A Canadian Birds Quilt \EELVG a newspaper picture of u quilt block decorated with an embroidered Ii‘ll'tl. one or 5 many bird patterned quilt blocks made by sin, C. Frayn of South Turentorus Women‘s tn- iiiute, the editor wrote Mrs. Bert Eggleslield, gr :urmcr F.W.I.0. board member for more int‘ornm- won. This is Mrs. Egglesï¬eld‘s story: "Mrs. Fruyn is £1 life member of South Turen» ..rus. She was always interested in birds and "inwers and liked to embroider. Her quilt displuy \ always an attraction at our annuul human. "Mrs. Frayn‘s bird quill is a work of art. I-iueh ,ue'ure block is lovely enough to deserve '.1 frame it its own and could compete with the best of MILITE paintings. Using nothing but the most or unury of implements. a needle and countless yurtls i hright coloured thread, Mrs. Frziyn ermed :plicus of such gay-plumed birds as the phetistint. .irdinul, woodâ€"pecker, not to mention the dueks. he prints have been reproduced with astonishing 'ert‘ection and stand out vividly against the blue mt grey background Touches of r0se pink give aided character. Mn] C- has"? with a section of her Canadian Birds Quilt shown in the background. WINTER 1959 Mrs, Fruyn with Mrs. Clyde Egglcsliuld, South Turentorus Institute's convent-r ol Home Economics and Health and the quilt block Mn. Froyn contributed to the Institutc‘s "Grandmother's Quill Blorlu“ collection. “It all slurtetl \tlien Mrs. l-rusn sim‘ u enlnur print t'lI some ('rinntliim iluelss. Interested. slit- urnle to the enmpuu) Irnm “hence it eume :tntl received it uhnle album of hints common In this enunlrv. And then she went to wort. \vuli tissue puper. Irleln): puper :tntl penetl. I‘I‘UII'I. the prints Mrs, I-ruvu murle putteius til the 1eut|teier| heuu- ties :intl [rut-ed them unln squares of paste] hlue .‘mtl prev eullon lumulelulh. 'llus \viis the nucleus ul‘ urie til the must slnlsiui: quills ever seen :it the Women's Instilule's quilt ilispluv “Fur the ‘(iiunttmulhei's Unill IIInL‘Is ,\Ihum' mutle hi lhe Isruneh. Mrs. I5r:tvn elnluuliiererl :1 Noel copied 1mm :i plL‘IlltL‘ nl’ tlu‘ Sezirlet lunur eer. The block i'ereivrrl une-Iulmlrerl pniuls in the Dislriel enmpetitiun." * * 1|: Itt-t It’I-' titlttI-t ‘t'nlt 1'“ p1“ get tIn- srissnrs .ImI t'tlt it nut quirk. This Felipe InIIIs's Ill-tin tIt'IitItms, Anti “‘Ittll I .ulure Is new fL‘lI!‘L’\ Inr Ilf Illlllï¬llnll llI'tlIC‘v I've gut ilu-m fur sIll\I‘t-I\k‘ItUI\, ItIintn-s .iml hrtmh. Fur gritIInin mul hmniuu Itumllcs. Fur guru's muffle .qu payava purluil. Anti nutlles Inr putltlinus ilttlI slrutlcls. I've gut tlu-m in IirItIt-rs, I've got them in (It‘tlwcrs‘, l re.uI them ilntI just tnn't resist them. I tut them Irum .ids and lrnm Imx trips In stalls, Anti smut-(lily I'II sort them nntl list tItL'm. Ilut nnt at the nmniL-m. I'LI Itest slush away This rccipt-r rgee. it'\ :I dilly! Ami rustle sumu thmv. Il'mm It-t mi: set.- now Shall I upt-n sumu snth nr sumo (IIIIL-i’ Author unknown. * * * 21