gramme on radio. Many reports say that women do not listen to radio much in the afternoon as they are shopping or at meetings. In the evenings if they have TV they watch it. Entertainment The Tommy Common Show seems to be tops on radio now that the Happy Gang no longer can be heard. Sports programmes are enjoyed by men and some women. Some reported that both radio and TV are used at the same time for a hockey or football game if both media are my. .;ring it. They turn off the sound on TV, watch he picture and listen to the commentator on :ile. CBC Symphony and Metropolitan Opera. .re programmes enjoyed by many people. There .re complaints of too much popular music and do much repetition on radio. and that in many 156$ actors’ voices are drowned out by loud ackground music. Several reports ask for the :turn of Lux Playhouse; they do not like the placement. Don Messer‘s Jubilee Music, Worth nowing. Assignment, Starlight Serenade are her programmes which have many listeners. eligion Reports say almost everyone agrees that reli- in is pretty well taken care of in radio pro- immes. Sunday School of the Air is very pop- ir. and Church of the Air has a good following. Mention was made of a few local stations that ye morning, and one or two that have evening votions daily. Sunday morning church services or CBC network and from local churches are ry much enjoyed. Other programmes receiving worthy mention : the Salvation Army, Billy Graham, and the :d Victor Mission. Religious programmes on He are considered better than on TV. The men ask for less popular and Rock and Roll sic on Sunday. ricult-ure dere again reports say that agriculture is cov- d much better on radio than on TV. Agri- tural representatives speaking from time to ie on local stations are a great help to the nmunity. Women like to hear Department of riculture Home Economists speak also. "The Jigs" is still a favourite programmeâ€"no report ntioned a word against it. Local marketing i price reports are very much appreciated. Peo- wish the weather report could be more accu- :. CBC Farm Broadcast, Farm Forum. ch’ -.ISt and John Bradshaw are well listened to. icrviews with special farm guests are alwtiys .cresting. Local farm commentators are con- verted to be very good. *: “‘5 ‘11 agree news is tops on radio and all reports r'm very well satisfied with the coverage of na- mal and international news. Many local stations "'3 news on the hour, every hour. and special "-‘WS bulletins as they arrive. and these features f,‘ very mild! appreciated. Many appreciate memâ€" ‘W'ams on local stations. , CBC News Roundup is excellent. CFRB. UBC. Toronto seem to give the best news cov- !"ML 1960 * * * MARRIAGE A. W’arren I know we loved each other when we walked 331011;: ago in spring beneath the moon: hen. hand clasped close in hand. we softly talked Of that new joy our hearts would shelter soon, Perenntally golden and secure From any change. But 0. we could not see That springtime wonderment would not endure As first it was, but alter lilessedly. We could not know, my dear. we could not guess How years augment the miracle of love; How autumn brings a depth of tenderness That is beyond young April’s dreaming Oil How there \muld burn a richer flame some day Than that which first threw glory on our way. * ‘k * erage, and many commentators are mentioned as excellent. \vith Gordon Sinclair at the top. All feel the news is adequately covered. Advertising Advertising does not secm so objectionable on radio as on TV. Many report that they enjoy it and others that they can take it or leave it. They would like to hear more farm products tid- verlised and not so much soup. Women say that much of the advertising is misleading. They think commercials should he quiclci'. shorter and more to the point uilhout all the frills that don't mciin anything to the average “onion. Many singing commercials on radio are considered good rind many women enjoy listening to them. They feel advertising is it necessary L‘VJl hut some question its selling poucr. Summary To sum up: Radio secms on the wholc to be :1 good companion in the home. with enough local stations in tin} district to make it possich to receive some programme of iiilcrcst to everyone. A fen hrunchcs covered the community for comments and found their rcuction both in TV and radio \lll‘tllul' to thul ul' nicmhcrs of the Women's Institute. Onc brunch mentioned thcy had discussed the Principles and (initiatives of lhc ('unudian Broad- casting Lcnguc und l'lt‘dr'lll)‘ tigiccil \tilh them. There \vt-rc many small liccfx such as un- nounccrc‘ pour diction or poor English. Incorrect pronunciation of local names and places on local stations could hi.- currcclcd it brought to the alien- tion of the station by u group of people such us a Women's Institute hrunch. From Mrs. Wilson's nutionul report: Listening to commcrciuls is preferred ltlll’} to paying u license fcc. Tlic “omen \miild lhlx Radio and TV authoritics lo hccp the public informcd of lip: developmcnl in our Ntil’lllltmdi not to overlook lhc vuluc of historical pliiys its :1 mctins oi cre- ating national pride: to husch lhc thly when all CEtn:1tlitt|‘l~ in cvcry part of the country muy have the opportunity to enjoy tclcvixion. To the Worth en's li‘lNllllllL'N the converter suggcsts: Let your “1311.35 bc known TLth‘ linic to commend as well as to condemn radio and TV programmes. Give constructive criticism always. 17