nel Discussion Group. "Start Where You Am \Nitti ha! You Have.†Left to right: Mrs, Keith Edwards a a, Chathom: Mrs. Leslie Davis, Egnnwllm Mrs R k- rip them but thuse they \‘till lin-lp 'l‘hi‘) Lgniilc meetings well because they knnw tii‘liuim'ntary prucccluro, Dll‘ft‘l't‘llt'ty nl' pminn are discussed npenly, They have nnd pi'ngrums with talks and piinel ilinru.» inns nn matters of Vital interest. Munvy l: .nsed tn cover any planned pl'tljt'l‘l hut in. winber is obligated nt- embarrassed n‘.‘i'l‘ tin» .iising of money. ThvSu are thi- Iiistilulu Lit lmve given Us our gnud i‘L-putntinii. Mrs Ernest Duke suitl "Each irniiiiniiiiit} {t5 :4 need. Find the need ithrl the HHIlI‘l'lJl . -u have to work with, then fnrm yniir plnii i actinni Do we need sliciul m [irrii'tiinl ni' Liltural subjects on nLii‘ pi‘ngi'uins" Dn w.» ml; at every woman in the t-niiimiiiiiry 1H i-c if she is a potential Institute mmnlwr, llll'l‘i .i.l.liL' nur prngrams wL-t‘th whili- t'nr t'\"‘l\' wiimn? Could some effnrt be lTllltlt' tn grt mint-n nut tn meetings who can't mim- nllivi ' .‘ Are we bringing in New ('zinmlmnu" 'lii'y have much to give tn 1.15. lllll \‘t'liut but the brides in the cimimunityi' Pt't'ltltji.. Jim: nf us Whu are experienced I‘liulll hit-iv: hum the tricks of the trade in wrirk tlirit 1-: .vw tn them. Let us take up prnJi-rts that we really needed, keep our drenmx .‘Illil “ll- husiasm alive. and like the ancient i' Lnuw that we won't 509 the end nf nur WHl'l‘. but we will build the best we can tli nnr lltttl‘ " Mrs. Keith Edwards stressed thi- I'lt't'll ni‘ :« lirilanced program. There should he prm-tn-nl demonstrations that the members (‘Eln put in use in their homes. Educational {unturi-s SllrIUlfl have a broad scope, from hnusuhntd ltlnlL-i tn the United Nations. We must haw; a unnri social spirit. “We’re trying to ]l1(‘rl,‘(t:~'f’! niir membership," Mrs. Edwards Said. "hut Sumt- women think we're clique-y. they dnn't feel a friendly spirit in the Institute. And what 13 wrong that we don't encnuragu \vnmcn tn UMMEI 1954 him†Fail Wiiwu .imnimu in ,murl Mn Inmm Hinmmt Mummy...- imuv iinii- l'nvl uninm (llll’ll lllt‘ \niltlltjll '.'.H1!.I!. vi illl-l th- in ll.l\‘|' tln- 1m l'l Hit" .it lili'Il ‘.‘.l:rtt llH'll llll'-l'.|lltl‘« i‘ntllil lH‘ .it Iii-iin- ‘.‘.1lll ll'ti \‘llll'lll‘ll ll llii: i. lli'l ilill'l‘t‘dl'll‘ ii tin inllll ‘.'.|‘ltl.l'll_ ivi‘ilmin llli' \I‘il'l‘.‘ 'w 1i: thin iluliizrt. tn iiiwilnm.†E: lilll.: l.ill il'nvllii‘i' li|.Hii‘ll nilil Win-iv llll'llll" illl' il |,ivlll| iii li|lll iiiili. Lila rm min I: lillll Ill flu' llll‘i‘lllltjï¬ lN'lII.||i‘. -"!I‘I ml 1t illl‘l li- l: «I! 2- lll lI\ 'lll'l'\l'i u1ni- l'l'll':|‘lll' llllilt|.!‘ .\li -lilll|l ll.l‘ "'ll‘. vli .il1 Willi lln- Illi'll ll'lll 1!. lllI'lil \ in: mi“ lll llll’ lllililllll' (m tliw Illl' ll-Ill Hi I llll’ illl'l l'lli‘lilli‘ lll' ti ll'lll‘ll In ll'il' l.l‘l‘-‘I'Il v-ri |>i-'I .l:l nl‘ llii- ll.itiil lllllrltl Ilizit "tlii- iii-A‘in ‘ it iii-.nil -|-u» nut rim-limiti- ni I‘iviiizi» i.-l liwl-litn: l.llll" Ht l'll|)'_il |i.||l|v, ln Kit! I' lii! il lilll lln- lll‘.ll Ill'tl-ll'll 1‘ hit l.. tlw il ilr‘llivll Ill 'llii lii.iiii‘li Iii lllllll‘ " M: H i; :1 Il‘. lanni Hiil [ iillll‘l‘ '.I. '. nl I.i|. .ililit iu'.'l'i| ‘l'l‘ H mun '. 'i. .‘1 HI 1.. . iiiiiflil Ili‘i'illlil" illllll‘llltl ililig llili .i l‘llli! ll.lllll'f. taliriw ll|l ll l i l:-.ilii.1j iii iiiii llillll ltllll'll Albany. llll' Iillll'l '.'..i\ i-l'iii‘ lttj liltivl .“-ll llvll‘ll"'lll.‘ tliii'r llll Ill-I‘. \_ t'lllllllt'lll lv‘ltl I'I'l l'.‘.‘llll'll .ill llii- Illll lll"lll I4 l-t'l‘.‘ ‘.‘.'HHl-l ll' Hit in ..H. “iii. acliit' i-I-iilinrit ..l- illilllllt" mllvil "‘Iiii-‘I‘ llllll‘.‘ .il- ,iii-l iiiiiimui'i‘ .ili nl "ll'J‘il lilll tmt aliii ml with lI :i "ni-iiritx'; l‘lltl'llliil'll" .‘I -lVll' plrll: [Hi .I ‘..ll|lll|l|l:l1‘il il.ilii~ l'ii minim. pimp]. '\‘.ii;i ll m: l-.i " . rr-l .ilmiil livlll ’.'.Hll|l'l| 1n ll.l\’l' lt'il llljfl‘lllr'r Ini'l. 1mt'iiii' l'.‘."‘lll‘.' fivl' iI-rilu, I'Ziii'li iif llii- ftilll llll'll ::i\'i' .'i l".| in llll't‘l" i'.it'li Hf llw llfll’l‘ ti- latii‘ .;iilt Inf lll" l'.'.‘ii In It'll" i-vriy inn-J ii.i).‘iiiit lwrial'.’ ll‘."' Writ. In tliv- l'iiiirl. lulu-r prim-w truly. ‘.'.‘v‘lI‘, :i «'Ilt' rif .‘it‘lti‘lI‘I. luv “.mli-l- 1;.X‘llf Ir. ill" plil iii: ill-.plny illlr] i-w-i'y prn [N‘I'tlh‘t' l-ll‘H‘t' Wiiti 1 MT niltll" uiiil lll'l' hut rm :i pn-m- nl‘ [unit-r and slim it uridi-r tll" ui'tir'li-, lll" -.ll" I'.'IIII1{ tn llll' highest llllifll'l') A “farm-r3 fi'ulii'" will: :ill :nrti; iif liiinrliiz. 1S