National Plans and Projects By Mrs. H. G. Taylor Secretary FWIC RE WE KEEPING PACE with the rapid changes taking place in rural living in Canada?" was the question asked when he National Board of the Federated Women’s nstitutes of Canada met in Ottawa April 16- .i 8, 1963. A long, hard look at the program 5: the organization was taken. The basic ob- ective of the Women's Institute has not if hanged since its .formation over sixty~five 'ears ago. In the words of the founder, Mrs. delaide Hunter Hoodless: “A nation cannot 'ise above the level of its homes; therefore. . omen must work and study together to raise or homes to the highest possible level." The ‘ ought that the time had come to review the .1 ethod of working out this objective was re- 1 acted in the theme selected for the Third 't riennial National Convention to be held at _.‘ cadia University, Wolfville, NS, the week of rune 22, 1964. This is “For‘Home and Coun- ry â€"Today". Speakers, panels, workshops r: to be built around this central thought. Recommendations submitted by the Northâ€" rn Canada Women’s Institute Committee were pproved. These related to the carrying out rn Unesco Gift Coupon Plan 367 for the xtension work in Northern Canada. The ommittee Chairman, Mrs. G. E. LeBaron. l orth Hatley, Que, reported that this includes 5,000 set aside for scholarships to provide ‘short term training for selected women resi- ents from Northern Canada as auxiliary a ursing workers." Further study was made of plans approved earlier for Canada’s Centenary. These include he publication of a “Canadian Mosaic†(set of en volumes on the history of crafts in each rovince) and the completion of the restoration ‘of the Adelaide Hoodless Homestead at St. the birthplace of the founder of the omen's Institute, by 1967. Another project . as added: “Making Canada Loveller." Rural ‘ omen across Canada could do much to proâ€" ote and improve their communities and see that natural beauty spots are developed. Litter “to preserve our green woodlands and beautiful open spaces," in the words of the .W.I.C. Convener of Agriculture. Mrs. Har- old Simonson, Wetaskiwin, Alta, who proposed his project. Preserving historic sites. establish- SUMMER 1963 Mrs. James Huggerty, Nopunee, Ont., President F.W.I.C. (seated) is shown admiring the FWJC Crest. presented to the National office by the Manitoba Women's, Insti- tute. With Mrs. Hoggerty are three provincial W.i. presidents. Left to right: Mrs. H. M, Ellurd. Quebec; Mrs. Leonard Trivers, Ontario; Mrs. L. C. Crane, New- foundland. The picture was taken at the meeting of the National Board, held in Ottawa April lé-lfl, 1963. (Courtesy Dominion Wide Photographs] ing museums. preparing historical pageants are some of the activities at local level, and some provincial Institutes are setting up Centenary scholarships; one is for vocational training for an Indian, Metis or Eskimo girl. Mrs. John McLean. Eureka. N8. is F.W.I.C. representa- tive to the Canadian Centenary Council. F.W.I.C. has been a member since the Council was first organized. Provinces are working on plans for collectâ€" ing and shipping books to the West Indies, under the direction of Mrs. J. O. Decker, Pembertonl B.C.. F.W.I.C. Convener for United Nations and International Relations. (One province has already shipped 900 books.) Close links are developing between individual islands and provinces of the West Indies â€"all the result of the interest created by the Unesco Gift Coupon Plan 400. supported by F.W.I.C. in 1961-62. The Lady Aberdeen Scholarship in Nutri- tion, sponsored by the Associated Country Women of the World, continues to receive support through the F.W.I.C. contribution to the Freedom From Hunger Campaign. Mrs. James Haggerty, F.W.I.C. President. will be attending the World Food Congress in Washâ€" ington next June as one of the Canadian delegates. On her return to Ontario she will be accompanied by Mrs. Gerda Van Beekhoff, I7