FOR MEN 'I BUWIESBN S : Imperial cafes, , lN THE I IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK, ELEcmlc APPLIANOES (or 01151an I'lI Ixmn'. ICEACREAM AVID some. alil cream. ALSO NEAPOLITAN mucus. W. R. COWI ESONI ~I . III-..r um MillM l. guess a! ll: avor our tread hu IoInIII I.- In. mlh III: folks wIIIrIIIIu IIIIIIImSIvmas, Explllo_ln I mm but unIpIIaue m...- nJr mu your arocery'man ahallll mm you IIIII emu 4 III; a mm kln aI III-ena Icu no no nu ummun In "It am. I . :MoLIsHMEn I... one .I .. nu)- II. yum-h. V in. q... < ' ' .I..In IIIIIv, You won t truce um I \_|' l IIaI " lIIIIIMI [or any Ill l)! volume:- hI My in- JllDl ocI. 22nd. I920. 'oim CLOTHES represent the Metropolitan Idea of CORRECT ATTIRE Me .III...~ \Iny IIII-II- Inn mod I.-- IIIIIIII \IIIIII' The above are 0111 Wearing Apparel '"riu " NORTH Tomes v GREATEST CLOTHIER nun'I Miss 'I'llr' \\'lIllIv ..r III. II. IIL I'L my , Moss IIIIA . III]. . A . Nowm: I-keI. L w- \7 IIIIII mu IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIy InI'II Me "U" l4 II am 0' III: I-IInrarIor, IIuIIII .x n s Suits Odd-Fellow "All I M IIII II... \I'uum Illll'hl III IIIIIIII IIIIIII-I-Iw $29.50 sum-d III man. Io PanIIIII . wIII . ..I. K. "IIII. Ilrxni ..I IIII H Hlll ..r 'r .qu .mmIIII; suoi llll ll I ma I-I-IIIIIIIIIIIII." Var. no. wee one mi III III. aIIIIIIIs IIyIuIIIIII Louise IL:II rmIII um |l|FlH|lIIlS II! . orIIIeru LII-um. Tummu. mrmrl Lodge; Toronto, also Hilluresl Lodge, IIiaIIIIIIIIId lIIII,_lnchIIeI- \IIIII , um [mums o! Allrnm and Mann: .\|4 of IAI .VALUE DEMO lll'lhe ..Greatesl Sloc Featuring a. special purchase of Men s Extra. Heavy Sweater Coats and" Pullovers' " ..III-I- IIIIIII. IIIIIII. |Ilhlll\l'l.\' so (I! sit. \ll'll s.III.IIII.I.II $3.95 m, y a few of the great .values you will nd in this, North York s Greatest Store for Men. , and guarantee your money s worth or'your money back. nees in North York ? l NEWS . n oIIIIgIaII ls .1 pm Ill-hide! nl 'rnmmu Nu m or 'rmIIII, also l lil l alIII'Ill ..r TW'IIHNI m llm. w. J. Jauth D, n. a. \l.. a! \lPll'Illmlllsn msma. Na. ofllI lal IIin V nompanlnl In' Ills Hulllnlulen, GMT-ll . Lilllllt ul 'l'nrolllll g mp". tied om Tmm Donna on .I Mme rlass ol I-anIIIImIIs In Ill r. (or Wllh'll everyone amour... I'd III on Supper nooIII when) aver hm I panoonk of Hm mam, rh IIIIII Lodge is known Io Serra. lIi IIIIIlel In In tunic nnnllll r IIIIe umuc IIII-IIIIIIIIs wIIII-I. l: nIIII-renumoip IIIoIII rmdllable . E'le iaII III-III and Dou'l LIII lo hear Imul IIIs .mlge. ac- I killnlil I $35.00 Winter Overcoats \K'I'IYHII II. | . .I-I - I\l[ lll II.I~ I.I~I 4'H"l'|' llll $18.50 to $42.00 NSTRATION k in Volume and Value ever Displayed in. North York over 300 Suite and Overcoats, bought by'ue at a big discount for tone and character, and were made by Canada s best makers. III- 7.. 0m: |' Hill llr YIIIIIIII ullwul I| lllll MEN OF NORTH YORK! If you really want and appreciate good clothes values, do not fail to. grasp this opportunity. made up in the latest styles, real value at Saturday and all next week I -I V IPIIIII am. Evanlnas . ~ I I... ml by IIIIIIIII: I. IIIIIII'aIrIIII Home. I ~..I. ..I .- llII um. ..I... . ll'll I..IIIII-, III\ I I .. II'I' lll IIIIII II-,.~ II. II' III ,..-II ll.(~ I....-I. I. _I IIIII nnmndm . q... ..r I... lug. ..I IIIII .IIII. I. 'III-mIsIIIII Day. \mII II. II I IIIII ..INII. . .I. 'IIIIII-I-pm >,~ll|l mm II) III.. ..IInIII ..I ll .-I. l. IIII-I III.- II....I.I ..r 'II- v IIlII' hm, LLovn an aE AND Mn. EONAR LAW. Overcoate, strictly all wool, $4." $25.00 _ Is-it any wonder Where the crowds go the valuee'muet be. ' OPPOSITE IMPERIAL BA K, .. DUNLOP S , I New hAmT IIII- rI'II=.| I'un'v'h'lh uilII IIII- .\IIIII.I-; Memudlsl IIIIIun. le I \\.l) .1 good - HLI: In: a! * ..I Inc nun-nu; ..r IIII- LlllrIn in II..- >I houl II-mm on \\I .'||.l_ III-Irv IIIIrIII, Imcc muumc nm II... I i Pal "I we .III IIIsIrIInII-IIIII .IIIII II .. Inns 4 IIIIIgIIIy mums. mlbnml l I. IresIIIIIeIII II was comm Ia I'I "It IIIIIIIIIcIII gin-II |:I~l Inn by I II" ..I IIII TII\\'II III the 'I Imno 'tIII ..s IIII I.I I.II.~ l: .I l|ll.\ l Il' ..IIII. peace, .IIIr In. Mrly um, . n'HlllelHlI ..r lllh 0.3.; II Irv-m or IIIe TIHI III I. III] II um nlrl bmk pmmsmm I:4.I-' Fl'llll JII|UIXH II III aIIIIIII r 1. ..I-. II um IIII~ 'IIIII ll IIIII-III _ - IIII- Mill ..1 I\\I) ,IIIII IN |lc [III-Iv nII- Il llllnlx" M ,0 A I I 'Illll lave, WM 1. : {,mmmm mm... Sub erEIB-K Ion \VL Kn. lhl' 51 "I! m' ' or a llre|[}' lllll I[I|h l dI we we I 7' last Saturday ollomaon .'|| |wu o'clovk ) lkIIIF \\|l|| h)" when was IIamIIn. .III III}. seem .1 h") In |I|~ mm, liar" . . ughlcr 0! Mr, .IIIII Hm. I.) IIme -IIII non In IIInIIIIIIIIIIan, ..IIII. was lm 'l'led In Mr, mom a. I.III y, and w. II IIII I. v - sun In Mrs. Albert LIIIIIII- a! eIIIIII'ar. II is .I IroIIIIIIuII II. hm. TIII: max-Huge l'L'I' IIuIII- Im s . I .nI .IeIIIII: cIIIIdIII-Iee by Rev. oaum, 'NID trim, mu I llllli| \\I unauendeu. ware her gaIIIg away sIIII (- ~.. m M as gn ll on me) were n! brown velour IvIIII-IIIII III lllle'll ..IIII l.ank around ) lllL run will cross fDx lure, HIE s! n! II: S nln. P I llllIln'lI nvll 3'le In HI She earn!!! a bouquol III pIIII. r l II'I-na so weak 0! um um II...)- and Wasjlvzn away by her mixer, Tlll llI n wearing It! . Ior ) JI'S. happy couple den. lmmedlilrly lar Every IloyI n chSmyannd "In sum Ste. Marie, mm IIIey III 1'! ohmaxs 0' VII ll'I'll ..I emu. II..- il'll', [Innk u! Pele ii 5 [ml and hlIlIan lrulll \lew. XII IIIII- may mensII his um . I lqulI- rmun ll Ruby Lake, or lPH IlIc IIIIIIuII-r l y Is alloIIm la iii [mum on LI [mm Fllflcl'm lo him. ImIII :llllllpox. and new all nIIIpIams [Mr I, (N you IIIII.II II III III; I-IIII I of III IIIIIIy Lake camp have Iwrn III-nu, AbuIIcI-IIyIIvcqungIIme menimIrd. . in IIIeIsIIrIImrr sun 0! an IFI'IIDDH. a, TORONTO AneHIves' '6? ONTKRIS In \\'lln II-II'IIIllI~ , happily Nhlvl'l) I. l 1va ) 'ztl' ..I I I .I nmn Ml . N I m] In 1qu ll! l: pm I... .Iny allu- IIII- ..I....- IIIIH um I; _III|III. swam nlIl age. ,I udiching u I L . .___..._~ A cunloswv To Il NEB "In Mr.- IIIe Imhy mu . II lII- i =on Home to w \\'ll'.|l II \I:l| II. .Immlllllm'm l0 ill). ' IIIII Sun-(1 s. . l.|1l'l\l rue LIIIUI -_ IIIII'III: yunmu- 0! "WW :1 H u L l IIIIHIIK |I|E lulv \Hr. Him: lnn): pl I-I} :II Inc m. II In IIII fh "'h Ilbli morning. CASTORIA For hunk-13W .; III'Uu For over So'Ynn Abyth been - sign-um of . ll" IIIIII-ir. 1 I LILI I.....-II III II. Inn. [IIIIIlII ..r in} Wednel < tIIIImII IIIII I...I Monday, Nov. 1 . L'U Wodnu ly, out I on i . r FULLY SATISFIED spot cash. All have style, I. 1|l l' 'll llull. IIhHI mm .I.r-.-I. I)Il\|llll IIIII . IIIIIIIIII llllll(l~ $18.00 to $38 00 Men s Winter Underwear Mountains,of Underwear in Stanfield's. Penrhan s, Admiral, Dr. Neff s, Wolsey and St. George at prices that invite comparison We deal only in Men s we do the largest clothing busi- Tho wnm. IIIII JILyII 'l IIIIII..." \I IIII. ..r. The Tailor II II netenlly mm, when good clam We more mII "Munoz I'llle III cm haul We Are MIKIDMS Io hm you mm know mu. our C'Gllllnu. w.. waIII you Io IIIIaw IIIII Wu hlv ..I "In nice I ... II nu. ma lo slim ! you. no men ougm In no Iniernsch. -II I. an III e... I I .-I.II ., H .IMIIII- -I \\u llllh III I'II.I i4~l II . :II I u-IIII- II C. F.,WlLLlS, Up-to-aaIe nIIor. Nuwl lurkel. "Sale Register I Farms for Sale! lllll .I-r. III..I.III I. III '|'I:\\I.-llllr Lul III 'l- IIIIIIIIIII". m" Ile iJ ll\lllll l-I Inn-II"... a mu , . Illllll'h-f \ Ivrw gIIIIII \VIIIII-IIIIIIII, I In... I . .\\I!I~'.: \0 ,III Hullal lhnl .-,III III ho , l lIII-III IIIllh-lllul'l, DI.- ' - I II In mm. IIIIIIIIIIs I-n-IIII. IIr.-.I * "1" thnurn l. L... xIIIIIIII-II. 1...... . uIIIII..-. IIiII INN (Au . I'IllL I, Impamnl 1am. ~ w I. II'..IIII-. llt'l: Io. \\'|Il|"lllll Houlu In em, lllnlI'I' IIIII-x IIIIIIw IIIIII_ l, r. lol I, run. . .IIII. , IIIII J . mm on. or II . wk and Im III-I IIIS aI lII- I.. ..IL. II IlIlI Hh' .-.-.-IIII. W. .I. um . IHII'L I ' I |.. I "IIIl A I...,I.I mm. In yo Ill I H IIaIce InuIil lL'. I..\~uII DL'H - III" .I .III liull no 0' Ill lll III. I, I'IIIpIeIImIIIs, .IIIII h ' m w. Ill] lnl o: -... I.I .. I l- llI' l'llln II IIInIIIIIs m t r . uIIIIIIINI by me .InIIuIIII. AW" l. nwruln. I - . illll nlelllllol'i (ll Newmlvl . OnL. IIIIDI'H. Th? LIME] I!) III DD! ID. - an mm mm " " ' " mrIII elu I , 5. NIL vo "mun I ml"; beIII ( 35! {If Sharon and [our l'lllk xi nnrlll em 01 NU\V||IIII K\'U, IIII IIIIIz Ewu III ' . IIIIIIIIIIy.nI ..I....I I... nmIIII-Iy oI Alllerl mum. xu lI'l ..III ..II ..I.. V m mm ) . mom . "If IIIIIII Ins nun mm. n. WW Iv BJII' I.I II a. UL. IIIII al noun. "I'lmm lh . I. 'rr l'lllk ll IIInIIIII I. w. I]. KaVan KII, mm 59* nun. . 10L rim-mm.