Nutrition Story DRAMATIC STORY of nutritionâ€"good A and badâ€"is told in Ruth M. Levertons book “Food Becomes You." “Everything in your body was once in your food," says Miss Leverton. “Starting with a single cell, growing to your present size, and for as long as you liveâ€"food becomes you. Food becomes your blood and muscles, your bones and teeth, and every part of you, Food becomes your size, your strength, your energy, your stamina, and your ability to succeed. Food becomes _\’n|.ll' morale, your happiness, your personality and your attitude toward life. "Moreover, the right kind of food is be- coming to you, because it gives you poise, confidence and sparkle . . . Your DUtritiOD can be a Valuable asset or a dangerous obstacle, depending on whether it is good or poor. If ii. is good you are ambitious, enthusiastic and emotionally stable; you have a radiant per- sonal appearance and abundant energy and health. But if your nutrition is poor you are seriously handicapped. You tire easily; you luck stamina, purpose and enthusiasm, You Lire :i (trudge and a drag; you are subject to diiilfrintent, worry and irritability." he author of this book goes on to name the leading nutrients and to tell why the body needs them. First there is protein, a vital part of every cell in the body and needed for building and repairing all body tissues, for energy and for forming antibodies in the blood to fight inâ€" fection We get most. of our protein from meat, fish_ poultry. eggs and whole milk, in- cluding rhcesc of course, Calcium is also an essential part of every cell and is needed for making the cementing material that holds the cells together, for building bones and teeth, for blood clotting and for the contraction and relaxation of muscles, delaying fatigue and regulating the action of the heart muscle. Calcium is found largely in milk and milk products, Vitamin D is needed to help convert calcium and phosphorus into bone. It is supplied mainly by butter and by adding cod liver oil to the dirt. Vitamin A helps in the growth and repair of bones, teeth and other tissues, keeps the lining of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and other body cavities healthy and resistant to infection, protects the eyes against night blindness and in general has the effect of delaying old age. The best source of Vitamin A are liver and green and yellow vegetables. Vitamin B or Thiamine tones up the gastro- intestinal tract and the nervous system, preâ€" 21 venting irritability and general nervous“, It is also needed for fertility and fHr Ah‘_ secretion in nursing mothers. Its outï¬t _, source is pork, also fish, poultry, egggv and potatoes. Riboflavin or Vitamin G has a sped, tion in the health of the eyes) hemmL . , ,H,‘ vent cloudy cornea, dimming vision, L» .i 4?, . and sensitivity to light. Milk is n source of this vitamin. Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid is neg the health of the blood vessels, to fragile walls and bleeding, for firm good bones and teeth, wound and healing, and helping to resist infect prevent fatigue. It is supplied espe. citrous fruits, tomatoes, also in ca], broccoli, strawberries. Minerals besides calcium, that are ll‘ to good nutrition, are: IronI necessary 1 the red substance or hemoglobin of ti â€"found with most proteins and Phosphorus essential to tissue buildin. with protein and thiamin; Copper “'ll lows most of the nutrients; and Iodine is needed so that the thyroid gland c: late the speed of body processes. It in sea food but most of it comes frori which picks it up from the sea and on the soil and into water supplii‘ likely to be lacking in areas far inlanvi we don't get enough Iodine the thyrcii works overtime, trying to make up ti but it can’t. Instead it enlarges anll a goitre. Iodized salt was developed ‘ up for the lack of iodine in places who is no iodine brought in by the sea all With all of these foods having a function in health protection We also Carbohydrate and fat for fuel or body and water to carry nutrients to cell: carry waste products away. Canada Rules recommend that part of mu hydrate be supplied by a daily sci whole grain cereal and at least four - bread. Whole grains also contain l’ and riboflavin. In the “Food Becomes You†book reminded that no one class of foods the nutrition job of another. We rent 1“ meat, fish and poultry team cannot ‘! the calcium and riboflavin supplied l1 Milk cannot supply the ascorbic acid oi fruit nor the thiamine of pork. Moti superâ€"abundance of one kind of food completely make up for the lack of kind. It we do not: use milk we can enough of any other group to sUDl allDWEfllCe of calcium; if We do not i' it is very difficult to eat enough of OIlI' to supply our thiamine need.†Food Rules On such a foundation of nutrition-’4 Canada's Food Rules were planned. Tli simple and easy to follow. Each dill" *‘ ' should provide: Milkâ€"For children up to twelve l" -. ill'i HOME AND COUN'R'