Newmarket Era, 8 Oct 1920, p. 6

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( {Wuhan Ai eiilli , " 'loi I hula I: ma. , 'mm,lq ..Toraiito . sold tulrtowuiurkctmy w. J. mm:- i ,- ion one to Bulluniwcdl b1 , r N. remttyne. .Btlglltttl Up hornet ,ooeiu rrttii Ii : Catt Wm! M HM my bright rim noting it optehiita may an" bowie-hr: Verna .h my crime 1914 Liv tun!me to a cur clerk when : you an reed, (a my 'u dee I cite all trim with. errt hanging it. Aunt. Marmara-,2. :2; Wait layer or algorithm, .4 ,. Dvliauiurus or the 'i'owii or New- 'l Bfkcl wetland Jul ml: for an unlinnt ruiiihlcut to thL'l' the hurt or ( lung aowcrh lin Englo, Walt-r. Mirth. lluioh. 'l'lmnllly and ilniiiioril Strum. . . Amounts will he reach-cit irorn Matt I 000 or main, 'Nirl rule 0! 1 . threat is 8% unit the term zh'yhurh. I i'urlher tnittrruhttun ooh he lied iroru Wtu. Keith. (itiiitrinhu oi Flnuuor Corn- mittee. or or .I J Am : ' -t.. i. .. 't ' N . pay e... , [town 't'ruuetlrcr. TENSMI . _ t, PLUMBING nod-- f thin. (FURNACES! T can trim 'i: limb: - 8-. 13. mines. girth .mrtiio- illuminant: "it ital-rishiizttti . MEEIi anI _ Edig g. it . Lotteries to the Cemetery. tel 1232414 in r. vrorlrrniiiruto "IM- QBI . W3 011$ Bud dzBDt A M 'or Cemetery Wei-r encoded to. Quotation- thirty i-tvczi, r . virtue a . G, w. iruhslnt. Altltn nvr.. lihvrinirlttt ' Mow II I hand llmn ID urllnl A N E W S U [T In you will! need it thir Full. w. hour . Range of Woollerts to client irotn. Pilcas will mil/wilted he higher this corntuu ruesun. Good C; F. WILLIS Ut l-M-dllo nttcr, Iiwrrnortint. ngig 'r [Fleming for Sale iso cries 2 miles trcu. Bradford. 1! ! acres cuitliotirit. Iittl restore, in arr: iitt him tuxrra. riooii ctnitllilg. llt iiinnl house Izuln'tltiltvlll to church rho School, t ittllr; iroio llztllwny mil-7|. iso hem. I.nt i1, thin 6th. Not-lit iiwtlitihhury.r 15 hex-en lllxn rtoy. hit-hoe rtry totiru. horn 30x3 . shed 15125, Stolltirur Iur 20 cattle and a linl hbs. Frame house. 'i'ric. phone lthrri innit. (i eiilclll to munch Gull School to her-es heir l s rethink. llnuse newly dr-reroird This is itti tilt-oi Hummer home near Lake Slitturh Seyrml hotter. ilstrti in town. Prlaizd trout Mean to stout). Iliath \vrl. l2. HUDGIIV S, .lloi 61f. N! iriartiri. _ Fan EALK '0n the untrue, unni r oi lirnn meet and ninth-yet A true. rotoriato house or men .iooo-rtxrd hrirtii rooms. hlreiy dreamed, wllIi in up. mun: And dou'ilslulns In . Ekcning 'ooro sutl lure Nunlll r htteheo. ntuo hJorim ' no Ill rriooerri urm'enh v chm. siiu irrl on u lot lithium tcrt y in owner, Mr, R. Everett. :2 . oi MY/3995!, rctdtn . , , _ .yVII lnlirfg Mollie-co n-uoitct" with little in tho purulent oi thy Mulbodln} cliumll, chaitiherg, no or the auspices iii rrhii itierry Mtil moth more Avery 'cmolaoi promo. wll hitch 'mnslllllilg ' . #8216;oruscr, rli'icii rid ' Sulmcr wm. inch rcrir. n allot- wiitoh ttiht very cniol-uithi cyeu'inrr rm thought to ii tllntie by llic ithtelhi; hi "Hod siyr thc Ktnii. TM roirirituir allure. nictlutrc, who rrari ut owoy rit tit - home or it duiihhtor, hint, Ncwruou oi Toronto. wem' interred in tho it. c. aemetor 'reoumirrth. or. 'i'uc iiitiy, rt'hir to it lulirlh ctd rchtdeut or thtii motion to nuns h. Iltu urcrit ticyoud within tltrec Wellkn , - ' wttiii mhttit huro hurt it a mint u< oideut with iii-cried mote try o uitruc lc hum enythtur I'm Mm. intuit. iiuvle, width if" mu , n the port outer unit on 1iln nir. t- red tiltinnirr'y irioceot liuslilt-M, hit on tho hlililwulk, ti urifitt Ilt r tuit hlihe iiud tree. The till you due to tho priory or troyr who rtrotiihod it wire or will) oiroti the wulk ulitl \vlttrli itiiy [which (mine In culllltm \Vlul 9 14"" Htily lullntldlrit y orcrhotoiuiud riuii icit; (Item wuuld i'ithm Ilititilhvlvus. IIII n0 )Sl' Willi ilch rruohlo, Ntiw llilti in... troytirrct] 'rcv- orii| llliiLe tliil'iilK UH: limit Jew iiitlli|li>i mid huh tir illtitltl much ouuoyuuce to uh hit. to nutrient. 'l ltlii ytrttntil he Momma troy-i, or you do no| thirty to wiutt trx|oii| you lltti) tulurc euriie ucr. tun. . Another oett oi rotuty dchorit home not milvcil will with untitled in the lung] will]! a! (lit: Imyit! unk llci ti. 'l'lttt morrtriiro or rites Louro_tldiie iircthct. daughter or Mr. 'o rul lttrii. irrhri ltrettrct. jieeuuireih, to tttr. 1'. Arthur hicuutcimou, or itiurr towinittt. tooh )llLitu i-ery quietly or the r'tisf ttouec oi Hit! hrhit's harrith ou Tillm- tlut . :icht. with. ltcvxd. A. tlr'in- itorr. it, It, oi itew ucuch itrcl. IM'IMI Church. oirtctutcu, was honored u it tillk niche-do chine mill and i. rttror-emhrotdcriid veti cuthrht with art. e IlIOSKtiin5._.~ itcr ouly'orrromcnt was it gold prurient, net in diamonds. lliu'tgm at tho groom, Alter ittu ocrcmony the uuoolt remit- 5il_ to tilt: dining-mum, when. owed. dlm; lit-6thth was" towed. . 'l'li room; were decorated \vlllt'atttniri mill rrtuitlnlur. ' Mr. cud hirr. hirrCutuito'irii ieit on it crohthrr trohi liir llurniern point. the lrride trrtrettthtr iu .1_ituvy or e hilll,_\vll)t out to mouth, 'rhoy \vill rtet-lliltl 1n KIIIK IOWilhilll'l. itcutu. D: "' " Stoufivtllg. r \Vltitl h. i ruporllontil itehreicutr Unit I We doubt it . true in tweut 7 inc [icnnnx know the rumor to thtt ([lleallull tout it is torncihuru thc t'lctl- in: Hluhl tlouhiti-ue sum-r liriculllu h_ titlullilml WiHi {Ilr (I may HIM. Lil). [Mix hiriirru (Ills 35MB!" [5 adapted in 0||~ (111'10. 'i'lruxn \Vliu ullenlltitl lllc JGIIH meeting oi the Women's hitter-oi iltuh rind Mtln's i.iu Ulitli hitched to Li t;ll t'xpl f llll auhlhcl DY toi_ iruii hiphthcd the WM'HHKh oi l mnttrumul lichresunlotiuri showing how it rrruc ten the nlirlour detect-i at our him-ht l'lll oi I lcblliig "INH- tit uh-ntuiu whirl. whu it :yltthltdttl tort-m hurt I Il) ~(l\'l' tih~thm i-ttu hrirtg'prcwti, . illu- ttou ms mum illlIUl Hl unonhunn tr tho r ~orhrui-htiitioh ht ttu- ITxt In. Cltuilitth i lli t( the or \Ull rmrh lw uhirrhwri it shit) on her . 'l'lie 1't ill rm hntrortrri h. llt tlltlld Ihr purl .m- M) re our halt in | MIN] etv iv umrtmtrrr- (or in. ro- uiotuiirr thiririrhittutc [Hrt lml do. tutorial on Nltili: ntr-rt {inwltl rind ii In .rrr-i d try all rurxirht thut o. i riinrt ltiruM llt hi i. cure or. illh .ullfln'. 'ilui, Rl vl' iri- torutrrt ttu- irirrithtr tiuit Iit: 1nd .\lr pI Phittr h t :H i'tl hir i ihti-r- titit- lth P tMIl-r tlihri- toutiy on this ' i' it \\'.|!< thi- othr Nl opinion oi worn (ml .. rirriu iioh troih thn th oottty elitiiiltl won on "In itrrhitrr will -.i r ~iiioturh i as [iriohutl requnsllllg Hit lti SL'L l' r v rnngcinrnts t rtlilti Lin I :ttlt' \Vllll Ml". nrllrl' to NM ? t't deuulnllovu l hunr. Honda: Landing, 'l'llul t: w'n .r 123;? turriuut hi the ii SEYWII'I'. in it... Melhut church (iliSIiilLlB) < ting. ihtrrrstturro . Ill h wrrc utteu try the jrnilm , itcr. Payne, out: ntr. itehnrst. \ Iilllt: the i-hrhtt-ch peritrrurri their part oi Hie Em HCL' well, under the till-tictlolt oi the superintendent. hir, llelthi sL .\ii~. s. it, iiooriutu nrid uuulty toit 't'urrrthy on o iuotor trip to inhuiun in their new striruuuhtiu cor. (IapL inndrcrt ii. t,arl.m, _ u I), the lure Cal. Mill liadl' Lnlkln or Stisrex tzurlinti. nilh his intdr, \writ itstttnir hi hir. X Htllt : on 't'urritui. Mr. lidhirrri has room ht. I . hurl iutrhris or. to trove tor the chi. (Ititld progress is hctuir inarlc mtii thi- thud wort; oh Yong 51., hrrhoro. mry to mini: Mime nun oi permanent phv rieni, and we hie onltrti uttiie tint rt nn ntsiiut ilnte we shall get mlth int... ||ie nontorontr, roildl nnn hi the raids 3:. they now exitt in thtr viii... tty. cashew. CASTORIA rammed ... Bahrain-Sonar: Ala hurl Wmof 'l hu ltrtdu . i (crowded out. V , V. ytrtorin'. B. 0.. Bcbli' JWII W h. Mmliemiu Klna'wu no man- ti iirtto row'pynd hero; [lo-mam. tu iii (timin- ue (gt-[vii to the U., 31 uuycromeht oiiuirtiir to aflch our: the ninth-l toilucrrco or the ymmt- ruM-. crotto Admli'illim cv ' A hotter-t the: neutrino only iotr HIM? ot reim- In; to tho petiole. he cat . the o yutrot oi their inherited rhrhti. - , t llofurrinE to the ecouuttiooroi tho hrohd Trunk Syrtcm._. . King. , cred that "it; right at putting ot o general etchtton upon a. policy l imriitut itiouio hive occri reio'rrcu to the ycaplo. No inlltitjuituu'ihitt iticir o truirunoitrrrr wort eootciholotcd t riir given In the hoirute or their reorereui. nllvntstlll l'ar nmcnl uutit lilo mutter tiud iiii hceh ('Aulnlllllm , hit onto. tit, and lltt: novcmmcot. [ell hy the more itiintrtcr. were ready to Cancun- lo lioildlioltlttm itir urttirh nulito rind nrivttouco denied to it ounulddmtlttn ll! lnxnnyum. IIIH ocithtittiun it an chtire nil- WHY iryricrh to which. lllu hint. i mrmcrrihttyer in Parliament wuru denied the rhrht oi our real voter ot {Intimth or onion ncnt tr idrout or uturtuir on cxttVtIillt: oi outoc llo con. lriil by an nxccrrtive and tti8216;tirnurhur or [ HMHK' | I the uhnuitt iii tiny ' count. Ahhtrinbly in the world wil| titrrtoie. t ., Manny \ llthoul nu iDHWi . oro'cty lens iiutirorotto hud noon the tlnvcrhmcut'h [rrncudum in tho t x- rrhudtturr. oi ireveuty rnttiioui ct Hit: henntch uiouey iii lltc rreottoh oi o merchant mirtoe. No hitolrtry would have ventured to [man] Cull- tructo tor on ttutti or ouc-iiu'itilrctlth oi thir ouut without. in the host In otohoe. coming to l'nrllhinonl tor on. thortty to do so. - ninert-awn jaxztllhii lrnitl titrateycr crush it miytortie menu. tucvltuuty rru lnorroie in tire cast ot'ltytng to the iriniireri oi the people. ilrru it pioood uhou tltr: shoulders oi those hciit ittrle to hour it, it tr air-tort mirth thrt. XODHH rir litter the incidence or the Iiurtlen vrili hi. rhtiteii onto "in huh I)! tlli: [grunt hotly M conltulllcri. Liberal Tull" Pottoy: lthii'tllga me to the policy at llid uncrot party or rtlipecls thrr rcvlhlun ni. tire-tor)". I we hthle te ,Hltil lliii ithic'hir come iuilecd, that it ii ready iohrr poised, wlicir a downy. rd revision oi the innit tit ntccssil't . - "In the roytrtou we thicv'e rhould Ilnvulllisldnll' l reduoitohs oi the duller; no the hcuciiinrlcrt pi ' in other words. 'oritttturo Al d which, goitr moire tho loud. the ctothinv. llic EML tcr oi the Candtllan hcopt iiutt nor- tritn thectiio aritetor win out tor [ha ( "1th (i! c niiulnpuotl and other ar- lli'lch errehtuit to nmtluuunn, hhatild ho hiiorrl upon the tree list, and hut in irtthrrt lt| Hie tuzlrutueuin Ill pro- duottnu in the north tuttustrlor or dad cutturo. tnlnan. ltlttllitrltig :illtl itrhhie. tth-re chuiihl one no it outirtohttoi r-r. dilution 0! dilljim, . -- Tall" Var "alumna. "it is not a tiuuitlnn oi tree irudc 0r pmteettoh. wtth the revenue which will ht; l {or yours to smile tu "incl Hie MIKE interest pdy< tntilh oh rrithhh duul XIII: (rt/liuhtlolla to our returned sohitrrr hi the way or Muslims and th nillri' ruspccls 1h well it to cum- on the . rh oi gut t-ruiieut scum intuition given to tnsuzio- lir. rt. ti. ltrurn who outlined Hit: ltls ' "5 " "WW- ntlncbslt) , will have to he raised by lil- iltrcrt tuxottoh irrttigli a it stout. tarr til. "We urrri also more eiirettvr tith- chit .ry lri grapple wtiii the evil oi hrnhterr-uig. 'i'tir wart: nnnimt' it he thr thirty when to out at rontrnt oi roitthtnrs, rum-m. inn-it! :ilitl rhounitrrltrs. \vItlcli tirihrri in en ttrrhh .rrtre: In tho rirtriuirut iii tth: CUIIHI cl's hill irr routtunr-tt it tho purl) sltnliltl ouuth he rt-illrntid ___: .: DROP CHANGES AGMHBT II. F. a. CEH I'nAL nunv Anni-er. oi hrrht-i-y and corruption tpruterl'r d agulu the u. i: 0. neutral orgnhiuttcu. uiroihtt .t. .l. Morrison. Secretary oi the ahrnclalluit. ttiltl 1 it. "zillin. torture I'resltleill. incited Livia) to-iiiy- oi the hearing or the [littlest tried by .tohh tiehuiu. IL iehtrd conscrintiv e candidate. auniint 'l'liotiiits K. slack, elculetl U. i . o. rhrrohri- ior nutterin. 'riie ehd oi the lit-oiling in Orailgmlllc (mitt: this eveoiurr. titvtnir lu [art in! hectic-try roiriruto litw hunts oh certain palms \tlileti ltdd arisen. Guidou N. shot ! acting with chi. w. it. i-rtrr it. P. I ..t a. L tilinwl tor nir. mourn. oiitnd "m the hearing oi the arsuimrm on charges against the ll. iv'. 0. county Drmnlzaliuil he trutiiiorrrrl la U grirtiia "all. Tm; who acsenlml lo tri- tlhtci Justice sir \Vlllltilii Mulorh ooo Mr. .tustlre tun \xltu were on tilt; litnrh, onri TItut-stl'ty til it rrciocli iixeil tor the third tie-rum. Ma rininrihi the. Charger oi tctirrdurttoh. oi-iucry oho u idcmrocd I llpHuil orotrnt the U. 1'. 0., .l. .i, itorrlsoh and it. it iiothrii tu-otr when hlr Mort ou .tnrt ltr tiri- but were out on the stand by Mr tlorr dou widdroh, couhsri tor the i ,spoii- itrht. "I hurt he crtileuetr or city utdoshrrnu rorrooiicri against rtih L'Hlv trot urgaiilulluit 531d ithtci truth-e sh- \i'tiltam .\iuh.rr whru tutttur ntlggi sllolis iirre motto llizti the it. I . 0. had erht litiam hl rttrl iron. the r. i. thil trod.- to llu ctitt . "My. sh- wit- iioih ngiiln rrhratcil lltul rihteiu-c dtit not show ii., wrhrn is no mitrhrc thiii n uy tithtnctirl utri 1) zit-tn It) the denlral oruautrottou to lir. stitch in Nils Martian." he cum. i'itrsit ohm c urn. thrh tutti- dmru try lir. Shaver. wncu rated it )tt' wlhitul in \vHrmmw the altars- 5 oi intimidation. ltr. Shaver 511d tint it .13 hot illti'if ntaf), they ten or thril- ohh blight. writer-s iii hero no ovtdcticu in autumn or ii," couurtootoii sir \Vilttini Mulan Burglar: nmtr : the. h ooouumi tight slum ht K||tllteuu rho slate ii quanul) ol CIKEPS Ind loltnt'ca. Damage amounung to u.ioa w. dune to the glucgry 'sltmk oi J,,_.\!. ciilmur a 00., Sumurv. lyy lire. upon the lithium iii-oil who my oil- irorn hr in in hhy particular: sir errgoiiyi64257;iorotto'u tit uiiuerr, to I In our titular it quite in line with the statements mode at wtirrr hy ,h|r teudei. ud thc llllc! recruit to he he. pu'lillnq more and time rtlclilew in his druuuotatlu u iii ti tl there who utai lilh no Illl Illm. . " , (lehttdo iiur he'd Bxllvl'lt ncea llk o thtr h. the hunt with hoot-la who full mill 'they trod hero divinely chosen to kav- urnvnlcli- Iclldvtiu, Mm will) YtEamt-IJ any lmorlorrnc with their lull-Illi- irurrrcdhrrrorottrc as trrieirh. he Pnlnlly commit-tit ll lil ldrcd ya. r turn had men oi that true to iii ronrr. and htttory records all tan writ whot ioiioweti their airtime ht notion. contour... 'orc not as iuhmiirtyr. to 1yralliiy on [tiny were it hundred yeiir'r out. mil much lei. thirty to bow down ireioi. men who am Hiciliaelvch oi. oi the chic Judgii oi ritrht or'wronrr. 'l ltu ihtoteroooc rind Toyyltiltt oi the eight-u uoycrumnht wail welt Mm u in tho rmnlloeiu muted hy the donor: merit ni tohcr. douutteiti ot the new (ircinltei n thugcmcho, o 1th we it turn. tihoruc rtztttnri or ccrtutu inoyouirutr or cidtttuhury writ coupled wllh mt alumni in the htiurohor to Join with the (internment tu punching the K hpel til "Ihlligti mi they are," W0 woridor whet itr. ttieirrhch rind Itl. mom would the to do with the him 1mm ilonrerrricir or Anxllcan lihli which, oi tie recent ueseico, iicolurrd: uuhllaitdlitb' rirld Dresilnt; duty at the church to to convince tr meth- licrn 'oi the iiwessll) or nothing to... Hinit t. ittndoinrnud rhouue in the lipid! and working Ill our economic ltio. iriity charter ran only hr ei- irctcd by ucceliltnz he the role oi lu rluiitiot rilli tllurtli' the r'iu'e pic at co ourmtion hi hcrvtre tor thr oommuu good in other it unrestricted cartr- ttetttivru tor private and rectionot nav- voiiiigc. All ctiriitia'u oeohte ouglrl to Inkl: ninctt - part to hrltlmmg nhoiil Ulla Ellt illKL', try which alnnc wn con grotto tau-emote chm dt PIIiI l nnd reintru )ntlitrilrlal_tlb;cnrus. No douht thir hrououucemeritoi Illt It llllmns will he mutt herrlty to he Melsltfn chitimri, who orrJilrintii coo. yiuehd lhaL rill Ulhl was go'ort hr in in port. Mid ,wlio, illstrtil lhliti hi the iltiluru oi choutre. hrnttd all those who err tr hotter doy oiie ud iii . ill ttou thi'olttllnltai'y ohti tiditgvi nli it my hod lelr t-riy thoy'iinuhi rot the o ccti|lir . i'llvn: hi on hone at an) tumrr. will from inc-n u! HIM Wile bf lllllttl. ilor-ritrorr-tthe. they forgel "tithing tint] on. nothing. it there i. to hr. 3 litrllcr dry- indrhrdo. on or when the "Human men will "lawful! and no to troll tttiiltlmuilh at ihthr, and .roi 7 hur. it uni come not throuuh oh i'irrtnrutli' century Tol Mn Iaolcntuu Him)! or. the country. but tin-duet . [timing li I HIE people [(I (lit; lrfllcl illlsm lal Il d "Ilh r'nuilh') from I ll hltitr klcs In the rrmi. ind irt! {a right. lliK toruny. Mr I) : DYEV JTEIUDH 11f rrrturuhtric Kuvl nl nml yruhuhar thyme homiou .trtihrtirrr n anm or: inniudtrt out iii lhei win-kt tho; would do unit in shill)! the role utilitv w ult ni intro. . iml Wintri. urn-h in. he din-tour. oi trett ntui tin. Mr or a routhittrd er kt-t (trial ti rhhhi hi - ihtl liidudl thornuuri. hi (hr itir [ mtrltv pro. 1'o.iirty huudr oi them are! [1 in ting llli~ rash N'l. Thi- nrw trot. hi to . - gralti< I; huh r; not urii. currently to tilt: Noiihnrh hartt or liouitohd .url Shinto mirth km! the piothrrii at r. ilnur tu hr. 5 tor these or.- :tllpjrr'lll, tint inniouy tllls will. only add reurtt 'UI' there i; rm rtnrh. to li to It l'tl it All tit-or that ruuutry, write.- i. hliw'ihl ltDl H'it'Irnn- itrut or the Iiltllinlll l ituit tirvntntunrut coriurti l)[(71lllfidiiill \ir it I s who ie tour-inn [Ilt Wm! on n shootiri o try. our,- hivi rr, rd hiutc nigh prtr lit-ink Off rvll tor hrmut tin-rs tint th v urn not nraiiahic. . __<,g - . , 9 School 6 Reports. minimiziz nciioaL itouour- irott tor nrptumher. I\'.~ Coot, ii. whilrruin. Doom, '1. M. \Vooci._ t; ltiti. i: other, Y \\'1Ui.l'l , n. humiry. ,r. iii. tumor. M. Lunllity. 5L mint! (i. iterlmt. it ill. Minnow, I Ila ii. . Kttrhiue, in . ii Whlkrr. it, trrrxitt. sr. il l.. tit us, I . Leonel in, it. it. Rank. t2. lithomou, a. . 1,, Ninth G. \V'dlkt-r. 9r i -\. Manliani. M. ttthmurn L limos .i, \Vclliakdn. M. Hal'lliomo: .ti. 7 12 mini. \v nor-mt Pr. nail. iloahe. iii. Ntwlnn, \\'. HIHCHM'), ll, li-rrttrihrh, .l r ll .intnuey. Ir. Net-min. 0. llrcirelt. it, Stiltwnll, trit Husnu w m' our ittt' sEEtw minus-- Sitilott. t.. Mlh . 5L A. nit. "Ipqut , A. rr. "H's iroitin' eut en' rertu- lltlitgu, An' thtln' tings uu tirtu' Military, 'l hcil hours a irilutv ltyr- I hid run our lillhw or .i rrrt rer'lusn our, who tit-ttherately commit-ii hIIIhElI tram htr return-men, win. was at our urt- in the wot-tilt You hex-er i tl. And prank- 0' this type luv lrluldlh s. in coins they terrier in he so. which to heel: riroAt oi the loot that Iliuy are iii in ohiiormii mm or which then. mount he ioo low to the world Hm farm, ' ' No our. c-o (lurk clone." and rat the root out oi tile. or put iuythluu ot mueii \ iltle hiro IL it tr - iiw or lite thit we ihouht uterine vr1|h our itliid. TORONTO Kylie-er thut m hurl Bolahevulu were - hem they ire on, .~ cumhewn or I eortnur. lrrzinllnllttit in people. ynuoi- \Vllln th OTHING but the' Dot" Well there's no nigh! left anywiy Harry good lollun: in Hill on Ihc roving; by urine Lanttc it cciuinly Inhale-,5" Aim... ii iii tor lty xv Multiply ,o lotto-y l rriulrr rim their. mm m Cent em r. turret-yer- written ll lnut r.i litn . Aux c. -. .r- m rourriimrrn >R'r luttuit At, t Nam , WOW m "tut .; mum 3m rlthcd to do nothing hut sort a! "It i- That In, they hire to risrtocl- aw in {looks an are at ihttr heat when they am with ultcn hriulrtririi uD" why when llie) git: rrrirr Utt' society rtl (Alters. ~11 . thtog~ nod rln thing. i, the host the world tor somr o l'xr tu (IL-l out into it. it h nsrrknlhlly grind tor the .' iind it. mull rechic NU lijE is hi-rr at Toronto. t I bvlntk oi the trunr out, in. h htr utir Mallilt- u. or round... it. llrt: HlL- gmlliitlh oi no point in lrrrlril iioy. A. ii.. WEB. titl'i ltlr. t~ her radio, in I! tittrr hi I ['IH'I. trly h. the irii-tiirh thiri- "UL" hi- i can see You make the moncy.and ill h:lp th oi mom: it nor, witin At l irlincnin "mu oi [ l tit unitrruniiciimriy radium riihr umtt rt'hmv . l .r. a their in midi (up at nut om. c. its cry. iimttxrxt it: i. in. by using Llnx rem. (artsvleta lr I s w [/1/ 9/ . _-c.._ NO'i'ltll: is lit i-hy iriirn that LUV Li Ontario. wttt itmi] rtt uniting. hi [hi lot- it iiiil ot nttoi F cat-tick rl ll. ctven l hlct/ on it trrntiuit ni ,u ...._ oro'iiuo" oi Piontc doing iinlltlng, n hit; nothlnz hotyiorr nothing W \JHV HE STAYED .Iultth r-ihiih.rTiIh .rrisiihhn .h. ,ltlt: lbc \rlittlt . "ll \ in ltttnitlll it u tvomlcrtni r writ-til min in .urt tdtdut trot .tll) iiiirtrlttlnll. .iri ,tihuhi 1' Gm ' W: i email W 1, will ~ - w r. ,. c A. u ,. .. ot .ii . I ""1le {W m. tty h hi I ht h . i th u. x 1mm 64257;iumh SHOES FOR Tail t r ,R the Price 01? Sh es 7 D vs. / . a _ L title Ph=tt3 Chi? lather 'li hlttlgg lttili been said Ilia! "Contmrisotts are odious}; And so they tire as it ruler ' not it has been repc eoty tiered it do price! in or "ridiculous Him we Ice! instilled in oirkutt. leampzrlsoi-i heuan the present price oi slluci end the: price oi tome other thing; rlur \V: buy. '11-: lol|ctwlng price: are Imtit Goverautcnl ituiililm nth! (her [be psi-10d (mm Jnnuuy. 19 . W JunuurYr 1920, Adyrcuta yrieoot Iw lnd Siul . . Ll on A" ': Ian l: (luau in I. Malina! H6. Adv tash 9 cc cl Multan! thruhlu - |32 ' Ahmed 1: price el Texach . _ . . 311.? Advnnnlnirhtel v merrier . . mo 3 Aduzu L: prk: a! thou mi 159.: v - 5 l Shae price: bid lo incnuervn'rluu yi The mice 0| cl bry- thing illal'eulert Into l 9.13: 0! Iliozs h (an: up mailm- doutly in line ) cm. PM imilnce. hide: luv: ndvungcd 156.6 per tannin [ix ywi. Oil; DI lhe princlpxl inairndr u: i! in linking n: L WES hu ndtnnced 9m in tlrc_s.iriir punod. In Ian, [him i) no single commodity used in ill: mlnuIiiciurc 0| that} that Ila nut iidmitted by [(MN and hound: during late yuan. not to wire at rtrh I dos: margin othruhu. emcirur menu. [counting rorrtiodr. rod [tun doioeotc rompi-hunn. hit resulted in toner prim than the rime other . titiotd item to make torrttihtc. / Three oorhriuirohi iU thaw nhy tho. ohm ire higher ' they here simply ioitoitrd in the who at rehemi idyinrm pn'rxr, . Bul, in Chn:dn.iliey Irc nri kneuiw itfir"rtditti|0tp.' but prononionarriy- lower than hioti other Illinils. 11:: st. Ioduirr, in (iced. ii to :Ekkat u; cutltpueta one ling thou Iur Ill: thoiiim Not; \thlib. Ital: tor pier. it: .. int, c. hm in P.iri. .. tau ermine i. i... (you. Clint]: ,rrdorrr ( rum .I try Jun-Ht ryii, ml it, m4": club'ry n. .it yids... mo )4: lay rt rt Car 44 Frame. y . in. nutth. .r Inn pllrrl .1 ... r/ M. when (U lusknl M m pm in Elude . sirriu .4 3n, Hull 0' Annllcnllun 1thI mum than than. nitroiiiciu. it the city it oi tiriuotti .it it... urti r. Arttt ilit- i - N ticii o\oi nppllwuun For nhcrct llztl'n ulnvus Doyle hi I r my oil hounty oi nr.\| st-Ihu llIr-lt'tif it. o ilill nl DI tilt: . tit-lie. iii l'tr- tity or London, it the itottch or Application tor nnrm riorrnct Aniett at tho (iii oi lot to. iii the lr'ullrii) oi hurt. rod lu-o y Bilt tl that Aiir. i'rrnuty oi t'ori. izi will nitle in tin. :rt. tittl oi [)lt'tlftle tic: littc hi in. re m, i only le M... uhnti with. I Htl~ Hlti . Dr-i. ll'um-ltr or. h. :4 ill Um wit. ori, and Pro. t. lll'ml m. itili i;- rill hi Luridt it the gairl [in -r-\. in "it. Pial i'l'! trurtr. F l hi. what , . I-I H}. it. it u hi it ill liilt t limitico int airt- ttilit. ' men 761 t'iout-s-r'i / _ . L FMNTEII Arman Oil oilutun t 7 mm 28 , OMSADA D1311 (""0941 Kt idhri l 'cauher ll . MI Agent. it Newinarkt Building. to tirwr oilice t'rtvtlr ti |F you t [or your 1 i)! uur I)! You htii unht nl t. hire I cut to drown lliolil Ilui' luu will i Fred. F.l

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