Mary Cornell ol teed: county who received the Ottawa Citixen 5l25 Award of the Year. Mary has completed thir- teen 4H Homemak- ing Club proie<ts and took Grade XIII at high school with honors. She tool. part in several ting- ing groups at school and was social con- vener for the Student Chrislion Movement. She is now taking nnrie's Iroininq. At Honeydale six members were dremed in traditional costumes of Scotland. Ireland. Hol- Itind. Italy and Australia and gave hriet‘ lttllu on the customs of these countries. .‘\I'IIL'ICfrom these countries were on display und re- t‘rethments were made from foods imported Irom them. Elaine MeGregor who re- ceived the Elgin County Centennial Ontario Wo- men's Institute Scholarship for oulslanding 4H Home- making Club work. Elaine it now attending Teach- er'i College. Kinsdale subscribes to Federated Netuï¬ .I copy for each member. Chisholm «up: "We are going to read an item from I'uticrulctl News at each meeting and so learn more nhoul |‘.W.I.(‘." Derry West gives u resume ol Federated News at each meeting. Dunehurch has a friendxhip link with [Iiinr church Institute in England and two meiuimx have pen friends, one in India. one in Int- mosa. Bell‘ountain Roeltside: "Our citizen'sth pro- gram included a paper on Canada‘s. Norlhlziml .tnd organizing Women‘s Institutes in the North West Territoriesâ€"very inlermting and Ill- rorrnative." Castlemore had a talk on the nut Institutes in the N.W.T. “NT! West says: “One of our tnctnhcn came from Switzerland and she told “I cin- toms in her homeland and shouted pieces of native china, embroidery and native Cttkltlltlcx,†Sulfa had a five minute tall»; ill euch meet- â€â€˜8 0n the Maritimes. touching on location. WIN"! 1’“ physical features. climate. historical hackâ€" ground. people, nnturnl retourees‘ wild life. mduairicx. cities. mum .mtt tottrtu uttmctions. Bulsim Hill‘s International program leu- IUWd ll WNW of loo hook» on Australia “ith a display of urticlex‘ trom that country. .ind too ntemhen sung French songxx Fiery one ioinctl in ~inging "\VJIlllng Matilda" .llhl "Alouetle." Bmeside MI)‘: “lhe President's .ind Secre- l‘-â€."\ ICWIl . letten .tre otir “Lilli source ol information on the t‘l’gdlllhlllt'll. :Ilhl “e have remltugx trom Home .llllI totttitn on l-’.\‘.'.l.(‘. uoik trout time to time, Interim» 1Io11.tI progrnm Indium some .it tltllerettt meettnp throughout the \L'.tl We lt.itl ;i Scottish pro-5mm lI't |\. illlLI Illxll pro- gram 1n .\I.ll".'ll .lllti m I‘vt‘etttlwr “e h:itl .i pttper telling about the t‘t‘lllllllt‘N ottr truth» llon.t| ( I‘lTl\ll'tl.|\ t‘ttxlmux gumo [tum \\‘v _||\iII.||.I .l paper I'll tht' lllli‘It'Vitt'th til .lll It.ilt.ttt Immlgrttnt .iltL't hung .1. unit ltt t .ittmln (Ittlttlmglu tcpotlx guilty .I gill II' .t \t'\t .lIl.!LI|.ll'l tilio \\,l\ ill A» .t p.itlt-l leptogtnttt ti-|.it|ttg1ol \\' It! Russell Villttue lL'l‘l\|1\.t lllL'L'IIllt! mlIt the mot tot-x "lite llllllit' III I .I||.|tI.t leotiiw to toil. |i|.t\ \ottt put" .ut-I ' lltv t'tttpttt' ||lt‘\t"\ tot \\.tliI tIlt IIIL‘ IL'L‘l HI Il~ tItIItllt'tl U \rutlo tonxttlt‘tt tlx I‘ItIt‘IJlll |I‘I.lIlllt,f In I \\ It .n the’\||lt' ot Illntl‘t lot Inxttttttr “MIL Ill IIlt' \ntllt \\ m ltIllIi'lll' (“mutt "lll'h Illlt‘ltlJlli'lLII |\ltlt'l.|tll llllIlllIl'lI :I \IlIlI‘t i-l IIIIIk‘l t'titttt1ttt'u lIIl‘II tll\ll'||l\. loud. the“ .iutt lit-u IIIL" .t-lt'liipe i ltriatittns .ttitl ntittnutil IIIIIIIIJL'. In ('itmh Ittwltlttti- tun lllI'IlII‘l'l“ iloimtt'tl IIIL‘ lllL‘lllI‘L'HIll" Illl'ltI‘t to Iti.iLt' up lII|' lll't.|"w mrv .Iltli‘llill ut't-ilt'tl lot IIIL‘ lumtutr tn \I‘tlll‘u‘l .l elttltl ti Itttli' lll‘lltll t'llI Ill IIlt’ \.l\t‘ tin; ( lllItIl’L‘lt LIII‘ulill‘ Mitchell Square: ’lu tin-printout “IIII loo “[hL-r [glenlmyx up [It HPLIIIMIIIIII' t'l .Iiltll‘l Brit-III" Print“. «in n"! DI the Iron M Stall North Pmth, Onlutio, Wornnn‘t Intlilulr Schelcirtlup Ior IVbJ Bl‘ifl‘lir'f it l'lllr'ndtflfl Slml lord Traci-me Cul loan 5hr hut. torn plhled lumIr-I-n tluh ptoietti rind Illll year wry. u Prrlh Counly inprrtnnln low on Ihl.‘ liip Io Unlle Halinnt n