Newmarket Era, 8 Oct 1920, p. 3

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I no. house. denol IILLE GIB) ruolnvI nun 2i church sisslml ONTD Clay IIIoInI- .nIl 16. 15. her. IInIiwII 'rorIIIo ONTO _ um :III; and cirlem. .en, Iinl gd Iele- . MIAMI NM... nuur. who your ! . chumh inIrIIIII holdl K ii anew. I... Bill'nl December. ' m... .1 none Banqun. I mareroenls um co ied or III A I; namincI oi IIIe noun oi Ior IIIIII neuron Io Inna piano III who e I iilemmnx ueoree iioIei on Monday I p. oi ueu weak. A Iiiohaa u? oi IIokcls orc now no mia. :II wahnpe III D llln Is In he I . . 'prlnIInII >[IIJIIki'h . I . 75; w mng Ileineru uI IiIe ivrlenria 1 Ionl mil are holding a Bazaar. I o gill: and swing oIIeI-IIoIIn ran all p ... Nnv. 25m: plenne men/o Inc an _..____ :Iz Iarlm ahuraI . . quxyl sIuIIioy In coIIIInuulon suiiday. Gardnu'ul II he alone oI IIIc mornlnn . an. inner, II. II. (John, II. AI. 01 Aurorn. ml in love Iha pruparalery oIIIirenn oi IIIeIelIooI rooIII Iiuro InII nialil. . PDUIU Y Anu lluan. J l IIIeeIIIIfan rho og/2:. . IIIi he he our on - run, In IiIe nIIrIouIIIIraI or. 'me, oi mo IIIorD Ior arIInuianIlon mum ior iIIe caliIlilIg season. All pimonr'lniui uulcgl iII pouhry ara Mir dizlly Imllml III menu. I ,anuo DIIIrIclV Ounvcnllon. up:g%unl LI'IuveuIInn will he held In Newmirkul on Friday. liai. 22. Amarion oIharI. VUIU Ieiiowing Bprzkens wIIl he preseni: uev. Iiirnrn IIoII. I rlizclpul oi IIeihnIiraI. mlnlnu school and Mr. ii. ll. 'l'riinlddL . n oroInInanI league wurIIcr. hloeun. shin mops wIII he led up League hx. oIriI II Ior lhe limtgmm' In noxi pIIIr'I [iIIIIcr anu plan lo he preoauI, din ohnr II. , In... I Ismailfllieeilllg III ilIe I.IIIIieII' uIIiIn oI IIIe heihouih church IIeIIi III IIIe,i;iIureh I m-Ions iaIII Wedneoclny IlIcmoml IIIo lullanIIK ladies were nopalnm IIIIiI Lenders IIII IhI IlIeI nerir III 'Ihu Iihurou : I III-I. w, II. annnirouII . r uiII I.onII . Uuu, AyIII , J. u. Mum; . A [Heliul dhun . iIIIIiII-III All II'Iieeh LIIIIIII llognl i ll. Monk M Ina aoneiuaion oI \llu IIuIineos .)IBylms Isan a IL IUIIIE uIIuI IIIIIIIII roirenlunenia wirre Irr. 'IIIII II soInnl Ilour euloyro YWIHJ'II Fair i'IIr IMII hvo. iiI. Manny Found . A i.II IIarIIIIl JaclI Iiniihownon. re~ ruling on Hugh; pireei. noi. more IIIan I IIIn-I III one, round Ihe money which .III John rnple oi Cedar Vauuy loaI IIIIIII- oliomillllg In NewmnriIeI Inai IIIII He m4: Izulu enough {I} hide I! III Uivn won a (on Iioilor hill Inlo IrII Io nei changed. Cone ~IALI (Illi'llb \W: III ihe olore III lhe II he iIqughI nmhahiy his IIIIIIIII IIIII I ihu Ind lo sci IIIII hiii one lIlIn smaller bills. oIII-neIl iiIe Em ll dawned IIIou III Ihni hio ieII dollar iIIIl was prohiul somi: oI Ihe IosI money and I: bib-NI in make enquiry. The re III Ir IhaI .\Ir. Haulewan noiliicli II) pIIIII lasl FHle and he came out In IIII-IIIIII IIIe III The nine Ici- i pm. mosl I'II ill: money in a hay IIIIIIIII IIImom lloslreii onIl IIIh bruiiicr irioiig' word Io in r:- Oiiice. so HIE IIIIIIII III cIvIIrI goI meal or his run hark. - Mdliwa . Hrldqlum. 'IIII- marriage no anioiuuliui at eci. wIIIIIIeInay oIIeI-nonn, In mi of Ion Iiedeernar, 'l urnnia, ' nIH J, .IIIIIIL E OUIMBHHK, (It Malia, Icunir daugillI-r III Ihe inle III: IIIIII Uri Idgl II, III llr hrldsC, will In II III IIIIIiIIveIi. youngcsl Iron or Mr and Ix (II I l'cmwcll, Hurloii ml. Mr. 0H0 James I EIJ 'III \sl IIIlIIIK IIIIIaIII. anIi Iiuriur; III ~I.II r or thI rIII-IsII-r Mrs. IIin IIIIIIIII - 'Ivhu III-hie, I; gin-II Imuy by her hrnilirre \II- \\'.IIIIIr Wily. Iva ingwnnII In IIIIII an... Inn IIIII LI \\'I I loan III: I.I;..I.IIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII "i III i.lIIHIIi- III ngIIIIIIIIIIIII i ' i'III \\II I( Iu:4,:. II IIIIIoII, IIIIIIIIII .I I... .II and gold II . III HI'HN IIIII IIIII pole IIIIH' IIIIIII, min .I gIIIII slimw IIuIi IIIIIIIIsIIIIIII I.iIIIr III- IIIrIIII II III! InsII. liIliI \\'II. III. III II IInII. honor IIII. IIoI-IIIII III III! I IIIII III-Ir IIIIII I.II.I.., \IIih pIIIlI (EHI'IM ml min IIIIII IIIIunInr-I and coming a gull! New or Surcihrnri rust-s. I I Hulk is hrsi mun. The IIsIIIh. II Mr. churns IIoIII, Mr. "mus s Ilois, cnuinl ui ihe III In. HimIIt III-cieiinud . IIII i)I-. .arl Mam III. IIIIrI IIIII rI-rrrnony Iho brides III-II, \iI-a. \vaIIIr wIIy, hula a Men- lion II IIrr home In hlgiu l\'4 lIllE, run III" III, Mrs, Iraiuwaii Ien Ior n Iharl Inn. aiiur whiru Ihey will In- m; u I n GIIVIIIMIIHE arr . hm IInII IIIIII III hrewr II-IrrIIIIIe, \IIIIII :VJ- NIIII rollnr nun rum people oi IIIII Mulroqu n manni'luuwpo anunuutmmlh. A BROWHQM'M'w IWIbI. ' p or p und in inuil lou. : Ur stairs. waver. I when every murmur nr Irec. I- Iilher In ukliiuliy wuya n rnKI'cI Iiini iiln HALL Nance lo Ladies. 'rhnnn \l'hn IIch urII ) ul recelrccl ihe ploiaa on which 'nins were I'nlIen lo ihr. I ulr Ior Ihe \v. I}. '1 . li.. may mil hill" II_v calling aI Mrs. \VnsIr-I-u'a, Millard I IIoIIInK 219. OMIMIhn DIIImeIl. / sunun III-.I. IIIIII. Mornliiig Ioplo : "sieps In IIIe uh III. me. This Ihel III no us or so 'nlunh on Duvnunnal and Family lice linlou, Iar IIII I- orwyrd Moverneoi. IzIrII-y IIIl Inbur nun IriIIuIi oi IiIe (IIIthIIaIl churrh ouniIi Io hear IIIe IIIIIoII- IIIa line 0! IIIouIIIII. IIIIIIIII: Iopie: "Fowl for II: .Irmr- "( 3' or hire." Iioughls III apply in (Ill Inorolnr ilIauIIIII. Si i) Srllnol Ill 30 II. III. II: had a plenum IIIIIII- lost sunIIuI- IIIIII we hope IiIrII we IIIny have on Ilm anIIe pen] nIX liiiirr Inn, nexl Slillihy Mr lei-noon. I'III: ( rioIhIII iIIIIIeaI-III saeloiy Is IIIIIInII IIII {ai- ueller IIIan II old a year on... IIIII [ImlllIsLs Io he more IIelpIuI IIan In aeIIIeve grenler resuhr. mam 01 DOM] IIInaInuon. - II Cil'iiulneliniccs, . . ed ou \vIIlIIosuo , Sapi. 22nd. arm a hI-iI-I iIlIIms IrIIIII Iiiphiharin aI irnI-' Iinon-in IIIgpIII. son. only eIIIIII oI Mr nIIII Mrs. m. III L VIeIoI- Iligghnmr In her IIIIIII your. The he ,4 wilv DUE Iu II and I iI 'IIIIIlu wiih her , iIIlII. Sim wus II [Ilipil III M I III Pheraou o clues in the King sI-IIIIoI nuII wns'I-rry highly I an in her mum and III 0 mosi. Impului I vIIII her comrade Iu IIl I' plus sun was II III' III IIIIII iIIII IIIIII- I-hiIIi IIuII th- iL iIIIy or IIInIIy IrII-uI. IIIII iIrI IIIII IvIIII-II iIIIIIIIpII IiII- Iienih of (hair ('IIIII]. 'I'he IuIIeI-ni iIIIIIr pIIIce on IIIIl) 'I'iIIII~IiI._ .IIIrIIIIIIIIu. Sum. .irII,<uiIi IIIII-I-IIII-ni \\I III Newirmrkel (:nrn. uier EA SYMBOL 0F : PROSPERI'IY I, II I. new bu iIIIsn la WM: DI IrIIoIIIIn, whaqu you M run or wnmln. I II Ir a III" at allow . luI mm ' Ihun um: um hrillunu or "In nun nlluu I. cum Ind wood vellumhip IIIaI man: In munh In only llllllon- IiIIp in union. or mhw 4 Thin is no IIIIIIIIIrIIy III In III wh n hm... I... . [splelllly nur uusuc Illwilry. coma In And Ioolu No cinnamon In .iauy. I L. Atkinson 8: Co. ' . Jeweler and Oniirinn AT pi: Iowan-Irma: ' DANFORD ROCHE or 00. 'I THE, IIDBMITEE , >II in 'IiII: day or all lhc yrnI Tllnnkavlng IIII) Iuelhor, wlUi nnme. lrnl lino nIaal nhail not in well. alln oppnslie aiming cranuemen nr Io hupurvIuInu iha whole we IIIIII, Johnny In nilaeIIing nyllllulily Ilrum nIieiI, unlit-I nn . uh Ihui lIIa IIIarmnlnIie IB goon. . , i ' ' I'Ililnkmlvlilg m _ Iha IaIIIIIy day, IIui wiih nearly oi. IIuII Io no lo Marya ioIiIII IIIIII nuns-nu know. or course iI duh l rc lly'lakc Ihe place oi lIIe III- penfee, IIIII on man oeenrlono. alone mih lhe iriier oI rr- nrriun th I IIOTDDI'IAIHI. I Moire tile appoint: Photographers, Iim and 11" pi [hone Ilhaoursnr punish"rk HIS rough! Io Iran. mambo . In sin-Iii II... \. Young's Fair, ' I IIII: IIIInlIy III uniier ihe homu root- , _ I dIBlolnIlnu "Iii Juicy nabbch and one or IIInI couhi Iml he preacIII. merit toaday. ' . l. -; BR08,, NeWImIrket. Erle'lnur A howa-I III-rIcIl couple were nlInrivIIricIi ni ihe harm end on Well- rIaIIIloy nighi. ' .I.. IIIII. II A III]; IuaII- unllurr IIiInI. eIIugII-JIy hr. Paul II. IlnIur, reeiIIr III Ihe Episcopal Church. lIllI II'iDIl largr crowds io-day In Illu pier on which is. was cxIIIIJl|cd.. iIIv, Ilawe Lu IIIIIIIIIr will. rm! onu II HI Insi IIIKM Inr rhaunel hnsn when he huh I Inohnler slrlko. ilII haliIoIi IIII an hour and n thiI iIeIore iIIe ll .43 round Iu w oil 368 pounds, Mid was nine ieei uni: inch In lanIIIh. Three xIIInII sharks and hnli II IiochI crank- us were IoIIuIi iunlIie IIIe shorir whru II N I uui MI I. W PI Sale 200 Inr II. IIIIIIII liuIldiiiys. IIIInIIIsoII. IrIIree miles In Sun-m. 0n gnnd [gravel raan._ l ncr riIIlIi npu iI-rmr Io IIIIii pure er. 2m: acrns III Nm lll au-Iilimhurr liarng helm, IIIIoII I-iaIl house all In good repair. The right kind III IIIIII IIII- ail klnl| n: IIlerIl III-hung. Price $20,000. Cash 3700i). Also lIIo IarIIIs III Em IIIIIIIIIIqurI: I25 nrrea earh. Tim I.- boil kind and lInIh IIMI good hulIdiIIgn liouscs In Iha 'l'nun oi h'cwmnriI Iiur hrII-i. IIioIl on Park III 0 ink elnII nu IIIIIIrI-h SI. he or[ ill nu .\iaIII Si. anII Iiher ehonp 'IlIIlHS In all [min a! lhn 'i nwn. Call III and sec I-IIIIII l've poi. I vlill be plenerl III IIIIIII you. . rIII-r BIIIIII nIIII lruolIII- sis, oppnellr King rho. e lIolIII, WM liuiliiows. III M uslaie. lion "IIJ I NL wmarXeI. Irul liis for Sale! Iao acres III 'Iownnhip I: IIIIIIJIH'I'. GIIIIII whom; and won in. l IlCIL Cnuvrnlonl Iu rallwa IhIIrI-II .IuIl school, Price $8500. IIIII IlI S 'I'olvih IIIII lanai I m-iliIIII. I (3M!- IIuI-y so ncrts IIIIIIrr parlor, Running wal lIrIer inch, 100 out: 'IIIIIIIIII-IIIII I:II.i Qwilllin- liu|}' IIu IIII'IK WMII [Iver-I iIIIIIIIII s. Ii unIIer llh'IIIIOII, uni. IIII-e IIIIsiI and pasiur m o ammo. III) m :I when Iron. NI. I prior 2. no. mo amp MI IIIIIus II-IIIIIII'IIIIIIIIaII- kul. nriru $12,600. IID :H s 'I IIII'IIilIIp II!'\V|I|lIillIIrn h. IIIIII II building. and close II) ri hIInl .IIIo thinning. Ihiru 1,000. I50 aerrs mulshlp nt \\'|IIlI'II|IlI3'i. pm in o mow-I- Iiaor In llln uarinr In - day or lasi work. A I M lng er ail prni-axaap'l Deuuix PemMI-ln Gounculor I'Ic - , V I ; . . I I I e; .1 Weuirgeipoor III-Irena: znouun 1an on ~ Lorn me.- he eo- IrorIaMo pmpo riy. 1}. I The noun mn a_om. iIIIa Imilar under coanicieraiian ,anIi war oi aleu- whria Inn corpor nuon on. rorponsiolo or eaILI f Mr. imam. ma. heard regarding w-Ier Inciting ha Ms pmheriy 'aI iha nuueioi ihe sierra sewer. . nIr. heninrn, IIIe engineer. Inn. eni- In "Ith the bud I71 Ric crock Wu ole ad ouI. Illrre yllnuld bu no l- aulw. I , Mmrrcd lo II. A n. Thu ioiiawin p reconan paused; Smmi u lIarIiwarII, rot. III II'. InnIi 1., (:oIn- . . saw: Wm. (.une a Suns . ' 7.80 IIu II 'IIIIepIIoIIn cu. I .. aims neglairy omen I . . . am James Morrison muss lnIg. . I-ai, III II: 'I.. cum. . lzzi n. hiIIIoIIIi. m Io e'iark moo Ciln. Grll. Elna. ref. 1.0 I- II i..uanI. . .. . qua Wm, Cunni z sIIn . rei. Io . anrl hxuorn. .. I. 0.73 T. iioiionI. . . . 2m Jnmus iIoha-rtnon 00., no! In F. IIIL. Com. . r M50 James Morrison [Ira-55 Iiig. rel. III II . 64 1.. Com. .. .. Ilim NoIIonuI Iron Corp, roI. In . . and 1.. Com. . MOS. Sunllnry sewer, aaIimnle No. . . .. . 3310.55 storm viewc . III hi0 Nu. 2.112225 lien llIII-mnn Min. L'uIIhII , . . A E. . eelimulo No. 1 Curran d: Briggx. es innw N inn-ran ' IIan Br Inga. sewer ...r I. I... .. "3185.00 Apnllmllunu lar eincirla current ham iIIa iellowlng were granted : ll. 5!. Cone. iiurou 5L; wiIIi. cane, iiuron si I o: w. sl evrna, Cour- sh: Ed. YIIIIII. Pronqu Ave. and Allrud smiih. Weni oniario SI. Tim at P. hour, mini 31.. who referred lo the in. II niohr Com. communiooiiaa hour the hop Ioi ank manrdlng uvernmii Inleresi ma reicrreuIIa ilic ny~IInw coInIIIiiiee III prepare n Dy-Luw in repeal lhe hyIiIIv .uunwliziiiglunda Io IIe placed In Iha InIperIol IIniIk. CnInInunlenIIon IroIn uIe \VorIIInen-I compeIInaIIunuioI-Ini re mymenl oi am (or me hocond III" III 1920, war reierrcri in In cleric, in min II Lari-col, Ummuliniimili)" iron. IiinII I-Ie- Iiueis 0a., rIIIIarIIIon role oi IIIIusoIl blue. I. rl ylelllld io'ihe hiuI-rIr anIi Ellklnr r. Humming Iha panning oi IIII: my shenir, .\Ir. a ihougIII thII who ioIIII should he whom no lhIi oar- pnrallou Employees eIIuIIl operin Ihe IinIe einployud III IIneII iolI aIIII 'IIH I: Ihr mini: prop, iy IIIIIIriIIIIII-II In Ihe or ,al CoI him; I. v. No ncllnn inke ' Enuulrlu. Iir. IIIIIIIIY MIII ihni iIIII uIIizous ui Joacpu Aw. are gelling anxious In kuIIII- whai Ir. hring IIoIIe ahaui IIII- III'IlmIIl preiniarii III ml necllliu in: the purpose: ' Mr. Oshiii'nn IIIII IIInI or man oI help could he riIIL'iilII'll Ii I-. IIIII he IIInIIIIl III. The min on GarIIaIn olrrel Is In or lowered III recipe IIGSI heiore iho II iou is Mailed. hr, none XIIanIIIueII IIIIIILII iIIe Iron. IIiIInn III Main slriml aha IhoIInhI llle cenImeInr on lire cum and uuiirrs shnulIl lilI up "In min on leI nk lIIe ennlmciur ou llII' wera. A hy-ioIII I I. puswd pIIIiIIhIII no line iIIII-mwllig oi $20,000 (or IuhIrIIveI IIIr-nis io Ihe \I'nler \vIIrlro Plant. 'riIrliayor \\ I'|S requeslerl in Iuiik aria-r lhc ulslrinuiion III llIerahIre in nonumion wIIIIV I- Iiv lIrIII-nnlIIIn Ihy comment:an aci. 9. Ii was nearly II o'rIanI when ihe IioIInriI nailnurnI-Il. moon. Schomb I order and mum my rxccuiur fn IIIy riweliinn anII EIIIII Ia Ihe iIiIehrII. IIIe name In he pain auI oi my rslaie, sliid Jolln sIIearIInu-II, In his Ith made on niareh 9, I520. II IIIIII on Aurusi 21, III SIIIIIInIhnrg. pn Sing a 59,235 esislc. IIIrIuIIIIIII upon rarh nnu harms and II $1,500 house anu luI. lie Iiruucblllcd .II IIIe Inlrresi In IIIs home In Ills who, IIIe Inleresi oi sumo Ia IIIII nauuhII-r, Hanna, and I'Ine-IIIIII oI If: mild ? (LI 4'52" 0! his {our sons. William. Thomas, heel and "our. . , Kettlel uy. 'I \VaIIIE-n's "Emilie nini Ill (he Ilimic M Ii. \V. I). Flllall on Thum- .\Irs A. Colmvcr of Aurora, DIalrIcI Pr:- III, MKS. n. nrrnn, Prtsidcnl or me Aurora branch and Ina. Snuir Ii siiIIIl lhe hIslIluIe hero on u rcrI- Enlonhln aIicrnooII \VI IE EI IPnl. ~ The hoIIirI-I Mil "\i l ni IIIn upon. or hrs, 7. "RNA on \vI-Ilnrnlry IInII qumcd a FVHUIIIG Lil quills. Turn wlh III on norm-c III IIIII Mellmi Cllurcll IIII Sunriny evening rIII-Iug I0 iIII- nhriaiian (XIIIth holding Ihr-Ir 'i'lIaIIIIsIIIviuIr Seniors. I Iouil IIuiIrIInIzI-I and llrsl rlaaa son. AIIuhIirnre oi wnirr. Clone in ship- no. price on applianiion. A iIIr- .Alil. I mum Ior Inc. I (lIIoII'I: IIIioIr houne. haih, Image. Slublt'. one Acre a! land. A (mail Llu) In I Iuau lclivins ihe mru. nrielr hoIisI-JIII ronveniruuu. unm- ui him. In gnome Ioonllly. I)an housr, all L". I M!!! him, .1 cliche Ioeai v. lirer Imusu on Prosproi A . sell rhriIi ior nuirx raln, ml! to' ' R. WWII. I. NIML uni. Box an Iviil w. .l. l'llsoh oi IrIInunInInh. .Iirniioniin IIIIaneI. rprni III: ween-end WHII his bmllier, Ir. 1. \V. TIISI III M 1th plan. I V The snow sinrru on Thursday nlglll IIIII a mu deal or nrrnore Io IIIII lrIIIl Ireer. I . IInIi Iirr. Mviv le Sirplicxls oelohrnteri Iho solh Anniversary III iiielr marriue on Tuesday. on. II. A II-w oi IIIeIr rrlnlirea gaIIlEI cil iu IIll! evening In ceIe brsIe Ihr cousin. Children dry run mum's CA3TO'RIA n H or oN'IAI'z; TORONTO Ilogi, on cars minnow _ minimum Iii-m our... Limo v . .SaIe Register l'limncndny, obi. o. .\lr. J. B. weir, vncholi. will hold aruxienaiva Inrm BIIIB ill on o'cinck, l2 mvpma' cndli. w. J. Keaicr. nual. runway, aoI. 12III' .\Ir. IL I, Emmi. Inl 8. can 3, Earl OwIIlIm- bury wIIl horn on oxlenoiva iarrn role ai one o'aloair. I2 rnanin'e ereIiII. w. .I. healer. nual. Monday, oci. 1n .\Ir. Dovld Sr'rinokum, can) hnii lol :43, eon. a. quIahuI-eh. wiIl ImId a sale or norm. came, ripe, Implemenia, eio. ai one o clock I2 IIIonIhn' crenII, Y. w. Sliver- aiueo. nIIaI. . TIIureoay,'aeL HEW jun Verne Bur- km wIlI have n aale ni lrnplernenia and Siockn on IoI 22, can. is, 1 mile norm III neihavcn, Slop as. WIII meet I2 p'aioclr car. a innl creolll, air al I o nlockr \v. IL Kavaaagh. uuvir, Yuecdny. uni. SAIL- oi suck on 10: III. eon. 5, Earl GwIIIImIIIIry 2;; miles rasi oi oueensvllla, the proper: '0! Mr. Icngar sc ori. I2 rnonins errull. Sale III I n'eloclr. w. Ii. Kovnanah, nuai., Frldny 0aI.15IIr- .\Ir. Jon. Sines wlII have an cxIeIIIIiva aoic oi Iarrn sioek, ImpiernenIs, eia.. 2 miios Iroth oi sIIIIon. I2 man. s' MOIIII . Saie al I? o clnck. w II, Karanueh. nuci. I t lcdnezdnjy, ooI. 20th7MI, II. \v: i-nIIenIien will have an cxIensi . halo oi olocu, IrnplenIrnio. ivuls. eIc., 1% miles raII oi ilavenahon. No reserve. 12 monihs' bred . Sale hi i o clock. \v. Ii. IIavahaIIlI, oueI. mannay. 'oaI. HUI Mr. Irroni. Enid-Ir. wIIl have an eIIIensIIe rain ai Iioen, IIaneIneoIs. cia, In IIIII Image or SiIoI-an, Na rrrmo IS rIIonIiIo- crenil. Sale II I n'eloaII. i rral sIIIIIh, anal. Tuesday. on. ZorwAucIIun ouie III Inrra aloch, IIapleInehIs. ole. au ihe III hall 01 ILII In. con. o, IVIIII. church. lhe properly nI P. A. Buck. Nu re: re, Sale nl nun o'ninrlI. I'erms II ranuiiIs. r. N. SmIIII. nuallnu, r. Hondny.0 .\Ir. u. Szlhuv. sm- loII, will hold an inInoIIInI IIII- III Iurniiure, eIa,, nI 2 o'clock. w. J, ~ Knnlai. ancI. Tllulndny, oai. Mrs. iiiIa~. III-y. IierIIInII, nr-ai vIIclII-Il, wIII hold on IIIIIIannnI iarm sale ni our o'I-Iarr. \V. J. KEVII I'. alil, . mm, on. 141 . N. IIurIIIIIIII, lid 20. to to . 1) hold all use ir-naIIII III-In enlc III one II'rIurk. \v. .I. II slur, anal mIIuMIIy, acL ip-AV. 'i'hIIIIIrIIuII min I). Muf er. lul 7, con. I. GL'IIYKIIIZII VIIII sell a number 01 mm] raIIiII nna hoists III one o'cloar. 'w. J, Kes- Ier, nuci. rhnraony. (III. 21 - . u. it. .IIII-IIan. Int 19. can. a, Georgina. IIIiI hole I sole oi Iarm stock nun (l ts III one o clock. \v. J. Kcslcr, auoi. Thundny, oer. 23 \Ir. Adam Lollrh. can haii IIII :iI. can. I, Senii. will hold an Imuorinnl Yaranalc aI om: o'clock. No reserve. \v. J. K ler, auci. ..._..__.._._..._ . anLl: uv TEHOEII III II IInaInlleor I l WMMIKET I 'I nildcrs wil lee rucIIvrII addmsoed lo Iho undemignea up In Llonany. iha 1am day III aalohar. 1920. Ior Ihe purchase or ihnl ronnhual house and premises, siiuoie aI Ihe norlh II-IIII comer oi I-raspcci onII smiley Sheet: In Ihc Ioun o! Newmurkel. uhcrr Au. dI-ew Lmiu now live This properly Is slIuIIIIII III nnr oi lhe rnosl Iiesirnhie denliill dIsIricio oi the lawn. 'I IIeN Is a Iargr. garden wlIII {NIH and Ihc house when uIIl ls sIIII eaInIorloule iar III-Inn purposes. purchaser will pay d \\'n Io pm- tLiiL oIJIIo or her pure-I . - or pinnI-I- oi Irurier nIIII iho h: ' lhmIIIIIrI ulihaui |II~ V and Inrui'IIiII'I III III adjust- III III IlIin oi IIIIIIsier. purchnser will Iahe pIIIuIIsII sub iII-l i Iran in A. Irula, WIIII ulli vn. I-IIIIIVpreIIIIIrIo p, I9IIINo mo. 'rIII- IIIgIIrsI or any IIIII r uni II"- rsmill} rrpirIl, I III' {Ill ilmr MIN nIIIIIrss oil lender in w. 1;. \VIIInIrizlm. : IIrIIor Ini- Vl . Nmrnnian, IInI Live Stock Markets llllliesi [INEES r-Rkl In Town": III. zck : Hum Choice SIeera anIl lIciiIm rials apply II. oan .Iwu 1 .9 .50 mo.- Lunpy, rho Indies oioro. NEWMARIISET I {our mull ,NEW prion. at. no: many-Ian . , BILKALINE FALLIIO A Yum- null onl'mnnlil' / and needing. IRIDAVI ClioIacI nuloliu chws . 43.00 Clialcr Sl nrlmzera 460.00 MllLeis 150.00 warrior i. Io.oo Spring Innurr .16 nIIoIrn (28le I. . moo .urIIiuIII nah-Is .. moo Sheep 8.25 , 20,50 Running hare pony lunar. open In artillns, gram. - P. H I Morkh III h .I II Ian coniesI r o'clock. 5 m F 2 25 Troi or PM IIIIII or new. Pnuy vas. _ Grounds and linlldlngs min by Boya an Iiood musirai pro- oi Pmr Anhullr in from or can: RIZISUH. Prrsideul. Heavy nullIIlu acme: Ill Envy, men, Ulrich, Taupe, (Jada and Com, E3 Ihahczi wIIIo, [Ill Wool $.73 yd. Exciuulvo palicrnn In Plaid [or heparan BIII u, no two nllIia. I lx plcnca only OIIII Flop,le Inches \ Ildo, $1. Occlungu for Fall In plain and him) [Isiimmn For Bpoi : Ooaln. IS ya. y rloswca. Qu we now him a aamniola New Stank or lIIaIl-IDlnan Furniture. E;J:l Also am In Sullnrs Kiloth Oablnuis tha III. rainy tline. Oabinnia of Qunlllyn hullI. fur service and oouvnnlancau Lila \ llll he planned to demonstrate thorn to you PRICES RIGHT. TEIIMS HEASDIMDLEI CHAS. WATSON & SON. FUNERAL DmEOTOnSI Willilior SELLING A TRAVELLER S SAMPLES 7&5 LADIES, FJIEIBL-L MID DI S GDA I'B F. CLOU'I H. Hbvlmiu kol, 0 M. I! I095 Less Than Regular Prime , COME EAHLV AND GET FII IBT OHDIUE. 3 Doors Soiliii of King George Hotel, . Newmarket. em Thursday, Friday and Saturday. October 7th, 8th and 9th. our. 1 - Iiulul hi I II. In. SPECIAL A'l"l I0VNS r - -ior IIIl Trol ar Parr 5.35 N M ' thin Ind nun I mac. run-I. $3.6M IH FHIZIS- 50.60 IN FUNK! FOHIIIIAOIMI n x. 0mm. Boo

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