Mus. Harry Cooper oi Minde~ moyu, turns over to the F.W.|.O President and Secre- tary a cheque for the Mani- toulin Women's Institute Schol- arship fund. This will provide at scholarship of $100 for o Manitoulin girl each yenr_ SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS The following scholarship winners were ap- proved: The Florence P. Eadie. F.W.I.O. Scholarship (Northern Area): Dixie Corinne McQuaker, RR. 1, Stratton; Dorothy Futcher F.W.I.O. Scholarship (Eastern Division): Donna Thompson, Bainsville: Women's Insti- tute Scholarship for Northumberland County: Barbara Anne Maugham, RR, 1. Coldsprings; Northumberland East: Carole S. Morgan. RR. 1. Hilton; Northumberland West: Carol Mackr tin. RR. 4. Cobourg; Prince Edward County: Donna Spencer. RR. 1. Belleville; Algoma‘s Lilly Petty Scholarship: Laura Smith. RR. 2. Thessalon. (20 other scholarships were ap- proved at the Spring Board Meeting.) CITIZENSHIP AN D EDUCATION The Convener. Mrs. J. Sherman. reported that talks had been given on “Canadian Indian and Eskimosâ€, “The Indian Page in Parlia- mentâ€, “Advantages for Bilingual Childrenâ€. “Women's Institute in the Yukon". "Area Planning Boardâ€. An Eskimo girl spoke on the Soap Stone Carving Craft. There were Roll Calls: “What I can do to make new citizens feel at home", “How to combat racial discrimination", “My proudest memory of a day in schoolâ€, “What interests me most in present education.†And the Mottoes: “The higher you climb, the more windows you open", “Great minds discuss ideas. average minds discu5s events, small minds discuss peo- ple." Discussions and contests formed part of many meetings. Five workshops were held on citizenship, and one film day. CONFERENCE ON THE FAMILY The first Conference on the Family was held at Carleton University, Ottawa in June. Mrs. Trivers and Mrs. Sherman were among the 330 official delegates. Mrs. Sherman reported that this conference was to survey the present WINTER I965 state of the Canadian family. and Govenor- General Vanier said that to his way of thinkâ€" ing "the best and surest way of developing generous hearts and giving the community men and women who are well balanced and con- scious of their responsibilities to their country is to protect the family. For the family is Capable of giving to the universe the human beings who are prepared to put justice and truth before their own personal interests," There were panel discussions on perma- nence and change in the ideas of the family. Six young panelists discussed “The Age of Choice." and them “as a symposium entitled "Canadian Families â€" Present and Future." Audience participation and round table discus- sions were numerous. so much knowledge was gained from every speaker. Some of the liter-m ture and books used at the conference are available upon request from the Loan Library. ONTARIO TRUSTEES†AND RATEPAYERS‘ ASSOCIATION The Ontario Education Association is made up of four departments. one of which is the Ontario School Trustees' and Ratepayers As- sociation. This Association was able to have the proposed constitution amended recogniz- ing the Association and Home and School as corporate bodies with corporate membership in the O.E.A.. which insures them a strong voice in the planning of education in the future. Mrs. Sherman brought these points front their meeting: School board members must realize the schools belong to the whole community and not merely to the board or staff. One big change is Bill No. 54 which dissolved all “Three-Men Boards". The smallest unit of public school administration is now the town~ ship school area board of 5 trustees. and Bill No. 52 allows these trustees to receive remu- neration for their services. Mr. E. H. Clark, 9