I] no: mm Alto yaw . . :1 rumohod lar Juror nutter, Iatlnn hook on not um luallon curl-nun? r . _ v a warunm lh Ilrlato _ . .. I I , ' . Auction flown nwn IIEIIPOLI bu, ' loneetnl Pliou' on. Im 'htrn ,. M roll uln - Immune, hiJ'II I'no'rIounvi res-anamfdtth so . latii uld Wm. w. R. COWIEsoN' llnlnlom sh. nut- tna' Itnr-lraI. 'I Lam: or on? mod I , mu. mmptluu molar," , Iood you ll he, tempted to 'llltn o phloo rlnht out qt II .Ihuloro tho butter Iran, A ahllmw In moat II. Iullt my. 'Bervo our nrou It tall at Jaw euIIoIllnIIo . Toll your }. aronhrymnn wn lln nlrudy , InothaI ha rhoulnnol- lyar our hrond to your home. 7 . . Sheollrl.atlohllnn~dlven Io moan- llun, lcwuinsrln the Gauche ) lant- I.orn-Itn|rtm1 h n wanna-name unh- -ner, elm .cuuud deep. .. I, . Iltll lldma . ol Cemukry Work Drouulthtundcd no. OuuWiD l 'IMDU elven. . 2 - I). w. IluIcEBY. ll lmhe *3 . Alden Me" ' ' Draper, Newnurkel; ollALILDIl'rla-NIIEIB. addreaaea In lhelpoatmamr nehznl. will,)bc uo _ eelwnl nl. OIIowa-duul noon. on rrldayr -tha"1lhtof .8al,. Iszo, Ior the cum royal . .lllr M s Menu. on a yronornd Contnct Inr lnur yeara; M! Umeapplar wlwkyorl the route. ; :IIIIm-numunoure no. i :Irou c,tst.oblunu:lry, um ner r. l ldutui notlees eontalnlng Iurther 'tnlurmrn lan an 'Io'oondlttons o! 962-, luoordrcontrnoei runy ho seen and Ihl lnk Iolranlol'weuder may he outlin vru nIII_he Boot ottlro oI Klny and at lhe.nlIIeo ,ol the trout allloe Millw l0l . [Far/(DUI. . A. SUTMERLAND pornomoo Inaneolor l mt mlloe lllspuutor's 0! ch I ll nmnlll. 'Aux. dtll. Hill. I F. drama: at, L'rn.. Fmowr, H. II. 80., '7010010, cum llrlayrea. Pavements, .wuter- wort/n. Sewerage System . laolnrnton. Salmon, IPWJ? llrllr.. Illauslnga. Ilttsourl , Alhttrntlnns, :Iluaanoh. Our non r Usulily you out o! the money we awe ur waf e a , I harms for Sale ! goo tore. tequarel Baud mun. truce house. eloue .to sellout um rhurell. The more Iarm Ianu under enllhallon r Welt located. Prion mph no my terms. V _ Izo rem. '15 who under euIIIya- Ilnn, halanoo nsatura and hush. [Illn Ihhll water. (load hum. atatllaa. Irorne Inna . pnee 05000 on my term. 120 com on Llltle' snore. noon ham. large house, 13 (WS, 110% ! well. lllO aorea under outuyotlon. Etvctno hehts Ill horn and house. Pride 5,000, Gnoti' terms am he ar Iangci. r Illa urn, Ila a ores under cumu- an. choice land. . Never Ialllol; aortas. llhrlln onna, aIana atshlor. .nwur harn 30x70. Implement house and has en, Irsma dwalllue or 7 room. I; se to our llne, -rha Dell Iamt In the 't ownslllp, Prloa mom) will) 5000 nus -. lIhlanoe lmoyrd, =00 mes. the ollotoest land In Iha 'lmuilllp. dead harn. hrlulr house, {to Mute land. all under nultlvsllnn. more too aeroa. when not per Ioro on easy tom-a. '16 Inner Iroln Torr.an . 226 ml, all under ouluyauon and nurture. First elm ha I: and oturIrl. llan houu. Plan are are and (run. Clinic: lmd. PHI): .125 on! more an easy (emu. ' .50 um tum, choice [And Ind 59ml bulldlnll- Print: .3000. Isa am Ium, 5000 In every respect, elm to our una.- moo. _ . H up: turn on Lure shore. uooa helmet. well Ira-Ion aloe. m on line And VIII-n. Price "no. on (him cult. human 0 quI gunman il t 'mr rlol' 0 on A m r m u . UL MI [Invor ot- Newmtl Hilton ? on I ni iofmoiit. w would?! I. . I ,u ' ' y, HI ISFMDUMI du rln'n {il i / my; 2 thyto relahrnto hla 13rd, dgyrv IAIIIdIII; Illoae pit-hunt watt Mg II II, r. Mn ln I llt) M lrnnda will! llllI wlg Illul ,lwn dhtlahten, BIND non, M ,Anllmw Toto of adult 'I own lllp. or wall or Ivy, noughIo sharon. _'Ion_ wna Imer on till and Iln luoyllhlo ,IIlnu was Illmlt, 'wthl . I ' t I A yery lntoronulln MUM/n! IooIhnII (amplneu on Thu llny.eyrulrl'r or toll Walt, on, tlle ,Falt' Grounds, lltull Newmurkot and Immune, rljhultlns In rhot 42y a room at 2 to D. All tho lnntohIwnlI n honeIII Ior ML Nnrmull wllIIrunr, who wua Inlu Int lll a unzlllulls gamu, there who It shall attendance ,and tho oollnulon amonnloll Io MIL 'rIdII la e um w'ay oI showan one xympntlly lhcgrprnc- lleul Ir wIlnl oounte. , erIoIIntu. . . - 'I'ho llroshytorlnn uhnlr \x'lll run. Iloo .rI than on Sept. 2nd. nllnuedl herr wlll Illmmu arrange/lo ho present, , I'ho Ill-thudlol cholr wlll he slv cti 'Illolr nnnulll plonlu on sutuednthy the 'Ijrllytnen oI ho nllurnh, EveryanJy ho on hand I - ' _ ' ' Innten Ior the reheat hull next Wod- nrndny morning. , Mr. cell. stdr}; hon llIIusllt Mrs. Rus- oell Illlrnaon'n realdouoo on Queen sl., Heat. . I lhlrnl rohnnla opull next Wednes. doy. . I - IIolIdnylr nlloul over. Mtlar my a week Iroln Monday. h / odd-rollowrrqallinlo. , Following la the at at hum Mun III Illo 0d l l lnnlo Illnt xvdh Ilnld III Jn kaon n Polnt nlle uoy~lhIIl we'vk lll'lBr l-rll ll. odd-Fellow Ilneo loo yua l'lpc. won lly II. Stephens 'Au- . llet), oo ydn.~ Itrlrlul Orv . gmnley whodhoad. mull- rfys. pat lurro. 59 ydar v. and nruhenoe Clamttoa won 'lly It. VIII. Int NewlnnrhoL - . I. 'l'eam llnoo. Iuo NL lmx Ilhnrolntoa. won lly hllhh Lulu Gowns. Nownlarkn , r In. Glriu' mm; H _ ra and node a a. copier; Sheer hluale, won hy ldlrs nprlu SlullIII-Il; Newrnnrkel. . 6. mm lune, 17 and under null- while Sllk llose, Wan hy IlIra Allen '1. Illehrlrnha Ilene. In and over; lt urn Pot, won lly hllaa I,lrlu.oolllnu, N wmnrlrntr Odd Fellows man; 170 Lbs. aunt oveb Pin, won hr Alex. Ever. anrnarlret.- I , * 9 wtleolhurmw~llaeo. 50 lids la dor. papkngrrn elrrrettea, v0 hy Mont. llrlmlmn and \v. Inrnnor, Newmu ket. -Io. Illred nnnt tum,- ttm'yd: allnuolole, won hy MIMI tulu Collins, nnd coo. Younlr,-Nownrnrllet II p aranda here, 50 yd odd. Fcllovt Pin,- Win by w: manor, Now- nlorh . '12 Peanut naer, Ior llohahahs pr. 'llluok Silk Ilene, v. n hy ll!!! Cllllv run Nowrnurlrel. r I Ita. l llreellexacd moo 2 lhs. Tour won by It. VInoenl and \v. Draper. Newnlarlrot. i-i. 'lIhrearl Inn Needle Ilaoo or. hath Towels. won by Mlss hoynton rrnd~ll 'Slnnlmns, Aurora I to. -Grunda Ior nvhcknlls uhx Lulllnlt llnnnterohlora, n by . Ilas 'hulu Caluns. market. I JG. arenas nucHentu Silk Til}. won lly ltmnt llr L H, IIan all Matellvll wlllgllt Ia. Ilonnalrlna won by Mormshlnes, Nmrnarhet. M Dunn oy Ln y Mnlvln qonn. lth audllcnly, but not- altogether unmlentedly, Indy hIelvln-donea dled Tuesday evnllns/at' lneIIalnI dud- ennr,-II5 st. naorgo Idtrcet, Toronto. She had hero lll Ior elgh wooha, und mound awry nonceluuy. at eventldo. III-a: T. Ilrowtord 3mm. Lady millin- Jnnee- only daughter, In oompanyyvlth n or lluthImd, the hey, 1-, Crawford Drown. yous wlttl Lady Blelvlnelunes to the hm. v .Among the survlvlux rolollyes are hlra. 'r. crawlord Brown unndho two orondolutdrao. o nrotnrr (George Ir- wtnl In Tomato and a alate htra. hlanrllng or Ital hInlnos. town -l.ady Melvln-Jones was In Mr saventletn year, end waa, rapetlally vigorous Ior her advanced ye l'Sr I / Loulsh lrwln. Lady :IIelvln-Jonea, daughter at the late on l hllh mum at Nowmarhel. was the wt ow It heehana the gt est IodurIrInl oantuln nI Cun- uda ot the twemleln century, 5]:- Ly- mnn Memo-Inner. one or tho rent lohhdm ol Illa Massey llama Gum- ' pony rlI Toronto and max-Hm, a man 0' wldo and dlrersllled lnduatrlal ll'l- terests. III: was a son ol the late IIrxaou Jones who was neevo o! the 'rnwnsldn oI \Vllttultumll Ior o ounl- llt-r nI rears. l . lt wIII he recalled lhut Str Lyman mill lllswre ml dnuehterwarn In July. 5002. presented to the then Prince and . Prlnrrss oI wales. now lung Quor e nnd Queen Mary, and were smarts tho Canudlau auerls present at tho grout romnntlon oereInnnlaI oIAulruat. 1902. Lady Melvin-Jane: vns ham pl U. h. 1' stock In tho Inwnltllp a! Teen - arlh. near West thlllrnhury,.se years ago. and mentor: str Lymln In 1812. she who devoted not only to mlatnur work as a oromlhrnl rnrrmer' oI thtl I'msbyte m Chumb In could... not wI-IJIM on lmperllllet or Inc'lttglle an order, oIIIelatIng at mt .uo normal as a councillor or the Order or Inn naughqu oI WNJM auo aa vine- rrroaIdenI 01 mo (Inn-dun umnuyrrtlnn Gulld. nI whlah rha had horn may H mm, 7013. r . Eh}; was o llster or the late' a. II I: wInoI Nawmuloh . , .l , . ' , E ll Joe IVomnI. g well-known! aI art-oat march a pal. rain; n 9 .II. a nancing? . madman" ill eontnyenllhh huh! 0mm mm A! Am. 'd drool: down ? I. Ihnt oII . Irolrl I awn I This nruu uhima IIIAII'IIIIIIII au'nm Aim IIIa' Vduualt'i outta 7 any: Jlllllllk A]. Cox of Ohio, \flltii his Daily dBIiElllel', Anne. Photographed Ill Hm CI); hump "I Dayton, lulilrwlllg (he nollllhnllhn ournmoplcn an Aug 11!], Y!) M GOUN Y om Dam-nu IIan I / Owing to (ho heavy/rain and gains Isululdly night, hoot, .orrl lulu Irull ernpa worn had y lllilnulscd lll nolno ad- Inlnlnn , dlhtrlol . In home. .nlrla mots, ohhnnnyr ond horror were drun- nged. lrnrlgv porllonr ol lhe lrgltt Irons were Illown down nnd 'dalndxtzd. apple and near I IothlI. ' ln Anlueuurt, lllohnlnnd llIII. Cookhr yIIlo; Werlhn nnd Wnnuhrldge. tllo rnln dlIl more damage Illtut Iho wlnd. but In Aurora, Orlando and olorlrrorl ory littlu rnln (on. not the wlnd war rnlllsr Apparently the moat 'damuao or all modern In the corn crops, whlol. were lold Ilat end hnlily lnuIIlnted. ,In IScamnm dIIlrlol I the damage done wan In tho com. but. not auIIl. clenl to [invent the threahlno opera- llnm. _wnout und Irult orona In IhIa dlrtrlot w o Ilenetlted hy the mall oran rain wIlIatI earaln. W . I'Iutiunzn quEtzeo ' tum anon; nunuzn wihnloea nuohlnq Suppllu Io Idlltlyl. hltt Fire hm, - WInnlnL K, Aug. 23.4mm hodloa oI tho 'tltrce \lothnr oI tho buall "m whlon wont thmugll the Mullvllllll Illnlrlatnn II- nnl yet been renoverrd. unmruunl- oatlon wllll Iho dlaldot, whloh In an mllna norlh nl \VInnlpey, hy telephone land tolenmnh lo ellll very Ironmon- nryt l nobnrls In-dny .atqu that more tlmn' a more onlonloa ln the Mullvllllll dla- Irlel have ll .n deelroyod by the ame: and to nerronrnre hulllelus and In Irrent nmd of naylatnnoe. Some larlllera have lost their ehIIre moon on well as tllclrmulllea. their olntlllng Is In elrarrod mum and Ioou Ia scarce. A dL'iEEullon Irom Mullvlhlll II to- on It Indy to \Vlnnllm; to rock nld'o Illy I ravlnulal Government and aupnllea at all lIInda VIII! he rllshrd lo the autumn Irnm tms ally. W' for : rIInoann ur t-JonLn m nrm'nehhlllio condoned III oo- 'Opog lottwal arm-h =mplre., Illalltax; .dhly 23. the Imolelna ,IaolngI the Engllahrancaldnx nounIrIea ol the world hr View or tha worldewldo-unrert and urging the ne- oosalIy _Ior cpnopei atlan between an Erltlslt enuntlles'ta met one oroh- lolns. Mr, Itoherl Dnm td, ehalrrnan or the Empire Press, uddreaaod n large rnuloneo st IIrIIon-to-day on the av mm or the elvlc-lunrhoon tendered the. dologalea to-Ine lmpu-lal nrees cantoronco In ltulllax. - 'l'lle'indlllcrerlue ol the Unlled stntos la the worlr al tllc League ol antons waa dweltlunnn In-the aneech and Mr. herald was sum lhat llJIIefllultcd States lmd eonllnued lts co~0n9ntlnn wIth other English-speaking oountrloa wth III war ended the warring Inc- tlon which premiums-(ht: return to normal Con Eul-opu and In- dlreotly In Ihe whole world, would have been reconnect -to neaoa or allenoed In its dlsat'rlslaus. Mr. Don. ald expussed Illu hone'thal the "Mor- ul at the llnllerl states and Presldent wusnn willI -IleItalnhorary end that Illo united states would yet consent to assume someIol the moon. slblllty devolving upon II. I . The men who never got nut oI npu snoulully aul- . ay tultl sotumuy llure . IIIe rltI are the men whonra Ifrtlld to venture. Aha- sunnats Iail't Io ho Iaund In NI! . I Mmle nEvEnv 'I'IIL' Killry of hummer e Ilclsinntng I ~ wdnc. . The lines have Niel! llarve l dune: ' Till: lintlerlilEB. lt h'tt. 1mm lll|tll|z , relmin. V And fly to Mhndc'lrom the skin. The was lllnls in inging have rl cn- Eli tlIell ntraln, l A shulleaa Ill bit llI wIIh lltcll Klee; . II nteala In my heart. and It lurks In I my hmln, ' "Ila whlapereu irom meadow and J tree. 't hp Autumn Ill oolnlul; wIlh Damp rind wlurllure, \vttll,llannel~r oI ourlde and gum; . waodlnnd .and hedgerow and Illllrldn r -wlll glam I I _ Wllll cnlor na fleetan on hold "I Ivtll dazzle o moment: and then wnl L' bare l'lte hogan. whoro tho aonzstern WEN) KEY: / And In and no drearlly In the danlt alr Tlle neallr tlldt u'rls empty wlll away. Yet an hour It IIlIt Ila In which to tor- lret : a Lot ur do at lhe'llutterltlea do "NS valu, more, tls lolly to w onlrln regret w I why taut-L Ior hluel , I, TIR llllllel to wall lllllll 'l lme Blulmll the dellL Nnr llarvrst our care IIII It grown; The poor heart with sorrow la ever horot . Ann pays leoe that pays om It owes. w IIIE Am 0F uznvtlm 'uu l' Selle-noon sold lll.re.wclly hut one art In nmIl. II we know what to leave out, we nro mtty zurc to know all the rent. Anti very ot hy not tnowlng whnI Imam Ilut,'we ornlt tlle ry thing that we should have put In at rll hm golne'very huay come get nowhere. 'l-hzr are ahrnrtrerl In lrlrIalIltea whlch uoorn lo'lnko up nll Illolr' tllnr. They have n yoornln g Ior Ille lltlngsthcller worth whl .trut osnnoIIInu tlmo to orallly II. The wlrld 0! more Ia to "10"] n unatncaverea country 'NEiEh- hnrllnraa hr n 'wam oI lIltloIrnaanlns. Yet other home wllll Ihr aarno twenty tour noura In the 'dry. and equal euros and Hsphnstbllltlca, IInd III-lo tor aeII.lIoveIonmenI, lm Irlends, Ior rruhllo alltleE, Ior private ,nelnIul. hers... II tho_~ nnrrled. overworked nonoto siftinan every nervo'tn catoll up, only now Wat Io trove out, Illelr llyea woulome tmnalormed. ' people who have not leametl ttle an oI omlaalrn ore lllIBly In leave out tllc lhlnlrs that are worth wnIIe. Sumo lrlrla hove plenty nI Ilmo Ior nlalrlug thelr lolIoI who have no Ilme-Ior nulv IIvnIInl; Ihelr mlnda or for ynlng to nor a slot; nelehhnr. And some hoya n ~ry trom home. who ran any yea to elrry lnvIInIIon that names Ihdr way. excuse the Introduenoy nI tltelr leltcrs home nrrlhe rllen that they have nnl time In wrlto oIIenor. * ot course we must leave out some- thing n great many things. Shall we nrnlt nnr'dutloa or our Ilcs'iI-es,'thn his ihlnas ol me, or the trims I Shall we leave out the InaItola that concern nuraelves alone, or those that react in helqulnosa Io othera I The lollqu or the sums: at tho dependa very large- ly Amour nrostenna "lewd or wlae omlaslon, do knowan whet to leave out. . WW ..II Is not only what we do. out also whht we do not do Willa): rnarIs our ollalacter. . Learning thu duly oI nannlneaa. we discover the hnpnlneaa of out a. nurtured , I it new photo oI Erin-i [mi 0. _II. the olouda In tho 1 ' :Mens Saturday. WIN "E wnu "Envoun llelorrlnr 'Io hIa eurly olrllrrtouoo a. mllvn} manage-n I. so E o 0-1- dcs recently told an . itus alory cunczrnlng an Italian [or dalmgei that was brought against A curluln L'tllll- oany hy the owner nI n hora: I II trap which had been run dliwn Ll) [will at a leveI nroislul. _'l lle rnnaI lmnnllanl will". a (tit tho delrndnnt company (sold an Erin) Iran the alrnollnah In charge ol the orosalue. He Elutzk tightly to hi; glory. In solto or u some eroaa-exrmlnatlon. Ito no slut that he hnd waved hIs lrnIorn Iranllrnll out In Inn. to the driver ot the tin "Ynu dld axe. nuy, Turn. the superintendent [nit] hlm allcnvardsl "l was-r hll alrnld at Ilrat you mlrhl waver." , V . 'Nnt Inn 1" sald Illa old man proud- ly. not I tell u hlt nervous lest the lawyer bloke should art the ll the lantern was lighted. / name vplm BEST . I "I dld the rest I knew ! nrotealed the drrasrnnher's aporenuee aultenly. when she was sharply reprhnandeo In a nleoe nI work that rulned a yrluahlo euatornrr. 1 11091 are what she s hlnmlnr me tor l" "l m .not hlarnlhs ' heal you knew how ' player. her ansoly l'm blaming you Inr not knowing any helterl You might to you ve been here long enouah. _You moon yell. hut Baud lnIehtlona aren t enough Io carry on the drearlnaldng huaIlleaa. They aren't enough In any hnslneas It Is an old ornrelh that good Inten- Ilona pare a place oI very dlarerrutunlo character. He lnernt well" Is abnut the poorest Ihlng one one any on per. son, short of utunl detraeuon; unlesi we upee that other ohms nI InIln Ie did the heat or knzw whenever you hut r-lther 0! these you know at once that it Is a our 0! Isllure on sambbody s pan to do the ght "Ian at the ght mar lnenl, Ind ulnnlly, It you look closely enough, there was Iault oehlnd me (Allure. Ta do the nest wa threw to not enough when we nurht hnnw hotter. _ u for dolhg the said the V , 2 r. rum. unwound-run or our tummy. munwmlgury III-mutwhau rodent mm by m m I III. mmmxmlI are. JW M'MIH arralunlul. III-around ts rolloan In Iran: Ira-om meal-I; Wimml An old-{ashlonld ' nllllwvllen med- llallna on will! ll'llvthe ll" the Inllowhur lIrI olcllle alarnooda and . not :en oloon. Too many auk gnau lgblue nannoloooa. Pointed-Med on , : Xluo ARLHIVE or ONTARI'I -.Speelal, Prices. { ' Outing Boot Reg.f$2.25 for$l.75' _ fTHlE JAMES wll IIIISTER NIEWMARKE HAW. . 'I'Ilo Anunnolls Naval Auadurny ourlnen who will represent the Ur'lltell states at the Olymplo Galltes/rnwlng cum- peIIIIdha having won all: prlvlleae by deft-otan the Syracuse University crew on take ouln slgomdpat l . '0il 'I-MIIII' s} Pampas ' ohms To RAD! A'r oivmt'lo GAHEB - \Vnmer. .\Inas., / I my... I . overburan and turning on : NEWMARKET HIGH SCHOOL. I FIE-OPENS YUESDAV, SEPT. 7114,1920. It ll-s -I:luss lucilitics in the fulluwillg courses If 1. For General Education; ' 2. For Entrance to Hormel Schools. 8. For Pets: Junior matriculatloh. 4. Far Honour and Beholmhlp matriculation. 5. For Office Work. ' 'l hel/c is u stuff of eight capable and experienced teachers who at the la'st inspection were g en the highest grading. Equipment is kept Ilp-to-date ulltl Is being increased. I The Commercial Gin. is provided with fifteen typewritersuund u Demonstration Filing Cnbinct equipped with the latest and boat filing systems. ' _ taught my an experienced culIIlIIeI-citll Specialist. _ spurts untl gables are qrgulli-ell lly II Speclulist Ill l llyslcul Culture. Opportunity for llllalc, Hiccutioll llllll Dublin Speak: ingis afforded hy Im active Literary Society. - . Exunlinntiun results urc good; tlli )'Elll 45 solved 35 certificates. V , . is important to be present ml the li t tllly; ill the al- locutiun of seats it will be first come rst served. I For further ilIfurmIItion apply In Hr BOGAlt , Sec~'l rcd . ol the llourdp. or J. H. DAVIDSON, - [ (inoipul. The most Modern and Coi npiete. EqUIpnlent I i 'r r . ntdd'linMaIulfuluring. wlwrmmbmod with my: .mnmgor illllllidales 1'8 Slturtllund, typelvrltillg untl hookkeepill It)