AI nu . _ . llama on c dolm wagon lll IlltllJnY NCWm'Al II, ' ' In. run, I . - ' He'll: low. I chrIuIInn Tumnornnn IIIIIon In .n (no, vlml y I'I y, wIII MWII m I you cor noon, IlII 'i nm. imIIIrx UIIhuhall (Huh I' hm hm llmo III lhelr I, m "an i Th '1 nanqu' uycnin oI iruII wuck mum]: or :III. (I. ll. .cwlx, u I Iin nronnnt and thc IoiiI. ni \ s in mi ronnrou o my, ,n Itrcnuy ,I-hui-hy llli'lrjarlwluldlllllt llln Ito - n In. :I' "I lrlrlillulllp lllivn II yJJ nnmInr .h ... . IIInIl InL ohurnh. \ m snmliiy In, II. Ill VJllLHH linnIn, II) o itnn nhIln wornhlh'. 'l'licum, or n I:oword,,whn run ' lnr. l.hwruhue. I oynmnnl . I , mlln omim nI Ilw old Itoo proper , nI Ilw Inrnn nI Mold and Wntor Shh, nn- lll' iriI; rungmnonIn Ior n grunt Imnmy-ImenI In the reur III the lolsr rm-y pronmi- Inur .I n l5 InoI cement wall diving IiII: Wt'kl nIdeioI lle nreck no: hit In wllll cnIIh [mm I\lI|l|| mm In mm llir- Ioin iovci, The Improvr- mIni V II lm till the more nollddbf'e mum and Iho IIrnnd ul'l Inlllluw. we Snnlvmhnr Neelan of "In New- nmIII munch or Wolnen'n lnllllulc MII br held at "In harm: o! 11].. Pullmc an Yonsc 81., on Thumin or. Irrmon. Ir-ui Irish. A! 2.30 Iui-ndnrd 'Ylmr). 'rlw program Wlll Canal 0! a plum ( rllllk'rlx ' rcgdrln mbulbu {or I loom my." y r M ' D v a n1 Counlry Boys and I). K. howls All lyIIcI Lire comlnIIy In I Scot mmqu onuroh. , cmdny. Sepl. Ith, I Ilr rm nI iho IIIIIIoI lhnr, u n, m., IIIuIdord Iiinu nnd 1 In In. I Don't lnrucI ihnl IhII Suuduy School Mll he hold nI ihc old mm or 2.30 n. m, nm sundny. Trit every one you met? A in : la come. Thr- Inn I mm or Ihu Clirlsllln mauve! one? Ihc hummer rcccns wan Iield Tor...dnr WWII and who well II- (mum. and won In all ronnocl u very .rom mulling. LrI or keep lhcso mullth In mind and. mwcr unIIn one. 7 am. mbndlbll, y I llrl \M (load and! Synlem hrlnua mnIy mom lroiu n almnnce mull one:- Pnriory, wilh comrnendnblc gn- IIIIIHFJ lhl rm arranged a 15m! plo ln Iran! 0! llle Plum wll Dll Wlll hedltomlcd nexl year by dam doinIy llvmm, Subll wally Bp lll Ll Woll- derlully (.9 In nppnlm w of llle 'l uw'ny II n mm ihuc our citlccnn will any gnll r :lllunllon la llu Imallur a! llblhl ruIinrn nnolhor ye r. Wllcn IIIth hum-I ls pm'cd "Ion: Wlll be ll nxulu nrnrnsalon llirouuh Ihc 'ruwn ln mldAummer ~9Iunly in M. In Ii. . A medal mrthII; 1')! Y. M. I}. A, wdrtoo- as llhld In Newmurkel on wrhrsdny memth -an. Auhrrr-Imin In lhn rimIr. Mr. imam-t IrnvrIiInIr uncreluy of we Prnvmtlul Asunciriion, was hrencnl snc my on arldruils. II wuk dlcllll d ln hold n ConvrnIion Ior Ihr h'onh York Dlslrlql in New- mnm on lliu 2m. 01 drIohrr In I.qu om Ill'v pmihcm oI Ihc Ioeni work. rhr (MIL-nu I: Lullvo wiIi meal hero on Ih: IIIh or OIIohcr Io an" Inn plandm Those Inlerostrd In Y. II. chA. v ri. should mm a horn oI these I In . M IIInmmeI IIinh Balloon ll: IdIL' llllllal lIISlllullon a! Wllloll llir mm a or NcmnnrhrI hm ovrry radon r, hr- mud, was ennnod innt Tum. mornnn wIIh nn nIirndIncu bvlng two more Ihnn Ihn num- l on lllr (1)113 an day lasl An In. human wkra on hdnd vlr. thlnn. who won deInInod my. Ml wow 0! Ihc drnlh or lilu molhor. h v, I~ Imllmrml In Ihr AserhIIIy lnal lIaI-ldsun gaxr a w and nssIsnud the Clnrd Tho nupllu Ihrn worn to I m] rooms and were assumed I by Ihc anous teachers. urnshrris a rlhul llIc nllrndA Ila: Il rlll will In over Ihr 200 nucnmrnoddunn wIlLsnan Iis iI'mIl . mm Hm I In mm, r: on Wonk- Lllvr um um and Newman- mil be In Iull swing. Are rI-ully Inr II I lInyr you r Ihc Pnzn Mai and plrued nous IIunis -hrre you can nnn-unng Io nurnnlnun In your: d In onInInunIIyr I r no In all the Irnni/Ic III -I you Innk nll nInI crlll- .rnryhmly llelp In Innko ~I Show rrrr lit'lLl In Noth II, III) Ihr rdhiIIaIInII o! Ihr vq-n unrlr'ulluul comniunlly. III m- )nu WI. lhahn ly oul IrII grounds and IE L I ll. gunnralluu lo SUS- lSV TIIE Vulr Should : produce Irlh Yarn and Hal n uIIqucnlenls and small should IEVO all udu ' ll wll lIIIVII ll lllll, V} lnporlanpu a! "ll; len- W :5 arr mum in - mmj'r gklggri 4hr Indtsrzullnn uulyrellvgiy (mnan ImI n Prlzr us! Irom If, WW I )? Will. Kellh, no mo rd PM" lndlfirMJAIHes (MS: I I l Illc d In IE1! . . Ihiinu.whh I Wu' drcunin y "m x and VII-III umnhnIn, In 1'1 o|l| inI; ||| IIIIne day or lhI- / . lllIiI lIHK Ill (no u. con I Inn Old no I llla uuu way hnd IhnI Il gum Illa: Tow I Mr. I lIundI- Ilinughl 'InIIId hr II'Illz-n Io narruuard Hm nhIIdrun. I . I Mnmdrson llle Ihc an n Mr, Kcllll llluuslll that lL'Klnlallnn would be CounoIi In order llIe bulldlnu wlilch In nonnldcrca Ilmluer- aim In the public. Menard V mom appeal-ad thnre Ihn nounuiI nsIIng tor hciier Fli- AnIen Ave. They exp oInrd Ihn non llllfl nl lhl nadrcsl Iiydmnln Ami lIc manually I." 5 larger malll la serve the upmmuhlly. rnxtowInn blllu nursed : N. I". rcx hxchnnue on c . smilh'n llnnlwhrn (no! In ( lm-k) I I Melt Y0 ' T. O'llodm, unloldlng coal II. Ilarmon. unIoadinI; enzI Queen filly Coal CD. Can. a. A. waterwmm lns. . 20.755 1.00 I . . 37.51 Ilculrlourfl, Io . 70.01 . . rarron..ccmcnIIor' wail; . 2&5. \. II. .iudu. lumps . 442.57 IIdnaII & ltouly, rl. In II. A PAY-Sth II. n u. I IrnnIc No. I Icr Sewer IanImnIe No. I ror (him A GIIL ler I . I. . Id ocon prrcns llemld, II Du 265s Dommunlclllon Communlcuuon lmm'w. C. Wlddl- llcld horse 5465A Solch communicnunn mm n c. IiIorIdn nshihn Ior rrnnIe or (axes; to lem'o Corn. and soiIriIor_ . Communlcnlluu rrnm Pcler DIIImun nsklnu Ior Increase In macs. rud In It. I I3. chm. wllll oowrr Io ocx. Communirnuun mm h. A. homes or co. mgamlng mnln olliy pcricnce has shown IhsI nonhuma- Irdtcs dlnary slime road, The l'Ire d LIKlIl CDI IL llwls \h aS hour I It. In A II. :1 inches below Ihe Inns-col sIreoI Iet el, Anniirniion ,Ior Cciwd Irnm: II. smIIh Gormu'n st. Mrs. D. Klto) .IAndrdw 5L, hoIh mm- BIL Apnllcmlons (or clerlrlo Ilaht Inr the noun (:nrir-r, ann Linc. Immrd, A II mnnd II I Ith Inn; In. Mllhnu or an own ran-nu to. n aim man- no muoth dllly'nlulnn my rm I! M yummy In .Inn moduuy worn. ' uhklnu |lleil ll hi: removal or [wall-III]. Iilr. Burrows nxplnlurd Ihc dunner nlalcd lllnl ".er nurlly nu Ilio was nnl only an eyesore llul dou- no sIImmI-ls men n wlra do Ind Iho roohu norewmrc awncr DI the make It Rule. nplnlnn thni II WM none oI llie Town s "I W om Ladies?. I0III .n'nurnlab iruo'u': a. do ' on Tqudny I . uyur, Menus, II Iuls' innilommhornc, IIunuy, MOGII nnu Nr-IIIIIIL . nonnInIIona. ' M; m; lIurrown. WIlsdn nml lI'IIII " hnnnnrcd hclore Ihn councIl cqinIIiilh- 0 I nm unnkernuu, cohdlllan alflhc ch hulldlhg dn caurI nlrrrl and I In duIIKnmuu Io llihvclilldrcn In cumxhunlly. wuillllon III ih e hulldlug wIIldi con rmed hy Ilr. WllilulI who nIrcci. mnyor uIdieII IlInl lllu oIlcnIIcn noon cniIrd. Io Ihc huhqu nnzl he hnd cxomIncd II, nding IhnI us. Tllcm In on III II. wall Wl'Jl lu Uld glll' Ulv properly odIoinInIr should la compel] lllu dwner W Iio hnd nnnnuIIoo um and he WM. Ill Illla nnllon n Sollcltdr L' norhc noilon who or the Oplnthhll Town had no numerin Ia ordn- rcpnm or remnval or n huIIdInII HVIW FWDDTU. ' ' pusued 'aulllarlxlng HID minimal ,0! A Dolllwell, Dmdle lind I mldcllon Ell Accounin Dcnncu, Idlh! :. I . . WoIcr Works 'nl'I: lralKhl I lludlal, Irl. I. i . . . lnscrsol hand I James a co. on decaunl nnd sewers -. . wimp llollt-Hsnll Co, IteI. ic . 735.20 I 31630 2mm nLuInIlng damages Inr loss at or clcclrlo WIN nmounllnu Io Referred lo If. 4 L. com. and ior In cnIIulrc as In llnlallily. Referred ' Re [er rcplncio o! a in. on Main SI. Irom WnInr Io Tlm 9i. Esumnic cost $2000, Ex- Inurc through pavoninnl Ilmn or- made two dnmlouna lhnI Ihc presrnl maln wnlnr servlub re- Plukllng llouse and lrdwnrd SYMBOL OF PROSPERITY: : f I. noon hu-Inm ' w .wm nll'. wluuur you tn mm or wot-Ion. _ a sign or luau". lul. mm and good allow-hip III buunm ar mom whm liar. r' onr aung'n' Failu- . III Dilhllo wIIrIllIlp. l'IIdIIm. , . . I , ..I I, I. plan Ior yuilr Iitc, Itnw \vIIIhinnion AIIInInII Ilusc comr , Iznrhxmnn whim, rocoivmi Ins lruullons [Ill/I ll Illllllrnlly la (llvvrl (ho cru . I. Iur Ihc lIIach . Iun lo Danzl . ildlllllonI-Il slum now In I'cllllon nl Gear Mum and in olhm uIIIInK {or removal ol dunurro u bulllllny n Gnurl 54 . Wu! felon-ed In l lnunce I In. The Prllllnn ol . nolhwnll and 20 olhcrn making {or alter l lrc l ralci:< Ilon oii IIth Ave..'wus rclorrdd In Pr 5: II. Conn znouinen Mr. KoIIh nuke d whni iho n. A n. Golllmlllca wnu dnxnu wlm Inc M! Iorhd on Mum direct. Mr. Ncshm Bald ihnt TImthy rImei won bl:an widcncd heiwncn ihr brldxic and Ihc oIIIco sncololIy Works. Wnier nirch won bulng gram and when Ihc sireeIn ore llllcd (Iin halnnco end he placed a: Ihe rcnr al Ihc Water Works IoI. Andrew alrcel nrrdr mound and Uic nnotnloInr wlll hnul whnIII rcquIrcd Ihoro II Ihc Town wllI pm an an 1|:xlru tcam In nvI-n'up Ihn [angry mu .v . v -' The Councll oonsenied to ihln .Ir. I'ImHEl nL ' The Muyur InIImIIrII ihnI Ihc Scmr Contractor called his nllcnllon Io-n dllllculIy Um wan Ilrlslng al the D s- nnsni pinnI grouhdn whlrh wouldIrc. qulrc Ion II. of Iilc. I ' Th n mullqir wna l wlIn Ihc Maym Io conIcr wih Ihe )Inglncer. Rworli um lay-Lawn: u liu r Irn & Llnhi GoInmIIIcc hronghI lri u report rccnmmcndlnn IhnI Ihc waIer mum on Mnln oirrc I, lmm waicr Io Tlmallly slrrri, he rcpiacrd mm In II Inch Mpo. Mr. Pearson uxplalnud Ihc dnnrrr ol lrooI since Ihc roadway hm hm. low- orcdn counlo ol (eel and ihc reIIurnI II ihe l- lru undcmrlldrn Io oninrgc Ihc .mulnjdr hellnr, lfim Promllon. :It wIII mum on e xprnditurc at noon era In oddluon, In Ihc rule thch wan sIruck. ' V Several mcmhorn Ihoughl R was a plly'lo run any rm nr Iron and bi: 'under Ihn nccmily nI lIl caklng nn Ihc cnhcrclc mm the rnnd ls rnInIiieIrIi. u was also omnch um um (It!) 0 Inrh plne wnn rwInIrr-II Ion hulliu- erIrr M un Ihc 'le sldn of ihe town who" ndanud. The uy-lmw Cornmlltro nrounhI In I In rirnvldd Ior horrownnx ammo to mac! eurrenl rxorndlIurcs unll] ihn lnxes are rollccird. Dy-an nnsncd Ihrmlgll us nnchIl sudden and Ihc Counnii deournr I nt III/I5, r w KIN CITY Mrs. misc McLean recrlvcs n lilo inlurrsI In the 32.215rsIch Ion hy hrr unreascd hushnnd, .inhn hlerh. n Iorxncr or Klng. on her drum n dnunhier, er, .lncoh Gnuld, recclrcs mm mm n non, aroinhnld McLean. the romaindor. PIIIe Orchard 1'!er \Vomen s Insulqu wlll hold lllt ll' reguhu' mnnlhly mulan aI Ihc home, 01 Mrs, (L Toole dry nlIllsdJy, SBDL 160i, Illslcud al on Wednesday as usual :II 2.30 m m. PHIng will LII: glvcn by m Iqlrlu 0! me lnslllnle and Illa-re will be a Ouusllon Drawer. All lllI: laillns are Irh'rn a ( omhl ll}- riLalIon Io nllchd . IiuMmAI. was our 1 0 nA'nzm Wim IUVHIQRIiW ro'nl' am: an" ' ' . ' 17mm rnolh anon on. I \ylil anIym IIIII nrrIIandl chAIr Pillahurgli nnIl ,mliy Ior lilrlhur Amorlnan nnrul torncn dI um [Ian rope Ihccrlsln M Dunzlg may require nnnIiInIr I 'IIInoI-Iculz nun. young In In nrncnnd from London to bonnlg "IS wIiI renown .onec on Iho qur EL Louis urIu nlx tucnhnycn} about III: I: (Ilim nnIhnrizcu lo summon nny Tln Low 4 n. Oullle; We copy Ihe IoIIannI; Irom Ihc Ilrovkvllla itncnrdrr : . , V umckvllllnnn'ln Keneral were no: I y nninod Io learn yesterday or Ihr sudden dcnIn nI Ulu Oohornl IionoIioi dunnu Ihc cnriy hourn, or me morning oI Jalln Dunbar OoIIId, rum-notchde a1 Iixc IIIIIcc Furnllum & Suppllel I;o.-. Ioclory ulnec ihu iooailon nI IhoI nlanI hour In may, mo. I ' Thc down-led undciwcnI on opcm- IIon (or :Ipnlcnlllqllll Ian dayo nan Ind 'Illlillusn )Ils eondiIIon was noonidcrnd nerluuB. lull firm: wn's cnIeriaInrd Inr th oycnIunI reWVcWI,hlll hIo hI-zrl. mlird Io wIIhsIa-Id cinhack and doom cnsuI-d, " , The inie .Iohn. Dunbar (101112 was born ludiccilland 51 years and Inn Io. cnInd In unnadn In was, IoiIInI; up mldengc In TomnIo when: ho hccome nroInIncntJn Muoolc circler, brlnn I m Neale! o! Anhiorhodrcx'rnllow- mg the accinlon oI Ihc Dulce FurnL mm d Supplier CnJIIo lnwle Ihrlr plum herc, Ihc drccusnd cm In Brooklech nnd carrlcd bn Ihe prclImIn. nI-y wqu 0! ouIlnu Ihc (aclory, loot III St. Paul sirch, In Madlnun (or In- duuirIni ncIIvIIy. Ile Iind nnI been here many dnyn helorclhcso cIIIzeno wIIh whom he come In cnnIaoI reallz- cu ihnI nu admlrdble cllllL-n hnd burn nolnrd Ior nrooiu-ille, I TlIla was more why renuzed dilrlng hln rcdldcnoc here In by an duIei, uorlrhl ond uh- nhstruslvc manner. deuplle hlA shori IiIne nmnngIne cliizehs ol Ihc Iown. hc mnde a hosI oI IrIends who deeply regret hlu dchrcI rhu mm: In no more keenly Ielt Ihnn-mnong ihc cm- yloyocn nI Ihc IncIury ol whlch he Wu superlniondcni, (or he won hold In lute no coenx rrrperi and enIeeInrd by all. ' lllII wIlc, Inrmcriy ,MInn Glirlalenu main ol Toronto, ll Irn Io mourn lllc loss a! u hlnd and Invlhg husband. Ann survaIng dr'e qu Ibrolhers. James, Lon Angolan, (ILL, Donald. and n uisicr, .\llnd Anoln nnIIic. noih In VnnrouI n. c. In religion Ihr Inir . Ilr. Cullle won an Annllran and whim hcrc ntIondcd TrInin Church. - "rho IaIc Mn Colllr wns Mad drnunhiurnnn In "In Olllce socclniiy Works at NrwmariroI -Ior_a.nouI Ien ynnrs and made Innny ' wnrm Iricnnn durlns'lilu'rrxldence hnrc. lie was also MnsIer dl Tuscan Masunln Lodge dynlng hIi siny In Newlnurkcl. ' The rcmalris wcro hrnnrhl II) To- mnla and (he Iunm't was held on Wodnrsnny, InIermrni being made nil Ihr Nl u'unalls. \Icsd rn. II. It Ilih and 1x (L WnIsdn or I pul. III-arm s. wmal'kcl acted as OPPOII'I IHIIYY bull II'I' nuvrirdu nu nuuv v . Opporlunlly l: the (is! QWICSSI wlllleng Into Ihc union and ulonplng long enough [at "last who are ready In Ich aboard. am {he loafer on lhe sIaIIon plallnml rec-s um um Iruln riiIII [n no pull ouI 38:1", wIIhouI zellllig nny nuler Inning 5 Journey. The ommt-luully Ior aMalllnx passcn- ucr I: not an apparlunlly Ior hIm, Know where you Wihl In 5n nri your lltkel, be rrnny In sum when ihc Iimo mmen. OpporIunIIy runs on no Iixrd schedule. II In due lo mm al IohnsInn, London. wns In- hlanll) idiiou Ihruc lIIlles ensl aI muse- iown whrn hIs mninrrycic nn Inio n diII- ' 'In'pnnlntiy our Arum wary. bu Bonn In and look Fv lt . A'tklnsori- Co l The LI-rlon d! Polirli wnmm, mun)- Ilerenin dI' Wusaw a Illa nit-s nl whloh Ih llil pholamnhd Ienl am at Warsaw sln hiya!" and Dullehmillle Lemon ol I-ollnh womon ir nomnosrd. nIInosI any IIIne. uu roudy. Children Cry I.onro rouuu wallin Ill LAIT "Annuals-r Iolmmn Anvulolp'u Wlnu . . or Whnll'f have srrn n- Dolklwylk I Kyle! or. much. an Troinlry's tore" III-Iran Ils sIr II gag ed by a demand {or [he I'Iml Kvl I2!,oOD pm- prohnhly he II ml: or hrourhI slmlglll norm-and down Ilir big hlll, anng uwny wlth Ihc wlhdlng wul below Ilia rnllroznl Is reached and gums around Ihc slailon, rn'ucilns ihe present rand on Ihe land Lnodlng. mm Ihe around In "Us slde whrrc maloriotu would could mslly urn approachng lt-alny. _ w. Liv Stock mono week '. Exlm Cholce stem and _ nhoirr nuIrhr Cllolcc sormuern . Mllkem Yearllng Lomho . sonng Lnrnos nhnicc nah-es . [Mei llum Calm , FOI runners in) r: Iianl Pn'lrr nn sow-r31 (semi, no now rI-Imnm inlhr urn o! Ll Alip iLoLo'T-Ha . ',bonaoI.Euili nl -, - rompers ARMANI) nuns \I - J PA :a: gamma: smug GHMAINVPOLES MAM I7! m l at old prlueu at log: than ilidy can I'. ,I be bought wholesale W; @g Thu Irons Shoo. ,5 NEWMIARKET '1 IIIAIIQUIEE'I-ras mind-Ems ' ART DENIMB . qnsronnas I ,. I al LlIAILEhIE I I =-I LUNDYI manna em, 54 Exclusive patter-nu two ullko. v m "Hui-royimniu ' , umuum wept-Imam lFI er- mourn, nun. w I Themlude] ol "HIE Mall! 01 1620." 1 nInlue~ln memory 0! Ihr mlgrlm hiolhru whlch will he created In Ply- muulh, Missy. In November. In E0114 nrcIlorI wlIIi .lhc oprnlng III Ihc 'I ccnlermym tho mum; 0! mo Pil- erlm! ln Plyindulli. The mm: H II: nm In honor ol IIIe women nl lhe May ower. The lignrc will he at bronle and MI! slam) iafx lcel rkht V lncheh hIgh. II I! lhe work ol llenry II. KIIran, n well-known nculplor oI honlon ' I I. l I EIV I Bradford] Slr wm. .IIquniTEnida vhll In Mr. Ia. nukes here on ,yrIdny. I v-Ilrt 'md ru. Grids. Churchui, n} hcwmorxex, spcnl Sunday and Mon- duy wIIh Irlcnun here. Wc arc Ioid IhnI ronimIn are now doing IoI Ior iho bulldan oI Iho road mud from Illulncil x corncr In the IioIIond Lamuhg hIii. Tlils pII-cc ol road was |0 have hren huIII din-lug IhIn summer hut Ihc work was delay- morc money by We ondminnu Ihcy miie [or mzds hum were, asking 2325000 ror llils summer. .II Is expcdled when llie gnud road In exlendud Irom Ihc iloiinnd Londlng IIIII up, whlrh wIIl done nexl summer. Ihnt m'climl. Iasl summer and Hcavy Sulllna across In Flayy, Dml ln, Blank, Tnupa, 81x pleas: o'nly SJIIII Rep, 40 lnohqn \ $4.75 M. _ cannon- for Fall In pInin and (may wnnycn . patter-Iii: tor Sport 006.10. Hora ill . I Innhoa I lldo, All Wool $0.76 yd, In Pluld for mural/u 0mm, no I Goad I 331 FROM IIqu Ti 08.. 'Imu iila THEE] REFHEAISEB 0r: nutmori mum-r III road around the hIlI, and [lint n um mad WIII he made turnan wcsI sldc nI "01 Thu: wnuId do nwsy dangdmus crosulrig ns'll crisis 3! nrosrnl and would bring h n! .ihc village 3%: I 30ml yrw Dl Ihc Iran Irom clihrr inIe and lIirhrsI nrlrcs rum in 'I'orunIo thls Hellers nwr . THE ALSO all [5,. _ . nnd GET y Olll l'roru OPPOSITE 0 GREAT HOME SHINE FOR BLACK. TAN AND WHITE SHOES Mun I'm-j AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY AND ALL (KINDS QF FACTORY MACHINERY REPAIRED AND HIDE EdUAL T0 HEEL Wu Wald 085! Iran, Brua, Alumlnum. ammo. meal, hlnllrhla Wu Illa dn MINNIE OOHQTRUOTUKAL CUTTING. YOUR CARBON REMOVED I We arr iorurru nnd llondy lqr nusluosn . 5 v Newmarket Welding or Cutting Works; lumm CAN. r, a. Ollnr mould. I ss. our. per Cylllldrt. ANES FACTORY, NFAVMAI IH Hf. so In: as Ihaxvn thin I; am or me HIlIlPr, prr B1. I Show In: ly'p: ul wode or thch 305, Mr don. run. our bulht Ancilivlis 0F ONTARL. TORONTO NewmarketMaI-ketg . man; Markets w IIurIr-I erbv I '62 Ex , [II III N Chlrkm p. . ' Imulhy my. m Ion