realm mmwrwth. .,.Y_H,,ew_\(|,_mew VI ,7.» , . f . . . § . A ricullura Citizenship a Convention l 5 and l and 3' Memmg Flu" ‘ Canadian Industries I Educatiorl .- 3 Ft. Frances . . . . . . . . Mrs. L. Ducharme, Mrs. J. Atkinson, "‘ J Box 504, Ft. Frances c/o Fish Hatchery. Dorian Spring Bay . . . . . . . . Mrs. H. Spry, Mrs. D. Middleton, R.R. 1, Mindemaya Evansville Guelph . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. W. J. Knapp, Mrs. Howard Harris. R.R. 2, Cult RR. 1, Fordwlch Bracebridge . . . . . . . Mrs. L, T. Whittaker, Mrs. J. M. Nelson. Pawassan Magnelawan Cochrane . . . . . . . . - Mrs. H. Trumbull, Mrs, B. Brownlee, Box 1530. Cochrane Box 223, Englehart London . . , _ . . _ , Mrs. James Pilkington, Mrs, A. W. Meek, Mount Brydges R R. l, Beachville l Belleville . . . _ . . , _ . Mrs_ Ken Wood, :Mrs. J. Whitehause, R.R. 2. Cansecon RR; 6. Brighton l Kingston . . . . . . . . . Mrs. R. Hill. Mrs. D. J, Ferguson. i RR. 1, Napanee l Fairfield East Ottawa . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Slanley Kippen. Mrs. R, Mcllquham, RR. 1, Maxville Lunork l Ridgetown - - - . - - - - Mrs. Alvin Elliott, Mrs. w, E, Blonde. Camber RR. 1. Maoretown Meafo'd - - - ~ - - - - - - er5. Herb. Maluskie. ers. Alex Butcharl, I 3-9. 4. Chesley R R 3. Lion's Head ‘ l Coldwuler - - v - - ~ - - - ers. Stan Evans, Mrs. H. Campbell, l RR. 1. Severn Bridge R R. l, Shanty Bay Toronto . . . Mrs. John Trimble. ‘Mrs George Lee. Bellountoin Box 142. Bobcoygeon u Niagara Falls . . . . . - 'Mrs. A. Hendershott, Mrs. Osborne Sager. Ur R.R. l, Hannan RR. l. Troy Historical Research and Current Events Mrs. Betty Pattison. l006 ls! St. E_, Ft. Frances Mrs. H. Williams, RR. l, Gorson Mrs. Wm. Ballentine, 57 Cambridge 5L. Guelph Mrs. Jacob Filger, Bracebridge Mrs. George Corby, Box 695, New liskearcl Mrs. Wm. Dawson, 26 Benton Ave., Tillsonburg .Mrs. George Rigby, Havelock Mrs. A. Bouder. RR. 2, Cloync Mrs. J. H. Steele, l Mrs. Frank Johnson, l R.R. 2, Florence ‘Mrs. G. D. Hilts, Mrs. Joseph Lea. l Hillsdale Mrs. Herbert Harman. Mount Albert Miss Hattie l. Jones, 92 Gray Rd. Stoney Creek Home Economics and Health Mrs. R. l. Skene, Oxdrilt Mrs, M. Smith, Richard's Landing Mrs. D. Moftit, RR. l, Guelph Mrs. Wm. Gren kie, Rnsseau Mrs. E. Blackburn. Hunta Mrs. J. MacKinley, R.R. I, Part Stanley Box 232. Cardinal l RR. 1. Owen Saundi Mrs. H. Miniie, Coldsprings ers. D. J. Hughsan Chaliey‘s locks Mrs. Hugh McMillan. Chesterville ers. Russell Bondy, R.R. 4‘ Amherstburg ers. O. C Galcman, Southampton l ers, C. H. Spencer. Thornton Mrs C. Smith, Elackstock Mrs. C. Wilfred, R.R. l, Fenwick 1 Public Relations Officer Mrs. Harold latimer, Oxdril‘t Mrs. Harry Cooper, Mindemoya Mrs. Ed. Gray. R.R. l. Orton Mrs. Wrn. Phillips, Rodbridge Mrs. A. G. Stiles. Clute R.R. 4, lngersoll Mrs. Percy McMullen, R.R. 3, Stirling Mrs. G. W. MacLean, RR. 1, Kingston Mrs. Archie Bennett, Arnprior ‘Miss Edna Powell, R.R. l, Forest iMrs. Harvey Houston, ‘ R.R. 3. Holyroad Mrs. John Bell. 33 Campbell 5L, Collingwaad Mrs L W. Hughes. 15 William 5L. Port Hope Mrs R. Camlart, R.R 1, St, Arms Mrs, George Wallace. Resolutions Mrs. W. Elmore. 2226 Isabelle 5L, Ft. William Mrs. L. Ray. R.R. 4, Sault Ste. Marie Mrs, Stanley Eride Fordwich Mrs. Ronald Moore. Golden Valley Mrs. L_ Humphries, Shillington Mrs. Wilfrid Keays, Hyde Park Mrs. Dor- Sandercock. R.R. 5, Trenton Mrs. E. W. Boyce, FLR. 2, Harrawsmith Mrs. Harry Toop, Arnprior Mrs. Pelcr McPhedran Petrolia Mrs. Gordon Quenton RJi, 2, Meoiord Mrs, Marshal Menzies .90 Sixth 51., Collingwaod 'Mrs. Percy Carson, R R. i, Kirkficld Mu. Sidney Royle. R.li_ i, Millgrove Juninr Activities lMiss Marylin Coultor, ‘ R.R. 2, Milverton Miss Kay Matthews. Cooper lMiss Jean MacDougall, I Alvinston Miss Margaret Caesar, R.R.l , Owen Sound Miss Belly G. Anderson, RR, 1, Terra Cotta Mrs. N. Norsworthy. RR. 2, Ancastcr