for the children and got them interested in mat.- ing posters for the Institute's_apron so]; Rosspart painted and repaired the hall and inâ€" stalled an oil furnace. They give the use of the hall, rent free, for church organizations and the school Christmas concert. Stanley arranges transportation to take children to the Health Unit clinics. Rosslyn provided trans- portation for children to the polio inoculatiOn clinic and assisted at the clinic: bought books for the school library; had piCnic tables made fur playgrounds. I McGregor was instrumental in getting daily mail delivery for the community. Upsaln has over $100 set aside to equip :1 kitchen in the community hall; paid for oneâ€"half unit of books from the co-operative library; re. paired the archway at the entrance to the come. tcry: gave $25 to an eighth grade pupji going an to high school. Carolyn Oke of Huron county who was awarded the trip to the International 4-H Club Congress at Chicago as provincial representative of 4-H Homemaking Clubs of Ontario. The award was made for satisfactory achieve- .. merit and personal development through club work. East Fort William donated $25 worth of books to the public library in memory of Mrs. Jessie t uoper. Earlton reports: “All the pre-school children in \rmstrong Township received polio vaccine u with of a letter to the M.O.H. and Council. ~igned by the Institute president and secretary and health convener." Savard, among many charities gave view master nets to a shut-in boy. Cane served a hot dinner to men holding a bee to improve the school grounds. Cane and Elk take provided cod liver oil capsules for the school .hildren. Bury’s Green provided capsules for three «.llODlS. Dymond members attended open house on Fri tluy afternoon at the school during education “seek. .‘Temagami started a library with donated ‘-ool.‘s, collected used clothing and distributed it i†people in need. Cameron raised $300 for the local hospital fund. Miinden gave donations to the hospital and the public library and provided baseball equipment tor the young people. Cambray gave donations to 'he library. Took charge of a refreshment booth lit the arena and gave half the proceeds to the \rena Board. Glen, in addition to many donations to chari. lies away from home Sent quilt patchflsi Yam and money to the Home for the Aged- Reaboro put on an Irish Variety Concert for 0 nights and bought playground equipment for wmrrn 1959 l W Mrs. D. H. Hart, right, presents Miss Marie Fleming with the lirst award of the London Area Women‘s Institute bursary to assist students at Macdonald Institute. â€"â€" OAC photo. the school. South ()ps provided six one-dollar prizes to the school children showing the greatest eiTorl in their work. South Verulum guvc it donu» tion lo the minor hockey lcuguc. Woolwicll Eye: Faithful conducted a public event for candidates from u“ the schools of the township. Bridgeport sponsors 47H Clubs cspcciully homeâ€" mahing clubs. girl guides. scouts tind cults. Wellesley gave donations to the local library, the Santa Claus t‘iind, $100 to the community hall and Lin clcctric stove for the hull kitchen. Gait helped the Fumin Service Bureau with Christmas baskets ltnd money for a girl's dentures. Maple Grove paid the fuel bill for u poor family for the winter. Bowen Road says: “As we are a small group. we ï¬nd it is better to give our time and money to one special project than to hand out :1 little to many projects. This year we have given our time and etlorts to the School for Returdcd Children in Fort Erie.†Crystal Beach enlarged the public library and encouraged supervised teen-age activities. Stamford Evening Group presented their prize- winning play at the Golden Hour Club (senior Citizens) and the “Mitry Martha Society," Carry-0n sends it letter and $5 every month to a patient in Sitnnyhrook Hospitul. Wentworth Institute districts take turns giving a luncheon for the foster mothers of children from the Children's Aid. Aldershot sent :1 “shower†of gifts to the Cancer Centre. Christmas gifts to chtwoth Lodge or Home For the Aged. laycttcs to the Children's Aid. Christmas baskets to a nccdy family and articles for patients in the San. Rockton reports that as the result of an Insti- tute discussion. Rockton school now has ï¬re in- surance. West Flumhoro “wrote to the Depart- ment of Highways regarding signs and speed limit zones and this was attended to promptly.“ Stmhene gave a banquet lo the senior and midget baseball teamsâ€"“very much appreciated by the boys' parents." 33