Newmarket Era, 8 Oct 1920, p. 9

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Brlollau. lllllIIcl nil uvu llulso. nuulll. lml'lrnvelnnlll-a. rlln llnjlul lill lied... lul'll :ll a . oody builder- our llrlula cannot In u: coilld ..ll'l ml load. w- . plenum lo :lll ll. w- I plume u: u'ak your nuoeu Lo pulnko or ll. And my, do u. . illun lover, wlll you will in: lllllll ll ily M uimlelnll s llllllll'llius ullnllnnnl Prlxo Irlnlloy. 'l'llu Illrncllu-s or I m l/ ' lean/I I l/WYE 50' MAINS 7: launch rall- lll I r: . II). n. lan Ealumill Illny/ Eiu m alllu lo III: l FOR SALE i Y w \W. E. Rutledges . Machine Shop TWA llll \ lll'ollll I leld Corn Cullln! .nnl 'rllnzlng llelii. \\'l mu Grim Ilox. 4 raw-ml {or lml lnr. I ll. p Gan Milne. ll ll p Ills llnl lllll. K -Ilovlol 1 } Ill l' \ I ml .. go, and du olyuil uonuurd duh, male or llllelllilu an leaving no will. in; sun, lllmld, lilare. may. Ilp lor Wlnlel . Gll an uul llll: slum mulls llwul rnldy {or u rold sncll. and olarl a liro. ; nnrlld by nvrryllolly. ll-vy Lolullu Mmlnm l\'l ., u TIN". l rnvklullal l. rculllu dine road \Vlmd Saw n: : lnnll Rollul 'I llllirl . lrnrlllilllg oilllli l . lroln w E, Ml'rLElmz. llnuu . . mil LE in good , Ilvc, namely mo, . MJIIHIIIE {or (Zorn CuIIIlllr 'n s new in 'l'. hmg I r' \Cz l 50m lnvlled (a Hand lilo *lilli evening. y \Vll. lllllil 'u Ncwnnirllel. Ill-lid. lands-ll... N... ' lw :lllnndrlllne on lilnudny dl'dlllns L r 0 ! l was encouraging. lilr. Parry gm llle ll mlu Our Obng answering quesAlons. : VIII ma ohulM u... 'rwnlo. (IOYI In .Iollknl Mill-Ca lnr mall and. work. ll I: no ml- l- d'mw " W" mamsrlm ol lurummxrurs. $3.3m glut" uzg': Neill work (no ionlo la "so Ip ure muquu I'm. ' VBHEI Ihnl Help. lo lie mmn lly Mll ul 'l w. J, ELlLIo-n, union. Len}: oolo -LIIGIL NEWS. Tell pulses agulil illis IEHIL and lo'oul' Pay your ldxml mlll sllvu llIu dis- Vl. ull IInlb- -l Ls undergoing n molungll (Bllolullml ulld IIIIL I'IOI' illulllgos which \\'. lllu Ncnllill Fair will meet ul llll: liaulluil llllaill |Il;l* un Snlurdny lo hilIlP nil IIwIIcl) NW 7 Te" " 6'" 6 mm in unnurllull willl in 1 All do. uHhIa bread and Illay'll 4mm lulunl. m l llo m mc mmn nl lllu lllmz. many you. mung nrn on. [U lllL' IIIUL llnking l llllel-l'. unu lnnn nu dullnrs lndlll dllcl: [my- sgglill ill lluusellold xuorl: .nld no nl lnl ('(Nula, rnsil llud nl 31.600 mule url llul u unlunul- mailer, who died in fromulo lilnrcil l5. llln wllo, lull. liliu-, llle A. lillw, ill. oouglller. mill-l, and 'l ll-mnrl-nw ls Blre l l'cvenllon Day. See lilnl your premises ne rllmrlud up ~oolll lllsldu n nd oulllde Ihc ill-use. and new Bug: llrl Um rubblsll and Moll'l leave any place horn l lllulnll l-ould Ill) llll owu salrl- llolllllllons wlll rlrcl'crll lira wuld 'llull shall!!! llr, up. ..1 Lola] llrlllcll nl llle Nnvy Long l ls lloUlled ll) nll ill in \Ile nosrd nl 'l'mlln llnanuluy lllook, ll 8 o'dlal ik lllls running in llmloullllly nrgllllle for lllv) campaign on 'rrnrllglr \Vllcll. aclnll or la la 23, wllcn It Is linllr-d lllul Nonnlorllcl ml] l h llil ollllr. All olllzr na w' n arr, lnloroslad ln lllls worllly allincl are runwmz, lllls ArB'ill Salclllr octet, suits and. up to 50.00, . SATURDAY AN . 1 ALL. NEXTWEEK, ',,shulswomhupiozoo,wr : lf'you wantvreal value in clothlng or Fol-wishingo, you wlll find them here. V latest the markets afford at less than you can find, the.same goods! elsewhere- statement fonolenlslly. We can substantiate any clalmu we make. We sell no auction sale seconds, or goods bought 90? sale purposes. We deal only in the moat llellnbla goods, backed by our Vulleat guard aroma of your money s wolltll o r- your money back. Follow the crowd on Saturday. DVNLGPQSQ ll. el JIE Church F vllugex Ind Several inalr pm lly We feel llle l) - \VlI: llnl Prlws um plume allrr llli: lucrling. Tulunl enla. 'l nn Ill-Ill:an! an: lluldlnls 1- l'illcli} Salo or llulnu lnlule lllklug nnd amel- small arllolns lrl llle l. u. 0. H. llnll ol'z l l-ldtiy nllenianu, col. 22nd. new a in a. Afternoon inn will alilo hl: Svl'vell. Ilml'l. (tinsel (he dull: ror ulcer good null. Brlollnla. Next Wednesday in Hill lull day nl Qucbnsvllle Fnlr. 'l llllnksglvlllp Day Monday. - TIIEI O all: now 25 sludcnls "I :ll- landmine al Newmllrkel Dllslm Golr limo, ' a work ll-nrn all: nary Luqua oi tannin. meeting in connoclinn wiiil lilo Advy League ul Canada b nll curllnuign m lunn; .l M 1 Hill: 1 run.- on lilil. l'llurn 'ilnrldny cIlIIElIs lll clll. , Jll'uvl d t-lllllusiusllc lllllI 'lg to Liulll. H. G luukgon nrr or [he me im- lilo Nu L Elli: oI (Xanadu (Ill! lllc lillg Ell llolsell l||c DMllnslliull OI llpnol l- ing llln annulaign lu- lulllls Ill New~ ll kel. .l Sll'llm; organiznlion on... lllillel: was inducted lo Condlllll llle dulnpaignrlzollslnllllg nl uni milow- lng eillzclls, ill, Boyd, dilllirmnn; \ln 9, w, Pearson, Vice ll. LL Morlimore, Seagull-y; u. 0. Ross. 'l Lmulive, aura. E. J. llill, Mrs. John 0. Moss, Mrs. Brillingul', ill-n, w. ll. ennu, lili llelvn FDI'EYLIL nr. DWln, Mayor w. ll, lave-l, ll. Gllopniu, Reovll \VHL mill. and J. 1i. Harvey, [Ills oonlnliiwo ilnylng nowll- lo :llllI in lllelr nunlllern. . child worm Wash Those who lulu IIIE nlalllll- 0! Chill! warm In llaud llsl wn'zll- are la in congmlulsled an lho luccm ol Illdlr nlloris. Ther were no less llnln lo Dames In Illa CIInIn, {our local docloni null lwd local nurses giving lllelr Ecr- vlcel lrca ill cllnrgn. There was' also l. nurse lram Taranlu. nmvldull by Illa I Ial Board of IIEEIIII. 'I'Ill JIJI I was grcolly nnnrcdlxlld lly lilo nloln- nr . 'I llerl: ls q nrolnollliy lllnl n Mr lnlnenl must: may lie plow-led m illls dI>lrlcl lly um valnclnl Govern. meal. The lectures were my luslnlculle and lhe il||clld llce good. .z'lnle play called . on many llllel-llaoll allowed plillnly Ihe nrlludloo agalnll nllgllllorllood num. DIM lands a are IIII EKJln iL EIVIng llLlJJIE: dune la keen inuu nulel. The was a Alplblly audlcllce on Friday ulgill. Tho communlly singing, lad Ilyvcupl. llylel, was cxo'ecdlngly Ilesrly and llle pugelnl "Tile lllsllll or the chlll l," hy lam] lalcul. wu well put on. Sumo forty muons look part. lo I rill-y lmprllill le UIIY [0 ii- IllDIrkl: lll: chlld'ls rlglll lo ll lumpy mealln gu "e il'srr'lll help in our young llooplc. and wt; wlsil mill; wnuldnvlll lmy lllownlr ur leader. lloml. lu lumen. mining. lo loving ' Shirts worlih up to 3.50 -ild I ll: ' . all . us- 5 i, Ova '.., for MEN ivbl- i'll mill-u lllclllm ull ilclzuulll nl llln alarm and Inllurc,oI-lllo Dnun Or to appear, but lhu olilldren worn llllgllly llnllyllled nLl cnlonalllell lrll Monday allcrndnu. who" llle 1W0 Fllll- llo schools nnd lilo EPIVJYHIB sbllwll nunill l-l-nn-llwl llua llli: oml llall. Ilul'. \V. llall clad v19 l n and ill lllIIllull ln Illre lllilrlleth lt plchlrll . sllllrl l were given li) llr. rluyd. nr. Olldll and n' .lrnrs. l.lcoueon . A lllul~| llllvrn<llllg \wllillllK lnni. place in Um lialnn Alcmoml cllllrrll. lloronln, wilon llnllll' Penl'l, olil) dung). r or lllu loin Re I'llollla< l lllll ll llnrinm-ly nl ollnlznsllllnl :lml .\l llcnnnrd. wus married lo,lill-. mes .\llln|lrll mallow, formerly ol lions .lnlv, Sail... and son nl llr. and Mrs colleen nl Elam, nnl. llur l). Sllllpsoll, llrslslcd ill lll ., Alkullllmlll, ollluldlml. will usher..- warn . ms. Clare lull V l'lllt! ill-lake, onuslns nl lilo llrldu. Very ilnndsome In n Slllul l bu" 01 um lllue, small inadol llul willl {eaIIleN nl ReuCred ml N 281k ol April, 1916, Marie Rappold, of the Metmpollyn Open Company,smodonlhemge of Commie Hall ill Nerf Yul-IL bellie- um invention lluly perfected Ly The:- A. Balm). She can; In dirzsz mike will: n new inzuumeat'll reproduc- Cw)! of her voice, Add the audience composed of l dry- ve hundred music on cl were un-ble to dil tingu'llll this great primal douu u lil ring voice {mm in on the New Ellison. Nexldlylie New York Triliune "Id: Edison Snare: tile Salli 0f Maxis Cull and let ux demonurare w you the nupcrlorily oldie NEW EDISON rnrenlr. In vrlvllasex urollly, lie. _ Llllle Dllly mnch Ibo "rial" vrr- 10mm. Those who prepared ll... Ihllllnn 4mm muoll nulsa. will!!! mi Shula dirmpolnlluunl .. , I i . 'nmmw wmml l. l. V. MUG-Hm. IMARK". TORONTO "if 9f Tor x=S llirllnii , M9 _ g MmmmmmMmmmmmwwmmmmammwnm 00 Sweaterll' end Sweater Goats, Youth .l ln sulllr ( IlIK tu'll lrnnnlill .ri lili- luli'lnlln lm unilng Iln-' _ ed men. on I .98 . I 'Eopemoot g Stories: combinations worth 5.00, for , 5'. North York ll , mull, and damage hauquel ol . lllllll l. l bstS, qulcls nd milldcll. lullr lnl 'rile reccpllon \Vao lleld ll lllls llnnn ul Mr. and Mrs. "may . "log, llnlll n SII' *llln, lldllpy crlllple let! on roulc rnr ' gland, lilo Il dngrnnlll lo l'nllmll lc mun. Sludl l Lnlllloll lilllwhll? Our Toronto Letter. urn-u lllun 3.1.500 In llnkn uni ml. all pald lnlo lilo lrcasury 01 (Ill; 'l rl- "into and IIdIMIIdlI IIISHWJ) COIII'I ind week when m alllo uwllcl \vdrc llllcd on charge.- ulldel- Hire .\!on|' VEIllcllrs Act. lllv>|ly DWI: l' u I' l'llll'l. Iun \VIIIl hnctllllls and la: - - lu allow mum ligll our: nllu. .lulln young. w... lirunl sill) (ul- u l llrl-aull dl lhe u. 'l' nu lllu lllgilwny. nllcn In lliree nropnr proposal. ln young girls in me lml izlld a! the clly, Judge \Illll, in lilo lluvnnill- unuri recunlly id HIM lie Illnll N mm gronl uumlllr or cnnlr pldlrlls nl ulldncns or .l silnllal- ulluro Inning llL'ell cnmlnlilcrl, and (hill in: w... llcll-nnlllell la pm a .lo'n lo ll. Ynllllg girls lnusl be nmlwlrd. lln iJIlIl and. a; m all lie was dollar-mull. sllnulll lln promoted, and ile liopell lilnl. when llle sonlence in llnd Illlr posed as made lmown lo lllc pullllo illrougll llle medlllm ol the ill-ell, ll who were gullly OI SUl ll lIlrh', tall lonlllllhlu llcls. lluorglnlzallon 01 "IE nrollnclnl police [urea is well under way. Ill:- lorg anyilllug llke llli) oilaugu lllal llll: Prclnlu' has In vlew can be made, Illa lllaller will have In come no llcllllc llle llcglsldlure. as ulc lnnrcoslug 0! me llreuglll ol ille lorce \vlll man an 2x- lra annual expondliure ol over 3250,- ooll. Newzrlllelcss, eerlalil lmporlsnl changes are new llelng llrmngvlul, Major w. Knoll-lg; of Home, has liner. lllkell on [he sIl EnKlIl 0! mo Pmllmlll pulled ID no In charge or Ill: unllor-m. The salary nllocllm lv l inc JDI) Ix! e. ,000 per lnnurn. nlllor Knowles will lie nnxl. lu oulllollly lo Superlnlendenl Rulers, Mllm' Knowles wns al a'lie llme llle olllder command. lug nl llln Dal lsvllle Mllll n' lluspIEal. llnlll relunlly II: was olllccl cnui- inlr-rmenl curil Arlllul- Yol or lndtsdu's I lnll delinquency nI Ills chlldmn 'ln in. Cuunly l allre anull by lllglslraie Hrllllll'lu and untamed lo slx llmllllls -ln jail. Nalnln Rolll, wllo, ii is laid asslllled ln Illc dr-grneruoy, lod la Wll m milk in arid lo um plld morle lol- lllo glrl. ls lielos snuglll lor by lllc oullu. York's children in mud. ol llln York Caunly Glllldren Ald Soclell . \K'll .illtmylll ls lo iYNil I\\o mun. lhauirlll lllrn lrnr'll "loolnoulw lol- gins wllo ullemmnd-lo Dreak opzn in. (a in lllfe lemnomry prcnlllics nl lnu nnnlr ol Tamnlo, .lmleo lo a 3 and Ellen s Sizes, worth 500 to 5.50, for g NORTH VRK A You will always Ind the) .l, \voslon, 0rd,: would Ml us a warning in young men nlunrllng lllc gulrd ll llle lLlpuslraslllu- was luuull gullly til canlrluullng lo lliel nuwl " llouleQal lile iolllllwasl comrr ol 3L! Wo.mal.le this bold Greatest Clothiers, Oppooite Imperial Bank, Newmorket @WESBII S linpeliall ald IN THE . IMPERIAL DAN OLODK, Glalr ilvr'. null lliulsuo ulreel' Gnu- blfdlll . Logic was wall nlled in the IEIll .ll-in cally cducsllay morning. llulllng (Half way lilrnugll ll-oll liars and rllnller wall, llurlllars enli red lnn Jew cry slorel 65 Queen vi l, 0D- noillc llle Clly ll dll nornn (line during lily ulglll and :lnle :IIIOHI 53.000 warlll ol lnwl-lzy. Mary Kll'lkl'llllt, nge d 22. ndnulon daughter or Frank .\lc(iinly. III SClH n llorn VIII-me. ms liltdll) lnlurcd on Saturday nlglll Stun l9, Klngsloll Road. \\'|lun llrul, lly a motor car Llllvcll lly {lulu-Ki: rlr n, lloywcll Avo. (rm-n, wlln ms nrr lad ls lleld on .-. IoE onzllu AllID euvnlzs Fill-milled ldr Garden values. : Inklllg new all uni used. olllon c-rry-oul Pll , CIl Ha nl runnllnnglllor. lllss Kin. lend [all u Mun, kndn dlrll on Iml way lo 5i. Michael's .Wcrn h, um , "Ojlllllll ln l' 5 auto. - Allorlzd Final-l, 'l'i. mw llue from motor Vl Jl- cu;ng mg: "1 [am liLon llEllFOLl llll nnlcils. oily lwu lnlllloll llnl 57 runnmmmm Special Frlcu on nrluuill Minn ll kill: lid. iirunrll ul llli: pillllln .rr- A F ""' e Ill)" ul Ulu IJIHHL lrvenlll- rim: LUHOMEB. collrzol lollmy. lIlli'rl in llll provll'll'e. worlon Children Cry l FOR FLETCIIER'S c A s "r 0 F2 IA Mlle-clan I nun BODAE. milk lna crum. W. R. COWIESON, nolulord so an Dll Hunk TRAINING SCHOOL fol; NURSES Ontario Hospllal lol- lnsanal TDFOHIO; BUM ! IIII EB yours' course In young woman In uanoral and malllnl A llnnral mmun'arallon wllll unllorm. norm: and laundry allowed durlng lrnlnlna. namlorlabla llursoiz Rnaldnnce- For parllvlllnrs apply lo I lodlval Superlnlelldunt, Ontal'In Hospllul, Toronto, nursing. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY AND ALL KINDS OF FACTORY MACHINERY REPAIRED AND MADE EQUAL TO "HIV. Wall-510M Dost "an, Era , Alumlnum, Iron . Steel, Moll-NU and other MGI II. ' We Also do MANINE MBTHUOTUML OUTING, L 1 GET YOUR CARBON REMOVED. , 50o. per Cylinder. We nl e loculod null llendy {or human ' : OPPOSFHSCANES FACTORY 'Nllwulinxwl; I Nelwmarllet Welding & Cutting Works. By Our Process. 9 allll allN x-l Week"- " Featuring a. special purchase of over BOO/Suiti dond OVel cOats bought by us at '0 a big discount for spot; cash. :Suits and Overcoats that Were produced by Gan- _ s foremost ClothierSLSUits and. Overooali that have style, tone and char: rcoatsillhat were made to for 35.00; 40.00, 45.00alud , . A (SEE "WINDOWS FOR convmcmo. piloon ' = All Opportune Purellase ol Man FCP89 Sodium Odd Shirtsrand Combination Unde lvear bought by Dawnes Dunlop 00., Toronto, ' the entire samples of two ofCanada s Foremost Woolen Manufacturers. - combinations werth 4.00, for ll

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