Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Fall and Winter 1947-48, p. 2

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2 HOME AND COUNTRY . . OARD 1947-1948 HOME AND coum'mr F' W' l 0 B ’ l‘iilvlidiwl Qiliirlurly by The l‘h-il-‘rntml \VIVnu‘n's Institutes nf “Vilniin iilid the \\'n 'Il‘ Instituti- llrliiicli and Hum.» nomi Survive ii.-,-:..im.~.n or crn'ultuie twin ,\i i‘uuiilTTEF .\lr- ll Murmurs, lilt. l, Fonthill dliu .I It l'lilx‘li-Ir it Ii 1, St. T7111th MN: \mm P li'\\l(, Toronto 2‘. ,‘ll’\il:tt.s ui‘ l‘ -\i\v:‘i.\L Donut»: 1!'|_I ltllfi Hunmmu I’r'r‘nnlriiix \llss \iiiui l‘ liilII~ 'I‘iirnulii 2. .‘lrx lllltllt éiiiiiinirs. lt.li l, Funlliill. pm My \ln .l R l’uhln-r, lili. I. St Tlmlnna. Il'w/imml l'u’ I'yn'i'dni/s \lis T‘nn nus Iilt .\lllltIVI|D Vlli: llilliin 1" “'1'” "Iii ‘lt-tniimmpmu Y‘RUYINCIAL nx'iiinr- risincni'rnn \\'u.\n:.\"s ixs'riri'rias- or Iix'rlinm pm m. m. m» [rm-um», llr- .\rlhur Mud-rm, I3" I \nimr il1mtllnil. RR 4. R4»; nnmirtl Alums]. Ben I r: l . run will lillllilltilnl I); ~ up in." In” It 1:. 'z. 4 in: .inmm ‘lill'liv'll iin. n. llciillr \lr: l‘ I my“. RR 1, (IiiLwoml. \in. n io-ir, llniilitotr‘. llrx . . n It 2. in»: Nontrnst- lir- r‘, Lois. in \Vullnnd so, rm p \i-i‘ Fl 7. Nurrnlk St N.. simcne. \Iv: \Ii 1 mm. . n n. .i. Tlinmt-sulle. wx I. m pm in \ pin. \lr- mum I‘m! 7. . murmur \ln l'lII Mann-in. \Ir» \r Ram. Rh. 1. Richard's Landing, um Bullt marlin Rh 2. Georgetown \li-~ BLIerin‘ \IHwIn-II, h‘ ii. I, Harman. , r nxun'r \i»~ Juhn II \imn Mn. RR 2. llrninpton. v‘,rn..t,u.n.im.v-.t should Im :Iililtusrl'll In “innit: \\‘|I V’UII‘JTRY" 'n..- .muw I mun unmii imd II or I mu.- up.» Iilinn» virdnln 2 prim-twin ..i l'irl ,mwni l(ilIlIlIl'ltZ~r MM it dinriluilrul Ilirnuzli nu- yi- m‘ “humus ln-liiilths tn the \ lnqrtulv \lvmivvrs, EDITORIAL COMMENT Minister Of Agriculture Lands Institute Work Colonel the Honourable T. L. KL-iinecly in speakini: to various rural Ernups throuchniit this province has paid hich tribute to our Women’s Iri- stitutes {or their part in improving things which for years have been pressinu’ problems. "Today in Ontario there are 1300 Women‘s Institutes actively engaged in community service that is con» stantly being hi'oadcned.” "For instance", Colonel Kennedy stated “through the Women’s In~ stitute Branch and Home Economics Service the Department is puttinc into effect a procram of special courses and activities to assist fann housewives in the tasks of maintain- ine and improvini: their rural homes “The Women's Institute has made farm women see that farm life ofi'ers a larger measure of independence than pioneer women ever dreamed of. It has brouulit them into close touch with their sisters in the city, in whose presence they are no ionizer shy and retirinp.‘ but on the contrary are able to comport themselves with as much quiet dic-nitv and to converse with as great intelliizence on practi- cally every topic that interests their sex. “The object of the Institute is to promote a knowledge of home econo- mics in all its phases with a view to raising- the general standard of edu- cation, health and happiness of our people and to create among the members a desire to fit themselves to a higher plane. “T'hroueh improved practices and zreater home elficiency the drudgery of housework can be removed and more time left for real homemaking fitfid the appreciation of an abundant e. “At their gatherings young women 19 {HS ‘ V H P 1 ‘ From now Holt in main, iln. k, n. pin-MI. lnrl \\illi.im in.“ \lldl-ln Islir. l: R, i. Ernn. inn Bull unlrli, ILR mm mm”. int» \immw mi. , |l.in|n Irs. Jnlin \lir‘iillmli ; ltd-whim ' = x. :. . I . . liliiilinsler ni‘: lm M” I I n I n ~ ln~ n it- l‘ildlli'll » llnn .lm "on"; Brown - (-r VI‘ , n n. 2. Milinntc. iim . LHIIBIImnIil. iwk now um min): nu n z in”. \.n $qu n.i:. 4. "l‘hnmcsi‘lllo: in .imm-s liulilll, App”. Irv. .l H. in-m, ma. 1, Richard's I "ding: nit, A mi 1 A)!" r liinv|t\n-, llliiilsiillr‘ ill Ii. .7. [7 l‘leiillirntc: Mrs M \ I', \\v-l Mimi" i: s. lln on. art ltnliinmil: in» Arthur ll'iinillnn. \ln'uml; in (luridlellnw, strain ; Mrs. \vm iii-Chm. ll 1:, 2. tln k“ lillil. Brampton, int, c, i. )lliyncs, it n. 1‘. PROVINCIAL BOARD lil‘llll'IRA'l'ED “‘UMEN'S lXS’l‘l'l‘li'l'IiS 01? ONTARIO DINNER PARTY 1:141. (Continued from page 1, cat 4) Service, Department of Agriculture, will be ready for circulation some time in late Spring. Great Responsibilities and and Opportunities Miss Lewis reminded the Board Directors that great responsibilities and opportunities were theirs. "Our members have placed great faith and trust in you by electing you to this office. You are the women who carry the vote and shape the policies of the F.W.I.O. So very much depends upon your action and your decisions. May we, the Federated Board. co-operating closely together give of our best to stimulate, inspire and direct the rural women and girls of this provinco and help them fulfil the aims of our organization”. and older women are encouraged to express their views of the big and the little problems that confront them; the ideals that thrill them and their hopes and aspirations for making rural life ideal and such as will keep their young men and women on the farm instead of hurrying away to the cities as soon as their education is complete Women’s Institutes have altered conditions for the better and the idea has spread all over the con- tinent. It is practical and affords scope for genius wherever found. Much of which would never have been brought to light had there been no little gatherings of institute members to inspire them." A In closing her address Miss Lewis quoted from Emerson, ""I'he stream of human affairs flows its own way~ What great: masscs of men wish done will be donc'. So let us. as Institute women, wield mll' influence,~see that the masses are educated in right prin- ciplesâ€"that public opinion is in- fluenced fur mind". CANADIAN A SOCIATION 017‘ CONSUMERS hills. J. ll. Futrher reported her activities as representative on The C,A.Ci itinir its purposes and aims. In brief the purpose is: 1. Tn umtepur strength as consumers for the improvement in standards of living in Canadian homes. . To study the problems of the con- sumer and the recommendations for their solution, a, To circulate information so that Canadian women can evaluate opinions. 4. Bring the views of consumers to the attention of the Government, trade and industry and provide a channel from these back to the COHSUDIGTS, _ The headquarters of this oraaniza‘ hon will lie in Ottawa. A 50 cent membership fee is beinu asked which will provule for literature for mem- ber: eachlmonth. reso ution was assed v Board that the tantra. suppdi‘t organization. Stirling-Lyons, Thunder Bay: Each member sent Britain. ‘ a Parcel of food to to Fall & Winter, 1947.43 ONTARIO WOMEN'S lNS’l“ SCHOLARSHIP “Um of major significance to the [n stitiites of Ontario was the report (it the Scholarship committee, the din]. ings of which were ill] uppruvi-il in the Board. ' ' The following are the rct‘nlnnwnd. atioiis: ' 1. That of the $19,700 in m, M m the Adelaide Headless Fund $19,000 be turned over to thu 0M1 m-in Agricultural College [or m establishment of THE ON’I‘mpj WOMEN'S INSTITUTE swim. LARSl-IIP for Macdonald In Him 2. That the interest accruing fru II the- investment of this fund It. the amount used for the Scholar-hip 0,. Scholarships. That all applications for lln tint, iirio Women’s Institute Schul ship for Macdonald Institute ho in“ mg. cd to The Director, lllucdun d in. s3 stitute, Ontario AKI‘lCthll’H Pu]. lcuc, Guelph. -I. That the President. l‘hi' ,W Women's Institutes of Didm 3",] the Director, Women’s ll "ranch and Home Et'oimnn, vice be members of tln- 1 Women's Institute Srhu‘ Committee set up by the I Agricultural College .1, That preference in awurih the scholarship be nivcn to (In 'er: of \Vonien’s Institute memln (i, That, since requests have i in for scholarships for rural . In Homemakiii" Clubs and tiny Institutes. the Adelaide lI int-t F‘und be left onen for nnotln i-ir General publicity by llll Th sliflllltl he given to the ahovc in- r‘ivillllals or groups nthrr than Women's Institutes might u . to donate to such ii worthy can.“ ’7. That those Women's In- which have not contrihult stipulated amount per hr.) rnnuested to do so. 82 That the Ontario Women's l‘ ntt‘ gchnlarshiu Committee as up by the Provincial Board l res» pnnsihle for the remainin- mnl that the Homemaking N and Junior Institute Scliolursl or Scholarships be awarded llli the advice of the staff of the \institute Branch and Home i ‘IHI' mics Service .0. That the selection nf the cm left to the zirl winninr: the F- ship but the course must I : nrovcd bv the Ontario Wmntw In- stitute Scholarship Committ- 10.That the Scholarships for ‘ with makinw Clubs and Junior Ins Airs be made regional. STANDING COMMITTEE REI‘WITS The reports of standinL’ cmiin nos. which occupy a lar'rc part i 'll“ program at the fall ineetine, in? most r'nnipi'ehensive and full ‘ fln' tcrest but only two were one hH ml per cent conipleteâ€"Am‘icult'ur» dill Canadian Industries and Pubhmt- _ 10 have a. complete picture of the ' teen areas all must: coâ€"onerqtc i-verv convener Branch. District {ml Convention Area as well as_l"r0\'ni«"fl1 must understand her duties, 'stc duties are clearly outlined on the sheet “The Functions of StnwhnL’ f‘ommittees" which is available for the asking- from the Women’s Tr stitute Branch, Department of AKI‘I‘ culture. Miss Lewis very kindly Mimi arrain this vear to mail tolall‘ln- stitute secretaries the Provincial (un- vaners’ Outline of Work frn' catli standing committee. Would mill standinc committee convener. whet?" for Branch. District or Conventioii Area, see that she receives her repl- With this. and the sheet: "Font-tinns of Standing Committees” carcfiillil studied, moi-o'efflcientA results shout be seen nut year. ‘ v Copies of all Provincial Convweffy Reports and'mahy’ Area Convenfih‘ Reports are available on loan i”)? the Loan Libraiy,‘Wom§n's Institu 6 Branch. ’ ’ 7 (Co ' page 3.,rol. ll

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