‘k if * A PRAYER AT MORNING By Robert Louis Stevenson The day returns and brings us the petty round of irritating concerns and duties. Help us to perform them with laughter and kind faces; let'cheerfulness abound with industry. Give us to go blithely on our business all this day; bring us to our resting beds weary and content and undishonoured; and grant us in the end the gift of sleep. * 1r * ship. Mrs. Haggerty said that at Area meetings where the subject had been discussed and members were asked their candid opinion on whether Ontario should share in the purchase price and assume a fairly large part of this price, the response was practically unanimous. Mrs, Maynard read three letters that had been received from branches and individuals in the vic- inity of Stoney Creek who were against the idea of purchasing the house. But Mrs. Haggerty said that letters of protest were far outnumbered by letters of congratulations on the decision to pur- chase the homestead, Mrs. Haggerty reported that the committee de- cided that each province should share in the pur- chase price according to their membership. Because Ontario has the largest membership they will pay more, but members in all provinces have been asked to pay a per capita, which will be ten cents per member, it is to be paid before May lst. it was also decided that F.W.I,C. would ask the National Historic Sites and Monuments Board to assume the responsibility of maintenance and res~ [oration at such time as an appointment can be arranged with the board. F.W.I.C. Report The F.W.I.C report of the Biennial Meeting held in Charlottetown. P.E.l., was given by Mrs. Penney. Several recommendations were read, one by Mrs. Gordon MacPhatter, F.W.l.C. convener of Home Economics and Health that F.W.I.C. take up the studp of nutrition under the heading of “Eat to Live" for all ages. This was discussed by Miss McKcrchcr who Said her department would be one hundred per cent‘ behind this recommendation. An- other recommendation proposed by Mrs. George Wilson was that each province promote, in memory of Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless‘ 100th anniversary, a movement to have every F.W.I.C. member be a subscriber to the F.W.I.C. publication, Federated News. It was reported that the First Day Cover of the new A.C.W.W. stamp was a great success and had added $2,457.80 to F.W.I,C. funds. A report on the national office showed it to be ï¬lling :1 def- inite need and that Mrs. Taylor, the secretary, was doing an excellent job. On behalf of F.W.I.O., Mrs. Haggerty announced the gift of a portrait of Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless to the national omce. A collection of coloured slides from each province was prepared as a gift from F.W.I.C. to A.C.W.W. and in memory of Miss Pratt, former Hon. Secretary to A.C.W.W.. ten F.W.I.C. spoons in a suitably engraved box were presented to the A.C.W.W. office. A resolution that the National Film Board be asked to prepare a documentary film in colour of the International Peace Garden and that the story he 12 included in the school curriculum was dlï¬cuv received unanimous support from all int-mm resolution that the regulation providinu my advance poll be widened to include mor'c perm“ having the right to vote, was sustained to IV \\ I? and another in the form of a recommendaiw m If Department of Northern Affairs and \;_l1,,,". Resources that arrangements be made to .irg Women’s Institute branches in Northern TLLIlifltlc-L Mrs. E. J. Roylance, British Columbia, \l. “i F.W.I.C. President; Mrs. James Haggai; ' Viceâ€"President, and Mrs. H. Kilpatrick, Ni wick, Second Viceâ€"President. The gift of an engraved tray was pm the Sisters of Marian College, Sr, Dumi versity in appreciation of the hospitality during the F,W.I.C. meeting. The gift n .Ullt memorative book to be used as a permani .mm of the names of members of the Sm†i Women's Institute was given to that In . their help with the First Day Cover; , projects. rd .t m, ttiuij l'im brim, ilnl ill I m. ti l’it‘lp ilt'l. . Int i‘liL‘» The Edinburgh Conference Mrs. R. J. Penney gave the report 01 lull:- burgh Conference and as this was very Wc‘l‘ min] by Miss Chapman in the fall issue of I: _ Country, it will not be published again in Out of the report a discussion was he a mu “Pennies for Friendship" project, ": M A.C.W.W. has been purposely kept IL. Mr- Penney explained, "so that no one will by . lulu; from membership. The balance of financr -».ll‘ to carry on the work of this great in: winl organization comes through the fund I l‘. in ‘Pennies for Friendship‘, individual memht in; their personal contribution of a penny or mut- lent, which gives them a feeling of belonp occ- Page 8, fall issue, Home and Counn \in Haggerty asked for support of this film! 1 mg- gested that one way of contributing \VUl w. h. taking up a collection for “Pennies for l . whip" at the international meetings of the bffli: Iii: conference accepted as ESSay Competition .r m the next three years, “Our Children l~ llmr Gamesâ€, chosen for its simplicity: am' l Broaden My Horizons Through Group mm and Study", to touch on the internatiot‘ 1. I»! A.C.W.W. Hand Book Committee Mrs. R. J. Penney, secretary of the Ir: Hui-l. Committee gave the report dealing with It slin- ted Women‘s Institutes of Ontario consti- " i- has been the case all through the Hand II. t um- mittee meetings, consideration and greal . -* given before any changes in this constitu l nit-rt made. Mrs. Penney reported that it is her It" time of the Spring Board Meeting of F.‘-' 1' 3hr changes in the Hand Book will have been t -l‘ltl‘.‘Ll The Ontario Federation of Agricull-i. A new department has been set up in l‘ mum» FEderation of Agriculture, rePOIIEd Mr», I i’. t M'- son, to be known as the O.F.A. Properi HEPATI- ment. The purpose is to provide help i.‘ '..iim:~ with their problems in assessment. pus. ‘Et if“ expropriation of land for pipe lines, high? “W†lines and towers. In connection with deficiency paymenx . satiSfaclory prescribed support levels in “it mi†ind Uli‘ HOME AND COUNT"