihuvc no ueeondeou'ue." lie- clan gammy, :'i've had'my oholoc, and rye raise a lilo pollen yllllrs and al ii o . I uahi llul yer d "No. illun l. oud dul'il a idol." hilly oolii emphatically. Trill'y nnd hluly 1" * unealioued salurny. ' Con ii any slrruury ole lhe oakr. an urge y and hunkrlly n5 ire hurl, o inudwioh . The lady and llille girls, having ngoln sealed lheruaelveu, llllh lime In llle shade or home onruhpe . hud overheard e ry word ol lilo aouver. aallon. - ' "That my Bllly In a hero ' lhe Indy whlrnered aollly. her eyel heeamiui; mlaly. - "Now, ahildrou, wathero nulclly.wnila lieavo you a low nllilu le li llluae 1min iollown nlarl lo i. a, delnlll iham nuili i eom When are you xnlrieri do. rn r ma 2" lhey naked together: llunh I am- yuhl. She went all haallly. reluruinn oiluin In a mile while. with a mile on her many v _ "Where have you hoop, ularnma 2" lineniioned ano oi Ille lllile glrll. "What makes you Kmnc ao 'l" aar- ed lhe olhrr. v i ,"iluohx' one raid; "and lheu ynu ennguesa. \vhal lhey saw wall a wallor lroln llir: .hliniy liiehen in lhe grave. "\Vldrl do eornniirru-nla oi a mood hr mid. . ""l nlnl iur u. ' wan liliiy'il answer; ll'n some minialo, hei. niihough he declined l . iroy. he looked or ii ioun. innly, ' y la yn ualno iliily 7" I "yr; oi o NOW thl v nil de hay and rhymes lo de ,hileh Ynli knnw whore il ii. iloll l you r "Yes. oil." "All llglll. Anll he hurried The hoyo looked ni oaoh oiher and lorlghrd. ll wall a myoiory lo lhern. hura heaulliul one. need Mr Hill Mil-holler iiiiiy la no wilhuul. Ami llle learn ruched lo lilo warohiug lady ii on she uoliee'd lhe onerue wilh wilch he ale. There were two glories oi eaul, creanry milk. Sammy will already drinking lrrrm one There was a plain oi ham . ailwle a and hulicrod biscuit, a smaller one' oi opouge he memo and molasre- boomer. 'and sill] au- nlhor pi e ol oohi sliced ehlohen. Ila sliics more were twa oranges, Ailer hilly l he aahii parlax' VI,. lhrl-e'a nlnmlnil and Sallie. m know \Van l monllnie he Bind I allle 1" ohuiikilng nilh do "Ml's divine llilngn lnlo ioiir enunlilio lhe lll nil he had already len. rl or his share. ho aaroiuiiy on NI ruolumle and Sal . res" in lilo lunch liox on lilo I lllllnk an orange iqu Sum- aull he sllpwd lhe oiher In lire Sammy my lllm and called nul: "'I llal' your orange, lllllv "i don l wanl no nnnK silld hilly. "This Is ior momrnie and Sallie, hall and hail. r Illi laee hone wilil dellgill. This was in n lruly a rod-leilar day in him. , Swim slim-Lid hla orange ailing lhe seal slowly. A "Pill ihis __In lilo hell [am hilly. an- ruornrnia and Sally eon mil hev one." he said. No, slrne, hilly cried a . norm o' thal, Yau're_llllle' maritime, and y u ilaven'l had an amMebelncc O. i can't reruernller when H An' linl nol goln ler her any nary," a - rled gammy. . riu Jes drilng&. Sammy." demon-d nllly. o do you , "I'm bigger lhon ynu" 'm Roln ll'r {are my orlnra ior Same an' ynurs is (in inomruio." laid Snmlny, Am! he did. "0. lhe poor llllle iollowl" ex- claimed iho lady , s a hero, loo. lsn'l he mammal-I risilrli one 0' lhe gills. indeed he in," x , . lrrlho iuh rh box was psi:de yl lrl lien on wllh a cord. lhe rroaol heron In wornesl and iron onlayr d lo lhe iuil. The boys ale like lhe lion-ed lilllo ercalurea lhry lverol lalrlng mean- while wilh ihrir moulha iuil ghoul how shod ovarylhlnn was and what a ' vmmlariul "friend" may was who had ry-meinlreml lhrnr "i d seen 3 load ol good , "1 Eu. s nod." nil niiiy'a eon i-iuslnll, looldrur , no inronirh lha hrladhao ni lha iron; in me niue idly an ii in solve lire dollrhllul aroh rrn g He may card a mi ior in said .arumy o n alyl * _ ila d My And nvn- milli e plain iuoa lm anion a mdllnw In our lnh y lo "I. ~ orno. onlldron. 'uid lilo ladyy ria, _ in: let u- so pill We mm lumen our Irma . ' o . n in all oniollenmandwlell - 3 l'e do . Mo'ihrily. Vicinity Honda at 96 and " - _ilihelfeal, r' / v ' Ia , . 1* .Tha Mioialaioil- iaaneoanriouuoaaihal Cnnndn - welding ha ioiohed borrowing". Yon lhnidnic' ooaaeaa 'bondo' of up Irene which will not be Added to. 'and [or which tho demand will increase no time. paroles. vThir mloyevenlunl enhancement in ivalue. - 'li a v Your liraleouoern ehauid be lo hold ille' honda 'ynn already own. audio you have married lhe hahlloi ihriil; yoi'ir nexnrl wiml slop la to odd to your h dings oa anhalaonaliy'aa your I inwmovrvlll pormi r nearly 67. > Mail your der or r ill: for parlibulnia. i l lwujo Gnhmdly Cnm oahhy baadluo promo lliillwny Building , Toronto / "\volrnnd sec." - 7 "(more was no ' loll onion one oisouil. Linn-u M15. lag-n ynunx 'o ru-i nomad Mean-u, who ll anion. wllh'lur DIM-ruin slum Pnlnl, manila; . wu palm ! burned . V when the mill liar "NW!!- . urn-a lama our In TORONTO A HORSE Blh' HANDLED LIKE A BAIV AND nunnzo LIKE A Kim: / 1 ,i/ .l Kan and (rented like one 5 Man 'o war. Ainrrleall'a ogreoloal {lice horse and pronounced ill e armies lhowugllbn d in lhe hislory oi lhe lilri. Tile greal lllree year old elleslnul son at Fair i i l liubih is hold nilib luar arrived in lime, nurse, only ralzlnlm loll uaonr pal' tl Na doctor an noodle (all: (Iranian until in. molar. Imperial Palm in: and imperial Plemiu szllne one every molar rua perkcllyl We rail-Iran rely on imperial medulla" You Can'Depend On It VERY drop of imperial Polailne in 100% lubrimtion. It spreads in proltcllng cushion of oil between all wearing pnrlr, making each part function smoothly and reducing wear to A minimum. It has exactly the right body Iorms a perfect pioton-lircyliildtr lien]. maintains compression, conserves power and save: fuel. it dim: not break down or run thin under extreme hOAL im' rial Palatine burns dull, reduces when do its to a mi imlilil an 85mm long life. ai-nonill running and reliability to your molar at all lining, under all condiiione / , , . W onw There'la an im rial Pollrilui grail: ior every loolornerd, lroal crank shaft in llllfeienlial. Consult the imperial Poland: Chill! 01 Recommendation: for the comet grade to us: in your curb ll is on display whereyer llnperlal Polarirle i. aoid. sold in one and iour loil sealed cans. steel kegs. hall-barrels and hamh. by dealers everywhere in Canada. Buy in loige oonlalnno and save many. I (upon H) A . mankind" mwd 7th V MW ) MALI-715" MI. MN! , 1 I , * ' iii, ll..llPi/lll ED l l - l.l';:lll l.lil>i'li lililill liiliilili' iii ill \llll'n

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