HOME AND COUNTRY Published Quarterly by The Federated Women's Institute! of Ontario and The women's Institute Brunch Department of Agriculture Ontario Eni’rnsmi. COIIMITTXB Mrs. C. Holmes, R.R. 3, Bellevllla. Mrs. H. Summers. R.R. 1.. Fonthill. Miss Ann F. Lewis, Toronto 2. Mruurus or Pnnvismu. ann: leis-ibis Hanan")! Pruidenta Miss Anna, F. Lewis. Toronto 2. Mrs. Clarence Holmes, R.H. a, Belluvllle. Pruidmi . Mrs. Hugh Summers, 11.11. 1. Fund-till. Rryiarml Vichrrh‘drnll Mrs. Ross Bush. Consecon Mrs. J. R. Futcher. RR. 1, St. Thomas. Mrs. J. Ciirlsuanson. Box 288. Keawatln. Dirzclon on Mr Eruutivg Mrs. W. A. Cowan, Meterilfe. Mrs. Phll Hamilton. R.R. 1. York Mills Mrs. Geo. G. Johnston, Mlnesing. Mrs. F. R. Thornton, FLR. I, Thameslord. Mrs. B. F. Daniels, 320 North Brodie St, Fort \Vllllum. Additional Director: Mrs. L. A. McEwcn, Russell. Mrs. s. L. Heath, Portland. Mrs. o. w. nuluh. Orono. Mrs. w. A MeGregor. Desborn. Mrs. F. Boulton, RR. 3, Elors. Mrs. Norvm Smith, T‘ort Elgln. Mrs. Lylc Shaver. RR. 1, millgrove. Mrs. Harry “'ond, Mount Pleasant. Mrs. W. C. Caldwell. Watlurd. Mrs. L G. Creasor. uttersun. Mrs. Rm. Dodds, Chile. Mrs. A. Patterson. onion Lake. SrcrsluWrTrramr" Mr». John lerulluch, RR. 2. Brsmplon. Correspondnnce should be addressed to "Hole and COUNTRY" Wonlcn’s Institute Branch Department 0: Agriculture Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2. This par-er is distributed through the secretaries of Wumcn's Institutes to Women's Institute Members. EDITORIAL COMMENT EACH T0 HER TASK All over the province recently elected ofï¬cers of Women’s Institutes are taking up their new respons- ibilities. Many of these ofï¬ccrs are anxious about the obligations they have accepted, for they know that their leadership will be a factor in the succ s *f the Institutes. To these, I would 5 Do not be (liscouraled because thc task seems overwhelm- ing; your faith in and loyalty to the Institute led you to accept these res- ponsibilities and this will be a source of strength to you as a leader. If each ofï¬cer has as her goal the widest possible promotion of the aims of the Women’s Institute and is able to gain the co-operation of the mem- bel‘s in attaining this goal, she will have a Proud foundation for the sucâ€" cess of the year’s activity. The coming year should be :1. worth- while and interestini: one for members and ofï¬cers alike with the 50th an- niversary of the founding of the Women‘s Institute being celebrated. The past years have proved the worth of our organization. It is to be hoped that the comingr years will be the years of our greatest e Iansiou. To those oflicers, n . y elected. let me stress what has so often been stressed in the past, study the Women's Institute Hnnd Book. If in the Institute there are problems which are not dealt with in the Hand Book it would be well to enquire about these matters by writing to the Women's Institute Branch. Consider~ ation will be given to these problems in the revision of the Hand Book. As to the nctiv‘ities of your In- stitute, do plan with care for there is the danger of our enthusiasm leading us astray. I hope your 'pllns have MRS. MCCULLOCH To those Women’s Institute mem- bers not acquainted with Mrs. J. H. McCulloch, 11R. 2 Brampton, recently elected secretar, treasurer of F'.V - 1.0., we wish to introduce Mrs. Mc- Culloch as a member with an out- standing background of Institute activity. Mrs. McCullnch, a teacher before her marriage. ï¬rst joined the Junior Institute in 1926 and was elected president and later district director from the Junior Branch. After graduating to the senior Women's Institute her ability soon marked her for service ï¬rst as stand- ing committee convener then as branch president, district secretary, federation representative and Toronto convention area secretary. In 1938 Mrs. McCulloch was elected board director for her subdivision. In addition to this line record of service to the Women’s Institute Mrs. McCulloch has been active on behalf of Peel Memorial Hospital, the county Agricultural \Society, Federation of Agriculture and Musical Festival. She was also treasurer of the township Red Cross Society. Mrs. McCulloch, in advancing In- stitute work, is upholding a family tradition. Her father-in-law, Mr. Robert McCulloch, pionebrcd in lielpe inl! to orrrzlnizc Women’s Institutes in Peel County. He recownizcd the worth of such an orwanization to the rural community and has ever been a true friend of the Institute. As you read this sketch. I am sure you will agree that Mrs. McCulloch has made a valuable contribution to the Women’s Insti‘ute and you will v'armlv welcome her in the larger ï¬eld of activity to which she has been culled. \thn Mrs. McCullncli accepted this offer her words were: “My heart is in the work of our Women‘s Inst'tutes and I have always felt it both a privilege and :in honour to serve it in any C3par‘itV". included a Shoit Course from Cooperative Program. Last but not least, let us all, memv hers and ofï¬cers alike. cultivate the kindly and gracious spirit. In the llully‘burly of war years graciousness and consideration for others were sometimes laid aside in our fervour to get things done. Now we may need to make a conscious eï¬'ort in order to recapture this kindly spirit. I believe there might even be cases whcrc in striving to he truly parliamentary nn'l business-like the true Institute spirit has become a bit obscured. Let us never forget that the found» ian of the ï¬rst Women’s Institute came to pass because Adelaide Hood» less had a great, lovin'! heart. which yearned to save others needless heartâ€"ache. And that same love of others 55 the very foundation stone of our organization. (Mrs. Hugh) Mildred Summers, President the WV,“ 4! v salient points'were brought tanglig'fore at the April Board Meet- in"r this year. Since youhvlll have hc'iird a full report of this meeting at your district annual we shall bring to your attcgitiulti‘ only in few of the ‘ cunsi oral ions. mnlï¬jd‘th ANNIVERSARY PLANS Fcbruarv 19, 1947 will mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Women's Institute at Stoney , , Ontario. _ cr’I‘ikcomlnemorntc the founding of the Women's Institutes it was de- cided that a sinking fund be estab- lislled for the purpose of (a) climb lishing Adelaide Headless Scholarâ€" ships for entrance to Mucdouald In~ stitute and (b) a Women’s Institute Foundation at Stoney Creek. Since Adelaide Hoodless was so keenly m- tcrestcd in the education of our rural women and girls in the Ari: of Home- making and since the Home Econo- mics course at Guelph was started as a result of this interest it was thought ï¬tting to colilmemorate this annivep sary' by establishing these_ scnolar- ships. Thus we would be aiding our own rural girls in attaining- better Hnmcmakin-g praCtices. From Stoney Creek, tlle_Womcn’s Institutes have spread until we are now a world organization “The Associated Country Women of the World". Many members all over the world will want to visit the Site of thc ï¬rst Institute. To ï¬nance the above and to.help ï¬nance an appropriate provmclal celebration it will require the equi- valent of one dollar per member from each Institute, to be raised in what} ever manncr the individual Institute secs ï¬t. This should be paid throueh thc district secretary-treasurer to the Provincial Secretary-Treasurer by Notcmbcr 1, 1946. For committee members. see Winter Home and Country. HAND BOOK COMMITTEE The following recommendations of the Hand Book Committee were accepted by the F.W.I.O. Board: I. That the Women’s Institutes, Districts, Convention Areas and the I’l‘mincial Board be requested to re» view their respective by-laws and bring them up-to»date. 2. That as a result of reviewing respective hy-laws each Women's Institute, district, convention area and the Provincial Board be advised to devote a deï¬nite period of time for discussion of the Hand Book revision at their annual meeting. .1. That every member of the In- stitute should feel free to semi in suggestions re revision of Hand Book. 4. That the Hand Book Committee review the constitution of other women’s organizations of similar type. It should be stressed that in order to leave plenty of time to receive su n'cshcns for the Hand Book, the revised edition will not be available until late 1947. The current edition is still available at 25 cents from Mrs. J. H. McCulloch, RR. 2, Brampton. BEVERAGE ROOM BRIEF The Women's Institutes of Ontario stood on record this or by Collin-z Itowther represenmtlv s of the varâ€" ious women’s. organizations in Ontario asking them to stand united in an effort to abolish women’s beverage rooms. Mrs. J. R. Futcher, Board Member for Subdivision 14, presented this brief to Premier Drew and was accompanied by a delegation ap- pointed by_tbe committee formed of rcprcsentatwcs from Provincial Women’s Ornanizations. We present thc brief in part: "We represent the rank and ï¬le of the sane-thinking women of Ontario both _urban and rural, and we are' standing together in defence, against an ad that is undermining our homes. This evil is Women’s Beverage Rooms. We consider Women’s Bever- age Ilooms the most immoral and de~ gradqu force ever existing in our Province. We feel we can no longer tolerate them because of the condi- ‘tlons which they produce. It has always been woman’s resâ€" HIGHLIGHTS or THE Anni. BOARD MEETING ponsibilit'y to. he the urds of; ' A lizutlmi’ on sexism as possible. But tiles mom] of civilization can be no higher th its womanhood. We are fearful a“ the destructive force the Wom 0:! Beverage Ronni is wielding. Tum?" been an alarming increase in illely't. mscy, 'Juvemle delinquency, VEHOI'HI ‘ disease, and divorce in our Fl‘ovinna While we know this increase is "65' entirely_du_e to the Women’s Baum?! 3.09m, it is common knowledge m“: it la the greatest contributing jmu‘ For the protection of our Mm;- hond and the present and my“; safety of our homes. this ml E Stand. ‘ ch 3 plane standnrds be abolished." "‘“5' In reporting to the F.W.I.0. Board Mrs. Futchet stated: “While the com: mitten was disappointed liiii brief did not bring the resulis ME; for, still we were assured bv hail) the Minister of Agriculture :ou the Premier, that the brief had imp†OI influence in framing leg, mum," "Now", said Mrs. Futcher. ' ‘u havé the opportunity of taking t mo in our own local communities‘ FINANCE COMMITTEE The following TECOmI’llQnU,l_iun3 of the ï¬nance committee were nwrnved; 1. That a contribution of 1 out my member per year be mad-v iw ll“. Institutes of Ontario to the 3 l'\V.\V. 2. That a contribution of 7 cents per member per year be 'pa' in the F.W.I.C. The suggestion \\ . nde that the collection oi: the I‘iirllliry meeting be F.W.I.C. month iii't‘tion and that 5 cents per mon: in; rs initted through the proper .mnul: to the F.W.I.C. A proposed increase in the l ll‘l‘llinh ship fee from 25 cents to ‘l cunts Ear member was brought b :u iht card by the ï¬nance (‘1 ‘iin After a lively discussion it de- cided that each board directru discuss the advisability of this incrl wt] in at the District Annual. Fu wr in vestigation and discussion l lake place at the November meeli Many requests had come in want ing a raise in the fee. Institl - now ï¬nd with their ï¬nancial obli‘ lun in the district, the convention ' l, the Board, F.W.I.C. and A.C.\\' the 25 cent fee no longer or amount paid out per nicmbi, ï¬rst our Institutes were m there were only the load i to consider. Now that our ‘ have widened and we are n provincially, nationally am nationally, our responsibilit as our opportunities have in NEW RULING PERTAINI w- T0 BRANCH LIFE MEMBER, IIII’ In order that Life Members‘ w mil; be transferable from one l he“ Institute to another in Ontarir ‘iiluid the holder move to another \\ we!†Institute, it is requested illr the that vs the When .‘l l loll, 'KiiES linui uzzed l llil’l‘ well $5.00, formerly paid to the ranch treasury, now be forwarded l the Provincial Secretary with the dim- tion form. This relieves the \\v. men’s Institute concerned from payl w the yearly Federation fee of this in Mar. MRS. LEATHERDALE AND lim- TAIT HONOURED At a special luncheon Hive“ “I†F,W,I,OI Mrs, W, B. Leatherdulu was presented with a corscze of *"Pi' heart roses and a beautiful matched leather travelling C?“ ' a token of appreciation for hel' ‘ ‘ years of faithful service as sent-lary- treasurer, F.W.I.O. Mrs. Nelson Tait also was remem- bered. As a token of thanks {m ii" untiring‘ effort as secretaryer ’9}: Central Fund she was presentrli wit a. lovely floral spray lapel pm ‘ieflbq'm in Institute colours. ' TWEEDSMUIR PICTURE‘ F.W.I.0. SEALS d5 Pictures of Lord and Lady '1“de ' muir, the Forward for the Turn 5- muir Village History and pictures 0 Adelaide Headless may be Drawn; from Mrs. J, H. McCulloch. R-le- Brampton at 5 cents each or 3 for 1"- F.W.I.O. seals in three sizes, I v 2%" and 4" in blue and gold may 9 5° be procured at lc each.