Mrs. MacPhotter and Mrs. Keefer make the F.W.I:O. Board's presentation of a set of luggage to the retiring Sacretury-Treusurer, Mrs. Maynard. Much the same was said for advertising this year as last year. Many do not care for so much of it but feel it is necessary. otherwise they could not receive so much for so little. The recommendation is that advertising should be brief and accurate. All viewers ask that beer and liquor adVErtising be kept oï¬' both radio and television. A recommendation by Mrs, George Wilson, Pub- lic Relations Oï¬â€˜icer. Federated Women's Institutes of Canada. to the Biennial Meeting of F.W.I.C., that radio and TV evaluation surveys be conducted in each province during the next two years, was accepted at the F.W.l.0. annual meeting. Because the survey is in the ï¬eld of Public Relations, Mrs. Wilson suggested that it he conducted by the branch P.R.R.s and that they send their reports to the provincial P.R.R., Mrs. P. Y. McCandless. Forms will be sent to the branch P.R.R.s early in the new year to be ï¬lled. Suggestions on how to make the survey will accompany the forms. International Plowing Match Tent Mrs. G. Gordon Maynard reported that over ZJIUU cups of tea were served from the Women's Institute Tent at the International Plowing Match held in Wentworth County this year. Members of North and South Wentworlh and Lincoln counties stalled the tent during the ï¬ve days of the Match. Mcmbcrs from these counties and others donated thousands of cookies. Mrs. Walter Green convened and was assisted by the presidents of the above counties. Mrs. Maynard received the guests. The rent is a warm spot for a rest, refreshments and meeting friends. A recommendation for a new Women's Institute sign to be placed outside the tent was accepted. The 1960 International Plowing Match will be held in Elgin county with Mrs. Earl Bagnall, Mrs. P. Y. McCandlcss and presidents of District Wo- men's Institutes in the Area as the committee. I".W.I.0. Booth at the Royal The theme this year for the Royal Winter Fair Booth was Adventures in Service. This was sym- bolized with a rocket as a background going off into space, the exhaust streaming out behind. The rocket wending its way typiï¬ed the adventures and the trailing exhaust represented the services. As one of the attendants said when asked the meaning of it “We aim high and always reach the top." ’ 10 Pictures of interest in connection with the i were displayed â€" the Farm Accidem Friendly Visiting, Delivering Library bOQiA If“ a county modile library to a W.I. library. A Helm? making Club meeting and a Local Leader 1mmâ€; School. The second volume of the F.W.I_o_ “wed: muir History was on display and caused may deal of interest. “ A display we were very proud of was 'i'ldi of work done by retarded children at the “.001 in Woodstock. It showed work done by all il. um“ and what could be done by these children 2h mi; right sort of teaching and help. erticea Suite}. Showing what could be done at the Loc..1 :zider Training Schools was a display of millinerj.. some. and daughter outï¬ts in cotton, handmade _ and an original table lamp. Many inquiries wen: .slvcd in regard to Loeal Leader Training Sch m visitors from Quebec were interested in l gm in Ontario. Craft work by Eskimo patients at a 5. him where Women’s Institute members visit ‘.. ,nlcf. esting. 1,254 visitors registered at the booth til 3 me week, many from distant plates. Mr. Ker mm Toronto, looking at the Tweedsmuir hisli sum said his grandfather had purchased the HLH .m from the parents of Mrs. Hoodless years ttllti that his grandmother always held the June itn'g Institute meeting there because of the row .1 he always had to mow the lawn for the even F.W.I.O. thanks go to Mr. J. Eccles, D. u of Public Relations, Ontario Agricultural Guelph; Mr. Earl Fahl, Director of Exhi' ind his staff and the Extension Branch of Hi hr:- nomics Service for making this booth avail ,:n.i also to the Directors of the Royal \Vn. inr. Thanks also to the many ladies who hci llll the booth during the week. The committee appointed for the 1th will Winter Fair Booth is Mrs. P. Y. McCamlI ,tinA vener; Mrs. L. G. Lymburncr, Mrs. A. I, 1rd Miss Helen McKercher. Scholarships Mrs. Maynard announced that FMCII 2m arships had been awarded to Miss Elezu' llwil. RR. 1, Copetown and Miss Maureen II on. RR. 1, Hawkerstone. The scholarships an :iluil for high standing and application in sch. M?!- and 4-H Club work. Miss Hunt has completed 12 4â€"H Hor rim; Club projects. She has county and prowr ling-i. ours and still continues her club work lid" also completed grade XIII in music. hl‘ W- in her ï¬rst year of the degree course i “We Economics at Macdonald Institute, Gtieli' Miss Maureen Herrington has comPlc’l‘ Homemaking Club projects. She took Pu ““ 'ni inter-school Christian Fellowship group H *' trict and the Junior Red Cross. She also ‘ in the interâ€"club Judging Competition at (J‘ year. She is in her ï¬rst year Nurses Ti ’lt’ the Royal Victoria School of Nursing. B» ~ __ Mrs. Maynard also reported that Slim“ “l JU‘: been received from Bruce County Instilll‘ 1“ "-" up a scholarship for that county. Mrs. Edward S. Brown was aPP0lW~ scholarship committee. HOME AND COUNTRY