East Norfolk Juniors mention a talk on Par- liamentary Procedure, an officers’ workshop and a panel discussion on Courtship and M311" riage. At the “farm meeting" In June the EU 5 demonstrated fancy sandWiChES. “193" had the “Dairy Queen Contest", with recreation in the barn and a lunch of sandwiches, strawberry short cake and ice cream. At two meetlngs they studied the Junior Institute Constitution. St. Williams strongly recommends a Program on conservation. They say "Authorities from the Department of Lands and Forests. Pref?“ ably from a local Conservation area, have in- formation on such questions as water shortage that everyone should know." (ShOUId “"5 “m be given at an evening meeting open to the men and women of the community? Ed.) ‘ Central Ennjskillen says "We like our spectal programs at Thanksgiving, Christmas and St. Valentine‘s Day when we try to cut business to a minimum and have more time for sociabilâ€" ity." Corunna: An address by the public school principal on "Education is Everybody‘s Busi- ness." Carpenter: “We find that our members parâ€" ticularly enjoy an open discussion. Everyone joins in this, even those who would hesitate to give a paper on the subject.†Elimville made a study of their county, “Know Huron Better." Different members gave papers on each of the townships. Hurondale invited all the Institutes in the district to a Christmas party, each Institute to contribute an item to the program. Reports from two JUnior Institutes are both labelled “Instituteâ€"Junior; District South Hur- on." One of these had some program features that might be of interest to other branches such as: Roll calls â€" “An industry our grandmothers did not know"; “How my life has been in fluenced by a teacher"; “What 1 hope to do for my careerâ€. Topics: “Do not let odd minutes slip away; use themâ€; “Suecess What it really means"; "Patience is a flower that does not grow in every garden.†Walsingham: “Our citizenship convener used the Book of Knowledge for the motto ‘Every privilege carrier a responsibility‘ and gave fourteen ways of honouring the flag." Colbome: "We particularly enjoyed the July meeting" (this featured a buffet luncheon put- ting into practice ideas from the Hospitality Foods course), “the bus trip to Stratford to see ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream' â€"-a trip made available to members‘ families and friends; and the Historical Research program at the Grand- mothers†meeting, featuring ‘How Grandmother Did Her Work.‘ " Udney recommends an address by the Town- ship Clerk. explaining the municipal govern- ment set up, taXBs, welfare work, et cetera_ 30 Brooklin had a panel discussion on the ad. vantages and disadvantages of modern and olden times in home life, social life, health and education. Morpeth had a “Remembrance Day“ and invited close relatives of all the men “hose names were on the Honour Roll. Rural Ridge. town had an address with films on Postal \erv. ices by a speaker from the Postal Department‘s Public Relations branch. Walkerton hung Women’s Evening had a “Mad Hatter} Tea Party,“ the members wearing novelty spring hats. Armow had a panel discussion “Why mt; An Institute?†Silver Lake, a talk by a School teacher on “The Preparation of Your fund for School.†Blackstock arranged to have an addre‘. on “Laws Which Affect Women" by a \i. "tan lawyer, who had grown up in the communi . A local young women‘s club was invited 1 the meeting. Kendal: “We had several demonstratltt in cooking special foods such as sea foods, in n omelcts, decorating cakes such as bir lay cakes, and a film on fish and game.†Nestleton gave as one of its outstanding m- gram features, a demonstration on pn: :ng clothes, the use of a sleeve board, a “In it's ham†and a steam iron. There was a displ at “smoothing irons,“ ancient and modern. Solina had a fashion parade of chili. .:'s clothes, the children acting as models lie mothers as commentators. Canhoro mentions reading editorials at Home and Country at meetings; Cayuga a :n: “How Well Do You Know Your Own Cou: "" Kars: “We found that the Mary 51:: rt Collect meant more to us after we had di All it into portions of a line each for study thi 71h the motto presentation. At a later meetin. as had a summary of the Collect." Ridge had a panel discussion on hm 10 . brighten the lives of senior citizens. Follo -‘.â€"’ a lecture on Nutrition the members excha rd ideas on children's school lunches. Vernon says: “At one meeting each mei it drew a topic from a hat and gave a t It speech on the topic. It gave us some lawn and was most interesting." Laurel reports: “As a result of our pm »|. Trading Stamps, Benefit or Burden?‘ a l: J of protest against trading stamps was signer “11 Present and sent to Attorney-General Ii. 0 Roberts.†Riverside recommends tours of local int‘ ~- tries, debates and book reviews. They vist‘ -J the Woollen Mills at Meaford, the Blue Moust- tain Pottery Plant, and “Georgian China." _ Holstein had an interesting panel on “Trét 5 in Education," with high school teachers NJ students taking part. Plainfield and Walton both enjoyed a lecture HOME AND COUNTRY