Newmarket Era, 5 Nov 1920, p. 5

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l: . . I In mnlnrlu PNduolInn lIram \vIII, Adlnron inn h nII I'lllhlup SL' Illl will MDIUY E IIIIIII-cllmu IIriIIlI and Inn ._,InIIIInII, .lncluilcll _II_I nu Ill IInIIlIrI gllr rwnlln Ill-In n emll IIII Inn 5m I, ole. lnIc n . 2,2" III Illn nIIIn )' in: : Pulmul'll ,; .III mhn. ;,'l'I IIqu sec, dh ITILIIN In IIII' anlnvr Mr. anh- 'MII, .IIII IhnI Inn llrsl Icnr'n nul. a I :I may IIIK .Imnnnnnr III o ,I- alxl) mm per day. mm mm nr n I I lllnrry hnn hm. Ill-rm .IIIII n II \II lml in hnr Inn rIlIIVIII Illlmll III-nnIIIlInn III. 50 lIIInIli wlll Ilknly he enl- ' -' . / Stouffwlle. Irsllll In HWIVIIHK H Week nilh Inr IlIIuIIlrr :ll NI llIklzl I IInIII llll klnl' IIIMI) lllrIIII-rn \VItIlIllr, II. IlIiIlIII Ilylll u Hleulrln Imwnr aI lIll III- "III Innnnn-alnn n kn qlnulmlh, lam per hum puwl - T/IIIIHU Kesvlzick. \IlIIUl I'Ill Illll [ r llk \Vvukl ' '0 are again. rilu ln hm horn lnIII- IlIIIInI III- ll ' I. IIIIIIIKIIIIIK. I I MI .Ilrnmi lll m Inn Illlllllllullk In Inn-I Illiilr Irfn nnl \Venl, Inl rhnilnu MM IAh ln ye, Wnynml Ilp III-.nn IIIleIInI I'Illlnrk. ( \m. In III-III m I-lIIIglIIII MAqu Illli IIIIFK Ehllllllll . Mr. I~ IG KIHK null Ills lIrILla Ilnvc mlurnnl Mine [|Ill1l :l'vlillorl Ilnllcy- nmn hr Ire, nnlms (A) mine in [UN III .\Ir. l IIIrlun'g home. Wu Inn. Ulrm Innrh IInnnlnnIs, III. IIIII .\I' . \anlnll MIDI Sunday I nlII Mr. IIIIII .\Irrl Ivayvoi oncnns. I. mohr ) (rllllil lnl n l lImelnlI mm In m1):- Il inltrmilllm {or our m-wly llllcll IIIIInIl~, lino,- eIIIqualn II em \vll llll lr \valulul llll lInnIla. lllougll n ul'my nine IIIlIKIC. sIII-n IIInI \vlill ller Ilnllnlfl 'I I ,IIII III llmulllnn. _ I I lin- \VIIL IIIII-lnnn'n nlnlcr. Mr_ liel Inn 0' i'llrmllil. I. axnllllll llern. J lg IIIurl-y Hp no); and Kel yaurlrlnh may. snnnrl: Ilne In lhlnk wn are Ilulnil [II lm Ill knlf. 'I'Ilrljll I'll (m nllr \VnrkI-nt. d .\III-I l Ituuum giilllng IIreIl. ~_q.nIm-._.__ NUIIL UN. lllil Il)' -lll llI-IIIIIIIIII, lln., 'l'nmnlrI, in II nIIIlI llure ml INN] Illa Imuse Inn- J, null. will lmvu his muse nIml InI l'I 'lrlI! Ilglllink llle .IliIuI: III III wnnlnnl IIIInI Ishnrpu .2 min .lnnl. In, .I l.I.III.- .- hnI-nnllnn I-hI-l' nsllwm 'rln IIIIIIIl L'ulml .- la cwll- Ill;.' \ln Inn-lb lillll wn \Vllulll IIuI no. nnnlmn ll llll Illilplullilxl mm inn Inn; lin- nn or lllL . I lIIIIIU Iy .Irrrlm link] In IIIL' \II-lnln l church nn Snnnny Illa! were h- nlnnlln 1m. lluIIII, III Ilnlld ~l Iillull M'I L ll IIN rum-wk having I)!!! lll'lfL ZI- M II namn I hIIIIln camp: \\il|l I. III II .,~ IIIN'II .lsmI-Inlnll In In .lxl, 'I'Illisc \VIIII :lllcllilcll llIe "llll llI nII llilllllfi uvnnlng nII- III IIIIIlIl-n III IIII M!) Mr I} III-llrhml \Villl Illl: prur Hum 'III Innh IIIIIIlII-IInII-Il i'IIIW'I'l MI v n II II... mull Ilhll pm .mnnlrlwl II_ llll' I \\ I I," III lI- HI. . lllIl va lIIIIII 'ch IIIIIIIIII "0 ml"), \\)lIi In In n In I l'u-I In (um I lll lll gllrill onlnlnn on In. \IIIIJH- r IIII~ llllll nnl h-sV lhIII filly IlIIl~ |Ill|q lmw lImIl Bkl l 'Il Inn IIIIIIII III Inn .4 Inw W 50 II M I ml bll'IHIII [IIIIIIII \ I am ~ IIII-IIIIIIl. Ir limklll" I- .Ir mnnl, II)III: lII-I- In IIINILIII. Hlllltr mm. In In HIL- llrnl III lIlc Ivul I In llw Illilllllll li' dlnlrIIlI III IIIII Ir\\II II II hnlII jllauln, I Imr- I III. lllv uIlI III -lIeI,II ' mun lhnr lo Krl llII I'm II IIrIIm, mm I-IIIIIJIIII Inn. llIIn Ilnnw, IIKll hm I-llli'lll In ml IIIM' In. Iln| IlInl llII-y hnw In llI: II'D' In a nhnlnnr Ill hmnn IlIrlr nnln, I MIIMIWI llll. They lIII-e Inn II. iln nannlnn IIIIII llle nh. lillu llIIIuI >~|vlll I Iml lllll'nlll ll Ior Ih- ILIrn I ' - IIIE pInly Illlnlllg ll u hum I In some LI II :4} {Jr IIIIz Illliimllrrs are In. nu) \\IlIl II, 'I'Ilcl' mum! Inl III III-I Ilnllm whrn Illey runsnm lIlm s house \VIIIIL- IIIIIIII Ills away ImIII ImmL . aur- I\ .y mun.- mm; mm Mr. James Illlh' I. , anll hm- Vlslh-II nIllu Ivnl nmnlx s hnl (hey do ilul zmlmr III III I Elz llllll nnn-h III-my. Faun IIIIIIvn Ilul ncrn lurked Inr Km: ) II III .howevhr, now being lanlnll, =(lllircll mil Nglll, nIIII llle .\I m Skeplilg wIIII "one we -- n" In. I r nlII-l Iar mldlllKlIl viri- Ink, IhnIlnrlnI Ilelcclh Deran- Illl III In I: expo-Ir: llIe opInIrin IIIII . llw llnem seem in Ilm'a'n urhlly gann Illlllllr , \\IlIl IIII' ilIIII'II I0 do III anlillnl; It!" In Il Ililvcllon. 60ml \v:I|L II IIOKS . M mm, sIIaI guns m Ilell nus. kalen: In llln Iln Imwu-unlraulud "U 'J llllm" sin llm midnight VISI- Ion hm III-In mm In onI umneI llnl don't believe III we (Ix-5mm a dilllrlltl which mnlrnrnnl Ion ~ - qlenlllng nw Ilm I mu II .-IIIIIIIrI' vulninl: > anrls ml hm Inner. Ilal-s. x [In I I Home Srrvlqeg III Ilm Anah- mvn IIImI, NohIII-In, -5unm.y. on. am, The Rev. l . n. KIIIIIlIl or um. I was In: preach", Special music IlIlIII ImnyI Il'ylr n'or, mnnmn mm -8l.. IH "pending a mum .wlIII llDr'allll: Mm. Luth Mlllnrrol nnl'euvlllb. . z -UII unwary him; I nuillhrr'ol Inunhm nl lllu Daniel) W ' . Ilium-l. annhnwnnlrkel lellm IIIli IUIIKE Inner r . l > ' Aim-ll IlllrIy-IIII III nIIIlIur nI.'l'IlIl Illnnn Sun l-pdue. Ill 1* 'III M, IInlI'I II trill rIIIIl mil 0 mm hinge on TnuxIlII)l emnlng. v (AIL 'IIII II ll Null um IIIIII IIIInIly III unIoIIvlllc \ lnllcd ML Dykc u nwlnnr. Am. I A. Imp, 'I n [HI/Mute 51 on , I 'l'llnnlIIII Inn my, 1 0n salIIrIIIIy uIIanmun Iliu Auram I- nlIIIIIIII lrIIIII \vv lo King clly In nluy nII Iln- lrnnI nlnndh m a helwul lllo lwII IIIIIIIII . I clean Il Iiulglloul IIIIII Imncn in II will Im- Klun ml'ylly Ln 9 I , .\Irl Illlll llral Jnhn Ilouhur' nnli l llllll lcll lur pan IIIII anlunlzy, wllorn lle III In hllnlil llllcnd a Inna lnlI~ llnn IlIIllnr cnnulrnrllrrn Inll for IIII: I'lilll'r I- III An rll ~lI oxpenla I0 hr. In y III lnIIII HIIeC yam. Mr. Ilnw wisnhmlh III Mr. 1 Drilwn~ Inlg III lIIlR IIIIIII A ' LLOYDTOWN l . IInI-rnl III InnIIIIc Mm. Pony. I rly oI Huydlnwu, who hall been milling rl'cnlllly Illl IIEI nan.III-lnw, Ill . \ I'IKIIXWYI a! i'umnlo. lunk nine, ImIn lIIn rcIlIlnI e, 1037 0.r- mrII SL, man \Ve , Onl. min, Imsl (llch nlnIr IIlI, nIIIl wan Il- imnl I III 1 Mme nunIhII- III (I'lrlllilx :ulll rl-lIlIvn I'Ilo lull: Mns. Perry Bond Ilnngnlnrpl lIle lull: NIIllInnIL-l lnvlnl pl M mngIl, lmlrnnl. wqu name when I m. young man I!) Inn. onunlry, IIIIII llt'w d IJIIl II IInIIIc Iur hIInInII IInII y lmg IIrl , Nancy IIII , Nlllne IIIIlB. M l rl Inncnmllv all her IlaI-n Im llln I III her Mllch I Zlnll lIIrIl ,an .nIIIil my own; an Inn Innlh unnceunlnn nr KIIlKl I'llc rallnn III III prgrenl llIIrIII .qnililu Inna.- llpv, Mr. Ilunlmll yl ll" g( s '(lllnl con nelu ll _ 'l Re nr. Ilnllaril. III WWII" rzgncgg. Illt- usllrl'rld'br, IIL'MMI II II um IlIlnI-n rcnra xann IlloIl III Hm bmne nl llIelr Innrrlm. " Ilrlrrnsntl \an Ill Ilnr lillil ycnr nllII l Idll mnl r niclnlm In "IQ In , ill: I van rem-riled IIIR! liehre Il l" Ilrp. Illru llII: 23rd l'RnIlIl Lllltl .l-Illn :l. I A s III III son; nllll ler Wellhll III HI. I s, lIIlIIII llllllllll u Ilalll x lloll. III 'l'lil lrnlnl 'II'IIL (In QIIIIIJ . I m-Iai- l., III 51, . nEOuVi I': Ilt r IILIIILmIId null {Illlllly Iur lull! I mur II was {I lI'IIIIIII'IIl'mnl aK .Iusl 5 HIH: In I VIII! Illell Irllllupllllnlh. I'I'llc l'cclor DI lllv (tIIIII III, Ilm' ( mllll IL ll Illl! MM'VIKL S imll IIL \', Frill, Mimi], ,n H! DI wII (Ir nollm hr IlIn sIvrIIInn, l|ll lllmuglnllll WIN nmal Imllmsslv ' lll ra Ellall Ill Illgllll llu IIHIY : II lIIn) nvml IIEI Iiglll or lnInII, IIIlcr IIglII III nnn. Inf IIII IJII'II ml 5M" gln llll lll IIKIII. Ill'v. )xll. "\\'|Il l'il lIII IIHIII In \VIH'H xm rIIm-ill i IIII- SMIOI II[II)L'LI min I' hIIIIlI III 'M'Ih III [3| 5;, ml. em, .I llll IIIInIe III \\'IIlsII III Illlll'l' Io nr- nIII \vllll I-hnlr II M ll III ann-nnlnllnn nI hnr I alllllu (If 5 Mn . Illn Inc II II mm II III Inhlrm 4 'I' lhs~ Tin-m \\'nlsh, v nlsl SI. lIIIyu. lllInlr. Iis , Ilnm .- In ,mll am up- SL I'IS II- Ilw Ian-l III IIIII IlnIr Mr n\'l l' fullr {Iri I. 'I'IINI: Irch lwml Yr l'us of nlt IISIIrL' [ r IIl as IIy .yonr III'IKIII llllll I-lIrnI-IIII lllu r ullll Murklllllmglvls Ia nun. In Inm- my, yuu have lillll cll ynlir- in w IN all, I'II NIIT) )1 ! Ier Inning I . lliI \V! Ill'l [Ill NI yuu are Hill mlan IIll , IIllll we "NY snlllhlllnus ( IIII fl" Ill Mr cncmlmgcmem on M- slslmlre. r (In Ilcllall "I l \VIlIsIl {Illll ql. Mar)"; nlllllr we ak ) nu Ill . ll IIIIS mm as n sllslll laknn III nur rhglm, and also nlll Ill sl \VIEIII'S Inr ynul- I'IlIIlre hnIIpIn, -. Slgllml nn mini: 0! the chair Il) Man Man", Marie SnPnl IIr, TImrI SB snruhnn d... nclmll, Del. 29 I lnl n \ lllcled llln "'|:llll5 slrl cl Ll . lcll All llm Gom- IIIlll'IwI lIlI renorn Sm'lnzs nnnh here mnlphllul mur lIl k EIIIplnyiE- . n'nnlrans lu IlL incl: Ilunnnnnl ml IIII. IInnr, oblalnml sll- Innlnll II simian, IIIIII when In IIII lullfll'll'Illllnl. Emil Can Be Cured cIIIIIIrh Is . linkdlsensg greatly Innuench .by llonsl It letelore requires L-onmlu IlonIIl Imirnenl. null/s DATARIIII MEDICINE In IIIan Internally Ind lets Ihmngn Ine Blood an the murmur anrim : . In the Byllelm muss QATAR )! MEDICI gleam" um I unnimm or IIIII dl mu ma plum: Imnglll by Improving the (en- enulgmn um mulls name In dulng In work I All Hinmnl Circulars tree, F. 1. Ohm AI ca. weirdo, 0N0. 'I'hn mine mu In-Il nllrl - I w ,\l "IIIIIPIIIII v A R Mitlnllunl. m oonn lullonnl collngQW Nd '0 Ilhrlllm nchhl. NM! . Fr. n rl Mn, N mm L. Clmphell l A \I|.~I'l "21 mlle volln r naohnn zu - oouqui QUILT V or KILLINa r d K anv IIIInI- mun' , oIlmln-I unlom, lluly, III-I, .wAlIrudn L uoaill. IIII lrl l hm Ior In InnInLI nI 'nigni' III New mI 'lly,ln In J ', llll'l, wan lll-(IMY IIIIuIIII KIIIIU an II: I chum ' ' prnnfeullun IIuIIInnIcIl lirllnlillll hissillnll. IIIIIIIIIIII; pasnpnrlu IIIIII' mm; nllrulIIIII-nl III IIlI: IIIllll'nry 'lll vllm. ,, I/ ' ' hlmnn m. IUIIDDII In, , Ilmnl. ||uI_II urnger, In ulglllacmyenr-alll nluik-nl. III llio \Vnulclulh'lllxll suhool, New)!qu ally, ulnaIIpI-Ireu In Febru- Llry. 191'), mar 11 vInlI In Cucclll's shop in nnve Ilur liltan lInrr-u'nnn. l'm- ul- Inogl le IIIonIIIII IullIlIIIg wIIII lemma III lIII- Wllcrculluulu. When the hull- mm at lllu cellul- In locum-II Inn]. wall Ian "(I III June or way In. Iimlllgl In llnln, -' AI lIlK [in-II. Irinl, In June, low. (10% all] deulnmll Illk wile llf l C llllllcd IIIL' murder, and Inn Irlnl was llllur- IuIIchl Io dhlunnlm} Illc IrIIIII ur [ulblly III lIII clmr ul I lrs,/Uueclll,' Iluw- L V ; wan completely uxoncr-Alcu, wuma v l - [.1 RED ME BUR" I Inhhlllgglmmll All IIIIIEII 16min ' .(l'emplwllbl'e Irnlnlld, ,Ocl. 31 ' 'I'emnlgm pre lI'IIIuy_l nlglI'I' 'wpa lhe luunmg vensnrl IIIlllla V rI- raIIIn Willi-guns, Imlcllclr unIl'aIlIlir-nn- pleInuIIln. l'lluy IlmI IhIIlI (Ind lIanII-Ii IIInIIIlIIus, lhIl no cunlzllllIII lull/I.- linen rcllurlud. SL XII Jewelry and BIOIIIIIIG hlurca II-Irr lII-nhhn Inlo nIIIl InIIloIl "WI IlnI- . Ilclllg hlIIlIWlI wllh pclrnl, nu 3 not III \VllIIIlst Il| Illllrl, "Hill I l) , were named, |I|il IIII m: I IIIIIIII humpwl witimlll InIlll . rl Ill'l nl Illl llIll'Ilcll \llufl: IlnI-r - ( Il "my WEN IIBI on IIINI, RHIIII' III III II \Vlhll lllb' ll'I'lIlzll ln~l- Ilrlllllnl- III km lll Illi cllH llnil "Muck nIIIl all T [IIIIIUHII'II IF] I)" In |Illl Inn III IIIlIllt- IIIIIII .IIIIIIII Irn IIII- lnwlh IllnI-Ina lullllqr IanI-IIII: onlrI-n Im l ugh Ill ll lInr. mcln, rilmlv hm lIrrII Imld III who t|llllrlllr ll |Ill- Ilolli'l mell .IIII II : blank and In malice lrlr llIrl'r ushlEIr rum 'Illll III LM- Ilurlng in: rlnllng. ll. Innl Igjrt-llevcll Io IIIIW brrn III I'l nrlsal {an inn nilnnkyan IIII III-my lorry 'l'Ian , j V, when three InlIlnrsncI-n llileIl nnn IIN \voundgd. _.._ FOnfl'V NOREEE EUR" AT BRANDON mull-ill, MM Del. 29, llore (him in) Ilium: warn IIIIrIInII lo 410 II Inn "u: all! \\'lII|cr IIII' Imlllllng III Irin'eil n; In Mill 0! a Ilrc, which nlnrnn sllul lly lllll r Is o'nlnnn [Ills IIIanIlII 'l'III- In: l~ r'hxmlzitull :l| Iillnul 3|" O \\'I|Il Ilhul'rllll'l illllolml I! la Lllmlll X31000. 'l'l IIIIlAcs IIItIrInIZt II ln llll , IIIIMI IllIlIIl l llaullll'd Pal ,I: . [mi Ilin Ill llll IIIIIIKIIIIH INS lh'L iI It) Isl lll Illnill ( ImIdIIIII .\llIIlnIl ll I ll- lll IlrIl II lb lIIIIlEVL ll llll' II ~IIlriuI III I'll: l ll abm l: |Ilu \Illun- 'l lll" Ill/'II \w-m allll IO ram- Immnlil'l WELL GOOD OIL PnODl-lDEN s illlllia an hour I. [lie In'nlllh'lll'lll o l inn II .I \H II IlliI'I'iI Ilr Ill!) l"0l l Nlll mlll lIialricl Illlll llll Imperial 0n ll li||lail)' (alm'nplllllg III punch a In. li'l, WI) - In nhllIIlnIIII Imliml) Minn-Mow IIIII I'll IIulPK (or \vulli. 'I'Ilal II-lll nll he Inmlnrm Is lln- warn lIlaIixIll down fmm llml dlsln cl by All. I ull'lck. who IIrIIII Il lIlI: lll sl WL'II \l'IllL ll .w 0 I'll sn IIIIIl'Ii I y In llli: ul) Urlll. llll Ivll allnll DI llIIS lllil \vvlll l5 rlrhl on Io. hnnl III Inn Mackclllle lllrl r, I mll IIPPI INIIIK (if IIIE pusslmllllni Ill gr lling IIIL' all nu! IIIJIII: caunlry. Mr, IIIIIiIl Is oI Illa IIIIInIoII llnl III; IIarlnnI-n muIc \\1Il Lm Inn Inora lea slnln, alllln lllcla .Il'l. dillluulllPs In Ihh l Illrrullun In "In my 01 mpldsl In [he IIIIII-IIII; nally, Innl also \Ile Isni IIInI Ihn rim I< ulwll for In Iew limlllllll rll Hm ) flt. Dredging and Ira III-mkorg mlizhl uvorbnlne Even IIII SC nllslnclcs, In Ill! IIIIIIIIDIII :Iloulll \Im mild devclnp a; II? nIIIIulpnlI s, II III \varmnl Sllf'h prnredurL _.. _. .. I'lIIP wank ending ml. I5. lwl'lll) anr unscs 0! Alumni: were In allnuvn 1mm III lmllln 'lmlsnl' III-,I, {Hr Two mm, on: nmslml, [Inked guns IllIo Inn In: oi my new n, In chnrgo ll nmull. llM r la ollnn slnllou IIn lilli sin-pl wvsl, near Winnnnr pnsl oIIIcII an inn lo-Ilal I and lll'llel oll Ilenlrmn Ia IIIInrl om alonhn was pulling In the 5:12, The nmrr wn. nlnlml IIII-l lhe nIuI Ilrnw nu In n small sniumnhlln. I Lanna unuuhyg con- ' vlnIIon IpI- nnmcr In line llnil delgrutm I Ign I Iu/lilwnuII nan ~ lll't' Iy- imul-n necxersnn gave me polite yam! dell- I I'Inlloll oi Inl- bhmlllsv v ' -CI.OI IIIIIG. DOCTOIIS . , d Ivm m 'ovnlmbuwlx~ 'VIOIIMCIII l I lnermInllN'Alllmli / POLAND. [5"le W . V \cftal- melanoma l~'\/ \T') ' 'inzlriorl l -Alll - so - mum mum mulls: I: . UK KANE . mm: - lLl IAINIIII 1am: .AUSIRIA. Inocnl l I . I: ' - aw ROUMAIIIA. , y ' Ilimcvlow-molla r o ' AllrnIucIIIsnAu-IW 0 "c, worm PnlvAlcnr: / my in lllVlN'lll ,l . onrmw LION! of. mm All WAI m: mu - VIILAGH Manx IulY-WI! - var all" ~ All "- u 3- this Melp IL tells th only partly tells the Story of Mlsery in Central Euinpe. Within the great territory between the black lines millions of destitute; children are doomed to grow up weak and deformed throggh want of fats. milk and sugarl unless Immediate help comes from without HERBERT HOOVER. .I meet ing. said i , 3,500,000 to 4,000,000 children. InVIEECI polspeak at a Canadian Red Green Our prohlem over the forthchming winter appeurn to ba ghout { Thew children are the obligation of every man, woman and child in the We'atern Hemisphere, for we have suffered lens; but, beyond thin, they are a charge on the he'urt of the whole world." hghe Camad &m Red Chmsg i appeal: on behalf of 3 The British Empire War Relief Fund (To Combat Dinirea'a avid Disease in Europe) {1000 will save :1 child; I51. will give it "saving" {nod for a mantll. Help in (his humane work by sending or bringing your, subscription to the nearest Iocal-Red_Cmss Branch or In The Canadian Red Cross Society, m Sherbourne Slrcel, Toronto. 'nHlvE's' 0F NARI; TORONTO Applinllcn Ior nlrnrco \u l' N Hereby gIIrn lhll LIIIIIn ' nnn Anull III llnl CI oITnmnln. .I Ilw I lllll) nl YIII L, nnu Province n1 um I. III dplll) lo inn Imrllamwl or Clnlda at Ille nexi acsslon [hereof Iar Hm I lllmrce iIIIIn her husband erch; Anmll. (I! lhe clly III Van- . I rmlncv: DI nrlllsll column, I Bruuml aI deal-rum and numb liIl ll 'rurnnlo lhl, l'lllI Illy ox \. 0., I920. llllllun Florence Ansell, by her solluwm. . GODFREY. (ELAN a luwsoN. me Hey sireel. Taronla. AanIuIlan Iar ulIorcI xu'l'mn IS llhllHnY ul\'l:.\' llul mnry WIIIIIm Inrynua DI Illl: L'll] l/l 'l'umlllrlv lu lllu Collilly 0! ml IIIIl l'rmlmc uI Unlarlu. \Illl apply In the Imrllmnml oI Canada nl ou ~iiln IhmnI m n IlIll ai r (Hill! In. \\I L Hlluhulh lilmnl oI lhI> Innle ylace, an In: mnnll 'nI Illnllerl: Iu'rlzll nl l'umlllo lh lIlI' l mllucz I.I nnlnnn IlII: 15m Illr aI Otlabu. L20. llIIIry 'IIIIIIIII . IL by his Sullcllnu, llllml A IIDJXI)EI'|SUN. llayll nnnk BulIIIIMI Tnmnlu. Illa: III Apnllullan For alum .VIl'l' ' r by ehen lhal Wlh llam alum nam III llle Elly a! null), lII Inn (Joulll) oi \ o and pm- In It rlnlrrla, Glelnzn, will an- - In Illr l Illllxmrnl III Cnlkda al the | (ossiun llIerwI Iur a Illli 01 ul- - ImnI hi. 1H llmnrel llama IIIIlnl aI lnr ally 01 Landon. III (he MnIILIII Mlllvlltsl x, ln IIN I wlime Ir I mIIAIIO, an Inn ground a! nllullery. IDIIIeII I Thronlo IIlli esih dry 0! Ilnpv .\. Il lam WIN-uh nil-ms lloyn, Hall by in; Fullclldn. ' . PI AN a . LNIIIIN. I m In) .1. JI omnIn.. NalIcI OI Annllullan Ior nlvom. II nmny lghl u Inal nuu I'llll- LII) a! Toronto in In IIIIIIIIIY 0! wk and Pravlnce III 0B: III? M! a! mum aammnl, ph- Iu In mrllaIneIIl ol cram I III Ilr\| mslon IIIIIIII tor a lull Diwer IraIII Iler husband, \Vlllll llll lmllrmllll, III Illa Clly a! Toronto In I. "ollllh A)! You In Ilil~ Prnvlnu n! on- uriu. (HI llle wound a! ldullvry lull . IIoil. lm'nn I d 'rIIIonIII llIlI 29m IIJY nl \Irguih A, I).. IDIDI l llul nIIIIIIIIII, lly III-r lolltllon. . nonvnny, I'IIEIAN a IIA\VSDN. Ar SIN". Tomlo.' Thad. I u mm It IIIMIN mm m Wmlm ' I ..

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