ANNUAL MEETING (Continued from page 2, col. 4) Finance Committee Report ' once Committee, convened by \ A Summers, \vith Mrs. E. A. iiukc, Mrs. 0. Holmes and Mrs. H. R. “Cum brought in I suggestions to ï¬rmigthen the ï¬nancial status of the pi-niincial bederation. I A substantial carry-over balance is Yrquired to cover accounts which come in immediately followmg the annual mining. The source of )ILIOI‘HE is from '(E ii ration tees duehafter February 1st nnl the cry-operation of districts in iillipb remittance would greatly ilitatc the ï¬nancing of the Provin- L'lll Federation. _ I'lic following action was taken to lnildnce the budget and ensure sufli. “iut carry-over balance; that grant in iiinvention areas he Withdrawn ex- i-iil upon application made to the PM v incial secretary by letter With ;. umpanying copy of ï¬nancial state- , iii (convention area) duly audited, ranting need of grant; that notice Men to the districts and Institutes, they be asked at the district ,,i ,ual 'n 1943 to ratify a federation ii iii 15 cents per member per year. p l' Representatives to Other Organizations -lrs. Duke as Publicity Convener i- .he Associated Country Women of i World reviewed Parts 1 (Food) .. ‘5 (Planning and Housing) of the i .l‘i Memorandum on International l unstruction. The circulation of draft Memorandum is to obtain v considered views of rural women , over the world on reconstruction . sibilities in country areas. on bzisic I. <tioiis. The Provincial Board en- . I\f‘4'l the general principles express- i ill the Memorandum. Parts 1 and 2. rllc Provincial Board voted to .iatc with the Ontario Federation igriculture and appointed the con- ,ur of the committee on Agricul- lih's. F. E. Birdsall, as repre- inlive. Contributions of members agricultural production, a vital :t of the war effort, was noted and . iimcnded. ills: Florence P. Eadie was named lhc Institutes' representative to the l inmlian Girl Guides‘ Association. District Women’s Institutes ilclpful joint letters from the dis- 0 president and secretary to local Viitutes was commended as one way overcoming diï¬iculties facing the -:rict president with respect to mak- : personal ' "tsl l'lie Pro'viiicial Board endorsed the «iiimendation that wherever pos» lilo the most accessible place be ac- lIl(‘Ll for district annual meetings ii lhe duration; and that the district aiunl lunch be very simple, either i Huck or box lunches having bcen lutrested. it was agreed that the Department requested to send a letter to the ll‘iCt presidents and secretaries nrerning the above recommciidu- «ins. Easter Board Meeting To have the Women‘s Institute gear- ' l to meet any possible emergency, insideration was given to various policies-for carrying on. The presi- ' it was given power to call a sub» ‘t‘utive meeting instead of a full ' ‘L‘utive meeting and at such meets “If; the president was to be given the power to vote. The sub-executive to president, three vice-presidents and “‘“WtflrY-treasui'er. Area Conventions Qqnsiderati ‘n was given to the pos- "hlllty off- having- to cancel conven- tions. The Provincial Board strongly recommendedthat‘conventions be held If possible. ~But, ifmbt possible, that the convention ekecutiv called to- gether- wiell the jgdefa presenta- uves to appointfffovino ail-directors and '50 d5 1‘ th r ‘oli'itions, commit- ,i tee _reports and necessary business; or, In bonvention Areas where there are two or more subdivisions, if deem- ed advisable. the federated representa- tives in each subdivision could meet together within the subdivision for the election of their board director, and only the elected board director should meet with the executive. A representative of the Department or the provincial president or her repre- sentative should attend and arrange- ments should be made through the Department. Board Rulings The superintendent, president and secretary Duke were named a romniittec to compile Women’s Institute rulings not incorporated in the hand book and to have them printed or iiiilncograph- ed and sent out to Institute, district, area and provincial oiliccrs and board members and appended to all new hand books. provincial with Mrs. Life Member List It was agreed that a list of all life members be compiled and that an ofï¬cial form be prepared upon which application for lti membership will be made. This form, signed by the secretary and president, will indicate that the necessary fee has been paid to the Institute. Requesm for appli- cation forms and life membership should be made to the provincial sec- retary. Women's Inst itutc Pins A letter from the liianufncturcr ex, plained that the price of Women's Institute pins has been raised because of metal restrictions. imposed by the Canadian Government to secure a supply of metal for essential indus- tries. In addition then. 5 ii Govern inent tax of 25 per cent. Pins will be made with a sterling silver base, .\'cll' Pli 3. Ontario \\'.I. mciiibci' pin (no increase as long as pic-sent stock lasts) I‘ins listed below will havcI li sterling silver base and safety catch: Ontario Lifc lilciiibci' pin. Ontario Board llii'cctor pin “Federated Women's Institute of Canada" iiicnibL-i' pi Luncheon Meeting Honourable P, M. llL'WZIli, Minister of Agriculture, . coking at the Inn- cheon meeting, ihilllcnccd Women’s Institute nienlln in rcilcct upon their responsibillly us a rural organ- ization, asking them especially to con- sider the problems facing rural youth and to bring about ii p, L-zltci' co-orrlinâ€" ution of rural groups, and u better understanding between rural and urban peoples. Mrs. Jean Atkinson who had been the representative of Ontario \\’o~ men’s Institutes to the A.C.\\".W. be- fore the war was a welcome guest. Mrs. Atkinson gave a splendid revrew of llel’ activi es in conncction With the international Ol‘gfllli'.iiloll. She felt that it was an iiiipoitunt link for the constituent societies to have a representative on the A.C.\\’.W. She considered that peace in the world will depend to a great extent upon the attitude of women in furthering good will and understanding. Presentation to Mrs. Duke A presentation of an antique Eng‘ lisli silver locket and chain was made to the retiring president. Mrs. E. A. Duke. I Mrs. Summers very gracmusly ex- pressed the sentiments of the “’0- men‘s Institutes in words of tribute to Mrs. Duke. She voiced their gratitude and appreciation of the ï¬ne serVicc Mrs. Duke had given to the Women’s Institutes of Ontario, asking her to accept and wear their gift. Mrs. Rob- lin made the presentation. _ Mrs. Duke in words of. feeling thanked the members for their lovmg (Continued, page 3, col. 3) HOME AND COUNTRY â€"\â€"_â€"â€"____ RESOLUTIONS PASSED ‘ The following resolutions were car- ried at the meeting of the Provincial Board and action has been taken by Mrs. la. A. lluke, provincial convcner of resolutions. Board directors will explain action when on any resolution from their respective areas. Omilm .‘ll'L'Uf 1. North Renfrew~(u) That the \\'.I. petition the Ontario Logislnturc at the next session to pass legislation enablini.r the municipalities to lcv)’ ta. 5 lor Municipal Health Scrviu .; and (b) That the \\'.I. stand shoulder to shoulder with the Federation of Agriculture in its eï¬orts to obtain ition enabling the levying of . s for Municipal Health Service: in Ontario 2. Ru llâ€"Similar 1, part (a). Bollcuillc l‘l'l‘u: 3. East H- tingsâ€"PhillilicllliTllilt the \\'.l. :isk the Dominion Govt-rm mm to in n a committee to investi- gnic the waste at military cliiiips. to Resolution, Cinlral lllliario Arcu: 4. Exist Yorkâ€"Tliornhillâ€"That the \\'.1 request the Legislature of the Province of Ontario to C(unpul iiicdiciil inspection of both sexes prior to man 1 go, and that marriage be prohibited if one or bath of the parties are found to be suil'uriiig from any form of vou- cl‘Efll disco ‘>; and that a copy be sent to the Minister of Health. North Yni-kâ€"Quecnsvillcâ€" (Tu prevent the depletion of woudluts) That it he made unlawful to cut on: young: ti-ci-s lu-yond where natural re» generation tuch place. HHUIIIIL Iii'i‘a: (E. North Water-loaf Sunnysiilc a Similui‘ to Resolution 1, part (u). anIuil .4711": 7. South Oxfordâ€"Norwich# at the “Cl. should endorse the Fni‘m Forum movement in lhi' Inllownii.r “'ll) ~ 1. That it be incluih-ii in the \vol' of the standing comiilitli-o on Agriculture and Canadian llllll|$tl'll’?~. :2. Thai. in. itutc members support aw- tively Flu Forums almain lll‘K‘JlF izcd in their communities. it. That \\’.I. bl'nln'lics assist in the cxpn slun of the Farm Forums by urumiiv’ic ncw Forums in communities. \\'l\il'll lli|\l' nut yet been reached. 8. South E"*x~Cuttnniâ€"Tli:\t \vc puiitiun our (mi-eminan (lint the in. cycle law with reference to ill'llil :iinl [nil liglus be enforced strictly. PHH'HNSUII A . El. North 1 rry SUUlIllâ€"i’l‘ililb we ask the licpurtmcnt of Lands and Fort-sits that a law be passed to pro- hiliit the cuttintr of Christmas trccs 5 ii izuarlliitcc is made Unit shill I»: picked up. ('arhrum- Area: In, South Tk‘llllskflnlinflA 'l'lioi‘nlui- â€"Tli:il [lil' “'1 ask thr- l’l'uvlnl-iul Government 1 pug a bounty (Jll blurs and in rump inc farmers for in of cllttlr mid hoop L‘ilLlSWl by iiL‘HI‘S. 11. llcnulutiun drafted to unilnnly the many i lutiiins from conventions relative to intoxicating bcvcrligi.. (.1) That tliu manufacture of inLoxâ€" icating l)L‘\'L‘l‘llL'L'S be drastically cu tuih-Il by the Dominion Government; (b) That wc request the G0\'t‘rn~ inciit of the Province of Ontario [u take action as follows: (I) to curtail drastically the evening hours of sale in beverage rooms and (2) to abolish women's beverage rooms or designate them for the exclusive use of women. (Continued from page 3, col. 2) token which bore the inscription “Miz- poll". The interpretation: “The Lord watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another" (Gene- sis 32:49) would ever be meaningful to her and she would wear their gift with pride. (Contributed by Mrs. W. B. Leath- erdale, Secretary- F.W.I.0.) CENTRAL FUND F.W.|.0. NOTE: All contributions to the Ccnr trnl Fund should be made payable to the treasurer, Mrs. W. B. Lcatlierdale, Coldwater. The Central Fund committee is very happy about the response of the In- stitutes to their appeal for ILl'nllS for a mobile kitchen and for seeds for Britain. Donations are coming in regularly and thc scci' ‘e reports that the Fund is within of the objective. llon’i let this ï¬gure discourage iui'tlicr contributions, liow- rvcr, because, .ii'tci' the objective has been reached, you will wish to build up a substantial balance in the Fund to bc pi‘ci ii'cd for emergency calls so that the F.\\' 0 may not miss an opportunity fui l\'ik Your sccrctl y \\ ill l't‘L'L‘th' :1 copy of the audited llnlini'iail statement for liH'l, and .i list ol‘ rcuciit contribu- tion. which will give you full details. The mobile kiti-hvil Is lici built and will be sent to the l- ' t for emergency use. The liitrhi-u is the stand: d lllOllL‘l, huill mi u Chi-v iii-t t . and equippi-il for sc vim: soup, be up and light lum'lies. Thu tnlnl cost will be $3,800. The vcgctablc unrilcn sccds are en route to Enuluud. We hope that by the time tlii i- ii-lics you they will have arrived fL-ly ili Limc for carly plnnting. Qulintillcs sent and vain» tics were listed in the Filll Home and Country. The Toronto lli'lll’iirElL’Ctl‘iC (‘lub has again uunrruusly contributed $10.00 to this l-‘uiitL Lcl Icrs (if .\ pprcriatiun Frnni Huh-ii (ii'llhnm. \'.\\'.C..â€"\. of (Ircnt lil'llillll, for lli girl to the Mrs. Churchill Fund for Si'i‘vii'i- \"illllt‘li of SMNUJO fl'nlii llll' L'l‘llll'al Fund. “On lJL‘lllllf (if our Appcli] ('oliiliiiltcc I beg to sunil you |Il|l‘ Innâ€"\i llI-ui'lll-lt thanks. for the gift that _\'Iiu \vui'c good enough to lllnlu' lo lllt' l\l Winston Churchill Y.\\'.l‘.:\. l"iliul l~ ' >0rvivc wuiiicn. “Tn I’kl‘l‘l\'t‘ such gifts as those from so far away, but \vllli close syviir [ilitliy null iiiinuilintioli I'Iii' 1|†that We are trying in iln lll‘ill'iulls us so much in our t ninl I lllilll‘ you will :ier-pt lliis oxlii hill of nul' Ili'l-i gratitude in _\'nn {0] 'nllr gum-rush, . From ‘ il. ll. IV 'l'l' vi- *, : iL lili'm'Lul‘, .‘\|lxlll:|l'y Si \‘icu in Mili v lli-llllqi i-l , London. England, on n; sim- Hill books: "I “In .lin. in in \vlil- in you in i'ullnl‘l'lllill wilh lln- Latin on"; slil'cls null 10 >Illig lmulis which lizH'L‘ her-n llul_\' i-cwivml l‘ruin viiur organ ntiun. "Muv wl- .lIl\. ll ll Llu c mini: slim-l, iiirl liuuk~ ll:|\" lllxutcd nniuiiu l'zumulinn Fur '. Milli I|l'l liL'hillf of [In - llvnuliitilip; may we thunk you r -y iii'lll‘L for your kiiiil gum-m [y Mllll liiti l in the \\‘(‘l|':|l't' or ('nnmlinn 'l'.-.......c.’ JAM FOR BRITAIN As nutliiiml iii llil' Silliimci' 11142 llllllu' Illlll (‘nnilii'y illl‘ rilli-l‘pl'lsu illlf'i ill‘l'll i'li n- lilly nunin (his. pus! suiiimcl and fa . \VL sun.» that Llu- ]1l:li]llt' of Britain \\'lll 1| lii-lii'tl‘i-lt thanks [or all the jam \Vllll'll 1 heel] shipped from Ontario. l'l'll Ilv all the jam or ivud al, lln- \V||I ,llllu.. in Toronto time and llils ln-un shipped river- whcru it should now be bringing ini-iiiliking ii-d on sun'- ploneurc to thi- llnllli'l!‘i~'\' l‘lllllll'en and to data inn-mils hin iil‘L‘n ship- pull over l)m.- llitc shipment of GUI] Cases or 28,000 pounds has still to be shipped. This will make a total of approximately 1:10 tons. Congratu- lations are extended again to all who gave of their money, time, labour or ingredients. The Sugar Fund i'clu'hcd a new high this your. Institutes contributed $2,066.84 or ich was distributed to other Institutes for thc purchase of sugar or used to purchase jam, after all requests for sugar had been met.