, Mn glrlGi uuuio Toronto Unlvenlly "Dunc-Surgeon roroulo "7" we loin I li'l:nllll.ll .luuunl .ioolro mil-ole and Throat liorplirl. , llorlilvlll Surgeon llluh-llou Mu-~ { fully and lilupenim [New liar-k , -' . ulnl. Pllolm ll, ilouro I 5 ~ l a-n urn. . .. ln., 0 loo hy upholulrnonl.. ' or. H. il. William. DENEIB F! .d mo liiinu our .. new" nil ovimurhral ' on. a. c. BUTLEDEE, . , DEHTIBT, llinok, Ncwliiiirkol. f. funuu. w. o n'uil r l'liynicinh uuu Hui-goon ll'owiilnrkcl, Oulurlo eradunlo Unlwrnllyv or Toronto. [mill senior r 'Llunl. physll lluu Uuiuu liliupilnl, F ii [\ivor. run. lillc r i "am l'lmno 31. um o lluill'll: Ila-l1: in 12; ,f..__ Dr. 3. J. 93y . .1. u.. .-,. in in liniiluluu o o| ' i i Dy i ~lly; ulm lllLulIlllll , (l m ui l'liyoil lnnn null lumnllcr oi ' ling. . ill (Allll'Kc oi surgeons oi ) Palm! ollulcnl unillulunl in I A i l nnu Iinlvcr (i ln h)! llohllilu h hollow. l r. None mul ihrool ltupil- ll lion nll. 'onluud. or found. 'ul oouoo uuuollud 5'7/ 'rolouhonl: no Mauro {BAD} LG. 7.3 BERT GREEN. PAINTER Ah'll l'APlih ilANon Arlinn Aw. 2nd huuno irom (Shaun no, Nowmurkol. ONOICE BTOOK DP VlllLL PAPER on llulld. Phone 239 H. __r _ . CANADA LIFE AaBU ANOE ctr. H. P. Elma , mull-luv. nupmuoulmlvo (or no. at Vorh. . . iloul or 'l'oi-onlo nuud. an rlalill, linlhlllril 5L, ounoullu ill'rkct. d .l lloxlullim. f Ai DUF n. Nchnni knl. 1 50"" Delilar ill nil kinda I)! no, illuuloul Instruments and impairs, Plum) 'I unlml Auill. ior Goluinblu (lrolonoluu, arahhophonuu nnd ilooordo. -c:niplnlo swoul Prompt. aorvlool liIIBB lionn moKEWoH, ohliniou, in hi ETlnn willl B 0, McKC '10", .lnlwhvl', Park Ave. Nuwinurkcl. a. w. WIDDIFIBLD. v nrrlelw. aollolior. htoqv lrwniurlnl Ur , lh iionk ol1oionlo ilulluhiu. uuxl llilllliltoll s iiool l'Aitlle niiiou, ovary lievlmnrkul dny oxoom rhulaouy. Oillue Phone 308: house 101. l rlvilc iuuuu lo In on nuul l-Islnlu. in Furnace Work Plumbing Eavctroughing . Our Sp 68 ecialt Bu (he Halhruom Oul l. at. (he llop. rule HEARING 'mlsui'izilo ll. OSBiillilll ill Slillll MIX ? Uiill GEESCH'N sliAPs\l4 llnizilzes lor lo uuyo AT HOTTIHQHMJ B lilliivu . Hum in Him ~ on ilolnm . r. liunin, Fills? comm. Fl T EEIWEI) Fred. Nottingham. lm r. oilAilrLiiii, ' linrmumin oi THE WIUTURL LIFE I W O lbl, Wu. Foilov Holihl' WY" an, lint. iA ll, 0. Box lull.- ol l illno. Volvo and Vlo ' _ Moi-co l . Dr. Sulll dnd mmmm by homo . on mom. Ffubihl linh - Thu Willing Warhol-6.9 Ilo nhnlc; nu Church on many alle moon, Deon loin. * ' ' , ._.._ noon aaoko. ' , . The union allllw lllnll mount lliwL in I)l )0nll illiclillllil ii iii will on noduonary lo Ii: moor-nu nl lilo hull]- um oi running in kuou honkn on ii iii in liu- llUl Ilil'Ns at u lolluuilllliulg, Now hi u irului iiu lu rouuuulu . liul u out ul llil: Hm 0m Prim l'l il. Ollvlnlnn church \iurllluk Ilip l' illllilllllll Svl'lll l'. UI' Illird ll Silllpi r. llloh ull ll) llh Ell lll'lll. ll IA uuiu-li |Iln| n in ulii llu prcurlll. ,s. ~i, ni 2.40 , lion-l llllnn ii. in lllrl l Xhlll lill liml lllrillml (ir- I'll hlhl will lll III ,nllll [ilr Hm I [illllu 'l llv l \l-IIlIIK lulllc: "lilvllllg up (or iiull." Farnln uid. i .\ll . "li l'tl Yllllllg Ill'l'llwu Imu hultl lll t 2V7 llc him! In Illll llll l flll. n! lr.l,1lw|llllnliur) lo . . lni '| .4|I or ii l'u\\'l|~|l|!l, [or u linillllmllll: mom. .iir. hymn Hoilnli, room in, l s liulll lilo ilil our turn. to Mr liuiny .hnnhi 013 Alimlli'l'lllrilnill ' I'ilt' ullilh hlIll'K wilrl dill: illlllll lllt .lm ili ill .\il . ll. Swim-i- ui . nuirll-l. Ollrlullnn 'Dliurall blllulil in Illn uuulvo miry of Tim nun huuilur plutI Mrl |'IIIIr.-lllll)' IM Alumna lioy. llurhur Novumhor llll' tillin nlli'u ||llnllxllllul i: won l-llillliliis in nu i-luli \ m' in on his u so nor mu. iuurounn in u, Iircli :ll lollilimi'rl. ' v lloiluua Lunaluo Lady in liovuroly inlurod. ni- uui liluu in on: hurl h") .inlinnohilu inunlu-ii lulu n i room; nil-uni uui-ni ul Now- uur i) ulloruuuu. sun .\Iiu|l|i ul iluiluuii in'ullllilK. Iho llliw-r nl lin- willoi who hill-loll lrulu lhn n6 ni mlllilllsl) llljllrril, hl- w. my lulu-oil In lll r llllll . u the .iullllilllillle much ill-ink huru, )er lllll'olonu illing'ul Nnrlll York w. 'lll't pr nl ill on lilnllilo. lulu-illililo Kirk ol Nl lll.i in lll\'l !illl:.||lll)( lllu rm. "Allawn'unr I ~' bmlny hignlulun lll'lt' mum \ nuli- Iilht'l l'il ll) ih hill. who \wlll illlmll llio airl llln in iiiriiuioi-u iuunu, min to lllvir riwn nilluwlllrlll. 'rlu- l-vuuliur uui not hm hm vur wilililili hulllt lnniiuh I ~an mnmmmc nud mmum umu liull nl lion. in .- lllill huhun huh-urn in uho l- on llnnliuni .m- Kulil) horns iwru lilmuu, llil' coll loiniy wouhi how mm m m- [or llu-ir iuliuinuiuw. iillllrlllly llil prank wun- ililllllll in nu Mommy lllglll. Mr I illl,llll4|ii||iil wnuou wnn ll ul lhu |'lll ui uhn h I. I lflllil. I look Aw. lin- xlillli-Iliilly ll. lnuuslriol clusiel. ill-llinmlili- nuliiusinnu ohoun lu Illlillt'l'llllll lih inn Milling oi ill llll'llllllg lllllllall ll ' 4w LIV! Moll- .luy lislll. lil l. | i millimm uuri- uiwn hr .\ll . l2. s. l::u llllilil iiliill oi llir . n. ,iuui liuiu Blinking Hillgllsll null Molllil su-hngmihi um I .\iulhuuullir.ii l)r.4\\' u . .\li, now , un \rlli lily ln-o, rMihillK ins-i and will iuui .iu mlrl nlll. \lr. lloluoil will llrn'l' lln- l m in ixiuzluh. :il . i., on r u-lli Ilii\l lhu sn uogilniin .unl 'i wlllllls ulnllii ' \izlllullllglllcllmwlllx. llllr ll ii lhu iru lllrm morn pupils in .45" up in lho li|llllrfl1h5 lllis lhll-ol will in Ill inn-ll. l l Spl'l' o in- voroilio Iur liu- oillN' lllroo mom-s in no ohlnrroil. Fuhlln cllual noun. ilvglll r llll"illiK (I! nu: Ho.\rll with lulu on 'i'h allay niuhi r il ion ml xii , 'lury'ri (Illiiw. l ,*l!ll| Meson. lil ll, l uliili ll. lil o. lllnlt dnd Folill, Mr. lll llliKlllDll Ill llll lllzlit. 'i'lIiI loliuwiuK,oi-muuln \\'|| c uro- iouiiul illd mum in no will - ll, w. liuulrr ,. AWLDD 'i'. liuiuu no, .. Ho 5. ii Ashton . _ 1. . mm on llllvleol 0 mm lliuil lisaoo $lnni1n , . 3 lli=. . . la (in .i il. l lliiilllgllluil 83,15 Nrnin :i r: . Hi ma null. nhlrwlihg loin lllllllllcl' onrolluil 610 ml Mi lugt .illuuinnro 55L llr. Manning MI 515 bi: alllll onlalml u. .i-nuw silmllrrllolll'ury million. 133li1ell. Mm od hr nr. noon anil liarnnclm liy .\ir. Manning ihol luu ncliml oi lloougomuui noon: in rum-gins Mrs. Mason zu roooi insirurlor ul a salary oi 00 im- year eonunzuclng soot. Isl, lie collllmlcd. Curried. Mnde h) IlrI Swill and tended hy hlr. Manning lhu lho salary or llrr. , IE! ullt ndnllte owner. ill! in- cl-oaIi-rl to 5200 nor your to duo. from Jan. iii, Curried. nil mnllon mr rling adjournl dl Children Cry? - fol! fLEI S Illmcil will holl i liielr nuuu-l 711nth . ,inil 'ruunl solo in ma. Schoollioom ol - ' covrr iiilh l'i luru. i .wouloonioooobooodiogwiir bnlium l nm nmnmnr Silvio n lirr. l lrnlni, On I ion; a my klnoiwii i Jun lor Drl Plum Prvoitlo Pruwipllo: l tor ii mo and my Mlbcr'u lilo. when Raina lluourli mlddla we be: braid: foiled . vorylzo minnow: wllh min in huhad l Ind bundle. in (nu. run run poin- nnd . imnlononuilnohm. lirioioulnouuir~ WM my Weill. would 126mm!) dluy mix at mm Inlnl And N! when : aha Walled to Inn l'H-I Winona our wgmurm hr: I.l| uio limo, m dorm Mlluvn hcrrlouu I Bin mo 2) mlmnhin M ono mind In and , liver , Dr. Plum. anon'la l l rm Minimum lo 1m. moor Ind m wmplvvJy Miami lo land hLalUu. l. n. E. umnz. n [rile mintlrl: uuud lo he done lrom lllhugruphio mum out lhulu")lnvn now lloon dlncmdod (or nllimlnuln p llil whlclll whorl lienluu by a cer- luln mowol. provide a much more uncumu- unu unmilllvc meoium. liy tho uile oi dlllorcnl. aluminum ,plnlw ii in poonlhln in print mum in lul lly colnrn. Thu printing in dono ton paper aeuuoned lly exuniuro to [he nunlim Llouon mun l- |lloliy ol ll uu illiuli hilll l in. FL lluuoo or .I 1., 'I'uliu) ill lhir Inwn lo~I .iy. 'l'olll,) won uirrslnil nml llruuulii licllirn Pollen lineiolmln Cook whuu he moulqu "guilty" Hum 520 Mill arm ? or nlillonllls' llllllrlsulllli l. A womuh Iii: \\ ill4 mull in he lllu ohiul uwurr or the xllll i. Ill-ii lrnul. I Ilyidtuirh \vllliillw (luring LITTLE YHHOTOR linuLn ' LoouuoTIvE To TNIK o. llulllzm, Nov. L 'rlu: story ul on (-rlllrrly ill - uiui unlillil: no. lo uhirh lhu .r oiinu lrailtnri u u uni ls i i-roul in tin: oily ioniuy, null t'lill- lliui in u nun lu Ilil\ l nupnml, inl I l: oI Wilh r ill llrl lll)l 4 \\ illllli 300 hinhi. 'i ilo iruin rrl-w wrrr .lmii on lilo um ui running uul on . u. \illml uvui- ll uiul Ills llllll- lniolor .i winning lilo r ii, ilv 2w our loll lo him lol- uunhluur . .uul Ind (rumor Kl mllnl) ilgri'eil in hiu, lhn lioinl culiniliuu. liarklnx lhu lnu' hr in. l v mllwuy lm in tin; Iluul- iioll rimi. in: ruuhuul iiir lwu logt'llllll', mill ll uuioiiyi nv Illl Im lllnllllll' Io iiu lilo. mun: nuiiur mil, _A.,Q__ l Hanna A song/in min EEEH novzn is OFF ollrrEnll nul Lililo luouo Mc a in molar Tao Lolly, will In Donal lililg nil ,\uv. lr llll lilo unl- hmuu li lllli . huul Iilvlllll' oi )Uilr-Olll In liolhiiiu .loinuui iol iy In iliA muniu' imi; lord, xi. nun lllllluil n - Iin loll lulu- llic mm oi llu l-iili-ru. Nu lulu >.l\ hlm :llll'lillll in ii" a lull ol min. . r oi on ! llill) luau l. , manur- null Lill lllio llll m ml or liolur iii-lull, .\l|.\. ii. lllxl mil. imm hl huuw. iou ll 1 iul ulnyiu- .ihonl II Mnl luiilon llr lli flril i orrl illll. our XIhlll'il in in mluu- null ~n nulls; u; \\l ioi l 4' llilplllnr ll. rzllr noiluil to lir. wll. 'h i|l~lllro, ilzl-nillg olon, llll- mu, luv alil. 'llll liiHll'ilil) .\li'. a opium mmmnl ll, rllsu ihu .iuuii ho nut nor mo lolur. ii. inn-ll rl oi Klnll, null ll liipiu i-lini on him (or Ilml l\\'ll noun. - blur \ a lliu ullliil run oi \\'u,~lll \loiirl-Io. i rililrnrli noiilil ! last time he hull playrd in his ouu~ 3 nl l ll ll orrllcll MI . \inlllldo in ilruw \\.x ( l' lroiu lho t'lall rll, . I . .."iu lhousuml ohm ul llmlIL r lliui \\i ri: bllrimi in linisuriiusuils hum-m. oi clean-ll lilllils lll lllllltll hy hurl-nu lililIlU' . - i} 30 i8iiii FOR SALE W. E. Ruiledgc s Machine Shop m and serum! iiuuil colu Culling und Tllrcslllus llollo. Wilkinson Cal-n Llox. Easy run on Iraclor. i IL P. Gas Engine. :i ll P can Engine. svio rmlor H-QS 'l'raolors 13 ii, I". earn 'l'raulolo. u ll. P. loam Tractor l6 ll. p sleulo Traclar 17 ii. i-. sloun 'Nuotnr a ll. [1. Steam Engine Numbu ui Pnrlnlllo Enuiuu 7 l Viclor clover inn. 1 While selirralor. ame and Wood sum. going now 2 mun noiier Tubes. Liglll \VEIIVDl-llllng Hull . 7 mmulm rroru CAsTORiA W . "VLIML lhuinz can-led out from tho ncllnl llhuoo Incl: mlllll ho uni-gall ucouraloly, I\vriun llro hour work lo onmylcled, lino look le , womm LEAPB wmuow lullormz, null no brunch! up in auto. ti] o luluhllly oi uliIrii-ll ulnl wiqu . aounlry, etc and no on. arms ii hlg l-um lliquurllu lnliliiilollvol lllnlh oi a look u nliuuhohu liulhniuyl . wiri- win-h a mum- lim I 1 {Po o mm oi oi. utmo- ooqu will: liuor lull .uinlni. pavilion/nod ll. him builder lbe l|vnn,.1hu growling. lino, ll-h lemmlnx in' mom! I! GAIN xrom lalo,l1.c.l i , - . l . Thnrelsqeuriaulmpalm val-M] 1n . elihrnry ornereiord q udni). It ir our ml. iour'loooo- [lb-and live iuel wmu. drum on vullum, Anal eurloneli In - mu wllh ioldln; uooi . Maprlnnlljng our new reachad Inch , Q demos. of pexlecllmi Ind accuracy iliol airman loculo cvory iron in ma mo . romoui vliinro in the United! Kluruorul g : ' v ' Thu nliolo oi luo nriliih Iaimi have hoen rcrurvoyou and charm: hyl uni Ordnunw survuy olnce um; null. our work noon on conilnuon-iy. ' ' ill lun headquarters of tho om. nonpu. Dcpnrlmrnl in nulllamuloni you c r. m the worlr oi mu uklus dmwlnx or lhu mapn lo ihl rnpro- duollun oi lllom by lineagmphy. Thu process in roughly on iollow Flul illo lunll mun be annoyed; Diary Inch oi o dllltrlct. munl ho rumored. uud every curve null nnulo noled. every ulllrht clcvnlion recorllou Tho uhlu uuu urou oi uvory olliccl muul ou round, and tho polnl or run compo or ulmrliuu which lho mnpju iimvn. Thu llurvnyl on on dillcmm roulr-u ouo inch; two rich, ulx inch. Some oi inn towns have hoeu uurvcyou on u mic or liloull-llvo inchuu lo u milo. Tthe tmlm ohow ovory lloulle,,lleilgo, or rte. The engraving oi mum. in norm on Lower ululcu. ii in uounlhlo [or old ilrlnmc to ho nklluully ruvluuu and ll lo m7 uncommon lulnr lor lulriy or Iorly drnulhlnmen to ho employed on one lliull'l. coo mun may or a no cinlhn ;n oullino drawing, uuoluor in indlrallng nulllml mature: at tho l Tllo momlioun cluarornn or each ,ornnuuou norllon or in mop in non to glue incl that. ii um be drawn on o .my Yul-go ucole. nou liner reduced iby ulioiooruohy. , 'rim mom. nrlraoroinary mull ever union In in ihu Louvre. il won uro- uuuloa lly the into em a! Ilulluia to illJO French uniiou. Millie or gold and inluddcd with low: , It won designed by u uklllcd llulllilnn engineer. or vulile lri .ninooneil in be uuoui "50.000. Thin inap monium lolly lncl. along ml. hide, and in hauled in idiom-colored holler, The no: in lronrcnenled l.y pale ruurhlo. nod lhB illcll and union by llleVlOll! nlnnui. I l l'hu lllun \l'lln \Vullml, 'l hlil in u lilclur-k no hul nlir ly ltrulllilll ul ~y nl n woulilly l-lnglinh ,iiuvelior who won nlrlckcll dunrnr. ,lmiily ill ln u rclnulu runion oi China, lnr truu- lho holn oi any hul native nhyuioiuns. I The Clllnurlo or, on ilnclunl rune. iunu llmir municirum uro uroiouuil lniudenlo oi llicir .klllll, uhoiovr -unly ho lhu lililcrouoo hotwcc-n lllell' pmclico unll lhol ni l-luropeun dob- rlani, when the I'anllnlllnim oouuullou :tlic cliiuoso uiucnlionor, lilo inlier 'Iiiilcncll ouroiuliy in ma lnvalld' ox puallion oi lllll nlinuioins ohorlnrnr lul Int-lull, logo at uuurlilo. volrugo land the ml. than he offered llla oresorluiion. \Valk orur." li/J sniu. ; Wllnl exclaimed llin "Walk home lo nuginnuz" l on ., Kim l min hardly will u block! it exllanotcd mo campinlt-ly to gel lilo-re iroln my limo ' And Mllal nhoul lthe Mil? You must walk a nluluu dlnisncn on deck," said lilo Cll whim. Make 'your son possum as ullnrl as poiieul, iiul 105qu loloi ol lh Clitllzmunli advice with. ilnlun." The Engllblllllnll llzld iril - widely. and [in was open 10 new idea. Tile llexl Lliy found him fllh silken u- ,nnu n rollnuo oi Chlnese servants [alluan inta lile outskirts of that YC'DIDIE Mmlgnllall Village. He nun able to uolk a line Muller iii : nlll A year later he orriwu in Eng- lunol calnviclely roslurcil ta urnllh. He had wniuou every Inch at our way. illcluilinz lne Piucrlhed consti- (utlnunl all chk liming Ihe rl memory m humor Au Ililp VJlllE Thin. ".llullu, d the ninuagur oi the; bank, "ihere'll be u vacancy oi the head unim nlianly. and I'm lhlnklng oi uoulluuliul; your twirl matter {or me lob." "My twin brnlhvr! exclnilued .liuka. "Eula" "I mean lho am: 1 SJ" watchan a ball game yosleruzy whila you worn at your uuui': iuuml. slid the manager, "Oil yro." mm Jinks. 4 muleth him gaid the manager. And now come back illl yuh vo round him!" ' I I l'il _rci and hunt Juunmllnl Flu! Sub~Slaler#Vlrlllng much lheao dayu l . Second th-Slal el your life! wuli murders and divorce-a cumin: as (its! no niey nro, husln in our no is me looking no mr lung. slia liookinl in iii: no.) i lhiulr W: the donut lull-x. its (ruriullyl .. know It 11. USE "DIAMOND DVES" ' illl Don't llakk '0!" l lellar Eauh o in oli mmna llyrn' on. talus dix 'llolls so oiuipio Um, An honun c n mull- yo I now. r r 'gh or lulo oluI gumuml. u re. u)velngi_ m . will; wileuirr wool, Iii, linen, (alum ar mined g . Buy Dhluorld opium one kind khan perm: re Imlla In: ll-fluted even it Owing I chance for '. No. '1. No. 2. No; 3. ill n Variety of olorii. F Overcoat at Prices j Men 8rYoung} 59339815 ' B Man s Heavy Winter Overcoals In All Wool Raglan, Ulster and Form F ll. styles. rm-m, areun and Heather. l a Heavy Overcontc fFrlme ond Blanket Cloths. come In tho bth Slylou and are exceglllollully Willi Tullurud and como Rog. $00.0 to the backward Season we are compelled to sacrifice our profits in order to turn 0hr Stock into Money. Here is a a Big solving in a.'Winter that will astound you. Men s Heavy Bannockhurn 'i'l laeda mill Blanket. Ololha in Grey, Brown and Heather alludes ln Ulslur, slip-oil or Dellur styles nog. $35 and loan , Special Sale . . . :unliu nnd Frlolo, In These Cantu coma in Grey, Flea. $5.5 and $50100 Special 5316 These Special S; o DUN N9 Men s Outfltt WHV I HELP DAD "'i n inc, Micro is nillhillg so vorv . - , -. i. uni n Kill dnng lcpull \lnlli. ., lhiillns. oi Villmlil, Alllcrln. lllis ii: in lzllcill Io \\ ,tl ln qiiirl ill llilsiiie. sinlill. hill dnd w l Dull iinll hccn oversaw. linolniilicr, uilll when he come llomoi gl-cu on see it was He is u Ulll' town is sure lllnl'e \Wlllltl be enough work in kl ell bim going for he fell confident he unillll dka nil llll! unil no. he insliiiiCii one li/i lile lilrg nllliits nllll lupin alllcllcl , lilit dnd is wise on nine illiilgs, well he know his llllll|05l we \verr \\ ilh \\'Ill'l( l'l nnl lllia lil"l. lll ninnih no i ion inn-i- nun l'llcnks. i'llnl's [wing sumo. in lho i Ii-sl lililco dnd null I sin-i ui ohulns. pills us ii were. dnd lilo ilesl olllllili I nor liuil u- V ill u-o lillltl lilillll, i'lir l'\\'(| Ill\\"'i cvcl' illlil \ Ill, would nlllisl. ('nllll ilnok. '0 \Vl lllCll nnii iiiiniiy lllnl llilll any uhnlil mi- pill-l in the lnioinro- llllrc runny sl|| lll||illllig UUHHIX Y 'i llcil ho \Vullll rl to hurl: it real llii-lo-ilule shop. Ille lllc illnl llllll lllll (own is \ 0l'y Smu'll (inrlliyeul- l-epinr l limo iloi'l o, oh 7 To prove iln\\l lowerm l I V ln 5 [lion ollclsli n' 9 599' "n" "WW iluunis. hilt lilhu H mm. while mono I \Volll This is Hie slnl y ril' l I55 (ilniil'n' Dames, of llaeil Vnicilil. Alhel'tu. ll lli lKlil young \\ who 'En S:}' er. "Well, lhlll wus just what 1 wnilleli to do, so _ ll lloillieli ll cunt, and now I ciln do the Work well A -] u , mo [or two liriyn,_liul you know dde m G u W hen lillle prejudicial]. lnllllulunli quickly nilil llnil says he \l'i'lilldulot lrillie is hmmll lo liul I like the war-Limit] ion] at home and wiih ln_\' llillicllum, which ix worth u gl'elll tieill in o girl who know. [good i Lllllel' is. \Vllill ll "I culllo uoem :4lll ]ll'l50ll nun I nlloillli he on- gngeil in Iilc work of shoe l'cpilirlillg. hill 1 oil: mil 1 HI n mpnir iuuoliilic? N llllll if women worked nl lllull llla work, ("Hi run luliirn mill plilncrs Il Ll llrllls, why should a one h given nil: u ((inll illlFiWDI' in my question in dole. Sonic iluy I um going to bqu dnd clluilge ill, no lo ii, Illliiles <2; lllillgillcl', which will he u very distinct Illllel'eli e from so muny 3. Smi. "Yrs. I liliolr, ii i l (lining in l-nlllcr dirty work on my when I refer in it He ulwnys liked is in gl mll insinlmll-o |rl ho.- iillhri- in the i llle Lil kind of slitzk nriillllll llltl shop am] in he lilisillesa. ll ulllful l likell in c It ll ul ollllil. lllll her in illillii of Mn " Slll'n in gli wlml-- \ i'nll, \\'llnn till: wnl' cnme dnd long llay (- oinlrsu. ill lilll lillio town there \ - loousiilor Mother ni, illlll llol for him in llll . 0i ro lm Illillli lion liluuic. but we read uhunl nil-ls working in such pint-es dnd snw pivtilrn: or them ill impel wearing [lire 'l]\'[ |"lllls Rllll llll lllnl him! 01 lilillL'. Qlliic llt lllll-i'llly I clinillell llnller my silllnlinn ill our liltln [own that I \\' sllml . n no! iihlu In du Hm Then when dnd i-uillc hnllle ml lnll . ill his l [li|ll' lililiii. I \l'lli hanging lll flllllll llle slliip n. usnnl helping him llcll one lln in vuriulis \\'ll_\'s. Ilhmllzllt of the llllllliliolls work- ()i' girln lliirl ii iooknii ns if dnd Hnnmht of ID some. thing in' he Sliill [n me me lllntlor \\'llll you running in 'Gludy ._ wllnl s lllucllulc nun helping me all! wilh lhis work. Vnu rn us good us any hny l. any work you have ever tried yel. and I see no reason why you cannot do some of the finishing on these lilloes. , llnl Gal, :9 . uicr lay r lienl in lluilirciins willl his Mir, \vuuml l: Ftiliirsrirlli, o curorlllikor lilillK oi 2 "might Arrlluv. Lillml' lililhi- ul riglll o'clock io.nighl .linr Inlilg iiiui- lluuw un- oi-ussiuiiy lu milnli'r hill Wlli ii) :hlllllilllg'. v i Nimll 'ronniiuiuia, lr., mi bva Him-on mou um: Lllln In {in Euliunlull ulul llrel Ilnml hy mc mrmung iii u ll r in lilo uourr loll-or main. lailll d hy the marlin Falls Powrr uouimuy ol 3 o'riurl: lhls umnllng. rim or lhu men urrn mum in uralh, nuiiu .ix were on llailly hunwl llisi liinir doolhr Iollnll'nii uiiorlly. Kill'lleli/H'. oul, not. .11; luwo'ou ooinhmllun hm a iasl \rax inrml by mu inliililles on Kim; hlgni smut u l. alnlonl isllllulllulcuusly lillhlu u uisioher or at lilotki. snorliy uilrr nine o clool. Illnerl .\lc- linllhon ho rulqu In the Mormon Home. \rolerioo, was much by on auto, irllllr filling u bicyclr and 13-: nlznll) linlell nml Mrs. nil, Illl \Voiiinulon Sued. was knocked down or n run-nus molorur-clr. while In: m ailian home Mill her llnlluu 1nd llonlii war lmlanlnnnalK. .\ir.l Ludwig was aka unurlrrn oil-u uul numeral llrlwns uuli, hetnx remain] on our mm dyed helm. WI. nu mimosa Dye: Ddar alfrle rich colon. TORONTO roommn lo ille houlllll. I Brnntfol'd Asphalt Roll Roofing V. Bi'anti ord Crystal _ nntiord Asphalt Bi'zllltiord Asphalt THE KODE N AHD Vlu siiiril h FROM DAV T0 DAV Mill'lllltiile When honing lulu hon i . llml \l'ii ll sheen l'Illl-h lllulln illlii iluwni'. illlll mile [hum 5\\'('el, :\iili l\\'l|lli n3 u-eoi lnnll '0'. llllll [:roml, .uui ruin-pools spill-kin in llili' slrocl, Uh, lilcil llosiile willie lnlielallillml \\ illl qllil'el'illu 'l'lle Ili llll gulllr mud Iu llllilll liis iiiillgiilp nosl lwnniitli lhn lL E ion, in u little, you shall hour, Awuliiilg nl me break of ilglii. lllll s oi mil-mm) louvre. Lnil' [ii irriugo. rel-y Sufi lillil cle_iii-, lv'ln- lily or live pui'i: Eggs or while: Allll so inkc heill't for the new day iml oil. ouch little things Sllnlt ci Eggs, I' llllli'tllls. particles or on To nlrllm u imwer or pul'ulliso. lli . lirippy iii Illc man whose coiling i umhlc. hulls-dual iiuooluu a Our Loni! .nu Cali Supply Vour mm in Roll Roofing Slates . ill Red and Slab Slates, NEWMARKET Phone 39' Hymn. 5 grant and um, i, A Greon 4 in It All'Tl TiO HWFINOI SMITH S HARDWA-