Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1937-38, p. 1

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HOME and COUNTRY Published by The Ontario Women's Institutes at Toronto. Ontario MR. W. R. REEK Deputy Minister of Agriculture. ACTIVITY PROGRAMME CARRIED 0N FOR YOUNG PEOPLE WITH SUCCESS In June, 1936, the Pakenham \Vo- 'Ill‘: Institute decided to ofi'er the mug people of their community edu- llilllfll and recreational activities ‘llIDll they would find interesting and .I.....-hinir enough to fill much of their M I “I'll time. Accordingly, “The Little ‘| .itre Guild" was organized with ‘ mung people as the prominent - wmhers. It was establi<hed with n wilt of $25.00 from the Women’s ‘lriltutel a Board of Directors coin- ‘tl [it {our institute niember=. an - utiye of the guild nieinbei Imple hyâ€"Iaws and no membership Over 90 young people joined. they came from the village and ‘Illlln a r dius of 10 miles. The activities of the first year Were In}:er experimental, but the resth - ntisfaetory. Financially, the was quite outstanding. as over 'JIIIUIO was cleared within the ' or. money was returned to the Wo- 'w'ii's Institute and was used tn im- mlrc the Agricultural Hall. Quite . ‘Ipt'l‘ly, the funds were u:(‘d to make 'I..: hall better suited for the prir I,I}llllmE of The Little Theatre Guilzl. 'I‘h.‘ platform of the stage was raiscrl, ,i liruFCcnium Arch was built, new Imullights installed, better arrang- ment of cuflains made possible, anil A i‘umplete new set of scenery pro- 'ilft‘il. From an educational ioint of View. the new enterprise of t c Pakenham \\'nnien’s Institute was even more ~IIk’CCSSIuI. Desirable activities hnd Mun stimulated. A 16 piece Uffh03tl'll \\‘zi< organized with a qualified incin- lw'r (it the \Vomen'sl Institute as (II- rnrinr. All the musical talent in the 'iIIIltl was enlisted in this orchestra. In November, the Guild presented three oneâ€"act plays, assisted by the “I’chestra. In March, a threeâ€"act play “as presented, again assisted by the II heatra. The community was cn~ Um astii: about the entertainment Elven. Local business men were Kenerons in buying sufficient adver- lislng space to allow pn'nted m- nmmmes for both performances. A yer 3‘0 members received actual training in listing. 16 in orchestra work and "Inst of the remainder in the business connected with the programme. The Guild also ve the young peo- Dle an opportunity to know each other, to work and to play tollethe" (Continued on page 3, col. 1) \Vinter. 1937-38 Number I THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE LAUDS INSTITUTE WORK 'To extend greetings iiiul expr Institutes of Ontario is a happy pri good-Mil to the Women‘s logo. I am \‘itillly interested in any organization that is working toward the betterment of rural life. In this respect the nu-nihors of the Institutes throughout our PI’DVIIH‘i‘ are making iiu Illi- miruble contribution. Ever alert to UN Health. Educational nn.l general \l'.-lr...c problems ..{ our people the Institutes have long: c it "Newer," Ontario. May 1 mid one mole thought: e‘provcul their immenw worth to lurill community life. inilei-d gratifying to note that the great work of the lii>tituies carrier] on .Ieyutedly whether in Uld, .vi- the reniotrst purl uI‘ .~\n.l rulture. mntoiituu-nt and security must prevail in nur cuuntry llulllt‘\ it w.- nru In winin a worthy (‘IVIIIZDIIOI’L providing u very noble SL‘I'VII‘D. their achievements in the past. for Ihi‘ future. Toward this (will, Inrlituii- wnnlun IIIIH' burn I commend them nitL-t highly in.- I wish llll‘l“ «Hi-ii mviitri' murrv-a I aisurr- lhi-iii nf the wnliu :ylnpathy null ZI-nlnin suppolt or the Department .-I' Agriculture. l’. .\I. I *l-‘.\\' .-\N Women's Institute Conventions Th paSa‘Ill)! of summer and the arri ii of rarly autumn niner a speeding up in Women's Institute actil‘itie‘. llntes fur EUII\'L‘IIII4III\ lire finally scltltul by that llllll‘ {Hill with happy anth-ilriiinn nlllr'mx n...| Innm- Iiers content e on peril-Mini: pluns and {Irrilnk’l'l‘nl'nlx [Hr thine miliqu events whirli llIIlII 5n lI|IM‘lI of plum"- urn and llrlillt fur In~IIIIILv nieiii- hers and their l‘iicnuls throughout the prurini-e. Reviewing the 11I::7 t‘lanL‘flIIIvnS in rt-tl spect one l‘llIlll‘S to seiurnl cun< clu>ions, namely, that the rulin-iitiun in a real means of Alert-lupin: L-r. firiunt leadership and that mntiiiuity "i thought in prugranlmc planning i..- hi-lptul; that “1...... ....- .......- stimulating and Vital because the work has been accurately (‘umpili-II; that eiluentiuulil iniermt: (and the development of the >amr) lire ever V‘v'lllt‘lllnll; and the (lt‘llllltl! musiral leadership i.»' ..l' inextinial-le ml...- .n surh gathi- nu». Throughout, uni,- meets enlhu~i.i~lii, (IH‘IIlllIlIly iinvl i'n- operation, a. will as the warm hiinilclasp inf fiielulsliip which lingers loin: in the memory. Ingres. w.... n ml in rlixi'usdnn methods, (ITIII it no noticeable that homenl _'\'heri- were inun- apprec the (‘n-npmatiw- l’rogl‘nmmi- in llume Ei‘nnmnin as n means of IYIIIIVI4lui|I (‘Xpunsiun flntl expresfinn a~ well a; ii community enterprire. Fine weather ennditinnt anil the natural III’IILII)‘ of the north mude no ideal setting for the nmthi-rn run- ventinns of which l\ . I'nwcll has told you in the Fall LSUI‘. It was an inspiration to meet and hear the courageous, alert, and enterprising homemaker: of the north, many of whom came long distance»! from isolated places to attend the annual “get together" meeting. Something of their animation and refresliini.v spiritâ€"like a stimulating breath from the north-seemed to come With us as we turned to the more south< erly areas in the older parts of the province. I The Harriston convention opened with a lively round table discussion centering on the new Courfiea of study in the ublic and high schools, and expanded, to many other topics including that of child study. Thought-provoking questions found Exert Lasting Influence their win to the line-lion Inux illul \\'t‘|(' 1|ll~\\'i-I\'<l iti |‘I|illl_\'. Tlii DI‘I‘II is in iiiruui ..l' in uiljll‘lllll'lll ui Illh t~ whei lly Iiiii-lpli, IllI‘ hnnu- ..l' the ii I. prunnriul rlill- \‘unlimi, \Iillllrl h. ‘III\" III.» l'l‘l'l'l'lll"ll' lilt-etinl: plnre [or [III' linluiiil Cllll‘ \‘olltinil . i. the tII’A'II, .\Ii :|'Illl'(l Hull- 01‘ inIi-i <1 \in‘ II llll\\’l [iill’llrli- {cunning \......- m.- “1.1 .....I In...” Ll. rn». .t lliiiiiiltoli, who..- nl‘ III'I' nilr ,uj....rn w: h...~l' hut lIIIII. pli'llslini. :I llIIiIfIlllli‘i'nl gllll‘llllfi l‘ill’nt'lil'll I" nm‘ III- |lii~ lilllni'lll'. ' 'Il\‘ .l.-unrlii.-.l hall u..iu, .if Ill.» llui l'nnnnllulli, ..-y .m.l prom. . lnn.I...l il..- pm. whiny. ..I’ lI.i. H..- lllll liiiiiiiul i‘I-n‘ullllull. u‘illi llIILIIIlu' s...-..l..-.. and “mi .....«...r “man... will llll' pmurliiiiiiiv. Mr. ,-\. l‘I. \\'ii|l..-r, put ]lll‘\llli'lll of the l“.\ J". pimu-ulml lliu Iiivli wilh ii IIIIIIIIUIIII' gnu-I \\'Illi 'l'll .\illvr htiiinl. ('nnlimiiiy nf lhuiiizlit III III“- gunninr plnnnim: an. In .~\..I--.i.-.- ..i lmiuluii :inII I‘Hllhilli'l'lllill' tiili-- \\'.| vii. ml ilgiiriiliiiu- nn.l II..- pru-I‘lli v ...r.-.l. .....l “robin”... ..r rum“... I|l| emu. lm i-. w... nI...-.-.I .m “in .....l. l. .»......L.~_.v mm..." .-.... ..l..y in iiirnl ynumz p.-upl.- l.. l’li'IIIIIILf . 'III , what the farm II“. in .lllvr. HIl' Iiii-ihml uI' Iiniullinlt .-.- "III- M prmnil. u. l......l.... .....| “1......- nf Iiini- I. :illm ul {ni‘ .livil all." Imp...‘ .. \v..t.- Ia .-... .-\ \l-IL In the .‘Il'llltllllll llnsi till \"IIQ full of iniurvl tn the vi lllr‘t. Ten wn. 'ul Ilium. . lmil‘i l'lvlll-yillo rinil Ultnwu Ill.- mum.‘ I ilirm‘tum Inii-Ily .-.».-l.-.v...l tlil-ir V: t. In tliati'ir‘t annuals lln‘l urn-nu helpful magma”...- in .m... “nation with (“.\ll'll‘t work. ’l‘hn Ilnnu- Ernnonilrn (,‘nnrh and the prnvinf‘inl director-ii run ho ..r iii- \'Lilunlile service tn ii iliilrirt in thin respect. At IIL'III'VIIII' tho rnll roll wn<: rI'r apnn d tn with talks nu “Th1 It.)- apnnsihility of the Ilrniirh, and III:- trict Programme Planning". A repre‘entniive l‘rrrm i-nrli ili-irict took pnrt anrl I'Illl’ltlli-tl the \uleI-rt from n .Iill'erent angle. The Ilnniinant thought brought out was that pro- nmmea ahould he planned accordâ€" ing to the needs-s of the community. Demonstrations of the project work (Continued on page 4, col. 4) Hm. I‘. \I. I‘m in (llllnlllr .\Ii... i.-. of \_i-..i...h..... HON. I‘. M. DEVI» N ENTERIAINEI) AT ANNUAL MEETING OI' PROVINCIAL BOARD The llli'llllll'l .ll' Ill.‘ Ilu.l..l nl' llII' l- lmulwl Ili-llllllv «.l‘ Hui... u u.-..- pl.--. ».I In |i:ii.- llll‘ llniiuiiiuilil. l'. \I. l'l'\\.lll .‘l‘. lIIIIilII‘IIH pm. I ni IIn .nu..I II .‘I H; l'. H In 'I‘, rnl.l . :n .‘l.....llil.. .. 1.. Plan... Il|l \\ulli.>ll'. Ii IIIIII », .\Il. l'i-“nii lli- ‘wl lliv llvl|mll .. ..I II..- .-.I...-..li.»..I.I \.v...I. lu’llu,’ .l.....ul .u. by \\......-..' l.. .. lulu, in indium, innl n uml IIII' um... ..i I.. .ulmml n. .1 .l.»..-I..... ....-ui 'I'l..- ,...r -..i. .\l.~. ‘l'. .l lhmr'll, I.-p...|.-.| iImI liu lin.l \l mull. u...) win... in ll... ...» n. .IIlillm llll' pl. l ymr Jillil |l:i.l I..uil.l :lll\¢|l\|'l'llll‘l|' iii lill hill: of \\llll .\Il . .\l.-l>.. Ii 1.. I? (ll \‘4'llllilll . .\I ll..- IIIIII l mil and |:! u... l' mummi- III’I liiiliii.il .-.-i..‘|li llill ui' \l... \I.-7 Imiiwll' . .....I, :. ml.- “1' llIIUlli’ \ I .-...m.~.l .... Ill‘, iI..- ....‘.|.- II... II .I hml i.. lh.» l.-:..l.-.- hip ur lhuiy- I... ii; .l.~i.l :i...I :..-p.r....li.-n ..i‘ |..». ..»I.r...l..l i'HHIIIleIIIIIII In Iliu \I.-iiivn' lilIi. IIIII ul' llnlililII. .\II‘ .\lvllnuull, iii .-.......l.....-..l...l Ilu lllIll lrl'l‘ll in I'll.‘ In I.I..I.v III r u.|.|l. .uilIIIIlIIIi-i- \\III(‘ w ..I' II... \\'......>.. ll.....Iiu...l’l mlvilvil ..i llw Willi-w l-‘nir 'I‘hi. |'\lllllil I‘lillil...l Imam. ..l‘i nu... ..|I plil’l‘ ur (Eur ullll .....l -;. Iu... nu... |.\ lll.- \\'., HII'H'v In IIIIIII‘ .-I‘ I'mnM... Il..l...i.. Imi...’ n- I..." il.iI-- I‘...- il..-. ml... ..:..I ..I' ll..» mun... "will. .\I.- II......\- li....i , . t .I....... m ..r rum...” 1'”... ..-...i.... .\..-... 3 In... lhi ml”... i llilil\' I'III’ “III In ’I‘Im ....- Mr... ..,.I... “i ll..- .........-. i|l|t"‘ nl' Illv- \\'uiiiiiii' lll‘~ll'|il“ :ll‘HIII my. ....I.li.- 5.... .l..- :.n.| ll”... m... int: ....l.l..- 1........,.-. r... \vhii'li Imuhl I... .........l.-.l hy il..~ min...’ [mlin mu...- ii”... i... .l..- {my riI who niiylil .....I..- .... the ....-...l... ..r .. ..-.........'. l..-..i...l.r, In hip In the ruliryi- nl' llm' l‘r'HIIVIIl" ul' llu- _\v.-:..':. ivnr .\lr . l\l.'||n\vvll aiiiil “lu- l......-.l lhu u....- mp: ....i. tun r... .Ii... L'iiil when rliilvl ,Illtly I'IIIII- lllllflli lu- ini7m| umlwr tlii- ifiiillniim- nl' ii llflI'IUII p yrliului' who \rmilll lw ii nu-nilu-r ul' Ilii- Wulill'n's lukllluti- Mnfl'. Ili'llill‘ll‘ll'lll, of Agriculture. “Ila l'llr'lmu'vll :IiI-w attention tn the fort that Simrnv ('nunty, for the [mat twn yrnra, lin.I t-niphmiznd (‘I’IIIII puyrh..lngy nn thvir convention pro- (Crmtinuell on page 4, col. 3

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