is i Th all. GOIIESII S ill-rill GIN I02 coral-ii Aim gumlilg Nrnished ior Garden variies. liking bank all nni used. aiikn Gerry-0m rain, [BIG 0 ll : uJiouu. imam: in ilrlnn, Ammo vmnrn. mo uuPoLlnii linioliui smut PH : on would Drink. M rpunisio. Lilliciils, comm tloliznv. insomnia Aim BODAE. Hiik pm ornm. n. R. OOWIESON, hi om 9L. nu: in. Haired r you mic our nuiry lo ynllr quelll they '4' my Ulll ll's doliniiiiul. . I| will hullI you onluuln " m- " You ve il-ur tried le [Mr]. Altar y ll llllio idea You'll u. Ion-y ulnl yml _ n'i iri u mnuubI angin MW, clll up in load mlll. ti:- oi Annilmion (or Divorc grim: id iuroby iglvrli llldl Ed- Georg. 111", n: ma (lily or in ill. iiounly at York, and bi l lrl, de r. will I arllallllim oi Camill- at mm rim: lliorool iur a-liill oi (Ne ironi lilsi wife, Lillian marl gum. now woliiills in lile city nr Tar it? Illie'lsmund or odnilen. Bullwin|1roronlm loin 1th day oi iiilLilwm c, ' . I'll Yontio 5L. i Salli:er inr inn Awllcinl. ' London 9am 7 ll . . . w nronenn Mul- i fnsgiiie, _wlgIanol lllc A an remit-r. r ohn ll. :inoonrld, died ill armor-rue on sun- =m w ire oi u, ' pn s ' Tan and Block Welt slim and siziloyio Will protth ydu l the-301'] of.Sep;tembe i'. V ill-here is our well km A in... bi - Visitors irom Newmu idlyduilc ro- mnlu Exilllziliim were vary mucii sur- prised and greally onligmod to m.- liir magni . exhllilt 0! LEE Ulnce Specially CO, The work I! 5 43min. in the Town. i . _ - . Diurim LIKE . W'Inlk . The annual LQBKHE Convmllun will or held in Newmarkei. Oct. 22nd. Ilz sown lilo dair, or. Raul'l oiiur on. Sutiidw. Scnl iioly commuln n a . Milllnes nt n unlock a. nu , Sunday School will mume at no.- nvensnng at 7 o clock. Miulan own. 7 TIM! regular moeiing or llie Circle in onnneniion wllil the nail-mini Church. will he held no . iieadly evan ing, S. ii. at ihe home at Min. 5 Osborne, Sharon. Tlle memnenr arn asked in went all Mrs. Manning's al 1,30, where mdiora will meei lo iak'e mm In lile meet ing. Allare Very cordial lnviud. H by l "Mob lunsl Monday night Mr. Tom Gnuimil urine 2nd or King came nelrly uning killed mm a motor as he was walking norm on ydngn at. lie wan walking clone in llie Metmpolian track and a molor in iumlug out to miss another car, illl liim irnm behind and knonked him lim feel. lie was picked up un< 'cuilsoiaus and iaken llama where it was round he was sum-ring iroin shook and morn bruises. ~ Brlolinu, 4 who Hm will no 22 a your uitor ills isi oi col, Now Is Uh: lime in sull- sqlho, . llllsa iiuliy has ouened n new Mil llnrry slore opposile the post 0mm and shows some preliy Fall designs. anmarkct hast-mil leam won: in Cookslown lasl salunhy and were do. (ruled. 'i'llcrr ore l6 pupils nl tho New. yuul oi iiunlnrss college and more siudenla In rimsneut. surroun- com. The iainnr lmd alslero oi Pie. Hmcsl enusina, iormerly oi Nemnarkel, and who was killed in onilon, inherit lue cola inii by dcceuad, 'l'ho dooeascd Jaunjidrzusou, relir: Ell ruler I7. Sloullvlile, [all can valued at "3,210, dirccied ilral ror ll": years taller )an deilll Hie income la hB almllld [or "in maintenance or his widow, Mrs. Ellzahelil Morgn. Eml, whim [Esncleraf 2500 n In be 961d In each 01 Ills in: dlu and a non who ALin unnive no oaon ldn Yedliwilltl the dean: a! Um amor. on the drain oi (he widow trsuior s ellildren Ind 11 armdion inherits Jdmns L. Jenkins, lowmiiin clerk oi / you Will Flimm. i once '7'" $4.00 for in Price, l ML Emmi cKerizle'li Illlle mayl Earl, a! Niagara all, was Jusl nishlnx his hoiidkyd al Genuiuy when iiti aol run u'nnd mat in tin; nuily u the men were unloading grain In lho barn, M a rnauii Earl lost mo viral two ringer-q oi in. right mod among an Mlll I would haw: anon seen You he": charged Willi masking opal a bank ml {or the (Alene: you are niiargcd WIth said Milnl amnion is he gave susnended smlenccs io Wm. \Volln. nay Slenhanse. Wm, Mclnkc Mid Chas. Munme, lulind guilty of Healing Iii G. T. n. (racks Iii. Nzwmerkel. Luck-W llu. A iii-oily wedding was soieinuized :ll Norih Parkddle Methodist church. To~ mile, on Monday altcmudti. when Ll] Thmnlo. was married to Mr. John M Lock, 0 Robert nil-est, Toronio, Tho oereuiony was condnolod by mo 11 G. c, "Ilfollh The bride, who was given away by her father, wu guwn~ Ed in how oilnrmenae and bedded KearKeUA, wilh veil olJlrusseii uni caustic up will: uranaii blossoms. Shn onl-ricd n mower bouquet oi Ophelia and Sweeiiisart roses. Miss Mar-in Br lhwalic, who ailended lhz urine, were a ironic oi indc ulin wliii lint lo match and carried a bouquel at Sweetheart rdses. Lillie Miss Dornihy Bryant was Howel- girl. Mr. Fred While ailindad llla groom and Messrs. Edgnrd Simpson and Howard Sialer usherm. ' 'l tru ioliowinig Newmnrkrt peuvld alleuded iiia wedding: Mr. and Mr: ii, i},- Manning, Mr: and Mrs. G. \V. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Willis, Mr, iind Mrsr Fred Simpson, Miss Laura Penmse, Mrs. Plol encu Boyd, and Miss Audrey Travlss. RURAL animal. FALL riilnll Kins Tn. Sonornnenr , . . . . . . . ..srni. i Markham TD. Unlonville \inugnau 'i'n. Vellum . \Viiiioilureh Til Vaudorz , . nenrgiun 'i'n. . Virgin]: Ndrlli f iwillinlhury ~rn. Helllm dn York and Elobicnlit) ps. Tilisiiotoun York TIL Willowllale .. anamoro 'i i- Aglnc'ouri . w wmrintis IN 'I HE MOI! comes" mi-work. Linemard sullou. summers: 2. Mary Mitchell, King, ll. ll. 3 aa iienry ogden, Sinuimiio. l. Moods ale-yer, mourn-ills, ll. R. 2. ism york. i. nruue Davidson. Amneouri. nlli , inlli . mil , mi. . iolil . 2h! .Srnl. 22nd ..Scii|. rain. Srnl. ion. King, kind John Mncnlluul nlve been Emnled prohlle of "l: Will "1,3118 April HI by John alum, I hm". 'ilo died In King, A 1' 22, luvina C2315 Denonl y, Hr! widow, Mr]. Ron Mohzln, receives A I : lMEledl. on her dram, rm, iannn could. a dough, oer inneriis mo, nod Ammonia Mi:- -a neuritis "mar, .b-As'i' 2r Hilda Mania. chford. a, mumile Mason, usinnnun, V 4;Mursuer d Browur'uonniay. Nu l I ' MI . Children 017' x O R l A, . MI NHCEIC ' AR llnn horyl, only daughter or Mr, and , Mrs. H, n. Winn no Wright avenue, u z Men s ea Boots, Regular $ $6.00 for . Roi-zillion lo e . {. [1. we will give 11 refund. .sourcu, nititnurir some exprealed inn view innl thin would. owing in line ox. eliuge siiuoiion and domeaiin needs, hi: noiloonruor acme limo. Lord urnllanl. Kile prerldeni ot-lhe cooler- oncc. ilroughl, hnwdver. lhe tour iwouid moon on early iiow or English money to lids country. Alex. McKenzie, who sold he won rooming in Aicxniiiler out was a resident ni uliawa. w mexml on Tuesday, iieteoiives round iii-e suit- oma and ion club bags, McKc said he had uron laklng (in: 11:38 l the Union Shiloh and aeillug inc non- leqL ! to oizilin suiiioiem money to pul him ilirough college, Dayliglii raving lime in 'iloronio coda nnxl sunday morning at 2 o'clock in- riond oi soplemner 25. The alliirui will he given In opporluniiy pexl .inu nary o! voiiug on [jig quoslinn oi whelhor dayiislri saving shall he an- pliod nore mm. year. Miss l- ranoes ilawldui. oi ilainl on, Our Toronto luefler. Knox L huroh. 5.9mm : n we, held on Sunday morning me ms at n udrlim , ul serviced in ooioizralion oi its an- pmaclllns auo hundredth nlrttxdny, "rile church was entabilrhod in me rail to! iaizn uy ilov. Jamie ilarrin oi uni. liaai, beide Tile ailc inr liie rst church bulidina wag given by ion lnio ilir. Jcsne Koieiium. 'i-lre ilrsl hulld-l in: was It small wooden struolure i: r, mg man and on the silo oi liin prost l "Mullen Slulvaoii'slare, 'i'ilis huild.i ing was consumed by tire on May :5 . ill-i. N. sworn, 302 Alumina Avenue, aonrcnod ior a, leak or gas uiin :a mum in his name Tuesdly allenwon lie round ho leak, the gas exploded. land damaged on house no the onion: 5m 3300., , , l a elm slun cmirsaly dmnned in in waste-paper haakel was an orusu or in "m al Ihe Naamltn nakory, i2 uonoss Sir-eel. Tuesday nigill whirl. 'dsmaged the building and oonlenis lo lire exient or will. . George Seymizrc in line Pollen Calm [Tuesday took all nanonsinlllly ror lire , oule or 2 hold: or whiskey Io o mos- rrngor rent by iiialnniothcsrnen Alton and iiuiohinaon, and war tilled ammo and cnil! or mm months, and in addi- .lion was Bull in In for lines monllis nose 'rroynler Modded guilty in soil- ing linunr nrl~ llavoriey sum, The .ilsslaiant Gwyn] Alldmuy regarded ii as an "ordiuary cane." oui Mnglsiroie Innuisou considered ll one winch marli- ed a two! sum in ihree ruonlua. 'i'ronler collapsed on hearing iile Aenlence. - lira. Mary Meredilh. aged 112. nl iiudson, Mkil., was smoiuered ln ammo min: In ilign Park about 1.30 Sunday ruornln when all: lost con~ irol oi nor broil-era auto, which aloe- was driving up ihe hill near iiie old iiownrd iiorne. ii backed down , through a tom and upaei over a iive- ioni cmhankincnl. Win. lialey, owner or tile car, was pinned under Hie mar or "wear unlii rean d by men al~ Iracled in le spoi. Miss 052 Haley ' and A. Barber esoanod uniniured. Mri, Moredlin We): nsiilng here wllh tier husnand, who had come lo Tdmnla Salllrddy. While chillng lite departure oi a wedding party mm 62 Leonard 01,, on Sunday night, Harry Harlin. ion Dim-in. sl., \vdsl, ran in ironl or a- car idiiren oy Thor. Greer. , A wheel passed over all ilrad, and ha died in a few rnnmenis. He was elgut yell-all old on Sunday, nnd was a pupll oi Gmcn slreri School. Twice nerorn iio nndheen hurl by autos. Sixieen yoar-nld nemard munch. on Snudan av , was knock imm {MK nloynle and killed ii Yonge a and .L glinlon ave. on Ealurdny nighl. w. .L Show; or linmiiion, drivlnx Illo llulg, war damned by line volice. Three luouisnd relllrne soldlrni have when vnclliniidi roursrr al lilo nenlral Tociinica| indurirlni iiign ssiiool. , ' On I mills| ll of mamlldl ndveniure. nomad only in In: Gluedll na "ill. lP nql siiorei durlna me, unparal- idea ycln I In war. cilhl Wul l'lln. Memo nursing sislera, name or linen: dtwmlcd tar Valium Hill- ee, Ire Iboul to leave (:9an ior duty in ma aapllai oi numanir. v . imperial pins: Conlercnlla ileirgllu who Imvrd in Toronto wrdnsaday on iiieir nlllrn lrln oxnnasnd in. opinion ill-t on. eiiroi or me dour would he lila divcuoii of more Brilliil "wild tor Hie doniopmsni nI Danni-n re~ iicai work in Japan under Ure ciiurrll a-liria llm w. L King i DMnled oui mosl lniereiliuu dnmui. min marching lhu iiouao. Tlis , amgor oi mommy-s Illa moiiilldnillh. LHlVES OF ONTARI TORONTO cry \0 who has DEED appointed in do cling/'2 ' H I} istiii supply no, your] for or nudgioeiow wholesaio lingo-a. . , I . I ISale-{is.ojGenuinMoney Saving @i PQrilllliiy $53353 5 Boyo Schiloi Boots drop oi England in Clnldl. NJ, 1 ill: nmi , .ieiikliiii, ni Oliawa, who will do mla- gorluizkn niuw] vigil]: in u ainn work in China, and Mini llilda when me mmwigmgng noninaon. who in morning to her NOOOW' ldlhrr'd mission In Jamn. leil lent ELOOMIHGLI 1 o . nigili ior Vnnoouver. rim originaiing Irom an ovemaztod - ' i mm, 1,, we mm me we, a, Mr. and Mia. aroma-eilsponi Sun. unvomourt road nun-and also damages 41 ! I Newmirms ' .0 H, mm, Mia! L. iiiil has roiurned ironic irom An uimmeini repan or me oensua luvksnn a Boini. liken oi ilie veuiciu which parsed Mr-Ind MN A. Elory Virllrd wilii ie are.- im. rpmmmmrm highway iriends al Newniarkel on Tuesday, on indoor Day shown a inisl oi om Miss .i. Manon lins- mllimcd lo Tm 1.000 be'lwcen the hours at l a. m. and mum niler sprndIiii; a law wuks v:th io n. in. Four men Ippolnled by En- rclnllvealhmi alneor Comdfoi'd weld on duly during Miss erna ilill a! Toronto was hamc' lhe day and onurnersied lne diliereni over Sundl , kindiulvehlcleg, Bdiiuoi has reopened villll Mr. Pr Finn weltner lion brought me al- headway as teacher ior lin- comlns leudanoo ni lhe Exiiibiiion up to last Yeah ~ yrnr's record and it in exneoied trial :lii Mrs A Law wen! 3 Connie a! all: records will be broken. In Million and Toronto. liaiinnw Gdrunl, oi Si. clair am NIH EM! Cleaver WE! in Tam") war Eicclmciiled \Vednddday moman last week al llle Swill Allallolr, st. Clair ave ue Mrs. .A. slow and children ineni when he came in coolant wllh n r: 56 girl daft! III Tnmnlo in hill hand my corner]: rosidonrr-oi xv. ll, (in-(My, l'lnl iro nro k-Asl ul slkvllid, nu knoll. ilild oi lilu lillgimuy, ' I ma! merrily in iiie nuru in wlill'll iiia diuiindummi kiinxil, ind during in n'b'eillvu oi lad-i. aim-i Hie origin-i nondliion, dinough "I! exierinr ting linen novel-ed will. alum rim ltiamr. l., M. King. smiling on in, and nearby; in lines olu reddvllh ullo lied unnoried inn. over |liu iiiaiorln ground and Brlw m lion. w. L. 3. Kill: and ilin uu-ao old midenln . Mn'lolln Blair: and Mr. .1. D.Mnnrrgor. A I . V luwciiluliy unraiod Milir the gum nut-slim Triller iiiuglurn euiamiunii (our loyalhl roldiem and In Jhwl iii , \yliiiaui liYilliN V 'l iir hum: wdl innit in led: by adorn-align, onii twn iront room: an in 'in iii-s tigiil iii ii u. w, \illor Tluhr. Kiliing. l'o nie rlghi is illo old Piling 'rriilzr reaidruun, when liiu rnlliermeadrr Wu - inpwba 0mm ilus lumen Ind Min you in mnliioiiir'r M iii. Moi. no. son or n umiod'mjm vawat' who wu drirnn out aluminium; ny'liin ilinariuii, .1,