In honour at Mr: Hugger†a election DI national preli- dun! Mn 1 G lffl‘bulnwfl, nqht, pletenh "Ow-OH from lWlOt and Mn Holder a Hole and evening bag item the On‘nllo delegation utt' tn the with Hill hung dum- there to keep .iiuc the spirit «it the tnmcttient \lhtCh hegan tnnrc than VIN} years ago This hook was re- LL'Il-L‘Il by \ln Angm Jackmn. who for many VL‘.Il~. “as president of the Mother Institute and h mm Its l’uhltc Relations Officer. in hL'r thanks. Mrs Jackson issued a warm imitation tn .i‘ll tn \vhll \tuncy ( ruck and mentioned the l.l\l lit.†\qtiirc's Hall, viherc the first Institute ltlt't‘llltt: um. held, h.t\ been offered for sale. "\Ieet the Provinces" \nnllu‘r highlight ut the (‘unwntmm hoth trnm lltt' ‘ul.|ltl!|'tltlnl ut entertainment and in- ltlrlltdlltllt, “.15 the presentation wt .in historical pageant, "Mch the l’rmtnccs." Nth Mrs. L. (i. I Huhitrner ,qs moderator lhc part nl Adelaide Hmullrss was played charmineg by Mrs. HRIQ‘ gcrtv, .tnll teprcwntalth from .tcrms Canada presented the stun ol the Women's Institute llt'lll the him: «It tls uttgin on Fehruary l9. Hui until the present day The Junior Board “union. all tlrt'xsctl in costumes tippruprlatlc to their particular period. presented "It: story of the tuunding tit thc organization In each of thetr respcetnc pnmnccs. and the prmincml presi- dents cmmncntcd on “If†plans tor the present .md tor the tulure this ll’ttPl’L‘ulVL‘ production “as thoroughly enjoyed by delegates and usi- tun .iltlu: Revolutions lhrvc rcsnlutmnu had been drafted by the ( tIIItttltlll'L‘ early in the term and “are approved tn. the ltuard ()nc .ultcd for thc immediate construction of .i ('anadian National Lihrary‘. .mnthe: endorsed the stand of the Canadian Broadcasting league on hroadcasttng in Can- add. and the third recommended that the (iaza \‘tnp become an International Peace Garden. Resolution- presented and accepted at the (unwntmn “ere. a recommendation that the Senator (‘airinc Wilson Trophy Competition be analogous to a current F.W.I.C, study; thd; of UNESCO publications be published in l crated News: that consideration be gitcn possible UNESCO project in Canada; thr visions be made in the Immigration :L part to avoid discrimination: and that st. he given to the continued Federal imam; into the price of drugs. Arising from various reports. the [Mt endorsed support for the Canadian Cont. on Education. promotion of Education t. t [962. and participation in the celehrdn. Canada's Centennial in 1967. Installation of Ofï¬cers The Executive Officers elected by lhi.‘ vention for the term 1961-64 were: Presidentï¬-Mrs. Jas. Haggcrty, Ontario. lst Vice Presidentâ€"Mrs. R. J. Moss. Man 2nd Vice Presidentâ€"Mrs. George (I Newfoundland. 3rd Vice Presidentâ€"Mrs. Keith Mesher. Scotia. .‘slenihers-atâ€"largeâ€"ab/lrs. Elton Armstront tario: Mrs. Carl Alexander. Alberta. ti. E. LeBaron. Quebec. Other Ontario appointments included 1.. (i. Lymhurner as Chairman of the R. lions Committee; Mrs. R. J. Penney. Kin as Convener of Citizenship and Educmim Mrs. las. Haggerty as leader of the ('an delegation to the A.C.W.W. Conlcrcnt Australia in I962. During the installation of officers. \lrs. lance presented the new National Prev Mrs, Haggerty. with the gavel. the Press badge. the F.W.l.C. seal and the lease v "V'- Annus Jackson, P.I.O. Stoney Creek Imlilulz the Commemorative Soak presented by F.W.I.C. tn Moth" Institute. HOME AND count1p '