'- A Word From the President new year is beginning, as I begin a new ture in my life. For, the position to which i ave been elected is indeed a venture of 'ortance to me. I feel keenly the responsi- ties laid upon me by my appointment: and for the coâ€"operation of every member of Women’s Institutes in Ontario, that my in in office may be a success. feel that our organization has become It in its thinking, and in its activities. It w behooves us, the constituent members of fine organization, to broaden our horizons view the World at large with the intimacy once applied to our own communities. This, (eel, is the only solution to World difficulties; L » d the world’s women can lead the way to "'versal peace through our broader view- nt. 7 et us consider ourselves moulders of the _-e of humanity. Such a shouldering of this ossal responsibility will bring to the world large the benefits that our organization has eady brought to our community life. wish you all the joys and satisfactions ‘ch come from participation in this worthy se. - _ ay 1954 bring us, as well, inward peace ‘ th these broadened horizons. S Edith A. MacPhatter, the Kenora, Rainy River and Thunder Bay a. The compiling of a Provincial Tweedsâ€" ir History Book for the first fifty years of anization has been commenced. It includes tory of the Women's Institutes in Ontario m 1897, pictures of the superintendents ovincial presidents and secretaries, Lord Lady Tweedsmuir, Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless: cise articles on F.W.I.O. and A.C,W.W. and etings from Queen Elizabeth and the first cers at Stoney Creek; and a report of the ieth anniversary. ‘, I Home Economics and Health ; it he Convener, Mrs. Milton Weber, reported t Women’s Institute members take seriously ir job as homemakers and are ready to take antage of new and improved methods. Each r reports show evidence of more up- date equipment in homes, in hospitals, in 0015 and in advancement in public sanitary health services. Most Institutes are taking antage of the Extension Services, available ough the Women’s Institute Branch and me Economics Service in “making our '3: es economically sound, mechanically conâ€" ient, morally wholesome, mentally stimuâ€" ng, physically healthful, socially respon- e, spiritually inspiring, and founded upon .- TEE I954 Mrs. Gordon MacPhuller, Presidenl of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario. is mutual affection and respect. Much appreCia- tion is expressed for the courses and demon- strations given by the personnel of the Women's Institute Branch, and follow-up demonstrations have been given at regular Institute meetings. Many guest spcakcrs gave talks on Health subjects. Realizing that a nation is as strong as the health of its people it is natural that our women arc anxious to learn how they can contribute to the health of their families and communities. The Junior Farmers†Report This report was given by Mrs. R. M. Alex- ander, Pinkerton. Leadership Training Schools, District and Provincial Camps were sponsored. $2,053.03 was contributed to the Junior Farmers' European Flood Relief Fund. Four Juniors went on the Ontario Govern ment trip to the British Isles; a delegation at- tended the Royal Youth Conference of the U. S. A, in Illinois; [our members attended the New England Conference in Lennox. Mass, A representative went. on a Coâ€"operative bus trip to Indiana. A new venture planned for the choir concert in January is a quartette competition in three sections, a men’s, a ladies' and a section for mixed voices quartettes. 7