V' ea lIIl I unu.u.d.uonu v munionsi.,vuleouror. 0. tonne-reel with all Ibo nylnp oi- oi Fuwlo muble, with eilronlll n. 'upMIun and oonrlrrli liondro v. - (w , low doodle-dire More! ' rider 7 IA. My. mnuidilu without reliehiunl then put lll'ylloli udut lducwr'u can) And no Jud .' melohero nn openltlon. 1 . to! ' Til l . I suitedr inking FmILn. .tlrila'grnd {moi ihu qulsot, I roll ,pnieormid a memorial ouniplrkly mandarin oi llll my Intoer uld . . Myvlleigilt. will only till ,p'oulldund nowit I: ma pounds, I . rut/m,be null Ilordnoller null lilo ' , Connllplluon;rndvlll-tollved , 9! r- Wie puny in the Iplnndld [lull melNLIIvu , , tilts. lu. 00MB. ' lilo, bomtilornwnrlrlnirom. All alt-,doalm er mt postpotd by ,Wm unlier consistent. 'iIDIIQIIILs,II $an hot n, Cori olh. North in rerun hlgb clay. loam. Burn albino. stollilng Ior Ito oultlo lard limes, Frame house. 't'dlc- dim ,tilurnllnllll. Convenienllo r1hur l and Enhnlll. 6 our! new Ileler'll GlunhInK. iiouie newly 'dacnruted. This in nu idenl hummer horde nellr hone slmooe. Vern . llourlen llslcd In Town. Priced II in M000 to until). Allth WM, Ii. IIODGINS. , . Newruarlrel. ' Ian-acrer. awillhnhllry gunned iclu) lied 75:25. Jr tplz SALEq i Ruiledge s I . Mainline 2 Vlillor clover Mills, I endtlni and Blowers. 2 Light Gmln llrllslmrs lluild i- eed r with KAREN (or light power. al Stunt: good or ond-ilnnd I'mctlun Englnet l. . w. E. RUTLEDGEr Blighieli Up the Home again wllh nu'l Wall Paper! ohoooo' mm my, uriulltgnow mil. Miami a lendld array of mtrwottu maltn nn. oomo In qel my urine-.you we welcome to u our lmk whether you "9 randy lo hlIy mot. turn all parlor willi- oul llrnglnu It. _ > HEM Gillian - Fnlhm and Pwur Honour Arden Av... . a moon- Will or til-om ai. l. uotlcje oi Apnllosllon ior nlvomo. NOTICE is hefohv siren tllnl Ellin- reih Alexlulder oi lhe Cll) oi arallio 1" in the county n1 Yerknnd Provlnce oi Ontrrlo, will up]in to tile Parllal nt oi clamor. oi the next session the (or u iiill ni Divorce irorn her lnl bind, ,Johu Frcdurluk Alexander, oi the (lily nir l'aranto in lhe uountv oi York and valnuu ol Dnlarla. on the ground or doserilon nlld iIdlIller) . noted at Toronto Illlis lull. any oi Auxlut Ii. D l 1020. lmllclll Alelander. ' h) llel- soliviton. 'HDBINL TIC. nobilmili, I IIELAN is LAWSON. l5: nay street, Toronto. __..,_ - GLYCEI IIHE MIXVUHE miniature AFPE la Slmlllt is'IltnoTllIe. lluoklllorn lurk. HAL. or mixed Ill Adler- ire. remoles ril ioui. reeuulllluled poisonous lull irr imnl iloTlI upper and lower bowel and prevents appendicitis. nelleros ANY on: ges on stoineen or eonstr Italian, rill INS pleulrol nrl- iinn or Adler-l n sIIranEttll boill do - tars nod pniieois, A blIsInnss mun re ports greni Ilenelll ill i long slsndiilri caae nl lndlst slinn llnd sour slomneh. w. 1. Poll n. lirunoisl. Newniarkel .Why 9 . ' Proof (in rm? when founded upon. c us ex n'elloe. BEECHANIZS PIL S have banned for 00 years by people 11 our thelglobe. ascending I tiled v-rlolil Mini hinm merlelt. n n dunte oi 1, , mnin Ulllvar'nlt _riulnn r i her in l( oi, "JOIICIl 'tiij Beach ' ,ileler Addie on oi 'Iumlrto Wu , 1 mg all old friends It the ll mm rrldur. a MI liturlunvltanlllu rilhlrnull '0 ill lionrll n rew dllyll one: llnving ' irt: won a In training 'lI iinslon ll 'an tile, tlullduyu nnd '"llIlsIlcll up bl- rlllllnk Mm. stillrpoi lirlIlyrlx. mi-L IIM Iiur'nlbllli- nl Monireili nnd killan a lrlp down the . .Lawleneo In Tm livi lzllleo timi. she leaves next week to leoliluu her ulluullull ai Pelerilolo oil the Mattel Sellool ntllli, lllivllnr clldrigu nl Mllnll. and pill-lilo liulturo, hir. w E. JulleDn, wllu nnd dough. t-dlull hilllu Murillo wedllui, it at Toronto orient lI weekend ill I In. ' m ' Mlu llrn-i Jooksvll'u itltlll- trenl motored up iInlu till my wllli lln- ll. ill .'I'IImn|Klull.ili Torlmio upenl lilo we mill wll li Iirv. w, H. 'I'iloirlrnn .Mr, Iltllvl end i IIII) Jr'I - rollto vpelll llallur ltrll- \vl'll M NH- Culley nnd lunlilv. ' - lion will an I: [mix way llulore))'nir Vr'III lIvll] anything nicer IIIllil Mr. I. chh In'lll ire Millie. . I . . w Scho mbgrgl Wu lll t: plentiutl l0 mPorIJIml Mr. J u Kllcllun ( ucu It) linprol'o In I |IlIl. ' Mr. II Ill DIIICIHK II c liillicl nllll: Iluillllur of Gray Dorlli Ill \ lclnlly. \Ve uru piruueu to whorl 'tllhl Liln cIll'ell lv progreulng involulliy, eiier tier oprrullon In the rlly. . A C sldcrnhle number a! IDIIIB ul- tended Illc race! last Wednedd . Plve carlo dn ntlcnderl IIIE 11' De II the Club "0mm, Ilnllon. II would be It good lllllta' I! lhu hulllln lit the [tour] .were relilrlctud M l _ XIII I ol'PVPIHcVMHPB nlonr church St. have II clear view oi the Wad and baIllI K.Bul|u aliould lbu Inluled upon, , 'I tila week milked the dynlll or all HM and "inflected reblllunl, Mr. John streildown. who lidd been Iuiiellinlr tor a long wIIIIIi wlllI un'lllnuss \VIIICII IIl ddclom hinted will! unknown. For weevil purl he endured considerable mild end on Friday oi ler week he utilised owny. honoured was entering oil Ills 70II| year, He ICM'IES Io mourn Illm Ilti wllc. a daughter and tour sol . lle funeral [link plane on Sun< day. Tllu EU VICE'.IIO)(I In Illo ME"!- _ odlttl Church _was cnlltluzlcd lly liev. clemenlv. who spoke iou'oningly upon .lir. Shenrdown'n hie. TIlu remalnu w re ldltl In the Friends cemetery, The cnl leke wns ioilowed lo ihe 00min ierr mun colloidqrnble number at irirll, and relatives'wvlnl wltlhcrl to bar their lnrl tribute to one who had lived so long in their midsl W4 now'a rule 7 We aim nnd llundred Dollars wnrd {or any case oi catarrh lilill oin- n;lt be aimed hv lloll'o Cutorril Modi r. lie, llall n aaturrll Medicine huts been taken by nllnrrll nurlerors (Dr/tn pout llllriy-iivo years. and has become known all the most rellant-I remedy ier Cblorrh. linll's Calul rhv Medlolne aeiu turn the [titled on the hiucoun Surlnoes. expelling the. Polaon irdln the mood ilan licollrlg lire diseased unr tlons. Aiier you have taknn liull's Calm-I'll Meillblne inr n short time you will see u great improvement in your general health. start inklng ilnll's Cnlerrh Medicine at once and get rid oi C114 term, a nd ror testimonials. tree, 1 . I. UIIPNEY 5. Q0. Toledo. Ohio. . r 7' rum mi). It hurt nuleng the "1' our ' s.<a lwuti to on: no I ll oii or rltllill: ill \i aldltpcil, . riding to drlr o niilvr we). Ilol the shoulder. .l'lfI .I ll ' "yon-re ll illnl, llll-r'l norr. hot the rum hum enough l-Iuirli-Il Ito, "Illl you know AIIIIIII . Wan. ll hnnw llallatl 7" u know i; i only one." WIIV ICE VIAE NOT P OIIIOTED HI \Vult likd IF cl . 1' was (Il sl ' grilliilllilll! "0 was alwd) llEIllutlIlnlld, Ilt d I'm ldIly qllt sllmls. Ills siorxnlen l s :-i Ili wahn t A HI} [or the Illihl slop. lie did nni put ills mm In his work. he learned nolhing (will his blun- ilr m. lie ms runlellt idlle n sl - nllilrnle man. He ('IIO Ilia " ll-b Jlnllily' Itli Ill- il-rIllh. II' rullletl Ilia JhlIily It) Iliill ilrlln lIlIIIKp. lie n or tltlrvtl lo not on or. unit lullgllu-ni, IIIl thallglll II t ltwir In tlSk crisis: and prolarw language IIl lilllttlUI lill- llllts ell ll lI Mm l't IEl14I man Illnll Iil' culllil IIIl dill lint II Ill Na Asslsplric: NEEDED .ts Ibo inlll ll ml the city he I'nlurl tl p'lrtir pp decllril the lolini. some. wiill .i smile y Il un unxo' vi on * lh Caitlin uIltrn- dollhllll on well on to tho Sngunllii) to It I rill Id gallil In ' l illl I l . l l . Then in ohlyjons Aspirin, ha: marked vrltli_ the jnuyer crosr' , her l.an tel-s uld lmllltlou. l 'GQYIMIHI Bhye lelnlrl l AlpIxIn" hero been prescribed by thyrlelrnu ion lnglrcn'yeni nnd love role by mII-l llolnl tsl'or .Prln, uddchllf Neurnl l... coldr, Illlennlnlir Limbo a, our in. illlnlltl lln hallo-142 nhlole n srger rir ori s r zl, an be li ul. ml{_ nu . story; his-do lithian Asp rin In the timid lnri , o more: ,In CAIulI . o1 lluyllr Mlnulnc urd,ni llonoreotiereldertrr oi Bulltyllcaolwo . While it in welldrrlovm that An irin melnr ilnyer mrnuioctur tom]. ll. .ubile nnrlmt lrlltnllpnl, the;Tolrlelll at l or, Compuly. Ltd. will be Hugo wl h their genrrul rude renrlr, ll. "liliyor Cros- ' I W m2 To wanna . . .- r _ so one ill on , llnlt'oi ndeuvor is gained unl) Ill llurd \vor hol in ii Irulom, nl'crIaDIi LI Ity liltiny yolan Int'n or why. 'I icy lie . ii men pm. ing In It cur. Iho rurccopiul ll "id oi u inrge boulders, and they are, lncllnuu In no env ur sillrll to boy Illat lle had llecn lurlry tolling to lieu in hlI hut:- oess Ille reuull nild lilo rulvdrll'bi lu- rlull uphlluiillrlri and mill . Sulntt oi the lnitlionnll-er oi G, a, o ill-e, iile IlnrtlclIl-wDrIilng men in the Dominion. They do not wurk now irorn lire need ni inunl- Yr l_lul Ilavlngshplll llil rum no iul hunillellel by pirnevernner, rnepg, rind tnlninoull serially: they work in- ilorlouniy to maintain it at the Irish l mini oi eliicltiwy. Tllo elemenl or personal pride also enter: lnlo ll. 'I'llelie men hm mode NBuInllonh,as succesliullendrrs Ill ihphlnauoiriei world. and IIldy mp t to preserve lll_eir reputation. in\lhln rea- flttttl us my were kw!" In eil ller yeah: Io hilrlln pueol n. TINYth not want their ll In be connected wllh a (allure of un) Karl. ' In lllls there [I on ohiert lesson ior tile younz.men who do not wish to nhlll their on to It. The youth who Ill aililii ed wllIl Illn Jill), who Is not nlnlllllouq, who wlll not slutty to im- prove hlrnneli. who rohelo qt wDI-klng hold to ill trllnileli lor homenllng bel- ler. \vlll illu- Ill illq rill he dies for Illmrell. not It tie nemevcral in im. proving his knowledge or ills ch'onen oeeullnllon llrld is willing to.worlr tor sucorln in iulure years it will come In turn (innudn oiiern lust in many_ onporllllllllpj ior suooos Invduy unit ever did. hot the pain to Illl'll Ilollrallle goal Ll not ,Irnvellrd really, Not only, not emulation. should be In- spired ill tl breast oi the young nnnudlrn hy the sperm nttnlrn-d lly it llltlrs. . I l'lIGE MEN EAVI Tllnt ii I'ua would euro nlorl you must Il r'lrll Inal . That to go lllrsli wlll help to .Ieri Cnrl) each morning. That some men never rt cuglllzc l lll nppnrllllllly unless II is llpeiied. llal who nlen are usually lite incl si-t-k In allsrlil) .rll IIL) on. . ' 'Illnl [viral-U is an rllslrruer. lnll lIIi ri- IS IU'L IiIIls, IllIID l'Is!l IIIIIIJ MI It MM 0! Il. . Tllitl the men who quarrels ulilr his brood and hulleols may to dine ~on nrral . 'I IlllI Il lo ilo IthInl ~ out mlrrrilslng is like n mnll w kind at u niri.in ilu- tlnrk, I'IlrtI ' lard . k tI nnilulKrt II: it nmrrtlvl toes lint st lltln'l war) : Ill-lI is here u o u l 'I'Iiill In it HSMlmlIm DI slrl lll then- ls strength. and lay are the worked, lit-we, or strong, who have no ialill in Illcnlsolvns or their power Thni not one really KI L'M mail has lit il greatness except llr coming over the Mlli oi thorns. lliIl'lIislllps. lllSmPnInlmnnls. l lnll Iiculi lcllcs. I'Ilal most oi our idllurrr are our to llpglrei nl simple ill lnclllics. we. DPr~ slsi ill the desire to gel something Ior nothing In make progress without pulled in t-llnrl. W thAr HE own: nor no "why do you drullge owol- wlIl/l those tools In n rllop. when you might mm more more. In an attire. er oi 2 st hare nrl eesiorilme 7" Med one i lllII oi anolllel . Hriltuse l have it ill me in w k willl tools, end not Mr iinurr Iile wise nnswer. I now who; i can dn wlill my minds rum i know vvllal l t all'l do with in) heed. so I'll loop ilre I'ldt I IIEUC Ill. link IIC l'KlYllIDI CID." ' ' S II IS mud [0 int! I'llII in what one Is lllled (or, "I earn- rsiness or purpose nnd eomnlon sense \\'l l elp ermiiy, while 'wlsdoin lhal is 'lml IlII- It! 1 1"ch Inlly hl' had [Dr "11' tnulllnl rolling, and waiolling ind lInlle lI llrlnlz light. it is alvt a MI} in \V./1H0 IIIllt . Ell III I YIHI I llll IllII mll' f nnl an SAT? liIIlIt inan ullo knows what . . KEEPINB run Illnzu Milli . nllllrl n 'u living first 0! rd lnlleh Ill in getting it hired mall to slay all "h ll. Mall MIPI' rrnu w lllli sir I hill .Iil r worl- -drlsi\-oullqll Final~ hr not up n or re nil lit-km] it up "I ll lmlll Fair, with "if"! ill Illnl lit' Kill ll man who stayed with him llnlll lri lillll\\\i~ I "Inn Man \anllml~lllri d nlnnu mils m'ilry ltrrre limes n day, "we: sugar with rim-y ellll ui Il i, out r run. or al ) Llnr option ior l-wIUils. VIIGMH o! iii no hour 'II a n I'lIlI to lilo Ilnrsr ls, nil mild (and: tho has: n "llilw nhsnnl mu aw,.mrinl nn u) |hl girl I)! W lulnvlrwhgt noodles u w drumming, lll ~ -_ r ,, ' < ,s The roller read - , . VI? nenror IIeJd , n'dhrhnu wo hll m conquered > he ,aod will remove. tint. , . OllIImltlin Inma rof my orcud. Alli] my initll In God _ , nluil hnvil knawu whut we were mind to he like Iln lie mudo us, and lie would not hold; mndo us it w8217;wera clue in be n loilui-e. it truly. lrunt null huup llrut od'muliviin victorious Jusle hvcnnpo l in ltle quality o i good. There are lwo ideou nhrnadranu Illni.wr orb wormr, nu Illn olllor llml we are pretiy gubil lilingu. The rat rotten nwny llnol Igll .rihe roeolnl~lll pride, will prev nI us. 'I 6!. na ulletl- We are enrohle oi llnlh ihe drenlesi good llan llle grenlerievll, It in IIIL' ulllle illrre lr,o,llrlll exeule ior lire Illuunillibnl we are "would," nut ilio IOWnI JlB oi IIIMI , we lire worms In_rlmll. lt'dnuu not lol- Iow IIIeg we on. gelling warm. The incl that we are lling trailer doeil nni,llhow liliit wu' Ilril "pretty sand iellnwll." llul'ltlnt and in working in uls. ll vhouid not mukour lllin 'lhnl we ore oil koodnuil, duct tro proud. Illll lilni ii In the wark oi Gal], tluil iI lo liq Inllllyllult illnl Ill lnereniing and mine ultimatum. world in gelling hotter II in tiod'r lio- lot-y Ii II In, getting worm. It in God's don t , I ' 'l ll_t wai- doro pot prove Illnl we ate ileulnrr worn TIIII in the "death ilury" oi lilo lolile nuloemllr nyvlenl. villtcll In whale llunilnnr ll always ienred lly the wlldlel r I'M" any other purl oi Int; olrugllio. I am hop. ing that evil lire gulllnied all Ilrl Illrellglllln this lull wornl war. wllh-h line: will spend lleeli to'nouling, and we will soon lieu lheilelgn pl Praee. Bill will grow mm evil; but teen in extent luld good will nrow more good and greater in extent until ilrlally the iii-purvlun tarmadc. , _ m r MODEM Armin. (Clyde Tull.) Almlll to live i Nay. i would grow. Triumph, conquer. iall, iorogo: Na lone whll oi pain or bum in the cdr lllvllfe woul dl mllts, idle to lnurvciiounlv (Wall, ' Pull oi love and brnllirrhood. Airold in die I Nuy, oenlil to im- Would wondroul [Inq ndvenlure or. iIryond lire normw pounds 01 senile ldMIultl geld experience. Whetrenre l ior moulrl'ril lg nod , Death would bring me near 10 GalI l r W i .e' olrarrllur ill ouotoIn rla, 'iiie Ioelll mnnuinelurlng oi elgnrrls In iiuuiemuln in lemon DE. More than [00,000,000 wero mrde last year, elllrlly by hand. , W / ii in uo r'sillle lhlll In more siren- .Inlls dnyll allr'sood women ere un- ueresllmniinrr. undermining. lllo In- llllenee or the home alid iln- molller. Napoleon once salt], " llr: greatest need oi France Ir a generolion oi lllDIhnhL" ii nlw proni in needelldi Ir round in Ille lrlllurlice that we now the mem- ory nl ii ilrr-rrisrd rwrl our men in tile Irsilnn Inner. lllrounll \vlllrli the whirl wind oi ierror lies roused xIIII lll tr. - ill-lug up to IIIDMV Ideals 2 henolil will he the lllr- pmi-rd mmllllans, the lmpplr-r sur- YIIIIIIVIIHKA. it God is mll rnlnenlbofeu end ills low and Sail-alion lnuqlli In int-young iolli in iIlo home i Let us (II'\'( IUII lloluo llie Ellil Imllll' rellglnnx In there days ol many ill- lmrtiolis DuItlIIIP the homr lei ur Illnl. IIlt' home sword and elirrrlul and not with the preserlre nnd lnllrlrnre ni lrllo Cllrlullan llring. . r l K : . a .. Rheumatism Now is {he'lilma to get rid of It! Nature is pulling for your" The warm weathers liere~ r This in .your cllnnee~ grasp ii lako Templeton a Rheumallo ' Gapiuleo Ger it our or you: cystem \L: semi wayl sold by rellnhle dml ilu for E d . Ask our use"! 01 VIII 4 us in a Iree angle. Temple. Ron's, 2 King 5!. qTGIODMi I] $0 In Newmurket by PINE?- son EM in SuII \Vfll by P. ll, Tmmuyne. W sALk'ol os sznwnaa . ilrlleulurrs DI Ille Dlvn ot ivew. nlnrrer art: oliered ior sale ior on anlounl suilleienl ID rovrr the eosl oi Insislling Sewn: an Eagle, water, main, Iiuran. Timothy and ammo :lreels. , Aiilullnls'wlll be recalled Imlll MOD lo tloua or more. The rate oi ill- irrosl is 5% end in: term 25 vim. rurlller lniormillon oell he had Ilom wru. Keith Chalrmim oi Finance Com~ miller. or Ill Euimv BYORIEE , he said "In 1mm lnnll us in: d nnorllualmuneo on the heel. - loser )Duu i lull-.- one ei IIIE lIIllflIEil lnrll's nil rm nrtl lltI ) lltl nrni Illsi iu iinlr . ' was IIIP I m- more is alien .. pnlllolli side rirn'lo humor. I . him: just llr-rn nui willl my nrellllrel, and Ill! w ) l inn 0' "to {un- lllrrl sioriia l r ,ssw It I hadn't llirn I : (or Illtril I llnvn inunhrn l illll slIIy." TORONTO only one sorrel-i. - nan nuluru'la purl, 'tur qod mode In. no r foli-tolppot, wlllloul whlch ._ I duel nupposlng tlull tho ulouulII lllnl ' In a word, It the . ~ church frdwil t l 'Ilttle by It giqwn . tidal I medi l remedy/liar woman's world. Th medium WW and in": speci c for that _ i. There quounh w from v "llaw dopo veur . kitchenette l ' Hm: I- You should loule hel- mrololtes," Children Cry 1!!! {mums . / G A S T 0 R I Farms ior Sale I 100 mol (an lira) anon horn. frame house. air a lo lohoei nod , The above [um ll'all under ouIIIVeiolI. , .vwel l loonled. Prlctl noon on my lei-mi. _ 120 an , 15 acre: under cultlvo- llon, haiallve posture and nuahullun- only water. (load barn, nlalllu, trail-i: house. Prlcg 85000 on any terms. 1m uroar on Lake Share, Good nrm. larxe nouev, Ia :rooms, [Iuwlna well. too nerev udder oultlvolion, Electric liglus In turn and house. Fri-2f 916.000. Good Let-ms one he ll- r VI) Aurel under cultlva- lion. ihoioe laud. Never {gums aprlng. ' Elms WXW, ion: liL lIcal Another ham 30x10. implement house and hug pen. iramil dwelling oi 7 rooms. close to car line. lrllll heel [arm in the Township. Price 815000 vtltll Q5000 cam. Balunue dl mnzed, . ' . m7 Wu, the choicest land in me 1 lvnsllip. noode. lirink house. No waste Mild, all under oulllvnllon. soumeioo neru / Piice $135 per here on any terms, ,Io nilles irum Toronto, , .225 was, all under euitlveilon rlld nurture. rst class barn and Elablgs. nriok house. zFlile orchard Ind iruli. Choice ldnil, Price $125 per acre in any terms. so norer ierm, choleo land and good huiidlngs. Prion thooo. so am terns, good In every respect, i-lnse In Mr llnc. 39000. . ruling III hulldlngr, well located close to cu. line and village. Price 59500. One llllrd cash, balance to still purnllsscl. 1 lot on Luko From 8600. 1 lat onilako Front $1200.. Arm FA? ,l-r. summit, Newmarket. Ont. nor am liolloo oi Anulluilun m Divorce . OTICH is he vlly given that Lillian Fiornnco Anion oi ille ( y oi Toronto. ill the County or York, nnd Province or Ontario. will apply to the parliament ni cull-dds nl the next session illerroi tor u llill nl nlrorre (ruin her Iluxhiiliil Frodorirk Ans l. oi the any at Vail rnuvor, l mllnt"? oi British Columbia, on the ground at desrrilqn and adul- tori: nnlod oi Ttlmnln ilils I'itlr'day oi Augt _ (1.,19'20. . \ do IAWSUN. In? Bai Street. Toronto. iiotico or Anpiloallon lor Divoru NOTICE is tlerehy given that Dan. orn l.lnolionnlli orley. oi llle City at Toronto, in tile Count oi York, In tile prollneu oi llnlerio, lvlll npply to lilo Parliament oi Canada at the llexi sos. shin Ill#8216;dol lo a ll! at biiorus INIII tlls wile, PaII'lIIn srrall Dilel. on IE Bmunil rli adultery and deserlloll. listed at Toronto. in the Proilller oi nnlarlo. llle will dry oi April, I920. Ilnlwnrl hiaodonnld urirr. by his snlit'lloh Di 5 i | , I ronlo. Iioileo oi Appllouttnn iar Divarcn Nn'rlt IIUI . rllru Illni Alu- onder Lrnuo, ( auiirur. oi the t.i, oi 'l'ornlliu. In it lI'IUIII) oi \ ort, nnlI I itrllalnuill oi t; :llli .d lll- nvu M s- ,n IIIl lll. ior n lllll oi Iliioreo irqu his ulie .\I:lillIi Lilqu oi llli' 'Jltl Cll' at Toronto, In the t lint) oi mm. on the grounds oi ndllllr [tiled .ll Toronto lIils mil till til \lsy, A. II., I020, 'ilualltiir land. , I.) .l i7, (ZOHCOIU Notice All Appliuiinn Ivor- oirem NuTlll . ls lll'rvln I-i rll that WIL liun closver Dayl- vlnor .ll lilurrm. lnrulrrns \xlll Jp~ aly II. it l'srlillnrni oi lisllrdl at tile r. on llol li iur IllIl ol nl. - - II n hi. wri...\iilr:l_r.l IIIIIIlI nollr. I it ~ (AI' or London, ill lIltl uonnri- pl nlldrll. In the I llli' _ i grow lulndui'erp. t loiulliu lII|> roll. tll) or . i020 \\'II' rill illulws Day |.' llv bis 5 irllors. ilnPnav,.PlllII..\x It v , .MWEON. ' I5! Biry 5 Tan): iqis because I and mourn-unm- wh_lq_h acu ding- y Rnd' , favorably upon the feminine organth Duvlu Heather 60., Newmurket 27 nor: farm on Lake Shore. Gllud prelim-i- oi tlnlurn. \\l|'i .illllI) In Illa ' and Ali s(rlI n, , V p is . -.-t' \but as yegr'qllyagr Mia rolled by and the ll: of guinea who Iilld been poured , , , .aince_ ' into ammf slimy 0E hyndmls of thousan'du bfahd eke ti-' elm have been swept: away as by a niig ity this plume veggtible . ls mag-awed as .the -, eate et .IIIp in this a wonderful conic Pianos; WMWIMCW 1W DWI , BAQII'DOHATIOHB To NIWMIIIMIT "t I]. Canadian ougllbl-izd Ilm le ,Soolely (per Seen-Lair l 'l'Ul'lllIIu . Toronto in York llutlldl ilnllwd y (in .II \Vm, Muloclt, (lemme. win. Cline 6i BUM. hid, ldnnuinolureril. Newmnrkot 'llrtllltt) .. Olflce 8 onlalty Manufacturln Co. Nawm Newmlirget Hotel 00., Nomnaigket Mikel no). 3,11. In nite: M4 Lr,ri:, lluro -u . Demle Cream Separator 00., Toronto, . . John smith. iloevem Enui Gwllllnl'oury Tnvm Imperial Tuhnoco (20., tirqllto . . . (l rlolio lirowii'do Cm; Toronto . . K. N. Robertson, Ii ant Ford,]\lntor 00., Newmal kel Bank of Toronto, ewmurkat Branch . \V. J. (Inga & C Stationers, TOI uIIILl . . Thus. Blizzard, gent McLaughlin Mature, howrnarliel BMW of Montreal, Newmurkel Brnnull .. .. .. J. E. Nesblti. Agent Intornntionui Ilnrvesler Cd, NBWI IKEI J. A. hi. Armstrong, ill. l .. Schomberg J. K. Macdorlllld. Cuunty 'l r'ensur -. Toronto V. .l. lllll, neglsimr South Yor 'ortlnln . dos. Morrison iirnss Illnllui aeturi CU" 'I'Ol nlllu . Toronto Jobbing House, Newmnrket .. w, A. nrunlon, Genernl-lilorohnilt, Newmni ct G. A. Binns, Hardware Merchant, Nell/market . .. it. w. Stewart, Traveller, Newmsrkol . . . W. C, Lumdy, Dry Goods Mercllanl, Newmarliel J F. Herve . Proprietor Express Herald, . alter \v. loin prnlnrk \V. D. \Vutston, Agent iinperlo III'E, dul- ,,ilIiupll Piplier, 'I'ubncconlsl, Newmill oi ,. ,Irllan-inl/Ilanh, Nervous liet inruncll . . it B Smith k Soils, liorriwrlrc. lieu-m rip, Ndwnlai kol . l J. ll. Eliiliue. Groeelr,.l\ rwnlurtet ., F. Mowotl, Sheri". Toronlo .. . . D. u: 'i'arlloli Deputy IIt glitrar south \ ul-n . 5.an rknohtlls, Tolmocollls I'DI'DIIID J. \\. ilynlrli, ldglltrlng liud Agent, Tul olllll , E. A. James, Engillri Toronto {I Yul-l. llt lntls illlprrinl liank, Alli-Ill . ship I Nor/market . 'l . J llnltw, Armilng .. ,l. l lrlylor,Newmiii'kel . \Vllllllli llro. 'ewmnrlrol ,. . u. w, liunte ,.uonorai Merchant, I oumorlei llumillorr Bros., Grocers, .\' wnmrlrei n. A. Boyd. Livery ohci Sales stable, hell-market p. w. penraon, Coal and Lumber, Newulnl kct Borran Ar nellly. Livery. Newnmrkei N I. Roadhouse. Furniture &.Ullllerluklilg, Dr. \Vebh, Newmnrkel . .trlhn ll: Proctor, President Newma 'cl Fair, Newlnnriel irrogdte Courl, 'l oionlu . oi Clydeednle horses. on uIl" {\utliiill'w , mnur it i Jackson. ell-Inn Al l .llowsit r a Snit, , s it. nulliop, Clillltlei', . o J. i.. .lutlnstnll. (II'UCW. X J. A. Cody ou-nmrhol , . . .I. ll. Scott. liaison, culnarkel . \l m G, lilll In Stun Queenu ll.- _ Bilatoi \\',li 1-1\' s, liewnlnrlet Edgar Dnnllir, is mrrkoi . ,. ll, i2. Cllnpniil, linrrisier, Ni wlllni'kei . Wm. Ellsworth, Grocer, . ervlllarhot . F. Cloulil, Iierolluui, Newnlerket . .l. c. Steelilm , Agricultural heprrsenlnllve, .l. E. \\'idll'llleld, l-osimastcr, NEanlni'keI . d. it. Y, llrourrillon, Drugglsl Nelvrllnrlret . w, .l. palierson, Drugglsl. howlllurhel Jul-nos Whimsler, 'enrrel Merchant. .iurn E. Dillano, Noulllarliel . it. w l'hilllps, York County Clerk, I ui Tilos. w. Siepllens, Aulolln D, McLeod. Customs Dinner, Allror Jns. Groeknrt, Butchur Illrnrr. . Dr. Scott, Newmntkel . Geo. Knowles, Grocer Newmorlet . . . rt. (Inhorlle L- Solln, insmillld. lien or e J. w Flei llrIler, Blacksmith, Newnlh - J, D. McKay, Registrar, Neunlnrlel . w. .I. Fall, liuiollel- Newnlnr . (I. F. \ its 'rniior EWlllill l ll. ll. 'ilul'alliail, abort-r. Nl'Wliliillll . 'I'. .l. Spanllnk |Il'(tl ( . , , . ,l, ttimrr .iuro . .on. Nrwnlnr ~i .. , . run. Agt-lll tirluudn .l I Will. Wright, Shoe Iierellnnl, Newmnrkel l". llullenll. Jr only I'lIl'llhIiHI xiii. liuiiou. llnli 'Noll lunl . tlorrutliors. ' rd I lilii. nutrilors, N. . Lyons, Collirotioller. Newlunl rt . - rennin, .lll-l-rlmnl, Nell lillnt'l . . l.. - Illsoll k l. .. Jeweller: h'rwnlnllni . .lrlo. Doyle, llnl-her, Newnlur oi . xwmnrlrrl Iluuiltlry . , . . ,. Iill w Stine liopnll-rr l-wlllIILI-I , . . hrulnurlei 'lliquii'i ' i . ollIn . .l. ll. \l'nllul. \ I'UIll . lulu, ill-rigour. nlvlgo Aurore nwrrll-d. llop..llonre Tp. \I llilrllnril , Alll llld ill-o. lieiull . anus, \l'lnllr .ilp til . 'I'Ul ulu .. ' DQNATI9NE IN GOODS \IIII , Irrlli, Aurnr .\ll.l \vllsnlli nl 'Iollnrnil ' _ 'i tld agatlion l" Nlauk r Malvsdlilld'l llrulltu .l no. wittp r 'Fnori, Aurora . .r J.