.3 plaque shown ubOVE. commemorating the birthplace Adelaide Hunter Headless, near St. George, Ontario, 3 erected by the Ontario Department of Travel and uligity on the advice of the Historic Sites board. Tok- V. port in the unveiling ceremony. left to right in the ture, were: Mrs. James Little, President Blue Lake and burn Institute, hostess branch for the occasion; Mrs, ll a. fairer share of thcsc taxes will fall on the ucr assessed properties. l‘hat manufacturers of woollens have all wool manently moth»proofed before being manu- tured into materials. t-'.W.I.O. board members in session unanimoust orsed a resolution received from F.W.l.C‘. asking National Film Board of Canada to provide a cumentary film in colour of the International ace Garden, to be used for educational purposes. the board member in your area will have the .l on resolutions from that area. Officers Elected and Other Appointments the following officers were elected: President. ~. L. G. Lymburner: Honorary Presidents, Mrs. tlï¬s‘ Haggerty and Miss Helen McKerchcr; Seer .u‘yTreasurer, Mrs. Gerald Holder; Regional -.‘~Presidents, Mrs. Douglas Hayes. Mrs. A. Far- uncl Mrs. Cecil Runnalls: Regional Executive cctors, Mrs. Frank Rodger, Mrs. A. F. Mcrrett, -. R. M. Ross, Mrs. E. W. Briesc. onveners of Standing Committees: Agriculture 1| ‘ Canadian Industries. Mrs. D. Newhoust‘: Citi- 7. .hip and Education. Mrs. Douglas Hart; Histori- s Research and Current Events. Mrs. Bernard ll «mks; Home Economics and Health, M rs. Norman 5‘ Ith: Resolutions, Mrs. James Haggerty; Public 1“ rations Representative, Mrs, P. Y, McCandless; l- ~V.I.C. Representative. Mrs. L. G. Lymburncr; l ’ator. F.W.I.O. Tweedsmttir History Bonk, Mrs. R C. Walker; A.C.W.W. Representative, Mrs. (“WEB Kitching, London, England. I I unadian Association of Consumers and Canadian lancer Society, Mrs. E. Irwin: Ontario Historical 3w icty. Mrs. Bernard Brooks; Ontario Federation of Articulture, Mrs. Gordon Bothwell; Ontario Rural [J-‘v‘tdcrship Forum. Mrs. Lewis Keefer; Conservation .f,_« /.â€".>... WINTER 1960 J. S. Holden, President North Branl Dislrict; Mrs. Andrew Armstrong. thcttler member of Blue lake and Auburn who unveiled the plaque; Mrs. Fred Matthews, Chairman, Hamilton Areo; Mrs. James Hoggerly, representing F.W.|.O.,- Mrs. Keith Rand, F.W.I.C. and Mrs. Hugh Sumâ€" mers, A.C.W.W. Council of Ontario. l\lr\_ l). Ncultousc: Ontario Welfare Axsociation. Mrs. Norman Smith: Ontario Education Trustees and Ratcpayctx’ Association. Mrs. l . (i. l ynthurncr: ()ntario Polk School Council, Mrs. G. Gordon Maynard: Eli/abth l-‘ry Society, Mrs. D. W. (‘amcronz Canadian Association for Adult Education. Mrs. R. N. Run: Canadian Esti- mates. tor Sclcctcd Entertainment l‘ilmx. Miss Ethel Chapman. Mrs. Haggcrtt announced ll‘IC Spring llottt'd Meetâ€" ing \muid he hcld at the ().A.(‘. (.iuclph. May 2 to -l. tvnu. and the Officers' (‘onl'L-rcncc on May 5 and h. Social The Minister of Agricullurc. thc Honourable W. A. Goodt'cllow. was hoxl tor the Ontario Govern- ment at a dinner held in honour til' the F.W.l.(). Board at thc Royal l-[olcl.(jttclpl1_duringthc annual hoard tttccting. (meats wcrc introduced by Miss Hclcn .\lcl\'crchcr. Mr. (it-.udlcllov. paid high tribute to Mrs. James Haggcrty. rctiring DrusiLlCt'll. and to Mrs. G. Gordon Maynard. tctiriug sccretary-trcasurcr for their faith- t‘ul \L’l'\lt.‘C durng their terms of ut'l'icc. He also cxpruscd thanks to Women's institute lllL'lltl‘tCl'S for the work lhuy arc doing on thc hurm Accident Survcy. Mr. (noodfcllow said he didn't think anyone realized that farm accidch were such a problem, but Nlttltslics show the accident htmu'd in farming is (no and one half times grcatcr than in industry. Farming is one of the most dangcroux occupations and cvcn in the homes the accident rate is very high, Somclhing will have to be done about. it. Assessment for Farmers' Workmen's Compensation is almost prnhihitivc because of the accident rate. "We are hoping to establish a Farm Safety Council," 15