Newmarket Era, 26 Nov 1920, p. 5

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nor Io Incl-("you I allth In In: InIm on. r , CI'F.IWILLIS,; tin-Iago o TI-llllr, ' ' ah ,. Rheumatism eurilix. Sciatica, NcmnlzInI Temple Rheumatic : Cupsuleb Havo brought ood hnulch In llnll~nrlllIl.llon oullororu, I AllrnIIthI, mono -aavln nmcdy, well known Iorrl lam yon", pro. wllml ll doctora, wld by drug. gtunm. or Inn. Ink nutnxelllu or wrilc lur ll ImI . anknrc. Tornnlolono,luI 1 .,Toronlo $0M tr. Newmnrlml by \v, .I, l nunr eon nun In ErlIlnrl Wm Ily I . ll. Trr Inyn we warn: It rllllhlo Idem. lar avory'un-I ranralomod dImloI. In: I! oul-I wall now Iron and omnmanul lulu, allruua, Ito. noon prlv, zxnwslv: renal. 1onv nl BI I our money /|I vnlulhle undar pl uunl candlIln ' non Mmze or hunaznv. EB TADLIBIIZD do Inns. wmo Ior narnoulm Io Manny nooorlmam, PELHAMI uuaaznv oo., whom-o, am. Fan BALE Onu pen I)! all" orulnulonr IIOHI: no n or rlullt. hon wIlIoIl were llou hll 3| your Irorn Mrs. GNIInm, mn Ld lo .nak's 'unukorll N - Jersey. . _ A150 yearling cook and. Mrs. hm- llnln s slrnlll. 'NH: w:Il no doll] rllrIlI to make room. r. .I. IIIIHNCII, Gnrhllln 5L, Newmllrklll l lInIIp 212-. l . I Inn 7075. Llflll ,.____ _ srnnv 312: ' tnnl- In} my nl-ernlsn; on or nIronI In Ilel n Iuly. n lIuIsIoIll Steer n -lr Inn. II nnI t'LIllI d Ior Ily lloo. r. In lllllol wIlI lll unhl. Own rln Illv qnlu- Ily nrnvlnu llwllnl slllu urn plylllg l-xprnnon ,tIIlVlm 'Il . Suhmnnoru. I-nnnr MI. I ll. IL I. on. Vonnn and charm su.. Tomnlo. Prenarul young muIIIrld wnmnn Ior rmlnoyrnanl - aocounlarna. nono oropllara, Iyrnan, prlynla mmomr, rasnlura, 'oammerolal Iamller , old. Sularlel to star! 515 la 52.6 - week, commenco any (Inna. wnIa Ior par- llullals; w. J. ELLID , _ Prlnolpol, cansuLTlNo EIIaIIIEEIIs THE E A, Jnmzs 0., mm, E. III. Frncwr,I_B. III 0., I Mnnnoar, so Taro-Ina 8L, 'rIornnw. our. llrlnol-o. 'l/nvomcnls, \VIIer- mug, Seweralza 57:5!!qu lnnlnwalnrb, srhaol, laquIo Hills, IIoullngr, Factories, ArllItrIuons. Lllzlulon. mlr Fels.v~Ua\|Illy oald old or the lnouuy we ma Fon BALI Ill Genr llla, I ml How. A . l'a olll, Ill? pmperly at 12 Illa hrll rlll mlllo. under my claim Ior I rII-ln Ell. JONES he Ilium are ll lld In any IF) Ilmur lowered tho lltsl onlron. ' me people don-l [eel III-I way ill ml ll, " lled lllll all)". "EVE! lnn Inr own I ,- mo; MI I wralo.| loual roIaullg aonlo clown 'IIIL needed mung; nuvl Illa law Illdn l arm a l lne.".' "mo you'ulsn your mnlel" D'yo ltnrlk I'm a I ._ Dunn 7th ybll dnlns anymlns' Io renal-o la; wilarlrlg ol your Dollh- buuy ' lumpy - e9 WW I I ' v ,\'|ulll ll llllxvplnct I lulul'n ruln_ lllmlmt lv/lrnrxllll In Ille Il-orrl sunloll l lnllls. I I vvl'? hullulllIllle stuck I). :nluutll nrl n wt I y woods nu llllnl hull" (m in IIlu oIII norm, ltdulh 'o I Illo Kins uIeumI: llqul. h In. IllouIIll' llnllI llrznldurl n no lo orunlo lr. Scull lroulrIl Illla Index nlugr lIInrallIo dIscol'n lerlllVM'm priced and ht oIlIn l unrlra IW lnrrnlnn ,whl ll arr: nllnohuond ll ourIequuln ,wlllrh nru 'wbrlhy or Illl' allIltnllnlI/n! I'llo puhlta. I l c e |n rnrrr .l . .Irnly or. the hunt pun-n rnr lIrr'rrnlI I u' null may, 1W- III-lnn. l_ . ls nppMndllInIrHIlo rlll| llrl your tlIll lnIll'lrllr.aIlopnlrla lu,hrlnr rnrrllsllnd up IIM J'lK-I orrlllo nnr In tho uan my war-kn: .llo II|II|lK|lIII Ilf tlll l 'l! llC lllnan lo lllrll In I uIIKltlllnlllnn .ltIrIIIn. Town null 1o-nlonll - I 'AIIlnlIInrl In rlIroulrnI Io,Ilu- Ill-u. lrrnulIlo hu nlrun Ily Hum sunk l d urnlu-nnu Ill lIlI'I' \v uII tIlIn I no. \Vlllt'll nut-In; mnnII Il r . I. Ir lnnnrnrl. , HII ntIrn IVI- pm nr IInny -nrngrllnl'w'nn Klvl'll Ill \' llltuIN Ilyyn l.le nInIur .llul I'le I grntll null IIntl.. nlI'I lllmyllt'rql I on Ia.IIulI'r lI runntrd. 'lI llltr llIIII WIN lull rnln'prlnrln. A hull/h In nuw nlvun Inr lllllul' who Illll I no um um .IIIImI-lrll IIII' \mllul WM ylrI nrnv noun-Inn It dbl run nu. ln nn unlov- .- nl [III I. ti. o. l . lllllt all or work, Hill! run or Ill. Allrgllrenrl l\\llllll!l l| Lll'lng I'lllnx . \\ Ill. Kltlll null Mr. Il lm'lllK tn IIll lllllnll. or n slnr-mllrl rlr y A "Um Tor-Tun, wlllrll um km n Illllll 2 o'l llll In tho ulnnnllnln ruI shrnrlltn we 'Ved In Itlt Illl'lll .qu (lump nrusont It I c IIl.lI lhoy ItIan .l nlrlsl l lnlcr llll IlInln. Dth oI Rev. 9 IIo'waon. llu'llulllllln I UNU 0! MM .\lmlr nnI mm llTI- rollllwllnr ohlllml) or lhv \\'. U. How-10", wllll will A (Urllll l' Ildslur Ill Ill nIIlnllIIt allure-III. Nu r l'kel. lllll' or In- dluglnrla was lnn- led lo I Hd l HIIuVI-l . Illuv, \\'ll|l'dlll nllon llowauu, um- at In rlluol vulnnhlo llllnlalcl. 9! Inc Melll lllsl .llllrn ll llI (illnrllla, tllI II {II A , . . :11 l ' llll.t) IIIUl lIIllK. lll IIIIIJ been I'lll'r Io )U-I u'llll Ill. Mr. lluw nu wt: wally urn (lllllll'lu. ' lll wIIIldlu Ii. lluwwll lanlu II-llllll- lllvnllll llll blunt; supul-Intullnnrlt oI lnu nullouln. _ null) .II IllB up n! II|lrlL Ell years ltlr III In" Mtlll - ln alum-ll, 'l'llrlrllltlrlll 1875 llr. ll III s-III |ll III! in (. Tull. Ill wary Illlule Itlnl In, [IlI ll lIL'II' 5| lllual nI'I'cllldblL'. Illr callgmgdllnm llrIIIllnllllg ml. he allly lnngurIllnn was Intendde 'l'nlklllla Jlllll llvll \Vllu one of Mn Idllnrrrus. . In 18M lll mnrnod Mlss hlixnhnt lellll. 1m prullt-ersed llllll one year run Illly. ' .Ilumuglll ll was lalrly llnalllly he rum-ml Imrll n nlsnm much so or- Ip rlrul Inln olx yrlll s rgn Illal llo wns supcrululunlud Iwo years lnlcr. 'l'l-Iec \vnelra nrro llta dtronsu oncnllln more I lrrn. rrullltni; Ill hls 41m ) ) eslcr- .llw your rlauglllrrs, Irobnl nl homo and lml lctl Illlci. and mm Mm l'l'tlnk (adopted) rurylyo. 'rlld luncr nl ulIl hr. lreIrI tmrn .Isllln Slrccl MI'lllotllil Clllll'bll M 2 u'clacx 'ruosday ll cnlnoll. lnIdrnlonI llel hr lllndu In Wnnnlnnd (Imam-y, ..ll ix Irurrrl um um atmnl llnrge. Iohll llllll/IMI, runl III-lull on In; my |4l llrllevllle, har- blu ll lm I!" [like 0mm. . Qu kw, NINI. 2 ~ Wll'wnmcll and round nlllldrrn WIN. llurrlell In Ile lll In any Illue IIIlnga or lladumu, Manny Iamcnllnly, I llr Ibls young. accai'd nor to odvloao recclV Id mun Morn .roll, The Ilro, nrmmlnn Id Ina lll eaIm d llllrl wlllcll mental! hold, was clulml by rho rxntoaloll or a look or oowllne, llnd Ibo rumors anread so rapldly than mo. Thurman uul MM'L'IIallen. us well as men nllllllmn. porlahed In Inn ma. I r II, hqrtluoune .rrlnmjlllmdd Ilje ayo I hIdol-rd In In- llrnr IIL B llnur. and I 'rgronnn mull Itwu In on Inolnlcll punlIlo r. r In oll 8 .I. InculdhormI or land Iowruhl n who had IItjcllImmjrl lnull he (2an on ' . I d (lqulIluInrln nulrn tzIrnrnlrIor WM cmwllrll - . OI" llI lmlIIl Jgry 'lltl) Uuunnll mm! ml rl u tIlII In [I ,jtlry'a nnlnlon llro I ndu rlnl Home nll IIuIv. mummy In new] or sanllnry Im- prm nrnln, turd n IlnI r method In III Ilm outan II X man u rnonUl nIIa Ihr .Inb ,n I lllllnc wore hnrnon llll\Vn nrul 1|,wmI IvIlll 'I IIOIIIII lIIIIIr-nIIIy_IIlrrI Illr ht) r, lllllrlf vyrln IIIn'I IL . , Iv I r I I ,II IIlo. rruunnl or llodvc wnnnln Krillll' nl . lwrllnrklmtlu \Vlll llall loIl Illn rhnnllrur In Ilrllm- IhllI mmnro- {non - rnIuIlt no, nmdo rol- lll nulll lnqnnt-llr Inn Innuln wlnrll tam [I] It ,fllllll llllll , llll WWI ' I _.W IilIa mm, In BRANTFORD I'Iro ' 'lullnwlng a lnk {-xnlonnu; thrIl could [III well on lung, rllll dnn It on on y Ilnur mn- v nnlrlnul; In tlul ox rlI Aral .auu III hole Kn . llltll y III nulllal'lL ll lll'lmlL'n ll Ill IIul lllnrlnnlr, no wntrllnlnll lll lllK on llnllrl,.nnd Inln .nlntl y lllII hullnlrur lntn II mm "l llel'c we ) In~ - lllllt'll ItMIltlsl llH nntnwlnlr no (lllll nIlIIon hi all hrrlltrn. ' lIIslrlr: Illd llIIllrlllIg wan .l lil n Kulltmlor, null ll llf nan nUII-r ni ulrlrul onlnnnloln M well all an oleolrlu onrnno llrull {nr sllllllllllg Ill the local yards. '1' Mn: III'IKIIIII: \Vt !) Illullllc lo (10 mil on qu'tlIllIL rlr Ill u ,nnrl III the blaze lIIIII llIl (ERNIIhlulln 0! lllu ll. noodn lllonrrrnnr, Itl o IlllIhllnrrr wrre Ilalnnmll, or won as nnmn rlnrnonnrr I-mmllun . I'lllt'lll'nl wlIl Inn on Ilr o ll. D. II., and lnanrnllol- In onrlllnl lly U I rumnlnr '1 ml. r .lnn N sol-me wan lrItel-rnrllrd Iol- nunu- Iiol he lu-dny on . dllnnl nr llll Iotm or the rnluw stnIIqll. . . e ue..__ WIIoM HE rennin .ln old l yIl on who hurt rol-unIIy worn-em rulnl n al-vnro ulohuoay rI lmI-n In lnrrn "II-\Wlllsh 1|rl1:=l, who llI, I'l| aulInnunnncrl dnrlng lIllerll- ll .1 ln llIllIlIllllslb'r lllu men or u: church In Ille ll\lng, on no yynu Cllllv Illn mltonIlnlr J l non Iodll plan ".\|l. vol, I hI'L you aroout ugulu. \le llmllg lll rnu New 150m- sure, You 'llIIlI: nlil" 5 Hum Indud I lInIl. "\Vllrll )Illl V ) II M mmr death's dour VI )0 ml! Ml llll lII lift/ll your - " ropllod vls Illu old ginllull n I w." nu of." - Stenographers Wz ted 10 Only - - Only 10 Wo huyn occommndouon Ior. only run more otudrnll Inl- lelml TIIII "NI um ll.) IDDlY wlll Ila au rolled. Wu strollon idylu ororpoo. Ll" lumen" lo uk Vol- rlluu'y unnl wlIbouI doIay..whornor (My IMAM! 0 common now orIauar Llll IIowNaar. The Best shon om lo Sucbesa. a II o mm or mlntnq ln Iln. pranmxlyo school-I EMR JLL ANV DIV Day Glasses nll IIlr llclll< Iacrub puroabred slrcl: the value Bl a bull Illnt llu or reuonablu amount I {- forgo o.) ll! naluI'IulqI 149mm uuou mdnxtho rurllrvo' . ,lml'pl ~Iuiy Importance on I , Iho mull bull I: hnlnx Icmad" al gd III; A who and Inn: lmncllu! at Ilh 'w V ll re'rniIa or ll Iha IyelIIol mule}; :' llaa a nddonly lIIIed ind pearl. have . Inc doubled to ulw dlaIInntly Illa mI Import-n90 Ithal n pure bredo Inll gond nd lar ' g haal on 1110's! ck or Inn enunuy no In lrlxI la no pun y nlgoAIond they rolae nonlo nhlccllnnl whl rll thoy Ihlnk an nerlecIIly l'agl. 'Ilmnln; huI wlllch duiuug hold Iwaterl Wllu bu rundo n uni-calm '0! lord I!le by the llnd Ill n nuwbrcd Ilre a! ll ood blur-duly. some human m mm; Ihnl tho anyoromrnt. llnn no mm In lry ro nIlaku 11mm .dlrgnro Inolr nurub olrn run one ll pure-bred ol good qual- lIy. Tho Iloyurrlnlen; III not, In anyI way, I yln; Io lorce anybody to lm pbse ,llhla herd lIlnI-{ar boIltnr on : cvoryhnlly has n sh! 0 use any, klnd a: an ontmol. that ho wontll to and II. In nobo dy'a man but Ina own. lllll,rvll'al Illoy are dams, In to more plan. to Iho ownora or grndu and or lndlvldllolllnn and broedlnr behlnd mm. and then leave lhu wholo queu- IInn Lo Ila lurqod over and Ihraalled out In tho Inrlner'a ovrrl mlnd, I AIIhouoh tho present umoalrn Ia Dnlnrln la a new law In IhIrr proylnoa, mu: wdrk has been aolnz on (or, room Ilmn In dmornnl pan. or Ibo IUnlled mama, pnllculnrly 1n Wu; conlnll, 'vrhl In one or Illa banner motor or am country. lo Ihnt outta they are dolnrr oboul It In a limo dIIIeronl luauner Ill I. hung adopt- ed In Onurlo. loatuod ol Ibo araro Golremment dolng the groan" pm or II, rho dIlIcrollt brood oranolotlona In In an bolluld Ille run 'HIBY gar lh o anhool oblldrnn Interested In taking o. cenlul I)! 16 u lo In Illa dmorenr wunuea. Murmur was no. lahao. marunga were held In dluar- our ram or the oounly ond discus- rlodr on (In: value 0! Koo-l nulln were held, In order lo we rho canloalrn ll aurtlng Imretur the dllrerollt bIeIeIl aaanollltlorle doomed Id donate mu . bred ulna lo u conlman canyo. Thane rum brad alren wero olrerl toll lorrn- or ln etch-nae [of nla nerub porn. than or ornda alro, nhlch up In turn aold (or heelrind Illa money re oalrod, urod lo carry on Iho um- Balm: lo a {Healer exIeIll. In Illll my Ibora war no money excluuzed no. menu the Iarrnamocelylnr Iha 50ml pumahred and campaign outborluoa; Ihu lnlmcr Ihornby mung n and bull Ior tho nl'lIce or beer, an -a auron or ronpnlg nonle benem "am (he In uence on Mil hard. The caul- ralgn woo cnrrlod on very enorrell- cally and aystelnatlcolly ndd Knve ex- when! multn. omer columns and states horoI adopted 'lllelr general mellludu and are carrylng on mm. 172le In dldorenl laulltlen wlm Iood rerulnr, null It In onto lu soy- ulnl It the rural ybnplevol nnl pm vlnco are an my I!) leach. and lens Ia no reaaon why they Ehnuldn'l be, the campaign In onlnrlu should bl! B hnzo success. . I I In dullnl wllll lhe scrub hull at grade am there are one or moorla- clpl In leeculns Illal nro sully undernload, and abould be. comm- harldod by all owl-dram bulls. The old saying lllil cm , (0!! to II cerlaln exteul but In using a grand one one ls ono nlwayo aure or lwhll one 15 going to get In the all apran boanuae, In Ihe uaa'dt all Inl mal wn aoreral lutualoan- or blood Ibora Ir Alwnyb a brndeng up and no ecallon obelmrizclers whlch dau nol sel anybody nlly place In tho do. velunment o! lbelr hen]. Where . In Ibo urle ol the punrllred oI good qua! lIy thero Ia alum ; choneo or nny reoulnnrg aervlcu belng butler Ihan Iha ynronlr. pure-bred aura at (and bxeedlng are endowed who a chit near or power culled prerorenoy. whlrll manna lhlll nn nalmal hna the your Io army on hlo a snrln: Home dealnlllo characrerlaIlr molo Ihln aorno nlller. When we rounder um. Ibo rrada one la llkel tbrow ony- lbulg In the my a! ves, and um mull nurevhred boron oreuoleury, unmal aboulll be durnrded u loan all clreulnrronm will yermll gin! (and onao d. ,c )chellll. o. A. Collese. Guelp I alight lm uzwulnlnli'r Sienogric School III. puma , Frln. A arm's prawn eaall nle ulot 50,Inlnu|e! llmkd an hour, 16 ouncoeono pound and ma rents and dollar; - llclp rno no lo llve that I elm IIo down aI rlIrIlt wllll a clem- oonsorenoa wmloul or sun undor my pillow nnd unlnlmlell by tho I os 01 those In whom I have mullshl. noln. arant um I my cam my mull IloIel on me onuare, non um In aiming-Ill. l may do unto olhru'o or I would have ulolu do unlo rue. nearen on lo we Small or Ialnwrl money and to Illa rualla or unholy sklru, Blind lll lo Illa null; or Ibo olher ronow Ibul re veul I0 me my own: Oulrlo no no Ill-I wllabelrar I look Into the me. oI my menu; I wlll haya nounnn' Io calmed. Kanpur you; would: to llush'wllh mu: ohlldull and "mp-mono civil-5n [0.119 Madam I Iald Ape [Ana w lun Illa If Mull 'aIIdi'ulisd lllld l Illld'lhu mall a: norm. r. Ire-damn tons-I a W ' 01:,- Wot only? . s n," counan ka Gnu. clean oulIlvalIon to Illa man mo. tIuIl method. no only. auceaurul my to to glve lhe culuyauon when It I. naeded no runner what the other work-mny M. suoh A plan, however. mkkell It nmaeary Io Illmn Ill erm- dlmlon oporoIInlls to Inch o .Ixod hold a: all be bundled with Ibo omor him work. Plouxblng and ma: Inluledlaud wnIell hu been lo cloy- lhll year kl luau or u Ilrat HOD Ia removed and kmlnr I: absolutely Irea lrom All men plum Iron man on to IrI llnr-uo Ilme, ton- IIllnIor'IbIo Io lba lFXlu' maul punt In. time. and mm Dllnl to don: or poulnal ud kupllu ul- my ole-II. nonauy dean Illa rraadr, knockqu Maw utulaur loaan I crop. 'nlo olom, run and Anna: toolb barrow m an only unblamoou hooded Io do Men! work. . roam-n: I.- a local I ll-can..nut|! In an by eonnliolloou coude uau. It tumor- renal-u eon-mu. an-l human; RALPH 06min mm "Jilin tumult-ll, Ind my lamp Illa Blooded Ib- moons 8mm . ol the Em BALI/B dooImIr m at an III-nu. ve: an . . . . l. I}; nor-lud- ll III al a lruo Ihnl 'rl mat runny I when nnnlyrod by Ibo procllonl Ilnno, ' (here la - mason unl tllla elm o1 . I peovlo'hnw. Idnli: pul IlowN IHALLJNEWMARKE . ' ' @ne- nght nly .I IMONDAIY] NOV. 29f . ____.._y . / " I' 7 Direct sll I' weeks , leIn- in Masse'y Hall, Toronto. I Will be shown hereuithva spe'clol l TUBHESTRII. iller maroon)? Produced {anlg . WAR. DEP T = Anundor ,16;yaa'n'noI_ allrrnlrod b order or thraoyunrnont. II'I'PRICE 50 and 75 CENTS. deals on dale Frlday, Nonlzseyat 7 p. m. at Pallet-son's Drug ' ' Inna / ' II [1398) Nu an! lama'uiuqu-yg nglnmlwd BUTTER PAP-ER :PIII'IITED] A13 II: EBA arm: sou . sugars II o "lung-m, not 400i all an Inn MIIyIIm Iho llo rku l ground at doserlion a mule. . . . : , - I , nsufl llbmlonp,r , poalnlrlpalnamnr. I I lwal onl luspcctbr qmnooI ' foot. 9th, log Iuoplluuan tor nlrom , am Is IIElIEBY alvzm lnnl' mnry thIIanl Maynard ol Iho ally oI rTnmnlo, In Illa co'unly or York and l rovlnzn oI unlarlo, wnl onnl'y. Io Ih'd I-nrllornrln or cnundn III III r , next scaalon Incrcur ,Ior o Blll ol Dll'brce 1mm llln wlrc \llcr: Elizabeth Ilnynrlrd oI IIle aqme nlaco, on me ground at adullery. l " DATED at annnlo lll Ina prorlnre n! Onlarln HHS I5|h (lay a! Dubber, llzo. ' . llmrr \VIIlInln llaynnrd, try my Sollcllorsp n.III'rtIrI I. HENDERSON. noynl Bank ulnldlnlz. ToronIoI noun or Aablmnon For Izlyom NuTluI; In llcrebyrglvcn lllal wu- Ilam val-am noon n! ma cIIy or To- rorllo. In tho L ounly a! York. oud Pru- vlncc ol IIrlIarIo., Gentleman: wlll II- ply lo Ille ParllamcrlII or Canada al Ind v nexl'snlnlon IIlcrool Ior n lllll ot DI- I'nrcc lronl III! who llnrrrarnl Edllh . Dayle, or me ally rn London, In the County or lllddlorcx. In Iha provlrlce nl Onlarln, on [he around or adulleyry. ruler] nl T rnlllo Ihlr zsln day or lullrl II., Ioln. . wullnrn alloy-o: no Il) Ills RUBINHT'I'E, lmm- IIIIV "III! 1 : lbn for ulnar" xrl-l-lnl: Ir Irrrolly olyrn IhaI AlaxJ armor Lahur. alloumur, or me any n! Tomnlu, In Ibo Cnllnly at York, and valnce 0! ma a wlll apply lo the Parliament or Canada 2| Ihe and sea.- ltorl Illoreor, tor a mu or nlvorre lmln llls wlIo Manllc lla ue a! lllc sal Clly or Tamnln, ln me CI Iunly or York, on In. grnllIllls or a llllcn' and dnaurllnn. nnlod ol llmnla llll: rm day 0! \ln) . A. n., lozo. Al xzndl'l' loam . hy I. cum III. . B51, I ll, rrlsl'lr no. a Allcl'llllI: ., WrsI. 'l rlmllla. mlloa ol unnllcouon Mr nlvoI-co. NOTICE la Ilrrrlly trlvrn Innl Ellu- boltl Alexander o1 Illa Glly oI Toronlo _ In Ille county 41! York and Provlnul oI ouInrlo, wlll apply In lhc Pnrllamenl I ol Canada at the next scsslnn memo! MI I Ell] or Imam Irorn Iler hue. ham], .VIIIIn Freda-Ink Alexander, 0' llle Cll) oI Tomnlu n Ille ununly or ank and Prm lnce nLIonlnno, on the ndullury. Daled at Tomnlu Inls 2m. day or hug url n. 9,. mo. l-Jllmllelll .Ilmnder, by her sollcllprs. DBINHTTH, GODFREY: PM AN 4 LAWSON, 152 Day snocI, Toronlo, hour. or Apolmllorl [or nlyorco. NOTICE Is'horeby olml llIal Arthur nlunnwn oI IIlr ally oI Toronto. In the County or Yul-k, Ilrrnanlc, n I I apply lo the l ll 01 Canada aI Ille nexl sesslun lnereol [or n pm or nl'vnrld from In; Ito, lelllcca .llarlun mnglnon a! mo sud ally or pronlo, on llle ground a! nrlnllnry :lnIl nmr. IInn. unlnd ll Tornnlo lllls 3m rlly or ma. 4 Arthur I) IlHlllD r by ll ollcllnr mlnl'ltm. I .Ie I.hw:.oN. I52 my Slrecl. . . Toronto, _._ uollco nI ApplIuIIon m Dlvoru. NOTICE is hereby glvcn IIllI Hual aolbrallh ol IIn- C v or Toronlr) In the county I)! York a d l roylucl: or On- Iorlo. Ihe \\'llc oI \\ l|ll.lln Galllmml. u-lll nrlply to me ) nrllnmull 0! Canada nl IIle nexl bcsalall Ihrrodl tor a ml! or lllmrcc Ironl her husband, wnllam mluldllll, or Inn any 01 'I'ornnlo In lne CounIy ol YoIk In Illa l rmlnce or Dn< Iorlo, on me ground oI adultery and denenlon. DATED zl Tomllla Illls 20|ll dt) oI Auxusl. A. 1)., 19 10. - . IIarel anlnrnllll, , lly Iler sollcllom. ), Gonrnlzv, FHELIIN 1 LAWSON. 152 my sIrcoI, Tomnlo. llollco or Anollcauon {or Mum NOTICE la Ill-ruby Klven All my. Florenn Anull o! Illa any a! Toronto, to me county or York. and Pmylncc a! Dnla o, will apply lo "II: Parllunenl or L'duadzl II Inc nexl sesilun null-ear far a NH 01 nlmm (mm her huhhand r'rrllrrtrk Ansell. or In. any UK Vall< couver, pmlm or anIIah column, on the ground or uraerllon and ldul. (My. v [)3ch nt Tomnlo lhls run any or Augllsl, 13., trio. 1 (.llllanlflnaence )' ar solo ors T'l lJ. uonrnm . mle ' unwaos, ' we [lay Sheet. Tomnlo. Iloll "We. a! Ayvlluuun for Dim . NOTICE I: IIL-Nlly olren lhll Hoary meu n! In; any or Tamale. In mo County or Yon. In Illa pluvluao m o ' In o men-Inc. will aply Io tn. Pn- nolnrnt OLCInsda al In. our menu; Inereor ror a lull ol Ilqu holn bl- vnta Hlllc IIronn ol Illa, sold my or 'rorodlo, Io Illa counly argolg oa In: and at adullzry'an I o . use; IbIr an. day or Noreprr. A. 1)., low. - I l . Illrory IIrouo. broom. - IIOIIKINS a 0M . . nu roman. . not 1 u d . - r v

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