, - ior , .m- Ltltlo @1er on nhnrt notiagt, Miriam) hy the i llto' unhigitq |eE-0REIM . it, Illll um tannin t ituto n54? umm r_you wiv- our pl ry to your and L s ill 1 wlll myth-t ft'n doughnut. it wlll help you. rtnin, them. It y u vn nom- trlcd wn rn sorry. Iiit .you Ilqu trind yati'll no wiry tltnt you 7 .dion't try it' Malian. sand I how, and up "to lopd mun. Fons/tut; -W. E. Rutnl st Machine Shop wit tinnim, tintiit stove mgm tinitinn lion tor power V i Mil. l'lalo lllioppui a I "I1 'l'rimtol . Nit. )K, In It. I), Nd hep'ei ttmtn iinrinlilrt ltm 'rlnulnht . Ilillt'r ht Thunllllm M'ltltlllt h siw tittin ~ wither ni wnmt n'nw. und liiilis ; , ti l'ulillt Sitwh tililt- l', . null 15/- Ethn lnx l t It 1|. Sled") l'ot-toblo l x-in, l ~,tirhyirmnd,iiievntor. l drlclllimt mm w. it. RUVLEME i l hitnd or Iliittt INTERNATIONAL" tattooitEtt MOE \\', li. Dennis. Proprietor oi Hallie: llt tdltl, Ito denoted trohlI) tor the \tlitllt'l . I WANTB ELEOtIOH lath HEIGHEH IB MLENT UH. UIIL, NW. 2'.. tlles ill) in 1. 3| Elglit and Yale .t iuriher litttlrallons ot the pnhllo m d [or tllrvilutlon at the tin-pie) l iuutenl and a nedeml olertlnn is ill. npiniun oi lion. w. h. lloekepxln v limiter oi the Mhtlul otlporllllnn. - t M the only portion hi the ' rnlo lllr, ltinu, and id iddt il) no at the tree nntinns widen it H not llnd nu opportunity to denture .d the, poll: upon [l slvttklr prnhlnmr. mnit In khan, \ ll h is n \ Mhi'y the emnhined program) : ltlt'cc: rl tor Littoral lir n, and the re- Hill in Y e, here the no ,nnttnt will uli the three; llrlllnd IL rhuid dilly seen 4 ntlldll innit-lily. should he n unit e lo the tinwrninenl that the iuupie want u nh . n'nlh respite rnnrltluie exnl'tlsslrilsi hr their at eon. inhnre tn the prrnrnt Administration." ll Instead ni lighting rlilc hy :ldt h..- ngn hilvo (order in mi Eldin Ind tonight tndrthitr." tidid Mr. King "Hm dchutl oi the Governinth Dim- illilalii would hive linen eyl n more Vivi-rmndmlng." , ' Tlio pullhtx at a nulortty by the l.ihrr.ti rtndinlnte in the town at trlmrr ls tnxen hy Mn Klng us In in- _-tiertian at what may oe cun in other mnnnoinntnrin. l inwus,hn be. "Hts. meter in pact-hi the when! when to those at either the Yarmtlr or conservative ' nlllee tor the li cllim in . e a. liluoiad . (or: manujt: ,ilI the How Jlt'ttilmpet lll Ban malsngd to 'so, lo nl'llon'llp'ior in heullh. ,hurlnii hlit play in Newiuortte Mr, Reymldi took no notivn part in n town units, and we exceedingly. Wyulu lie will u nuoccnded here llowmn at New hblqn tiino Loirol iot- latent / _ The limit. oi_ tltn venue 'o fooliirc! to tlten on venorenl en hen ' nhveelm. we: niven . lt'lhy prr onmld or J. WIlitroty 1 grid: collrsy wtut nonounted hy the Cuuhly II. it. (I. , nnd more lllhn_ z men iront itll parts or North Yorlt hurl dnti ' .4..l.._., , , Pth 011 . o. newliumt . "Hit: dunth aentirred hereon Tue:- dny oi F: ii ltleCnlinm, tiallot iving n "Mel-lily tllnnuep lie wnnnne'ni the ehintd employee 71 the Devin henther Quilllmnyhltavlng linen wlth tilt ninnn tt \VttN rounded in' lung. Ellyr Mr. M inlhnn tyne an tnomhnr oi ii Utltlrdllawii' iiodn ,v which will llln'tiJ'ltlii u at the itnternlthin ntlt nnnn, lllvti nhhdren uurvive lllltl. prrthytnritn ohurclt. ,( i, 'ui Suttillty n't the )iudcrdltir. ii liuy nt llieinuotnl,liiil, nee-opted lIItl pulpit. .liu preached on Mile re .non, itttil,n"ltllally deelnred the en \ ltltl/ to the mummy the Inhibit \\' lllut'.Manllll. ' , xl Sunder. IL'. l\.' l . Girdiner ni iii.ltinlt_trl>, who in one at the pupil? (HM-ft)! lllo honiilm t Mlnlnltil , will it h morning nnd eltlllyr, Chi . nnd heur- hinn tmin. 'v V . .Bhttlrlu (wilte- For nvrrp mint tivtil'nvllurn cull-lie M ii ydn uho Iltu tiiiiett. \see nteelt tldtlliiu mmm iron: at o la stood ni lllltlln linidwnrn. Net non't Format; 3 _ l'llt: Vnunit l'ilrilildo llitzllfpt' in,thv lc|ltotllil Church School llnntnn. nn \'t ,dnesduy. ne'e. ilh, irotn ii to e ltank: where \l'tlllJlii nil hindu nt ynnd tidnnth innny tvrirk, aprons, enndy, lug, linok , ete. come and get your winter nupply ni vesetnh'lnn us there will he n tti'lller'u Booth itlw it hllchmt'llna l" wllel c all neccnv ny he abl:t_|nutl. 't'en will nino he arrvci .__<_. stunt stern. ol-orqnnitnn rolnnhonn Elrvlcoi on Sunday thornan eieet, whieh is one at the um i dreaded and costly nut-o ni Telephone tinntuni den, lie- lt io pour on the witch unit was specially henvy in Hill virinity.ol lliehinnnd illil nntl Thornhili, This i Knl niendliy henvier until nann on Mommy, it was inert- thnn the very nest [inshllilt t'JHlSll'llBlMll (mlth Shim] ilml an ill to ilrllcs wen .tnwn liter'lly Sm llnll w klmmlll ad, and ll: llrl pnnnlhle eiioris ei "i nliqnc men truth all our tI him were needed to rent the sent. up mum on Wed nnrduy. . rnrinm' banvuntlon. l'llt! N rlll YIIl ln 'nlttltl Fitt't \ i hold their Annual cuit' Newnturltel, on Thurs y, n l-ttooii :Ind m , Dec. 2nd. I The {t u noon rerslnn will he n burlnoss mL-t-l- inn. lmludllu; dlf Hall at oitrners, re- perln at lrnnneni' their, and on rui- dress liy'Mr. l'u lmrn on ilrn Line sleek Murkonhg At the ererunir session nddresuer it it he given by idr. J. .t. Mormon, Scot-eth oi the United Farmers oi Ontario, iiln it. w ill linrnnhy, President or. the United linemen at Ontario and lliinn At a. 0., than murien'i litllzollaus by Mr. A w.'ninrdinnn. Allerilnon Eca an in the i nrinm' tnlldt 2,50 Welling ren- <lon in me own mill nt a o'elonk. 'llvrryiioay welcome. anion.t;lnahnm. A rery pretty wed-ling wds noletnuhtw ed it the home oi Mhs. M. ii. maximum, Hlllsltlo Aver, Mliiilcm u a. o'nloelt on Tuesday allot-nanny when her dituiglttc-r ida Mildred. (one united In nlart lugc to Mr. Oscar Lntvnon at T0- rtlillo. The house man My laslc< lulh' decanted with points, rmilux nnd cut owers. The hrlde, who, will b exceedingly pretty tn n hnnd ernhretn- cmi troeii oi trot-y crepe do chine and enrrind oupelin roles, Have at: r, trimmed oi Knox chnrnh perinrmetl lite rare-many, Alter n'dnlnty hutlet lun- cheon was served nir, and Mrs. how- nn lollgmm nhowt n-i oi Dgnl lll tar wetter-u paints, llto bride lt-avelllns in d .i'matjly Lulnmrl'yun ni nnvyhlun 'rrlooune. Her my W of tiny Dhll el. zlnliloldorcq in gold uto nhe worn Persian Lamb furs l mmad'vlllh sent, on their niuro. may will re~ side at Hillside AV! Mlmlw. A not: cup-t swoop- r Wm ontlnrt no hmom; ttnd do now nntlnieetery won, it makes n splen dlo trill at my met Let us itth you the dl tfenl hindn at Binnt : ' mnet'hmneh at t warlord mild nyntetnn. MuPhall, Dlteotor North York U. P. w. , i may hy her brother. Mr. wt 6. , "ingltittlt/u! dint-amour Ont., looked ' Jyljdn s , . WWW ? el enllemcn t . "mu-mar Miniv- V tt.,thh Emlyn-"Groin a rim on! mlt mr rt um dud ' Gullv ii. Po inelipp oil llenler it n emit-M mo) per hour, -tlil and W at hinnn ' York County, Council #11,, '._.t :yt ' whiln \tnrl't county co nl VWfll i tiuity" ieuduy limitian qltguuliul g hel- ter mulllot lhhlrtnllllct! pi ntlon in the coliitlyullllcvuo yvnr ednnlly huuy re- in hip, it'llriind ne wnpnrn [Ito train th ntohllc. \Vlltin \hn the n) {pl Leerltle Illl liln' rel lllti loilil 0! h o tire it until hollleyuf llthllcutbet-h ntlnnnuted that lim ilucr or better police pram-(Ion he tnke n up hy lhh Clly , > in a menu oi iiie ,dlhouimlnll on marl nd tulle pollen pratcotlnn ln ihn county nt th \ ltorltgcounly Elfiuntzll hnhalon. engenlye nhunnen ln th~ toree hre predh Durlnu the inst iew module in .or h Itlllri nnve preyed un- ritnrlten on the Vork munty iMr- nhyntr-pndii w otmttlitli leit ind {he pnwerlerh to plan lliomt l'llo menthol-Mr Hit: (Jolllloll net health to any that more con- : , NuUIlilK awn- hut n eominittEc, hended Lt) warden tinrdhnun-e, nnd condlhllni; 'oi iteeyevlh-ul illllep, Yolk owildllln ' lteeve idohnun, Eloiiluuiic' heme Ulldrluh.W|llt iukllhy, Norllt (M in i e .i. ti.'widttnnre ni nr'rmlnlt'd to bmk into, i I Ali n retuit or their dellhnmllaiinl ii lh expected thni thorn eonvtnl in will he itypollllul, that motor enrn villi n-ovideti tor the ioree nnd thtd n henintnnthidpt clin'tlulilti will he, an-' 'tltlllilvtl. , . The/Mienltjl ennnniilet nn Iltlkli'ii; up the gdiltl rdatlti eyeletn ,et York county with the rundtt ni-nteinn at peel tutti OIIUu-ln uotlnHEH Incl. Ill lite illum [nit In t .Ul u oi the hntnndintn ndnp. Illllt hi it syntent ni eo-nperntion with It! ltlljnlnlnt; Clitllltlcll. Al pl'l n If F t rII Ilitlf n It} In Emmi d more in 0U)ch l nepmte the it wns repor d ihut the phrehate hi nnih \ tirk ileeislry attire inr on. no in. heen t-nnthleted. 'l olldt'iR ion urildlng helng ltin hliilt, the Coup ell tltcltlcdltlol th hulhi niil the Hll nKv or-lwo noun; on Wednesday the council tlrhoted various Vs kir l t lllhtlclllng lite did Collin) \lylilt'lnlt Building on Atlcldldc otreet, nnd oi the end at thni, time it WM un int-thin- nhend innn it wnn lnhl June, The committee wltlufl hat, the tnnlter in hund brought in u malt)er erorl' titvorlits lht: lllut al D! the Cut! Cliniilliiir tiiihtnll's tn rntnnn now Oil i eupird hy the [iris and lreu'orn Glulizi lhll converting ul XIII! llft sfmt l allue onu'rt into n rentmnn morn tor th Councillur' .Inll "ll! [inrl lunlllg 0! Hire present Cnunrll one or ln|oenlllt>ds tor lllc York county Gllllllt . All! eiet, pi tlto tiontityfi l'ttlit-e nr re t'niilitluuc on rnc mmcntled lhni the lluur ol tllu prt iit'm tetlnt Chant rttlscd h) n l 'til hill. the l ilour or the'mt pt the lltlllt|~ nett vilcuung hidni might l Many a! the"rnenrhu'n V'lstil-oudy, rllirinwd the plnnnt moving in Coulti-ili Chitinth "O!" "In 40am \Vll TC U: rnunielpnl mm of York rlnnn r llm u 'tlllltilmy mthlln more than in yours, '1 i VI-ral temporary plans of ill' vid int; dlllonxl olllccs were promoted. n eevn mu Miller ehlented ln nny temporary \V k heinx done. 'jwuilo We ml Ill H we Ahal d (In H right. \thi are a raw )Iqued/ theusnnd dollltrs to n rnnnteipnllty ltlte v County!" he asked: Deputy item 1 Inn-arson ni 1 back or item .inmer lich lttllu- - ,Jntnen, l. utnrnr .n r co ppy 'enru. more than, tendem 1rit- nny nther mud in in county. . _ctinhll-ul.'l|un work Ititd hc done, nd rel. .lroin l lrkknng liiwn line to lot "i. I nun ill L insnt-niai-s under the Fund and Drugs t pt) her nent,, nnd'in'ndd l pot rlhit ier tlte itly\li a pn y let the node-tied or P . tinunt relile nao'tlon .l Lentrlnttve gnnllttu the pniziio nno; yepn rvtu uplinglhml lho eodnty thlni yeht-annu'ltnlld d nation, the report' rtnte ;1vun county; will mill n llmlliu tum. lvlded nv lollnyv - Bull' York. ti 0&1 oi, chl Yorln gm 5;! Noilll yarn, elem lithht , um. , ' ' ' Written in oil a . The Women einitnidthni inure el-v iteieneyuwnv netdtd lit'llle tltlmlitlllrllw lien oi the hood rontir nyetern, 7Whl'tl we Mint it good rlndd, We nre ready |t( vpottd the money, hut We don't wunt he ' kupL wniitili; jlndollnllely euldlly dldltlte \vanlen ohient tetne pond hid hn en nogtcet- . ll was mlli tii "ti: ilrui fall! In he Inkuh 0 r in: liltlttlyl lltlsulult, uitd "llt:[ilii? illh" eundlllnn ,u ! . nl thn ,he eluted. r ' lnglhoni nnton 'Worit. 'lluvvi: MI in Keith oi winnrket one or t nlonnm.'nnll Exit. deicntled tlle wulk oi the emit-illusion, Coittt-aotoh) tendent tor the . titan mud it'urt been denied truld. 'l lle enntndvuen hnd tried in with the wort through thin reason, hut Illoy'llhd,,lmun unach to Keith 'iuhltcll stone, tlltur than he ttuult completely they had gone lillv lund griivullvd it, Viv not nonv Kolliti i with the union at mutt lo enrn tar. ll wdti ltitrd lo rice lhnl every nulvert who iuii no. ileevn Keith deelnrcd. enmity of in thi dint utter-lane ei nu- tr Id hnd lit-id hook the wnrlt llila y r. iiut, even ni thnl, h c hold, inuoh it ,700 lidtl heed 3 pro un'ihe raids in -tillltl.\ t 'l'llc dot-pie nn Uie colmllisblon re- port nu leit lnl' lo he iinithed to n nt in im- nll patient the v , . Vnnt ohm tor ileum r The report hinltitl'llnl durlilli tho your two oeo hnd hnen npent crccllng idhtdw il.ono pulling in eulvetto .700 in nnitrtruelht pavement it new )it tt' Il'rlL nut down i d t'ost npprih thnnleh attrition ft tllllt , The report Iiv ted y en mt'r lly tlir Pravlilt'e during the sum- mer hr mlluwsi the t:rliit'N_'llnit "rt." Stallion): Dundns nip-eh; innite htrNti Iroin nliy ihniiri lo the liuiinnd llh'r r. with it: excep- tlnn hi thr rnnd lllmilglt the village at iliehntond liilt nnd the lawn nt Aurora. The reliant Halon that n enntrnct ml horn int ltir n ln-ldtie nereeu i r on the non illiln rend. lite itnhnnntt nr \vlllclt would he unlit lllln. pier. / \Vlll u the rl um'l II? Hm I'oronta nnil Vurk'nonns' ommlsslalt was presented amused > south t'rlll m rnga llnh pnri oi thnT it "till had he dent- titaslln rtml lnlirth "ml 1! not intuit Amn' Ylt l'ri'll Miller, Deputy (um-n: l'} hnm mill Mitt llu ll] of an! litwildllll. herri- c .i., whiter; ni \thtiilhrlllizc. theme, Willlttmore nt linuehnn nnd Worden Gill'dllnusi) _nll erltu-iwi the we > Major Ili'tlill it spokr- hi the council nn Ilm nmi ni met-p neemnmntlntion (itr H lillllllrt n's .\[Il .0tl . tinlnr ilrdntnn ltlllmttlrd that n h 11w nitr ltr brought herein them tor nnsswr, mulling Uli- I constables Ari: "'- llnhrdvlllnl his suggestion would lir liillowrd nui gnunly nun- smith-s woultl then he nhle thakB netinn npninsi anyti wlllng liitpuro load. 1 Bug-3*. The lonunst way round is the written wny heme. opt-rte, this yenr.'hnd one at the the prnnnre and rarer hnmls lain gal/Lt n innateth law prtne. hlr with, ' ~ ' ' airtitni ova FRUIT one? uppit- nope in the hintury pi ere rnld in uny nnnnlity .t ttyn dot. Pitutn'ehows an ontma npple m war ARC HIVS OF ONTARI TORONTO , . do. * vorcoats " Tille'iliargost' valid st Attractive stock oi: High-Class Clothing Wei assembled in North York ' This must be the 'greateSb week s selli g in , our history-"prices are slashed to the limttrilo aedomplish our object. ' - .. g SPECIAL Thl'S"li'tiEEli r o SUITS anti-.OVERCOATS _ Regular 25.00, 35.00 and 49.00; ..SF?,ECIAL \FRIDAV & SATURDAY *- m 18.50; 22.5018: 25.00 Every Shit aha pvercoatl in this collection strictly up- to-the-minute in style, t, nish and wotkmanshlp. , The fabrics are ,all strictly depeildable, m the very Inc west patterns and'shades. Positively theae are the the greaitdst values we've ever offered the men of- ' North York I Overcoata and Su itiifor Youthlz, Young lien and Men of mature' age. It you study economy you cannot afford tormiss, this great opportunlty. Olll': Furnishing Department Will, usual, lie abundantly stocked with eyerytllmg in Underwear, Neckwear; Gloves, Fine Shirts, etc, at much lower prices than obtainable elsewhere. A com- . human will easily convince you. of thi - . . FOLLOW, THE CROWD", , , DUN Lopts NO-RTE irORK s GREQTEST CLOTHIERS '_ ' opposite Itnlpetjiul Bank] Newmarkot in \o